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Trick or Treat

DramaCD72 01b.jpg

This translation was made using both the script and the audio of the drama cd: Trick or Treat. Character names were kept as in the original script.

- Shin Makoku - Blood Pledge Castle - Yuuri's Room - In the morning

Engiwarui bird: E-e-e-e.... engiwarui (bad omen)

Wolf: Yuuri! Wake up, it's morning already.

Yuuri: (waking up) Um... yeah...Eh? What is it? It's still dark outside.

Wolf: The first engiwarui bird has cried already! Now hurry up, get up, and change your clothes into this.

Yuuri: Change clothes? You always sleep in late, so why are you up this early today? Or rather... huh!? Wolf?

Wolf: Yeah?

Yuuri: Wha... what's that?

Wolf: What do you mean by 'that'?

Yuuri: I mean... why are you looking like that? Are those clothes made of black tape!? Like "Hot Limit"[1]?

Wolf: Hotto rimitto.... (pulls out a book and starts turning pages). "Hotto"... means hot. "Rimitto"... means "barely". In other words "atsugiri" (thick sliced)

Yuuri: Huh?

Wolf: (displeased) Yuuri, why are you calling your fiancé 'thick sliced'!?

Yuuri: No, no! I didn't mean it like that! I meant it like in 'Revolution'[2]...

Wolf: (turning pages) "Re... revoryushon"... means revolution!? I'm a faithful vassal of the maou! I would never be a revolutionary!

Yuuri: No, again, I didn't mean it like that! Oh no wait... you got that one right. Or rather, what's that book you have there? Is it a dictionary?

Wolf: This? This is "The Earth Language Dictionary! Recommended by His Majesty the Maou!". It's mainly a collection of words you've said, and it contains translations and explanations of foreign and unfamiliar words. It seems like lately it has started to be sold at the castle town's bookstore.

Yuuri: Huh? Wait a second. I don't remember recommending a book like that.

Wolf: That's just a marketing strategy, don't worry about it.

Yuuri: I worry! Give me that...

Wolf: Give it back, Yuuri!

Yuuri: It's a pretty thick book... but also Wolf, where did you get those clothes from? (turning pages) Let's see.... "healthy".... means "Hell Sea"[3]: The philosophy that to maintain good health you have to push yourself to your limits. A word that his majesty likes very much." Nononono, this is off. Who wrote this?!

Wolf: Ah, well that was...

Yuuri: "Author: Lady von Karbelnikoff Anissina" !?

Anissina: Yes, I'm here! You were calling me, right?

Yuuri: Uwoh! You scared me!

Wolf: Anissina! We weren't calling you!

(Anissina walks all the way to the side of the bed)

Yuuri: Uh! Eh... A-Anissina-san? Wait... what's with that outfit?

Anissina: How are you this morning, your majesty? Please excuse me for visiting your bedroom this early in the morning. But as you are aware, today is Shin Makoku's traditional autumn festivity "Haroin" (Leaf Dew Drinking)[4]

Yuuri: I- I'm not aware of that... or rather... is that a ...?

Anissina: This? This is the "Red Witch" costume !

Yuuri: No, that's red bondage clothes... it's so troublesome it makes me avert my eyes... what I mean is that's not a witch costume, it's a queen one.

Anissina: That's right. The former queen, Cherie-sama, made it and told me "It's so that we have matching outfits". And by the way, Cherie-sama's is a golden one (whip sound)

Yuuri: Uwoh!

Wolf: Mother....

Yuuri: B-be careful with that whip~, Anissina-saan~

Anissina: Oh, excuse me. Since this year I'll be in charge of the event and I want to do my best, I got a little carried away.

Yuuri: In charge?

Anissina: Yes, in charge of incorporating the "Earth" tradition of his majesty's birthplace to this "Shin Haroin"[5].

Yuuri: "Shin", huh? But wait... Isn't Gunter usually the one in charge of this type of event?

Anissina: Ah, yes, in regard to that...

(sad song)

Wolf: (serious).... Yuuri. About Gunter, you know? Just a while ago (his voice starts breaking)...

Yuuri: Did something happen?

Wolf: While dreaming he was in your arms.... this morning.... he became someone who will never return....

Yuuri: What do you mean? H-he is alive isn't he?

Wolf: No. One can't say.... that that's called living.... (rubbing his nose) all because he carelessly listened to Anissina's alluring words!

Anissina: What are these scandalous accusations? I only said: "Wait there, Lord von Christ! Come here and be an experiment subject for my magical device"!

Wolf: And I'm saying that's awful.

Anissina: Lord von Bielefeld. Since I look at both the physical and maryoku aspects, you have been the only one, who has never become one of my lab subjects, but... I see now.

Wolf: Huh!?

Anissina: You're trying to get the position of your older brother or the King's Assistant, isn't that right?

Wolf: What? No, that... I'm really not....

Anissina: That's a wonderful attitude for someone from the ten noble families.

Wolf: Gunter, forgive me! Please continue to sleep peacefully as you are now!

Yuuri: Somehow these words, give me a huge deja vu....

Anissina: Don't worry, your majesty. Lord von Christ can easily possess the cute doll " Improved Okiku", so I only had him try it. Besides the experiment was half-way successful.

Yuuri: Half-way...

Anissina: Since in the past, Lord von Christ had had an emergency evacuation onto the Okiku doll, I thought this experiment would be a piece of cake; but apparently when one leaves their physical body it's difficult to control one's maryoku.

Wolf: The Okiku started flying everywhere, shooting deadly lasers beams from its eyes. On top of that, is seems like it can't understand what we're saying.

Yuuri: That's bad...

Anissina: At any rate, the magical device that puts the soul from the doll back into its original body was destroyed by the deadly laser beams so I had no choice but to quickly freeze the rampaging Okiku and seal it. It's now in my lab, sitting angrily next to the King Assistant's body.

Wolf: (still crying) Why did this happen to someone as innocent as Gunter...?[6]

Yuuri: So when, will it defreeze?

Anissina: For the time being, we know it won't be today. Well, since he won't rot, it'll be fine. Besides, you shouldn't worry about such trivial things.

Yuuri: So cruel...

Anissina: Firstly, your majesty, please change into the "Shin costume" that Lord von Bielefeld brought for you as quickly as possible.

Wolf: Yuuri, here it is!

Yuuri: Huh? What? I'm supposed to put this on? That's not enough fabric for a piece of clothing! Uwah! It's almost the same as yours!

Wolf: No, mine has cat ears and a cat tail, yours has horns and wings. Look!

Yuuri: I don't want that "option"!

Yuuri (Monologue) My name is Shibuya Yuuri. Although I was supposed to be just an average baseball brat, and an average high school student, one day, I was flushed down a public park toilet to another world and from that day on, I was known as the 27th maou...

