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The natural thing is to always take a glancing look.
The natural thing is to always take a glancing look.
If they are a high school student, there is a problem of appearances, they can not instantly pick it up, however they can go all out in taking peeks.
If they are a high school student, there is the problem of appearances they can not instantly pick it up, however they can go all out in taking peeks.
And, if the exposed pages are a little manic then there will be a rise in the tension.
And if the exposed pages are a little manic then there will be a rise in the tension.
However, such a small happiness, is often crushed.
However such a small happiness is often crushed.

Revision as of 19:07, 20 July 2014

Chapter 1 - Amakusa Kanade's bitter daily life

Part 1

What does a person do if an erotic book has fallen by the roadside?

The natural thing is to always take a glancing look.

If they are a high school student, there is the problem of appearances they can not instantly pick it up, however they can go all out in taking peeks.

And if the exposed pages are a little manic then there will be a rise in the tension.

However such a small happiness is often crushed.

[CHOOSE: ① Press it up against your face and smell it ② Eat it]

Right now, these choices appear in my head.

And, this choice, I must choose one or the other. It is always that way.

Erotic books are commonly read to get excited. If you are excited to smell or eat it then you are the type who would already be excited that way.

However I........ smelt it.

I wasn't excited at all. That's natural. Because you can only see skin color, and no details, so close to it.

"Wowww, that guy."

"Smelling the erotic book, pervert!"

Grade school kids passing by pointed and yelled out.

"EroSmeller is looking this way."

"HAHA, that guy is absolutely a virgin. Virgin!"

They ran off laughing.

"......What am I doing so early in the morning."

When it was satisfied I quietly placed the erotic book back down on the roadside.

『Absolute Choice』

The name I gave the phenomenon is, as the name suggests, one where I absolutely have to choose one or the other. It creates a choice with neither spoken nor written letters in my head.

Information is emitted from somewhere directly into my brain which instantly comprehends it.

It ignores the five senses, and even if I closed my eyes or block my ears, it never disappears until a choice is made.

"Oh, Kanade-chan."

Abruptly, a deep voice comes from in front of me.


When I looked up, there she stood, Gondou Daigo (49), a housewife who lives nearby whose weight exceeds three digits[1]. Seeing her body was like being punched.

"Kanade-chan, are you on your way to school now?"

"Ye-yes, that's right."

Daiko-san, who appeared to be returning from the convenience store, glued her eyes to me when I stepped into her view.

"Nufufu, you are as cute as ever."


Chills ran down my spine.

This person, each time I see her, is weirdly happy to see me.

It seems I look exactly like her ex-husband when he was young. What kind of useless miracle is that.

With a reason like that, every day my virtue seems in danger. With school as an excuse I left quickly.

"Th-thank you, I am running late."

[CHOOSE: ① "Please hold me" ② "Please hold me and go with your instincts"]

......Are you serious?

The choices sometimes force words not just actions.

Even if it will be unreasonable the choices appear and have to be followed absolutely.

Even if it says ①, and ②, how are they different?

"......Please hold me."

In a low voice that tried to disappear I whispered the words. At the same time a light shone in Daiko-san's eyes as though a beast was locking onto its prey.


Dangerous, things like this are dangerous!

"Wa-wait a moment, just now, nooooo!"

"I accept, thanks![2]"

What is happening!?

Lumps of meat dashed madly at me and I was hugged with all her might.


She's too strong! Even my bones are breaking[3]! I have to say something before its too late!

"Give......I give!"

My scream was totally ignored.


"Fuu, thank you for the feast."

After several tens of seconds Daiko-san was satisfied(?), let me go, and laughed as she walked away with heavy lumbering footsteps.


I braced my wobbing knees and barely prevented myself from sinking down.

The time between absolute choices is completely random. It's not unusual to have them consecutively but the combo of the erotic book and Daiko was too severe.

Feeling tired I began to walk. As I approached the crossroads...

[CHOOSE: ① A beautiful girl falls from the sky ② Daiko-san falls from the sky ]

......No no no.

Daiko-san just walked towards her house moments ago......how is that possible? I have experienced until I'm sick of it that this absolute choice doesn't accept the laws of physics.

Once a choice states it, no matter how unscientific it is, it will happen without fail if you choose it.

That is to say if you choose ② the probability of Daiko-san falling from the sky is 100%. If I was to be hit by her...... I'd die. Body and soul.

By eliminating that, it left me wondering at the wording of ①.

"However, what happens in that case?"

Surely, a person will appear in the air? I looked up at the sky fearfully. Nothing was happening.


While I wondered and looked down in front of me for a moment.


Something was falling at blistering speeds before my eyes and slammed into the ground.


I was at a loss for words. Even though I had been somewhat mentally prepared......something seriously fell.

But in the next moment, besides the idea of something falling, an intense question appeared in my brain.

"What...... is this?"

Because the person(?) was doing a human bridge position.

Disagreeable as it is, the truth is there's no other way to describe it...... than the person(?) who fell......was doing a human bridge position.

Not facing downwards, or facing up, instead they did a splendid bridge.


It was too surreal a spectacle, I was frozen in place.

I froze for a dozen seconds. The living bridge suddenly collapsed.

Because of that I returned to my senses. It pushed the mental impact of seeing a human bridge land and reminded me that a person fell from the sky.

"Ar-are you okay?"

I am near panicking and am shaking the body.


As though she was waking up, a weird sound escaped from her.


She was alive, my chest heaved a sigh of relief as she looked up.

"Ah? Here......where am I?"

She restlessly scanned the vicinity until settling on me.


She was breathtaking. Skin so white it was almost like a ghost, soft, fluffy blond hair and clear, round blue eyes. She wore chocolate colored fairy-tale like clothing.

And above all, a figure too buxom for a non-white[5]. Her whole appearance was too surreal, I couldn't help but be stunned.

Unlike me who couldn't find any words, her face suddenly brightened.

"Amakusa Kanade-san right?"


I was bewildered by her suddenly saying my full name.

"Ah......ah that's right."

I searched my memories, but I can't find any memory of this beautiful girl in my brain.

"Err......you are?"

"Yes, my name is......Ah? My name is......ah......what was it?"

"No......I don't know."

The girl looked like she was thinking a moment then clapped her hands suddenly.

"I understand, I have lost some memories, like amnesia."

No, you shouldn't really say that so spunkily.

"When I fell I likely received a strong shock to the head."

No, you did that beautiful bridge and your head didn't touch the ground.

"Oh well, I'll remember before too long. I'm the Heizamon of calmness."

Heizaemon of calm[6]......no one uses that expression these days. Especially an openly foreign girl saying that was extremely incongruous.

"Ah......for now it would be good to call me Heizaemon."

I'll pass.

"Now, putting aside the name issue. Lets have an important talk Kanade-san."


She stepped close to his side with a defenseless smile and he suddenly felt strange.

What is it? The sense of deja-vu was strong.

"Please? Kanade-san?"

I got it, it reminded me of a dog.

It arbitrarily comes to your hand with unconditional trust and goodwill. This girl and a dog give off the same impression.

By reflex I petted her head.

Was it bad? Although I thought that, instead her face gave out a joyful expression that was far from hating it.



Part of her forelock stiffened and raised up unnaturally. When I stopped stroking her head it returned to its original shape.

"Ah, when I'm happy it stands freely."

A tail......she is a dog after all.

