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===Part 4===
===Part 4===
Hearing Masatsugu's criticism, Shiori responded with displeasure.
"Do not treat me like a child. You should be well aware that one would be hard pressed to find a noetic master more powerful than I am."
Shiori was dressed in a white blouse with a navy-blue skirt. Quite prim and proper casual clothing. She was also wearing the pair of glasses she used as a disguise, presumably with image manipulation noetics applied.
Getting back to more important matters, Masatsugu answered the princess' question. "Actually, when I heard this ship's name during the war council, a strange idea occurred to me. I wonder if this ''Tintagel'' ship could be used in the next battle."
"You want to use this ship to invade Hakone—a mountain fortress?"
"Yes. If I was an expert at using ships for war in my past life, perhaps I might be able to come up with a good plan..."
"So that was why you came to check out the ship in person?"
"Unfortunately, it was just my imagination. I couldn't come up with anything."
"After all, even the British Empire's cutting-edge ship would not be able to traverse mountains."
"Yes, it turns out I came here for nothing."
Masatsugu's blasé conclusion brought a smile to Shiori's face.
Of course, Shiori was not laughing at Masatsugu, but finding his reaction quite cute. However, she immediately resumed a solemn expression and murmured in worry. "The fact that you resorted to a vague instinctive notion of this sort implies that the conquest of Hakone must be very challenging from your perspective too..."
"The Four Gods system is definitely difficult to handle."
The Suruga tutelary fort was protected by the spirit Sakuya and the ifrit Seiryuu.
Unfortunately, the guardian deities on both sides were not comparable at all. The spirit Morrigan was controlling the merged entity of Seiryuu, Suzaku, Byakko, and Genbu—
A partnership between such a monster with Prince Edward was undoubtedly the worst enemy.
"In fact, some ideas have occurred to me after witnessing the power of the Four Gods. If I were to use appropriate means as an imperial princess, it might be possible for me to seal that monster away effortlessly."
"I am currently researching whether this method would work or not. Could you please wait a moment?"
"Princess, if you do this, your life will—"
"It is unavoidable for the sake of realizing great ambition. Relax, I will turn to other means if the strain proves to be too great."
In a rare moment, Shiori responded partially in jest and smiled, "It would be far too foolish if I were to fall ill so soon after assuming my position."
"Agreed. Please take care of yourself, Princess."
It had been so long since the last time they were alone and could have a proper chat.
Both of them felt the same way. On further thought, in the past, they would set aside time every night to be together, to replenish ectoplasmic fluid and take the opportunity to have heartfelt conversations.
"I-Incidentally, Masatsugu-sama, regarding the matter of resupply."
Shiori changed the subject. Her thoughts had turned to ectoplasmic fluid too.
"Y-You wish to ask male Chevaliers to provide—"
"Are you against it too, Princess?"
"Uh, I-I am not too supportive of that... I-I don't mean to discriminate or anything—It is not because I consider homosexual behavior subversive to society and shouldn't involve my knight. However, I simply do not want you to do it, Masatsugu-sama."
The princess brought out many "vague" reasons, probably because she was flustered.
What an adorable reaction. Masatsugu deliberately asked her in response, "You won't accept it, only because it's me?"
"Y-Yes... Umm, Masatsugu-sama."
The princess looked up with determination.
The glasses disguise added to her intellectual image.
Sure enough, she was a beautiful woman. Banishing the uncertainty in her eyes with willpower alone, Shiori said timidly, "I have rested long enough... There is no problem now."
Emotionally reserved, Shiori mustered her courage to present her demand.
Anyone who was not aroused by these words must be mentally impaired. Without another word, Masatsugu picked up the princess in his arms.
"Princess, of course I need your help too."
Using a literal "princess carry," Masatsugu moved her to a leather seat nearby.
Leather seats would be quite extravagant for a military ship's standard issue equipment. Perhaps this was for the captain's exclusive use.
Masatsugu had the princess reclining on the seat.
"I-I will get ready now..."
Shiori sat up after stammering.
She unbuttoned her blouse. Kneeling on the seat, she unfastened her skirt's clasp and the navy-blue fabric slid down.
The princess of dragon blood had a white blouse draped on her shoulders.
The rest consisted of her neat and trim pink underwear and the stockings covering her legs. For Masatsugu's sake, she went as far as to bare her taintless skin.
Shiori's posture was kneeling on the seat.
This compensated for their height difference, putting Shiori and the standing Masatsugu at roughly eye level.
Perhaps it slipped her mind but she did not remove her glasses disguise. Looking more scholarly than usual, the princess was within arm's reach.
"Princess, please grace me with your blessing."
"Don't put it like that. I would not not be alive without your help. For you, this bit of sacrifice is nothing—"
[[image:ChronicleLegion 03 BW05.jpg|thumb]]
Masatsugu embraced the princess while she was murmuring.
Shiori hugged him in turn, accepting his embrace. Suddenly inspired with a mischievous notion, Masatsugu whispered in Shiori's ear, "Princess... Are you sure this is purely a sacrifice?"
"Q-Quit spouting nonsense and focus now."
While scolding Masatsugu, Shiori actively rubbed her cheek against him as though seeking affection. She was pressing against Masatsugu's cheek and it seemed like a subconscious act.
This behavior was an indication of the princess' feelings and the distance between the two of them.
Shiori's sweet reaction seemed to be expressing her unbearable loneliness. This also set Masatsugu's heart aflame.
He embraced Shiori even harder, perhaps a little too rough on a noble lady.
However, Shiori accepted Masatsugu completely.
The princess called his name in rapture, then burying her face into Masatsugu's neck, she kept kissing his skin gently.
Now that Masatsugu thought about it, Shiori was more experienced than Hatsune in the process of replenishing ectoplasmic fluid.
Although her poise and behavior were prim and proper, she had shared extremely intimate moments with Masatsugu. Currently, she was caressing Masatsugu's back and arms, doing her best to warm up the Resurrectee's cold body.
They even felt that calling each other's name would deepen their bonds.
Finally, Masatsugu's body warmed up as he absorbed the essence of ectoplasmic fluid from Shiori smoothly.
Masatsugu recalled the previous scene.
During the resupplying process, his little sister's body had become as hot as boiling water. The heat had turned into a great amount of ectoplasmic fluid to provide Tachibana Masatsugu with the energy for battle. Furthermore, Hatsune had attained unprecedented excitement.
Masatsugu told himself to focus and refrain from stealing heat for now.
Soon, Shiori experienced a change.
"M-Masatsugu-sama... Today, I... feel a little strange. My body is hotter than usual, the dizziness, it is making it difficult to think—"
Shiori murmured to herself as though talking in a dream.
Under her glasses, her eyes became unfocused, losing her usual edge.
"Huah... Masatsu—Mmmmm! Ah... Mmmmmm... Ooooooh!"
Struck by a flood of emotions as though a dam had ruptured, the princess could no longer suppress her voice. Masatsugu relaxed himself at the same time.
Scorching heat instantly surged into Masatsugu's body.
Trying her best to endure the flow, Shiori also reached her limit.
Shiori's entire body went limp.
Thus, Masatsugu's lady liege passed out, but there was a smile of satisfaction on the corners of her lips. Her dazed demeanor was quite blissful.
Masatsugu could not leave the fainted Shiori behind and exit the ship.
Besides, there were still things he had to do on the destroyer ''Tintagel''. In the end, Masatsugu picked up the princess in his arms and returned to the sick bay from earlier.
Hatsune was lying on the only bed, fast asleep.
She showed no signs of waking up. Fortunately, the bed in the British ship's sick bay was quite large and should be capable of fitting three or four Japanese ladies.
Masatsugu placed Shiori next to Hatsune and went up to the deck alone.
The moon and the stars were out tonight.
"Now then—"
Masatsugu began to think again. He decided he should still go ahead with the plan to take ectoplasmic fluid from the male Chevaliers of Tōkaidō.
Although he was grateful to Shiori and Hatsune's feelings, victory hinged upon this crucial matter after all...
"Monarch's dog, you have suffered much from the shortage of energy."
A sudden voice from behind startled Masatsugu.
He had not sensed the visitor, unlike the case with Shiori earlier. Masatsugu slowly turned around and saw a young girl dressed in a blue kimono and haori.
The girl had a pretty face and looked like she was in the upper years of elementary school.
Not only was her clothing blue—Even her hair was glowing with blue radiance!
"Do you know who I am?" The girl was clearly no ordinary person, so Masatsugu decided to cut straight to the chase.
The girl in the kimono was haughty in manner, her smirking countenance almost like a mischievous child's.
"Strictly speaking, I don't know anything. However, I do have a few thoughts from looking at your face."
"Something like a flash of inspiration?"
"You are a dog, and for virtually all of your past life, you were a ruler's dog."
"You... aren't human, are you?"
"You can discern that? Impressive, undead one. No wonder my princess holds you in such high regard."
Having said that—Immediately...
The mysterious girl who spoke like an elder vanished into thin air.
She had disappeared without trace like a messenger pipe fox. Did she use teleportation? Just as Masatsugu was intrigued, someone else appeared on deck.
The one walking up to Masatsugu directly was whom he had been waiting for.
They had agreed to meet on the ''Tintagel'' tonight.
"Thank you for your patience, Masatsugu-dono."
The visitor was Tōkaidō's new Governor General, Akigase Rikka.
===Part 5===
===Part 5===
"Oh right, this would be my first time seeing you in casual clothing, Rikka-dono."
"Indeed, I am always wearing my military uniform. Do I look odd... dressed like this?"
Tōkaidō's premier Chevalier looked a little insecure.
Tonight, Rikka was wearing a black rider jacket with gray skin pants. This combination accentuated her excellent figure—especially her slender legs.
The air temperature was not too chilly tonight, but Rikka's jacket zipper was closed.
Masatsugu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Of course not. It looks great on you."
"P-Please don't flatter me. By the way—"
Rikka cringed in embarrassment and said, "This has been bothering me the whole time. You do not need to speak too formally. As a Resurrectee in Her Highness' service and an officially recognized Chevalier, your status is no less than mine."
"I should say the same goes for you."
Remaining calm as always, Masatsugu argued against Rikka, "There's no need for you to be obsessed with manners when talking to someone like me, Rikka-dono. I'm lucky enough to have a place in Tōkaidō's hierarchy only because I serve the princess."
"Then allow me to put things differently, Masatsugu-dono."
The girl who had risen from being House Akigase's Chevalier princess to the Governor General refused to back down.
"You might be the famous hero, Hijikata Toshizō. Even as a fiefdom's Governor General, I must offer the greatest of respect towards someone as important as you. This is part of the show, so please accept it."
"I see."
"Besides, let me be frank. Masatsugu-dono, I wish for us to bare our souls to each other... To build a relationship of candid congeniality. Your full cooperation will be greatly appreciated."
Rikka smiled mischievously and even winked.
To insist any further would be boorish, so Masatsugu agreed to her request.
"Understood, then let's start with some candid conversation... Actually, I consider myself quite lucky tonight for the chance to admire you in your casual clothing, Rikka-dono."
"Th-This kind of candid conversation is way too abrupt!"
Masatsugu's honest confession ended up making Rikka complain.
"I have heard that you remain quite committed to a beauty contest, Masatsugu-dono. It turns out you're more of a smooth talker than I imagined."
"I really hope you'll enter the beauty contest too, Rikka-dono."
"I think I shall pass. I am a daughter of the ruling house, not to mention the Governor General now."
The vibe in their conversation was slightly different from before.
After responding cordially to Masatsugu's invitation, Rikka changed the subject.
"Also, about the... question of asking my fiefdom's knights to supply ectoplasmic fluid."
"Are you against it too, Rikka-dono?"
"Of course. Masatsugu-dono, the issue of your resupply is top secret. I-If you get ''involved'' with an unspecified number of knights, even the most confidential of secrets will be leaked!"
"True, you make a good point."
Only after listening to Rikka did Masatsugu realized this possibility.
He had been too careless. Racking his mind over matters of war, he had overlooked this one point. Tōkaidō's new Governor General looked down and said, "Th-That's why I have made my decision to take my retainers' place... to provide you with ectoplasmic fluid, Masatsugu-dono."
"You're willing to do it, Rikka-dono?"
"Yes... Oh, but please do not get the wrong idea!"
Rikka suddenly said in anger, "I-I am not interested in you simply because you might be Hijikata Toshizō. That is clearly not the reason why I started feeling curious about you, to the point of finding it impossible to ignore!"
"I see."
Rikka had evidently confessed through a suspiciously specific denial. So this was what she meant.
"Then I will be relying on your help in the future."
"W-What about now? I am fine with it."
Rikka was showing a shy expression but her tone was quite firm, surprising Masatsugu a little.
"Yes... There are not many days left before the deadline for capturing Hakone. Also, I need to catch up—Oh, scratch that, I mean that as someone who joined later, I should do everything I can to help you in what limited time we have, Masatsugu-dono, no less than Her Highness and Tachibana Hatsune."
"You are this determined, Rikka-dono?"
"As determined as any samurai ought to be."
This was more like a maiden's determination, but Masatsugu kept his comment to himself.
Taking the casually dressed Rikka into his arms, he gazed upon her spirited and beautiful face.
"In that case, would you care to indulge me?"
"I-I may be inexperienced but if you are alright with that, please proceed..."
Rather than embarrassment, this aristocratic daughter seemed more fearful of the unknown.
The black rider jacket wrapping her upper body tightly had the zipper pulled all the way to the top.
Needless to say, this piece of clothing was a hindrance to the ritual.
Masatsugu casually pulled down the zipper and was surprised again.
"A-As for the method of replenishment, I have heard..."
Rikka's voice was very quiet.
Under her jacket was a short tank top.
It looked almost like a bra, exposing Rikka's narrow waist completely. Moreover, she was apparently not wearing underwear beneath this flimsy tank top.
