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Line 460: Line 460:
My heart was *dokun**dokun* beating hard. Although I knew it was going to be alright, I was worried that Lealith might hear it.
My heart was *dokun**dokun* beating hard. Although I knew it was going to be alright, I was worried that Lealith might hear it.
“Mouu <ref> means really, pretty popular term in light novels and manga </ref>, Tooru-kun you are so shy♥”
“Mouu <ref group ="3C"> (really/Oh gosh); a pretty popular term in light novels and manga </ref>, Tooru-kun you are so shy♥”
Even though I heard chuckling from her, I continued closing my eyes and didn’t reply to her.
Even though I heard chuckling from her, I continued closing my eyes and didn’t reply to her.
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There was a circular ridge when we finished climbing the cliffs.
There was a circular ridge when we finished climbing the cliffs.
It was at this moment that we first found out this island was a caldera <ref> The island like a cauldron/bowl where the cliffs are the sides of the bowl and inside a hollow depression</ref>.
It was at this moment that we first found out this island was a caldera <ref group ="3C"> The island like a cauldron/bowl where the cliffs are the sides of the bowl and inside a hollow depression</ref>.
It was hollow within the cliffs we climbed from and a forest covered completely with trees spread throughout.
It was hollow within the cliffs we climbed from and a forest covered completely with trees spread throughout.
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==Translation Notes and References==
<references group="3C" />

Revision as of 06:34, 20 April 2014

Chapter 2 『The Time For Disaster, huh』

Part 1

Our classmates jumped into the sea one after another and we were the only ones left on the ship.

“Okay, I will jump in first so follow me after I do that. I will go right to you so, please rest assured. Remember to grab my shoulders when you surface up”

“U-un……I am counting on you, Tomoe-chan”

Miyabi and Tachibana were discussing on the actions after they enter the sea.

In the opposite side, Tora and Tatsu were-------fighting as usual------and were making a ruckus about a match of who would swim to the land first.

(Ya-re Ya-re, I don’t know if they are close or bad with each other as usual………)

“Fufun. Don’t think you will win against me with swimming, Tatsu, Tooru!!”

“Eh, me too!?”

“What are you surprise for, it’s normal”

“Is it normal………”

The rabbit ear homeroom teacher talked to me with a grinning smile.

“Oi oi, now is the only time you can act happy and talk about matches you know? That’s because the current around here is complex. You will meet pain if you take it easy-------rather, feel the pain, Kuhahaha”

(I’ll give up taking him as an opponent. And I mean everyone)

We got tired of those disgraceful words for a teacher as usual and decide to head out.

Tora, Tatsu and next Tachibana made a magnificent plunge which was so good it made me think they might have been in the swimming club during their middle school age. However-----

(……I saw something)

Since we are going to swim with our clothes on, which means the clothes everyone is wearing now would be------our school uniform.

Thanks to that, I could vividly see the inside of Tachibana’s skirt from the boat when she jumped off.

“To-Tomoe-chan, I am coming”

Just when I was thinking of a way to delete that vivid memory, Miyabi jumped in this time.

Different from Tachibana, she pushed down her skirt girlishly and *Pyon* jumped in from the stairs leg in first.

However, since she only pushed down the front part of her skirt, I could see from behind and-----

(………I saw something again)

Let’s forget it. I did not see anything.

*Don* a water column got produced and Miyabi’s face pop out on the sea surface after a while.

“Miyabi are you okay?”

“Un, somehow I guess……?”

*Splash**Splash* Miyabi dog paddled to Tachibana before placing her hand on her shoulder.

Since Tachibana learned an old swimming method used when the person wears armor because it is a link to master her martial arts, it looks like she is taking it easy even though Miyabi is holding onto her.

“Just as expected. Well then, we------wait, now that I think about it Yurie. You were resting when we were swimming with our clothes on last week but, are you going to be alright suddenly?”

When I recalled and asked Yurie who took a rest during the previous water training because of her bad condition-----

“It’s okay……….i think”

Even Yurie would show uneasiness like I thought.

Well I think she would most probably be alright if it is Yurie.

“Okay, let’s go”


*Doboon* a flashy landing sound was produced and I entered the sea from the tip of my toe to my head.