Unexpectedly, a desire appeared, somehow, really somehow, I stretched out my hand to her.



She held hers out.



She did it. She's perfectly like a dog.


Then suddenly, a terrible sound echoed. For a moment it sounded the cry of a voice actor but apparently it was this girl's stomach rumbling.

"Ah, I'm hungry.[7]"

It was a grotesque image.

"You are really that hungry......ah, I might have something."

Suddenly I reached and groped in my bag.

I picked it up, a one bite chocolate. The moment I pulled it out her face lit up.

"Ah, its chocolate!"

"Do you like this?"

"I love it!"

NoucomeVol1 015.jpg

Her smile covered all of her face. It's forbidden to give chocolate to a real dog, but this girl was only dog like, she was still human......she was human right?


I undid the wrapping and threw it lightly in the air. She hopped to where it was falling and jumping up caught it with her mouth.


Seemingly blessed her face smiled happily. Like earlier her forelock rose like a tail, it stood......it was interesting.

"Ah, lets go with that."

She finished the chocolate and clapped her hands.

"What was that?"

"It's Chocolate."

"Ah, what?"

"That's my name."

"No......I don't understand what you mean."

"Kanade-san, do you like chocolate?"

"Hmm, I guess so. To the extent of putting some in my bag and I do like sweet things in general."

"Then, my name is Chocolate."

What a simplistic way of thinking.

"No, Chocolate isn't chocolate."

"Ah, I'm not? Then......what about a French sounding Chocolat.[9]"

I don't know which side of being intelligent she's on but when I think of Chocolat I think of a dog. The provisional name stuck though.

"Yes, it is decided!"

Ah, if she is convinced its likely good to go with it.

It's only a part of her memory that's lost. If she hears many things maybe she will remember her name. Chocolat(?), first of all, in order to determine how much memory she had I asked her purpose.

"It is to take care of Kanade-san."

With no hesitation she declared that.

"Ah? Caring...... for me?"

"Yes, though my other memories aren't clear that is completely certain."

Somehow......the situation has become weirder.

"I-Is that so?......Then, your home, where are you from?


She pointed above her head.

"Um? From the north?"

Judging by appearance she wasn't Asian, does she mean Russia or even Northern Europe?

"No, above the sky.[10]"

"Above......the sky?"

"That's right!"

No......though she did fall from the sky.

"In short, in order to take care of me you came from a world in the sky?"

"Just like that."

Chocolat took a guts pose[11] with a huge smile on her face. In contrast, I felt chills in my heart.


"Wh-why are you leaving? Please wait!"

I don't like doing it but......it is all very dubious.

"I'll absolutely benefit you if you let me try staying with you."

Why did Chocolat run after him while rubbing her hands together.

"No, things suit me fine now."

"Right now I come with detergent."

"No. You are not a newspaper."

"I also come with watermelon and tempura."

"That seems like it will give a stomach ache!"

"With an apple and a gorilla!"

"I don't need them or a trumpet and panties!"

"Marriage and a letter of divorce come with me!"

"That absolutely shouldn't go together."

"I also come with a plot of Land and the deed."

"I need that!"

"Sorry, that's a lie."

"『Guri and Gura』[12] also come with me."

"I have them. I have it because its a masterpiece!"

"Baka and Test also come with me."

"Things like that aren't sufficient! If that's the case its a failure right?!"

"Then, buy this suspicious jar. Sign here."

"Trying to make a sale in a moment of confusion!"

.....Ku, who on earth is this person.

It's better not to get involved with her, I decided that and turned to walk away.


Behind me, a horrible fake voice rang out. But I ignored it and continued on.


It was likely to keep going if I didn't react. Reluctantly I turned. Chocolat was coquettish lying on the ground while looking up at me.

From somewhere a handkerchief is stuffed in her mouth as a prop......such an irritating person showed up.


"Wait a moment, a weak girl has fallen down, you should be solicitously asking 『Are you okay Baby?』"

Such lines are only permitted to Hanawa-kun[13].

"You see, I have to be at school so I don't have spare time to bother with you."

I've become more rude and less friendly with her[14]. My brain must have judged that I don't need to respect this creature.

"It's okay, without saying so, I'll listen to anything, so more please!"

"Then, don't pay attention to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You have asked for a wish my power is not sufficient to fulfill."

Are you Shenron?[15]

Troubling......To shake off this strange creature, what should I do?

While I'm thinking about that, a certain thing caught my eye......

"Chocolat-san, Chocolat-san."

"Yes, what is it?"

I took the remainder out of the bag.

"Ah, it is Chocolate!"

"Can I have it?"


I dangled the chocolate from my hand overhead of her.

"Please give it to me!"

Even though Chocolat is hopping up and down, since she's small she can't reach it. While holding it high I measure the timing.

Its good, the timing is just right. I'm sad to be wasting food but......


As it passed I threw the chocolate into the back of a pickup.

"Ah, wait please chocolate!"

Chocolat ran with light steps after the pickup.

I watched the gap between them increase until they went around the corner, disappearing from my sight without her giving up.


Even with a long wait, there was no sign of her returning. Even though I thought she was an idiot I didn't think she'd be tricked that perfectly.

Golden week was starting, it is when the calendar just reaches the summer, it comfortably warms your body, while a spring like atmosphere still strongly remains.

"Oh well......I'll be careful about that strange person."

I faced towards the school and began to walk to it.

Part 2

Our high school, Seikou private school, is proud of its 15 first year classes. It is a mammothly large school and has a wastefully large ground area.

In simple its a moderately long distance from the front gate to the school doors.

Sniffing the erotic book, Daiko-san's hug, and an encounter with the mysterious dog like creature, it was all a considerable burden on my mental and physical stamina, and left me feeling sick as I crossed the schoolyard.

After a few minutes I finally reached the entrance deep in the grounds. Fortunately Class 1 of the second year is at this end of the 2nd floor, I just have to go up the stairs and I would be at my class.


I opened the door and exchanged greetings with the friends I could see.

On my way to my seat I ran into a girl standing still by the window. Yukihira Furano.

She stood there very casually, however even so she gave off a strange sense of presence. Only around Yukihira did the air seem strained.

As if embodying the image of the name[16], her white hair in the sunlight from the window gave off a bright light like the reflection off newly fallen snow.

"Hey, morning Yukihira."

In response to my voice, she turned around. Though there was an inorganic feel to her features they were very refined.

Without an expression Yukihira replied.

"Morning maggot[17] jerk."


Surprisingly abusive language was used.

Normally you would think you misheard but, if its Yukihira, anything is possible.

It's not a conversation if you flinch and back away.

"Ah, the weather is nice today."

"Yes it is, maggot jerk."

"On a day like today I'd like to skip school and go play somewhere."

"You are surprisingly naughty maggot jerk."

"What day of the week is it today?"

"Monday, does that please you maggot jerk."

"Don't you know I'm trying to change your topic!?"

In contrast to my raised voice, Yukihira's is serene.

"Oh, sorry if it made you feel bad. It's just a little bug joke."

"Bug......joke? What on earth is that?"

It's the first time I've ever heard that in my life.

"This morning, on the fortune telling segment on TV, it said there might be an insect related disaster. Even if I'm not that serious in believing it, I do still worry a bit?"

"Yes, and?"

"Then, I thought I'd make some jokes and we could laugh it off."

"That's too much of a reversal......"

