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Habiendo cumplido la misión sobre el monstruo misterioso que resultó ser una Cobra Colmillorubí, regresamos al gremio.
After we slayed the Red-fang Cobra, we returned to the guild. As usual we met up with Jaril outside the guild. We exchange our cards, then pass the Red-fang Cobra's fangs and skin over to him and collaborate our stories.
Como de costumbre, quedamos con Jaril fuera del edificio, para intercambiar las tarjetas de misión, así como los restos de la cobra, para que pudiera dar pruebas para que su historia fuera más creíble.
Because there are too many items this time, we enter the guild with Jaril and everyone else. As expected, Nokopara comes over to us. This person really does reside in the guild all the time, and he will always come over.
Debido al peso de los materiales obtenidos en esta ocasión, ayudamos a Jaril y Veskel a cargar con todo mientras entramos al edificio. Como era de imaginar, Nokopara se nos acerca.
[Woah, you hunted something interesting didn't you. Hey, isn't this the Red-fang Cobra's scales? Ah?]
''Este tío va a ser cierto que vive en el gremio, porque siempre, SIEMPRE, que entramos está aquí y se nos acerca.''
I make an eye-signal to Jaril, and let him talk about what we had discussed earlier.
[Ah, indeed. We were lucky as we met it when it was weak.]
"Guau, veo que cazasteis algo interesate esta vez, eh... ¿eso no es piel de una Cobra Colmillorubí? ¡!"
[Hah~ Just you few only ~]
He smiles as if he saw something interesting. Nokopara condescendingly looks at Jaril.
Hago gestos con la mirada a Jaril, para que sea él quien hable de lo que acordamos antes de entrar.
What's wrong? This feels different from the norm.
[A, all the Super Blaze's members died. They were the ones who injured it.]
"Ah... vaya, buen ojo; tuvimos suerte y nos cruzamos con este bicho cuando otros ya lo habían debilitado."
[What? Blaze...... died?]
"Jaa~~ Así que solo vosotros 2 ehh."
[Well, it can't be helped if they met the Red-fang Cobra.....]
Sonríe como si hubiera visto algo que le llamara la atención, Nokopara mira de una forma extraña, casi irónica a Jaril.
Nokopara sighs with a bored expression.
''Algo anda mal, no está actuando como siempre...''
[But, no matter how weak it is the two of you cannot possibly kill a Red-fang Cobra.....]
[About it being weak, it's actually close to death. No, it won't be wrong to say it's already dead. Even if it is still breathing, it is no different from it being dead.]
"V-vaya... la cosa es que todos los miembros de Super Blaze, los que lo hirieron antes de que llegáramos, murieron al final."
Jaril hurriedly runs off after talking at a high speed. Nokopara's face is full of disbelief and changes his target to us.
"¿Cómo? Que Blaze.... ¿ha muerto?"
[You went to search for pets today again?]
[Yes, Jaril-sensei's technique for searching pets is too good, and we earned a few coins today.]
"Bueno, no hay nada que hacer, y menos si se cruzaron con una Cobra Colmillorubí..."
I want to leave as soon as possible. I feel that there is something wrong.
Nokopara suspira mostrando una expresión algo aburrida.
However, Nokopara brings his arm around my shoulders with a broad smile and whispers.<!--Ed: Nokopara is the one threatening Rudi, the person in this line should be Nokopara, not Jaril.-->
[Then, how did you search for the pet outside the town?]
"Pero, no importa como lo mires y como de herido la dejaran, vosotros 2 solos sois incapaces de haberla matado..."
I subconsciously stop my movements for a moment, but I think I managed to keep a poker face. This development is within my expectation, he just saw us going out of the town.
"He dicho herida, pero en realidad la dejaron medio muerta, aunque sería más realista decir que la mataron ellos, aunque todavía respiraba cuando la encontraron, más muerta que viva, pero respirando."
[We just went outside by coincidence.]
[Hoh~, what did you do outside?]
Jaril nada más darle esa contestación, salió con bastante prisa hacia la recepción del gremio.
The conversation is heading off in a terrible direction. Nokopara grabs Jaril's shoulders.<!--TL: Didn't Jaril run off elsewhere... Ed: He should still be nearby, collecting the reward.-->
Puedo ver como la cara de Nokopara deja claro su total escepticismo y cambia el blanco de sus comentarios hacia nosotros.
[Is the Red-fang Cobra in the city too?]
I see, he saw Jaril moving about in the city, which is to say the cat has been let out of the bag.
"Y vosotros, ¿así que hoy también os fuisteis a buscar mascotas?"
[Ara, this is really such an incredible incident, don't you say?]
"Vaya, los trucos que nos enseñó Jaril-sensei son excepcionales para buscar mascotas en la ciudad, y gracias a eso ganamos unas cuantas monedas."
Progressing to this stage is within expectations. There are several methods to escape from this situation.
In example, we can sell out Jaril and solve this problem. We can state that we were forcefully given this request and we were having a huge headache over this.
But I am unable to use this solution. If I do I might get stabbed by Ruijerd because this is not what a warrior should do.
Siento que algo anda mal hoy, y quiero largarme cuanto antes mejor.
[Hey, hey, you should stop pretending if I already state things to this point.]
Pero por algún motivo, Nokopara pasa su brazo por encima de mi hombro sonriéndome de oreja a oreja mientras me susurra.
[What do you mean by pretending? What exactly, did we do?]
"¿De verdad? ¿Y cómo hicisteis para buscar mascotas estando fuera de la ciudad?"
[P-Hunters helped us with our request, and we helped P-Hunters with their request. That's it.]
I continue to act ignorant, and turn the conversation to a serious direction. I had to checked the rules again, and I shouldn't be wrong about this. But things are not exactly what the rules state. This world is not one where you can do as you pleased if you just follow the rules. But to be exact, I do not know how to differentiate the lines, so I drag the conversation in a logical direction.
De manera inconsciente me detengo durante un instante, aunque considero que fui capaz de mantener una expresión neutra; que alguien nos preguntara algo así estaba dentro de mis expectativas, sobretodo teniendo en cuenta que lo único que hizo fue vernos salir de la ciudad y no tiene pruebas reales.
[Are you being serious, what happens if idiots follow what you just did?]
[Then what will happen?]
"Nos dio por salir un rato."
[If you are able to use money to buy requests, then there's no meaning to the adventurer's guild.]
"¿O~h? ¿Y qué hicisteis fuera de la ciudad?"
Hm, we did not do a money exchange...... This line of forced argument isn't going to work. But, certainly, classifying the requests and doing transactions on it.
I see. This guy's clever.
La conversación está avanzando por mal camino, y Nokopara se acerca hasta Jaril y le pasa su otro brazo por el hombro también.
Indeed, if what we do is going to be widespread, there will be people who will use money to do transactions with these requests. For example, receiving all the rank D requests, and then selling them to the D rank teams, and the people who sell them can use money to raise their ranks, even when they did nothing.
But using this method will cause the requests to fail if they cannot sell them.
"Y me dirás que esa Cobra Colmillorubí te la encontraste en la ciudad."
[Nokopara, why are you taking notice of this? We're not bothering you right?]
[Hoho, be careful of what you're talking about. The only roads you have now are two. Oi, Jaril, listen up.]
Ahh claro, seguramente Nokopara viera a Jaril recorriendo la ciudad.
He grabs the front of my shirt and lifts me up. Behind me Ruijerd and Eris's faces are wrought with anger. In any case, hold it in, the conversation is not over yet.
Vamos, que nos han pillado con las manos en la masa.
I am unable to read Nokopara's expressions because he has a horse face. But since his smile is a tasteless one, I should be able to understand it.
"Ara, menudo incidente tan increible, ¿no os parece?"
[If you want to keep your adventurer's qualifications, give me 2 iron coins every month.]
How troubling.
Aun llegados a este punto, todavía está todo dentro de mis planes y tengo varias formas de escapar de esta situación tan peliaguda.
