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Line 46: Line 46:
Yuuri: But he still doesn't know it's the box. He believes that there's something in the royal tomb, that his mother and younger brother have obtained a special power. And that's why, he also wants it for himself.
Yuuri: But he still doesn't know it's the box. He believes that there's something in the royal tomb, that his mother and younger brother have obtained a special power. And that's why, he also wants it for himself.
Conrad: My mother you mean, that?
Conrad: By mother you mean, that?
Yuuri: That's right, what was her name? Aladdin... or Amazon...?
Yuuri: That's right, what was her name? Aladdin... or Amazon...?
Line 228: Line 228:
Yuuri: That's... (right)
Yuuri: That's... (right)
Wolfram: That's why I came looking for you. Why do you have anything complains?
Wolfram: That's why I came looking for you. Why, do you have anything complains?
Yuuri: ... Uhm... I don't...
Yuuri: ... Uhm... I don't...

Latest revision as of 15:07, 4 May 2015

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07. Merging [edit]

Conrad: Please don't fall asleep.

Yuuri: Ngh....

Conrad: I have returned. It's water... here. Drink.

FX:*Yuuri drinks it too quickly and ends up spitting it*

Conrad: Don't drink it so quickly. Do it little by little.

Yuuri: Yes. *drinks slowly* *pants* I feel revived.

Conrad: How long did you spend without water?

Yuuri: The entire time, but it's okay. I survived.

FX:*Conrad hugs Yuuri*

Conrad: I'm so happy, really.

Yuuri: Mhm.

Conrad: I thought I would lose you.

Yuuri: You're exaggerating, Conrad.

Conrad: You don't look so well.

Yuuri: That's because if you spend too much time without eating, you'll lose weight.

Conrad: If you don't mind the taste, I brought some food. When we go back to the surface...

Yuuri: Before that, I have something to talk to you about.

Conrad: Yes.

Yuuri: That guy, he has his eyes on the box.

Conrad: Saralegui?

Yuuri: But he still doesn't know it's the box. He believes that there's something in the royal tomb, that his mother and younger brother have obtained a special power. And that's why, he also wants it for himself.

Conrad: By mother you mean, that?

Yuuri: That's right, what was her name? Aladdin... or Amazon...?

Conrad: Alazon. According to what that brother said, it seems like her condition is not very good.

Yuuri: Mhm.

Conrad: I understand. If the box falls in his hands, both Shimarons would be an inconvenience. We can't be too careful. Alright come on Yuuri, Hazel and the rest are waiting for us. Can you stand up?

Yuuri: Wait, I'm not done yet. A moment ago, that guy said it. Gh... He... Josak... we've lost him.

Conrad: So that's what happened... It was an emergency situation, it couldn't be helped.

Yuuri: It couldn't be helped!? [1]

Conrad: It's not your fault.

Yuuri: You're wrong, it's my fault. If I wouldn't have entered the tunnels... no, if I would have run faster... I...

Conrad: Your majesty, you don't need to think about what happened next.

Yuuri: Of course I think about it. If I would have ran faster... then Josak would.... be ali....

Conrad: Your majesty

Yuuri: He'd be alive... he'd still be my side... making fun of me... like always....*cries* I'm sorry... what should I do? Your friend... I ...(got him killed).

Conrad: Calm down. No matter what I say now, you will blame yourself for what happened.

Yuuri: But that's because it's really my fault!! A friend died right in front of my eyes. Do you understand how much I'm suffering?

Conrad: Do you think... I don't know? How many people do you think I've killed? Gwendal, Josak and I, it's the same for all of us. How many do you think we've allowed to die? Countless...

Yuuri: But those were enemies, right? Because there was a war.

Conrad: It wasn't just enemies. Comrades too, some of them much younger than I was, many of them new recruit who were only boys. They all died. It was my fault...

Yuuri: Your fault?

Conrad: They lost their lives as they marched under my orders. The death of the soldiers is the fault of their commander. The outcome of a war is not only the responsibility of the commander who oversees the army, but also the king who leads the citizens.*pause* But indeed I ordered them to go, knowing that they wouldn't survive. To fight till their deaths. And that fact, makes my sin a lot graver than yours.

Yuuri: Conrad...

Conrad: Gisela often says this..."Couldn't we have saved more people?", "If we would have moved faster, if the treatment would have been more accurate, we might have saved at least one more". But, I envy her....

Yuuri: Why?

Conrad: Because I couldn't even save a single person...

Yuuri: That's... (a horrible thing to have experienced)

Conrad: I returned alive and had to tell the news to the parents and relatives of the dead soldiers. I was in agony... I really wonder... what would have been the best way to say it. Should I have said it like this? "Your husband, your relative, fought bravely, but he died because of my fault." Should I have said that? Your majesty, how would you have done it?

Yuuri: *takes a big breath* "He lost his life... fulfilling his duties..."

Conrad: I see. That's more than enough. Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it.

Yuuri: But, but that's...

Conrad: The one who decides who he'll give his life for, is the soldier. "That man" decided who he would give his life for. Please acknowledge his decision.

Yuuri: But...!

Conrad: Please, if the king is always mourning the death of one soldier, he'll set a bad example to the citizens.

Yuuri: Are you saying that because I'm the king, I have to endure this by myself....