Anissina (interrupting the monologue) All right, all right, you're ready right? You're already ready, right? Then, let's go and set off to the traditional morning dew collection for "Haroin".

Yuuri: Wait! Anissina-san, please listen when people are talking!

Wolf: Yuuri, do it now.

Yuuri: Huh? What? Should I read the title now? Oh, okay. (clears throat)

(TITLE) Yuuri: Maruma Series, an original work by Takabayashi Tomo. A "No way, we're doing it again? (MAsaka no MAta yachau!?)" Special Drama CD : Trick or Treat!

- At the Blood Pledge Castle courtyard, it's morning. Gwendal and Conrad are walking in the courtyard. Sounds of military boots walking on cobblestone.

Gwen: Good grief. Why do even I have to participate?

Conrad: Now, now Gwen. Anissina is the one directing it this time, so it's safer to attend.

Gwen: That's even more unpleasant. And to think we have to go to the other side of the hill behind the Blood Pledge Castle this early in the morning.

Conrad: That's because we have to collect morning dew, for the 'Halloween' promise.

Gwen: Don't pronounce it like in the other world. The events over there are nothing like ours.

Conrad: But Anissina said that in honor of his majesty, she would style it like the one over there. Oh, did you bring your container and spoon?

Gwen: Yeah, I did! (sighs) But really, I'm so busy.

Conrad: I know veeery well you're busy. (laughs) Thank you for always working so hard for the country, big brother. Love ya tons.

Gwen: W-what's with you all of a sudden?

Conrad: It's just my stance of expressing my feelings of gratitude.

Gwen: Hmph. At any rate, where did Gunter go? He's always so enthusiastic when it comes to these types of events.

Conrad: Oh well, about that. He's probably in some room looking like a frozen tuna.

Gwen: I don't know what you mean by that.

Conrad: Hm.. I think it's best if you don't.

Gwen: Anyway, what's up with this cloak? It's heavy and making my shoulders stiff.

Conrad: Oh, but it really suits you, so keep it like that. By the way, you can have this, too.

Gwen (gets a witches tricorne hat forced onto his head) Agh! What's this weird hat?

Conrad: It's a set with the cloak, I guess it's a wizard cosplay? Gwen, you always have an angry expression. It suits you.

Gwen: I understand less and less what you're talking about. You're wearing something weird, too.

Conrad: I'm a vampire (laughs), ah, it reminds me of when I was staying in America. But over there, it was mostly children who were wearing ghost costumes.

Gwen: That would be my guess...

Jozak: (female voice) Eeeeexcellency! Commaaander! Hi! Sorry for taking so long! I brought Daikenja~

Murata: Hello! Working since early morning, I see! Otsukare-chan[7]! Uwagh... a tacky wizard and vampire again, huh? Seems like there's wrapped offerings squeezed in here and there and everywhere for the ladies[8]

Jozak: Awn, your highness!! Please praise Gurie-chan, too!

Murata: Ah! Gurie-chan! That Queen of Heart's cosplay, is reaaaally good! And the sleeves of that dress look like they're about to burst with those biceps!

Jozak: Awn, I'm happy! (strongly) Hmph!

Conrad: Your highness also looks great! You're a Wolf Guy​[9] with a bushy tail.

Murata: Well, it's kind of a weak costume compared to everyone else's. But I'm not a wolf, I'm a dog. Anyway, the costume's charming point are these fangs. What do you think? Ro~ar!

Gwen: (voice breaking) I....

Murata: I?

(cute music)

Gwen: (clears throat) I-I think it's okay. I was thinking it's very c-c-cute.

Murata: Eh? ... (smiles) Lord von Voltaire, that's a little scary.

Conrad: Sorry, Gwen loves the fancy fluffy things.

Jozak: Oh cmon! If your excellency keeps praising his highness, I'll get jealous.

Gwen: Well, I'm used to seeing Gurriere looking like that on the job... so I don't mind.

Conrad (aback): Eh, you didn't need to add that last part.

Jozak: No, commander, shut it.

Gwen: But Gurriere, in regards to the tone you're using, I like it better when you talk as usual, with a calm voice.

Jozak: (manly voice) I see. So your excellency likes this voice better, huh?

Gwen: Yeah...

Jozak: Understood. I'm picky about talking like Gurie-chan when I'm dressed like a woman, but since I'm not doing an undercover investigation today, I'll talk like this for his excellency.[10]

Conrad: Joza, you really are an uncomplicated man, aren't you?

Jozak: I'm not uncomplicated. I just have my priorities in order.

Murata: I think it's fine. It doesn't matter how he talks he's still a muscular man in a dress. It's still a surreal picture. Well, although this time we can only hear the audio. Okay, okay.

Conrad: Your highness, where are you looking at? Who are you talking to?

Murata: To everyone in front of the speakers, or listening through their earphones.

Jozak: Well, we're here on the other side of the hill but... ah! There they are. Your majesty!

Yuuri: Jozak, Conrad, and even Gwendal. Why are you all here so early in the morning?

Conrad: Your majesty too, you're up quite early.

Yuuri: Wolf woke me up. Eh, could it be that you are all here because you were called by Anissina-san.

Gwen: No, not really.

Anissina: What do you mean by not really?

Gwen (flustered): Anissina.... w-what are you wearing? It really has a lot of cleavage.

Anissina: (cracks whip) Quiet!

Gwen: Ah!

Anissina: Gwendal, even though his majesty has been advancing on the battlefield since early morning; you, his vasal, have sure been taking it easy all this time, huh?

Gwen: B-but ... "Haoin" was originally an event where women-children would pray for the household safety, as well as for having no illnesses and for the improvement of artistic accomplishments.

Anissina: (angry) Women....-children you say? What an anachronism![11] (cracks whip)

Gwen: Ouch! Wait. That's enough of the whip.

Anissina: Because of stupid men like you, excellent women are met with unreasonable discrimination. (cracks whip)

Gwen: Ahh!

Anissina: How can people involved in politics be this discriminatory!? (cracks whip)

Gwen: Ohhh!

Anissina: Understand how shameful you are! (cracks whip)

Gwen: Ahh!

Wolf: Anissina, please...[12]

Anissina: And you too, Lord Weller, who got here after his majesty...

Conrad: Ah, sorry. I was careless and didn't think that his majesty would be doing anything in the morning other than training.

Yuuri: Yeah, I didn't think so either. But look, I collected a lot of morning dew.

Wolf: Well, I didn't get as much as Yuuri, but collected quite a bit.

Yuuri: It was quite fun. Scooping it with a spoon was like playing a game.

Jozak: That's nice. If you mix that with ink, your calligraphy will look great.

Murata: Also, I think I remember making up that if the first thing you put in your mouth today is a few drops of it and then swallow it... something's supposed to happen.

Yuuri: What do you mean "you made it up"?

Murata: I mean because, it was I who thought up this Haroin event. Or rather, what I mean is that it was the first Daikenja who did it. What is it nowadays? "That you won't catch a cold" or something like that?

