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===Instruction Manual===
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Arsenio (アーセニオ)
Arsenio (アーセニオ)<br/>
Roberski Arsenio: the 22nd Maou. Famous as the Great War King. (Novel 1)
Roberski Arsenio: the 22nd Maou. Famous as the Great War King. (Novel 1)
Von Grantz Adalbert: He used to be one of the ten nobles, but because he abandoned the mazoku, "Lord" is not added to his name. Macho. In his heart, Yuuri nicknamed him 'Denver Broncos' an American Football team name. (Novel 1)
Von Grantz Adalbert: He used to be one of the ten nobles, but because he abandoned the mazoku, "Lord" is not added to his name. Macho. In his heart, Yuuri nicknamed him 'Denver Broncos' an American Football team name. (Novel 1)
Red Crocodile- (Aka Wani-赤鰐-)
Red Crocodile- (Aka Wani-赤鰐-)<br/>
A heavy offender in the Darco prison. (Novel 17)
A heavy offender in the Darco prison. (Novel 17)
Ajira (アチラ)
Ajira (アチラ)<br/>
An official interpreter of Seisakoku. A man who wears thick Kent-Derricott glasses. His ancestors up until his grandparents were slaves, but due to their interpreting skills (he claims that it is houryoku) were raised in status to citizens. Venera's collaborator. (Novel 11)
An official interpreter of Seisakoku. A man who wears thick Kent-Derricott glasses. His ancestors up until his grandparents were slaves, but due to their interpreting skills (he claims that it is houryoku) were raised in status to citizens. Venera's collaborator. (Novel 11)
Anissina (アニシナ)
Anissina (アニシナ)<br/>
Lady von Karbelnikoff Anissina. Owns a special laboratory in the basement of Blood Pledge Castle. Has poor handwriting. She's a redhead that possesses the monstrous strength to pick up a man with a single hand, but she has nothing to do with the Russian figure skater Marina Anissina (who pairs up with Gwendal Peizerat for ice dancing). (Novel 1)
Lady von Karbelnikoff Anissina. Owns a special laboratory in the basement of Blood Pledge Castle. Has poor handwriting. She's a redhead that possesses the monstrous strength to pick up a man with a single hand, but she has nothing to do with the Russian figure skater Marina Anissina (who pairs up with Gwendal Peizerat for ice dancing). (Novel 1)
Abigail (アビゲイル)
Abigail (アビゲイル)<br/>
Abigail Graves. Female, American high school student. Great grandchild of April Graves. She's a part-time cheerleader and treasure hunter. A Japanophile who's e-mail friends with Hashimoto Asami. (Novel 11)
Abigail Graves. Female, American high school student. Great grandchild of April Graves. She's a part-time cheerleader and treasure hunter. A Japanophile who's e-mail friends with Hashimoto Asami. (Novel 11)
Amuro (アムロ)
Amuro (アムロ)<br/>
Amuro Rei, the main character of 'Mobile Suit Gundam'. A person who's never been hit even by his father. Matthew Olsen's pseudonym. (Gaiden 2)
Amuro Rei, the main character of 'Mobile Suit Gundam'. A person who's never been hit even by his father. Matthew Olsen's pseudonym. (Gaiden 2)
Alazon (アラゾン)
Alazon (アラゾン)<br/>
A brave<ref>The word for brave here can also be used for 'Amazon'</ref> shinzoku woman. The previous empress of Seisakoku. She had twin boys with the king of Shou Shimaron, Gilbert, but the oldest of the twins was moribund. In order to revive him, she rushed through the underground labyrinth and prayed to 'Inferno on the Tundra' that was in the Royal Tombs. Although it's unknown whether it was an effect of the box, the child started breathing again, but Alazon was cursed and she herself slowly started to turn into a dead person instead. In order to keep him away from the curse and from the depths of death, she made her revived child, Saralegui, return with her husband to Small Shimaron. (Novel 12)
A brave<ref>The word for brave here can also be used for 'Amazon'</ref> shinzoku woman. The previous empress of Seisakoku. She had twin boys with the king of Shou Shimaron, Gilbert, but the oldest of the twins was moribund. In order to revive him, she rushed through the underground labyrinth and prayed to 'Inferno on the Tundra' that was in the Royal Tombs. Although it's unknown whether it was an effect of the box, the child started breathing again, but Alazon was cursed and she herself slowly started to turn into a dead person instead. In order to keep him away from the curse and from the depths of death, she made her revived child, Saralegui, return with her husband to Small Shimaron. (Novel 12)
Al Pacino (アル・バチーノ)
Al Pacino (アル・バチーノ)<br/>
An American actor who became famous due to the movie "The Godfather". According to Shouma, there's a high probability that he's a mazoku. (Gaiden 2)
An American actor who became famous due to the movie "The Godfather". According to Shouma, there's a high probability that he's a mazoku. (Gaiden 2)
Andy (アンディ)
Andy (アンディ)<br/>
Boy with shinzoku blood who was housed with JayFre<ref>Jason and Freddy.</ref> in the Shimaron facility. (Novel 7)
Boy with shinzoku blood who was housed with JayFre<ref>Jason and Freddy.</ref> in the Shimaron facility. (Novel 7)
Amblin (アンブリン)
Amblin (アンブリン)<br/>
Was taken away from corrupt traders and turned into Gwendal's secretary. A woman with a big waist. She's excellent and active in mental work. Dacascos's wife. She once took her daughter and divorced him, but later they got back together. (Gaiden 1)
Was taken away from corrupt traders and turned into Gwendal's secretary. A woman with a big waist. She's excellent and active in mental work. Dacascos's wife. She once took her daughter and divorced him, but later they got back together. (Gaiden 1)
Henri Régent( アンリ・レジャン)
Henri Régent( アンリ・レジャン)<br/>
Friend of Bob and Hazel. Former French military doctor. Gentle-mannered but doesn't trust people. He tried to move the box on his own. One of Murata's previous lifes (one of the users of his soul). (Side Story 1)
Friend of Bob and Hazel. Former French military doctor. Gentle-mannered but doesn't trust people. He tried to move the box on his own. One of Murata's previous lifes (one of the users of his soul). (Side Story 1)
Yelshi (イェルシー)
Yelshi (イェルシー)<br/>
Emperor of Seisakoku. Like his mother he can use the 'death servant' houjutsu. Although he acted meek at first, when they got to the imperial capital of Yelshiulad, he had the same ideas as his older brother Saralegui. (novel 11)
Emperor of Seisakoku. Like his mother he can use the 'death servant' houjutsu. Although he acted meek at first, when they got to the imperial capital of Yelshiulad, he had the same ideas as his older brother Saralegui. (novel 11)
Ishihara Shintaro (石原慎太郎)
Ishihara Shintaro (石原慎太郎)<br/>
Novel author and current Governor of Tokyo. His younger brother Ishihara Yuujiro is an actor. Shouri likes his book "Little Brother" very much. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University. (Gaiden 2)
Novel author and current Governor of Tokyo. His younger brother Ishihara Yuujiro is an actor. Shouri likes his book "Little Brother" very much. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University. (Gaiden 2)
Izura (イズラ)
Izura (イズラ)<br/>
① The name of the last princess of Svelera. Although she entered the Zorashia Empire as the third wife, she died later in the civil war. Greta's mother.
① The name of the last princess of Svelera. Although she entered the Zorashia Empire as the third wife, she died later in the civil war. Greta's mother.<br/>
②Sveleran girl from the Hildeyard Pleasure District. A girl who runs very fast, Wild Goat Girl (カモシカちゃん). Because in Svelera committing adultery with unmarried adult women is a crime, the main source of income is minors (Novel 4)
②Sveleran girl from the Hildeyard Pleasure District. A girl who runs very fast, Wild Goat Girl (カモシカちゃん). Because in Svelera committing adultery with unmarried adult women is a crime, the main source of income is minors (Novel 4)
Ito Tsutomu (伊東勤)
Ito Tsutomu (伊東勤)<br/>
Seibu Lion's catcher and coach.
Seibu Lion's catcher and coach.
During his active time as a player, he wore the number 27 on his jersey. The beloved mentor that Yuuri secretly admires. It seems that Yuuri received his initiation as a catcher from him. (Novel 1)
During his active time as a player, he wore the number 27 on his jersey. The beloved mentor that Yuuri secretly admires. It seems that Yuuri received his initiation as a catcher from him. (Novel 1)
Inou Tadataka (伊能忠敬)
Inou Tadataka (伊能忠敬)<br/>
An expert cartographer. When he was lost, Yuuri wished there was a person like him in Shin Makoku. (Gaiden 1)
An expert cartographer. When he was lost, Yuuri wished there was a person like him in Shin Makoku. (Gaiden 1)
Iwaki (岩鬼)
Iwaki (岩鬼)<br/>
Iwaki Masami. Character of the manga Dokaben (by Shinji Mizushima). A professional baseball player that holds a leaf in his mouth and calls Yamada Taro 'Ya~mada'. Yuuri, who forgot he was transferred from his Fukuoka Daiei Hawks to the Tokyo Superstars, treats him like 'a person of the enemy team.'
Iwaki Masami. Character of the manga Dokaben (by Shinji Mizushima). A professional baseball player that holds a leaf in his mouth and calls Yamada Taro 'Ya~mada'. Yuuri, who forgot he was transferred from his Fukuoka Daiei Hawks to the Tokyo Superstars, treats him like 'a person of the enemy team.'
Inglath (イングラス)
Inglath (イングラス)<br/>
A Shimaronian general that overthrew the original Berard Royal Family. Obsessed with the boxes, hates mazoku. He later renamed his own family Berard. (Side Story 1)
A Shimaronian general that overthrew the original Berard Royal Family. Obsessed with the boxes, hates mazoku. He later renamed his own family Berard. (Side Story 1)
Waltorana (ヴァルトラーナ)
Waltorana (ヴァルトラーナ)<br/>
Wolfram's uncle. The current head of the Bielefeld family. In the novels so far there's nothing more than the notation "Bielefeld's Uncle", but when he had to appear in the anime, the author named him. An advocate of pure-blooded mazoku.
Wolfram's uncle. The current head of the Bielefeld family. In the novels so far there's nothing more than the notation "Bielefeld's Uncle", but when he had to appear in the anime, the author named him. An advocate of pure-blooded mazoku.