Conrad: Yuuri, I didn't say that.

Yuuri: Then... ?

Conrad: You can cry as much as you want on my shoulders[2], I won't mind.

Yuuri: *cries*

Yuuri (monologue): What came next happened in the blink of an eye. After I, who was on the verge of dehydration, had a good cry, I felt a little bit better. Then, I looked up through the hole that led to the surface. That's when I confessed to Conrad that I couldn't see anymore. Worried for my physical condition and because something strange was happening on the surface, he went ahead first, and left me alone again.

Yuuri: It's really inconvenient not to be able to see.


Yuuri: Oh? Conra... No, it's not him. Who's there? Who's over there?

FX:*blade swooshes by his side*

Yuuri: You kidding me? Are you trying to kill me?

FX: *sword hits the stone-wall, it breaks and a piece falls to the floor*

Yuuri: Who are you?

???: *pant*

Yuuri(monologue): I pick up the tip of the sword of my opponent, which had broken off, and try to figure out where the enemy is. That's when... Ah... what is this? It's just like that time. I'm getting the feeling that someone is taking over my personality, and is progressively starting to take over my body.

Ue-sama: ... A mere soldier...... are you trying to harm me...? Fine!

FX:*Ue-sama injures the opponent, but gets hurt too*

Ue-sama: *moans in pain*

Wolf: *moans in pain*

FX: *Ue-sama turns back into Yuuri*

Yuuri: Wolf..?! Why are you here?

Wolfram: Yuu... ri.

FX:*Wolfram drops*

Yuuri: Wolfram !? It can't be! Did I just... do that to you?

Wolfram: Yuuri....

Yuuri: I couldn't see! I really didn't know!

Wolfram: Me too... I heard a different voice.

Yuuri: Are you okay? Tell me! Where did I cut you?! I... I'm sorry... It's my fault.

Wolfram: No. It's not... your fault...

Yuuri: Why does everyone tell me that!? My hands are completely drenched. It's your blood.... Let me look! Ah, that's right! I can... *starts healing* See? If I do this, then maybe I can close the wound a li...

FX: *pushes Yuuri away*

Wolfram: Stop it!

FX:* Yuuri falls back*

Yuuri: Wolfram...?!

Wolfram: Don't touch me!

Yuuri: I'm sorry... I did something stupid... I confused you with someone else! I had no idea it was you....!

Conrad: Yuuri!

Yuuri: Thank goodness, Conrad! Wolfram has a terrible wound! Help me! Hold him down while I heal him.

Conrad: Wolfram's fine. It's only a small cut on the clothes and stomach. Thanks to the amulet bag he's carrying the wound is superficial.

Yuuri: But what about the blood?

Conrad: That's your blood. You have a cut on your palm, and also on your shoulder.

Yuuri: Eh? *touches his shoulder* Ah! It's true... Ouch!

Conrad: Let's go to the surface and get you treated. And also, we're going to restrain Lord von Bielefeld .

Yuuri: Eh?! Why?

Conrad: Wolfram turn his sword against you. That's unforgivable.

Yuuri: Wait a second, it's not like that! It's a misunderstanding.

Wolfram: Make no mistake, Lord Weller. I'm a soldier of Shin Makoku. I will not listen to your orders.

Yuuri: Ah.. Wolfram...

Wolfram: However... this time I should be put under surveillance, and if I come close to his Majesty the Maou, use all your strength to stop me.

Conrad: Understood.

Yuuri: Wait, what do you mean by surveillance? Or that you can't be allowed to come close to me?

Wolfram: You don't need to know.

Yuuri: Why?! And in any case, why are you here? Explain everything to me. Otherwise I can't understand!

Wolfram: Why I'm here, you ask? Humph! It's my duty to stand by your Majesty's side!

Yuuri: That's... (right)

Wolfram: That's why I came looking for you. Why, do you have anything complains?

Yuuri: ... Uhm... I don't...

Wolfram: Great. C'mon now. Let's hurry up and go back to the surface.

Yuuri: But is it okay on the surface? Because there seemed to be some TROUBLE before.

Wolfram: While you were hiding in here, the people who came with Conrad were surrounded by the equestrian tribe who live around here.

Yuuri: And then?

Wolfram: We were taken into custody too and then released those people who were captured, a lady called Hazel and her group from the equestrian tribe. That's why it's safe now.

Conrad: That's right. But... any time soon, that troublesome "luggage" that we entrusted Hazel and her group will start causing trouble.

Yuuri: A troublesome (luggage)... Saralegui! I completely forgot we abandoned him!

Conrad: Let's go, your Majesty.

Yuuri: Ahh... okay.

FX: *footsteps*

Yuuri (monologue): As I was heading north on that tunnel, I turned around one more time and looked back .

Conrad: Yuuri... I won't let him sleep alone in a place like this.

Yuuri: Really?

Conrad: Yes. Up until now I've always done it like that if possible. That's why, I will take him back to his home town no matter what. Even though I can't do it right away...

Yuuri: Mhm...

Yuuri (monologue): Please take him back to the place he decided would be his home town... So that he can, somehow, be by my side.

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  1. Alright, "shikata ga nai" is an expression that can be understood as : "Meh, what you gonna do?". Not the reply you expect from his childhood friend.
  2. Lit. chest