Wolf: That's right. You'll be free of diseases and your appetite will increase.

Murata: I see. In the past we also used to have a different option setting. I guess since it was difficult to meet the conditions, they abandoned that belief.

Anissina: (cracks whip) Your highness!

Murata: Uwah! Yes!?

Jozak: Anissina-chan, since that whip is starting to get too dangerous I'll be taking it away from you now...

Anissina: (clears throat) Excuse me. In regard to that other 'option setting' that his highness was just talking about... I'd like to say that I used ancient literature to prepare for this "Shin Haroin" event.

Murata: Oh! Okay....

Anissina: And according to it, up until about 2000 years ago, in this country of Shin Makoku, there used to be a vine plant that grew wild called MAn -BEEP- ( implying-> manko: vagina)[13]

Yuuri: Huh? What did you just say?

Anissina: I said MAn...-BEEP-

Gwen: Wait, wait, wait.... Anissina!

Anissina: This MAn-BEEP- plant, is a precious species that has flowers that only bloom once a year during the morning of 'Haroin'.

Wolf: Anissina....

Jozak: Even though you have such a cute face, to repeatedly be saying that word over and over is kinda....

Anissina: There's a legend that if you drink the morning dew accumulated on the petals of this MAn-BEEP- plant, also known as -BEEP-, for short, you can dream of the not so distant future.

Wolf: A dream about the future?

Gwen: Do you mean like a premonitory dream?

Murata: Oh, yeah... that was it! That was the 'setting'.

Yuuri: Murata, don't call it 'setting'.

Murata: But because it only blooms once a year, it's difficult to collect the dew. The average challenger wouldn't be able to reach their dream.

Conrad: Now that I think about it, that's probably why the name of the plant has fallen into disuse.

Jozak: You're right about that, commander.

Yuuri: But, that's kinda neat. A premonitory dream, that's like SF! (science fiction)

Wolf: (going through the dictionary) S... F... "Short for 'a little strange'".[14] Huh, I see.

Yuuri: Wolf, don't trust that Earth-language dictionary too much.

Gwen: Does his majesty want to have premonitory dreams?

Yuuri: Yeah... but hey! Why are you being so formal?

Gwen: Do you want to have that dream? One about the near future?

Yuuri: I do, I do! I mean don't you think it's a good deal. Don't you agree, Jozak?

Jozak: Well, if I knew the results of Heika Toto[15], it wouldn't be a dream that I'd make a fortune in a single stroke.

Conrad: I don't think it can be seen as something that convenient.

Gwen: The near future won't be that different. For a maou, several year fly by in the blink of an eye. A stable nation won't change its course that much.

Yuuri: Are you saying Shin Makoku will be okay?

Gwen: It is our job to protect it and and make it strong.

Yuuri: Tsk. When you say that, you sound more like a king than I. I believe ya...

Gwen: You do that.

Jozak: Oh wow, my excellency, you're super cool.

Murata: But you know, it it's really the near future, you might be able to see the face of a lover or your spouse.

Yuuri: Oh, so that's what you were thinking. But what if no one shows up, no matter how much into the future I venture? That would be a shock...

Wolf: What? In that case you don't need to have any dreams. That's because I, your fiancé, am right here in front of you.

Yuuri: Yeah, thought you'd say that. Oh, well. I guess there's no dreaming then.

Anissina: No. There's a dream waiting.

Yuuri: Huh?

Anissina: The source of a dream... is right here (shakes liquid in a vial)

Gwen: What's that vial?

Anissina: Since I was wondering about it, I started secretly growing the flower last year, and now the time has come to use the morning dew from the MAn-BEEP- flower. Your majesty!

Yuuri: Eh? What is it?

Anissina: You want to see the future, right? You want to see it. So (takes the lid off) here, drink it in one go.

Yuuri: Huh? This? To drink this? Me?

Murata: That's Lady von Karbelnikoff for you, always going above and beyond everyone's expectations.

Wolf: Wait. I'll drink it, too. Give me a vial.

Yuuri: Wolf...

Anissina: I'm sorry, but I only have enough for one.

Conrad: In that case, I'll taste it for poison.

Anisisna: The clarity of the premonitory dream is proportional to the amount of maryoku in the person. For someone like you without maryoku it's just water.

Conrad: But...

Gwen: Anissina... you didn't add any strange drugs to the dew, right?

Anissina: Excuse me!? How rude ! (whips him) You think I would poison his majesty?

Gwen: Gurriere! Why did you give her back the whip!?

Jozak: Ah, sorry excellency. I wasn't thinking....

Anissina: All right, your majesty. What was it that one says in a time like this?

Yuuri: What do you mean?

Anissina: (cheerful) "I want to see Yuuri-kun's nice places! Drink! Drink!"[16]

Yuuri: Wait, I can't drink after you say something like that!

Murata: It seems like in this Reiwa Era, we skipped right over Heisei, and went all the way back to Showa![17]

Yuuri: Granpa Muraken-san! You don't get to say something like that!

Anissina: Then, oh, that's right. How about with Earth's Halloween phrase...

Conrad: "Trick or Treat"? I'm not sure if it's appropriate to shout that.

Murata: Something delicious or a prank... I guess in this case you can say "eat as much poison as you can"... kinda?

Yuuri: Well, I don't know what's happening, but for the time being, let's drink! (drinks the dew)

Wolf: Yuuri!

Yuuri (monologue): Huh? It's kind of sweet, but... I feel dizzy all of a sudden. No way... Anissina-san... poison...

Conrad: Yuuri!

Beginning of the dream

- Yuuri's dream/ or a mysterious place (slight echoing)

Yuuri (m): Uwah... It's completely dark in here. Where am I?

Anissina (little girl mode): Your majesty, your majesty!

Yuuri (m): Huh? Who is that? They're calling my name....

Anissina (little): Majesty Yuuri. You're finally here.

Yuuri (m): Huh? Anissina-san? Damn, you're small! Why's that? You're suddenly a little girl!

Anissina: This is your dream. My appearance is an illusion. Size can be freely chosen.

Yuuri: That sounds convenient, but.... is that really you Anissina-san?

Anissina: Well, of course! Even if I'm smaller, what's in my brain is the same, so don't worry. And also, I will be the pilot in your majesty's dream.

Yuuri: In other words, the guide.

Anissina: That's right! But only to study one ma powered device.

Yuuri: Huh?

Anissina: Even if I look like a child, my brain is that of an adult mazoku. That's right, and my name is Poison Lady, Anissina! (ba-ban!)

Yuuri: Huh, really? Uwoh! What's that? A door appeared out of nowhere!

Anissina: This is the ultimate ma-powered device, used to go back and forth between dreams " A door that can go anywhere "[18]

Yuuri: (half laughing) Hehehe... huh? This is a ma-powered device? Really? I feel like I've seen this door before...