William (ウィリアム)
William (ウィリアム)<br/>
A negotiator (NEGOTIATOR) of confrontational criminals. Before singing a song composed he composed himself, 'I was born in Wisconsin,' at My Golden Microphone, he was suddenly recalled by the Boston Police. He later became a psychiatric counselor and worked with Diaz in the FBI. He didn't get discouraged and published a sequel called 'Born and raised in Wisconsin.' In addition, Yuuri composed a musical number called 'Wisconsin, all the way to the bone.' It has nothing to do with his hometown. (Gaiden 2)
A negotiator (NEGOTIATOR) of confrontational criminals. Before singing a song composed he composed himself, 'I was born in Wisconsin,' at My Golden Microphone, he was suddenly recalled by the Boston Police. He later became a psychiatric counselor and worked with Diaz in the FBI. He didn't get discouraged and published a sequel called 'Born and raised in Wisconsin.' In addition, Yuuri composed a musical number called 'Wisconsin, all the way to the bone.' It has nothing to do with his hometown. (Gaiden 2)
Professor Ueda (上田教授)
Professor Ueda (上田教授)<br/>
Ueda Jiro. Professor at Japan's Science and Technology University. His special skill is karate, which he learned through correspondence courses. Murata loves reading all his books that use science to explain strange and paranormal things called 'Come at Me, Paranormal Activity.' He's a character in the show "TRICK" (on Asahi TV). (played by Abe Hiroshi) (Novel 6)
Ueda Jiro. Professor at Japan's Science and Technology University. His special skill is karate, which he learned through correspondence courses. Murata loves reading all his books that use science to explain strange and paranormal things called 'Come at Me, Paranormal Activity.' He's a character in the show "TRICK" (on Asahi TV). (played by Abe Hiroshi) (Novel 6)
Wolfram (ヴォルフラム)<br/>
Lord von Bielefeld Wolfram. <br/>
Lord von Bielefeld Wolfram. Sleeping face of an angel with the sleeping habits of a devil. When compared to his fiance they're EVEN in height, but the length of his legs are certainly longer. Yuuri's first impression was that he looked like the 'One of Boys Vienna Choir OB.' His next impression was that he 'yapped like a pomeranian dog.' (Novel 1)
Sleeping face of an angel with the sleeping habits of a devil. When compared to his fiance they're EVEN in height, but the length of his legs are certainly longer. Yuuri's first impression was that he looked like the 'One of Boys Vienna Choir OB.' His next impression was that he 'yapped like a pomeranian dog.' (Novel 1)
Ulrike (ウルリーケ)
Ulrike (ウルリーケ)<br/>
Oracle Priestess. Highest ranking woman in Shinou's Shrine. With silver hair that flows down to the floor, she is an 800 year old with the appearance of a young girl. Summons Yuuri and is the only living being who can hear Shinou's words. (Novel 5)
Oracle Priestess. Highest ranking woman in Shinou's Shrine. With silver hair that flows down to the floor, she is an 800 year old with the appearance of a young girl. Summons Yuuri and is the only living being who can hear Shinou's words. (Novel 5)
Edith (エーディット)
Edith (エーディット)<br/>
Edith Bapp. Jewish woman. Tasks April Graves with investigating the 'Mirror of the Deep Waters' that was stolen by Nazi Germany. (Side Story 1)
Edith Bapp. Jewish woman. Tasks April Graves with investigating the 'Mirror of the Deep Waters' that was stolen by Nazi Germany. (Side Story 1)
April (エイプリル)<br/>
April Graves.<br/>
April Graves. Her lady appearance is only a facade. Later in life, after teaching her granddaughter Crystal the secret family business, she retired and flew around the world with her husband as the director of a charity. (Side Story 1)
Her lady appearance is only a facade. Later in life, after teaching her granddaughter Crystal the secret family business, she retired and flew around the world with her husband as the director of a charity. (Side Story 1)
Amy (エイミー)
Amy (エイミー)<br/>
Girl with shinzoku blood who was confined with Jayfre in the Shimaron facility. (Novel 7)
Girl with shinzoku blood who was confined with Jayfre in the Shimaron facility. (Novel 7)
ESPer Ito (エスパー伊東)
ESPer Ito (エスパー伊東)<br/>
Japanese celebrity. Murata identifies him as a psychic, but his thing is 'psychic ability' not ESP. According to Yuuri, he's Japan's 4th most famous Ito. (Novel 8)
Japanese celebrity. Murata identifies him as a psychic, but his thing is 'psychic ability' not ESP. According to Yuuri, he's Japan's 4th most famous Ito. (Novel 8)
Ettiene (エチエンヌ)
Ettiene (エチエンヌ)<br/>
A court painter that made even suicidal men pale who was once employed by Blood Pledge Castle to draw the portrait of Shinou and the Daikenja from his imagination. He devised the so-called technique of 'montage.' (Novel 16)
A court painter that made even suicidal men pale who was once employed by Blood Pledge Castle to draw the portrait of Shinou and the Daikenja from his imagination. He devised the so-called technique of 'montage.' (Novel 16)
Emma (エマ)
Emma (エマ)<br/>
A village girl who lives near the borders. Refugee. (Novel 1)
A village girl who lives near the borders. Refugee. (Novel 1)
Eric Clapton (エリック一クラプトン)
Eric Clapton (エリック一クラプトン)<br/>
The guitarist that Murata mistook with Superman's hometown (Krypton). (Novel 9)
The guitarist that Murata mistook with Superman's hometown (Krypton). (Novel 9)
Enjoy (エンジョイ)
Enjoy (エンジョイ)<br/>
A female reporter associated to a local TV station in New York. She was covering the Gay Parade on Fifth Avenue. (Gaiden 2)
A female reporter associated to a local TV station in New York. She was covering the Gay Parade on Fifth Avenue. (Gaiden 2)
Owen Brothers (オーウェン兄弟)
Owen Brothers (オーウェン兄弟)<br/>
Brothers who lived in El Sahuayo <ref>In former translations, El Salvallo. The name was fixed to be more accurate, also, El Sahuayo it’s an actual city in Mexico, even if the place in the novels is in USA this may be a direct reference. </ref>. They rode with Conrad in their own car. (Gaiden 1)
Brothers who lived in El Sahuayo <ref>In former translations, El Salvallo. The name was fixed to be more accurate, also, El Sahuayo it’s an actual city in Mexico, even if the place in the novels is in USA this may be a direct reference. </ref>. They rode with Conrad in their own car. (Gaiden 1)
Odil (オーディル)
Odil (オーディル)<br/>
Lord von Wincott Odil.<br/>
Lord von Wincott Odil. Head of his family. Susanna Julia's father. Has already retired from military service. Lives a somewhat reclusive life. (Gaiden 3)
Head of his family. Susanna Julia's father. Has already retired from military service. Lives a somewhat reclusive life. (Gaiden 3)
Oobayashi Nobuhiko (大林宣彦)
Oobayashi Nobuhiko (大林宣彦)<br/>
The film director (famous for 'Tenkousei') of the movie 'I are You, You am Me' (author: Yamanaka Hisashi). Although it should be noted that the line "Mikan to okan" comes from the anime 'Atashin'chi'. (Novel 13)
The film director (famous for 'Tenkousei') of the movie 'I are You, You am Me' (author: Yamanaka Hisashi). Although it should be noted that the line "Mikan to okan" comes from the anime 'Atashin'chi'. (Novel 13)
Osugi and Piko (おすぎとピーコ)
Osugi and Piko (おすぎとピーコ)<br/>
Japanese twin celebrities.
Japanese twin celebrities.<br/>
The older brother Piko is a fashion critic, the younger, Osugi, a film critic. It was an alternative proposal by Murata, who disliked the name of the twin sisters as Jason and Freddy. Either one is weird.... (Novel 7)
The older brother Piko is a fashion critic, the younger, Osugi, a film critic. It was an alternative proposal by Murata, who disliked the name of the twin sisters as Jason and Freddy. Either one is weird.... (Novel 7)
Gardino (ガーディーノ)
Gardino (ガーディーノ)<br/>
An adolescent temporarily working in Dai Shimaron's garrison who went to the capital to study art and theater. To pay for his studies, he passionately plays the part of the dying Norman Gilbit. After that, he used his experience as a shepard to be the coachman that helped leave with the disguised 'End of the Wind' (Novel 8)
An adolescent temporarily working in Dai Shimaron's garrison who went to the capital to study art and theater. To pay for his studies, he passionately plays the part of the dying Norman Gilbit. After that, he used his experience as a shepard to be the coachman that helped leave with the disguised 'End of the Wind' (Novel 8)
Carla (カーラ)
Carla (カーラ)<br/>
Calorian girl (Novel 7)
Calorian girl (Novel 7)
KatzLetzKikka (カツレツキッカ)
KatzLetzKikka (カツレツキッカ)<br/>
The war orphan trio Katz, Letz, and Kikka - characters of "New Mobile Suit Gundam" who were evacuated to the White Base. Since they are synonyms of children to Federation Fans (apparently), the Shibuya brothers, who ran away from home, are called this by the leg-hair-boasting Frau. (Gaiden 2)
The war orphan trio Katz, Letz, and Kikka - characters of "New Mobile Suit Gundam" who were evacuated to the White Base. Since they are synonyms of children to Federation Fans (apparently), the Shibuya brothers, who ran away from home, are called this by the leg-hair-boasting Fraw. (Gaiden 2)
Kamei Shizuka (亀井シズカ)
Kamei Shizuka (亀井シズカ)<br/>
Girl who challenged Murata in the February mock tests, a girl who was his rival in middle school (there's also a 'girlfriend' theory). She was also a classmate of Yuuri in second year of middle school. It should be noted that it's not an alias and she's also not a politician.<ref>'Kamei' (with different kanji) means alias, or pseudonym. 'Shizuka Kamei' is also the name of a politician. This clarification is to note that it's neither a fake name nor is she the politician.</ref> (Novel 13)
Girl who challenged Murata in the February mock tests, a girl who was his rival in middle school (there's also a 'girlfriend' theory). She was also a classmate of Yuuri in second year of middle school. It should be noted that it's not an alias and she's also not a politician.<ref>'Kamei' (with different kanji) means alias, or pseudonym. 'Shizuka Kamei' is also the name of a politician. This clarification is to note that it's neither a fake name nor is she the politician.</ref> (Novel 13)
Carlos (カルロス)
Carlos (カルロス)<br/>
A boy with black eyes and black hair from a diner in El Savallo. The first person that Conrad meets when he arrives on Earth. He lives with his mother and younger sister. (Gaiden 1)
A boy with black eyes and black hair from a diner in El Savallo. The first person that Conrad meets when he arrives on Earth. He lives with his mother and younger sister. (Gaiden 1)
Gisela (ギーゼラ)
Gisela (ギーゼラ)<br/>
Lady von Christ Gisela.<br/>
Lady von Christ Gisela. Healer Demon Sergeant. May be the only living being in Shin Makoku capable of opposing the Poison Lady. (Novel 6)
Healer Demon Sergeant. May be the only living being in Shin Makoku capable of opposing the Poison Lady. (Novel 6)
Kinan (キーナン)
Kinan (キーナン)<br/>
Former subordinate of Günter. An archer who always carries a quiver and has sanpaku eyes as sharp as those of an eagle. The most skilled in Shin Makoku. He left on a journey with Gisela and Dacascos to look for Yuuri, but went missing during the trip, taking Conrad's left arm with him to Shou Shimaron. Afterwards, hired by Maxine, he participates in the assassination (attempt) of Saralegui. He's looking for the body of his older brother who was (thought to have been) killed during the last great war. (Novel 5)
Former subordinate of Günter. An archer who always carries a quiver and has sanpaku eyes as sharp as those of an eagle. The most skilled in Shin Makoku. He left on a journey with Gisela and Dacascos to look for Yuuri, but went missing during the trip, taking Conrad's left arm with him to Shou Shimaron. Afterwards, hired by Maxine, he participates in the assassination (attempt) of Saralegui. He's looking for the body of his older brother who was (thought to have been) killed during the last great war. (Novel 5)
Keisha (キェシェ Kieshe)
Keisha (キェシェ Kieshe)<br/>
Carlos and Nikki's mother. A firm woman who runs a diner in place of her deceased husband. (Gaiden 1)
Carlos and Nikki's mother. A firm woman who runs a diner in place of her deceased husband. (Gaiden 1)
Kisilis, the Seaweed King (キシリスの海藻王)
Kisilis, the Seaweed King (キシリスの海藻王)<br/>
Human royalty who once suffered the effects of the Wincott Poison. Published in 'The Handbook of Murder by Poison.' (Novel 5)
Human royalty who once suffered the effects of the Wincott Poison. Published in 'The Handbook of Murder by Poison.' (Novel 5)
Kinis (キニス)
Kinis (キニス)<br/>
Middle aged farmer who, as the representative of the village, tried to sacrifice his own daughter to stop the 'curse' of the dead attacking people. (Gaiden 4)
Middle aged farmer who, as the representative of the village, tried to sacrifice his own daughter to stop the 'curse' of the dead attacking people. (Gaiden 4)
Tusked Tortoise (Kiba Game 牙亀)
Tusked Tortoise (Kiba Game 牙亀)<br/>
One of the prisoners of Darco. The crime he committed is for sure not voyeurism<ref>A pun. Kibagame is Tusked Tortoise and debagame is Peeping Tom.</ref>. (Novel 17)
One of the prisoners of Darco. The crime he committed is for sure not voyeurism<ref>A pun. Kibagame is Tusked Tortoise and debagame is Peeping Tom.</ref>. (Novel 17)
Günter (ギュンター)
Günter (ギュンター)<br/>