This is the first time I've met someone like this after coming to this world.
Por ejemplo, puedo delatar a Jaril y solucionar así el problema rápidamente. Podemos decir que nos obligaron a cumplir la misión por ellos y nos estaban causando varios problemas por ello.
Recently there are people who are neither good nor bad. It is easy to handle people who are bad because there is no need for further considerations.
Pero no me atrevo a hacerlo de esta forma, siento que existe la posibilidad de que Ruijerd me empale con su lanza al no seguir el código de los Guerreros.
But this Nokopara, no wonder he's always in the guild. He is constantly watching out for people who do illegal things. Once he finds out he will proceed to threaten them, and that is a pretty sweet deal.
If this fellow reports us we will be finished. No, if he does that, the person who reports it will also be found out to be doing illegal actions.
"Jyejye, llegados a este punto, sería buena idea que dejarais de aparentar que aquí no pasa nada y hablemos con propiedad."
[You lot must have earned a lot of money right? Hehe, you can spend it freely right?]
"¿A qué te refieres exactamente con aparentar? ¿Qué es lo que se supone que hicimos que te molesta?"
[M, may I ask a few questions?]
I pretend to lose my composure, while calmly progressing in the conversation.
"P-Hunters nos ayudó con nuestras tareas y nosotros les ayudamos con las suyas. Nada más, nada menos."
[This is indeed classified as buying and selling requests right?]
Sigo sin dar el brazo a torcer, y giro la conversación a un tono más serio; aprovecho que le he dado varias vueltas a las reglas al respecto y no debería haber problema en nuestros actos.
[Yes, if you're discovered you will be fined and lose your qualifications to be adventurers, you don't want that right?]
Aunque claro, no siempre todo se rige según las reglas al pie de la letra, después de todo, por mucho que sigas el reglamento no es como si pudieras hacer lo que te viniera en gana. Pero como no sé con exactitud como se diferencian los límites permitidos de los que no, opto por orientar la conversación siguiendo una lógica sencilla.
[I don't, I don't.]
Calm down, there's no need to panic yet, I have also considered this situation.
"¿Hablas en serio? ¿Qué crees que pasaría si algún estúpido imita lo que hicisteis?"
No problem, there's no problem yet.
"No sé, dímelo tú."
[N, no matter what I have no money, can Jaril and I report our requests?]
"Si se pudieran comprar misiones y tareas con dinero, no habría sentido a que la gente se enlistara en el gremio de aventureros."
[No problem. But don't think of escaping, yeah?]
[Certainly, my lord~]
''¿Hmm? Pero si nosotros ni hicimos nada a cambio de dinero..... Sería lo que diría, pero viendo como fuerza la conversación, está claro que no aceptaría esa respuesta. Pero ciertamente, coger misiones y venderlas a cambio de dinero o beneficios... ya veo, este tipo resultó ser bastante espabilado.''
This fellow is stupid after all.
Tiene sentido, si lo que hicimos se extendiera, llegaría un punto en el que algunas personas intercambiarían misiones reservadas por ellos a cambio de dinero. Imagina por ejemplo, que algunos pocos deciden reservar todas las misiones de rango D y se las venden a los grupos que quieran hacerlas.
I walk to the encounter as I think about it.
O también, imagina que un grupo reserva una misión de rango D y paga a otro grupo para que la haga por él para poder ascender de rango rápidamente, sin tener que hacer misiones realmente.
[H, hey...... what should we do, what should we do!]
Aunque claro, siguiendo ese método, las misiones que no se vendan acabarán fracasando y el gremio notaría el fraude.
[Calm down, please relax.]
I handle the panicking Jaril and beckon Veskel to come over.
"Pero Nokopara, ¿por qué te preocupas exactamente porque ocurra algo así? Si no te afecta, ¿no es así?"
After we finish collecting the rewards we will disband P hunters and bring Jaril and Veskel into Dead End. This is a meaningless solution, and I don't know how detailed the Adventurer guild's logbook is.
"Jojo, ten cuidado con lo que dices, chaval. Ahora mismo tenéis solo 2 opciones, eh, Jaril, no te despistes y escucha."
As I turn back to look, Ruijerd's anger status bar is at MAX, while Nokopara is standing right in front of him. Even though we broke the rules, this underhanded method of threatening us seems to be forbidden for a warrior.
In any case, I send a signal to stop Ruijerd.
Me agarra por el cuello de la camisa y me levanta del suelo<ref>Parece un deporte nacional... Ruijerd lo hace casi a diario y ahora Nokopara.</ref>; a mi espalda, tanto Eris como Ruijerd se ponen alerta, molestos con la actitud del caracaballo.
Eris does not seem to understand what is going on, if she does, I am afraid the one who will hit Nokopara first will be her, and she will not use her fist but her sword.
Les hago gestos para intentar que no se lancen tan rápido, porque la conversación todavía no ha terminado.
[Oi, give today's money to me.]
After walking back, Nokopara wraps his arm around my shoulders with a broad grin, and just as Jaril is about to hand the 2 Iron coins with a strained smile, I grab that hand.
[Before that I have a question.]
[What is it. Ask quickly, I'm busy.]
Debido a que es un caracaballo, soy incapaz de comprender las expresiones que suele hacer Nokopara; pero la sonrisa estúpida que tiene en este momento, me permite comprender lo que piensa a grandes rasgos.
I breathe deeply in my heart and pray everything is successful.
[Do you have evidence of us doing illegal things?]
"Jaril, si no quieres perder tu licencia de aventurero, dame 2 monedas de hierro al mes."
Nokopara smacks his lips with anger, and the sound echoes throughout the building.
''Vaya, menuda sorpresa...''
===Part 2===
En todos los años que llevo en este mundo, es la primera vez que me encuentro con alguien así; en mi anterior mundo sí que conocí a unos cuantos, pero ya pensé que aquí estaban erradicados.
Porque la mayoría de personas que conocí aquí no son ni buenas ni malas, y aun cuando les veo tender a cosas algo más oscuras tampoco me cuesta comprenderles demasiado porque suelen hacerlo con una motivación clara y lógica.
Dead End's finished request was selected from the guild's logbook. The staff at the guild did not ask for the reason. Looks something like this is not Nokopara's first time.
Pero hasta ahora, el Nokopara este, que ya decía yo que no salía del gremio; lo que hacía era vigilar de manera constante si alguien cometía alguna ilegalidad, para, una vez la descubría, chantajear al que la cometía para sacarse un suculento bocado sin hacer nada.
We head back to the person's place who originally made the request.
Me extraña que nadie le haya denunciado ya por ello... aunque claro, si lo denunciaran, se acabaría descubriendo que ellos también hicieron algo ilegal.
[I suggest you not kill me in the alleys alright?]
Nokopara says that while looking at Ruijerd and Jaril.
"Vuestro grupo debe haber ganado bastante pasta con esto, ¿no es así? Juejue, en ese caso tenéis dinero para pagar ahora, ¿me equivoco?"
Ruijerd is releasing copious amount of killing intent, is he unafraid of him?
"Sí, ¿P-pero antes p-puedo preguntarte una cosa?"
Or perhaps he is already used to that kind of killing intent.
[If I die, my partners will report to the guild, and I'm different from you C rankers. I'm one who can rise up to B rank.]
Hago como que estoy inquieto, mientras hago por hacer que la conversación avance a mi terreno.
That last line is an obvious bluff. Nokopara also does not believe he is capable of winning against 5 people alone. No matter how he much tries to corner us, he also does not wish to die.
Even so, his thinking is too shallow. If it is me, I would at least bring in one guard.
[We're here, we're here.]
"No te cabe duda de que en esta ocasión hemos comprado y vendido nuestras misiones... ¿cierto?"
The first house.
"Vaya, si lo descubren el gremio te pondrán una multa y te quitarán tu licencia de aventurero, y vosotros no queréis que eso pase, ¿no es así?"