Anissina: All right, you don't need to say anything, just open the door that has just appeared in front of you!

(door opens)

Yuuri: Ahh~! Without Murata here it's haaaard! I'm here alone and Anissina's 'boke' it's too strong! I can't counter her![19]

- Yuuri's premonitory dream/ America/ Suburban ranch/ Noon

(The grass sways in the wind, birds sing, horses in the distance, dogs barking.)

Yuuri (m): Huh, where am I?

Gwen: What's wrong? You look absent minded.

Yuuri: Huh? Oh, Gwendal. This is your ranch, right?

Gwen: Of course, what do you mean by that?

Yuuri: Yeah, I thought so! Sorry! I spaced out for a moment.

Gwen: Are you feeling all right?

Yuuri: Yeah, I came here to see you. I was wondering if you were doing all right. Is there anything bothering you?

Gwen: Not really.

Yuuri: It may be awkward, but over here, I'm your guardian. I have a duty to make sure you can live comfortably in this world.

Gwen: I really appreciate that, but there's really nothing wrong. This life and livelihood really agrees with me.

Yuuri: I see... But I'm quite surprised, because I see you don't only like small and cute things, but also horses.

Gwen: Yeah. I have a mare that's having her first foal right now. I need to keep an eye on her.

Yuuri: Seems hard.

Gwen: I've never felt that way. After all, over here I'm not forced to make decisions that may be life-threatening to a large number of my fellow countrymen. So I won't have nightmares about being entrusted with people's lives and deaths. It's a very uncomplicated life.

Yuuri: I see. And indeed, I can see that the wrinkles between your eyebrows are getting thinner.

Gwen: Your majesty...

Yuuri: Ah! That's a forbidden word! I've you call me that over here, you get a penalty!

Gwen: (laughs) No one but horses and dogs can hear me. But, is it okay for you to come here to visit me? Don't you have a full schedule?

Yuuri: I went to visit Gunter before coming here.

Gwen: I see... he was working at a museum, right?

Yuuri: Yeah, that's right. And even though it was a day off, the museum was packed because they were expecting some items from Peru. Something like a historical buried treasure? He's a researcher to the bone.

Gwen: I get letters from him from time to time. He wrote that he was looking among the trainees for a candidate who was worth training. Rather than a researcher, I'd say he's an educator.

Yuuri: Also, there's a lot of people in the staff who look at him from afar thinking "He's really beautiful". But then everyone says at unison: " He's too beautiful. If he became my lover it would be very difficult to deal with". It's very disappointing that even though he has the most beautiful face, he can't get any effective use out of it.

Gwen (laughs): Well, that's not something that started recently. Anyway, how about you?

(sad music starts)

Yuuri: Huh? How about me what?

Gwen: Is there anything causing you trouble? If there's anything I can do to help...

Yuuri: W-what, n-no, of course not.

Gwen: I see...

Yuuri: B-because I mean, this is earth. It's the world I was born to and grew up in. There's no way that... there would be something troubling me.

Gwen: I see... That's good then.

Yuuri: Heeeey Gwendal? Which horse will be debuting next year?

Gwen: Right. That one... that one... and that one over there.

Yuuri: I see... I hope they can all win.

Gwen: Yeah... By the way, some twins that were born two days ago. Do you want to go see them?

Yuuri: Of course!

- Door opens and closes

- Yuuri's dream/ a mysterious place

Yuuri: (pants) W-What was that....

Anissina (little): I wonder what that was. Anyway, let's open the next door.

-Door opens

- Yuuri's premonitory dream/ America/ Downtown/ Chinese Restaurant

(buzz of customers and a busy store)

Jozak: Hello, hello! Welcome! Come right in!

Yuuri: Jozak, your business is really booming, huh?

Jozak: Oh my! Young master! Long time no see!

Yuuri: Oh, thank goodness. You're serving customers in normal wear. As the owner, you've finally stopped serving customers in a Chinese dress.

Jozak: That's a horrible way of putting it. Especially when the blue-eyed Chinese doll got such a great response.

Yuuri: By the way, that shirt is all wet, and isn't it unbuttoned a little too much? I can almost see your belly button.

Jozak: It's fine, it's fine! Service and appeal!

Yuuri: But... who are you appealing to? ... Eh? Did you renovate the restaurant?

Jozak: Yeah, just a little.

Yuuri: It used to be a Chinese restaurant, but I see it's become more and more ambiguous in terms of nationality.

Jozak: Well, yes, that's right. Oh! Since I'm preparing a new menu would you like to try it?

Yuuri: Amazing! Jozak you're great! I see you're not just messing around cross-dressed, you're also working on product development.

Jozak: You're being rude, young master. Crossdressing is my job. M-y j-o-b. (presents dish) Here, here, eat!

Yuuri (gobbles up the food): Uwah! It's delicious!

Jozak: I'm glad you think so! And listen, your ma... no, young master.

Yuuri: Hm?

Jozak: Have you seen him?

Yuuri: Him...? Yeah, I have. I'll see him this time around, too.

Jozak: Is that so? That's a relief.

Yuuri: Huh? He hasn't contacted you?

Jozak: That's right. He won't call me or his older brother. But it's fine, like in the past.... as long as he's safe, that's good enough.

- Door opens and closes

- Yuuri's dream/ a mysterious place

Yuuri: (pants) S-seems like Jozak is in the service industry...

Anissina (grown up): Is that the only impression you got?

Yuuri: I mean, I don't know what the hell is happening. The main point was that... Wait... why did you go back to the grown up version of yourself?

Anissina: I told you already, size can be freely chosen. Let's go ahead and open the next door.

- Opens door

- Yuuri's premonitory dream/ America/ City cathedral/ Night

(A bell rings, footsteps on a stone floor)

Conrad: Yuuri. Sorry for keeping you waiting.

Yuuri: You didn't, I just got here.

Conrad: ... I see (laugh in cd, not in script)

Yuuri: I was surprised for the meeting place to be a church. So you come to places like this, huh. Unlike your younger brother.

Conrad: That's because he's stubborn, in a good way.

Yuuri: Right? Even though he looks like an angel, he tries to stay as far away from places like this as possible.

Conrad: Well, I'm not thinking of becoming a Christian but I can empathize with the faith in the Virgin Mary.

Yuuri: That's a former popular guy for you! You're the enemy of women!

Conrad: (bitter laugh) I've never made a woman my enemy.

Yuuri: Wah! That way of putting it...

Conrad: You're wearing a formal suit...

Yuuri: Huh?

Conrad: It's unusual seeing you in formal wear. Do you have a party after this?

Yuuri: That's right. I put on strange clothes, tightened up a suffocating tie, and after this I have a party with a princess and a prince. Also it's not unusual, you just don't know about it.

Conrad: It suit you really well.

Yuuri: I don't need your flattery.