Smiling with a twitch of his cheek, Masatsugu removed her jacket.
The bridge's wall happened to be behind them, so Masatsugu had Rikka sit down, leaning her back against the wall. He also bent over, intending to embrace Rikka from the front.
"Please, Rikka-dono, share a little of your warmth and ectoplasmic fluid with me."
"Oh, hold on—" Just before Masatsugu hugged Rikka, she said quietly.
Rikka was very nervous at the thought of what was coming next. Gazing into Masatsugu's eyes, she declared with acute fortitude as befitted a hero among women.
"Please absorb as much as you can, rather than just a little. It is because you lacked ectoplasmic fluid, Masatsugu-dono, that Her Highness collapsed in exhaustion, right?"
"Perhaps it might sound rude for me to say this, but I'd like us to relate as equals, Masatsugu-dono, Resurrectee that you are. Please do not hold back on my account. I'd rather have you give me rough treatment as an ally on equal terms—That would make me happier instead."
"And please do not underestimate me. I train no less than Tachibana Hatsune. There is no need to be careful with me."
Masatsugu smiled. Rikka was displaying her mettle as befitted a contemporary hero.
She did not want to place the Resurrectees such as Masatsugu or Prince Edward on a pedestal, to treat them as supernatural monsters. Neither could she tolerate the fact that she was inferior to them.
Even if she could not equal them in power, at least she would never lose to them in spirit. Rikka was determined to catch up to them one day.
It would be rude to refuse Rikka's candid request that was brimming with pride. Hence, Masatsugu hugged the aristocratic daughter's beautiful body tightly.
Rikka's soft bosom was compressed against Masatsugu's chest.
In terms of volume, her bust lost to Hatsune and the princess by a slim margin. But in terms of overall shape and texture, Akigase Rikka edged out slightly.
Masatsugu was currently enjoying the dignified beauty of her skin.
Once his body started to warm up, Rikka's gaze began to lose focus gradually.
"The next part might get tougher and tougher..."
"I welcome it gladly. To think that your body was this cold, Masatsugu-dono—Mm, ah..."
Rikka was a little out of breath. It seemed like something was stirring inside her.
Using the same principle as before, Masatsugu was suppressing his absorption of heat. However, even taking that into account, the temperature of Rikka's entire body was rising too fast.
Perhaps Rikka had this sort of aptitude—Her body and soul heated up extremely easily.
Seeing a reaction different from when Shiori and Hatsune started out, Masatsugu reached the above conclusion. However, this was of no consequence at the moment.
"Rikka-dono, please relax your entire body."
"I... understand. Ah, mm ahhhhhhhhhhh!?"
As soon as she relaxed, heat was instantly sucked out of her entire body. Tōkaidō's premier lady knight fainted in Masatsugu's embrace.
The warmth and ectoplasmic fluid she had lost was now residing in the amnesiac Resurrectee's body.
"Thank you so much..."
Masatsugu covered the sleeping Rikka with her jacket.
Thanks to assistance from Princess Shiori, Tachibana Hatsune, and Akigase Rikka, Masatsugu now had the resources to put up a fight at last. He felt quite heavily indebted to them.
...Masatsugu noticed that his blood was boiling and the beating of his heart had grown stronger.
After taking ectoplasmic blood from three girls consecutively, Tachibana Masatsugu's mystic powers had risen dramatically, changing his body and soul.
Masatsugu thought that the situation would settle down soon—But unexpectedly...
His surrounding scenery changed all of a sudden.
He was originally in late-twentieth-century Japan, on the deck of a military ship moored at a port.
Spontaneously, he found himself riding a malnourished horse, racing across a vast grassland. In fact, this was a fierce warhorse capable of crossing thousands of miles.
Previously, Shiori had led him to watch "past memories" once.
The current scenery was identical to what he had seen last time.
"Is it because my power... ectoplasmic fluid increased all at once?"
Masatsugu knew this was a vision, something similar to a dream.
Together with his elite troops, he was dashing single-mindedly across this endless wilderness. But unlike last time, Masatsugu felt a sense of certainty in his heart.
This time, he had a "destination" in his dream, and a certain man was waiting for him there...
That guy was surely leading his own army, heading to the same location. However, the route he was taking was completely different from Masatsugu's.
Who knew how many hundreds of kilometers separated the two armies?
Riding on without stopping, he would certainly find a way to converge with his ally. Then together they would annihilate the enemy army waiting for them, to assault the targeted capital.
''Victory is certain if it is us.'' A new sense of certainty took root in Masatsugu's heart.
Even though they were not related by blood, they were allies and comrades equivalent to brothers.
The two armies led by that man and Masatsugu were the empire's strongest spear and fastest arrow. Two swords. As a pair, they were known as the "Two-Headed Dog"...
Masatsugu was just about to say his ally's name.
Only then did he realize he had forgotten the name of this reliable man.
===Part 6===
===Part 6===
After Masatsugu and company spent the night at the destroyer ''Tintagel'', dawn arrived.
"Good morning, Princess."
"G-Good morning... Uh, what is going on here?"
Masatsugu had gone to the sick bay on the ship for a morning greeting. Waking up on the bed, the princess looked around in disbelief.
One could hardly blame here. She had no idea when she had been moved to the sick bay.
The morning rays were entering through the ship's window.
Tachibana Hatsune and Akigase Rikka were sleeping on each edge of the bed respectively. Gaps in the blanket's positioning offered glimpses at their sexy figures.
"Mm~ ...I'm too full to eat anymore..."
Speaking in her dream, Hatsune was naked under the sheets.
As for Rikka, she was wearing a short tank top with gray skin pants (Masatsugu had removed her socks and shoes).
More importantly, Shiori herself had nothing on except for her pink and neat underwear.
The princess' mouth emitted an unbecoming scream.
This sound was loud enough to wake Hatsune and Rikka.
Thirty minutes later...
Masatsugu left the ''Tintagel'' on his own, greeting the guarding infantry along the way.
He returned the key he had used to board the ship. Next up, he was not returning to the Fuji tutelary fort. Instead, Masatsugu made his way to a large seaside park near the port of Tagonoura.
He had been there the last time he visited Fuji City.
On that occasion, he had secretly taken ectoplasmic fluid from Shiori while keeping Hatsune in the dark. Currently, the three girls were sitting on that same bench, waiting for Masatsugu's arrival.
The three girls were the princess, her personal lady-in-waiting, and the Tōkaidō's new Governor General, of course.
The three of them had left the ship first to avoid scandals of "spending the night together with him."
" " "......" " "
Shiori and Rikka were not talking. Even the usually cheerful Hatsune was silent.
A gloomy air seemed to be hanging over the three girls. Also, Masatsugu still had not explained what happened last night, but presumably, the girls must have exchanged information while waiting for him.
Actually, there was no need to exchange information. One could surmise the basic situation simply from the state of the bed upon awakening...
Masatsugu first bowed his head to his liege Shiori in gratitude.
"Princess, thank you very much for last night."
"Y-You are welcome. As your liege, Masatsugu-sama, this is only the least I could do..."
In this rare moment, the princess was at a loss for words. Masatsugu turned to his little sister Hatsune and his ally Rikka to express his thanks too.
"I am also very grateful to you, Hatsune and Rikka-dono. Thanks to the ectoplasmic fluid you gave me, I have received unprecedented power. Perhaps due to that, I've recalled some of my past—memories from my past life, in other words."
"R-Really, Onii-sama!? That's wonderful!"
"Strictly speaking, they're not complete memories but fragments."
"Indeed... Masatsugu-dono, your noesis is stronger this morning than ever before."
Hatsune was happy for Masatsugu while Rikka narrowed her eyes and smiled.
The three ladies present knew very well that the power filling Tachibana Masatsugu's body and soul had reached another level. His Chevalier Strength had probably surpassed four hundred now—
He had broken through a hurdle that had been insurmountable until now.
At this rate, it should be possible to become plenty prepared prior to attacking Hakone.
"Y-You mean the ectoplasmic fluid... received from all of us?"
"Almost certainly," Masatsugu asserted firmly.
Rikka motioned with her eyes to the princess and the junior Chevalier.
"Your Highness, j-just as I have mentioned earlier, to avoid having an unspecified number of Chevaliers getting involved with Masatsugu-dono—Scratch that, to avoid having too many people privy to this secret, therefore..."
"Y-You mean we alone shall take care of resupplying, right?"
"It's true, I don't want Onii-sama to go out of control and make things even more complicated. A-Although I'm a bit curious about men doing that to each other..."
As expected, the girls had discussed among themselves beforehand.
Judging from their reactions, Masatsugu was struck by a sense of deja vu, like three countries locked in a conflict over the same piece of land.
If no one was willing to compromise, every country would suffer great losses.
Instead, it would be best to reach an agreement to handle the problem in a "lenient" manner for the time being. This was what the current situation resembled, and Masatsugu wondered if he should be saying something about it.
Just as he was about to speak...
"Hey, isn't it my turn to speak?"
Someone behind him spoke first. Despite talking like a self-important elder, the voice was an adorable girl's soprano. Masatsugu had heard this voice before.
He looked back to see the girl from last night.
The girl was dressed in a blue kimono. Her done up hair was glowing with blue radiance.
Holding a fan in her hand, she exuded an aura of aloofness unique to those steeped in the occult. Shiori was the first to greet this striking girl.
"You have finally arrived, Rindou-sensei!"
Rindou-sensei was akin to Princess Shiori's own Zhuge Kongming, if one were to use a Three Kingdoms analogy.
At this very moment, Tachibana Masatsugu finally made the connection between this face and name.
"Too bland."
After tasting the drink she had ordered, Rindou-sensei complained.
Shiori originally wanted to get to the main point, but the mysterious girl had made a demand first.
'I am thirsty after coming to a dusty town. Bring me a cup to moisten my throat first. Hey, maidservant over there, get me a drink.'
'I am talking to you! When I say a drink, do not bring tea or coffee by any means.'
'The only drinks acceptable to me are alcohol and prajna soup!'
Without asking anyone to introduce themselves, she was already ordering the lady-in-waiting Hatsune around.
After revealing this extraordinary feat of perception, Rindou-sensei had made even more outrageous demands. Everyone watched as Hatsune left and returned fifteen minutes later, carrying beer bought from a convenience store. Rindou-sensei frowned and complained as soon as she took a sip.
She even said, "Good grief... I am a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages, after all. I do understand the profound custom of 'anyway, let's have a beer first' but this is no good at all. Maidservant, be a little smarter if you are going to entertain your princess' benefactor, and bring some local Suruga beer, okay? Even though it is a relatively light beer, it does have a certain richness to it."
[[image:ChronicleLegion 03 BW06.jpg|thumb]]
"I-I'm still a minor so I don't know anything about drinking."
Hatsune was quite troubled.
Never in her wildest dreams would she have expected a young girl, looking like an elementary school student, to be lecturing her.
Meanwhile, Rikka whispered quietly in the princess' ear, "Your Highness, I recall that she is your guardian who lives in seclusion at the hot spring district of Mount Yu, right?"
Mount Yu was within Suruga City in a way.
However, it was located in the mountainous region of the Southern Alps. This was a part of the mountains where there was nothing except for hot springs, not even a remote village.
Rikka then said, "I heard she is quite advanced in her years, right?"
"Yes. Actually, Sensei has a reason for appearing before others like this—"
"A genie, huh?"
Masatsugu's muttering interrupted the whispers between the two girls.
He was asking Rindou-sensei directly. The girl in the blue kimono smiled proudly and took another sip of beer.
"Impressive, undead one. I'm surprised you discerned it."
"The fact that you can drink... implies you are corporeal. So you have the ability to appear in front of people without relying on projected images or possessing simulacra."
"Don't compare me to those inferior beings."
Rindou-sensei raised her can and emptied it without letting a single drop escape. She must be a drinker with amazing tolerance.
"My true identity is Fukuryuu, the Crouching Dragon, highest in rank among the likes of retainer beasts, spirits, and demons in this world."
"That explains the keen intuition."
"Indeed. Of course, there are limits to my miraculous powers when using this form. Please do make bizarre requests of me, understood?"
"Still, Sensei, thank you for coming to see me."
Shiori's tone was filled with gratitude and she even presented a small bottle of domestic whiskey.
This was something that Hatsune had bought at the convenience store together with the beer. Rindou-sensei accepted it with satisfaction and swiftly opened the cap for a sip.
"Yesterday, Princess, you delivered an entire crate of ''daiginjou'' along with a letter with a question, didn't you? On account of the excellent taste, I have decided to answer your question."
After giving a very materialistic reason, Sensei brought up the heart of the matter.
"You asked me if there was any enchantment to take control of Japanese ifrits using imperial blood, didn't you? Jumping straight to the conclusion, yes indeed—"
"Are you serious!?"
"Mm-hmm. However, it can only be used near the divinity baseplate in the enemy position. It will not be useful for the attack on Hakone, that's all."
Rindou-sensei was very frank and Shiori was disappointed.
"Indeed, the divinity baseplate is hidden inside the tutelary fort. In order to sneak inside, the noesis barrier must be neutralized in one way or another..."
This was equivalent to capturing a tutelary fort.
It was admittedly a useless method. Masatsugu agreed—But then he figured out something unexpectedly.
He finally understood why the destroyer ''Tintagel'' had aroused his curiosity in particular.
A sudden flash of inspiration of sorts. Perhaps ''this method of using it'' might come in handy during the upcoming battle.
"Princess, let's first set aside the issue of whether to use that enchantment or not. There's something for which I'd like to have your instruction."
Masatsugu's tone was indifferent as always.
However, there was a certain vibe in his words. The three ladies and Rindou-sensei also focused their interested gazes upon him.
Unfazed, Masatsugu spoke softly.
"The plan for attacking Hakone Checkpoint has finally come together."