It is a dwelling that I have not seen before. After knocking on the door, a seemingly obstinate-looking old Oba-san walks out from the house. She has an eagle-like nose, and she wears a black robe. There seems to be a sweet smell emitting from the interiors of the house, and most likely she's making a Neruneruneru candy.<ref>http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GO1YcNVNTy8</ref>
"No, no, claro que no."
She shows a suspicious expression upon looking at Nokopara, but displays a smile when she sees Veskel.
[Ara, isn't this Veskel? Why did you bring so many people here? Ah, are these the members of "Dead End's Ruijerd"?]
Cálmate, todavía no hay que caer presa del pánico, esta situación también la tuvimos en cuenta.
Ruijerd looks at us in shock. He sees the Oba-san's glances are looking towards Veskel.
''....... No hay ningún problema, aún estamos bien.''
He laughs.
"L-la cosa es que ahora mismo no tengo dinero, ¿podríamos entregar nuestras misiones tanto Jaril como yo?"
[Oba-san, you have been deceived. These aren't the people of Dead End.]
"Sin problema, aunque que no se os ocurra intentar escapar, ¿entendido?"
"como ordene, mi amo~~."
Oba-san shoots Nokopara's an eye, and scoffs through her nose.
[How did they deceive us?]
''El tipo este sí que ha resultado estúpido al final.''
[How, huh.]
Nos acercamos al mostrador mientras le doy vueltas a ese pensamiento.
[Veskel has killed all the bugs in my home. As expected of one from the Zumeba race, after that I have not seen a single bug.]
Looks like this Oba-san is a home that Veskel had serviced. Come to think of it, Ruijerd has mentioned this when he was spying on them.
"H-hey... ¿qué hacemos...? ¡¿Qué hacemos?!"
[As long as you do things thoroughly, I don't mind if you're the real "Dead End".]
"Cálmate y relájate, por favor."
Nokopara is not the only one who is surprised, the real deal himself also shows a surprised expression.
[B, but.]
Trato de hacer que Jaril salga del pánico mientras le indico a Veskel que se acerque.
[I am not going to live for much longer, if I can meet him before I depart, I really want to do so.]
Tras recoger nuestras recompensas, hacemos que tanto Jaril como Veskel se salgan del grupo P-Hunters y entren a Dead End. Es posible que esto no sirva de nada, y realmente no tengo forma de saber cómo de detallado es el registro de actividades del gremio de aventureros.
You already have.
Al girarme a donde se encuentran Eris y Ruijerd, puedo ver con claridad que la barra de ira de Ruijerd está al máximo, mientras Nokopara está delante de él diciéndole algo.
Nokopara's eyes open wide in shock and turns around in annoyance to face Veskel.
Parece que aunque aunque romper las normas no le importó demasiado, el método tan ruin de Nokopara lo ha tomado como algo prohíbido para un Guerrero. Pero en cualquier caso, le indico a Ruijerd con gestos para que no estalle.
[Veskel! You bastards, bring out your Adventurer's identifications!]
Por suerte, Eris es incapaz de comprender lo que está pasando, si pudiera, me temo que no habría forma de detenerla cuando se pusiera a darle una paliza, seguramente no con los puños, sino con espada en mano.
Veskel looks a little taken aback, but grins broadly. In her hands is a card that has "Dead End" written on it.
[What! Y, you damn bastards, are you f*cking with me......!]
"Venga, ¿todo bien? ¿Sí? Pues dadme el pago de este mes."
Too late, "P hunters" does not exist anymore.
If you check it out, it might still be in the guild's logbook, and you take a further step in checking things out, there might be some rule violation somewhere. But Nokopara doesn't seem to have thought of that.
Cuando volvemos al grupo, Nokopara vuelve a pasarme el brazo por el hombro sonriendo de oreja a oreja, y justo cuando Jaril va a darle las 2 monedas de hierro con una sonrisa falsa, le detengo.
[Shit! To the next house!]
We did not return to the guild.
I smile with conceit and follow Nokopara.
"Pero antes, tengo que hacerte una pregunta, Nokopara."
"¿De qué se trata? Venga rápido, no tengo todo el día."
===Part 3===
Respiro profundamente y calmo mis emociones, rezando porque todo salga bien.
"¿Acaso tienes alguna prueba de que hayamos hecho algo ilegal?"
Nokopara cierra la boca enfadado y el sonido de sus dientes chocando resuena en todo el edificio.
=== 2ª Parte ===
Solicitamos la lista de misiones completadas por Dead End en la recepción del gremio; la recepcionista no nos pregunta por el motivo de tal solicitud. Supongo que no será la primera vez que Nokopara ha hecho solicitar algo así a la persona que chantajea.
Volvemos con el listado al lugar que se encuentra el tipo que nos ordenó hacer la solicitud.
"Os sugiero que no me matéis en una callejuela, por vuesto bien."
Nokopara dice esto mirando tanto a Jaril como a Ruijerd.
''La cantidad de sed de sangre que emana de Ruijerd es absurda, ¿me estás diciendo que Nokopara no teme que le ataque? O será que se ha acostumbrado a juntarse con gente que le odia tanto que ya ni se da cuenta.''
"Si muriera, mis compañeros harían una queja al gremio, y a diferencia de unos aventureros cualquiera de rango C, mi nivel real es de rango B, así que si me hacéis enfadar...."
Esa línea final es tan falsa que es obvio, y estoy completamente seguro de que ni él se cree capaz de ganar en solitario contra 5 contrincantes.
''Supongo que por muy chantajista que sea, le teme a la muerte, como es normal, por lo que estará algo asustado.''
Aun así, me da risa porque no ha pensado esto demasiado; si esto lo hubiera planeado yo, al menos haría que nos acompañara uno de sus amigos a modo de escolta o hasta un guardia de la ciudad.
"Mira, mira, pero si ya hemos llegado."
La primera vivienda en la que entrmaos, es un lugar que no he visto hasta la fecha. Tras llamar a la puerta, una viejecita con una cara que la hace parecer muy testaruda nos abre, además tiene una nariz aguileña y va vestida con un manto negro.
De la vivienda sale un aroma genial, por su apariencia y demás, no me cabe duda de que está haciendo dulces Neruneruneru<ref>Referencia a este anuncio [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO1YcNVNTy8 Vídeo]</ref>.
Al ver a Nokopara entreabre la puerta desconfiando, pero al ver a Veskel se tranquiliza y sonríe.
"Vaya, ¿qué tal, Veskel? ¿Por qué viniste con tantos amigos hasta aquí? Ah, ¿estos son los demás miembros de tu grupo ''Rujierd, de Dead End''?"
Nokopara la mira sorprendido y tras comprobar que la anciana está mirando directamente a Veskel nos mira.
"¡Jah, os pillé!"
Se ríe.
"Jyajya, señora, la han engañado, Veskel no es del grupo ''Dead End''."
La anciana le lanza una perforante mirada a Nokopara, y resopla por la nariz burlonamente.
"¿Y cuál se supone que ha sido el engaño?"
"¿Cómo que cuál?"
"Veskel vino y acabó con los bichos que tenía en casa. Se nota que es de la raza Zumeba, desde entonces no he vuelto a ver ningún bicho más."
Parece que esta anciana es la dueña de la casa a la que Veskel vino a trabajar, pensándolo un poco, creo recordar que Ruijerd mencionó sobre ella mientras controlaba los movimientos de Jaril y Veskel hace algún tiempo.
"Mientras cumplan lo que he solicitad al pie de la letra, no me importaría ni aunque fueran el mismísimo ''Dead End''."
Nokopara no es el único sorprendido, el verdadero '''Dead End''' se muestra completamente anonadado.
"Tampoco es que vaya a vivir mucho más, así que me encantaría conocerle antes de morir."
''Pues ya lo has hecho.''
Los ojos de Nokopara se abren completamente y se gira molesto hacia Veskel.
"¡Veskel, maldita rata, saca ahora mismo tu identificación de aventurero!"
Veskel se muestra un poco molesta por el comentario, pero sonríe de oreja a oreja, enseñando su tarjeta en la que se puede ver claramente que su grupo es ''Dead End''.
"¡¿Pero qué?! M-malditos farasantes, ¡¿me veis cara de gilipollas o qué....?!"
''Llegas tarde, ''P-Hunters'' dejó de existir.''
Si se parara a investigarlo en profundidad, es posible que todavía quede constancia del cambio en el registro de actividad del gremio; y si lo analizas paso por paso, es muy probable que haya pruebas de que hemos violado alguna regla del gremio en algún momento; aunque espero que no se le ocurra a Nokopara.
"¡Puta mierda! ¡Al siguiente sitio!"
Pero Nokopara no parece querer volver al gremio, lo que me hace sonreír confiado mientras le sigo.
=== 3ª Parte ===