Lord von Christ Günter.<br/>
Lord von Christ Günter. He sat on the 'most beautiful mazoku' throne for 50 years. Is (approximately) 150 years old. Commanding officer of Majesty Yuuri's Passionate Loyal (madly in love LOVE) Imperial Guards<ref>The Word for 'imperial guards' can also mean groupies.</ref>. There are rumors about him having a soukoku fetish. Is in fact, tone deaf. (Novel 1)
He sat on the 'most beautiful mazoku' throne for 50 years. Is (approximately) 150 years old. Commanding officer of Majesty Yuuri's Passionate Loyal (madly in love LOVE) Imperial Guards<ref>The Word for 'imperial guards' can also mean groupies.</ref>. There are rumors about him having a soukoku fetish. Is in fact, tone deaf. (Novel 1)
Gilbert (ギルバルト)
Gilbert (ギルバルト)<br/>
Former king of Shou Shimaron. Father of Saralegui and Yelshi. After the last great war, he washed ashore in Seisakoku and wedded Empress Alazon. (Novel 12)
Former king of Shou Shimaron. Father of Saralegui and Yelshi. After the last great war, he washed ashore in Seisakoku and wedded Empress Alazon. (Novel 12)
Girhen Zabi (ギレン・ザビ)
Girhen Zabi (ギレン・ザビ)<br/>
Character of 'New Mobile Suit Gundam.' Zeon General. Highly skilled instigator who gives speeches similar to Hitler's. Murata's mental image of Maxine. (Novel 6)
Character of 'New Mobile Suit Gundam.' Zeon General. Highly skilled instigator who gives speeches similar to Hitler's. Murata's mental image of Maxine. (Novel 6)
Gwe Dal (Gu Uedaru - 具・上樽)
Gwe Dal (Gu Uedaru - 具・上樽)<br/>
The eternal victim in the Poison Lady Anissina series. His physical appearance is very similar to Gwendal's. (Novel 9)
The eternal victim in the Poison Lady Anissina series. His physical appearance is very similar to Gwendal's. (Novel 9)
Gwendal (グウエンダル)
Gwendal (グウエンダル)<br/>
Lord von Voltaire Gwendal.<br/>
Lord von Voltaire Gwendal. Contrary to what one would think considering his strict character, the amount of 'onee'<ref>Onee (o-neh): effeminate men, cross-dressers, transsexuals, homosexuals.</ref> subordinates he has is abnormally high. It has also been suggested (by Anissina) that he might pick his soldiers for their looks. Yuuri's first impression of him was that he could almost hear the "Godfather · Love theme". (Novel 1)
Contrary to what one would think considering his strict character, the amount of 'onee'<ref>Onee (o-neh): effeminate men, cross-dressers, transsexuals, homosexuals.</ref> subordinates he has is abnormally high. It has also been suggested (by Anissina) that he might pick his soldiers for their looks. Yuuri's first impression of him was that he could almost hear the "Godfather · Love theme". (Novel 1)
Qracian (クラシアン)<ref>Qracian is an actual plumbing company in Japan.</ref>
Qracian (クラシアン)<ref>Qracian is an actual plumbing company in Japan.</ref><br/>
Man from a plumbing company in Shin Makoku. He does things like fixing the clogged drain in Blood Pledge Castle and repairing the rain gutter of the gazebo. (Novel 7)
Man from a plumbing company in Shin Makoku. He does things like fixing the clogged drain in Blood Pledge Castle and repairing the rain gutter of the gazebo. (Novel 7)
Glenn (グラン)
Glenn (グラン)<br/>
Macho in the Maou's Harem who wears a naked bowtie (blue) and unfashionable underwear. Blue Crazy Hunk. (Gaiden 3)
Macho in the Maou's Harem who wears a naked bowtie (blue) and unfashionable underwear. Blue Crazy Hunk. (Gaiden 3)
Crystal (クリスタル)
Crystal (クリスタル)<br/>
Crystal Graves. April's granddaughter and Abigail's mother. She received a request from Conrad to retrieve the left arm of her grandfather's ancestor, Robert. (Side Story 1)
Crystal Graves. April's granddaughter and Abigail's mother. She received a request from Conrad to retrieve the left arm of her grandfather's ancestor, Robert. (Side Story 1)
Christine (クリステイン)
Christine (クリステイン)<br/>
Murata's previous life (soul user). Seems to have been a completely devoted<ref>The phrase for completely devoted here is 'applied (their) body' and can also have the connotation that they sacrificed their health and well-being for the endeavor in question.</ref> actress. (Gaiden 1)
Murata's previous life (soul user). Seems to have been a completely devoted<ref>The phrase for completely devoted here is 'applied (their) body' and can also have the connotation that they sacrificed their health and well-being for the endeavor in question.</ref> actress. (Gaiden 1)
Grizzly (グリズリー)
Grizzly (グリズリー)<br/>
A criminal in the Darco Prison. Name given by Yuuri. Unlike his appearance, he has a beautiful voice (Novel 17)
A criminal in the Darco Prison. Name given by Yuuri. Unlike his appearance, he has a beautiful voice (Novel 17)
Greta (グレタ)
Greta (グレタ)<br/>
Human girl who went from Maou assassin to Yuuri's adopted daughter. About 10 years old. The tattoos she has of her mother's name on her left shoulder and her father's name on her right shoulder were a custom of Zorashia's Imperial family. (Novel 4)
Human girl who went from Maou assassin to Yuuri's adopted daughter. About 10 years old. The tattoos she has of her mother's name on her left shoulder and her father's name on her right shoulder were a custom of Zorashia's Imperial family. (Novel 4)
Glenn Gordon Weller (グレン・ゴードン・ウエラー)
Glenn Gordon Weller (グレン・ゴードン・ウエラー)<br/>
Dunheely Weller's father. A descendant of the three kings renowned in the continent's history. Weller is only a part of his original family name. He was forced to change his name and live as a captive person. His alias was 'The continent's number one dandy.' (Novel 8)
Dunheely Weller's father. A descendant of the three kings renowned in the continent's history. Weller is only a part of his original family name. He was forced to change his name and live as a captive person. His alias was 'The continent's number one dandy.' (Novel 8)
Quatro Bajina (クワトロ バジーナ)
Quatro Bajina (クワトロ バジーナ)<br/>
Char Aznable's other name. (Novel 13)
Char Aznable's other name. (Novel 13)
Gegenhuber (ゲーゲンヒューバー)
Gegenhuber (ゲーゲンヒューバー)<br/>
Lord Grisela Gegenhuber, known as Hube.<br/>
Lord Grisela Gegenhuber, known as Hube. Gwendal's cousin from his father's side. Although love between mazoku and humans was legal, he resurfaced an old-fashioned idea that one should doubt the loyalty of those of mixed blood to ensnare Conrad, inviting heartache to Susanna Julia and eventually pushing her to her death. However, while looking for the mateki in Svelera as he was ordered to, he met and fell in love with a human woman, Nicola. Because he was in a country that did not allow relationships between races, they were captured and separated and he was tortured because of the box, but with Greta's help he managed to escape and started looking for a way to die while roaming the pleasure district. Currently he's back in Shin Makoku and is the father of a boy. (Novel 3)
Gwendal's cousin from his father's side. Although love between mazoku and humans was legal, he resurfaced an old-fashioned idea that one should doubt the loyalty of those of mixed blood to ensnare Conrad, inviting heartache to Susanna Julia and eventually pushing her to her death. However, while looking for the mateki in Svelera as he was ordered to, he met and fell in love with a human woman, Nicola. Because he was in a country that did not allow relationships between races, they were captured and separated and he was tortured because of the box, but with Greta's help he managed to escape and started looking for a way to die while roaming the pleasure district. Currently he's back in Shin Makoku and is the father of a boy. (Novel 3)
Kevin Bacon (ケビン・ベーコン)
Kevin Bacon (ケビン・ベーコン)<br/>
Actor that Miko likes. It seems she also likes Brad Pitt (Gaiden 2)
Actor that Miko likes. It seems she also likes Brad Pitt (Gaiden 2)
Gerhart (グルハルト)
Gerhart (グルハルト)<br/>
Gerhart Horbart.<br/>
Gerhart Horbart . Although he's an elite Harvard graduate, he's an otaku. He is the grandson of April's cousin, Diane. His great grandfather was a butler to the Graves. According to a will, he took good care of a metal fragment of 'Inferno on the Tundra.' Known as Golg. Saying "Nantomonaize!" (It's completely perf(ect)!) with a thumbs up is his catchprase. Furthermore Gogg was a mass production water type MS produced by the Zeon army. Sergeant Rasa who rode on the Gogg said this phrase "As expected from the Gogg, it's completely perf!" (novel 13)
Although he's an elite Harvard graduate, he's an otaku. He is the grandson of April's cousin, Diane. His great grandfather was a butler to the Graves. According to a will, he took good care of a metal fragment of 'Inferno on the Tundra.' Known as Golg. Saying "Nantomonaize!" (It's completely perf(ect)!) with a thumbs up is his catchprase. Furthermore Gogg was a mass production water type MS produced by the Zeon army. Sergeant Rasa who rode on the Gogg said this phrase "As expected from the Gogg, it's completely perf!" (novel 13)
Gengoroumaru (源五郎丸)
Gengoroumaru (源五郎丸)<br/>
A baseball commentator in Koushien. It's unknown if it is his full name or only his last name. (Gaiden 4)
A baseball commentator in Koushien. It's unknown if it is his full name or only his last name. (Gaiden 4)
Kent (ケント)
Kent (ケント)<br/>
A newscaster on a local TV channel in New York. Man of the Lloyd glasses. He's the person Shouma refered to when he was agitated and watching TV saying "Eeey, that's enough of the Lloyd glasses guy! Show me Yuu-chan, show me Yuu-chan's struggling style!" In addition, the catch phrase of Tem Ray, Amuro Ray's father in Gundam is "Eeey, show me the Gundam, show me Gundam's fighting style" (Gaiden 2)
A newscaster on a local TV channel in New York. Man of the Lloyd glasses. He's the person Shouma refered to when he was agitated and watching TV saying "Eeey, that's enough of the Lloyd glasses guy! Show me Yuu-chan, show me Yuu-chan's struggling style!" In addition, the catch phrase of Tem Ray, Amuro Ray's father in Gundam is "Eeey, show me the Gundam, show me Gundam's fighting style" (Gaiden 2)
The Prefectural High school Second Year Ace (県立高校二年エース)
The Prefectural High school Second Year Ace (県立高校二年エース)<br/>
The tragedy-struck pitcher who couldn't stand on the mound at Koushien because he broke his leg in a traffic accident. He meets Yuuri by chance in Miss Heinz (pseudonym)'s car. (Gaiden 4)
The tragedy-struck pitcher who couldn't stand on the mound at Koushien because he broke his leg in a traffic accident. He meets Yuuri by chance in Miss Heinz (pseudonym)'s car. (Gaiden 4)
Kouji Tomita (コージー冨田)
Kouji Tomita (コージー冨田)<br/>
A bald Japanese entertainer that Yuuri remembered when he first saw the Cavalcade hair custom. He would change wigs according to the story. (Novel 2)
A bald Japanese entertainer that Yuuri remembered when he first saw the Cavalcade hair custom. He would change wigs according to the story. (Novel 2)
Cory (コーリィ)
Cory (コーリィ)<br/>
DT's wife. A beautiful woman who runs a restaurant in Boston's Chinatown. (Side Story 1)
DT's wife. A beautiful woman who runs a restaurant in Boston's Chinatown. (Side Story 1)
Godlen's Evil Princess (ゴドレンの悪妃)
Godlen's Evil Princess (ゴドレンの悪妃)<br/>
A human from a royal family who suffered the effects of the Wincott Poison. Published in 'The Handbook of Murder by Poison.' (Novel 5)
A human from a royal family who suffered the effects of the Wincott Poison. Published in 'The Handbook of Murder by Poison.' (Novel 5)
Kobayashi Sachiko (小林幸子)
Kobayashi Sachiko (小林幸子)<br/>
Singer. On stage (mainly in NHK's New Year's Eve singing contest), she wears flashy costumes. It was a term used to express the unusualness of His Royal Highness Berard II, as he stepped out of his gondola in the "Greatest Fighter" seats. Mikawa Kenichi can be used as a synonym. (Novel 7)
Singer. On stage (mainly in NHK's New Year's Eve singing contest), she wears flashy costumes. It was a term used to express the unusualness of His Royal Highness Berard II, as he stepped out of his gondola in the "Greatest Fighter" seats. Mikawa Kenichi can be used as a synonym. (Novel 7)
Lakeside Girl (湖畔族の少女)
Lakeside Girl (湖畔族の少女)<br/>
The girl who gave fairly cold water to Yuuri when he first arrived in Shin Makoku and was tired after his first horseride. She said :"If we can be of help to Your Majesty until our very last drop, we'll be more than happy." This became a pact and is connected to the awakening of Yuuri's water maryoku. (Novel 1)
The girl who gave fairly cold water to Yuuri when he first arrived in Shin Makoku and was tired after his first horseride. She said :"If we can be of help to Your Majesty until our very last drop, we'll be more than happy." This became a pact and is connected to the awakening of Yuuri's water maryoku. (Novel 1)
Convenience store part time worker (コンビニのパー卜店員)
Convenience store part time worker (コンビニのパー卜店員)<br/>
A male college student who, because he was reading the customer service manual, was late to escape the venue during Jonathan's raid. He got a sermon for not being able to read fast enough. (Gaiden 2)
A male college student who, because he was reading the customer service manual, was late to escape the venue during Jonathan's raid. He got a sermon for not being able to read fast enough. (Gaiden 2)
Conrad (コンラッド))
Conrad (コンラッド))<br/>
Lord Weller Conrart.