It felt good in the sea for my burnt skin but, my uniform was sticking to me making it hard to swim.

I felt this during training but, the water resistance of normal clothes is different from wet suits making me lose stamina excessively. This was something I knew already but, it is quite hard to swim to the island in this condition.

When I showed my face on the sea surface, the refreshing sight of the blue sea and white clouds expanded in my view. And after I took a deep breath while looking at the summer scenery, there was a voice coming above my head.

“Tooru, I am coming”

With the sun at the background, after Yurie stood at the Ship’s fence-----she jumped into the sea.

The form was magnificent and it would not lose to what Tachibana did just now. Not only me but Tachibana and Miyabi also raised a voice of admiration at the appearance of her jumping into the sea like a mermaid.

*Toboon* a sound was produced and the silver girl entered the sea together with a small water column.

(As expected from Yurie)

That jump made me think she has no other bad skills other than writing literature----limited to only Japanese.

(No, she is bad with boats too)

When I apologetically shook my shoulders at the new information about Yurie I found out an hour ago----

“……….Err, Tooru-kun”

“Yurie isn’t coming up though…………..”


Although I checked the area to confirm their words, there are no signs of Yurie showing her face on the sea surface.


There was an additional 5 seconds of silence & standby.


“*Cough*, *Cough*……!!”

I grabbed Yurie’s arm when she was sinking into the darkness and brought her back to the sea surface.

After she came up to the surface, Yurie breathed in oxygen filled with the smell of salty water.

After she repeated breath wildly while grabbing hold to my shoulders, I talked to her as soon as she calmed down.

“Are you okay, Yurie”

“Ya-Ya---………..Thanks to you I somehow managed………..Thank you very much, Tooru………”

“But even so, it is kind of unexpected that Yurie can’t swim”

“Sorry. There was no custom to swim in Gimle……….”

I agreed when she told me that. It is probably unthinkable to swim in the seas or rivers in a cold country like Gimle. Judging by the way she put her words, I could guess there are no warm water pool facilities there.

“I thought I could managed if I learned by imitation but, it was no good. Whether it’s the seasick just now or now, I have been only causing problems to Tooru today…………”

I made a lively smile to Yurie who dropped her shoulders in disappointment.

“Don’t worry about something small as that. We are a <<Duo>> so helping each other is normal……well, even if we aren’t a <<Duo>>, I think I will still want to save Yurie”

“*Giggle*. That goes for me too, Tooru. But even so, the sea water really is salty huh. I know this already but, I never would have thought I would confirm it in this way”

I could only laugh at Yurie’s sentence.

“Alright, we have to head to the island soon. We will lose to Tora and the rest if we take our time. Yurie, I will carry you with my back from this point on”

“Ya--- Thank you very much. By the way Tooru”


Even though I failed the start dash from an unexpected trouble, I thought I should still be able to make a recovery-----that was what I thought………..until I heard the next sentence.

“Where is Tora and the rest?”


I checked the surroundings thinking that there should not be that much of a distance made when I saw Yurie tilting her small head-----


It was not like there was a distance made.

It’s true that that the distance between us is very big but, Tora and the rest did not move much from the boat.

Which means we got separated from the boat.

“This------we got washed away?”

It probably happened when I dived in to save Yurie.

“……….now that I think about it, she told us the water current is complex here”

“Yeah there was that talk before…………what’s more, it seems we are still being washed away. It looks like distance between here and the ship is getting bigger even at this moment. Looks like it’s going to be tough heading back there……….”

“Sorry, Tooru………….”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like the island got further away and lets head there while watching out not to counter the current. Yurie don’t let go of me okay?”


Before I start swimming, Yurie made a hand gesture to Tora and the rest that we will be heading to the island like this.

After a while, Tora and the rest separated from the ship and headed to the island.

I confirmed that and we started to move too.

40 minutes might have passed since I started swimming.

I could only hear nothing but the sound of the waves and my breathing.

Yurie was keeping quiet. It’s probably in consideration to avoid causing any burden to me who was swimming.

(I guess there is 1.5 kilometers left to the island I think? Just a little bit more……..)

The moment I thought that---------

*Bara**bara**bara*………….The sound of a helicopter mixed with the sound of the waves.

It was just passing this southern sea--------there is no way that is the case.

