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And a tragic scene very close to this kind of description.
And a tragic scene very close to this kind of description.
It was destroyed incredibly thoroughly, so much so that the true intension of the destructor cannot be ascertained. Everything seemed to be torn apart by a storm, and not a trace of its former appearance could be seen.
It was destroyed incredibly thoroughly, so much so that the true intention of the destructor cannot be ascertained. Everything seemed to be torn apart by a storm, and not a trace of its former appearance could be seen.
Of course, this is no natural disaster but man-made, because it’s originally impossible to take a direct hit from a storm in this underground water tank. The destruction Caster’s workshop suffered can only be done by the mighty power of an anti-army, perhaps anti-fortress Noble Phantasm.
Of course, this is no natural disaster but man-made, because it’s originally impossible to take a direct hit from a storm in this underground water tank. The destruction Caster’s workshop suffered can only be done by the mighty power of an anti-army, perhaps anti-fortress Noble Phantasm.
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“However – from your religious perspective, my sacrilegious doings are merely small fries.”
“However – from your religious perspective, my sacrilegious doings are merely small fries.”
"Nah, taking on unpleasant chores to get smiles is something like first class entertainers, right? Sir, as for your merciless involvement, I think that God would surely return those fools to us with great joy."
“No. Everything you’ve done can be called a first-rate performance. Sir, your beautiful shows must be immensely favoured by God, and at the same time God would gladly be your audience.”
Hearing what Ryūnosuke said, Bluebeard laughed out loud as if extremely pleased.
Hearing what Ryūnosuke said, Bluebeard laughed out loud as if extremely pleased.

Revision as of 08:01, 6 July 2009

Act 9


Ashes –

And a tragic scene very close to this kind of description.

It was destroyed incredibly thoroughly, so much so that the true intention of the destructor cannot be ascertained. Everything seemed to be torn apart by a storm, and not a trace of its former appearance could be seen.

Of course, this is no natural disaster but man-made, because it’s originally impossible to take a direct hit from a storm in this underground water tank. The destruction Caster’s workshop suffered can only be done by the mighty power of an anti-army, perhaps anti-fortress Noble Phantasm.

“God… this is way too much…!!”

Witnessing the tragic scene in front of his eyes, Uryū Ryūnosuke couldn’t help but shed tears of regret and cry sadly. Perhaps everyone would feel sympathetic towards him when they see his pained and pitiful figure. Of course, that’s provided if they know nothing about this man.

Ryūnosuke and Caster busied themselves for the whole of last night in pursuit of seductive preys. But this morning when they returned with elation to the workshop, their headquarter, they saw this scene that is cruel beyond humanity.

“The art pieces that we put so much painstaking effort into in creating… it’s too over the top! How, how, how can humans do something like this?”

Ryūnosuke’s shoulders shook continuously as he sobbed. Caster gently hugged Ryūnosuke and comforted him kindly.

“Ryūnosuke, you still haven’t comprehended the true evil hidden in the deepest part of the human soul, so your grief is understandable…”

“You need to understand, Ryūnosuke, that only a very small amount of people amongst humans in the world can truly comprehend beauty and harmony. As for the majority of the mundane people, the beastliness within them will erupt forth with the provocation of jealously when they come in contact with artistic holy things. For guys like them, beautiful things are only targets for destruction.”

For Caster, his heart was naturally also full with anger at the destruction of his own dwelling. However, he had to calmly accept all this in front of him. After all, he was once a general who led a nation’s army. Concerning an invader who annihilated all the demons he left as guards last night and destroyed the workshop to this degree, Caster’s battle intuitions told him it is very dangerous to frontally confront this enemy.

The fact that Ryūnosuke didn’t stay behind in here last night was already a miracle in all this misery. Thinking of this, Caster’s angry mood more or less mellowed down.

“You need to know that our artistic creations would often be destroyed by those mundane guys… because of that, we can’t be too sentimental towards the things we created. The creations we made will one day face the destiny of destruction no matter what. Therefore, for us creators, all we should enjoy is the joy of creation.”

“You mean that even if it’s destroyed, all we need to do is to make it again?

“Exactly! Ryūnosuke, this sharp understanding of yours is definitely the best part about you!”

After being enlightened by Caster, who was laughing heartily, Ryūnosuke brushed away the tears at the corner of his eyes, and mumbled after taking a deep sigh and looked at his surroundings.

“Because we pursued our own happiness too much – could it be, that this is God’s punishment?”

Upon hearing Ryūnosuke’s words – Caster’s attitude suddenly changed.

He forcibly gripped Ryūnosuke’s shoulders, and turned him to face Caster. Then, he said while looking at Ryūnosuke’s expression with a sharp glinting flickering in his eyes:

“I’ll only say this once, Ryūnosuke… God would never punish humans. God is only playing with humans.”

Bluebeard’s eyes were almost on fire, but there were no emotions on his face. It was almost as if he became a different person when compared with the agitated mood he previously displayed.

“S – Sir?”

“Once upon a time, I committed a sacrilege that is perhaps the most evil, the most grave that a man can commit in this world. Ryūnosuke, the evils you’re committing is only child’s play compared to mine.