Revision as of 03:03, 18 April 2015

Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por SilentWolfie.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 15:38, 17 April 2015 (CDT)

Volumen 03 Capítulo 32 - El Error, La Inquietud & La Determinación

1ª Parte

Habiendo cumplido la misión sobre el monstruo misterioso que resultó ser una Cobra Colmillorubí, regresamos al gremio.

Como de costumbre, quedamos con Jaril fuera del edificio, para intercambiar las tarjetas de misión, así como los restos de la cobra, para que pudiera dar pruebas para que su historia fuera más creíble.

Debido al peso de los materiales obtenidos en esta ocasión, ayudamos a Jaril y Veskel a cargar con todo mientras entramos al edificio. Como era de imaginar, Nokopara se nos acerca.

Este tío va a ser cierto que vive en el gremio, porque siempre, SIEMPRE, que entramos está aquí y se nos acerca.

"Guau, veo que cazasteis algo interesate esta vez, eh... ¿eso no es piel de una Cobra Colmillorubí? ¡!"

Hago gestos con la mirada a Jaril, para que sea él quien hable de lo que acordamos antes de entrar.

"Ah... vaya, buen ojo; tuvimos suerte y nos cruzamos con este bicho cuando otros ya lo habían debilitado."

"Jaa~~ Así que solo vosotros 2 ehh."

Sonríe como si hubiera visto algo que le llamara la atención, Nokopara mira de una forma extraña, casi irónica a Jaril.

Algo anda mal, no está actuando como siempre...

"V-vaya... la cosa es que todos los miembros de Super Blaze, los que lo hirieron antes de que llegáramos, murieron al final."

"¿Cómo? Que Blaze.... ¿ha muerto?"


"Bueno, no hay nada que hacer, y menos si se cruzaron con una Cobra Colmillorubí..."

Nokopara suspira mostrando una expresión algo aburrida.

"Pero, no importa como lo mires y como de herido la dejaran, vosotros 2 solos sois incapaces de haberla matado..."

"He dicho herida, pero en realidad la dejaron medio muerta, aunque sería más realista decir que la mataron ellos, aunque todavía respiraba cuando la encontraron, más muerta que viva, pero respirando."

Jaril nada más darle esa contestación, salió con bastante prisa hacia la recepción del gremio.

Puedo ver como la cara de Nokopara deja claro su total escepticismo y cambia el blanco de sus comentarios hacia nosotros.

"Y vosotros, ¿así que hoy también os fuisteis a buscar mascotas?"

"Vaya, los trucos que nos enseñó Jaril-sensei son excepcionales para buscar mascotas en la ciudad, y gracias a eso ganamos unas cuantas monedas."


Siento que algo anda mal hoy, y quiero largarme cuanto antes mejor.

Pero por algún motivo, Nokopara pasa su brazo por encima de mi hombro sonriéndome de oreja a oreja mientras me susurra.

"¿De verdad? ¿Y cómo hicisteis para buscar mascotas estando fuera de la ciudad?"

De manera inconsciente me detengo durante un instante, aunque considero que fui capaz de mantener una expresión neutra; que alguien nos preguntara algo así estaba dentro de mis expectativas, sobretodo teniendo en cuenta que lo único que hizo fue vernos salir de la ciudad y no tiene pruebas reales.

"Nos dio por salir un rato."

"¿O~h? ¿Y qué hicisteis fuera de la ciudad?"

La conversación está avanzando por mal camino, y Nokopara se acerca hasta Jaril y le pasa su otro brazo por el hombro también.

"Y me dirás que esa Cobra Colmillorubí te la encontraste en la ciudad."

Ahh claro, seguramente Nokopara viera a Jaril recorriendo la ciudad.

Vamos, que nos han pillado con las manos en la masa.

"Ara, menudo incidente tan increible, ¿no os parece?"

Aun llegados a este punto, todavía está todo dentro de mis planes y tengo varias formas de escapar de esta situación tan peliaguda.

Por ejemplo, puedo delatar a Jaril y solucionar así el problema rápidamente. Podemos decir que nos obligaron a cumplir la misión por ellos y nos estaban causando varios problemas por ello.

Pero no me atrevo a hacerlo de esta forma, siento que existe la posibilidad de que Ruijerd me empale con su lanza al no seguir el código de los Guerreros.

"Jyejye, llegados a este punto, sería buena idea que dejarais de aparentar que aquí no pasa nada y hablemos con propiedad."

"¿A qué te refieres exactamente con aparentar? ¿Qué es lo que se supone que hicimos que te molesta?"


"P-Hunters nos ayudó con nuestras tareas y nosotros les ayudamos con las suyas. Nada más, nada menos."

Sigo sin dar el brazo a torcer, y giro la conversación a un tono más serio; aprovecho que le he dado varias vueltas a las reglas al respecto y no debería haber problema en nuestros actos.

Aunque claro, no siempre todo se rige según las reglas al pie de la letra, después de todo, por mucho que sigas el reglamento no es como si pudieras hacer lo que te viniera en gana. Pero como no sé con exactitud como se diferencian los límites permitidos de los que no, opto por orientar la conversación siguiendo una lógica sencilla.