I know who that helicopter belongs to.


The door of the helicopter hovering about 30 meters above us, a girl bends forward and waved her hands.

Lealith=Bristol. With her Yellow Topazblonde hair swaying, the girl looking at me with those Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes that makes one think of a deep sea, was an Ojou-sama that transferred to Kouryou academy 2 months ago from Britain. She is a little selfish but has a lively personality; she is also the owner of a <<Unrivaled blaze>> like me and because of that, she is an existence called <<Exception>> but…………..actually, she is someone I am bad with.

“Sorry. For. The. Wait-------Chuu♥”

Lealith raised her voice to avoid getting it erased from the sound of the helicopter and threw a kiss over to me but------


I moved my head for some reason.

“Hey, Tooru---!! Why did you dodge my kiss of love!?”

I got scolded.

---Back to what I was saying, those words that came out from Lealith’s mouth just now was the reason why I' am bad with her.

Yes, this gold girl has taken an odd liking to me and would actively show her favors to me------incidentally, she has no hesitations in declaring me as her future partner. What’s more, she would do things like link our arms every time, and those intentions for physical contact are extremely problematic for a young man like me.

“Tooru--, can you hear me!?”

“Ah………Sorry--, I did not hear you!!”

“What did you say!? Ah—mouu. Enough, I will go there now so wait there for me!!”


Her butler Sara showed panic at Lealith’s announcement.

“………….!? …………!! …………..!!”

The gold girl did not listen to her butler who was shouting in disorder and-------took off the clothes she was wearing.

“Wait, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh!?”

Although I was surprised and shouted, since her body with excellent proportions was wearing a swimsuit, I *Hoou* made a sigh.

“Wait, what are you planning to--------!?”

Even though I shouted, I knew what she was going to do. I knew it but, I still shouted.

“Wait for me, Tooru. I am heading there now-----♪“

The gold girl winked and threw her body to the sky without any hesitation like she was in a diving contest.

---late by a moment, the gold arrow pierced into the sea.

“Hi, Tooru♥”

Absolute Duo Volume 3 Non-Colour 1.jpg

After some time pass, Lealith floated right near us.

“………….Yo, Lealith. Sara looks very tired up there you know………….”

“It’s okay it’s okay. I told you this before but, that girl is a little too overprotective”

No matter if she is a <<Exceed>>-----who just become <<Level 3III>> from the <<Level up>> like me a few days ago-----but still nonetheless, i think it is a little pitiful to call her overprotective when you jumped to the sea from the helicopter that high up.

When I looked up thinking that, Sara and my eyes met and she was glaring at me.

(It’s not my--------it is my fault I guess…………)

Without a single care to her butler’s condition, Lealith sent a hand sign telling her to head to the island first.

The helicopter headed to the island not long later but, Sara was grinding her teeth while glaring at me to the end. Thanks to that, it feels like I could hear the sound of her teeth grinding which was supposed to be inaudible to me.

“Haa………..just what were you thinking to make you jump into the sea”

“Isn’t it obvious that I want to be with Tooru. More importantly, why are you sticking that close to that girl?”

Unsatisfied------rather, she is unsatisfied I guess. Lealith looked at Yurie.

“……………..i can’t swim”

“Well, that’s it. I have to support my partner as a <<Duo>>”

“………….as a <<Duo>> huh”

Lealith narrowed her eyes as if she wants to say something.

“Then, I will also receive support as your future partner♪”

Faster than her words, she rode on my shoulders.

“What a second, Lealith! You can swim right!?”

“I cramped my legs”

“Like hell I would believe you when you have that easy expression on!!”

“…………..You will burden Tooru. Please don’t count on Tooru if you can swim”

“Oh my, that goes for you too; you won’t be bothering Tooru if you learn to swim immediately you know?”

The gold girl replied back easily towards the discontent silver girl.

Yurie tightened her grip.

(Again huh…….)

After Lealith enrolled, these types of rivalry between them have occurred many times already.

The reason is because of the claim of the gold girl wanting to make me her <<Duo>>. It seems because of that one sentence, an alert signal is being issued inside Yurie that there might be a chance I might get taken away from her.

Thanks to that, she would often flare up against Lealith’s actions and words like whats happening right now.