Lord Weller Conrart.<br/>
Dark brown hair. A characteristic of his light brown eyes is that its irises have silver spots scattered. He got the scar on his right eyebrow during some trouble when he was about to take Yuuri's soul to Earth. When he was temporarily with the Green Berets, he seems to have visited Boston, Washington, Staten Island, New Hampshire, Orlando, Quebec, Edinburgh, Wales, Dusseldorf, Cherbourg and other places. He is not aware that his jokes are lame (read: cold<ref>In Japanese, lame jokes and gags are referred to as being cold.</ref>) and he freezes his surroundings fairly often. (Novel 1)
Dark brown hair. A characteristic of his light brown eyes is that its irises have silver spots scattered. He got the scar on his right eyebrow during some trouble when he was about to take Yuuri's soul to Earth. When he was temporarily with the Green Berets, he seems to have visited Boston, Washington, Staten Island, New Hampshire, Orlando, Quebec, Edinburgh, Wales, Dusseldorf, Cherbourg and other places. He is not aware that his jokes are lame (read: cold<ref>In Japanese, lame jokes and gags are referred to as being cold.</ref>) and he freezes his surroundings fairly often. (Novel 1)
Sizemore (サイズモア)
Sizemore (サイズモア)<br/>
Shin Makoku's Navy Captain. His younger brother is also enrolled in the navy. Although he's a fierce man in sea battles, dubbed 'Sea Monster' (Umibouzu), he worries and feels sad about the top of his head looking like a Kappa<ref>Mythical Japanese creature. They have a plate in their head full of water which makes it look like they have a circular bald spot right on top of their head</ref>. He's straightforward and cries easily. (novel 7)
Shin Makoku's Navy Captain. His younger brother is also enrolled in the navy. Although he's a fierce man in sea battles, dubbed 'Sea Monster' (Umibouzu), he worries and feels sad about the top of his head looking like a Kappa<ref>Mythical Japanese creature. They have a plate in their head full of water which makes it look like they have a circular bald spot right on top of their head</ref>. He's straightforward and cries easily. (novel 7)
Saitou Dousan (斎藤道三)
Saitou Dousan (斎藤道三)<br/>
Warrior of the Sengoku Period. A man called Mamushi(pit viper). His son, Yoshitatsu was killed in the Battle of Nagaragawa. He appeared in the NHK drama 'Hideyoshi' and in the Kadokawa movie 'Sengoku Self Defense Forces 1549.' In Yuuri's head he looks like a mix of Flynn and the unhappy leader of the Plainsmen. (Novel 6)
Warrior of the Sengoku Period. A man called Mamushi(pit viper). His son, Yoshitatsu was killed in the Battle of Nagaragawa. He appeared in the NHK drama 'Hideyoshi' and in the Kadokawa movie 'Sengoku Self Defense Forces 1549.' In Yuuri's head he looks like a mix of Flynn and the unhappy leader of the Plainsmen. (Novel 6)
Saralegui (サラレギー)
Saralegui (サラレギー)<br/>
Although he was enthroned only 2 years ago, he quickly changed the name of the capital and port, giving them his name. A dictator-like king. Sara. (Novel 9)
Although he was enthroned only 2 years ago, he quickly changed the name of the capital and port, giving them his name. A dictator-like king. Sara. (Novel 9)
A man of few words with an iron sword (斬鉄剣の無口な男)
A man of few words with an iron sword (斬鉄剣の無口な男)<br/>
A man similar to Ishikawa Goemon (Lupin III), who sailed on the same ship as Wolfram. (Novel 6)
A man similar to Ishikawa Goemon (Lupin III), who sailed on the same ship as Wolfram. (Novel 6)
Captain Mountain Range (山脈体長)
Captain Mountain Range (山脈体長)<br/>
Leader of the mercenaries from the Plainsmen. A bald person who looks like a mountain range himself. He has an 'X' scar on his head. A shy guy who talks to others through Terrine-shan . Alias: Captain of the Strait. His grandfather seems to have smuggled a lot with Seisakoku. (Novel 6)
Leader of the mercenaries from the Plainsmen. A bald person who looks like a mountain range himself. He has an 'X' scar on his head. A shy guy who talks to others through Terrine-shan . Alias: Captain of the Strait. His grandfather seems to have smuggled a lot with Seisakoku. (Novel 6)
Jason (ジェイソン)
Jason (ジェイソン)<br/>
① One of the shinzoku twin sisters. Possesses strong houryoku and is good at using fire houjutsu. It seems she also has the ability of knowing the history of a person's soul just by looking at their face. She grew up isolated with children born between humans and shinzoku in the Shimaron wilderness. She was taken by Maxine and because she believed him when he told her that she'd be given the Isolation Facility (church) if she won the 'World's Best,' she participated in the tournament. Later, she'd return to Seisakoku. -> Freddy (フレディ)
① One of the shinzoku twin sisters. Possesses strong houryoku and is good at using fire houjutsu. It seems she also has the ability of knowing the history of a person's soul just by looking at their face. She grew up isolated with children born between humans and shinzoku in the Shimaron wilderness. She was taken by Maxine and because she believed him when he told her that she'd be given the Isolation Facility (church) if she won the 'World's Best,' she participated in the tournament. Later, she'd return to Seisakoku. -> Freddy (フレディ)<br/>
② Jason Voorhees. The main character of 'Friday the 13th.' A killer who wears a hockey mask to hide his face. By the way, contrary to the popular idea, he doesn't use a chainsaw to attack. (Novel 7)
② Jason Voorhees. The main character of 'Friday the 13th.' A killer who wears a hockey mask to hide his face. By the way, contrary to the popular idea, he doesn't use a chainsaw to attack. (Novel 7)
Sigourney Weaver (シガニー・ウィーバー)
Sigourney Weaver (シガニー・ウィーバー)<br/>
American actress. Since she went head-to-head with an alien, she made her way into Greta's Ranking of women she admires. (Gaiden 3)
American actress. Since she went head-to-head with an alien, she made her way into Greta's Ranking of women she admires. (Gaiden 3)
Secord (シコード)
Secord (シコード)<br/>
Blacksmith in Shin Makoku. He forged a sword dedicated to Maou Yuuri. He's affected by a strange disease, 'mugwort fever,' and seemed to be in a dying state. (novel 10)
Blacksmith in Shin Makoku. He forged a sword dedicated to Maou Yuuri. He's affected by a strange disease, 'mugwort fever,' and seemed to be in a dying state. (novel 10)
Shibuya Shouma (渋谷勝馬)
Shibuya Shouma (渋谷勝馬)<br/>
Yuuri's old man ('oyaji'). His wife calls him 'Uma-chan<ref>Pretty much 'Horsie'</ref>'. To protect the peace of the financial world, he fights day and night using his trusty personal computer and calculator, much like a shogunate warrior Global Banking Man (GroGinMan). He has a Bruce Lee - Level 7 certificate. As Shinou wanted it, he possesses Japanese DNA, is passionate, has guts, a sense of justice, and raised his son with the mental ability to create games. The oldest of three brothers. (novel 1)
Yuuri's old man ('oyaji'). His wife calls him 'Uma-chan<ref>Pretty much 'Horsie'</ref>'. To protect the peace of the financial world, he fights day and night using his trusty personal computer and calculator, much like a shogunate warrior Global Banking Man (GroGinMan). He has a Bruce Lee - Level 7 certificate. As Shinou wanted it, he possesses Japanese DNA, is passionate, has guts, a sense of justice, and raised his son with the mental ability to create games. The oldest of three brothers. (novel 1)
Shibuya Shouri (渋谷勝利)
Shibuya Shouri (渋谷勝利)<br/>
Yuuri's older brother. His mother calls him 'Shou-chan'. His woman type is Reni Milchstraße (from Sakura Wars). He released a dating Sim critic website where, among other things, he complains that when he gives the archery girl his little brother's name she has many behavioral problems. He was actually born on the 'Good Couple's Day' (November 22nd), but it seems because he wishes he was born on 'Good Older Brother Day' (November 23rd) he checks the Sagittarius horoscope without hesitating. (novel 1)
Yuuri's older brother. His mother calls him 'Shou-chan'. His woman type is Reni Milchstraße (from Sakura Wars). He released a dating Sim critic website where, among other things, he complains that when he gives the archery girl his little brother's name she has many behavioral problems. He was actually born on the 'Good Couple's Day' (November 22nd), but it seems because he wishes he was born on 'Good Older Brother Day' (November 23rd) he checks the Sagittarius horoscope without hesitating. (novel 1)
Shibuya Miko (渋谷美子)
Shibuya Miko (渋谷美子)<br/>
Yuuri's mother. Maiden name: Motozawa (本沢). She's good with both the pen and the sword. Lifting weights is indispensable for her daily training and it seems she's also a capoeira master. She returns her enemy's boke (confusion) attack with a boke attack, meaning she's a user of the 'Boke Killing' technique. (Gaiden 2)
Yuuri's mother. Maiden name: Motozawa (本沢). She's good with both the pen and the sword. Lifting weights is indispensable for her daily training and it seems she's also a capoeira master. She returns her enemy's boke (confusion) attack with a boke attack, meaning she's a user of the 'Boke Killing' technique. (Gaiden 2)
Shibuya Yuuri (渋谷有利)
Shibuya Yuuri (渋谷有利)<br/>
His Majesty. Muscle head baseball brat. Has 2.0 vision on both eyes. He claims to be 170cm tall, but he's actually 2 mm short of that height. Ehh, isn't he shorter than that? There's that theory too.
His Majesty. Muscle head baseball brat. Has 2.0 vision on both eyes. He claims to be 170cm tall, but he's actually 2 mm short of that height. Ehh, isn't he shorter than that? There's that theory too.