"¿Hablas en serio? ¿Qué crees que pasaría si algún estúpido imita lo que hicisteis?"

"No sé, dímelo tú."

"Si se pudieran comprar misiones y tareas con dinero, no habría sentido a que la gente se enlistara en el gremio de aventureros."

¿Hmm? Pero si nosotros ni hicimos nada a cambio de dinero..... Sería lo que diría, pero viendo como fuerza la conversación, está claro que no aceptaría esa respuesta. Pero ciertamente, coger misiones y venderlas a cambio de dinero o beneficios... ya veo, este tipo resultó ser bastante espabilado.

Tiene sentido, si lo que hicimos se extendiera, llegaría un punto en el que algunas personas intercambiarían misiones reservadas por ellos a cambio de dinero. Imagina por ejemplo, que algunos pocos deciden reservar todas las misiones de rango D y se las venden a los grupos que quieran hacerlas.

O también, imagina que un grupo reserva una misión de rango D y paga a otro grupo para que la haga por él para poder ascender de rango rápidamente, sin tener que hacer misiones realmente.

Aunque claro, siguiendo ese método, las misiones que no se vendan acabarán fracasando y el gremio notaría el fraude.

"Pero Nokopara, ¿por qué te preocupas exactamente porque ocurra algo así? Si no te afecta, ¿no es así?"

"Jojo, ten cuidado con lo que dices, chaval. Ahora mismo tenéis solo 2 opciones, eh, Jaril, no te despistes y escucha."

Me agarra por el cuello de la camisa y me levanta del suelo[1]; a mi espalda, tanto Eris como Ruijerd se ponen alerta, molestos con la actitud del caracaballo.

Les hago gestos para intentar que no se lancen tan rápido, porque la conversación todavía no ha terminado.


Debido a que es un caracaballo, soy incapaz de comprender las expresiones que suele hacer Nokopara; pero la sonrisa estúpida que tiene en este momento, me permite comprender lo que piensa a grandes rasgos.

"Jaril, si no quieres perder tu licencia de aventurero, dame 2 monedas de hierro al mes."

Vaya, menuda sorpresa...

En todos los años que llevo en este mundo, es la primera vez que me encuentro con alguien así; en mi anterior mundo sí que conocí a unos cuantos, pero ya pensé que aquí estaban erradicados.

Porque la mayoría de personas que conocí aquí no son ni buenas ni malas, y aun cuando les veo tender a cosas algo más oscuras tampoco me cuesta comprenderles demasiado porque suelen hacerlo con una motivación clara y lógica.

Pero hasta ahora, el Nokopara este, que ya decía yo que no salía del gremio; lo que hacía era vigilar de manera constante si alguien cometía alguna ilegalidad, para, una vez la descubría, chantajear al que la cometía para sacarse un suculento bocado sin hacer nada.

Me extraña que nadie le haya denunciado ya por ello... aunque claro, si lo denunciaran, se acabaría descubriendo que ellos también hicieron algo ilegal.

"Vuestro grupo debe haber ganado bastante pasta con esto, ¿no es así? Juejue, en ese caso tenéis dinero para pagar ahora, ¿me equivoco?"

"Sí, ¿P-pero antes p-puedo preguntarte una cosa?"

Hago como que estoy inquieto, mientras hago por hacer que la conversación avance a mi terreno.


"No te cabe duda de que en esta ocasión hemos comprado y vendido nuestras misiones... ¿cierto?"

"Vaya, si lo descubren el gremio te pondrán una multa y te quitarán tu licencia de aventurero, y vosotros no queréis que eso pase, ¿no es así?"

"No, no, claro que no."

Cálmate, todavía no hay que caer presa del pánico, esta situación también la tuvimos en cuenta.

....... No hay ningún problema, aún estamos bien.

"L-la cosa es que ahora mismo no tengo dinero, ¿podríamos entregar nuestras misiones tanto Jaril como yo?"

"Sin problema, aunque que no se os ocurra intentar escapar, ¿entendido?"

"como ordene, mi amo~~."

El tipo este sí que ha resultado estúpido al final.

Nos acercamos al mostrador mientras le doy vueltas a ese pensamiento.

"H-hey... ¿qué hacemos...? ¡¿Qué hacemos?!"

"Cálmate y relájate, por favor."

Trato de hacer que Jaril salga del pánico mientras le indico a Veskel que se acerque.

Tras recoger nuestras recompensas, hacemos que tanto Jaril como Veskel se salgan del grupo P-Hunters y entren a Dead End. Es posible que esto no sirva de nada, y realmente no tengo forma de saber cómo de detallado es el registro de actividades del gremio de aventureros.

Al girarme a donde se encuentran Eris y Ruijerd, puedo ver con claridad que la barra de ira de Ruijerd está al máximo, mientras Nokopara está delante de él diciéndole algo.

Parece que aunque aunque romper las normas no le importó demasiado, el método tan ruin de Nokopara lo ha tomado como algo prohíbido para un Guerrero. Pero en cualquier caso, le indico a Ruijerd con gestos para que no estalle.

Por suerte, Eris es incapaz de comprender lo que está pasando, si pudiera, me temo que no habría forma de detenerla cuando se pusiera a darle una paliza, seguramente no con los puños, sino con espada en mano.

"Venga, ¿todo bien? ¿Sí? Pues dadme el pago de este mes."

Cuando volvemos al grupo, Nokopara vuelve a pasarme el brazo por el hombro sonriendo de oreja a oreja, y justo cuando Jaril va a darle las 2 monedas de hierro con una sonrisa falsa, le detengo.

"Pero antes, tengo que hacerte una pregunta, Nokopara."

"¿De qué se trata? Venga rápido, no tengo todo el día."

Respiro profundamente y calmo mis emociones, rezando porque todo salga bien.

"¿Acaso tienes alguna prueba de que hayamos hecho algo ilegal?"

Nokopara cierra la boca enfadado y el sonido de sus dientes chocando resuena en todo el edificio.

2ª Parte

Solicitamos la lista de misiones completadas por Dead End en la recepción del gremio; la recepcionista no nos pregunta por el motivo de tal solicitud. Supongo que no será la primera vez que Nokopara ha hecho solicitar algo así a la persona que chantajea.

Volvemos con el listado al lugar que se encuentra el tipo que nos ordenó hacer la solicitud.

"Os sugiero que no me matéis en una callejuela, por vuesto bien."

Nokopara dice esto mirando tanto a Jaril como a Ruijerd.

La cantidad de sed de sangre que emana de Ruijerd es absurda, ¿me estás diciendo que Nokopara no teme que le ataque? O será que se ha acostumbrado a juntarse con gente que le odia tanto que ya ni se da cuenta.

"Si muriera, mis compañeros harían una queja al gremio, y a diferencia de unos aventureros cualquiera de rango C, mi nivel real es de rango B, así que si me hacéis enfadar...."

Esa línea final es tan falsa que es obvio, y estoy completamente seguro de que ni él se cree capaz de ganar en solitario contra 5 contrincantes.

Supongo que por muy chantajista que sea, le teme a la muerte, como es normal, por lo que estará algo asustado.

Aun así, me da risa porque no ha pensado esto demasiado; si esto lo hubiera planeado yo, al menos haría que nos acompañara uno de sus amigos a modo de escolta o hasta un guardia de la ciudad.

"Mira, mira, pero si ya hemos llegado."