However, since Lealith doesn't show any concern of it and her leisurely attitude does not crumble at all, I think it’s okay to say it’s lucky that it will not reach a big quarrel.

Personally in my mind, I feel that Yurie holding onto my clothes tightly to avoid letting me get taken away is a little cute but, it's fundamentally a way to mediate them.

“Haa……….i get it I get it. Yurie, you aren’t causing any burden to me so it’s okay. That’s why, Lealith it’s okay to hold on to me like that”


“……………It’s okay. I like causing trouble for Tooru but, these types of trouble is not good. Sorry to be so selfish”

After she said that, Lealith *Topuun*dived into the sea and------showed her face a few meters ahead.

“Tooru. Let’s have a competition to see who reaches the island first as a mood refresher”

“……………but I am carrying Yurie”

“It’s a handicap, handicap♪ Isn’t that okay since your opponent is a girl. Ready, Go♪”

“Wha!? Tha-that’s dirty!! I didn’t say a single word that I would accept the match!!”

She might have not heard me or she was ignoring me (Most likely the latter) and, Lealith started swimming to the island.

(Whether it’s Lealith or Tora, why are there so many people around me this combative)

Although I sighed after seeing the gold girl take the lead, I do not hate that type of aspect of them.

“Tooru, what are you going to do?”

“Let’s see………..losing is annoying so, let’s chase her. Hold on tight”

“Ya----♪ I will not let go”

Around 20 minutes passed since I started swimming after Lealith----

With an endless repetition of the waves as my BGM, I' am currently collapsed at the beach while making a 大 sign.

“Good work, Tooru………..”

“It is my overwhelming win, Tooru♪”

“I-I completely forgot I was in my uniform”

What’s more my opponent was wearing a swimsuit unlike me; there was no way I can do anything.

“But, it is quite amazing that you finished swimming with that speed without resting…………..I might not be able to have good sleep if I have Tooru as my husband I think?”

What are you talking about.

“So, what are we going to do next? Rest for a while?”

“Sorry. Let me do that……..i can’t move now as expected……..”

After she heard my words, Lealith *Pupuu* spurt out before saying [You worked too hard] and laughed.

“Understood, Tooru……….having a rest would help me too”

I got curious why it would help Yurie too and, asked what she meant-----

“It feels disgusting because the shirt is wet……..especially my underwear”

“If that is the case then, I guess I will rest until Yurie’s clothes dries off”

“Ya---. Thank you very much”

The silver girl nodded------and put her hands inside her skirt.

[Yurie!?][Wha-what are you doing!?]


I quickly looked away just when her underwear was about half-way taken off.

The last scream was most likely because of the coldness when she put it back on.

“I will go dry it off at the shadow of the rock over there”

After Yurie said that, she disappeared to the rock------the moment I thought that, her face popped out from there.

“You can’t come over here, Tooru”

After saying that, she hid her lightly blushing face behind the rock this time.

“………….Is that girl an airhead?”

“Well, a little…………”

Thanks to that, crazy things would sometime occur in my normal life, but I was not careless enough to let that slip out of my mouth.


“A-alright, I guess I’ll take a small afternoon nap”

I closed my eyes to run away from the sights that seemingly want to say something.

“Oh my, are you going to sleep? You are quite a blockhead to choose to sleep without having a fun strawberry talk with a swimsuit beauty alone at the beach”

“That’s because sleeping is the best way to recover stamina. Sorry but, let me sleep for 30 minutes”

“Okay, It’s alright. Then I will------“

*Fuu*……..a shadow suddenly appeared.


When I opened my eyes, Lealith sat down to interrupt the falling sunlight and looked at me as if she was peeking in.

“It’s somewhat easier if there is something blinding the sun right?”

“A-aah………..but won’t you be hot……?”

Today’s sunlight was strong and the blazing hot sun shining down was burning the skin.

“I don’t mind for 30 minutes. I just want to let Tooru to have a good rest”

“…………I am happy for those feelings but, the sorry feeling is stronger as expected”

“I am doing this because I want to anyway so it is not something Tooru have to worry about. I got sunblock on too anyway………..but if you are still worried about it then, I guess I’ll have a gift of gratitude”

“What should I do?”

When I asked back, Lealith placed her finger on her lips and made a charming mischievous smile.