Char Aznable (シャア・アズナブル)
Char Aznable (シャア・アズナブル)<br/>
Character of 'Mobile Suit Gundam.' His real name is Casval Rem Deikun. His nickname is 'the Red Comet.' His personal suit is 'a red that is three times than normal.' Murata called the high speed ship of the Dougards 'Char-like.' (novel 7)
Character of 'Mobile Suit Gundam.' His real name is Casval Rem Deikun. His nickname is 'the Red Comet.' His personal suit is 'a red that is three times than normal.' Murata called the high speed ship of the Dougards 'Char-like.' (novel 7)
Jichael Mackson (ジャイケル・マクソン)
Jichael Mackson (ジャイケル・マクソン)<br/>
Composed William's follow-up songs. It's believed that his name is a fake copy of the King of Pop's name (Gaiden 2)
Composed William's follow-up songs. It's believed that his name is a fake copy of the King of Pop's name (Gaiden 2)
Shas (シャス)
Shas (シャス)<br/>
Jilta's father. Secretly helps mazoku in the country. Volunteer member of the 'Mo-re mo-re.' (Novel 3)
Jilta's father. Secretly helps mazoku in the country. Volunteer member of the 'Mo-re mo-re.' (Novel 3)
Justin (ジャステン)
Justin (ジャステン)<br/>
Old man who lived in El Savallo. Mazoku from Earth. 82 years old. (Gaiden 1)
Old man who lived in El Savallo. Mazoku from Earth. 82 years old. (Gaiden 1)
Jean-Luc (ジャン・リュツク)
Jean-Luc (ジャン・リュツク)<br/>
Lord von Rocheford Jean-Luc. Second son of the Rocheford family. A representing ornithologist of the country. Anissina's fiance candidate. (Gaiden 1)
Lord von Rocheford Jean-Luc. Second son of the Rocheford family. A representing ornithologist of the country. Anissina's fiance candidate. (Gaiden 1)
Stuffel (シュトッフェル)
Stuffel (シュトッフェル)<br/>
Lord von Spitzberg Stuffel.<br/>
Lord von Spitzberg Stuffel. One of the Ten Nobles. Cherie's older brother. Although he's a blonde and a NICE MIDDLE(-aged man), you can see something greedy in his eyes.(Yuuri's opinion) Wanting to keep his power as regent/prime minister, when the former maou announced her resignation, he tried to the very end to repeal it. Failing to do so, he then tried to gain favor with a huge celebration when the new maou entered the castle. A man who only cares about power, but is a terribly foolish coward (Wolfram's opinion). The person who sent Conrad, who was rumored to be close to Susanna Julia, to Arnold was also him. (Novel 1)
One of the Ten Nobles. Cherie's older brother. Although he's a blonde and a NICE MIDDLE(-aged man), you can see something greedy in his eyes.(Yuuri's opinion) Wanting to keep his power as regent/prime minister, when the former maou announced her resignation, he tried to the very end to repeal it. Failing to do so, he then tried to gain favor with a huge celebration when the new maou entered the castle. A man who only cares about power, but is a terribly foolish coward (Wolfram's opinion). The person who sent Conrad, who was rumored to be close to Susanna Julia, to Arnold was also him. (Novel 1)
Chevallier (シュバリエ)
Chevallier (シュバリエ)<br/>
Cherie's chamberlain. A quiet, capable, beautiful, blonde man. Or so we thought, but in reality he was the 25th Maou. When he abdicated, he sealed most of his power away. (Novel 1)
Cherie's chamberlain. A quiet, capable, beautiful, blonde man. Or so we thought, but in reality he was the 25th Maou. When he abdicated, he sealed most of his power away. (Novel 1)
Schulz (シュルツ)
Schulz (シュルツ)<br/>
Colonel. A person holding great power within the Nazi Germany Army. Or so you would think, but in reality he's a part of higher uppers who don't have a good opinion of dictators. It's a fictional character created to correct the organization's trajectory. (Side Story 1)
Colonel. A person holding great power within the Nazi Germany Army. Or so you would think, but in reality he's a part of higher uppers who don't have a good opinion of dictators. It's a fictional character created to correct the organization's trajectory. (Side Story 1)
Sean Connery (ショーン・コネリー)
Sean Connery (ショーン・コネリー)<br/>
Famous English actor. He's famous for movies like '007'. According to Shouma, he and Tommy Lee Jones (an actor who plays an alien in coffee commercials), are men with the stench of angels. (Gaiden 2)
Famous English actor. He's famous for movies like '007'. According to Shouma, he and Tommy Lee Jones (an actor who plays an alien in coffee commercials), are men with the stench of angels. (Gaiden 2)
Genius actress from a shoujo manga (少女遅画の天才女優)
Genius actress from a shoujo manga (少女遅画の天才女優)<br/>
Character that Yuuri referred to when he was playing Norman, The Masked Feudal Lord. Since she's from a publication that his mother, Miko, was looking forward to the continuation of, she is thought to be Kitajima Maya (Glass Mask, author Suzue Miuchi), but it might be Himekawa Ayumi. (Novel 6)
Character that Yuuri referred to when he was playing Norman, The Masked Feudal Lord. Since she's from a publication that his mother, Miko, was looking forward to the continuation of, she is thought to be Kitajima Maya (Glass Mask, author Suzue Miuchi), but it might be Himekawa Ayumi. (Novel 6)
Jilta (ジルタ)
Jilta (ジルタ)<br/>
A boy born from Shas's only daughter, Norika, and a mazoku man. Since his growth is slower than that of his peers, he gets bullied (Novel 3)
A boy born from Shas's only daughter, Norika, and a mazoku man. Since his growth is slower than that of his peers, he gets bullied (Novel 3)
Shiro Zame (White Shark) (白鮫)
Shiro Zame (White Shark) (白鮫)<br/>
A heavy offender in Darco prison's disciplinary punishment section. (novel 17)
A heavy offender in Darco prison's disciplinary punishment section. (novel 17)
Shinou (眞王)
Shinou (眞王)<br/>
The first maou who has the power to appoint maou. He defeated the soushu and established Shin Makoku. For the mazoku, he's an entity similar to that of God. His portrait is that of a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, whose face is similar to Wolfram's, and a strong, indomitable sense of dignity that reminds you of light. He's the 'if you remain quiet you're beautiful' type. The perfect example of a legendary person who's better off remaining a legend. Loves war. (Novel 1)
The first maou who has the power to appoint maou. He defeated the soushu and established Shin Makoku. For the mazoku, he's an entity similar to that of God. His portrait is that of a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, whose face is similar to Wolfram's, and a strong, indomitable sense of dignity that reminds you of light. He's the 'if you remain quiet you're beautiful' type. The perfect example of a legendary person who's better off remaining a legend. Loves war. (Novel 1)
Schindler (シンドラー)
Schindler (シンドラー)<br/>
Oscar Schindler.<br/>
Oscar Schindler. A German businessman who saved more than a thousand Jewish lives from Nazi Germany. He became a famous person after the movie 'Schindler's List' was released. (novel 5)
A German businessman who saved more than a thousand Jewish lives from Nazi Germany. He became a famous person after the movie 'Schindler's List' was released. (novel 5)
Susan (スーザン)
Susan (スーザン)<br/>
A female New York police officer. Participated in the Gay Parade. Her partner is Monica. (Gaiden 2)
A female New York police officer. Participated in the Gay Parade. Her partner is Monica. (Gaiden 2)
Zusha (ズーシャ)
Zusha (ズーシャ)<br/>
Shinzoku girl. One of the twins who gave Yuuri the letter written by Jayfre. Twin: Zeta (Novel 9)
Shinzoku girl. One of the twins who gave Yuuri the letter written by Jayfre. Twin: Zeta (Novel 9)
Sugihara Chiune (杉原千畝)
Sugihara Chiune (杉原千畝)<br/>
Japanese diplomat who during World War II issued asylum visas to save more than 60000 Jewish people from being killed.(Novel 5)
Japanese diplomat who during World War II issued asylum visas to save more than 60000 Jewish people from being killed.(Novel 5)
Susanna Julia (スザナ ジュリア)
Susanna Julia (スザナ ジュリア)<br/>
Lady von Wincott Susanna Julia.<br/>
Lady von Wincott Susanna Julia. A blind boxer that used to go by the name 'Julia the Bear Killer.' She liked Adalbert's cooking. Even when Yuuri's vision was SHUT OUT because of an extreme situation, it seems that A-sama's cooking lowered his guard. (Novel 2)
A blind boxer that used to go by the name 'Julia the Bear Killer.' She liked Adalbert's cooking. Even when Yuuri's vision was SHUT OUT because of an extreme situation, it seems that A-sama's cooking lowered his guard. (Novel 2)
Stallone (スタローン)
Stallone (スタローン)<br/>
Sylvester Stallone. One of the best Macho actors in America. According to Yuuri, his face looks like Alexander the Great's. (novel 7)
Sylvester Stallone. One of the best Macho actors in America. According to Yuuri, his face looks like Alexander the Great's. (novel 7)
Stroup (ストロープ)
Stroup (ストロープ)<br/>
Saralegui's confidant subordinate (novel 9)
Saralegui's confidant subordinate (novel 9)
Zeta (ゼタ)
Zeta (ゼタ)<br/>
A Shinzoku refugee boy who was rescued from Shimaron waters by Yuuri. Twin: Zusha. (Novel 9)
A Shinzoku refugee boy who was rescued from Shimaron waters by Yuuri. Twin: Zusha. (Novel 9)
Diane (ダイアン)
Diane (ダイアン)<br/>
Diane Horbert. Maiden name: Graves. April's pure cousin. While married to an elite lawyer, she fell in love with Horbert the butler's son. (Novel 13)
Diane Horbert. Maiden name: Graves. April's pure cousin. While married to an elite lawyer, she fell in love with Horbert the butler's son. (Novel 13)
Daikenja (大賢者)
Daikenja (大賢者)<br/>
The only being who stands on equal ground to that of Shinou in this world. As a person with black hair and eyes, the so-called soukoku, he is perceived by the mazoku as a super beauty. His soul preserves all of his memories through his different lives, and he is fated to stand next to the maou once again. It is a title that Murata Ken is currently crowned with. Because he's treated as a clergyman, he is called Your Highness (Geika) (Novel 1)
The only being who stands on equal ground to that of Shinou in this world. As a person with black hair and eyes, the so-called soukoku, he is perceived by the mazoku as a super beauty. His soul preserves all of his memories through his different lives, and he is fated to stand next to the maou once again. It is a title that Murata Ken is currently crowned with. Because he's treated as a clergyman, he is called Your Highness (Geika) (Novel 1)
Dacascos (ダカスコス)
Dacascos (ダカスコス)<br/>
Lilit Latchie Nanatan Micotan Dacascos. Dacky-chan.<br/>
Lilit Latchie Nanatan Micotan Dacascos. Dacky-chan. Günter's subordinate and a middle-aged soldier with a wife and child. He was forced to shave off all of his body hair during a trial period at a monastery, and he was almost turned into a zombie by the Poison Lady, among other things. His elderly mother collects aristocrats' trash as a hobby. (Novel 4)
Günter's subordinate and a middle-aged soldier with a wife and child. He was forced to shave off all of his body hair during a trial period at a monastery, and he was almost turned into a zombie by the Poison Lady, among other things. His elderly mother collects aristocrats' trash as a hobby. (Novel 4)
Taka Me (Hawk Eye) (鷹目)
Taka Me (Hawk Eye) (鷹目)<br/>
A mazoku man in Darco Prison's disciplinary punishment section. Kinan's older brother. (Novel 17)
A mazoku man in Darco Prison's disciplinary punishment section. Kinan's older brother. (Novel 17)
Taguchi Tomorowo (田口トモロヲ)
Taguchi Tomorowo (田口トモロヲ)<br/>
Japanese actor. Murata imitated his impressive narration from 'Project X~ Challengers'(NHK). (Novel 5)
Japanese actor. Murata imitated his impressive narration from 'Project X~ Challengers'(NHK). (Novel 5)
Dazai Osamu (太宰治)
Dazai Osamu (太宰治)<br/>
A Showa<ref>Showa is the period of time from 1926-1989.</ref> writer who wrote 'No Longer Human.' Yuuri clearly remembered him in association to "Run Melos!" during the Greatest Fighter (speed) competition. (Novel 7)
A Showa<ref>Showa is the period of time from 1926-1989.</ref> writer who wrote 'No Longer Human.' Yuuri clearly remembered him in association to "Run Melos!" during the Greatest Fighter (speed) competition. (Novel 7)
Tajima Youko (田嶋陽子)
Tajima Youko (田嶋陽子)<br/>
A female politician who's also a TV personality and a scholar and who always has heated up discussion about women. After hearing Flynn's remark of 'hair is a woman's weapon,' an outraged Yuuri said 'If Dejima heard you!' and even continued talking unhappily about the difference in gender studies. (Novel 7)
A female politician who's also a TV personality and a scholar and who always has heated up discussion about women. After hearing Flynn's remark of 'hair is a woman's weapon,' an outraged Yuuri said 'If Dejima heard you!' and even continued talking unhappily about the difference in gender studies. (Novel 7)
Tanaka Kunie (田中邦衛)
Tanaka Kunie (田中邦衛)<br/>
A unique, Japanese actor. Yuuri once used this name to refer to Wolfram's face when he had just woken up and was sleepy. (Novel 4)
A unique, Japanese actor. Yuuri once used this name to refer to Wolfram's face when he had just woken up and was sleepy. (Novel 4)
Tahara Souichiro (田原総一朗)
Tahara Souichiro (田原総一朗)<br/>
Raw eggs until morning... is not the name of the discussion program 'Live until morning' (TV Asahi). Yuuri used the same tone when he was being serious during the summit with Saralegui. (Novel 9)
Raw eggs until morning... is not the name of the discussion program 'Live until morning' (TV Asahi). Yuuri used the same tone when he was being serious during the summit with Saralegui. (Novel 9)
Duncan (ダンカン)
Duncan (ダンカン)<br/>
A police officer in the NYPD . Participated in the Gay Parade. (Side Story 2)
A police officer in the NYPD . Participated in the Gay Parade. (Side Story 2)
Dunheely Weller (ダンヒーリー・ウエラー)
Dunheely Weller (ダンヒーリー・ウエラー)<br/>
Conrad's father. Light brown hair and eyes. Has two tattoos on his left arm as a proof that he's an exile. After Maou Cherie gave him Ruttenberg, he saved oppressed people of mixed human and mazoku blood from human lands and turned it into a place where they could live. He died at age 89. (Novel 1)
Conrad's father. Light brown hair and eyes. Has two tattoos on his left arm as a proof that he's an exile. After Maou Cherie gave him Ruttenberg, he saved oppressed people of mixed human and mazoku blood from human lands and turned it into a place where they could live. He died at age 89. (Novel 1)
Chucky (チャッキー)
Chucky (チャッキー)<br/>
1)Shinzoku girl who lived in the same facility as Jayfre.