"Hey, I don't settle for succumbing to fate because I'm a woman with a rebellious spirit. I'll fight it to the death if its not something I can accept."

"No......I don't think it will be that big of an event."

"By the way, Amakusa if you want I'll do more insect jokes."

"No, you have done enough."

"By the way, Amakusa if you want I'll do more insect jokes."

It seems you want me to hear them. Even if I bluntly refuse it will just prolong things.

"Then, tell me one."




"Hello, Yukihira-san?"

"Hey, listen Monsieur. Today a stupid classmate was ignored[18] for you."

It was endlessly trivial.

"By the way, just now I didn't only use 'insect' and 'ignore', did you also see me play off the word Monsieur?[19]"

"......I don't get it."

Explaining a gag that didn't work, such a strong personality.

"Then, George who was deprived of a turn for this, where should he put his anger!?"

"Who is that?"

This Yukihira Furano, though she should be a cool person, jokes around in a way that raises the tension, she just can't be a normal character.

"Roughly what are you thinking about Amakusa? You have the face of someone about to go attack a little girl at any moment."

"What in the hell kind of face is that?"

"Or, the the face of villager at the entrance of the village of endlessly repeating 『The Starting Village』."

"No, there is nothing in common with those two pieces."

"Or, the the face of villager at the entrance of the village who is endlessly repeating 『Huh......huh......you want to look at little girls?』."

"Don't force the two together!"

......It's useless. You only get exhausted dealing with someone like her. I abandoned the conversation and started to go around her...

[CHOOSE ① "Hey, your breasts[20], let me touch your breasts" ② "Hey, my breasts, touch my breasts."]

......Yeah, this is strange. This is strange right?

People usually would resist such a choice at any price if compelled. At the start I also resisted......at first. When absolute choice first appeared I tried to avoid picking either......pain strikes your brain. I can't do it anymore.

I'm not joking, at first the pain is only faint and dull, over time it feels like the brain is being tightened inside, until it develops into an extreme pain. The skull goes white and the fluid in your brain is scattering, how else can I represent it? Even the woman with 1 scar on her face couldn't deal with it.

In other words resistance is useless, impossible and a waste of effort.

A man takes a breathe. Dogs can't speak languages. And when an absolute choice appears, a choice is naturally choosen.

With that said.

"Hey, my breasts, touch my breasts."

The moment I say those lines, Yukihira's eyebrows move slightly.

"......Amakusa, you, just now, what!?"

It's no wonder you ask that. It's a remark that anyone can hardly believe they heard right.

"No, that is-"

"Perhaps, you just asked me to touch your tits[21]?"

"......Huh? Just now what?"

I instinctively asked back, just now...... did she say tits?"

"I would like to hear whether you said 『Please touch my tits』 or not."

"No......I said something similar except I didn't say tits."

"Tits weren't mentioned? Its funny, I'm sure I heard the word tits. Tits is a word that I'm absolutely sure I didn't hear wrongly......Ah, is it shameful to have said tits and now you are trying to conceal it? Even though I don't think tits is a vulgar word. Starting with tits is......"

"You only want me to say tits!"

"I admit it. But even you want to call out tits so badly sometimes."

"I agree."

"That's not a reason!"

"I'm getting scolded suddenly!?"

......Around now Yukihira, the weirdo, was good to deal with. If this choice had appeared in front of other women it would be a big problem.

Actually, last year's class was disastrous. In front of the girls many things were done and said that can't be done......no, I won't remember it because I will want to cry.

Anyway, this absolute choice seems pleased to make me have the worst experiences.

In terms of a galgame, only the paths to bad endings were choosen this last year. I wasn't even able to taste the L of Love.

I don't want to be popular, I just want to talk to women (without frightening them or being despised by them)......

However today, there are a lot more absolute choices than ever, the choices are nasty too. I went to my seat quickly, it is better to be quiet.

As I tried to pass quickly by Yukihira's side...

[CHOOSE ①"Hey, your tits, let me touch your tits" ②"Hey, my tits, touch my tits"]

......I don't need this. I try to go with the flow but this isn't needed.

However, no matter how much I complain in my heart, I have no veto power.

"Hey, my tits, touch my tits."

Yukihira who took that expressionlessly opened her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to talk to people who say such vulgar things."

"Which mouth is saying that!"

"This mouth. This mouth always says tits."

"Is the word consistency not in your dictionary!"

"In my dictionary, only the word tits appears."

"Then all your life you have been calling them tits!"

"Amakusa, you......are you really taking a joke like that seriously?"


I crumple and tear at my head. It's useless......I can't deal with her. I've been playing the fool with Yukihira, I shook it off, turned and headed to my seat.

Even though homeroom had not started I was already absurdly fatigued. With a sigh I sat down.

I casually looked out the window.


There was a person's face in the window.


I stood from my chair by reflex.

"Oh, Amacchi. Morning!"

The person on the other side of the glass gave a smile and flung open the window.


Feet come through the frame as the person dives through the window while giving off a cheer like a hero.

While trailing elegant black hair that reached to her waist, she landed lightly.

"You......where did you come from?"

The girl who received all the classes's attention, Yuuouji Ouka[22], raised her thumb up and declared.

"Ha, because the guidance counselors were at the entrance I climbed up the wall!"

If you look at it......its not a large climb and you won't have a very bad fall but even if you happen to think of it you usually wouldn't do it.

I stared at the girl intently. Glossy, long black hair. She is full bodied but on the whole is slender. The gentle features and appearance of a girl brought up by a fine family.

However once she opens her mouth, she's noisy like a grade-schooler, her face flickers through expressions rapidly, and she repeatedly does unpredictable things.

Climbing the wall of a school would usually be called an impossible act but in Yuuouji's case it doesn't seem so and is completed with a single word.

"Hi Amacchi. Your face is looking tired, something wrong?"

Without hesitation, she brought her face too close.


We are already young men and women, I wish she was aware of it, but its impossible for this girl.

"No, there were various things this morning......I mean, what's with the backpack?"

On Yuuouji's back is a swollen to the limit rucksack, I want to hear where the heck[23] did that come from.

"Listen close. Nahaha, because I wanted to smuggle this I wasn't able to come in the front entrance."

I waited as Yuuouji happily lowered the rucksack to the floor.

She carried that up the wall......what on earth kind of strength is that.

"Look, look, these are our prototypes."

The contents are casually placed on the floor.

Most of the items are stamped with the 『UOG』 logo.

Though its hard to believe, Yuuouji is the daughter of the president of UOG, a very big and well known company.

Their business is food, clothing, cosmetics, consumer electronics, books, etc. The produce many things indeed and it is hard to find a house that doesn't have a UOG product in it. It is a company closely tied into people's lives.

"These were rejected in the planning stage, they were from our product development section. For now they are set aside but they still want the opinions of kids for future reference."

Yuuouji's voice tempted and gathered our classmates in.

Even if they are products that were killed, they were on the leading edge in UOG fashion so being interested in them was natural.

"Ouka-chan, what is that?"

Everyone could take a product and submit their opinions. One girl pointed at a poisonous red colored bottle.

"Oh, that, that's for one's wife who is face with ennui, its an aphrodisiac for women. It appears to activate women's sex hormones."

No, who would ask high school student's opinions of that......

"No, the effect is outstanding, the price is cheap, but no questions were asked in the planning meeting, it was just dropped."

"Hmm, why would that be."