Latest revision as of 14:34, 19 January 2018

Chapter 4 - The Hakone Siege[edit]

Part 1[edit]

"How peculiar."

This was meant to be a serious comment, but Wei Qing spoke in a rather carefree manner.

On the east side of Hakone was the first tutelary fort, Seiryuu Gate. Wei Qing had just witnessed the appearance of the ifrit guarding this place.

It was November 16th on Sunday morning, just as dawn was breaking.

"I never thought I'd ever encounter such a 'monster' on the battlefield," muttered Wei Qing.

Hakone's sky and mountains had acquired a rosy glow from the morning sun's rays.

The ancient Chinese general was flying in the sky over Hakone Yumoto.

He was riding a silver wyvern—The Eastern Roman military's flying retainer beast. This was virtually the same as what he had done in an age before the Common Era, riding across battlefields as a general on his trusty steed.

However, his attire was still a robe instead of a modern military uniform.

"The fortification walls are merely decoration. So that kind of monster is the real fortress here... Just as I've heard," Wei Qing remarked with poignancy.

He was currently near the Hakone Yumoto station, in the mountains a couple kilometers to the south.

This was the location of a star fort and nation-protecting keep, known as Seiryuu Gate, Hakone's first tutelary fort. In the sky over the nation-protecting keep, a strange monster had manifested.

It was a shining golden dragon, seventy meters in body length—

Imperial Japan's ifrits usually had a giant magic circle behind their back, but this golden dragon's gigantic body had an equally huge set of three eyes behind it.

The giant eyeballs were the manifestation of the powerful spirit from Britain, Morgan le Fay.

Examining the golden dragon's face closely, one would also notice a third eye had been added to the forehead area...


The three-eyed golden dragon roared thrice.




A noesis barrier in the form of a shining golden dome covered the first tutelary fort Seiryuu Gate and the golden dragon.

"A golden dragon capable of creating a wall of light... And it has three eyes too, huh?"

For a Chinese general like Wei Qing, the dragon was supposed to be a mythical beast familiar to him.

However, Wei Qing smiled wryly at the encounter with this overly adorned "dragon."

Someone spoke up to this Resurrectee, "A merged divinity composed of Seiryuu, Suzaku, Byakko, and Genbu—According to information provided by the Kantō Fiefdom, that thing is apparently called the Four Gods."

Flying next to Wei Qing, a giant eagle had opened its beak.

This was an aquila, a Roman military retainer beast in the form of a bird with a wingspan of almost four meters. It was speaking with the voice of Staff Officer Alexis Yang of the Roman army.

"This rare treasure was wasted the whole time because Japan lacked a spirit and a Chevalier capable of controlling it. Looks like it's been collared by the leader of the British forces!"

"Ah, you mean the Black Prince of rumor?"

Staff Officer Yang was physically lying down in the barracks of the Suruga tutelary fort this instant.

After being told that Wei Qing was attacking Seiryuu Gate, he had possessed the eagle retainer beast with his consciousness and flown to Hakone to observe the battle, so as to inform the Suruga side and Rome's generalissimo of the battle's process.

The ancient Chinese general also consented to Staff Officer Yang's presence.

"Resurrected in the modern world and my first major battle turns out to be against that kind of monster—Looks like my luck has never been good," Wei Qing continued to converse with a wry smile.

Taken literally, his words sounded like complaining. However, his carefree attitude was brilliantly balanced while his tone was calm and confident, causing none of what he had said to produce any negative impression.

Only a man who had abundant experience in both honor and hardship would be able to attain such a level of enlightenment.

"First, let us attack using the method seen on recorded video previously."

"What do you mean by that, General?"

"I am going to use exactly the same tactics as the Black Prince had employed."

"I see. So in other words, a frontal assault using a Resurrectee's Chevalier Strength of over a thousand to summon a great army to capture the four tutelary forts in sequence along the four cardinal directions, right?"

Such brute force tactics were impossible without an unusually large army.

As the one who suggested a bold and dignified approach to battle as befitted a king, Wei Qing's Chevalier Strength reached 1051, a powerful force living up to his historical rank of "generalissimo."

Odawarajou was the Kantō tutelary fort nearest to Hakone. From there, Wei Qing mobilized with an army of a thousand.

"...Centuriae, please prepare to attack as I have just described."

Wei Qing's tone sounded more like a request than an order.

The army under his command was composed of the Eastern Roman Empire's mainstay Legion type, the Centuria.

The Centuriae raised their bayonet rifles and aimed at the enemy position.

Less than eight meters tall, the Roman Legions were not particularly large in build. They were outfitted with crested helmets and silver chain mail with a large rectangular shields in one hand. A single glance at their warlike appearance was enough to tell that they were "soldiers."

They were adorned all over by red fabric. The decorative wings on their backs were especially distinctive.

The Centuriae formed an encircling force. The dome-shaped noesis barrier of the Four Gods was surrounded by the silver-white Roman army over all 360 degrees.

This was a donut-style encircling formation with a hole in the center.

"What an amusing sight. The generalissimo with allegiance to the Han Dynasty yet commanding purely occidental Legions."

Staff Officer Yang commented from the eagle retainer beast he was possessing and Wei Qing agreed with a smile.

The type of Legion summoned by a Resurrectee was determined by which sacred beast had brought them back to the living world.

Wei Qing had been summoned from the underworld by the twin silver wolves of Remus and Romulus—in other words, the sacred beast entity that the Empire's founder, Caesar, had brought to East Asia from the Mediterranean.

Wei Qing issued orders without haste.

"Begin the attack to thoroughly penetrate the wall created by the Four Gods. Puncture and demolish it."

The Roman army kept firing scorching beams from their rifles.

Heat and shock struck the Four Gods' noesis barrier violently in volleys without interruption.

The focused barrage continued for around ten minutes.

However, the noesis barrier remained unscathed. Let alone a hole, it did not even suffer the slightest visible damage.

The first tutelary fort Seiryuu Gate's three-eyed golden dragon was in equally good condition—

After firing continuously for an extended duration, the Centuriae were exhausted, having consumed a fair amount of ectoplasmic fluid. Wei Qing ordered them to stop firing and take a breather.

"Using the same tactic, the Black Prince had effortlessly crushed the four strongholds' defenses. Unfortunately, it doesn't work against the Four Gods, so this will be troublesome."

The handsome Resurrectee was speaking in his unique carefree attitude.

His voice did not sound too troubled. Through the aquila's beak, Staff Officer Yang gave his opinion as a noetic master.

"This noesis barrier's hardness must be extraordinary for it to survive focused fire from a large army. Perhaps by gathering the four ifrits' noetic energy in one place, an especially sturdy barrier is formed!"

"Living up to its name as an impregnable fortress. Impressive."

No sooner had Wei Qing spoken, something happened at the noesis barrier covering the first tutelary fort.

The giant dome, two or three kilometers in diameter, erupted with intense sparks from all over its surface—

'Meteorological decree... Activate. Shining spear, bring forth death.'

An adorable girl's voice resounded in the sky.

Naturally, this was a mantra recited by the genie Morrigan.

The noesis barrier covering the first tutelary fort began to release electricity, sending giant bolts of lightning outwards to swallow the thousand Centuriae gathered in the surroundings.

"Isn't this firepower way too crazy!?"

"Centuriae, please deploy your barriers."