“A good morning Ki-ss♪”


“An advance payment is alright too you know?”

Her hair brushed my ears and Lealith’s lips got closer.

Those red lips that make one think of a rose.

“It’s okay, really, it’s okay! I don’t need a shade as expected! I’ll just accept only those feelings!!”

My eyes were stolen by those lips for an instant but, I immediately regained my composure and faced my back at Lealith.

I got expose to the sunlight because of that and since I was going to fall asleep like this in the first place, I gave up having a blind over me.

My heart was *dokun**dokun* beating hard. Although I knew it was going to be alright, I was worried that Lealith might hear it.

“Mouu [3C 1], Tooru-kun you are so shy♥”

Even though I heard chuckling from her, I continued closing my eyes and didn’t reply to her.

She then made a shadow for me again.

“………..i won’t give you a kiss”

“It’s okay. Instead, I get to keep Tooru’s sleeping face all for myself♪”

“Hey you……….”

“I can’t?”

Honestly speaking, having my sleeping face get seen by a girl is embarrassing------but, I felt that this much was alright maybe because I was too tired or because I accompanied the girl called Lealith.

“I get it……..Thanks, Lealith”

“I don’t mind. Don’t make me say it twice, my husband♥”

After a while, I woke up and most of my tiredness was out of my body and my clothes were almost dried off.

“Now that I think about it, why were you late?”

Right when Lealith was talking nonchalantly, I asked the question that suddenly popped out in my mind.

Even though she had some distance with the other classmates, Lealith has completely blended into the class now because she is unexpectedly sociable and Tachibana chipped in after <<Survive>>. There is no way she would think of not wanting to go together but………

“I got left behind when I was picking my swimsuit. Seriously mouu, waiting for 1 hour at least is okay right? I wonder what they think about the <<Exception>>”

(So that is why you were wearing a swimsuit under your uniform…….)

Lealith might have seriously thought that she could ease down the clothed swimming after doing that.

(No no, we are going to train so wearing a swimsuit is bad)

But since she managed to finish her clothed swimming training properly, so it is okay to think that she has already understood the technique and there should not be any problems.

Incidentally, the boat departed following the strict schedule without caring if the <<Exception>> Lealith was late or not. Tsukimi said [The Ojou-sama would probably come later with her helicopter] and laughed; her predictions was beautifully on the mark.

It happened then-----when I was making a small wry smile when I recalled that.


A small scream echoed from the rocks.

When I looked over thinking what happened, a white bird flew towards the sea and Yurie was extending her hand towards it.

“What happened, Yurie?”

After I got near her and asked, Yurie told me about what happened in a somewhat fidgety manner.

“Tha-that’s…………my underwear got blown away by the wind…….”


I opened my mouth blankly at the unusual reply and looked at the white bird again-------rather, it was just right about the time I saw her underwear fall to the sea. Her underwear got swallowed by the waves just like that and could not be seen anymore.


I returned my sights back to Yurie and she was holding the side of her skirts tightly.

(Which means, she isn’t wearing------)

“Tooru. It's not good to see”

Yurie cheeks were faintly blushing, her eyebrows were slightly frowning and she was staring at me with upturned eyes.

I unexpectedly felt shocked at the cuteness which was different from usual.

We gave up on the underwear that disappeared in the sea and headed to lodging house in the end.

Although Yurie is usually defenseless, it looks like she is quite embarrassed since she was not wearing anything now, and was following behind while pushing her skirt at all times.

We reached a creak at the beach and was surrounded by 10 meter tall cliffs.

But it’s not like it stayed that way for a long time, we continued walking for a while more and discovered a somewhat gentle rock surface.

“Looks like it is easy to climb from here…………but before that, Lealith please sit there for a while”

Lealith did what I told her and sat on a small rock; I then bend down in front of her.

After that, I tore my uniform and covered her legs with it.

“This is better than being barefooted”

“Fufu, thank you, Tooru. That consideration itself makes me happy. Thanks to that, I really want to make you my <<Duo>>-----“

“Tooru, let’s go if we have already finished preparing”

Yurie slipped in as if to interrupt Lealith’s words. Of course, it was done deliberately.

Lealith shrugged her shoulders while getting up and took the front before heading out.