Shinzoku girl who lived in the same facility as Jayfre.<br/>
2)Character of the horror movie 'Child's Play.' A killer in the body of a doll. It attacks people to regain its real body. (Novel 7)
②Character of the horror movie 'Child's Play.' A killer in the body of a doll. It attacks people to regain its real body. (Novel 7)
Lady von Spitzberg Cäcilie. A queen who, as a result of Shinou's mischiefs/tampering, ended up having all her sons being 'keys.' Prefers clothes that accentuate her cleavage and legs. (Novel 1)
Lady von Spitzberg Cäcilie. A queen who, as a result of Shinou's mischiefs/tampering, ended up having all her sons being 'keys.' Prefers clothes that accentuate her cleavage and legs. (Novel 1)
Tsuruoka Masayoshi (鶴岡雅義)
Tsuruoka Masayoshi (鶴岡雅義)<br/>
Leader of the mood band 'Tokyo Romantica.' Famous songs: 'Otaru no hitoyo' and 'Kimi wa kokoro no kaname dakara.' Because his name sounded familiar, Yuuri's belief that Murata was lying about his age strengthened. (Novel 6)
Leader of the mood band 'Tokyo Romantica.' Famous songs: 'Otaru no hitoyo' and 'Kimi wa kokoro no kaname dakara.' Because his name sounded familiar, Yuuri's belief that Murata was lying about his age strengthened. (Novel 6)
Dave Specter (デーブ・スペクター)
Dave Specter (デーブ・スペクター)<br/>
A man that Yuuri announced he liked more than Dave Ookubo (former professional baseball player). He's an American TV personality who speaks better Japanese than the Japanese. He's a Dajara (likes puns). (Novel 7)
A man that Yuuri announced he liked more than Dave Ookubo (former professional baseball player). He's an American TV personality who speaks better Japanese than the Japanese. He's a Dajara (likes puns). (Novel 7)
Dana (デーナ)
Dana (デーナ)<br/>
Shinzoku girl who lived in the same facility as Jayfre. (Novel 7)
Shinzoku girl who lived in the same facility as Jayfre. (Novel 7)
Diaz (デイアス)
Diaz (デイアス)<br/>
A police inspector who makes lots of mistakes, has sideburns, wears a trench-coat and a dark hat, and has an unlit cigar in his mouth. Seems to be going for a Columbo look. Works for the Boston Police. He persuaded the burglar holed up in the convenience store. He likes cars, but is a bad driver who confuses the breaks with the gas. He crashed into the convenience store with the police car and was captured. He later moved on to the FBI. He's currently investigating an extensively wide area (Gaiden 2)
A police inspector who makes lots of mistakes, has sideburns, wears a trench-coat and a dark hat, and has an unlit cigar in his mouth. Seems to be going for a Columbo look. Works for the Boston Police. He persuaded the burglar holed up in the convenience store. He likes cars, but is a bad driver who confuses the breaks with the gas. He crashed into the convenience store with the police car and was captured. He later moved on to the FBI. He's currently investigating an extensively wide area (Gaiden 2)
Asian man who, at the request of the late Hazel, became April's partner for two years. A treasure hunter who is skilled with machines. He and his beautiful wife have four children and six grandchildren. (Side Story 1)
Asian man who, at the request of the late Hazel, became April's partner for two years. A treasure hunter who is skilled with machines. He and his beautiful wife have four children and six grandchildren. (Side Story 1)
The pilot who flew Bob's charter jet. DT's grandson. Real name unknown, age unknown. The J is probably not for 'Japan' but for 'Junior'. Self proclaimed 'Civilian Top Gun.' (Novel 13)
The pilot who flew Bob's charter jet. DT's grandson. Real name unknown, age unknown. The J is probably not for 'Japan' but for 'Junior'. Self proclaimed 'Civilian Top Gun.' (Novel 13)
Davison (デイビソン)
Davison (デイビソン)<br/>
Henstridge Davison. 20th Maou. The Slaughterer King. (Novel 1)
Henstridge Davison. 20th Maou. The Slaughterer King. (Novel 1)
David (デイビツド)
David (デイビツド)<br/>
Police officer with the NYPD. Drag name is Melanie. Went to the Gay Parade wearing an emerald green mini skirt. (Gaiden 2)
Police officer with the NYPD. Drag name is Melanie. Went to the Gay Parade wearing an emerald green mini skirt. (Gaiden 2)
DiMaggio (ディマジオ)
DiMaggio (ディマジオ)<br/>
Former Yankees player, Joe Dimaggio. Major League legend. When his sons got lost in New York, Shouma said that New York was built by an evil organization and that this person and everyone who had his genes should burn. (Gaiden 2)
Former Yankees player, Joe Dimaggio. Major League legend. When his sons got lost in New York, Shouma said that New York was built by an evil organization and that this person and everyone who had his genes should burn. (Gaiden 2)
Teketen (テケテン)<ref>Teke and Ten are drum patterns for taiko drums.</ref>
Teketen (テケテン)<ref>Teke and Ten are drum patterns for taiko drums.</ref><br/>
A macho in the Maou's Harem how wore a naked bowtie (orange). Kansai dialect​ (Gaiden 3)
A macho in the Maou's Harem how wore a naked bowtie (orange). Kansai dialect​ (Gaiden 3)
David (デビド)
David (デビド)<br/>
A clever boy who is a representative for Kappa, no I mean the Copperfield Company who sells to passengers on a voyage on the Longarbar River.(ロンガルバル川). He's good at swimming but doesn't do any magic tricks<ref>Joke referring to David Copperfield who is a magician</ref>. (Novel 6)
A clever boy who is a representative for Kappa, no I mean the Copperfield Company who sells to passengers on a voyage on the Longarbar River.(ロンガルバル川). He's good at swimming but doesn't do any magic tricks<ref>Joke referring to David Copperfield who is a magician</ref>. (Novel 6)
Deuter (デューター)
Deuter (デューター)<br/>
Richard Deuter<ref>German pronunciation is used here so the 'ch' in Richard is pronounced near the back of the throat so it sounds more like 'Rihard'</ref>. April calls him Richard using English pronunciation. A Nazi soldier(SS) with the rank of lieutenant and a subordinate of Schulz. Has light brown eyes with silver scattered in them. Robert was his grandfather's ancestor. Later he married April. (Side Story 1)
Richard Deuter<ref>German pronunciation is used here so the 'ch' in Richard is pronounced near the back of the throat so it sounds more like 'Rihard'</ref>.<br/>
April calls him Richard using English pronunciation. A Nazi soldier(SS) with the rank of lieutenant and a subordinate of Schulz. Has light brown eyes with silver scattered in them. Robert was his grandfather's ancestor. Later he married April. (Side Story 1)
Dwayne (デュウエイン)
Dwayne (デュウエイン)<br/>
Von Gyllenhaal Dwayne. 21st Maou. The Belligerent King. (Novel 1)
Von Gyllenhaal Dwayne. 21st Maou. The Belligerent King. (Novel 1)
Terakawa (寺川)
Terakawa (寺川)<br/>
Son of a University professor. During the 5th grade, he was a target of bullying in Murata's class and was saved by Yuuri who was in the class next to his. Currently he's an outfielder in the grass lot baseball team. His jersey number is 41. It seems he used exchanges emails with Murata. (Gaiden 4)
Son of a University professor. During the 5th grade, he was a target of bullying in Murata's class and was saved by Yuuri who was in the class next to his. Currently he's an outfielder in the grass lot baseball team. His jersey number is 41. It seems he used exchanges emails with Murata. (Gaiden 4)
Terahara (寺原)
Terahara (寺原)<br/>
Terahara Hayato . Professional baseball player. When he was in high school he got a record as the fastest in Koshien. He's Yuuri's dream partner. Yuuri says" Although I'm a bit scared, I want to catch his ball in an All-Stars one say". ( Gaiden 1)
Terahara Hayato . Professional baseball player. When he was in high school he got a record as the fastest in Koshien. He's Yuuri's dream partner. Yuuri says" Although I'm a bit scared, I want to catch his ball in an All-Stars one say". ( Gaiden 1)
Del Kiersen (デル・キアスン)
Del Kiersen (デル・キアスン)<br/>
Lord von Wincott Del Kiersen. Susanna Julia's younger brother. He lost his sister at a young age and although he's the second son, he will be the successor. When he was young, he idolized Conrad. The father of Rinji, the next head of the family. (Gaiden 3)
Lord von Wincott Del Kiersen. Susanna Julia's younger brother. He lost his sister at a young age and although he's the second son, he will be the successor. When he was young, he idolized Conrad. The father of Rinji, the next head of the family. (Gaiden 3)
Densham (デンシヤム)
Densham (デンシヤム)<br/>
Lord von Karbelnikoff Densham. Anissina's older brother. One of the Ten Nobles. He's more pro-business than pro-military. He pays incredible amount of taxes, making his contribution to the nation's finances very high. Likes chickens. (Novel 3)
Lord von Karbelnikoff Densham. Anissina's older brother. One of the Ten Nobles. He's more pro-business than pro-military. He pays incredible amount of taxes, making his contribution to the nation's finances very high. Likes chickens. (Novel 3)
Dokumamushi Sandayū (毒崚三太夫)
Dokumamushi Sandayū (毒崚三太夫)<br/>
A Japanese actor that is good at playing around with old people. Sugamo's idol. Yuuri used his name to express his mental state of always being surrounded by people over 100 (Hazel, Conrad, Josak). (Novel 12)
A Japanese actor that is good at playing around with old people. Sugamo's idol. Yuuri used his name to express his mental state of always being surrounded by people over 100 (Hazel, Conrad, Josak). (Novel 12)
Togrikol (トグリコル)
Togrikol (トグリコル)<br/>
Person in charge of the Svelera camp. Warden. A white, Mohawk man with different hair, eyebrow, and beard colors. Justice reached him with Yuuri's grotesque mud-magic. (Novel 3)
Person in charge of the Svelera camp. Warden. A white, Mohawk man with different hair, eyebrow, and beard colors. Justice reached him with Yuuri's grotesque mud-magic. (Novel 3)
Sir Topham Hatt (トツプハム・ハツト卿)
Sir Topham Hatt (トツプハム・ハツト卿)<br/>
He is the head of the railway in Sodor, the island where Thomas the train is. Because he used his favorite hat for many years, he's missing hair at the top of his head.(Gaiden 3)
He is the head of the railway in Sodor, the island where Thomas the train is. Because he used his favorite hat for many years, he's missing hair at the top of his head.(Gaiden 3)
Donald (ドナルド)
Donald (ドナルド)<br/>
Old man from New York. Geography geek. Because he likes land scouting so much he's lives a bit of a homeless life on the road.
Old man from New York. Geography geek. Because he likes land scouting so much he's lives a bit of a homeless life on the road.
Nakajima (中島)
Nakajima (中島)<br/>
Nakajima Hiroshi. Friend of Isono Katsuo (Sazae-san). Since he wears glasses, Murata (seems to be) secretly concerned about that character. (Novel 16)
Nakajima Hiroshi. Friend of Isono Katsuo (Sazae-san). Since he wears glasses, Murata (seems to be) secretly concerned about that character. (Novel 16)
Nathan Margan (ナタン・マルガン)
Nathan Margan (ナタン・マルガン)<br/>
One of Murata's previous lives (soul users). (Side Story 1)
One of Murata's previous lives (soul users). (Side Story 1)
Narikin Girl (ナリキンガール)
Narikin Girl (ナリキンガール)<br/>
The legendary medical teacher from Shin Makoku's Military School.
The legendary medical teacher from Shin Makoku's Military School.