The merged divinity of the Four Gods had released incredibly powerful lightning on a massive scale. Even a "noetic expert" like Alexis Yang was extremely shocked.

However, Wei Qing remained unfazed and issued orders calmly.

The Centuriae deployed protective barrier particles, glowing white while their mystical properties took effect to neutralize external attacks.

The denser the formation of Legions, the greater the effects of the protective barrier—

Over a thousand strong, Wei Qing's Centuriae did not fear the suddenly incoming meteorological decree at all. The mystical effects of the barrier particles enabled them to survive the onslaught without casualties.

After the electrical discharge, the noesis barrier vanished unexpectedly.

Taking its place, a large force of black British Legions—roughly four hundred of them—appeared in the sky over the nation-protecting keep at the center of the first tutelary fort. These Legions were not ordinary Crusades.

They were the Knights of the Garter, the personal guard of Edward the Black Prince.

The Garter Knights divided up into four squads of a hundred. Each squad entered a square wall formation to occupy the positions east, south, west, and north of the tutelary fort...

Wei Qing murmured, "I see now. So this is the enemy's intent."

Every black knight was equipped with a longbow, nocked with an arrow of light, aimed outward.

"Outward" from the arrows of light were the thousand Centuriae surrounding the tutelary fort. With enemies in every direction, any random shot would hit a target. Positioned at each of the four cardinal directions, the Garter Knights had all 360 degrees covered.

As expected, the four squads of Garter Knights began to attack with arrows.

Furthermore, their weapons were magic projectiles of guaranteed death—

"That's Prince Edward's Feat of Arms!"

"The English longbow, isn't it? I have heard that its firepower is extraordinary..."

The Centuriae deployed their protective barriers.

However, these barriers were completely useless. The barrier particles, supposed to neutralize attacks, could not stop the arrows from penetrating the Centuriae's silver armor deeply.

Many Centuriae hastily raised their shields.

The heavy shields just managed to block the arrows, saving many of the silver Legions.

Those who failed to raise their shields in time were pierced directly in their vitals, crashing to the ground, dead...

The four hundred Garter Knights kept drawing their bows to fire.

From drawing the bow to loosing the arrow, the whole process only took five to ten seconds. They were amazingly skilled and experienced and kept firing in succession. The Roman encircling force, originally holding the upper hand, were now "sitting ducks."

Staff Officer Yang could not help but say, "General! Hurry and order the Centuriae to hide behind their shields—"

"No, it is futile. The Centuriae's shields probably won't last for long." Wei Qing rejected Staff Officer Yang's advice decisively and said, "Centuriae, please attack instead of defending. The soldiers in front should try to shield your comrades behind you as much as possible."

A minute or so went by...

The nightmarish English longbow continued to slaughter them.

In merely a minute—only sixty seconds—102 Centuriae had been shot dead. This number had reached 10% of the thousand Roman Legions.

However, under Wei Qing's command, the Centuriae kept their enemy encircled the whole time.

Enduring the rain of arrows, they raised their rifles again and pulled the trigger, trying to shoot back in retaliation.

They targeted the first tutelary fort and the longbow-wielding Garter Knights entrenched inside.

The enemy had disengaged the noesis barrier to allow the firing of arrows.

Logically speaking, the Centuriae's counterattack ought to inflict heavy damage. But unexpectedly, the dome of noetic energy was redeployed with perfect timing just before the attack. In control of the Four Gods, the powerful British spirit Morrigan had read the Centuriae's movements accurately.

Just before the barrier went up, the black knights also lowered their longbows.

The Black Prince in command of the longbowmen truly lived up to his name as a master general. He was fully aware of his supporting spirit's intentions and achieved perfect tacit coordination of offense and defense.

Facing the tutelary fort whose barrier was deployed again, Wei Qing said, "Oh dear, this is truly..."

Reduced to roughly nine hundred, the Centuriae continued to surround the enemy.

The Roman army resumed their volley fire, but the noesis barrier was rock solid. As soon as the focused barrage stopped, the British side retaliated mercilessly again—

The noesis barrier released a massive lightning attack in all directions.

All Centuriae were paralyzed by the electrical shock. The enemy instantly disengaged the noesis barrier to allow the four hundred Garter Knights to ready their longbows and fire in succession...

After sixty seconds, Wei Qing lost another hundred Centuriae.

The Roman army's efforts to strike back were futile as the enemy had redeployed the noesis barrier again.

"At this rate, the siege battle is just going to repeat itself. My army will be wiped out in less than a day."

Only twenty minutes after the battle began, the army of Centuriae had already lost two hundred troops.

Witnessing the casualties, General Wei Qing simply gave a light sigh and did not sound like he was lamenting at all.

Quietly, he said, "With the enemy shutting themselves within the noesis barrier, there is no way for my army to break through from outside."

"You probably won't find another noesis barrier this durable elsewhere in the entire world. Why not withdraw for now and think of another strategy?"

"Then we might as well retreat back to Odawarajou."


The aquila retainer beast was an eagle in form. In other words, a bird of prey.

However, Staff Officer Yang's stupefied voice coming from its beak did not suit its majestic image as a fierce bird of prey at all. In contrast, the handsome man from the Han Empire retained a cool and gentle demeanor and said with a smile, "We already know that the fortress is truly 'impregnable.' There is no need to attack now."

"...Ah, I see."

The reason why Staff Officer Yang was fortunate enough to serve Generalissimo Caesar directly was not because of outstanding abilities in strategy.

Bluntly stated, he was mediocre in this regard. Caesar merely found him convenient as "an intelligence officer with noetic skills." Still, he was a staff officer after all.

With Wei Qing's hint, he finally understood the intent.

Staff Officer Yang concluded in his mind, What an unfathomable man...

Family name Wei. Given name Qing. Style name Zhongqing.

Since his birth mother was renowned as a beauty and attracted many lovers, Wei Qing's father was unknown. The government official claiming to be his father took him in as a servant, treating him no better than a slave since childhood.

The man who might have been his father made the young Wei Qing herd sheep.

Spending his days with a flock of sheep in the mountains, Wei Qing lived a life on horseback, herding livestock. One day, a chance to travel to the capital of Chang'an came unexpectedly. His long-absent elder sister had summoned him.

Employed in a rich and powerful household, the elder sister had the good fortune of encountering the emperor and becoming his beloved concubine.

Indeed, the emperor. Not just any emperor but Emperor Wu whose reign established the height of the Western Han Dynasty's supremacy. Thus, the "younger brother of the emperor's beloved concubine" began his rise in position and authority.

However, perhaps due to his humble beginnings...

General Wei Qing kept a low profile for his entire life, unwilling to attract attention.

"He is clearly a Resurrectee whose, Chevalier Strength exceeds 1000," said the simulacrum of the spirit Morrigan in puzzlement.

The doll was figure-size and stood thirty centimeters tall. Dressed in a sailor outfit, she was sitting on Edward's shoulder.

"In the end, he retreated so easily. Is he unused to siege battles?"

"Possibly, but even so, he is still an experienced warrior."

The confidence brought by victory made Edward smile.

He was riding a British white wyvern, flying leisurely in the sky over Hakone Yumoto. Previously cooped up in the noesis barrier, he was especially delighted for the chance to fly freely now.

"What do you mean, Prince?"

"Basically, effective siege tactics boil down to only two types. And neither of them are instantly effective. Given this dearth of choice, no matter which tactics are considered, all of them require foolishly sending troops to their deaths..."

Edward thought back to the distant Middle Ages and the wars he had taken part in.

"How about examining the battles of Crécy and Poitiers where our English longbows slaughtered the French armies...? Contemplate the extent of their folly."

The Feat of Arms—Archers of Crécy—had the ability to turn the Black Prince's knights into longbowmen.

Everyone knew that this ability originated from a textbook example of skillful longbow deployment.

The defeated French army had centered their tactics around "knights."

Knights, or heavy cavalry in other words. French knights rode their steeds gallantly across the battlefield to charge the English army that had set up their formation on a hill.

English longbowmen countered by firing a rain of arrows.

The French knights who braved the chaotic hail of arrows to reach the English position were greeted with ditches and pits ahead of them. On the other hand, the English knights dismounted voluntarily to ambush the enemy as infantry.

As a result, the English won an overwhelming victory at the Battle of Crécy.

At the Battle of Poitiers ten years later, the ditches and pits were replaced by a protective hedge.

In both of these great battles, the reason for the French defeats was the same. Essentially, "French knights charging recklessly into the English army's secured position."

"By the way, there was a similar fight in Japan. I believe it was called the Battle of Nagashino."

"Whether firearms or English longbows, one must exercise caution in attacking when the enemy possesses powerful projectile weapons."

Saying that, Edward grinned.

The enemy's intention to fight a protracted battle could be surmised from the the fact that the Roman general of unknown name and face had retreated here.

However, the British side was fully prepared.

For the past two months, the Restoration Alliance—no, the British Imperial Forces—had made various preparations to establish a reliable foundation to invade Kantō. This included securing supply lines to an impeccable extent.

That was why the British had not aggressively launched a "surprise assault on Tokyo."

"Now then, what will be your next move, Tachibana-dono...?"

The Black Prince knew the alias and appearance of the enemy general at Suruga.

Fully prepared to face any attack, Edward wondered what measures Tachibana Masatsugu would take. With these thoughts in his mind, he could hardly suppress the excitement naturally rising in his heart.

Part 2[edit]

"This is a video recording... of the battle at Hakone's Seiryuu Gate yesterday."

Reportedly, General Wei Qing had attacked Hakone before withdrawing very decisively.

Present at his side, Alexis Yang had used noetics to record the whole battle as a video.

The specialist in charge of replaying the video was Fujinomiya Shiori. This princess was currently the Tōkaidō Fiefdom's "Saiguu."

The group had traveled to the Fuji tutelary fort to hold a war council.

Apart from Odawarajou, Fuji was the tutelary fort nearest to Hakone. The new Tōkaidō provincial army's higher-ups and elite troops had finally gone to the frontier in order to keep their "promise" to the neighboring nation's generalissimo.

Attendees included the new Governor General, Akigase Rikka.

Also present was the "rising star" Tachibana Hatsune, whose Chevalier Strength was already 72 at the young age of sixteen.

Then there was Tachibana Masatsugu himself.

Tachibana Masatsugu was an alias, but no one knew his true name yet.

Recently, people have been secretly referring to him with another name. Everyone called him Imperial Japan's hero, Hijikata Toshizō.

Due to this, Masatsugu was given a squad with the flashy name of "Shinsengumi." Of course, since he was not very interested in his "real identity," this did not pose much of a problem.

"Even a three-eyed dragon came out to drive away a thousand Legions... I've never seen something so powerful at any tutelary fort I've been to." Sitting next to Masatsugu, the little sister gave her opinion.

Everyone present was sitting at a round wooden table.

The table was large enough to sit over twenty people, so the group gathered together in the middle.

Other Chevaliers and officers were going to join later, but before that, the "new Tōkaidō Governor General and her closest advisers" were having a meeting first.

"I never knew Japan had such powerful defenses."

"No one had the ability to control it, so it has been sitting there unused for a long time," Shiori replied to Hatsune's comment with a sigh.

Incidentally, Hatsune was still dressed in Haikara-san style despite her new post as captain of the Shinsengumi's first unit.

"Forty years ago, the situation between western Japan and the Kantō Fiefdom was very tense. As a precaution against attacks from western Japan, they devised a plan to strengthen Hakone Checkpoint's fortifications. Back then, the first Empress, Her Majesty Himiko, prayed to Lord Tenryuu and received the enchanted ritual of the Four Gods Union."

Sacred beasts were godlike existences.