Conrad: Yuuri.

(footsteps approach and stop)

Yuuri: ... What is it?

Conrad: (whispers in ear) If you intend on pretending you're praying, your hands are all wrong. That's the Japanese Buddhist prayer position. Look, you have to do it like this.

Yuuri: Uwehh! Your fingers are super cold!

Conrad: That's because it has started to snow outside.

Yuuri: Is that so?

Conrad (happy) Even though you just got here, you didn't notice that?

Yuuri: .. This side of you is really mean.

Conrad: Not at all. I just wanted to express how happy I am that you got here early to meet with me.

Yuuri: Are you okay with the time? You must be busy being a ... what was it? A VIP guard? Or the body guard to a celebrity...?

Conrad: After this, I have to go to Abu Dhabi.

Yuuri: Where's that?

Conrad: In the United Arab Emirates maybe.

Yuuri: Sounds hard.

Conrad: Not at all. They're all selfish in their own way, but they won't move as unprotected as you used to back in the day.

Yuuri: That's because I used to be a high school student who was hard to protect

Conrad: But I never once disliked it.

Yuuri: Conrad... (cold fingers touch his neck). Ah..

Conrad: Sorry. That was cold right? I touched you with these cold fingers. Oh, right...

(Conrad puts a scarf on Yuuri)

Yuuri: You don't have to... huh?

Conrad: It's pointless for you to come all the way here, if you end up catching a cold.

Yuuri: It's fine. You don't need to lend me your scarf.

Conrad: No, it's cold outside.

Yuuri: But then, you...

Conrad: I'm fine. So please ...

Yuuri: (cutting in) don't tell me to 'keep it'. I got a birthday and a Christmas present from you already. So I'll give it back. When would be a good time for you?

Conrad: (hesitates)....

Yuuri: So ... I can get things from you but I can't get an answer?

Conrad: Yuuri....

Yuuri: When would be a good time for you? Decide now.

Conrad: I'm sorry, but I don't know my schedule beforehand...

Yuuri: Then give me your contact information. And call your friend and your brothers!

Conrad: Yuuri

Yuuri: Talk directly to them and tell them you're doing fine! No matter how busy you may be, it's your duty to do so. It's common courtesy!

Conrad (interrupting) Since I came all the way here to meet you... please just tell me about yourself...

Yuuri: Con....!

Conrad: If you won't, then please leave.

Yuuri: If... If you don't have any plans for tonight, come with us.

Conrad: No.

Yuuri: Then at least come with me to where we're supposed to meet. Those two want to see you too, so they'd be happy.

Conrad: No, go ahead. I still have things to do here.

Yuuri: Even though you're not a catholic?

Conrad: Yes. I have to confess.

Yuuri: Confess...!!

(Yuuri hits Conrad's chest)

Yuuri: What about me!? I have countless confessions to make!

Conrad: I was the one who decided you should be on Earth.

Yuuri: No...!

Conrad: ... Even though I knew how it would turn out...

Yuuri: This is not your sin to carry, Conrad!

Conrad: ... Good bye. Have a good night.

- Yuuri's premonitory dream/ America/ Night time

(busy street, car horns)

Wolf: Yuuri! You're late!

Yuuri: Wolfram!! (running out of breath) Ahh~... sorry to keep you waiting. Huh, wait. I'm not late. There's still 20 more minutes before the time we agreed upon. And by the way, where's Greta?

Wolf: Upstairs.

Yuuri: Upstairs?

Wolf: She's still shopping for some accessories with some of the other parents.

Yuuri: What's with you? You left our cute little princess alone, and came outside by yourself?

Wolf: Yuuri, you know using 'cute' is forbidden.

Yuuri: Since she has turned 12 already, I can't say 'cute' anymore, but...

Wolf: "Lovely" or "amazing".

Yuuri: OK. That's right. I need to stop making that mistake.

Wolf: So... did you see (him/them)?[20]

Yuuri: I did. Everyone is doing fine. Gunter is a museum owner and Gwen is a rancher, you know that. Gurie-chan is a restaurant owner, and Conrad...

Wolf: You were with him up until a moment ago, right?

Yuuri: Yeah, that's right. He's the bodyguard of some celebrity. Isn't it funny? Even though he himself has the personality of a Hollywood star...

Wolf: I thought you'd bring Conrad here with you.

Yuuri: Yeah.... That's what I wanted to do, too...

Wolf: I thought to myself, when I see him I'll punch him. But I didn't want Greta to see that, so I came downstairs to wait for you here.

Yuuri: Oh, so that's what happened. I'm sorry I didn't have the strength to bring him here.

Wolf: Well, that's fine. As long as he's doing well, that's enough.

Yuuri: Wolf, you're really acting like an adult, huh?

Wolf: What are you talking about after all this time? How big of an age difference do you think there is between us?

Yuuri: No, I don't mean your actual age. I mean you haven't seen each other much, right? But even though you like your older brothers, you don't interact much with them...

Wolf: Now that you mention it, your older brother does see you a whole lot...

Yuuri: Yeah, and that's a different story with its own issues. But... I'm really no good at this. Even though I wanted to say a lot of things, our conversation quickly became cold. And in the end, Conrad escaped.

Wolf: That's because Conrad is stubborn. After you, he gets the second place of being the most hennachoko.

Yuuri: Pretty harsh coming from the youngest brother.

Wolf: From the start, we brothers had a weak relationship. That's until you came along. (laughs bitterly) No, 'came' is the wrong word.

Yuuri: Wolf....

Wolf: That country, Shin Makoku, doesn't belong to us anymore...

Yuuri: Wolf, I'm sorry.

Wolf: Don't apologize. I won't accept apologies that aren't necessary.

Yuuri: But...

Wolf: Yuuri... never forget that it was I who decided to come here, to this planet, to live with you and Greta. I've never regretted it, nor will I ever.

Yuuri: Meanwhile, I'm full of regrets. You're strong, Wolf.

Wolf: Of course I am. I'm a former soldier.

Yuuri: I'm not talking about titles. I mean, as a person. You are so strong mentally...

Wolf: Well, that's of course a given, too. That's because I'm your husband after all.

Yuuri: Ah, yep, yep... my husband~. Eh, wait! I thought you were the wife.[21]

Wolf: I have no memories of ever becoming your wife.

Yuuri: Huh!? We married so quickly that we're not on the same page?

Wolf: We're not on the same page? I don't think so, I think it's just a misunderstanding from your part, right?

Yuuri: Ok. Once we get home, let's talk about it thoroughly. Right now, the most important thing is to focus on my dear daughter.

Wolf: Of course! Hmph! Since you left home early, you don't know how lovely she looks today.

Yuuri: No, but Greta always looks cute.

Wolf: Yuuri, adjective.

Yuuri: Right! I can't say cute. Then I'll say " You look lovely today, princess".