Commonly known as the Devil in the White Coat. Someone very different from Nightingale. Her last words were "Why do I heal? Because there are patients there!".... patients, treated as objects. (Novel 10)
Commonly known as the Devil in the White Coat. Someone very different from Nightingale. Her last words were "Why do I heal? Because there are patients there!".... patients, treated as objects. (Novel 10)
Nicola (ニコラ)
Nicola (ニコラ)<br/>
A Sveleran girl who lost her parents in the civil war. Looks like Ryōko Hirosue. She grew up in a facility close to Zorashia and although she was helping excavate houseki, she met Hube who had come looking for the mateki (demon flute) and got pregnant with his son. Although they had decided to elope, they were caught (this is when the childish looking wanted poster was created that would later cause Gwendal and Yuuri to be mistaken with an eloped couple), and adding to that, they escaped without paying for a meal (The Fake Maou Incident). After this, in exchange for Hube's life, she consented to a political marriage. However, she ran away in the middle of the ceremony (Yuuri and Gwendal are treated as bride kidnappers). In the end, she went to Shin Makoku and married into the Grisela family. (Novel 3)
A Sveleran girl who lost her parents in the civil war. Looks like Ryōko Hirosue. She grew up in a facility close to Zorashia and although she was helping excavate houseki, she met Hube who had come looking for the mateki (demon flute) and got pregnant with his son. Although they had decided to elope, they were caught (this is when the childish looking wanted poster was created that would later cause Gwendal and Yuuri to be mistaken with an eloped couple), and adding to that, they escaped without paying for a meal (The Fake Maou Incident). After this, in exchange for Hube's life, she consented to a political marriage. However, she ran away in the middle of the ceremony (Yuuri and Gwendal are treated as bride kidnappers). In the end, she went to Shin Makoku and married into the Grisela family. (Novel 3)
Nikki (二ッキー)
Nikki (二ッキー)<br/>
Carlos' younger sister. 3 year old human (Gaiden 1)
Carlos' younger sister. 3 year old human (Gaiden 1)
Nitobe Inazou (新渡戸稲遺)
Nitobe Inazou (新渡戸稲遺)<br/>
Former face of the 5000 yen bill. By the way Natsume Soseki was the former 1000 yen bill. (Novel 4)
Former face of the 5000 yen bill. By the way Natsume Soseki was the former 1000 yen bill. (Novel 4)
Nina (ニナ)
Nina (ニナ)<br/>
A Sveleran girl who went to Hildeyard Pleasure District to earn foreign money. She's from the same town as Izura. Her dream is to become a teacher (Novel 4)
A Sveleran girl who went to Hildeyard Pleasure District to earn foreign money. She's from the same town as Izura. Her dream is to become a teacher (Novel 4)
Nero (ネロ)
Nero (ネロ)<br/>
Togrikol's son. He has a few problems in regards to the things that his father taught him. (Novel 3)
Togrikol's son. He has a few problems in regards to the things that his father taught him. (Novel 3)
Norman (ノーマン)
Norman (ノーマン)<br/>
Norman Gilbit. Delegate ruler of the Autonomous Region of Caloria. To hide the after effects of an illness he had during his childhood, he hid his face behind a mask. He died in a horse accident three years ago. His wife is Flynn. (Novel 5)
Norman Gilbit. Delegate ruler of the Autonomous Region of Caloria. To hide the after effects of an illness he had during his childhood, he hid his face behind a mask. He died in a horse accident three years ago. His wife is Flynn. (Novel 5)
Nobita (のび太)
Nobita (のび太)<br/>
He tried to avoid troubles and relies on a robot cat. He's the only child of the Nobi household. His special skill is to fall asleep in 3 seconds. (Novel 6)
He tried to avoid troubles and relies on a robot cat. He's the only child of the Nobi household. His special skill is to fall asleep in 3 seconds. (Novel 6)
Norika (ノリカ)
Norika (ノリカ)<br/>
Sveleran woman. Ten years ago she had a son with a mazoku who was passing by and was sent to the camp. The child was saved from being buried alive by Hube and was sent to her father Shas. (Novel 3)
Sveleran woman. Ten years ago she had a son with a mazoku who was passing by and was sent to the camp. The child was saved from being buried alive by Hube and was sent to her father Shas. (Novel 3)
Haley Joel Osment (ハーレイ。ジョエル・オスメント)
Haley Joel Osment (ハーレイ。ジョエル・オスメント)<br/>
American actor that Yuuri likes. (Novel 7)
American actor that Yuuri likes. (Novel 7)
Howell (ハウエル)
Howell (ハウエル)<br/>
Boy in a village near the borders. Refugee. (Novel 1)
Boy in a village near the borders. Refugee. (Novel 1)
Pakiri (パキリ)
Pakiri (パキリ)<br/>
A mazoku boy who lives in an orphanage. He likes songs. Had a faint awakening to love with Greta? (Gaiden 3)
A mazoku boy who lives in an orphanage. He likes songs. Had a faint awakening to love with Greta? (Gaiden 3)
Hakone Hachiri no Hanjirou (籍根八里の半次郎)
Hakone Hachiri no Hanjirou (籍根八里の半次郎)<br/>
Person drawn on the public bath's wall (assumption). A Japanese man like him who said NO to Hikawa Kiyoshi's debut single. As Yuuri wanted to ask to be saved while being washed away to another world, but determined that he'd say no to whatever he asked. (Novel 2)
Person drawn on the public bath's wall (assumption). A Japanese man like him who said NO to Hikawa Kiyoshi's debut single. As Yuuri wanted to ask to be saved while being washed away to another world, but determined that he'd say no to whatever he asked. (Novel 2)
Hashimoto Asami (橋本麻美)
Hashimoto Asami (橋本麻美)<br/>
Yuuri's girlfriend (?). Proactive type. Although she was in the tennis club in middle school, she retired after her Achilles heel was cut. Goes to a fancy girl's school. Abigail's email friend . (Novel 9)
Yuuri's girlfriend (?). Proactive type. Although she was in the tennis club in middle school, she retired after her Achilles heel was cut. Goes to a fancy girl's school. Abigail's email friend . (Novel 9)
Basilio (バシリオ)
Basilio (バシリオ)<br/>
Von Rochefort Basilio. 19th Maou. The Brutal King. The last king before Yuuri who activated Morgif (novel 1)
Von Rochefort Basilio. 19th Maou. The Brutal King. The last king before Yuuri who activated Morgif (novel 1)
Badwick (バドウィツク)
Badwick (バドウィツク)<br/>
Folklock Badwick. (フォルクローク・バドウィック)
Folklock Badwick. (フォルクローク・バドウィック)<br/>
Male editor at Shin Makoku's Central Museum of Literature in charge of the Entertainment Literature Department's small animals for girls section. He's good at winning over writers with his fluency. (Gaiden 1)
Male editor at Shin Makoku's Central Museum of Literature in charge of the Entertainment Literature Department's small animals for girls section. He's good at winning over writers with his fluency. (Gaiden 1)
Star Helmsman (花形操舵手)
Star Helmsman (花形操舵手)<br/>
Soldier in the prime of his life in the Shou Shimaron navy. Helmsman of the 'Wood-carved Bear and Salmon' cargo ship. Yuuri appointed him captain. He cooperated with the shinzoku navigator to get through the stormy waters near Seisakoku. (Novel 10)
Soldier in the prime of his life in the Shou Shimaron navy. Helmsman of the 'Wood-carved Bear and Salmon' cargo ship. Yuuri appointed him captain. He cooperated with the shinzoku navigator to get through the stormy waters near Seisakoku. (Novel 10)
Baldwin (バルドウィン)
Baldwin (バルドウィン)<br/>
Archaeology professor. Acquaintance of Deuter. (Side story 1)
Archaeology professor. Acquaintance of Deuter. (Side story 1)
Punch Satou (パンチ佐藤)
Punch Satou (パンチ佐藤)<br/>
TV celebrity. A professional baseball player (outfielder) with a particular hair style (Novel 2)
TV celebrity. A professional baseball player (outfielder) with a particular hair style (Novel 2)
Poncho Itou (パンチョ伊東)
Poncho Itou (パンチョ伊東)<br/>
Baseball commentator. Former head of the Pa League's public relations department who has a unique hairstyle. Deceased.
Baseball commentator. Former head of the Pa League's public relations department who has a unique hairstyle. Deceased.
Picard (ピカード)
Picard (ピカード)<br/>
Captain of the starship Enterprise. A bald man that Yuuri admires (/likes). (Novel 7)
Captain of the starship Enterprise. A bald man that Yuuri admires (/likes). (Novel 7)
Beard-Stubble-kun (髭の剃り跡くん)
Beard-Stubble-kun (髭の剃り跡くん)<br/>
The referee at the Greatest Fighter's final stage. Yuuri gave him that name after seeing his copious stubble. Real name unknown. He belongs to the 'International Referee Federation,' a special NGO (or so Yuuri thinks), with absolute authority over the end of the contest. Possesses a manly spirit. (Novel 8)
The referee at the Greatest Fighter's final stage. Yuuri gave him that name after seeing his copious stubble. Real name unknown. He belongs to the 'International Referee Federation,' a special NGO (or so Yuuri thinks), with absolute authority over the end of the contest. Possesses a manly spirit. (Novel 8)
Hyscliff (ヒスクライフ)
Hyscliff (ヒスクライフ)<br/>
Hyscliff Enroy (ヒスクライフ・エヌロイ). Nickname: Mr. Shiny.<br/>
Hyscliff Enroy (ヒスクライフ・エヌロイ). Nickname: Mr. Shiny. Former Crown Prince of Cavalcade. He fell in love with a lady of the Enroy family in Misshinai, north of Hildeyard. A passionate man, who abandoned his right to succeed the throne and entered a merchant family as a son-in-law. He possesses production rights in the southern area of the pleasure district in Hildeyard (the area with the hot springs). (Novel 2)
Former Crown Prince of Cavalcade. He fell in love with a lady of the Enroy family in Misshinai, north of Hildeyard. A passionate man, who abandoned his right to succeed the throne and entered a merchant family as a son-in-law. He possesses production rights in the southern area of the pleasure district in Hildeyard (the area with the hot springs). (Novel 2)
Big Show (ビッグ・ショー)
Big Show (ビッグ・ショー)<br/>
American Pro wrestler. The ring name of Paul Wight, a giant over two meters tall who weighs more than 200kg. The 'Funaki' Yuuri imagined as an opponent at an overwhelming disadvantage was Funaki Shouichi (Sho Funaki) a Japanese pro wrestler. The height difference is easily over 30cm. (Novel 8)
American Pro wrestler. The ring name of Paul Wight, a giant over two meters tall who weighs more than 200kg. The 'Funaki' Yuuri imagined as an opponent at an overwhelming disadvantage was Funaki Shouichi (Sho Funaki) a Japanese pro wrestler. The height difference is easily over 30cm. (Novel 8)
Hicks II (ヒックスニ世)
Hicks II (ヒックスニ世)<br/>
Lord Dougard Hicks II. The captain of the high speed vessel, 'the Red Sea Comet.' (Novel 7)
Lord Dougard Hicks II. The captain of the high speed vessel, 'the Red Sea Comet.' (Novel 7)
Fanfan (フアンフアン)
Fanfan (フアンフアン)<br/>
①Stefan Fanberlain (ステファン・ファンパレン). A wealthy merchant from Shimaron. Cherie's boyfriend. An elegant gentleman with repeating rhetoric that makes you want to grit your teeth. (Novel 7)
①Stefan Fanberlain (ステファン・ファンパレン). A wealthy merchant from Shimaron. Cherie's boyfriend. An elegant gentleman with repeating rhetoric that makes you want to grit your teeth. (Novel 7)<br/>
②Fancil Fanberlain (ファンシル・ファンパレン) Stefan's grandmother. After miraculously surviving a naval accident, she was the first 'unsinkable​' of the Fanberlains.