They would generously grant "mystical blessings" in response to prayers from their consorts or descendants.

In this manner, various countries in the world obtained mystic powers such as Legions or ifrits.

Hence, women who had inherited the blood of sacred beasts were put on a pedestal as royalty or imperial families, forming a class enjoying the highest of privileges—They were treated as "princesses."

However, Masatsugu had previously learned from Shiori.

The price for these "prayers" was one's lifespan. These princesses consumed much of their lives in every case. Who knew what price had been paid in order to seal the Four Gods of Hakone?

"By the way, Princess, about that Roman general," Hatsune asked curiously. "Why did he retreat immediately? It's true that Hakone's guardian deity was very powerful, but he probably could've lasted longer..."

"As it is right now, Hakone is impossible to breach from any direction."

Well-versed in military strategy, Shiori swiftly gave an answer.

"Presumably, he believes there is a more effective method than recklessly assaulting the fortress."

"There's something like that!? Then why don't we use the same method to—"

"Unfortunately, that is impossible."

Hatsune's expression was full of optimism, but the Saiguu of Tōkaidō rained on her parade.

"In truth, even famed generals did not have many means available to them when it came to conducting siege warfare. If I may put it in extreme terms, there are no more than two methods. One is to rely on specialized equipment to overcome moats and fortifications..."

"And the other is to starve the enemy of supplies, right?" Rikka revealed the second solution. "You are quite correct, Your Highness. Tachibana, did you know? Since ancient times, sieges have always been time-consuming affairs, which is why 'holding a castle' is especially effective."

As one would expect from a seasoned veteran, Rikka knew this very well.

In fact, she had personally held the Suruga tutelary fort for over a month.

"By focusing on defense while waiting for external reinforcements when the enemy attacks, defenders in many cases were able to reverse an initially unfavorable situation."

"Oh right. I've heard 'two years of siege' before..."

"General Wei Qing's choice is precisely the use of starvation tactics." Now that Hatsune understood, Shiori said to her, "His victories in his past life were all won against the Xiongnu tribes. The Xiongnu people were fierce equestrians who dominated the lands to the north and to the west of China."

At this juncture, Shiori inexplicably sneaked a glance at Masatsugu.

Rather than motioning to him with her eyes, she had simply shifted her gaze involuntarily.

"Since the Xiongnu were nomadic tribes who followed their herds and did not build towns or castles, naturally, General Wei Qing should have virtually no experience in besieging fortifications."

"No wonder he chose starvation tactics instead... But we definitely can't do that."

"Indeed, Lord Caesar is set to arrive in Japan eight days later... It is impossible to sever the British supply lines and starve them within this time frame."

"Then what about the other method? Like using equipment to breach a castle."

"During ancient and medieval times, there were battering rams, catapults, or even trump cards such as structural engineering or explosives... But there are no such equivalents in the modern world."

"After all, tutelary forts are protected mainly by ifrits and Legions."

Shiori sighed and Rikka concurred wistfully.

"Ultimately, only Legions can oppose Legions. The attacking side needs to outnumber the defenders three to one, so assembling a great army is part of the basics of siege warfare. However, exactly how many Legions would be needed to attack a tutelary fort that stood up to a thousand Centuriae...?"

Perhaps everything that needed to be said had been said.

The ladies naturally sealed their lips and stopped talking. Silence descended upon the scene. They were not in deep thought, instead, it was the heavy atmosphere of helplessness.

After a good amount of time, Masatsugu finally spoke up. He knew it was his turn to share his view—

"I've thought of several ways to attack Hakone."

"Really, Onii-sama!?"

"Yes. Some of them are feasible while others are quite challenging. We definitely don't have much time... But there is still some leeway."

Hatsune's eyes brightened up. Masatsugu offered her reassurance then proceeded to speak indifferently as always.

"My idea will be taking form in the next few days. You'll need to help me out too."

"Yes, no problem!"

"Masatsugu-dono, could you enlighten us regarding your solution?"

Masatsugu's calm tone was extraordinarily effective.

Rikka recovered her usual dignity and imposing presence and asked Masatsugu about his battle plan.

"Of course, we must first feign intentions to cut off Hakone's supply lines to conceal our aim for a quick showdown. Also, Princess, please act as a liaison together with that Staff Officer Yang to maintain close communications with the Roman army."

"Roman army? You mean the force stationed at Odawarajou, Masatsugu-dono?"

"Yes. That General Wei Qing... is quite a useful man."

Masatsugu assessed Wei Qing's ability very clearly and decisively.

Frankly speaking, the strategy displayed in Wei Qing's first battle was less than satisfactory. Trying to find the most suitable method in the heat of the moment was admittedly commendable, but unimpressive. Wei Qing had not demonstrated competence as befitted a famous general.

However, his "plain" and "disappointing" qualities were terrifying.

Masatsugu even went as far as to conclude that these traits were what made the Resurrectee, General Wei Qing, truly valuable, no less than the magnificence of Prince Edward or the untamed nature of Richard I—

Assuming Wei Qing had chosen the most unassuming tactic on purpose...

Then he would be a man to be depended on.

"The greatest issue here is that I need a full resupply."

Shiori and Hatsune shuddered as soon as they heard the word "resupply."

The special method for providing Tachibana Masatsugu with ectoplasmic fluid was a secret only privy to those two girls.

Rikka was puzzled, so Masatsugu revealed his secret candidly to clear up the new Tōkaidō Governor General's doubts.

After listening to the explanation, Rikka was uncharacteristically flustered, her entire face turned bright red.

"I-In other words, Masatsugu-dono, your ectoplasmic fluid comes from Her Highness and Tachibana?"


"O-Obtaining warmth through skin contact?"


"As princess and knight, or siblings in name, you are engaging in such scandalous behavior!?"

"Yes. However, I am loath to increase the princess and Hatsune's burdens any further. Because of that, I've come up with an alternative solution."

"!? What do you mean by that, Masatsugu-sama!?"

"Y-You don't need the princess or my help anymore!?"

"If we do it my way, maybe I won't need to trouble you two again."

Shiori and Hatsune jumped in shock, questioning Masatsugu in a panic. After replying to them calmly, Masatsugu gazed upon Rikka's beautiful face.

The alternative solution required approval from her, the new Governor General.


"M-Masatsugu-dono, don't tell me you would like.."

"Indeed. That is exactly what I'm suggesting. Please give me your consent."

"I-Isn't this too early to discuss!? I-I need to prepare myself mentally first. Even if you are the one requesting it, I am hard pressed to agree straight away...!"

Rikka cried out emotionally, turning her head away in embarrassment.

She could no longer bear Masatsugu's straightforward and sincere gaze.

How rare to see such a reaction from a hero among women. One could hardly blame her. Masatsugu's request was far too abrupt.

However, there was no other way. Masatsugu bowed his head and pleaded in earnest.

"Please. Those Chevaliers of the Tōkaidō Fiefdom—Allow me to take ectoplasmic fluid from them."


For some reason, Rikka was rendered speechless. She was so surprised that she could not speak.

"From the knights... serving my fiefdom?"

"Yes. Previously, I had no one to turn to except for the princess and Hatsune, but the situation is different now. We have gained many Chevaliers."

"Masatsugu-sama, it is true that we have more Chevaliers now, but please note that they are all men!"

The demure and dignified Shiori was inexplicably shaken too.

"A-Are you telling me that you will be doing that with men too!?"

"Of course. If I rely on them, resupplying will be much easier. Besides, with ten-odd strong and healthy men—"

Masatsugu had not forgotten that he was to blame for imposing a heavy burden on the young and frail Shiori.

"If I use them to resupply, I won't have to worry about health burdens."

"Denied, Onii-sama! That's way too obscene, even though I'd like to watch too!"

"Hatsune is correct. As your liege, I absolutely forbid it!"

This secret technique for making dramatic comebacks was the linchpin to conquering Hakone.

However, the princess and the little sister were raising their voices harshly, chiding him to stop. Their ally—Akigase Rikka—was frozen in shock, unable to close her gaping mouth.

Part 3[edit]

After Masatsugu told Rikka about the secret of resupply, followed by the war council as scheduled...

He went to the seaside.

This was Fuji City's port of Tagonoura and also the same location he had visited twenty days ago. Last time, he staged a disturbance here to rescue three Chevaliers who had been captured by the British...

The sun was gradually setting in the west.

Under the rays of dusk, there was an indescribable sense of beauty in the evening view of Suruga Bay.

However, Masatsugu did not come here to enjoy the scenery.

"This is the British ship, right? Jingle bell or something."

"I remember the ship is named the Tintagel."

Masatsugu was chatting with Hatsune, who was driving.

At the pier of Tagonoura, a large foreign military ship was moored.

The destroyer Tintagel—When the Tōkaidō army retook Fuji City from the Restoration Alliance, they not only captured British soldiers in the city but also this ship at the port.

The ship's total length was 183m with a loaded displacement of 15 thousand tons.

Rather than a streamlined military vessel, it bore a greater resemblance to minimalist and avant-garde Scandinavian furniture. However, Masatsugu had heard that this was the result of applying designs for stealth.

The power source was a fluid reactor making use of artificial ectoplasmic fluid.

To some extent, a fluid reactor replicated some of the functions of a water shrine.

Usable as a mobile base of operations for winged giant soldiers, this ship could be called a kind of aircraft carrier.

"Why did you come all the way here, Onii-sama?"

"I was a little curious after hearing its name mentioned during the war council. There's a chance it might come in handy."

"It'd be pretty cool to sail on this ship to attack Hakone Checkpoint."

"Definitely, if only Hakone were located by the sea."

"Isn't Lake Ashi a kind of sea...? I heard they have rainbow trout and smelt there."

"There's also black bass, but it's a pure freshwater lake that's completely cut off from the sea."

The British ship was supposed to be off limits, but Masatsugu asked the guarding infantry to open the boarding gate. This could be considered one of the privileges afforded to Chevaliers.

Chatting casually, the siblings strolled around in the ship.

The deck. The helicopter hangar. The steerage section in the ship. The multi-purpose hall. The mess hall. The kitchen. The recreation room. The shower room. The sick bay—

They did not encounter a single Tōkaidō soldier, much less anyone British.

The ship was completely deserted after being sealed off. Inside the sick bay, where there was no one else, Hatsune said, "The ship should be able to move once the fluid reactor is switched on... As for stuff like weapons control and enemy detection, they can't be used without a spirit's power, right?"

"Looks like it. This is also Morgan le Fay's doing too."

The destroyer Tintagel was the British Empire's cutting-edge military ship.

Its anti-air weapons control system was linked to the genie managing the ship, thus conferring mystic power upon the ship's artillery.

Including weapons control, all noetic systems had been securely sealed.

According to the analysis of Tōkaidō noetic officers, this was probably done by the spirit managing the ship, Morgan le Fay.

Reportedly, even accessing important information from the ship's database was impossible.

Putting aside the Black Prince and the Lionheart, it was quite surprising to find out that the British had such powerful forces lying in ambush.

Once again, Masatsugu was confronted with the enemy's strength.

"By the way, Onii-sama, were you serious about what you said earlier?"

Hatsune asked suddenly.

"B-Basically, taking ectoplasmic fluid from men!"

"Totally serious. Who would joke around with something like that?"

Masatsugu objected calmly as usual, but the little sister spoke awkwardly, a far cry from her usual cheerfulness. "But, this means—having s-skin contact with men, to warm your body... How do I say this? Don't your find this kind of behavior off-putting at all!?"

"Hmm, nope."


"Just think of visiting the arctic. When taking on the harsh chill of extreme winters, huddling together with comrades for warmth is very normal behavior. Gender is irrelevant."