However, when she started climbing up with her swimsuit on, I had trouble on where to put my sights.

When I lift my face, Lealith’s butt will definitely enter my view.

What’s more, since people would take many unthinkable poses as far as rock climbing is concerned, I could only think of awkward thoughts while climbing up.

Of course, I tried not to look up as much as possible.

…………because of that, I almost fell many times.

There was a circular ridge when we finished climbing the cliffs.

It was at this moment that we first found out this island was a caldera [3C 2].

It was hollow within the cliffs we climbed from and a forest covered completely with trees spread throughout.

The building we can see in the middle is probably our lodging spot. I can spot a wide space like a hall and its surrounding.

“Take about 1 hour I guess?”

“That’s true. It would be questionable if we could reach before the sun goes down”

The gold girl pointed at the falling sun and agreed with my measurement.

This time, the silver girl opened her mouth.

“The wind is blowing hard here so, I want to get down fast but………”

The silver girl was pushing down her skirt desperately, in opposition to the wind blowing through the mountain ridge.

Although I felt sorry at that appearance, I spurt out.

“You are evil, Tooru……….”

“Lealith. Be careful of the branches at the ground”

She turned around and talked to me.

“Thank you, Tooru. It is okay”

The light shining in the complex forest got dimmer when it turned into the evening and the times I got stuck in the tree roots got more frequent if I did not pay attention. This is especially true for Lealith, who looks like she is having a hard time walking since she only has cloth covering her foot.

I tried asking her if she wanted a piggy back once but, she refused, saying that this is what she gets for joining up with us only with a swimsuit on.

(Lealith is someone that basically does not ask help from anyone else)

She can do almost everything-------more specifically, I have not seen anything that Lealith cannot accomplish at this current point. Accompanied from the education of her parentage, she is the embodiment of accomplished literacy and martial arts.

But nonetheless, it is different now. She could not perform a normal task of walking.

(All of us are in a pinch so, I think it’s alright to count on each other at times like this though……….)

When I looked back again while thinking that, I could see Yurie having a hard time with a different meaning compared to the gold girl. Whenever there is a big obstacle we have to cross over to, she would be concerned with my sights and at the same time------her skirt, making it hard for her to walk. I am trying my best not to look behind in consideration but, it can’t be helped since we have to drop our movement speed.

And because of that, the 1 hour I measured just now at the ridge got passed a long time ago and the sun has sunk already.

“Time of disaster huh……..”

That name was suitable for this time period; the darkness inside the forest got even darker and it was really eerie here.

Of course, the darkness is not giving us anything beneficial-------


There was an anguished voice coming from behind------she probably stepped on a branch or stone.

“Sorry, Lealith. I missed that”

“It can’t be helped since it’s this dark. It is not your fault, Tooru”

“But even so, sorry. If there is something that can brighten-------“

I suddenly remembered the existence of an object when I said that half-way.

*Kachiri*. Light shined out when I pressed the armband’s switch.

“Uou, it’s brighter than I thought”

I did not expect much since it was a small light but, the light was as strong as the ones from torch lights.

“Fufu, that is helpful…………..so, since you have forgotten about this, I think it’s okay to say that Tooru was at fault for the previous matter like I thought?”


I clapped my hands together and apologized to Lealith who was raising the side of her mouth mischievously.

After 5 minutes I started moving with the light shining our footsteps, I could see light from far away.

I made a sigh, when I saw the artificial light coming out from the building.

“Ya-re ya-re, we finally reached”

I told the girls that we are close and advanced while pointing the light forward.

Just like bugs attracted to the flames------- this was probably what they are seeing it.

“----, Tooru!!”


Lealith who was walking behind me, suddenly pulled my collar strongly.

I did not have the leisure to ask why.

That is because, something scratched the tip of my nose immediately.

*Ka*! Something pierced into the tree trunk.

“This is…..!?”

“The next one is coming!!”

I was thinking if it was a double-bladed knife but, when Lealith’s voice suddenly jumped to the side, I could once again hear something piercing into the tree trunk. She rolled on the ground using the momentum she jumped in and hid behind the trees to hide from the attack which was continuously targeting her when she was rolling on the ground.

(I see. The light is the target………!!)