La primera vivienda en la que entrmaos, es un lugar que no he visto hasta la fecha. Tras llamar a la puerta, una viejecita con una cara que la hace parecer muy testaruda nos abre, además tiene una nariz aguileña y va vestida con un manto negro.

De la vivienda sale un aroma genial, por su apariencia y demás, no me cabe duda de que está haciendo dulces Neruneruneru[2].

Al ver a Nokopara entreabre la puerta desconfiando, pero al ver a Veskel se tranquiliza y sonríe.

"Vaya, ¿qué tal, Veskel? ¿Por qué viniste con tantos amigos hasta aquí? Ah, ¿estos son los demás miembros de tu grupo Rujierd, de Dead End?"

Nokopara la mira sorprendido y tras comprobar que la anciana está mirando directamente a Veskel nos mira.

"¡Jah, os pillé!"

Se ríe.

"Jyajya, señora, la han engañado, Veskel no es del grupo Dead End."


La anciana le lanza una perforante mirada a Nokopara, y resopla por la nariz burlonamente.

"¿Y cuál se supone que ha sido el engaño?"

"¿Cómo que cuál?"

"Veskel vino y acabó con los bichos que tenía en casa. Se nota que es de la raza Zumeba, desde entonces no he vuelto a ver ningún bicho más."

Parece que esta anciana es la dueña de la casa a la que Veskel vino a trabajar, pensándolo un poco, creo recordar que Ruijerd mencionó sobre ella mientras controlaba los movimientos de Jaril y Veskel hace algún tiempo.

"Mientras cumplan lo que he solicitad al pie de la letra, no me importaría ni aunque fueran el mismísimo Dead End."

Nokopara no es el único sorprendido, el verdadero Dead End se muestra completamente anonadado.


"Tampoco es que vaya a vivir mucho más, así que me encantaría conocerle antes de morir."

Pues ya lo has hecho.

Los ojos de Nokopara se abren completamente y se gira molesto hacia Veskel.

"¡Veskel, maldita rata, saca ahora mismo tu identificación de aventurero!"

Veskel se muestra un poco molesta por el comentario, pero sonríe de oreja a oreja, enseñando su tarjeta en la que se puede ver claramente que su grupo es Dead End.

"¡¿Pero qué?! M-malditos farasantes, ¡¿me veis cara de gilipollas o qué....?!"

Llegas tarde, P-Hunters dejó de existir.

Si se parara a investigarlo en profundidad, es posible que todavía quede constancia del cambio en el registro de actividad del gremio; y si lo analizas paso por paso, es muy probable que haya pruebas de que hemos violado alguna regla del gremio en algún momento; aunque espero que no se le ocurra a Nokopara.

"¡Puta mierda! ¡Al siguiente sitio!"

Pero Nokopara no parece querer volver al gremio, lo que me hace sonreír confiado mientras le sigo.

3ª Parte

After finding dozens of people who made requests, Nokopara's face turns from red to green.

[Fuck, what the hell is going on.]

Everyone who made a request views Jaril and Veskel as members of "Dead End". And the Adventurer's card is also reflected as "Dead End".

On top of all that, we head towards the little girl who made the first request that we did. She hugs Ruijerd's leg with delight, and has a happy reunion with him.

[Nokopara-san, I'm sorry, if you don't have any proof I can't give you money.]


Now the tables have been turned, and we can report him for interfering with our requests or something.

[He, he, he.]

I subconsciously laugh in an evil manner.

At the time when I am laughing, we reach the place of the final person. That is to say, the "Wolf's paw pavilion". Jaril and Veskel seem to have worked there before, and it might be difficult to cover up if someone recognized us.

But I don't remember what that owner said. Well, just like before, there should be a way to handle things.

[These are the final people.]

The two people are coming out of the "Wolf's paw pavilion". I freeze instantly when I see this sight.


My mind is blaring siren alarms up.

This is an emergency.

This is an air strike.

The enemy planes have invaded us.

An unexpected situation.

This has distinctly shown off where my thoughts are lacking, and how badly my mind adapts.

[Ah, Rudeus, you're back...... Thanks for your hard work work. I say, what's wrong, you brought so many people.]

Kurt welcomes us with an exhausted expression.

Nokopara has probably discovered my anxiety.

Or perhaps he has planned this from the start.

[Hey, the people who saved you are "Dead End" right?]

Ah. Damn it. The current "Dead End" is rank D, while P hunters accepted request is rank B. This means that we cannot accept this, and if one investigates it everything will fall apart.

Damn it, this is trouble.

Kurt looks at Ruijerd and me, while I shake my head hard to stop him.

(Brag about it, that you don't need help. You retreated from a bad place all by yourself, right.)

I think of that in my mind. At least, I am praying that Kurt will brag and say [I don't know about that, no one helped us] and refute him.

Kurt looks at me and nods forcefully.

[Of course, I have never seen someone so strong.]

Oh my dearest mother of...... this person is so honest~!

Kurt describes how strong we are, stating we buried the Executioner and Almond Anaconda, and edits the plot with voice-over and visual colored explanations.

Rudeus-san is so amazing.

Even though the Executioner is strong enough to frighten people, it should not clash with Dead End.

Do you know what happened when it picked a duel with Rudeus?

Instant K-O!

It's true, it was crushed with a single blow.

Ruijerd-san is also strong to the level of being absurd.

He dances across here and there, and that anaconda dies!

Even though he did something so unbelievable he does not break a sweat!

Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps!

Nokopara listens to that while saying, hoh, hoh, is that so, hmm hmm, that's really amazing, while grinning. And then.

[Strange~~ Oi, the people who received the request in the town, why did you go to the Forest of Petrification to save people?]

[No, that, is, we are with Jaril.....]

[Jaril and Veskel have been staying in the town all along right?]

This cannot be hidden any longer, Nokopara must have a way to checkmate us.

Calm down! There should be some way, quickly think of it, first of all I have 3 choices. Very good, I have thought of them.

1) Kill Nokopara.

If I believe he has a companion, then this option will head into a bad direction. But perhaps it might head into a good direction too. This is completely based on luck.

This is a poor plan.

2) Blame it all on Jaril and Veskel.

We're new. They are veterans.

Insist that we have been deceived and treated as prey, perhaps that might work.

But we will lose Ruijerd's trust. We cannot betray our allies.

This is a poor plan.

3) Hand over the money obediently and think of something later.

This is all based on luck, and even if we can quickly find a solution later, Nokopara got to know our fighting strength.

In order not to let us go, he might set down a double layered, or even triple layered trap so we cannot escape from the city or him.

This is a poor plan.

No good. Every plan is a poor plan.

These bad ideas might as well be from a sleeping person.

What should I do?

The easiest is option 2, but this is probably the worst move. If we use this there will not be any next move. Betraying them means cutting off Ruijerd's trust, and Ruijerd will never believe in me again. Option 2 is not possible, it absolutely must not be used.

Option 1 is not possible. There is no meaning to it, and we will destroy all our efforts that we have done so far. Even if this is the merciful Magical continent where killing someone is not a big deal, killing someone this once, will end up history repeating itself in the future for similar incidents.

I do not want to walk down this bloody road.

I do not have that determination.

Option 3 is even worse off. Giving that bastard money will mean that we have acknowledged our misdeeds. This is something that absolutely cannot be done. And during the time where we are blackmailed might end up with two or three additional crimes added on. And we will be forced with even more unreasonable requests.

If it's me, I will demand Eris's body.

If that happens, it will ultimately end with killing Nokopara.