"Even naked men hugging together!?"

"I don't mind stripping for the sake of necessity."

"Stop sounding like an actress, okay? U-Umm, Onii-sama, has this ever occurred to you? What if a man gets attracted to you after experiencing skin contact and develops feelings for you...?"

"You mean a man falling in love with me?"

Masatsugu stared at Hatsune solemnly, causing the little sister to put on a fake smile in a rare moment.

"J-Just hypothetically, okay? But Onii-sama, no matter how bold you are, I'm sure you must feel a little resistant against this kind of thing..."

"Nope, actually it's fine."


Hatsune exclaimed with a stupid voice and Masatsugu spoke haltingly, "Even if the other party is male, as long as the feelings are sincere—I'd still consider seriously whether to accept or not. In the end, mutual love is not out of the question..."

"Onii-sama, you don't have a problem with falling in love with a man!?"

"I can't say for certain since I don't have that kind of experience. Now that I think about it, since I've lost my past memories. If I happen to swing that way in my previous life... It's no big deal, I guess."

"Of course it's a big deal. I personally forbid it!"


"No why! S-So, stop saying you'll resupply using men, okay...?"

So far, Hatsune had been very worked up during the conversation.

Unexpectedly, she lowered her voice all of a sudden and wrapped her arm around Masatsugu's arm with a sad look on her face. She looked like a worried child, seeking comfort from a parent—It was hard to imagine a strong-willed woman like Tachibana Hatsune acting this way.

Furthermore, Hatsune glanced at the bed. Only then was Masatsugu reminded they were at the sick bay.

"I know I'm making a selfish demand... but I'll work even harder."

These tempting words implied that she was going to work harder at offering herself to him from now on.

Masatsugu was quite surprised. He had never seen his little sister behaving like this.

"I'm willing to dedicate all my strength and soul to you, Onii-sama. Don't worry, I'm healthier and more persevering than the average guy. I won't lose to those Chevaliers..."

Just now, Masatsugu had asked Hatsune why she objected.

There was no need to ask again. He figured it out as soon as he saw Hatsune's reaction. Who could have thought that Hatsune would get jealous over something so minor—

Finding her innocence very adorable, Masatsugu glanced at the bed too.

The two of them sat down on the white sheets, whispering to each other.

"You also shared ectoplasmic fluid with me this morning. I don't want you to strain yourself too much."

"Don't underestimate me. This morning was already half a day ago. O-Okay, turn around first. I.. need to prepare."

Masatsugu turned his back to Hatsune and stared at the sick bay's wall.

He could hear the sound of disrobing behind him.

Their relationship of physical intimacy had gone on for about ten days or so. However, Hatsune was still bashful of showing skin in front of Masatsugu.

Normally cheerful and energetic, Hatsune behaved innocently only when alone with Masatsugu.

This contrast was also very cute.



Obtaining Hatsune's permission, Masatsugu turned his head around without saying a word.

Hatsune had taken off her Haikara-san-style kimono and hakama, and even the specialized underwear for pairing with Japanese clothing. She only had a blanket from the bed draped over herself.

Using her left arm to cleverly cover her breasts, she did not bare herself fully.

Hatsune looked extremely embarrassed.

At dusk, the setting sun's red rays were streaming in through the ship's round window. Hatsune's face and body were bright red, but not because of the sunset illumination.


"U-umm. This might sound a bit immodest, Onii-sama, but I want you to take as much warmth as you can—That's why I was wondering, maybe it might be better if I undressed more. P-Perhaps there's no need to go this far..."

"No, this is great."

Masatsugu wrapped his arms around Hatsune's shoulders and drew her into his bosom.

The two of them embraced on the bed with Hatsune ending up on top. Face to face, up close, they smiled at each other.

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Normally, Masatsugu's smiles were minor twitches of the cheek without much expression on his lips.

However, he always felt that it was moments like these when he smiled naturally.


Whispering, Hatsune pressed her lips against Masatsugu's neck.

The kiss felt sweet and romantic. With Hatsune on top, Masatsugu could feel a pleasant weight against him.

Their legs very naturally entwined together.

Meanwhile, Hatsune suddenly reacted with alarm, realizing she was kissing her brother. It had evidently been a subconscious act.

"S-Sorry, Onii-sama. You do this from time to time, so I..."

"Did I ever do this?"

"Yes... You do, but not every time."

"You don't like it?"

"W-Well, it's not like I don't... That's why I'm..."

Hatsune's words were far too cute. Masatsugu felt compelled to hug her magnificent figure tightly. Hatsune smiled happily and kissed Masatsugu on the neck again.

The two siblings embraced for a while—

Masatsugu's cold body slowly started to warm up.

At the same time, seductive sighs were escaping from Hatsune's lips.

"Mmmm... Mmmmm... Huah. Ah—It feels hotter than usual, Onii-sama..."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm trying hard to warm you up, Onii-sama—and now my own body has become very hot... My mind is dizzy, it's hard to think..."

"You did all this for me?"

"Y-Yes... Mmmm. Huah—"

Masatsugu sat up with Hatsune sitting on his lap. They were on the bed, face to face, hugging each other tightly.


This time, it was Masatsugu's turn to bury himself against Hatsune's pale neck.

The adorable little sister's body was fiery hot. Masatsugu sucked on her neck, trying to absorb heat from her body. As hot as boiling water, her body cooled down slightly.


Hatsune called out to Masatsugu, her emotions reaching a climax.

Only after remaining in embrace for several minutes did her boiling body temperature subside. Masatsugu was just about to release the girl in front of him who was only wrapped in a blanket.

However, Hatsune hugged him tightly on her own initiative instead.

"No, Onii-sama... I made my decision, I've got to work harder than usual today. Please take as much from me as you can..."

Of course, the little sister had already worked so hard, Masatsugu did not want to add to her burden unnecessarily. However, Hatsune's endearing vibe aroused Masatsugu's passion and he embraced her forcefully again.

In the end, Hatsune's body temperature climaxed two more times.

Each time, Masatsugu obtained substantial ectoplasmic fluid and body warmth.

After the third time, even Hatsune with her outstanding stamina was exhausted. Masatsugu could hear the breathing from her sweet slumber on the bed.

Covering up Hatsune's naked body with the blanket, Masatsugu admired her sleeping face for a moment.

Then he left the sick bay.

His tour of the destroyer Tintagel was only half done.

Masatsugu planned on finishing his rounds before rousing Hatsune to leave together. First, he exited the interior of the ship, then walked across the deck towards the bridge section that resembled a tower.

This was where the captain of the ship, the officers in charge of the helm, and the fleet commander would gather.

One could call it the command tower of the destroyer Tintagel.

"A military ship, huh?"

Standing by the window, Masatsugu looked "outside."

Standing on the deck, the tower-like bridge was the height of a small building. On a the sailing ships of old, one would only get this kind of view from the crow's nest on top of the mast.

Night had fallen.

Since the ship was moored at the pier, Masatsugu could get a full view of Suruga Bay that surrounded the port of Tagonoura.

Gentle moonlight and the constellations of early winter were illuminating the water surface. Today, the sea was quite calm. There was a serene atmosphere to the marine scenery of the night. However, Masatsugu did not feel anything special.

On the other hand, the first time he rode a wyvern, it had felt nostalgic.

"My past life seems to have nothing to do with ships."

"Did you come here just for the sake of confirming this?"

...Someone spoke to Masatsugu from behind.

Masatsugu was not really surprised since he had already noticed her presence. Calmly, he said, "Going around alone without a bodyguard is quite imprudent, Princess."

He looked back to see Fujinomiya Shiori right before him.

Part 4[edit]

Hearing Masatsugu's criticism, Shiori responded with displeasure.

"Do not treat me like a child. You should be well aware that one would be hard pressed to find a noetic master more powerful than I am."


Shiori was dressed in a white blouse with a navy-blue skirt. Quite prim and proper casual clothing. She was also wearing the pair of glasses she used as a disguise, presumably with image manipulation noetics applied.

Getting back to more important matters, Masatsugu answered the princess' question. "Actually, when I heard this ship's name during the war council, a strange idea occurred to me. I wonder if this Tintagel ship could be used in the next battle."

"You want to use this ship to invade Hakone—a mountain fortress?"

"Yes. If I was an expert at using ships for war in my past life, perhaps I might be able to come up with a good plan..."

"So that was why you came to check out the ship in person?"

"Unfortunately, it was just my imagination. I couldn't come up with anything."

"After all, even the British Empire's cutting-edge ship would not be able to traverse mountains."

"Yes, it turns out I came here for nothing."

Masatsugu's blasé conclusion brought a smile to Shiori's face.

Of course, Shiori was not laughing at Masatsugu, but finding his reaction quite cute. However, she immediately resumed a solemn expression and murmured in worry. "The fact that you resorted to a vague instinctive notion of this sort implies that the conquest of Hakone must be very challenging from your perspective too..."

"The Four Gods system is definitely difficult to handle."

The Suruga tutelary fort was protected by the spirit Sakuya and the ifrit Seiryuu.

Unfortunately, the guardian deities on both sides were not comparable at all. The spirit Morrigan was controlling the merged entity of Seiryuu, Suzaku, Byakko, and Genbu—

A partnership between such a monster with Prince Edward was undoubtedly the worst enemy.

"In fact, some ideas have occurred to me after witnessing the power of the Four Gods. If I were to use appropriate means as an imperial princess, it might be possible for me to seal that monster away effortlessly."


"I am currently researching whether this method would work or not. Could you please wait a moment?"

"Princess, if you do this, your life will—"

"It is unavoidable for the sake of realizing great ambition. Relax, I will turn to other means if the strain proves to be too great."

In a rare moment, Shiori responded partially in jest and smiled, "It would be far too foolish if I were to fall ill so soon after assuming my position."

"Agreed. Please take care of yourself, Princess."

It had been so long since the last time they were alone and could have a proper chat.

Both of them felt the same way. On further thought, in the past, they would set aside time every night to be together, to replenish ectoplasmic fluid and take the opportunity to have heartfelt conversations.

"I-Incidentally, Masatsugu-sama, regarding the matter of resupply."

Shiori changed the subject. Her thoughts had turned to ectoplasmic fluid too.

"Y-You wish to ask male Chevaliers to provide—"

"Are you against it too, Princess?"

"Uh, I-I am not too supportive of that... I-I don't mean to discriminate or anything—It is not because I consider homosexual behavior subversive to society and shouldn't involve my knight. However, I simply do not want you to do it, Masatsugu-sama."

The princess brought out many "vague" reasons, probably because she was flustered.

What an adorable reaction. Masatsugu deliberately asked her in response, "You won't accept it, only because it's me?"

"Y-Yes... Umm, Masatsugu-sama."

The princess looked up with determination.

The glasses disguise added to her intellectual image.

Sure enough, she was a beautiful woman. Banishing the uncertainty in her eyes with willpower alone, Shiori said timidly, "I have rested long enough... There is no problem now."

Emotionally reserved, Shiori mustered her courage to present her demand.

Anyone who was not aroused by these words must be mentally impaired. Without another word, Masatsugu picked up the princess in his arms.


"Princess, of course I need your help too."

Using a literal "princess carry," Masatsugu moved her to a leather seat nearby.

Leather seats would be quite extravagant for a military ship's standard issue equipment. Perhaps this was for the captain's exclusive use.

Masatsugu had the princess reclining on the seat.

"I-I will get ready now..."

Shiori sat up after stammering.

She unbuttoned her blouse. Kneeling on the seat, she unfastened her skirt's clasp and the navy-blue fabric slid down.

The princess of dragon blood had a white blouse draped on her shoulders.