Wolf: I've already said that to her several times!

Yuuri: Don't get angry! All right how should I praise her?

Wolf: Don't think about it, just feel it.

Yuuri: What's up with the martial arts advice? I'm sorry, but unlike you and your brother, mind-blowing compliments don't naturally roll off my tongue.

Wolf: As soon as you see Greta, they'll come shooting out like a water fountain.

Yuuri: But I'm... not that good at Japanese...

Wolf: You should face your shortcomings.

Yuuri: But you have at least a thousand times better taste than I do ...

Wolf: (sighs) And that's why you always leave me to take care of Greta...

Yuuri: It can't be helped! The strongest saying in the world is "The right person in the right place". So when it comes to 'LADY's taste' you're in charge. And I'm in charge of sportsmanship.

Wolf: And you're 'Otousama' and I'm 'Daddy'.

Yuuri: I have no problems with that...

Wolf: Hey...

Yuuri: Hm?

Wolf: Greta's about to come out of the building. Don't miss it.

Yuuri: Oh! There she is at the revolving door. She's wearing a green dress and a white cape. As expected from my little lady...!

Wolf: I want to pick her up high and show her off to everyone!

Yuuri: Oh, I totally get that. But giving a LADY a piggy back ride is off limits, too.

Wolf: That's right, but we are allow to escort her by leading her by the hand.

Yuuri: I'll leave that second way of holding her hand up to Daddy. I just want to hold her hand normally.

Wolf (laughs): That's fine.

- Door opens and closes

- Yuuri's dream/ a mysterious place

Yuuri: Huh? HUH? Where am I, huh!?

Anissina (grown up): Your majesty, you seem quite confused.

Yuuri: Anissina-san. Did you see that? That last part!

Anissina: The part where Greta came out? She was taller and her hair longer... Human children unlike us mazoku, grow up so fast.

Yuuri: That's right! I said that Greta was 12 years old. But right now, real Greta is 10 years old. Which means that that dream was a prediction from 2 years from now.

Anissina: Well...

Yuuri: No way. For some reason, everyone seem to have moved to Earth, to a place that looked similar to America. But I don't know what that means!

Anissina: The only thing I can say, is that that was just a dream that his majesty had....

(cell phone vibrating)

Anissina: Oh? Something seems to be moving.

Yuuri: Huh? Oh, it's my phone (picks up) Hello?

Murata: Shibuya, it's me, it's me!

Yuuri: Ah! Murata...

Murata: Trick or Treat! Did you see anything fun?

Yuuri: Fun?

Murata: Yep! You had a dream after drinking the dew from that precious flower, right? How was it? Did you get a ton of data? Can you win at the horse races now?

Yuuri: No! Not at all! Even though Gwendal was raising racehorses... but I didn't go to the race track! Gurie-chan's food was delicious, but it was snowing and cold!

Murata: Was it winter in your dream?

Yuuri: Yeah! My fingers... were cold... and I was full of regrets... (crying)

Murata: What's going on? Are you crying?

Yuuri: N-no, I'm not crying! But the place where we all were wasn't Shin Makoku. We were living in exile in a place that was probably somewhere in America.

Murata: You lost your hometown. Like nomadic people.

Yuuri: In my dream, I was really upset. Maybe it was because I had lost too much, but my heart was squeezing in pain. Even though I was with everyone on earth, I couldn't stop feeling anxious.

Murata: So it wasn't ... a happy future?

Yuuri: I-I don't know! Because even though I felt sick at times, there were also times I was happy. Greta had become a lovely lady and Wolf and I were, of course, newlyweds...

Murata: Newlyweds, huh~

Yuuri: Ah, wait Murata. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the newlywed part was good, you know?

Murata: (sighs) Are you still saying stuff like that? In that way, you really don't know when to give up, huh?

Yuuri: What's up with that way of saying it ...

Murata: So? Was the premonitory dream fun?

Yuuri: I don't know. When I look at the sum total, I felt sad, it was a dream where I felt like there was hole in my chest...

Murata: Haha, that's a pretty common dream, you know? Dreams are often like that.

Yuuri: You simplified it like that, huh?

Murata: Yeah, I'm good at stuff like that. I adopt insensitivity so that I don't get hurt. That's a LIFE HACK from an old man who's had a long life. By the way Shibuya, where are you now?

Yuuri: I don't know! Over here it's really dark, like being in outer space or in a mysterious space.

Murata: Are there any landmarks?

Yuuri: Landmarks... well, there's a door that takes you anywhere in front of me and Anissina, who's been changing from child to adult.

Murata: Oh! A place like Hitotsubashi[22](/one bridge)?

Yuuri: Hitotsubashi? No! It's not the university that Shouri goes to.

Murata: I don't mean it like that. Wait a moment... Hm... Hm??? Ok! I got it !

(knock on the door)

Anissina: Your majesty, someone's knocking on the door.

Yuuri: Eh!? Huh!? It's opened!

Murata: (from behind the door) Shibuya-kun~

Yuuri: Murata? Are you on the other side of the door?

Murata: I am! Open the door!

(Yuuri opens)

Yuuri: Murata! How did you know where this place was?

Murata: I want to say "That's a corporate secret!", but to put it simply, I'm linked to you at the soul level. Embedded within you there's a dedicated signal transmitter that I can receive anywhere.

Yuuri: That's not simple at all. Ah, but now that you mention it, Wolfram said something like that in the past. He said he could find me no matter where I was.

Murata: Ah! But that's not a link, that's the work of the red thread[23], you know? The basics of the system is completely different.

Yuuri: But what I want to ask is, where are we?

Murata: We're still inside your dream, Shibuya.

Yuuri: Dream...?

Murata: Yes and to prove that, the person you said was with you up until now, the stretchable Lady von Karbelnikoff, is nowhere to be seen, look.

Yuuri: Huh!? Eh? You're right! Anissina-san, where are you?

Murata: And look, it's becoming brighter in here. It's already time for this space to melt away.

Yuuri: Melt? This place?

Murata: Yes. And when it melts, it becomes the color of butter.

Yuuri: You're right. Even though it was pitch black up until a moment ago...

Murata: It's already time to wake up... but dreams are only dreams. So let's forget everything you saw in here.

Yuuri: Huh?

Murata: Because you are by far the strongest in regards to maryoku, within all of the possible futures, you probably picked the one with the highest chance of happening. I messed up. I didn't want to show you that future yet.

Yuuri: Murata... ?

Murata: Listen, Shibuya. Once we leave this place, after I say "three, two, one" you'll forget everything about this dream. Now, let's cross the door. Hold my hand.

Yuuri: Okay!

Murata: Three, two , one....

(door opens, sound of light coming in)

End of the dream

- Shin Makoku / Blood pledge castle/Backyard/ morning

Engirarui bird: Engiwarui!!! (/bad omen)

Yuuri (wakes up suddenly): Uwah, what was that!? Engiwarui~! (/bad omen)

Wolf: Yuuri!