That's not right, the only option left is 3? No, no, if I pick option 3 I might as well pick option 1.

I can only kill Nokopara and his gang?

Can I do it.......

Is that the only option.....?

I, am going to kill someone?

What about the others who are lurking somewhere? Let Ruijerd search for them? How? Even if it's Ruijerd, if we do not know who to search for, we probably cannot find them.

Perhaps we should stop being adventurers? Even if there's no qualification we can still survive. I still know how to save money on this continent.

No, if I decide on this, what about Jaril and Veskel? If they investigate it, the pet kidnappings might possibly be divulged. We have earned enough to leave the city, but they are different. They are residing in this city, and if people know they kidnapped pets, they will be chased out of the city right? They are not capable of living in the plains, so in the end it will end up as betraying them right?

How about helping them out if they are chased out of the city?

Impossible. We are already driven to edge ourselves. We are unable to do that

No, now things have ended this way, I need to have the determination to walk down this bloody road.

Quickly think back on your goal. It's to send Eris back. For her sake, even if it's Ruijerd or Jaril or Veskel, everyone must be betrayed. Even if Eris despises me that is fine, even if I am unable to face Paul or Roxy that is fine!

I will use Water Saint Magic to flood this city. During the chaos I will take Eris and escape from here, give up on being Adventurers. Even if I have do all sorts of bad things I will fulfill my goals.

I will do it.

Part 4

After setting my heart down, I gather Mana into my hand, when I suddenly notice Nokopara's expression change.

[Hey........ Ah.......]

The horse-face instantly becomes pale, and his legs shiver.

He is not looking at me but behind me. I turn back and discover Ruijerd's figure. He is drenched, and the vase that's placed in the inn's window has fallen on its side.

[R, Ruijerd-san?]

My eyes are presented with glittering emerald-like colors.

The blue dye has been washed off by the water, and the wet emerald-like hair is glittering.

He has released the hook from the hood covering his forehead.

The red Magic stone on his forehead is exposed.

Standing there with a raging expression, the Devil warrior exists.

[Su, su, su, Supard......]

Nokopara falls on his butt.

[I am Dead End's Ruijerd Supardia. Since my identity has been revealed it can't be helped. I'll kill everyone.]

His terrible acting is done in a monotone voice.

But, the killing intent is the real thing.


Someone screams.

Girls, boys and old people,everyone drops whatever they're doing, then screams and scatters.

In the chaos, Jaril is the first to betray us, yelling, [I was threatened! It has nothing to do with me! We're not allies!], and runs off with Veskel.

In the chaos, Kurt is unable to move because of the fear. He recalls the memories where he spoke sharply at Ruijerd, then pales and pees on the ground.

I am unable to understand at all why these people are so frightened, just because his hair colored changed.

Also, were you guys not fine earlier? Kurt too, you just praised Ruijerd, and wanted to become like him. Were you not looking at him with respect just then?

And yet, why is everyone frightened from looking at his hair color?

Looking at Eris, she clearly does not know what happened. She is the same as usual carrying her signature pose, and completely calm. She's quietly looking with her eyes opened wide.

She's completely calm.

Some of the people around us run away, some collapse onto the floor, some pulls out their sword with their legs trembling.

There are all kinds of people, and everyone is frightened.

The figure of the [Dead End]. That is merely it.

His mere change in hair color has frightened everyone to this degree. This situation where fear has been struck into everyone's heart.

Hah. I feel like laughing. What have I been doing up to this point? Just looking at his hair ended with things becoming like this. What is the use of my own efforts?

My thinking is just stupid. Just because Eris is fine with it, the Migurd's race is also fine with it, and thus everyone will be fine with it?


The Supard's bad reputation is not about reputation.

They are a symbol of fear.

How is one going to change this?

Useless. Hopeless.

It cannot be done.


Ruijerd walks to Nokopara amongst the screaming voices.

[You cur...... Your name is Nokopara right?]

He grabs the front of his shirt and easily lifts Nokopara who appears relatively heavy.

[Ruijerd-san! You musn't kill him!]

I am still calling him out even though things have turned out this way.

You must not kill him. If you kill someone under this situation, you will inflict a wound on the Dead End's name that will never be healed for the rest of your life.

But have things finally reached the boiling point?

To persuade him now is already too late.

That's enough.

Kill him, Ber-ser-K*r![3]

[S..... Sorry...... I..... I didn't think you're the real deal! S.... Spare me! Please spare my life! I beg you!]


The furious Ruijerd.

The trembling Nokopara.

『Hey, what happened?』

Eris suddenly asks me and I calmly reply.

『The worst situation has happened.』

『Do something!』

『My apologies, I am unable to do anything.』

『If you are unable to do anything, then it means we can't do anything else!』

Eris easily gives up. I too have given up. There is nothing else that can be done.

This is all my fault. I thought I could settle this even if I got found out. With this superficial thinking, I thought it would turn out fine no matter what happens.

In the end, everything crumbled into pieces.

Now that things have turned out this way, I can only act on my original plan, treat everything as if nothing has ever happened, use Water Saint Rank Magic and wash everything away[4].

Just kidding. Ha ha ha.

[P... Please help me.... I.... I still have 7 starving kids who are 3 years old!]

Nokopara has turned incoherent. No matter how you look at it, it's a bunch of hogwash. If it is me who's doing it, I would have done it better.

[........ I will leave this city. So you should forget all of these things.]

But Ruijerd forgives him. As expected talking about kids is very effective.

[T... T.... Th, thank you.]

Nokopara's face has "I'm saved." written all over it, but convulses when he hears the following words.

[But, try stripping us of our Adventurers' qualifications, when we get to the next town.]

Ruijerd uses the tip of the spear to cut across Nokopara's face.

Nokopara's pants instantly become wet and the area behind his butt quickly grows in size.

[Don't think that I'm unable to enter this city...... Understand?]

Nokopara nods with his life on the line, and Ruijerd lets go of his hands.

Nokopara falls onto the ground with a disgusting squelch.

Part 5

In the end Ruijerd got run out of the town, carrying all the blame with him.

That's too harsh.

Ruijerd left us behind. The guards came over to ask what happened, and I argued that this was not Ruijerd's fault, but they made their own conclusion that because we are children we were coerced.

Ruijerd had made evil plans, and we were used by him. They were uncertain about the contents of those plans, but in any case they made the conclusion they had avoided the worst case scenario.

The people surrounding us cast sympathetic looks, gazes that treated us as children who did not know anything and got used.

This made me furious. What did Ruijerd do wrong? Everything was my doing right? All of these outcomes were created with my own hands right?

We went back to the inn and immediately packed our things, then left with what little luggage we had.

If we did not hurry, perhaps Ruijerd would leave. In any case, we were unable to stay in this town.

Nokopara was still alive, and he said he had allies. We were still people who did illegal things. If things cooled down, Ruijerd would be unable to help us the next time.

[I say, Rudeus......]

Kurt addresses me when we walk out of the inn. He carries a perplexed expression, as though he has no idea what to talk about.

[Why, are you together with that?]

[What do you mean by "that", think about who saved you. You even wet your pants because you're afraid, how are you going to become famous?]

[No....... that...... Sorry......]

No, I cannot be angry at him. This guy did talk good things about us.

[My apologies, Kurt. I went overboard.]

[No, that's fine. I did wet my pants.]

Kurt is really a good person.

Eris hides her hands behind her back and glares at him.

[Kurt, I have a request, and I'll treat it as payment for saving you.]