I casually grabbed a bottle and turned it around. The flashy, fancy brand name was visible. 『Abazuren[24] Z』.

"Yes......the name is bad."

"By the way this morning, I secretly mixed it into my mom's rice, she began to pant suddenly and said 『Ouka......do you not want a little sister?』."

"What are you doing to the wife of the president of UOG?"

Yuuouji's mother was a former idol 20 years ago. The other idols of the time were all childishly cute but she gave off an intellectual air and ran as a star for a while. She retired to marry the darling of the business world, Yuuouji Ouma, and changed her media appearances. I see her often delivering the news as a commentator.

In a word, she was cool. That said, to experiment on her parents, Yuuouji is shameless......It's unbelievable that Yuuouji Ouka came from Yuuouji Kyouka.

The cancellation that puzzles Yuuouji, doesn't seem to be from the name 『Abazuren Z』 alone. If such a drug circulates in Japanese society, it will collapse.

I take control of myself and look at the other projects.

Giving off a strong presence in the corner is what looks like a small printer. In the center of the machine is a bunch of rectangular paper.

"Yuuouji, what's this?"

"Ah, its a toy for small children 『Money Maker』. You play with it and make money."

Indeed, on the surface of the printed paper is a large animated cartoon character drawn in the center 『Bill』.

I picked up a few and flipped through them.

"Ah, its not very elaborate...... eh? The real thing is mixed in?"

One piece in there is not clearly a fake no matter how you look at it. Yukichi-sensei[25]'s face was peering intently from it.

"Nahaha, this is an amazingly good machine, when I tried an experiment it came out just like the genuine item."

"That would be a scandal!?"

It's completely out, out!

"Geez, this looks a little more of an honest thing......it looks like 『Life Candy』."

Life Candy, UOG's confectionery brand, 『Yuuouji』, its a long running product. Each, theme/『~Chapter』, has one package with three pieces, and several variations exist.

For example it is like this.

『Love Chapter: Unrequited Love flavor, Confession flavor, Falling in love flavor.』

A sour taste to symbolize the sorrow, an extra hot taste that expresses the throbbing heart, and a sweet like a burning heart. The configuration of the taste is all over the place but good materials and a low price had made it another hot selling product and taken half the popularity of 『Animal Candy』 away.

"No, when this was also rejected I grieved."

Yuuouji picked some up and handed them out.

『Chapter of the Lady Killer : The unfortunately I cheated on two people flavor, The unfortunate both know flavor, The unfortunate I was stabbed flavor』

"You said the last part so cutely! I was forced to laugh!"

『Chapter of Middle level manager: The flavor of stomache pain from dealing with above and below, The restructuring flavor, The flavor of dying a dog's death on the roadside at 50.』

"It's too sad!"

『Chapter of the Postmortem: The flavor of taking a bright memory into the next world, The flavor of a futile effort, The flavor of a one-way ticket to hell.』

"Who would buy that!"

『Chapter of the NEET: The really? flavor, My old age flavor, What will happen? flavor 』

"I noticed!"

『Chapter of If you win you get another: The flavor of wondering if I'll win, The I missed? flavor, You are an idiot if this is seen』

"What are you doing to the idiot?!"

None of those have any relation to flavors.

"How many of these canceled major products?......hm?"

I looked, trying to find something decent in the products on the floor. Squatting in the corner Yukihira caught my eye.

What are you doing with 『Money maker』 in your hand and staring......What? Her eyes are scary.

"Yukihira, what is it?"

"Ah, Amakusa it is you. This toy, it could be dangerous if misused. Shouldn't a person with good sense take responsibility for it?"

"Oh my......maybe so."

Or rather, it should be destroyed here, right now.

"Oh, me? No, it's impossible. Oh, I'm the only one? I guess it can't be helped, I guess I can since you ask."

"What is this act? Nobody asked you!"


'Tch' was said. Just now she tch'ed me.

Yukihira stood expressionlessly, and Yuuouji's voice was raised.

"Ah, Furanocchi over here, hey! "

Yukihira returned the greeting casually.

"Morning, Maggot's daughter."

That joke, you're continuing it!

"Eh? Maggot? Ah, so, speaking of maggots."

Yuuouji groped and rustled through the bottom of the rucksack. Did she say 『Speaking of maggots』......that's the first time I've heard that said.

"Yes, there's this too. Gee, what a coincidence, Furanocchi try to eat this."

Yukihira was presented with an earth colored package. It was printed with 『Animal Candy Maggot Flavor』

What kind of miracle is that!

"Indeed, misfortune concerning maggots, it seems to be this......the developer should die."

If Yukihira eats it calmly, she will vomit it back up. Oh, I understand the feeling. What roughly do maggots taste like. Things of that type should already be canceled.

Yukihira undid the wrapping paper, then threw it in her mouth. For a while she rolled it on her tongue then declared with a serious look.

"Seriously, it gives the impression of a maggot."

"What kind of an impression!"

"The secret ingredient is one drop of Cicada pee, I think it adds to the flavor."

"Increase? You say something like that about sesame oil!"

While watching, I glanced at Yuuouji.

"I mean is it......even safe to eat?"

"It's okay, it's okay. The sweets have a 『Strawberry taste』 and a 『Melon taste』 without the strawberry or melon? Hey, Amacchi here is one too."


......I wonder what this is. It is not unpalatable, its not bad at all. It is a taste that can't be expressed.

"This, what in the world is in this?"

Yuuouji looked at the label.

"Just a moment. Umm, the raw material......its maggot extract."


By reflex I ended up spitting the candy out. Yuuouji saw it and immediately went into a guts pose again.

"Amacchi, it's still good if you pick it up within 3 seconds!"

"That isn't the problem!"

"No Amacchi, I was just joking a moment ago, a joke! It doesn't contain any maggot juice."

Yukihira heard Yuuouji's words and clapped her hands.

"Oh, that is a wonderful maggot joke."

"That's enough!"

Arg......It's hard to tell the truth from Yuuouji's expression. I can't confirm it with my own eyes.

"Show it a little."

I half snatched it so that I could see the label side.

『The ingredients cannot be listed.』


"Yu-yukihira, you aren't worried about this??"

Yukihira put it in her mouth before me.

"Oh, Amakusa, you aren't being very manly with this maggots issue."

"You sound like an old man!"

"Generally it is rude to spit out food people give you. I don't think it is quite the lowest act?"

"That's not very persuasive when you are holding a tissue to your mouth Yukihira-san."

"It's morning sickness."

"That's not even a decent lie!"

"Ahaha, both you, its okay, there are some cheeses in the world with maggots."

"You just said it is in!"

My voice that I was shouting with was going hoarse. How many times have I raised my voice this morning?

"......To be expected when those three are together."

I heard those annoying words spoken by someone. Speaking of Yukihira and Yuuouji bundled together with me, it could only be that.

"Shit, it's not right....... I'm not like that."

"Nahaha, Amacchisa, resign yourself and accept you are part of the 『Reject 5』.

My shoulder is familiarly slapped by Yuuouji while the hated phrase was uttered.

Twice each year here at Seikou, a vote is taken in the first and second half of the year. Put simply, its a beauty contest vote by all the boys, up to 3rd year, 45 classes in total, which ranks the best 5 men and women.

Because there are so many entries the newspaper and broadcast department take it up and close to 100 percent of the school is aware of it.