The rest consisted of her neat and trim pink underwear and the stockings covering her legs. For Masatsugu's sake, she went as far as to bare her taintless skin.

Shiori's posture was kneeling on the seat.

This compensated for their height difference, putting Shiori and the standing Masatsugu at roughly eye level.

Perhaps it slipped her mind but she did not remove her glasses disguise. Looking more scholarly than usual, the princess was within arm's reach.

"Princess, please grace me with your blessing."

"Don't put it like that. I would not not be alive without your help. For you, this bit of sacrifice is nothing—"

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Masatsugu embraced the princess while she was murmuring.

Shiori hugged him in turn, accepting his embrace. Suddenly inspired with a mischievous notion, Masatsugu whispered in Shiori's ear, "Princess... Are you sure this is purely a sacrifice?"

"Q-Quit spouting nonsense and focus now."

While scolding Masatsugu, Shiori actively rubbed her cheek against him as though seeking affection. She was pressing against Masatsugu's cheek and it seemed like a subconscious act.

This behavior was an indication of the princess' feelings and the distance between the two of them.

Shiori's sweet reaction seemed to be expressing her unbearable loneliness. This also set Masatsugu's heart aflame.

He embraced Shiori even harder, perhaps a little too rough on a noble lady.

However, Shiori accepted Masatsugu completely.


The princess called his name in rapture, then burying her face into Masatsugu's neck, she kept kissing his skin gently.

Now that Masatsugu thought about it, Shiori was more experienced than Hatsune in the process of replenishing ectoplasmic fluid.

Although her poise and behavior were prim and proper, she had shared extremely intimate moments with Masatsugu. Currently, she was caressing Masatsugu's back and arms, doing her best to warm up the Resurrectee's cold body.



They even felt that calling each other's name would deepen their bonds.

Finally, Masatsugu's body warmed up as he absorbed the essence of ectoplasmic fluid from Shiori smoothly.

Masatsugu recalled the previous scene.

During the resupplying process, his little sister's body had become as hot as boiling water. The heat had turned into a great amount of ectoplasmic fluid to provide Tachibana Masatsugu with the energy for battle. Furthermore, Hatsune had attained unprecedented excitement.

Masatsugu told himself to focus and refrain from stealing heat for now.

Soon, Shiori experienced a change.

"M-Masatsugu-sama... Today, I... feel a little strange. My body is hotter than usual, the dizziness, it is making it difficult to think—"

Shiori murmured to herself as though talking in a dream.

Under her glasses, her eyes became unfocused, losing her usual edge.

"Huah... Masatsu—Mmmmm! Ah... Mmmmmm... Ooooooh!"

Struck by a flood of emotions as though a dam had ruptured, the princess could no longer suppress her voice. Masatsugu relaxed himself at the same time.

Scorching heat instantly surged into Masatsugu's body.

Trying her best to endure the flow, Shiori also reached her limit.


Shiori's entire body went limp.

Thus, Masatsugu's lady liege passed out, but there was a smile of satisfaction on the corners of her lips. Her dazed demeanor was quite blissful.

Masatsugu could not leave the fainted Shiori behind and exit the ship.

Besides, there were still things he had to do on the destroyer Tintagel. In the end, Masatsugu picked up the princess in his arms and returned to the sick bay from earlier.

Hatsune was lying on the only bed, fast asleep.

She showed no signs of waking up. Fortunately, the bed in the British ship's sick bay was quite large and should be capable of fitting three or four Japanese ladies.

Masatsugu placed Shiori next to Hatsune and went up to the deck alone.

The moon and the stars were out tonight.

"Now then—"

Masatsugu began to think again. He decided he should still go ahead with the plan to take ectoplasmic fluid from the male Chevaliers of Tōkaidō.

Although he was grateful to Shiori and Hatsune's feelings, victory hinged upon this crucial matter after all...

"Monarch's dog, you have suffered much from the shortage of energy."

A sudden voice from behind startled Masatsugu.

He had not sensed the visitor, unlike the case with Shiori earlier. Masatsugu slowly turned around and saw a young girl dressed in a blue kimono and haori.

The girl had a pretty face and looked like she was in the upper years of elementary school.

Not only was her clothing blue—Even her hair was glowing with blue radiance!

"Do you know who I am?" The girl was clearly no ordinary person, so Masatsugu decided to cut straight to the chase.

The girl in the kimono was haughty in manner, her smirking countenance almost like a mischievous child's.

"Strictly speaking, I don't know anything. However, I do have a few thoughts from looking at your face."

"Something like a flash of inspiration?"

"You are a dog, and for virtually all of your past life, you were a ruler's dog."

"You... aren't human, are you?"

"You can discern that? Impressive, undead one. No wonder my princess holds you in such high regard."

Having said that—Immediately...

The mysterious girl who spoke like an elder vanished into thin air.

She had disappeared without trace like a messenger pipe fox. Did she use teleportation? Just as Masatsugu was intrigued, someone else appeared on deck.

The one walking up to Masatsugu directly was whom he had been waiting for.

They had agreed to meet on the Tintagel tonight.

"Thank you for your patience, Masatsugu-dono."

The visitor was Tōkaidō's new Governor General, Akigase Rikka.

Part 5[edit]

"Oh right, this would be my first time seeing you in casual clothing, Rikka-dono."

"Indeed, I am always wearing my military uniform. Do I look odd... dressed like this?"

Tōkaidō's premier Chevalier looked a little insecure.

Tonight, Rikka was wearing a black rider jacket with gray skin pants. This combination accentuated her excellent figure—especially her slender legs.

The air temperature was not too chilly tonight, but Rikka's jacket zipper was closed.

Masatsugu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Of course not. It looks great on you."

"P-Please don't flatter me. By the way—"

Rikka cringed in embarrassment and said, "This has been bothering me the whole time. You do not need to speak too formally. As a Resurrectee in Her Highness' service and an officially recognized Chevalier, your status is no less than mine."

"I should say the same goes for you."

Remaining calm as always, Masatsugu argued against Rikka, "There's no need for you to be obsessed with manners when talking to someone like me, Rikka-dono. I'm lucky enough to have a place in Tōkaidō's hierarchy only because I serve the princess."

"Then allow me to put things differently, Masatsugu-dono."

The girl who had risen from being House Akigase's Chevalier princess to the Governor General refused to back down.

"You might be the famous hero, Hijikata Toshizō. Even as a fiefdom's Governor General, I must offer the greatest of respect towards someone as important as you. This is part of the show, so please accept it."

"I see."

"Besides, let me be frank. Masatsugu-dono, I wish for us to bare our souls to each other... To build a relationship of candid congeniality. Your full cooperation will be greatly appreciated."

Rikka smiled mischievously and even winked.

To insist any further would be boorish, so Masatsugu agreed to her request.

"Understood, then let's start with some candid conversation... Actually, I consider myself quite lucky tonight for the chance to admire you in your casual clothing, Rikka-dono."

"Th-This kind of candid conversation is way too abrupt!"

Masatsugu's honest confession ended up making Rikka complain.

"I have heard that you remain quite committed to a beauty contest, Masatsugu-dono. It turns out you're more of a smooth talker than I imagined."

"I really hope you'll enter the beauty contest too, Rikka-dono."

"I think I shall pass. I am a daughter of the ruling house, not to mention the Governor General now."

The vibe in their conversation was slightly different from before.

After responding cordially to Masatsugu's invitation, Rikka changed the subject.

"Also, about the... question of asking my fiefdom's knights to supply ectoplasmic fluid."

"Are you against it too, Rikka-dono?"

"Of course. Masatsugu-dono, the issue of your resupply is top secret. I-If you get involved with an unspecified number of knights, even the most confidential of secrets will be leaked!"

"True, you make a good point."

Only after listening to Rikka did Masatsugu realized this possibility.

He had been too careless. Racking his mind over matters of war, he had overlooked this one point. Tōkaidō's new Governor General looked down and said, "Th-That's why I have made my decision to take my retainers' place... to provide you with ectoplasmic fluid, Masatsugu-dono."

"You're willing to do it, Rikka-dono?"

"Yes... Oh, but please do not get the wrong idea!"

Rikka suddenly said in anger, "I-I am not interested in you simply because you might be Hijikata Toshizō. That is clearly not the reason why I started feeling curious about you, to the point of finding it impossible to ignore!"

"I see."

Rikka had evidently confessed through a suspiciously specific denial. So this was what she meant.

"Then I will be relying on your help in the future."

"W-What about now? I am fine with it."


Rikka was showing a shy expression but her tone was quite firm, surprising Masatsugu a little.

"Yes... There are not many days left before the deadline for capturing Hakone. Also, I need to catch up—Oh, scratch that, I mean that as someone who joined later, I should do everything I can to help you in what limited time we have, Masatsugu-dono, no less than Her Highness and Tachibana Hatsune."

"You are this determined, Rikka-dono?"

"As determined as any samurai ought to be."

This was more like a maiden's determination, but Masatsugu kept his comment to himself.

Taking the casually dressed Rikka into his arms, he gazed upon her spirited and beautiful face.

"In that case, would you care to indulge me?"

"I-I may be inexperienced but if you are alright with that, please proceed..."

Rather than embarrassment, this aristocratic daughter seemed more fearful of the unknown.

The black rider jacket wrapping her upper body tightly had the zipper pulled all the way to the top.

Needless to say, this piece of clothing was a hindrance to the ritual.

Masatsugu casually pulled down the zipper and was surprised again.

"A-As for the method of replenishment, I have heard..."

Rikka's voice was very quiet.

Under her jacket was a short tank top.

It looked almost like a bra, exposing Rikka's narrow waist completely. Moreover, she was apparently not wearing underwear beneath this flimsy tank top.

Smiling with a twitch of his cheek, Masatsugu removed her jacket.

The bridge's wall happened to be behind them, so Masatsugu had Rikka sit down, leaning her back against the wall. He also bent over, intending to embrace Rikka from the front.

"Please, Rikka-dono, share a little of your warmth and ectoplasmic fluid with me."

"Oh, hold on—" Just before Masatsugu hugged Rikka, she said quietly.

Rikka was very nervous at the thought of what was coming next. Gazing into Masatsugu's eyes, she declared with acute fortitude as befitted a hero among women.

"Please absorb as much as you can, rather than just a little. It is because you lacked ectoplasmic fluid, Masatsugu-dono, that Her Highness collapsed in exhaustion, right?"


"Perhaps it might sound rude for me to say this, but I'd like us to relate as equals, Masatsugu-dono, Resurrectee that you are. Please do not hold back on my account. I'd rather have you give me rough treatment as an ally on equal terms—That would make me happier instead."


"And please do not underestimate me. I train no less than Tachibana Hatsune. There is no need to be careful with me."

Masatsugu smiled. Rikka was displaying her mettle as befitted a contemporary hero.

She did not want to place the Resurrectees such as Masatsugu or Prince Edward on a pedestal, to treat them as supernatural monsters. Neither could she tolerate the fact that she was inferior to them.

Even if she could not equal them in power, at least she would never lose to them in spirit. Rikka was determined to catch up to them one day.

It would be rude to refuse Rikka's candid request that was brimming with pride. Hence, Masatsugu hugged the aristocratic daughter's beautiful body tightly.

Rikka's soft bosom was compressed against Masatsugu's chest.

In terms of volume, her bust lost to Hatsune and the princess by a slim margin. But in terms of overall shape and texture, Akigase Rikka edged out slightly.

Masatsugu was currently enjoying the dignified beauty of her skin.

Once his body started to warm up, Rikka's gaze began to lose focus gradually.

"The next part might get tougher and tougher..."

"I welcome it gladly. To think that your body was this cold, Masatsugu-dono—Mm, ah..."