I noticed the reason why the aim was so precise and shouted towards my female partner.

“Yurie, turn off the lights!! It will be the target!!”

“-----! Ya,Ya----!!”

A light coming from a further distance disappeared, after she shouted while turning off the lights.

At least she won’t get sniped with this.

---That thought was overly hasty.

Something accurately aimed at us as if they could see through the darkness.

Even though I used the trees and stared at the direction the knife flew from, I could only see the dim forest continuously spreading out and could not see the enemy attacking us.

(An enemy…..!? On a deserted island like this……!?)

Although I was thinking that was impossible, we were currently being attacked.

I acknowledged the facts and switched my awareness to think of the enemy’s identity.

Is it an assassin sent into the academy like Tsukimi.

Or maybe it’s those battle suit guys that we fought 2 months ago.

Or is it a totally different enemy.

My thoughts stopped when the sound of metal clashing echoed.

(Oh no! Yurie and Lealith got targeted!)

Even though I looked towards the direction where the echo of the sword clashing was coming from, I could not see any moving shadows.

It seems we were separated more than I thought.

(Damn it, I have to go to those two fast………!!)

Yurie and Lealith are not in their best conditions and I am the only one who can fight in full strength.

However, I stopped my legs when I was about to run towards the corner where the sound echoed from.

---no, I had no choice but to stop.

That’s because a shadow was standing there blocking my path.

It was covered with black clothes and the face was hidden with a hood; that unidentifiable appearance made me think of a demon living in the darkness.

“I met the demon during the time of disaster huh”

I made an ironic smile towards the shadow.

---But, that smile turned into bewilderment in an instant.

The moment the <<Flames>> danced around those black clothes.

And the moment those <<Flame>> took shape and transformed into a weapon.

“A <<Blaze>>…….!?”

Part 2

There was a surprise attack in the darkness. On top of that, the identity of the enemy has not been confirmed even though some time has passed since the battle started-----

Normally, she would be maximizing her cautiousness and concentration.

Yes, normally.

However, Yurie’s concentration has remained in disarray even after the moment the attack came.

The first attack was aimed at Tooru. Yurie was also aimed immediately after Lealith shouted, and this event occurred right after she jumped away. The moment she landed her skirt flipped up.


She pushed down her skirt in panic and looked towards her <<Duo>>-----Tooru.

The boy was making a stern expression towards the darkness----the direction the attack came from and was not concerned about Yurie.

(It is a safe right…….?)

It was only for an instant and what’s more the surroundings were dark------but since the lights were still on, she could not determine whether he saw her or not.

But, she had no time to indirectly confirm this with Tooru.

“Yurie, turn off the lights!! It will be the target!!”

“----! Ya,Ya---!!”

Although she quickly turned off the lights, she still received attacks since her position was completely exposed to the attacker a few moments ago. Yurie pushed her skirt down while jumping away.

“What are you doing. Hurry up and manifest your <<Blaze>>!”

With a low tone voice, an order came from Lealith.

“……….i know”

Normally, she would be moving her attention to the matter she should be noticing immediately but, that was just how much the girl was in disarray.

(I have to concentrate……….!)

She was surrounded by the silence of the dark forest when she stopped moving.

The wind would sometimes shake the trees and the *Zazaza* the sound of leaves brushing each other……..was produced------

The attacker aimed for that single moment to launch the attack.

*Gikiin*!! *Giin*!! She used the <<Saber>> she manifested and deflected the flying object.

“<<Kunai>> huh. So our enemy is a ninja?”

Even though Lealith saw that object that got knocked down and said that beside her, her voice was not currently reaching Yurie.

Her skirt would sway each time she knocked it down, deflect and dodge; making her concentration crumble each time she does them.

(Where is Tooru…..!?)

She would look around at the surroundings for Tooru, especially right after she makes a big dodge.

She would be relieved that he could not be seen around and also felt uneasy at the same time.

Yurie knows Tooru as someone that would still run to his comrades no matter how injured he is to prevent them from getting hurt. Seeing that she can’t see him now, it would probably mean that something has happened to prevent him from running over.

If that is the case then, Yurie thought that she has to defeat the enemy as fast as possible and run over to him herself but-----


The enemy did not allow that and continued attacking from a far distance. Since the attacks are mostly flying objects, Yurie could only remain defensive because she could not close in the gaps.