[Go ahead.]

Kurt nods earnestly.

[Ruijerd is not a bad person. Something happened in the past that caused him to be feared, but he's a good person. After we leave this town, advertise that.]

[Ah, alright. I understand, he's the one who saved my life.]

Part 6

Arriving at the Adventurer's guild, we remove Jaril and Veskel from 『Dead End』, and at the same time requested the staff to give them a message.

[Since things have turned out this way, thanks for helping us. 『He』 also thanks you. Please tell them this.]

They betrayed us at the final moment, but that is something that cannot be helped. With how things turned out, the only way for them to be safe is this. At the end of the day, we have indeed been helped out by them.

On the way to the entrance of the town, I buy a reptile that looks like a lizard used specifically for transport.

This is a charming lizard that has 6 legs and a pair of sharp eyes. It is used in the Magic continent with the purpose of pulling carriages. It easily allows two grown adults to ride on it and costs 10 Iron coins, which is about half the wealth we possess now.

But we have already decided to buy it before leaving town.

We had heard before the difference of using it and not using it when moving around the Magic Continent. After hearing from the owner on how to control it, we pack our luggage onto it and ride it out of town.

There are many soldiers gathered at the entrance. Perhaps they are planning to venture outside the walls to eliminate Ruijerd.

Amongst them are the familiar Lizard-faced and Pig-faced guards. Their faces are pale and at the same time show signs of excitement.

After greeting them, we receive the warning "『Dead End』 had just exited town", and we needed to be careful.

After that, they said Dead End is the devil, and is planning something in town.

They clearly have not seen Ruijerd, but declared him as evil with the ambiguous talk about him.

[That man has walked freely in this town for 2 months, and nothing happened.]

I am unable to stop myself and say that.

The guards' faces are written with [Huh?].

I glare at the two of them, scoff and walk out of town.

My heart feels like it has been stabbed.

Part 7

We need to meet up with Ruijerd again. He should be nearby, no, he is definitely nearby.

If his pride as a warrior is real, he should not abandon us....... No, he should not abandon Eris.

[Here will be good enough.]

We walk a distance far enough till we are unable to see the town, and I release a firework Magic into the sky.

The sound roars through the air, the heat scattering in waves, and the light shines everywhere.

After a while, Ruijerd still has not appeared.

[Eris, please call for Ruijerd.]

Eris calls out for Ruijerd with her loud voice.

After a while the Pax Coyotes appear. The frustrated me vents my frustration on them. The surrounding boulders disintegrate into dust and becomes a pretty flat land.

The Pax Coyotes turn into scraps of meat, and they will probably turn into zombies.

Hmph, who cares.

Those people are in the town after all.

[Look, it's Ruijerd.]

After the battle we see Ruijerd's figure.

He shows an uncomfortable expression.

Please do not show that kind of face.

[Why didn't you appear when we called you? Are you planning to leave us without a word?]

But what comes out from my lips is an accusatory tone.

Even though I have not planned to do that.


His first word is an apology, and I feel there is no place for me to retreat to.

No matter how I think about it, everything is my fault. I had conceitedly coerced Jaril and Veskel into becoming our allies, and believed that I was able to progress with a simple method.

In the end when our misdeeds were revealed, I still believed that we were able to somehow get out of it. We were driven into a corner and at the very end of it all, Ruijerd covered things up for me.

If Ruijerd did not take the blame, we might still continue to be bound in that town doing requests.

No, Nokopara is an expert. Even without Kurt and the rest, we would still probably be cornered.

[Why are you apologizing? The one who should apologize is me.]

I am unable to endure any longer.

[No, you have done everything that you should do.]


[Plans are always accompanied with failures. You spend effort day and night on thinking things through. I know of this.]

Ruijerd smiles and place his hand on my head.

[Well, I don't know what you're thinking about. Until now I have always thought that you're thinking about planning something bad, so there are many times I am unable to control myself.]

Ruijerd glances at Eris, nods and continues.

[You have something to protect which you would do so desperately. Earlier, you let me see your determination when you were about to kill that bastard.]

Earlier, ah, the moment where I wanted to flood the town.

[The you who has something to protect, is a warrior.]

He said I am a warrior.

My tears are about to spill from me when I heard that.

I am not so splendid. I am shamelessly planning on how to earn money, single-mindedly thinking about gains and losses, and even considered abandoning Ruijerd.

To abandon a reliable ally at the final moment.

[Ruijerd-san, I...... no, I[5] am.....]

My sincere words. My own words.

I cast off the armor of Keigo[6], and to use my own words --

But I have no idea what to say.


Ruijerd interrupts me.

[You do not need to mind me.]


[Don't worry. Even if I can't restore my reputation, I will protect you. Trust me. No, please give me your trust.]

I trust you.

I believe you.

It's fine even if I don't do it.

I see, restoring Ruijerd's reputation is indeed difficult. Currently if there are two goals, our actions will become unclear and illogical.

Recently I have been stressed a lot, and there are things that I did not consider. They are plans that I could have thought about, but the resulting conclusion is today's failure.

Therefore there is no need for me to do this.

But this is something that I cannot agree upon.

I have witnessed that scene. If they were not so afraid, it would have been a scene where they picked up stones and hurled them at us.

But I am unable to say something like, oh is that so, then please wait outside the next town.

[No, I must clear Ruijerd-san's infamy.]

Instead of this, I should renew my determination.

At least let me repay this debt of gratitude.

[You're really obstinate. Do you really have this little faith in me.]

[I believe you. That is why I'm repaying you.]

Concerning me, I had been bullied in the past. I had suffered the pain of being stuck with a hateful tag, leaving me alone in a world where I had nobody else for decades.

If Roxy did not bring me out, I would not have met Sylphy and Eris.

Ruijerd's case is different from mine. The scale is completely different. I understand that.

But that cannot be the reason I forsake him.

I am unable to do something like Roxy by accomplishing it unconsciously; the only thing that I can do is to crawl ahead through this mud of failures.

Perhaps Ruijerd might feel troubled over this, and result in today's failure again, or perhaps it may aid Ruijerd.

But doing something is always better than doing nothing.

[..... You're really stubborn.]

[I cannot be compared to Ruijerd-san.]

[Hah. Then, please treat me favorably.]

Ruijerd smiles wryly, and quietly nods.

I don't know why, I feel that now I have truly established mutual trust with Ruijerd.

Part 8

The next morning.

I find Ruijerd has turned into a baldie after waking up.

I'm dumbfounded.

Or should I say scared?

Coupled with the scars on his face makes him look like a Yakuza.

[After this incident, I understand that people are afraid of my hair.]

It seems like he has set forth a great deal of resolution.

To my own common sense, shaving one's head represents reflection and determination.

In this world, this common sense does not exist.

But even though there isn't......

I feel like I need to shave my own hair off, to reflect upon my actions.

Since Ruijerd has done so, should I make myself bald too?

No, yet, but......

[Hey, Eris. Should I do something like that?]

[You can't, I, like Rudeus' hair after all.]

I use Eris as a refuge.

I laugh at the useless me.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Parece un deporte nacional... Ruijerd lo hace casi a diario y ahora Nokopara.
  2. Referencia a este anuncio Vídeo
  3. A Fate stay/night reference.
  4. Has the double meaning of wiping the slate clean while hinting that Rudeus wants to wash the town away.
  5. Rudeus here uses the masculine pronoun Ore, while previously he has always use Boku.
  6. Polite language
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