Jozak: Young master!

Conrad: Your majesty! How many fingers can you see?

Yuuri: Umm... 2 fingers.

Conrad: That's right. Thank goodness, you're all right.

Yuuri: What did I do? Was I sleeping?

Murata: Shibuya, after you drank the dew of the MAn-BEEP- flower, suddenly BAN, you fainted!

Yuuri: Really? I was thinking, wow, it's kinda sweet, and then I lost consciousness.

Murata: Even though you were only asleep for about 15 minutes, since your body temperature and heart rate suddenly dropped, Lord von Bielefeld was making a huge fuss.

Wolf: What do you mean a huge fuss!? Poison Lady was almost charged with trying to murder the maou!

Conrad: Wolf, watch your mouth.

Jozak: Okay, okay, okay, your excellency the Third Son. Okay, let's calm down. Since you're relieved now, remember subordinates can't hit his highness. Okay, let's take a deep breath in.

Wolf: (Inhales)

Jozak: And exhale...

Wolf: (Exhales)

Gwen: (angry) Anissina, come here.

Anissina: Majesty Yuuri... I never thought something like this could happen, please I beg you, forgive me!!

Yuuri: Eh? No, well.. seeing Anissina-san apologize like that makes me really nervous...

Anissina: No. This accident happened because of my unworthiness. To put his majesty's body in harms way.... is a disqualification of a poison lady!

Yuuri: P-Poison lady... it would be safer if you were disqualified but...

Anissina: No. Based on this failure, I've already made up my mind!

Yuuri: What, what did you decide?

Anissina: Of course, I decided to thoroughly analyze the contents of this MAn-BEEP- flower's dew. Over the next year, I will be growing and mass producing the flower from the best strains and thoroughly reveal the secret of this mysterious endangered species!

Yuuri: Huh, that?

Wolf: The path she took after reflecting is completely wrong.

Jozak: That's Anissina-chan for you! I love how she devotes herself to her craft.

Anissina: After all, this was the result of collecting morning dew. Before the test, I inspected the sample and it was mostly water. I didn't find any suspicious ingredients, so when he dropped to the floor I was caught completely off guard.

Gwen: Anissina... that's not what you were supposed to say.

Anissina: Not what I was supposed to.. Oh, right! Dumb me, I completely forgot to ask!

Gwen: Hey.

Anissina: I'm sorry to wake you up, your majesty!

Yuuri: Um, yeah?

Anissina: How was the dream you got from the MAn-BEEP- flower? Did you see something useful in the premonitory dream?

Yuuri: Huh? Dream? Eh... huh...

Wolf: What is it Yuuri?

Yuuri: Huh what was it? I have a feeling that I had a dream that made my heart flutter, but I can't remember at all.

Murata: Wha~t? That's too bad. You can't recall even a little bit?

Yuuri: Hm... only for a moment, I kinda maybe remember seeing Greta looking a little bit older, with her soft hair floating in the air...

Wolf: (grabs him by the shirt) What did you say? What dream did you have!? Tell me the details! How did Greta look? What she super beautiful!? Of course, she was super beautiful right!?

Yuuri: Uwah, Wolfram! Don't shake me! My brains gonna fall out of my ears..

Jozak: Your majesty, that was a predictive dream wasn't it? So, could it actually be you saw 'that'...

Yuuri: 'That'?

Jozak: You know that insane delusion every father has when their child says "When I grow up I want to marry father". Was it 'that'?

Wolf: What did you say!? Even though you have me, Yuuri, you sure did it now! To do something so outrageous with your daughter!

Yuuri: I-I-I-I-I-I didn't do anything! I-I-I-I'm telling you I didn't do anything! It's a misunderstanding stop shaking me ~ !

Wolf: If you ever do something to make Greta sad... I'll never forgive you.

Yuuri: There's no way I would ever do something like that. She's my precious princess.

Wolf: .... really?

Yuuri: Of course! After all, I'm marrying you, so stop spiraling down into weird ideas.

Wolf: Hmph! Surprisingly, you're being quite straightforward, huh? Are you finally aware that you're engaged?

Yuuri: Well, I don't know if it's awareness or resignation, but... lately I've been thinking, it's fine even if it's Wolfram.

Wolf: What do you mean by "even if"!?

Yuuri: Oh, cmon that's enough. You're Greta's "Daddy" and I'm her "Otousama", you know? Let's parent with a two father system![24]

Wolf: Oh, o-o-okay. All right. That's what I want. But Yuuri, that word you used 'Daddy' where is that from?

Yuuri: Huh? 'Daddy' means father... huh? Eh... Didn't I talk to you before about you being in charge of the LADY things.... Didn't the two of us talk about that?

Wolf: No, it's my first time hearing about it. I see... 'Daddy'. It's an Earth word, right?

Yuuri: Oh, there's that dictionary again.

Wolf (flips through pages) Da, da "DA" (dame): something bad. The last thing". "tty (tea): black tea". In other words...

Murata: Crude tea?

Yuuri: No! Not tea! , "ddy!", but you split it. Or rather why do you keep splitting simple words in two? Wolf, ple~ase stop using that dictionary.

Jozak: I'm so jealous, young masters. Even before marriage, you're already making family plans.

Yuuri: (weary) Family plans...

Jozak: That's nice! Please include me in them, too!

Wolf: Why would we include you?

Jozak: Oh, cmon your excellency the Third Son. I'm all by myself and I long for a family atmosphere.

Conrad: Huh? If Jozak can meddle, can I meddle, too?

Wolf: Huh!? I won't let anyone meddle!

Conrad: Shh! Wolf. In a moment like this you shouldn't be thinking about yourself, but prioritize his majesty's wishes. Right Yuuri?

Wolf: What did you say!? Hey Yuuri, scold this guy on his brazen attitude!

Yuuri: Huh? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What happened? What are you all talking about?

Conrad: I was saying that since I don't care about marriage, I just want to be around his majesty.

Wolf: We weren't talking about that~!

Murata: By the way, there was a maou's harem full of men that had been collected by Lady von Spitzberg, wasn't there?

Wolf: (ominous voice) There was.... the maou's harem.

Yuuri: ...yeah, that group of sparkly muscular macho men that Cherie-sama liked so much....

Jozak: Oh, well if the commander is going into the harem, then so will I!

Wolf: Gurriere, you like Anissina, right? She's still single, so how about you just go over there?

Jozak: Eh... you're suddenly getting rid of the trouble, oh no your excellency the Third Son, you're being stingy!

Wolf: Stingy is fine. Unfortunately, all the room here is taken. By Anissina's side it will be less difficult.

Jozak: Less difficult? It's a lot more difficult! There's no room between my dear Anissina-chan and my beloved Excellency Gwendal. Look at them over there.