Of course, the situation would change if she can close the gaps but, she is hesitating in attacking when she thought of the possibility that she might be seen.

(What should I do………….)

Even though the reason was of her own mistake, Yurie hated the enemy attacking in this situation.

(But, Tooru might be in a big trouble so, now is not the time to be hesitating like this………!!)

In the other side, Lealith was analyzing the enemy calmly.

(Quite fast………but, not as fast as Yurie)

Lealith gave the silver girl a high score in that certain point of her battle techniques.

Especially the way how she moves her body; she has already experienced that first hand in the previous <<Survive>>. At that time Yurie was impatient and she was able to deal with the straight forward and simple attacks without any difficulty. However, if she had attacked in a calmer manner then, the battle would probably be more complicated.

Of course, Lealith thought that her victory would still not change.

Anyhow, there is a great difference with the movements of the girl holding the <<Double>> standing beside her and the enemy attacking them right now.

(…………The problem would be the enemy’s movements are not straight)

The enemy changes the course path suddenly by kicking the abundant trees. The enemy would move in the opposite, upwards and diagonal directions on the terrains and adding on, the biggest problem would be that the enemy uses the darkness to its maximum advantage making it hard to confirm the precise location.

The gold girl could do something if she closes in the gaps but, she could not move because of a reason different with Yurie’s. She probably thought that it was going to be hard to corner the opponent because she only had a cloth covering her barefoot, making her unable to bring out her original performance.

That is why she decided to concentrate. She would concentrate and prepare her <<RifleGun>> after predicting the enemy’s movements.

“…………There!! ----Kuh!?”

*Ga*. The long barrel backfired and the bullet shot to who knows where because the tip slammed on the surrounding trees.

(The reason why the attack was done here was to use the trees as a cage huh………not bad!)

Lealith made a fearless smile to the enemy’s fighting style.

The <<Kunai>> pierced through the darkness towards the smile but------

*Gikiin*!! Yurie used her blade and slammed it down before standing in front of Lealith as if she was protecting her.

“…………..i never asked for your help”

“Ya---. I did it on a whim”

Lealith did not say anymore to that un-honest reply and returned her consciousness back to the enemy.

(Not bad at all)

Whether it’s the place selected for the surprise attack, or the timing, and more importantly-----the ability to match up with them who are <<Level 3III>>, even though she could not display her real abilities------Lealith was giving a good praise.

“Well then………..What should we do huh. It would be nice if there were more space at least………..”

“………….so it will be okay if there is more space right?”

The silver girl dropped her sights and confirmed the feeling of her surroundings towards Lealith’s mumble and asked.

“You got a plan?”

“If you jumpsoar to the heavens in an instant-----I will make it for you

Lealith opened her eyes wide for an instant but immediately understood Yurie’s intentions.

“So, let’s do it in the next timing”


After Yurie nodded, she looked at her feet again.

They were currently surrounded by thickets just reaching to their knees. Tooru is not nearby. It seems the enemy is feeling superior right now and would probably avoid coming closer.

(It will be okay with this…….!!)

Soon-----that time came. The moment the <<Kunai>> was thrown towards the girls, the girl with Yellow Topazblonde hair jumped straight up and the girl with Silver BlondeSilver hair sank her body in the opposite direction.

Yurie spun her body while sinking-----and at the same time, used her blade to cut in a circle.

*kiin*……….!!The attacker certainly heard a high-pitched sound. It was not the clashing echoing metallic sound of the <<Kunai>> getting deflected and knocked down like what has been happening until now.

Then what was that, the answer appeared right in front the moment the attacker had that question.

*Mekimekimekimeki*…………….!! The cage trapping the silver and gold girl were-----

The trees collapsed in a radial manner.

---no, the silver girl cut them all down.


The enemy could only be shocked at the girl who changed the scenery with a power unfitting her small body with one move----and because of that, a small chance was born.

The gold girl did not miss that chance and------

A gunshot echoed immediately right after.

Translation Notes and References

  1. (really/Oh gosh); a pretty popular term in light novels and manga
  2. The island like a cauldron/bowl where the cliffs are the sides of the bowl and inside a hollow depression

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