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Not much to say, my name’s Daniel Lofthouse, i’m 17 years old and living in Australia. I love the Light Novel style of pictures and plotline rather than cloggy page-long descriptions, and i'll read anything so long as it has some elements of super-natural/magic and romance.
I’m extremely proficient in English (native language), skilled in Greek (learnt it for 4 years in High School) and familiar with Japanese (after some 2500 anime episodes). I'm trying to learn the language but still waiting on the book ‘Remembering The Kanji’ to arrive.
I'm a Proof-reader, Editor and NEET-freak. I read the Light Novels and make sure it’s perfect for the next reader. I've made some software edits on my laptop so I can type the proper apostrophe’s 「‘’」 and quotation marks 「“”」. It is my duty to protect them from abuse.
== Protecting them from abuse ==
When I proof-read and have to change 「"」 & 「'」 to 「‘’」 & 「“”」, I follow a little formula that’s quite helpful.
# Read the Chapter and write down any Typos/broken English in Notepad.
# Fix the Typos.
# Scroll through the whole thing and wherever there is dialogue (someone talking), change 「"example"」 to 「“example”」.
# Scroll through the whole thing again and change any remaining 「"example"」 to 「‘Example’」 (use your own judgement if 「‘’」 is not right). (IMPORTANT: Don't change 「"」 if it’s part of a reference or link)
# Scroll through the whole thing again and change any 「'」 to whatever they should be, but leave it if it’s supposed to be 「’」 (e.g. don’t change: 「she's」 or the 2nd 「'」 on 'example')
# Copy the whole thing into Microsoft Word
# Use CTRL+H to replace any italic/bold formatting (「2x '」, 「3x '」, and 「5x '」) with 「italic@@」, 「bold@@@」 and 「italbold@@@@@」 respectively.
# Use CTRL+H to replace all remaining 「'」 with 「’」
# Use CTRL+H to undo Step 5.
# Paste the whole thing back into Baka-Tsuki and submit.
# Check to make sure everything is ok. Use CTRL+F to find 「‘」 and 「“」, and skim through the yellow blocks to make sure 「‘’」 & 「“”」 aren't the wrong way around anywhere.
== Damsels in distress saved ==
* Toaru Majutsu no Index (V3 - V6)
* The World Only God Knows (V1 - V2)
* Hidan no Aria (V1 - rescue ongoing)

Latest revision as of 08:13, 12 March 2015