In it's brilliant shade an ominous ranking exists. Even though their appearance is excellent, their behavior and personalities make people judge it is impossible to fall in love with them, are 5 men and women.

The dishonorable name given to them is the 『Reject 5』.

Yukihira shows no sign that she minds. Yuuouji doesn't seem to care about feelings like that.

However, I'm just a normal person and can't do that.

NoucomeVol1 045.jpg

"I'm different, I'm different......I'm just an ordinary high school student."

However, no matter how much I lamented it, the title once given would not disappear for a half year or more.

By the way, the current rankings were totaled in March at the end of the school year. Because the then third year students were included, as of May in the new year there are nine 『Reject 5』 remaining.

Three people is one third of the list, and are concentrated in Second year class 1. The additional fact that not one of the students from the popular ranking is in the class it makes for a sad story for the class.

I don't want to think I have a third of the responsibility.

"Amacchimosa[26], you are cool when you are silent."

"No, you shouldn't be the one saying that......"

So, the story I spoke frankly about, I think that objectively I look good. In middle school confessions and love letters were not unusual. It's not too much to say I was popular.

However, March of last year just before I was entering high-school my life changed completely. The damn absolute choices happened to me, and I was forced into eccentric behaviour......and as of May in the second year of high-school the low quality label 『Reject 5』 was pasted onto me.

However, my abnormality in the end is caused by the irregular absolute choices.

The loose screws in the heads of Yukihira and Yuuouji are different. Amakusa Kanade, as a human, is a fairly normal character. So, even absolute choice doesn't

[CHOOSE: ① Strip to the waist and yell like a Japanese man ② Strip your lower half and yell like an Amazon warrior.]

Are you screwing with me heaven!?

Why come out with this now! Read the air! But, what prejudice is it that makes Amazon = naked lower half!

......Yes, it is ignored like usual. I'll do it, I'll do it. I thought you'd say that, I'll do it well.

I choose number ① and put my hands on my uniform, and I started to take it off despite hesitations.

"Oh my god, look at that."

What was sad that the girls scream 『Amakusa is doing something weird again』 didn't seem to come with a reaction like blushing, it had become such a typical atmosphere in the classroom.

Only a month had passed in the new class and its already been recognized that I'm the guy you don't help out even if I begin stripping......

I shook off the pain of that somehow and quietly(?) stripped to the waist. How about it choices, are you satisfied by this?"


However, a headache hit signifying NO. Apparently it's not sufficient without shouting like a Japanese man.

"Gahaha, this is a hero's spirit!"

Already growing desperate I shouted that for the time being.

The pain faded away...... hey is it good like that?

"It's done."

At that time, the door opens, and the teacher enters with the worst timing.

My standing there doing the guts pose shirtless perfect draws her eyes.

"You......what are you doing?"

The teacher of Second year Class 1, Douraku Utage. With a body that can only make you think she is a grade school kid. But contrary to that is her speech and behavior which is crude and violent.

In the fairly loose atmosphere of Seikou, the yankee aura she gave out was noticeably different.

"No teacher, there's a deep reason for this......"

"Hmm, tell me what it is."

"No......I was ordered to do it."

"By who?"

"......by someone else in my head."

Not this, not this, despite everything.

"Come with me for a moment."

Utage-sensei's small palm, beckoned me.


"No, I want to put on my clothes first."

"Shut up."


As soon as my knees bent, I was grabbed by the base of the neck.

"Let's go to the special guidance room."

"Ow, it hurts!"

Utage-sensei commanded the class president to take roll call in her place and I was dragged towards the door.

Where does she store such power in that body!

There was nothing I could do as I was, naked to the waist, dragged down the hallway.

Part 3

I was taken to the student guidance room.

Utage-sensei sat her small body in the chair, with her head laid back, and lazily asked.

"So, why are you naked to the waist?"

"You didn't give me time to get dressed!"

"Rather, quickly cough it up. Afterall I don't have free time."

Although she asked the question she completely ignored it and put her feet up on the table.

"No, no. I can guess. Or rather, I know you didn't do it on purpose."

"Kuku, so what kind of choices did you have this time?"

......After all that's true.

I've met only one person, Utage-sensei, who knows the existence of the absolute choices.

"I had to show either the upper half or the lower half......"

"......You, so you choose the top? Geez, your a humorless guy."

"Taking out my penis wouldn't be a humorous situation!"

"It's no problem. At worst you would be forced to leave school."

"That would be a big mistake!"

"No skin off my nose, it would be someone else's problem."

"I'm in front of you! I'm a student in your class!"

Gu......I'm a student needing a good teacher but the only one around is this joker.

"Take it a bit seriously for a moment sensei?"

Utage-sensei dropped the joking manner and her expression became a bit clouded. A quiet reply is given.

"However, well...... still vulgar."


So, as a matter of fact, sensei previously had the absolute choices.

The absolute choice seems to be property that has moved through several people, from Utage-sensei, to the present holder, me.

Why did it move to me? Even if I ask that she evades with things like, its not time yet, or its troublesome to answer.

Utage-sensei lost her anxiety and went back to being lazy as always.

"Head back. I can't not formally punish you for this. But I'll do my best so hang in there."

Despite the dissatisfaction with the secretiveness, following last year it is good that the teacher for my homeroom understands, it has helped a lot.

If there was no arrangement with Utage-sensei then the repetitions of eccentric behaviour would have led to suspension or worse......I'm tired of it even if I say so myself.

"Ah, there is something I'm curious about."

About the topic of choices, I suddenly recalled it. This morning the strange creature, Chocolat, fell from the sky.

I don't know if there's a direct relationship to absolute choice, but maybe Utage-sensei who was a previous holder of it knows something.

"This morning on the way to school a strange, beautiful girl fell from the sky."

Utage-sensei, with faraway eyes, clapped me on the shoulder.

"That's too bad......you've lost the ability to distinguish 3D from 2D."

"No, no, its different."

Even though I think its a wild story myself, it is unavoidably a fact.

"Oh, during this time didn't you happily say 『In the galgame, if you clear the heroine route 100 times, you can get her to come out of the screen and propose to the girl. Fuhihi』"

"I didn't say that! Is your memory okay?!?"

"Ah, was it a 101 times?"

"That's not the issue there!"

"Then, 『Fuhihi sorry』 was it?"

"That's not the point! Don't fake all those lines!"

I've thought this all this last year, is this person really a teacher? Anyway you slice it this isn't the behaviour of a teacher.

"You, what's with that stare......surely."

Utage-sensei took a step back unnaturally.

"It's good being in a closed room, that's your secret plan."

"No, no, what are you suddenly saying."

"Because you are naked to the waist in broad daylight."

"That's because of you!"

"Stay away pedophile."

"Where's the pedophile, think of your age!"

"I'm 12 years old. That's fine for a pedophile."

"Don't lie like a elementary student."

"It's noisy with you yelping and shouting. Well, what is it, you......"

"......There's no way your a teacher, you've forgotten my name?"

"Idiot, my class, hmm. I can't find it. Well, Ama......Ama......Ama........."

"I was in your class last year too!"

"Haha, it's bad it's bad, even as a joke Amakasa[27]."


"What," *smile*, "Is with this feeling!"

I was completely made fun of!

"I mean, I did say I didn't have spare time. So hurry up and say it."

"No, no, this isn't going anywhere and you are to blame no matter what......"

I returned to the story even while complaining.

"So, there's the beautiful girl."