(further away)

Anissina: Oh, all right, I know!

Yuuri: Uwah, you scared me. What is it Anissina-san?

Anissina: His majesty has no recollections, right?

Yuuri: Ah, correct.

Anissina: And you say, that even though you had a premonitory dream, you can't remember ...

Yuuri: Sorry, I'm a muscle brain with few wrinkles in my brain...

Anissina: Not at all. I've found a way to solve this problem next time. All we have to do, is record the dream of the test subject who will be drinking the flower dew.

Yuuri: She said test subject...

Gwen: Record dreams? Can you do something like that?

Anissina: "Impossible" is not in my dictionary. Of course, your cooperation with this will be indispensable, Gwendal.

Gwen: I refuse.

Anissina: "Refuse" is not in my dictionary either. So it's okay, right? Of course, it's okay.

Gwen: I don't want to, let me go.

Anissina: "Saying -no, no- while liking it" is in my dictionary.

Gwen: That dictionary is defective! Being your "monitaa"[25] is already a horrible experience.

(Anissina searching somewhere)

Anissina: (baban!) "Let's meet in the MA SHOW"!

Gwen: What's that? Where did you get that from?

Anissina: No excuses!

(Anissina puts something on Gwendal's head)

Gwen (from inside a box): What is this box!? I can't move my body!

(Anissina is turning knobs and making sounds)

Anissina: An improved version of the immensely popular ma powered device "Dream Theater", a revolutionary new device that can record the images and sounds in your dream!

Gwen: What... did you... say?

Yuuri: That's... pretty awesome.

Murata: Well, that's because she's a kind of genius.

Anissina: Furthermore, it includes an 'OPTION' to minimize the resistance of the monitaa by restraining their limbs.

Gwen: You bastard, this is simply... a crime!

Anissina: How stupid. If you're afraid of crime, you can't contribute to the development of ma powered devices!

Gwen: You're the fool! Stop it, Anissina. This experiment is pointless. I already know, even if you put this device on me, you don't have any more dew left. His majesty drank everything a while back!

Anissina: Huhu... Look at this, Gwendal (shakes vial). Since I thought this might happen, I put some of the MAn-BEEP- flower dew aside, thinking it might be useful later.

Gwen: Y-You... little... Don't just stock it conveniently! It's playing dirty!

Anissina: And now, drink it. All in one go!

Gwen: No! Nooooo! Gmphghhh (forces him to drink it)

Anissina: Huhuhuhuh, you've drank the whole thing, huh Gwendal?

Gwen: (coughing painfully)

Anissina: Don't you feel like you palate is getting heavier?

(Pushes button and machine starts working)

Gwen: U-U-Uwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh~!

Yuuri: That's horrifying...

Wolf: Yeah, it is...

Jozak: It seems like Cherie-sama told Anissina-chan " Since you have hurt my son, you have to take responsibility"[26]

Wolf: (pale) W-what does that mean...

Conrad: Well, since sometimes he becomes like a zombie and his body starts melting...

Murata: Yep, that's in fact damage ...

Jozak: (sighs) There's no way of meddling between those two.

Murata: Difficult indeed.

Jozak: Oh, your highness Muraken. I'll be more than happy to become his highness dog, so please use me whenever you want!

Murata:(half laughing) No, well... I'm a clergyman, you know...[27]

Yuuri: What are you all talking about?

Anissina: Trick or Treat, Gwendal!

Gwen: There's been way to many pra... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!

The end.

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  1. Referring to the clothes being worn in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBmU5v2EyxM
  2. Referring to "T.M. Revolution" the band that sang the song mentioned before.
  3. This is a double pun using English. Healthy-> Hell Sea -> 『ヘルシー』-> 地獄の海. In the translation it seems like a simple pun, but in Japanese, the word "healthy" has been translated to the Japanese (Sea of Hell), which in turn is a translation of "Hell Sea", which is the pun of healthy.
  4. Sounds like Halloween, but is spelled Haroin. 葉露飲(はろいん). Means "Leaf Dew Drinking"
  5. Shin could be referring to "New" but the fact that it was written in katakana as シン, makes it seem like it's referring to something else. (to be explained later on)
  6. Wolf seems to forget everything about Gunter when he's in the "dead" state
  7. Otsukaresama is a word used to acknowledge people who have worked hard. "Otsukare-chan" is an overly familiar way of saying it.
  8. Breaking the 4th wall, he's saying their costumes are fanservice.
  9. Conrad says it in katakana, referencing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Guy , the character in it is a werewolf.
  10. When Jozak talks about himself as 'ore' the word is written in katakana, as if it were a strange thing.
  11. Women-children is said as "onnakodomo", as if it were one word instead of two.
  12. He says "that's enough", but with the meaning of 'please'.
  13. The censoring of the plant name: "Mangosteen Mandragora" to "MAn -BEEP-" is a joke.(manko-> vagina/pussy). Imagine as if they'd be saying "vagina juices" whenever they say "man-BEEP- dew". You can never hear the full word "Mangosteen Mandragora" in the cd, but it is included in the original script that comes with the cd. The censored name itself seems to have some hidden meanings, such as mangosteen being a purple fruit, and Mandragora (also known as Mandrake, which happens to be the name of a famous store that sells BL in Japan), being a plant with "aphrodisiac, hypnotic, emetic, purgative, sedative and pain-killing effects."
  14. SF-> Sukoshi Fushigi -> A little strange . The meaning of course is incorrect. It means sci-fi.
  15. MA HON Encyclopedia entry: Heika Toto (陛下トト) An abbreviation of "His Majesty Preferential Treatment Expectation". The secret pleasure of Shin Makoku citizens in guessing who Yuuri will fall in love with. (...)
  16. It sounds sexual.
  17. Japanese eras. The way she's encouraging him to drink is old fashioned, as in before the 1980s
  18. Rip-off of Doraemon's "Dokodemo Door" a door to anywhere.
  19. Manzai term, boke funny man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manzai
  20. Wolfram seems to be asking about Conrad, but Yuuri replies as if he was asking about everyone.
  21. It's a different culture. Please try to read the meaning and don't pay too much attention to the words.
  22. Hitotsubashi 一ツ橋 (or 'one bridge' in English) is an area of Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. In this area you have: Kyoritsu women's university and Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, which apparently is where Shouri goes to school. The idea behind the name is that "it's a bridge that allows you to go anywhere".
  23. According to Japanese legend, people destined to one another are tied by a red thread .
  24. 'Raise her' would be better in proper English, but then again, 'raise children' would also apply. 'Let's parent' is the best approximation to the original meaning
  25. Monitaa (“Motto ii mono tsukuru tame ni, anata no karada de tameshitai”, In order to create better things, I want to test them with your body). Nickname for Anissina's test subjects.
  26. Drama CD 12. The Demon King Room Visits - Cherie and Anissina's
  27. Sexual tone again