But no matter how many I killed, how sacrilegious I became, no punishment from God at all descended onto me – when I noticed it, I had already progressed down the road in pursuit of evil for eight years. The harrowing screams and sad wails of thousands of children had all disappeared in nihility’s darkness!”


“In the end, what finally eliminated me wasn’t God, but men who had endless desires like me. The Church and the King decided that I was guilty and captured and executed me. They merely had their eyes on my wealth and land, and simply concocted a trap in order to make those things their own…

Rather than a punishment for my evil, their actions are better considered as frank robbery!”

At this moment, Ryūnosuke finally realized that what he just said had accidentally touched this horrible devil’s sour spot – but the emotion swelling out of Uryū Ryūnosuke’s heart wasn’t fear, instead an endless loneliness and anguish.

Compared with Caster’s glibness, the current expression on his face, as if he’s lost everything that is important to him, made Ryūnosuke more deeply aware of the profound sorrow that this great madman hid in the depth of his heart.

“But, Sir… even so, God still exists, right?”

Listening to Ryūnosuke’s soft murmur, Caster couldn’t help but hold his breathe and carefully stare at the expression of this rustic and royal Master.

“… Why, Ryūnosuke? You, who has no religion and doesn’t know the existence of miracles, why would you have such thoughts?”

“Because it seemed like this world is boring everywhere… so I kept searching. But the more I searched, the more interesting and strange things I found out.”

As Ryūnosuke said this, he opened his arms as if embracing everything in this world.

“I’ve thought this for a long time. This world, full of so many pleasures, is just far too extravagant for us individuals. If we simply change our thoughts ‘perspective a little then we’d discover there are endless foreshadowings in here. I think, as for pursuing true happiness, there is nothing more exciting than defeating this world.

Someone must be writing this, writing this world’s script. Someone must be writing this long novel with almost five billion characters… perhaps, this person is whom we can call God.”

Silently, Caster blinked as if thinking about Ryūnosuke’s words, and blankly stared into the emptiness. After a while, Caster once again looked at his Master, and asked in a low and solemn voice.

“– Then, Ryūnosuke, do you honestly think God loves men?”

Caster and Ryūnosuke

“Of course, it’s a love from the depths of His heart.”

Without hesitation, the serial killer answered cheerfully.

“A God who is able to keep writing this world’s script for tens of thousands of years without stopping must love men very much.

Hmm, I think God must be doing His best with His writing, and He Himself is also immersed in the joy of creating His work at the same time. Touched by the love and courage in His work, shedding tears at the sad parts at the same time, and also shocked and terrified at the horror and despair within.”

Ryūnosuke, pausing as if to check what he’d already said, continued to add a new conclusion.

“At the same time that God likes the paeans of mankind such as courage and hope, He also likes the sorrow and despair with splattering of blood. Otherwise… the hymn of life would never be so vividly colorful.

Therefore, Sir, this world must be full of God’s love.”

Like a devote believer praying in front of a holy painting, Caster listened to Ryūnosuke’s words quietly and solemnly. Then, he slowly lifted his head, and his face was swathed with expressions of happiness.

“In this modern era, the people have already lost their faith and governments had discarded God’s creed. I originally thought this is a world near destruction… but I am thoroughly impressed that new followers such as you can still appear at times like this. Oh Ryūnosuke, my Master!”

“Ah, no no no. I’ll be embarrassed if you say things like this.”

Although he didn’t know why, at least he knew Caster was complimenting him; Ryūnosuke declined this shyly.

“However – from your religious perspective, my sacrilegious doings are merely small fries.”

"Nah, taking on unpleasant chores to get smiles is something like first class entertainers, right? Sir, as for your merciless involvement, I think that God would surely return those fools to us with great joy."

Hearing what Ryūnosuke said, Bluebeard laughed out loud as if extremely pleased.

“Be it sacrilege! Or praises! For you, do they all seem to be the worship of God? Ah, Ryūnosuke! You really do have some very deep philosophical thoughts.

The God who played with the innumerable number of humans in this world as if they are toys is only a comical character himself – I see! Then this kind of bad humor can also be understood.”

After he laughed for a while, Caster’s eyes once again gave off a forlorn look like the mood of someone, mad for art, would put on before arriving at the climax of his frenzy.

“Very well. Then let’s use despair and tears of an even more vivid color to dye the divine temple a splendid shade. I will let the god-players in heaven know that they are not the only ones who know what true entertainment is.”

“Have you got some outstanding ideas again, Sir?”

Looking at Bluebeard, who was showing an excitement never seen before, Ryūnosuke also more of less had an expectant expression.

“Since it’s been decided, then let us have a celebration. Ryūnosuke, today’s feast is going to be a bit special; it’s to lift up the curtains for the new religion you proposed.”

“Understood. I’ll do all I can to make it this the most COOL!”

Tonight, Ryūnosuke and Caster’s ‘reap’ collected five children. Those children, who were brought to this unknown, completely dark place, were all quietly cuddled next to each other while shivering as they stared at the crazed performance of the two people in front of them.

Before the new religion of these two cursed worshippers, the souls of these innocent children would never see even a sliver of salvation’s light.

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