"Yes, yes, she fell from the sky, your daydream girl."

Ku......what an annoying way to talk.

"She fell as a result of an absolute choice."

"What was that?"

Her expression changed.

"......is that so?"

Her face went from smiling to listless and she murmured.

"Your face, do you have an idea?"

Utage-sensei didn't deny it.

"Well. But this, I can't just poke my nose in at a moment's notice."

It was a very indecisive way of speaking. However, Utage-sensei's eyes had a serious look.

"If I had to say something, it seems like the preparations for you to loose the absolute choice is complete."

"What? What does that mean."

The first period preliminary bell interrupted me.

"It's time, return to the classroom quickly."

"No sensei, I need more details."

"For now I can't talk further about it."

"No, but......"

If its about absolute choice its a big deal since it controls my life.

"Ssh, if you are too noisy I'll castrate your uvula."

"That expression is a bit funny......what are you emailing?"

"This? It's to Yukihira's cell, if you are not back in a minute she is allowed to burn your jacket."

"What a contemptible thing to do!"

No, if I think normally, just because she was told to there is no way to rule out the possibility that Yukihira would do it......no, there's no way......no, she might do it.

"Um, and sent. If you tattle I'll kill you."

"What the heck kind of person are you?"

"Is it okay? There's 50 seconds left."

"Ku, shit!"

I opened the door of the student guidance room and ran full throttle down the hallway......shirtless.


I don't know the true character of the creature Chocolat and if she's integral to my absolute choice. All morning Utage-sensei's words stayed in my head, focusing on the lesson was impossible.

That state didn't change even by lunchtime when I ate at my desk with several friends. I was absentminded during their conversation.


Then, from the speaker above the blackboard came a voice that interrupted my thoughts.

<Ladies and Gentlemen, hello. It's Seikou Day Crash time.>

Ah, its that time already?

This program is done every lunchtime by the Broadcast Club. The MC Corner changes each day and it is quite an elaborate broadcast.

Well, if my thinking is jumbled up, no answer will come out. I decided to listen to it for a change.

<Well, this Monday, we've invited school celebrities to 『Poison's Mansion』>

The light voice of the female MC speaks.

<Today, from Second year Class 1, Yuuouji Ouka-san and Yukihira Furano-san have come.>

I look around the classroom as that is said, there's certainly no sign of them here.

<Yoo-hoo, hello, I'm Yuuouji Ouka *Clapping*.>

<Good evening, I am Yukihira Furano.>

Yuuouji is always hyper, and why Shinichi Mori style Yukihira? These two people broadcasting together.....no, I have a bad premonition.

<Yes, as everyone knows last term these two were named to the 『Reject 5』. Can you tell us how worthless that made you feel?>

The MC suddenly asked that rude question. Well that's her natural invective and S touch. She bluntly goes to areas that aren't normally touched upon and cuts deeply.

<Yes, ah, what is this button?>

<Wa-wait, don't touch that without permission!>

With a bang, the sounds of the MC panicking and standing were heard.

<What, but the instrument over here is broadcasting, and it was said to not touch it.>

<Then, even more so why did you push it?>

<It isn't a thing to touch?>

This isn't a comedy show!

As expected by Yuuouji, even with all the students listening she is very free.

<Then, pull yourself together. Yukihira-san thank you very much.>

The conversation has failed, Yukihira began speaking in a very theatrical tone.

<Ah I'd hate to brag? I didn't expect anything but yeah. The people surrounding me are worked up about it. I would have declined if I could do that. But that would be rude to the people who took great pains to choose me......I wonder if this side of me is embarrassing.>

Why do I feel like she was awarded a prize?


The MC is at a loss for words. If it was me I'd give up on continuing. But she gave a small cough and continued as though nothing happened.

<The to all the students listening could the 『Reject 5』 give one word. Even if it will be worthless after all.>

You are purposefully provoking them and showing your shallowness MC.

However Yuuouji seemed to be entirely oblivious to the situation.

<Hmm, I don't really know the 『However, it rejects!』 feeling?>

That's a different meaning! The one being rejected is you!

And, the same question was given to Yukihira.

<After half a year, for a person who reaches this height, there's a lot to be expected of me.>

Why the condescending attitude looking down!

<......Indeed you two are unique.>

Do the two of them not shake you at all? There was irritation in the MC's voice as she changed the topic.

<That reminds me, in your class is another of the 『Reject 5』. Amakusa Kanade is it?>

My hand holding the chopsticks stops. It was completely a surprise attack.

<Yes, it's a pity his brain is like that since his face is good, it must be a little difficult to be out in public.>

I don't want that to be said by you.

<Ahaha, he suddenly began stripping in class today.>

No, I did take it off......Yuuouji-san did you have to say it?

<He suddenly started stripping in the classroom......is Amakusa-san a flasher?>

<What? No, I think its different than that. I think he just suddenly wanted to take it off.>

Isn't that a flasher?!

<He cannot live without a mosaic already.>

It's like saying I'm an addict or something.

<As a classmate, I feel anxious for his future.>

Then close your mouth now!

<Then, next week shouldn't Amakusacchi appear?>

Yuuouji......why did you add that statement to this flow.

<Then because you introduced him with so much trouble, next week we'll see if we can have the despicable, trashy, rascal Amakusa-san as our guest.>

The MC is on a roll. In the confusion of the moment I've been terribly slandered.

<Yes, then lets call him immediately.>

In this broadcast it's said that the guest of the week will introduce an acquaintance. It's a rip-off of a certain daytime program. It's on a roll, usually you tell the person in question ahead of time.


While thinking that, my cell began vibrating. Why do they know my number......

<Hello, is this Amakusa Kanade-san?>

Because I had no choice but to go with the flow I reluctantly pushed the call button. The MC's lively voice jumped out.

"Ah......that's right."

It seems the other side is in loudspeaker mode, almost simultaneously with my remarks the speaker repeated it.

In other words all the students in the school can hear me as I talk.

<Did you hear the current broadcast?>

"Yeah, well."

It's safe. If I refuse gently there's no problem.

<Well Amakusa-san, though you are a pervert, why did it extend to doing such a goddamn unpleasant act?>

Ku, what a blunt way of speaking. But it's useless, I need to calm down. If I get upset it is what they expect.

I have to answer innocuously since they aren't neutral-

[CHOOSE ① "Uhehe, I wanted to take off the bottoms in reality" ② "Gehehe, now, what color are your panties?]

......Say that in return?

However, I can't do anything but say it. If a choice appears, there's nothing I can do but say it.

"Uhehe, I wanted to take off the bottoms in reality."

I said it while almost crying. A complaint that differed by not a single word flowed from the speakers.

Here you go MC, I can't expect anything but a counter. If I fend off the gag I might get away with a shallow wound.

<......Now, shall I question the two here in earnest?>

It is being ignored!

"Wait a minute!"

Though my voice is raised, the mobile is already cut off.

"......Amakusa, as I thought."

My consciousness is pulled back by the voice of a friend and I looked around the class. The boys are laughing with wry smiles while the girls are pulling back completely.

Aside from the top, it seems the bottom half has exceeded the borderline where they can laugh unenthusiastically.

"No, it's not like that......"

The moment I extended a hand out to explain myself. All the girls, together like in the army, looked away.

"Ahaha......there is no god in this world."

While giving out those dangerous words I put my face in my desk.