Rikka was a little out of breath. It seemed like something was stirring inside her.

Using the same principle as before, Masatsugu was suppressing his absorption of heat. However, even taking that into account, the temperature of Rikka's entire body was rising too fast.

Perhaps Rikka had this sort of aptitude—Her body and soul heated up extremely easily.

Seeing a reaction different from when Shiori and Hatsune started out, Masatsugu reached the above conclusion. However, this was of no consequence at the moment.

"Rikka-dono, please relax your entire body."

"I... understand. Ah, mm ahhhhhhhhhhh!?"

As soon as she relaxed, heat was instantly sucked out of her entire body. Tōkaidō's premier lady knight fainted in Masatsugu's embrace.

The warmth and ectoplasmic fluid she had lost was now residing in the amnesiac Resurrectee's body.

"Thank you so much..."

Masatsugu covered the sleeping Rikka with her jacket.

Thanks to assistance from Princess Shiori, Tachibana Hatsune, and Akigase Rikka, Masatsugu now had the resources to put up a fight at last. He felt quite heavily indebted to them.

...Masatsugu noticed that his blood was boiling and the beating of his heart had grown stronger.

After taking ectoplasmic blood from three girls consecutively, Tachibana Masatsugu's mystic powers had risen dramatically, changing his body and soul.

Masatsugu thought that the situation would settle down soon—But unexpectedly...


His surrounding scenery changed all of a sudden.

He was originally in late-twentieth-century Japan, on the deck of a military ship moored at a port.

Spontaneously, he found himself riding a malnourished horse, racing across a vast grassland. In fact, this was a fierce warhorse capable of crossing thousands of miles.

Previously, Shiori had led him to watch "past memories" once.

The current scenery was identical to what he had seen last time.

"Is it because my power... ectoplasmic fluid increased all at once?"

Masatsugu knew this was a vision, something similar to a dream.

Together with his elite troops, he was dashing single-mindedly across this endless wilderness. But unlike last time, Masatsugu felt a sense of certainty in his heart.

This time, he had a "destination" in his dream, and a certain man was waiting for him there...

That guy was surely leading his own army, heading to the same location. However, the route he was taking was completely different from Masatsugu's.

Who knew how many hundreds of kilometers separated the two armies?

Riding on without stopping, he would certainly find a way to converge with his ally. Then together they would annihilate the enemy army waiting for them, to assault the targeted capital.

Victory is certain if it is us. A new sense of certainty took root in Masatsugu's heart.

Even though they were not related by blood, they were allies and comrades equivalent to brothers.

The two armies led by that man and Masatsugu were the empire's strongest spear and fastest arrow. Two swords. As a pair, they were known as the "Two-Headed Dog"...


Masatsugu was just about to say his ally's name.

Only then did he realize he had forgotten the name of this reliable man.

Part 6[edit]

After Masatsugu and company spent the night at the destroyer Tintagel, dawn arrived.

"Good morning, Princess."

"G-Good morning... Uh, what is going on here?"

Masatsugu had gone to the sick bay on the ship for a morning greeting. Waking up on the bed, the princess looked around in disbelief.

One could hardly blame here. She had no idea when she had been moved to the sick bay.

The morning rays were entering through the ship's window.

Tachibana Hatsune and Akigase Rikka were sleeping on each edge of the bed respectively. Gaps in the blanket's positioning offered glimpses at their sexy figures.

"Mm~ ...I'm too full to eat anymore..."

Speaking in her dream, Hatsune was naked under the sheets.

As for Rikka, she was wearing a short tank top with gray skin pants (Masatsugu had removed her socks and shoes).

More importantly, Shiori herself had nothing on except for her pink and neat underwear.


The princess' mouth emitted an unbecoming scream.

This sound was loud enough to wake Hatsune and Rikka.

Thirty minutes later...

Masatsugu left the Tintagel on his own, greeting the guarding infantry along the way.

He returned the key he had used to board the ship. Next up, he was not returning to the Fuji tutelary fort. Instead, Masatsugu made his way to a large seaside park near the port of Tagonoura.

He had been there the last time he visited Fuji City.

On that occasion, he had secretly taken ectoplasmic fluid from Shiori while keeping Hatsune in the dark. Currently, the three girls were sitting on that same bench, waiting for Masatsugu's arrival.

The three girls were the princess, her personal lady-in-waiting, and the Tōkaidō's new Governor General, of course.

The three of them had left the ship first to avoid scandals of "spending the night together with him."

" " "......" " "

Shiori and Rikka were not talking. Even the usually cheerful Hatsune was silent.

A gloomy air seemed to be hanging over the three girls. Also, Masatsugu still had not explained what happened last night, but presumably, the girls must have exchanged information while waiting for him.

Actually, there was no need to exchange information. One could surmise the basic situation simply from the state of the bed upon awakening...

Masatsugu first bowed his head to his liege Shiori in gratitude.

"Princess, thank you very much for last night."

"Y-You are welcome. As your liege, Masatsugu-sama, this is only the least I could do..."

In this rare moment, the princess was at a loss for words. Masatsugu turned to his little sister Hatsune and his ally Rikka to express his thanks too.

"I am also very grateful to you, Hatsune and Rikka-dono. Thanks to the ectoplasmic fluid you gave me, I have received unprecedented power. Perhaps due to that, I've recalled some of my past—memories from my past life, in other words."

"R-Really, Onii-sama!? That's wonderful!"

"Strictly speaking, they're not complete memories but fragments."

"Indeed... Masatsugu-dono, your noesis is stronger this morning than ever before."

Hatsune was happy for Masatsugu while Rikka narrowed her eyes and smiled.

The three ladies present knew very well that the power filling Tachibana Masatsugu's body and soul had reached another level. His Chevalier Strength had probably surpassed four hundred now—

He had broken through a hurdle that had been insurmountable until now.

At this rate, it should be possible to become plenty prepared prior to attacking Hakone.

"Y-You mean the ectoplasmic fluid... received from all of us?"

"Almost certainly," Masatsugu asserted firmly.

Rikka motioned with her eyes to the princess and the junior Chevalier.

"Your Highness, j-just as I have mentioned earlier, to avoid having an unspecified number of Chevaliers getting involved with Masatsugu-dono—Scratch that, to avoid having too many people privy to this secret, therefore..."

"Y-You mean we alone shall take care of resupplying, right?"

"It's true, I don't want Onii-sama to go out of control and make things even more complicated. A-Although I'm a bit curious about men doing that to each other..."

As expected, the girls had discussed among themselves beforehand.

Judging from their reactions, Masatsugu was struck by a sense of deja vu, like three countries locked in a conflict over the same piece of land.

If no one was willing to compromise, every country would suffer great losses.

Instead, it would be best to reach an agreement to handle the problem in a "lenient" manner for the time being. This was what the current situation resembled, and Masatsugu wondered if he should be saying something about it.

Just as he was about to speak...

"Hey, isn't it my turn to speak?"

Someone behind him spoke first. Despite talking like a self-important elder, the voice was an adorable girl's soprano. Masatsugu had heard this voice before.

He looked back to see the girl from last night.

The girl was dressed in a blue kimono. Her done up hair was glowing with blue radiance.

Holding a fan in her hand, she exuded an aura of aloofness unique to those steeped in the occult. Shiori was the first to greet this striking girl.

"You have finally arrived, Rindou-sensei!"

Rindou-sensei was akin to Princess Shiori's own Zhuge Kongming, if one were to use a Three Kingdoms analogy.

At this very moment, Tachibana Masatsugu finally made the connection between this face and name.

"Too bland."

After tasting the drink she had ordered, Rindou-sensei complained.

Shiori originally wanted to get to the main point, but the mysterious girl had made a demand first.

'I am thirsty after coming to a dusty town. Bring me a cup to moisten my throat first. Hey, maidservant over there, get me a drink.'

'I am talking to you! When I say a drink, do not bring tea or coffee by any means.'

'The only drinks acceptable to me are alcohol and prajna soup!'

Without asking anyone to introduce themselves, she was already ordering the lady-in-waiting Hatsune around.

After revealing this extraordinary feat of perception, Rindou-sensei had made even more outrageous demands. Everyone watched as Hatsune left and returned fifteen minutes later, carrying beer bought from a convenience store. Rindou-sensei frowned and complained as soon as she took a sip.

She even said, "Good grief... I am a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages, after all. I do understand the profound custom of 'anyway, let's have a beer first' but this is no good at all. Maidservant, be a little smarter if you are going to entertain your princess' benefactor, and bring some local Suruga beer, okay? Even though it is a relatively light beer, it does have a certain richness to it."

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"I-I'm still a minor so I don't know anything about drinking."

Hatsune was quite troubled.

Never in her wildest dreams would she have expected a young girl, looking like an elementary school student, to be lecturing her.

Meanwhile, Rikka whispered quietly in the princess' ear, "Your Highness, I recall that she is your guardian who lives in seclusion at the hot spring district of Mount Yu, right?"

Mount Yu was within Suruga City in a way.

However, it was located in the mountainous region of the Southern Alps. This was a part of the mountains where there was nothing except for hot springs, not even a remote village.

Rikka then said, "I heard she is quite advanced in her years, right?"

"Yes. Actually, Sensei has a reason for appearing before others like this—"

"A genie, huh?"

Masatsugu's muttering interrupted the whispers between the two girls.

He was asking Rindou-sensei directly. The girl in the blue kimono smiled proudly and took another sip of beer.

"Impressive, undead one. I'm surprised you discerned it."

"The fact that you can drink... implies you are corporeal. So you have the ability to appear in front of people without relying on projected images or possessing simulacra."

"Don't compare me to those inferior beings."

Rindou-sensei raised her can and emptied it without letting a single drop escape. She must be a drinker with amazing tolerance.

"My true identity is Fukuryuu, the Crouching Dragon, highest in rank among the likes of retainer beasts, spirits, and demons in this world."

"That explains the keen intuition."

"Indeed. Of course, there are limits to my miraculous powers when using this form. Please do make bizarre requests of me, understood?"

"Still, Sensei, thank you for coming to see me."

Shiori's tone was filled with gratitude and she even presented a small bottle of domestic whiskey.

This was something that Hatsune had bought at the convenience store together with the beer. Rindou-sensei accepted it with satisfaction and swiftly opened the cap for a sip.

"Yesterday, Princess, you delivered an entire crate of daiginjou along with a letter with a question, didn't you? On account of the excellent taste, I have decided to answer your question."

After giving a very materialistic reason, Sensei brought up the heart of the matter.

"You asked me if there was any enchantment to take control of Japanese ifrits using imperial blood, didn't you? Jumping straight to the conclusion, yes indeed—"

"Are you serious!?"

"Mm-hmm. However, it can only be used near the divinity baseplate in the enemy position. It will not be useful for the attack on Hakone, that's all."

Rindou-sensei was very frank and Shiori was disappointed.

"Indeed, the divinity baseplate is hidden inside the tutelary fort. In order to sneak inside, the noesis barrier must be neutralized in one way or another..."

This was equivalent to capturing a tutelary fort.

It was admittedly a useless method. Masatsugu agreed—But then he figured out something unexpectedly.

He finally understood why the destroyer Tintagel had aroused his curiosity in particular.

A sudden flash of inspiration of sorts. Perhaps this method of using it might come in handy during the upcoming battle.

"Princess, let's first set aside the issue of whether to use that enchantment or not. There's something for which I'd like to have your instruction."

Masatsugu's tone was indifferent as always.

However, there was a certain vibe in his words. The three ladies and Rindou-sensei also focused their interested gazes upon him.

Unfazed, Masatsugu spoke softly.

"The plan for attacking Hakone Checkpoint has finally come together."

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