I must dream a dream to access the traffic accident right? Surely my body is in the hospital for quite some time. Yes, I must be there dreaming this unpleasant dream. But it seems like I'm really here. I wish I was in a parallel word or comic but my common sense says I'm here with women showing the whites of their eyes looking at me. Ufufu.


The show had been continuing from the speaker all along but I didn't absorb any of it.

Before long it all became very vague as I sank into the sea named escapism.



After a few minutes as I came back to the world at last, I could hear the voice of the MC which seemed satisfied.

"So, then because it approaches the end of lunch today......>

The voice gave the impression of wanting to finish early, a desire transmitted clearly. While I was in my trip I didn't follow how the talk with Yuuouji and Yukihira was going. Even with her sharp tongue it was heavy going with those two as opponents.

<That's the story of the boil on John's ass in front of an audience.>

Did you talk about such a worthless thing!

Following the regretful Yuuouji, Yukihira's voice seemed dignified.

<Finally, I have a proposal for you but I wonder if it is good.>

<Ha, yes, what is it?>

The MC seems wary.

<First of all, I think the character at the end should be you.>

The young woman is saying something strange.

<......Ha?......That's......I'm not sure I understand.>

<The listeners have become used to your, frankly speaking, vicious tongue and mannerism.>

The tone of Yukihira was without any feeling in it like always, but what was that? It's almost like there's different emotions in it. It's angry?

<By the way, today you made remarks about my chest being undeveloped...... Moreover it was three times.>

While I was gone to the other world, there was such a development?

Indeed, Yukihira's chest can't be complimented as abundant. It bothered her.

<No, it was part of the material......>

<Material? It was bad enough that even me who has an easy laugh wasn't able to laugh.>

No, you are a person easily provoked to laughter......

<Anyway, if you mock other people's tits, you shouldn't think it would end safe and sound.>

No, what is with that way of speaking, it sounds like there's another meaning......and be prudent about saying tits.

<Therefore the main subject is how to break the inertia, I thought of a plan for a new era. The name is 『Sow MC's Moe Pig Paradise[28]』.>

What is that......incidentally, there are various opinions on the definition and origin of Moe Pig, it is for Otaku's who agonize about beautiful girls in anime and manga.

<In response to the master's small erotic request we will turn you into a sow of absolute obedience by doing various things.>

No, no, that's late night radio, you can't do that type of stuff during the day on the school broadcast system.

<No, that's impossible to choose. It's a school broadcast.>

The MC has almost the same impression as me. That's a fairly normal reaction for a person.

<You seem to misunderstand something, it's already chosen, sow.>

The MC is suddenly treated like a sow.

<Now, stupid sharp tongued daughter, shall we being the true sow training?>

There was a bang from someone standing up.

<Ah, umm, Yukihira-san? Why? Your eyes are scary.>

The MC was completely frightened. There was no trace of the poison tongued character remaining.

<Yu-Yuuouji-san, please help this person lie down for a bit.>

*sleepy breathing*

Seriously, you have the nerve to sleep soundly during a live broadcast. Moreover, you have only stopped talking about the boil on John's ass a minute ago.

<Fuaaa......the broadcast has already ended?>

<Roughly, it ended in a good place Yuuouji-san. Can you press down on the sow here for a moment?>

<Eh? I don't understand why you want it but yes!>

<What? Before I knew it my hands were tied behind my back!? Let go!>

The MC seems to have been restrained. Yuuouji's physical strength is overwhelming, and a normal girl can't compete against it at all.

<Cho, afu, Yuuouji-san what are you doing?>

<Hmm, I'm not sure why you are frightened, its just a relaxing massage.>

<No, you don't have to do that, just release me......what, just a moment, please stop, I hate it, ahh!>

The voice of the broadcaster flowed out. After that the boys, who weren't listening to the broadcast as they chatted with friends, stopped and began to listen attentively.

<The sides of Melon melon!>

<No, wait a moment, there...... I hate, why, is it so good, an!>

This is......erotic. It was being broadcast through the entire school. I can't help but say, Yuuouji, do more!

<Aaa, you are unusually sensitive. Ahaha, interesting, interesting!>

Yuuouji continued happily.

<Ah......stop it......stop!>

<It's useless sow. This studio is completely locked. Even if you shout and cry, outside help can't reach here.>

You, you are the villain here.


The training went for a dozens(?) of seconds but in the end the MC lost.

The female MC was ready to talk properly.

As opposed to her, Yukihira was indifferent but nevertheless her voice had a small bit of satisfaction in it.

<You bark in a fairly good voice for the first time. That's it sow, keep going.>

She declared, there's definitely no next time.

<Ahaha, have you gone a bit too far? Her whole body is affected. The supplement drink.....there's none left. She drank all of the 『AbazurenZ』?>


<This can't go any longer. It's unavoidable, should I end it?>

Yukihira used a theatrical tone into the microphone.

<Everyone listen to this. Starting next week is the new show 『Sow MC Moe Pig Paradise』. In addition, 『Yukihira Furano's All the sows with tits bigger than B's should die off』 will be broadcast, so wash your tits and apply young ladies.>


The voice was cut abruptly. Immediately after that random classical music flowed from the speakers.

......This, isn't this what's called a 'broadcasting accident'?

It's awful. It's too awful. Year 2 Class 1 is the called the school's most regrettable class.

The eyes of several classmates were on me. The eyes seem to be saying you are the same to me.

You're wrong, you're all wrong. I'm an ordinary person. Because of these hateful absolute choices, its true I do a few small strange actions, but I'm an ordinary high school boy.

However, calling out in my mind doesn't get consideration. With the awkward atmosphere, I ate the rest of my lunch, but there was no taste to it.

As the lunch break was about to end, Yuuouji and Yukihira returned.

"Yah-hoo, I'm back!"

"As a matter of fact its incomprehensible."

Both seem to have been squeezed hard in the staff office.

Yukihira doesn't seem to be reflecting on it and said that with a cool face.

"It's amusing. I thought in this country freedom of expression was allowed."

"Repeatedly calling someone a sow is not freedom of expression!"

"It's a little piggish joke."

"What on earth type of line of jokes is that!"

"Little piggish jokes."

"What black jokes[29] are you saying you feel like!"

"By the way, in case of black piggish jokes, it becomes blackpiggish jokes which isn't easy to say."

"From the bottom of my heart stop, it's good."

"Even the staff members of the broadcasting oinked a complaint."

"Making them feel like a pig by force!"

Yukihira was completing the first stage of the joke when Yuuouji pulled on my sleeve.

"Hey hey Amacchi. Look look!"

In her hand she held some photographs.

"After the broadcast we took some photo's and printed them out."

The first one. Was a picture of the MC with Yuuouji and Yukihira on both sides and was an ordinary picture. It's worrisome that the girl MC's expression is a bit hollow.

I mean, after such a thing, you took a picture......

It continued. The second picture.

"Yuuouji. What's......this."

In it the female MC has a smiling expression of ecstasy while her legs are completely spread in an M shape. Though the angle of the picture doesn't let you see under the skirt, it is a brutal situation.

"Ahaha, after the 『AbazurenZ』 was given she became like this."

"Seriously don't just give love aphrodisiacs!"

It continued in the third picture.

What's this...is it the stagehands of the broadcast club? The four men are queued up uniformly without energy and their faces were ashen.


"Yes, we handed out to everyone 『Life Candy』's 『Chapter of the Postmortem』."

"Fire that fellow immediately!"

"Yes yes, there's one more piece to report."

Like a grade-school kid with something to report, Yuuouji raises her hand while her eyes shine brilliantly.

"Yes, go ahead."

I encouraged her recklessly.

"You know, because I din't want you to have a preconception, it was presumed the Product Development Department made these. Actually the prototypes brought today......"

What? Yuuouji had an unusual pretentious way of talking.

"It was all made by me!"

"It's you?"

Well, even though he knew already, he felt it again anew.

Yukihira Furano and Yuuouji Ouka.

It's natural that they are rejected.

Part 4


I reached the entrance of my house at last and sighed unintentionally. I'm tired......today was a tiring day. In addition to the rush of choices, there was the tiresome combo of Yukihira and Yuuouji.

However, at my home when I'm tired and open the door, there's no family to greet me.

Because my mother went with my father when he transferred, as of now, there is only one resident in the Amakusa household. It's like I'm a guy in a galgame setting.

It's time to prepare dinner, while holding that housewife like thought, I opened the door.


......What is that.


......There's the cause, someone's sleeping.

They're sleeping. A horribly deep sleep. Someone is sleeping in my hallway.

I don't understand......I don't know how this is happening. When? When was I hit with 'eye panic'[30]?

My head was still fully confused but my body moved on its own. Crouching down and crowding close, I shook their body strongly.

That person slowly sat up while rubbing their eyes and looked at me with their sleepy eyes.

"Fumyu......who is it?"

"I want to hear that!"

However, their identity was obvious. The fluffy blond hair, the small body, and soft voice......I had definitely met this creature, Chocolat, this morning.

"Ah, Kanade-san isn't it? Welcome home![31]"

"A-aah, I'm back[32].......you said welcome home!"

No, a smiling face is too natural, in a place that's natural, so that I ended up replying to it.

Calm down. It's too much to figure out at once.

"First of all......first of all, you, how did you enter my house?"

Before the purpose of this person, is the physical problem. The key used a moment ago is definitely in my pocket and the duplicate is in the house.

Chocolat explained with a laugh and a smile.

"I took an impression with a special clay and got a duplicate key made from a key merchant."

......That's a serious crime.

"Kanade-san what's the problem? You complexion looks bad."

"That's beside the point. The point is your behavior."

I understood. This person was simply a trespasser. It's not the time to leisurely ask her. You have no choice but to get them out by force. Just as I reached out with determination to do it-

"I came to help release Kanade-san's 『Curse』."


I stopped moving.

"The curse......the absolute choice thing?"

I felt intuitively that's what it meant. As expected Chocolat deeply nodded her head.

Seriously......Indeed Utage-sensei said it meant the preparation to end the choices.

"Now now, since you are talking about that, for now lets go deeper inside."

"No, why are you the one saying that!"

It's fishy......its very fishy. But, the absolute choices might be released. When I heard that it became impossible to drive her out immediately.

"Then, lets go."

Chocolat displayed the tension of going on an excursion as I guided her into the living room.

"......What's this."

The room temperate was exquisite, the fragrant smell of red tea tickled my nose, and the delightful sight of handmade cookies. The finest relaxation was prepared.

"Kanade-san was slow in coming back so I prepared."

Those are a wife's words, normally they would make a person feel happy but it felt weird hearing it from a stranger.

"Please don't hesitate, go ahead."

"No, why are you the one saying that......"

I sat down on the sofa as urged and reached for the steaming tea.

"How is it?"

"Oh, good."

Chocolat's face suddenly shone happily. Additionally the strand on top of her head started wagging.

"That's right, that is very high class."

No, I know since I'm the one who bought it.

Chocolat continued by handing out a candy dish with cookies on it.

"How are they?~"

"Ah, good."

Again her face suddenly brightened.

"That's right isn't it, they take time and effort to make."

No, I know because I baked them.

"That doesn't matter......lets get down to business."

I encouraged her to sit on the sofa on the other side.

"Yes, what is it?"

As I waited for her to sit I opened my mouth.

"Let us avoid a roundabout story......you, know of a way to remove the absolute choices?"


Chocolat nodded easily.

Seriously......it is possible to end it? The thing that's haunted me this last year?

"I'm begging, tell me!"

I couldn't resist my excitement and rose from my seat partly while asking.

"Kanade-san, please settle down. I don't know it."

"Then who on earth does?"

When I asked my question, Chocolat followed her own pace until the end.

"It's God."


Translator's Notes and References

  1. Kilograms, so 220lbs+.
  2. いただきます is mostly used for eating and often translated as "I'm digging in!" or "I'm starting" but the base words are 'Thankful acceptance'.
  3. Yabe is used with bones, it is a slang of Yabai which means beyond risky/amazing/terrible.
  4. ふみゅ seems to be her little sound when waking or puzzled.
  5. You see this occasionally where they comment a girls breasts are too big for her to be Japanese, this was just a bit more generic than that.
  6. reference to The Peony Latern a Edo-era story about a man who survived a poisoned by his second wife and her lover. He often flew into mad rages where he didn't recognize his daughter.
  7. おなかと背中が、うらがえりそうです literally means my stomach and back are reversed hence his follow-up thought.
  8. おいひーです seems to be a mumbled 'delicious'
  9. her name switched from a 'Cho' spelling to 'Sho'. Normally they use 'Cho' for regular chocolate and 'Sho' when taking it from the French term for 'hot chocolate'. チョコレート (Chokoraato) vs ショコラ (Shokote).
  10. here she uses お空 which might be a very respectful way of saying the sky without meaning Heaven exactly.
  11. Signature winning pose by Guts Ishimatsu where they pump their both fists straight in the air.
  12. children's book
  13. Chibi Maruko-chan reference
  14. Actual saying is he changed from calling her Kimi to Omae, basically choosing a ruder version of 'you' for her.
  15. 神龍 which means Holy or God dragon and is what they use for Shenron in Dragonball
  16. her name uses a Yuki kanji for snow and the hira kanji can mean flat/broad as in a broad expanse of snow
  17. Ujimushi means maggot, but mushi also means 'steaming' as in 'mushi atsui' is humid weather.
  18. This time Mushi was the verb to ignore.
  19. Monsieur is Musshu, fairly close to Mushi.
  20. Oppai was used which is kind of a kids word meaning breasts or boobies.
  21. She replied back using パイオツ or Paiotsu which is more porn like/crude like Tits.
  22. Her name changed from the inside cover 遊王子調歌 to 遊王寺調歌 but the furigana spelling seems the same.
  23. Seems to be an implication that it looks like a nighttime burglars bag full of stuff but not sure I get it.
  24. Abazure means bitch.
  25. Fukuzawa Yukichi is on the 10000 yen bill and is regarded as one of the founders of modern Japan.
  26. I think this is her made up suffix using 'mosa' as in Stalwart, Man of Valor
  27. Deliberate mistake.
  28. The term hoihoi is used, which means something that can draw in lots of viewers who love something. In this case people who love Moe.
  29. pun of piggish(my tl) 'butakku' and black 'burakku'
  30. Medapani, according to UltimateOTL's translation it's a spell in Dragon Quest
  31. Out of order she said: おかえりなさいっ/okaerinasai which is welcome home, its normally the polite auto-reponse to his next phrase
  32. He says: ただいま/tadaima which means 'right now' or 'just now' as in I just got home, normally said first when you step in the house
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