②Fancil Fanberlain (ファンシル・ファンパレン) Stefan's grandmother. After miraculously surviving a naval accident, she was the first 'unsinkable​' of the Fanberlains.<br/>
③ Jefferson Fanberlain (ジェファーソン・フアンバレン), Fancil's husband and Stefan's grandfather. If we keep this up, where does it stop? Are all of them Fanfans? An active family following 'Jojo's Laws.'<ref>Reference to 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure' where Jojo and all his descendants are all named Jojo.</ref> (Novel 8)
③ Jefferson Fanberlain (ジェファーソン・フアンバレン), Fancil's husband and Stefan's grandfather. If we keep this up, where does it stop? Are all of them Fanfans? An active family following 'Jojo's Laws.'<ref>Reference to 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure' where Jojo and all his descendants are all named Jojo.</ref> (Novel 8)
Forgeas (フォルジア)
Forgeas (フォルジア)<br/>
Von Voltaire Forgeas. The 7th maou. Looks exactly like Gwendal. (Novel 1)
Von Voltaire Forgeas. The 7th maou. Looks exactly like Gwendal. (Novel 1)
Fukutomo Seizou (福本清三)
Fukutomo Seizou (福本清三)<br/>
A Japanese actor who specializes in losing sword battles. The man who has been cut down 50,000 times. (Novel 8)
A Japanese actor who specializes in losing sword battles. The man who has been cut down 50,000 times. (Novel 8)
The Swordmaster that Destoyed his Nemesis with Boat Paddles (船の櫂で宿敵破った剣豪)
The Swordmaster that Destoyed his Nemesis with Boat Paddles (船の櫂で宿敵破った剣豪)<br/>
Refers to Miyamoto Musashi of the two-sword fighting style, swordmaster from the early Edo period. His nemesis was usually Sasaki Kojiro. Murata used those words to comment on Yuuri picking a bumpy, steel club that was far from elegant during the 'technique' part of the Greatest Fighter. Furthermore, when Yuuri had to fight the Third Son, he used the Late Ganryuujima Plan<ref>Refers to when Miyamoto Musashi purposely came late to a duel with Sasaki Kojiro in order to irritate him so he wouldn't be able to fight with a clear head. This duel is the most famous samurai duel in all of Japanese history.</ref>. (Novel 7)
Refers to Miyamoto Musashi of the two-sword fighting style, swordmaster from the early Edo period. His nemesis was usually Sasaki Kojiro. Murata used those words to comment on Yuuri picking a bumpy, steel club that was far from elegant during the 'technique' part of the Greatest Fighter. Furthermore, when Yuuri had to fight the Third Son, he used the Late Ganryuujima Plan<ref>Refers to when Miyamoto Musashi purposely came late to a duel with Sasaki Kojiro in order to irritate him so he wouldn't be able to fight with a clear head. This duel is the most famous samurai duel in all of Japanese history.</ref>. (Novel 7)
Fraw Bow (フラウ・ボゥ)
Fraw Bow (フラウ・ボゥ)<br/>
Character in Mobile Suit Gundam. Because there are no women among Rodriguez's Gundam otaku friends, the name was given to the male with the most hair on his legs in the Black Tri-stars. (Gaiden 2)
Character in Mobile Suit Gundam. Because there are no women among Rodriguez's Gundam otaku friends, the name was given to the male with the most hair on his legs in the Black Tri-stars. (Gaiden 2)
Francois (フランソワ)
Francois (フランソワ)<br/>
Pierce's bodyguard and driver who has brown skin, dyes his hair yellow and red, has earrings, and wears tight, black leather pants. He's a certified public accountant and has a safe box number. Bob pulled him from a certain organization. A muscleman Aniki<ref>Has varying meanings ranging from an older brother to a man in the yakuza/mafia/etc. that outranks the speaker. Unable to determine the intended meaning of the word here without further context, but it seems to be hinting towards mafia.</ref> born in the Caribbean. French. (note in original is incorrect)
Pierce's bodyguard and driver who has brown skin, dyes his hair yellow and red, has earrings, and wears tight, black leather pants. He's a certified public accountant and has a safe box number. Bob pulled him from a certain organization. A muscleman Aniki<ref>Has varying meanings ranging from an older brother to a man in the yakuza/mafia/etc. that outranks the speaker. Unable to determine the intended meaning of the word here without further context, but it seems to be hinting towards mafia.</ref> born in the Caribbean. French. (note in original is incorrect)
Brandon (ブランドン)
Brandon (ブランドン)<br/>
Boy in a village near the country's borders. Human refugee and Conrad's baseball partner. He was hurt protecting the Maou, Yuuri. (Novel 1)
Boy in a village near the country's borders. Human refugee and Conrad's baseball partner. He was hurt protecting the Maou, Yuuri. (Novel 1)
Brittany (ブリッタニー)
Brittany (ブリッタニー)<br/>
Von Wincott Brittany. The 14th Maou. The Bloodshed Queen. (Novel 1)
Von Wincott Brittany. The 14th Maou. The Bloodshed Queen. (Novel 1)
Flynn (フリン)
Flynn (フリン)<br/>
Flynn Gilbit. She left the Plainsmen to marry Norman, the feudal lord of Caloria, six years ago. She hid the death of her husband to protect the territory and started living as a body-double behind a mask three years ago. After that, she became the first leader of the independent country of Caloria. (Novel 5)
Flynn Gilbit. She left the Plainsmen to marry Norman, the feudal lord of Caloria, six years ago. She hid the death of her husband to protect the territory and started living as a body-double behind a mask three years ago. After that, she became the first leader of the independent country of Caloria. (Novel 5)
Freddy (フレデイ)
Freddy (フレデイ)<br/>
① Shinzoku girl. After being helped by Yuuri, she returned with Jason to Seisakoku, but were persecuted for 'returning from abroad' and then they joined the anti-government movement. Currently they live in Seisakoku with Maxine as their father and Adalbert as their grandfather in a three generation (?) household. -> Jason (ジェイソン)
① Shinzoku girl. After being helped by Yuuri, she returned with Jason to Seisakoku, but were persecuted for 'returning from abroad' and then they joined the anti-government movement. Currently they live in Seisakoku with Maxine as their father and Adalbert as their grandfather in a three generation (?) household. -> Jason (ジェイソン)<br/>
② The killer in the horror movie 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.' Freddy Krueger. He appears in his victims' dreams wearing a red and green horizontally striped clothes a broad-rimmed hat, tearing them apart with his iron nails. He once fought with Jason. (Novel 7)
② The killer in the horror movie 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.' Freddy Krueger. He appears in his victims' dreams wearing a red and green horizontally striped clothes a broad-rimmed hat, tearing them apart with his iron nails. He once fought with Jason. (Novel 7)
Babe Ruth (ベーブ ルース)
Babe Ruth (ベーブ ルース)<br/>
American Baseball God. (Novel 7)
American Baseball God. (Novel 7)
Beatrice (ベアトリス)
Beatrice (ベアトリス)<br/>
Hyscliff's beloved daughter. Due to her uncle dying of an illness, has earned the right to succeed Cavalcade's throne. She spends half her year living in her father's homeland receiving a royal education along with her good friend, Greta. She'll soon be 7 years old. (Novel 2)
Hyscliff's beloved daughter. Due to her uncle dying of an illness, has earned the right to succeed Cavalcade's throne. She spends half her year living in her father's homeland receiving a royal education along with her good friend, Greta. She'll soon be 7 years old. (Novel 2)
Baker (ベイカー)
Baker (ベイカー)<br/>
The bearded butler of the Gilbit household. (Novel 5)
The bearded butler of the Gilbit household. (Novel 5)
Paiguet (ペイゲ)
Paiguet (ペイゲ)<br/>
Paiguet Berard. He lost his mother and father when he was a baby, was robbed of his right to the throne, and was imprisoned by a certain family. After this, he changed his name to Weller. (Side Story 1)
Paiguet Berard. He lost his mother and father when he was a baby, was robbed of his right to the throne, and was imprisoned by a certain family. After this, he changed his name to Weller. (Side Story 1)
The Plainsmen Leader (平原組首領)
The Plainsmen Leader (平原組首領)<br/>
Flynn's father. Had an awesome afro. He also ended his sentences with afro. Didn't get along with his daughter. (Novel 6)
Flynn's father. Had an awesome afro. He also ended his sentences with afro. Didn't get along with his daughter. (Novel 6)
Hazel (ヘイゼル)
Hazel (ヘイゼル)<br/>
Hazel Graves. April's grandmother. Former treasure hunter who was also close to Bob. She and 'Inferno on the Tundra' ended up in Seisakoku. Is the head of the anti-government movement. Venera. (Side story 1)
Hazel Graves. April's grandmother. Former treasure hunter who was also close to Bob. She and 'Inferno on the Tundra' ended up in Seisakoku. Is the head of the anti-government movement. Venera. (Side story 1)
Heather (ヘザー)
Heather (ヘザー)<br/>
Girl with shinzoku blood imprisoned in the same facility as Jayfre.(Novel 7)
Girl with shinzoku blood imprisoned in the same facility as Jayfre.(Novel 7)
Beckenbauer (ベツケンバウアー)
Beckenbauer (ベツケンバウアー)<br/>
Franz Beckenbauer. Former German soccer player. Murata remembered his name when he heard the word 'Emperor.' Then he remembered Michel Platini (Former French Soccer player). However that one is 'Le Roi (Shogun).' (Novel 11)
Franz Beckenbauer. Former German soccer player. Murata remembered his name when he heard the word 'Emperor.' Then he remembered Michel Platini (Former French Soccer player). However that one is 'Le Roi (Shogun).' (Novel 11)
Berard II (ベラールニ世)
Berard II (ベラールニ世)<br/>
Dai Shimaron's de facto highest ranking and most powerful person. He's the king's uncle. An old man who wears gaudy outfits. (Novel 8)
Dai Shimaron's de facto highest ranking and most powerful person. He's the king's uncle. An old man who wears gaudy outfits. (Novel 8)
Berard IV (ベラール四世)
Berard IV (ベラール四世)<br/>
Dai Shimaron's king. Middle aged man with a mushroom haircut and a pretty girl's anime voice. (Novel 8)
Dai Shimaron's king. Middle aged man with a mushroom haircut and a pretty girl's anime voice. (Novel 8)
Helio (ヘリオ)
Helio (ヘリオ)<br/>
Secord's son. He presented the gift sword his father made. (Novel 10)
Secord's son. He presented the gift sword his father made. (Novel 10)
Bergkamp (ベルカンプ)
Bergkamp (ベルカンプ)<br/>
Dennis Bergkamp. Dutch soccer player. After Murata said "A tall and cool guy who new Yuuri (he was talking about Josak)", Yuuri asked him who that person reminded him of and Murata replied with this soccer player's name. Since after that he also replied with Kakefu (Masayuki. A former baseball player), he might have just been half asleep. (Novel 6)
Dennis Bergkamp. Dutch soccer player. After Murata said "A tall and cool guy who new Yuuri (he was talking about Josak)", Yuuri asked him who that person reminded him of and Murata replied with this soccer player's name. Since after that he also replied with Kakefu (Masayuki. A former baseball player), he might have just been half asleep. (Novel 6)
Bertrand (ベルトラン)
Bertrand (ベルトラン)<br/>
von Radford Bertrand. The 24th Maou. The Lion King. (Novel 1)
von Radford Bertrand. The 24th Maou. The Lion King. (Novel 1)
Helmut Kellner (ヘルムート・ケルナー)
Helmut Kellner (ヘルムート・ケルナー)<br/>
Opposes Deuter. Lieutenant in the SS Nazi Germany army. He has bad taste (in things). (Side Novel 1)
Opposes Deuter. Lieutenant in the SS Nazi Germany army. He has bad taste (in things). (Side Novel 1)
Benneveut (ベンヌヴォート)
Benneveut (ベンヌヴォート)<br/>
Benneveut Horbert. He married Diane after returning from the battlefield. As the son of Horbert, the butler, he's Gogg's grandfather. (Novel 13)
Benneveut Horbert. He married Diane after returning from the battlefield. As the son of Horbert, the butler, he's Gogg's grandfather. (Novel 13)
Hyuuma (飛雄馬)
Hyuuma (飛雄馬)<br/>
Hoshi Hyuuma . As a star of the Giants, he's in the Big Leagues. His father is Hoshi Tooru. (Novel 17)
Hoshi Hyuuma . As a star of the Giants, he's in the Big Leagues. His father is Hoshi Tooru. (Novel 17)
Bob (ボブ)
Bob (ボブ)<br/>
① Earth's maou. Even in the world of business he's considered a maou (demon king). Loves American Football and Samba. (Gaiden 2)
① Earth's maou. Even in the world of business he's considered a maou (demon king). Loves American Football and Samba. (Gaiden 2)<br/>
② Bob Dylan, American singer.
② Bob Dylan, American singer.<br/>
③ Bobo Brazil. American pro-wrestler. It's the ring name of Houston Harris. His nickname is the "Black Majin" (Novel 10)
③ Bobo Brazil. American pro-wrestler. It's the ring name of Houston Harris. His nickname is the "Black Majin" (Novel 10)
Boris Akademi (ボリス・アカデミー)
Boris Akademi (ボリス・アカデミー)<br/>
Shouri's friend. Foreign student (Novel 10)
Shouri's friend. Foreign student (Novel 10)
Horbert (ホルバート)
Horbert (ホルバート)<br/>
An elegant and strict German butler who has been serving the Graves family since Hazel's time. Helps April with her hidden job. When Hazel was burned to death, he was the first to arrive on the scene and recover the leftover metallic fragments of the box. Later he quit his job, embarrassed by his son's mismanagement. (Side Story 1)
An elegant and strict German butler who has been serving the Graves family since Hazel's time. Helps April with her hidden job. When Hazel was burned to death, he was the first to arrive on the scene and recover the leftover metallic fragments of the box. Later he quit his job, embarrassed by his son's mismanagement. (Side Story 1)
Bonda Tetsuro (凡田鉄郎)
Bonda Tetsuro (凡田鉄郎)<br/>
Friend of Shouri. Railway enthusiast. (Novel 10)
Friend of Shouri. Railway enthusiast. (Novel 10)
Michael (マイケル)
Michael (マイケル)<br/>
His drag name is Bossa Nova. He hates the police more than he hates the army. He wore a purple sequin dress to participate in the Gay Parade (Gaiden 2)
His drag name is Bossa Nova. He hates the police more than he hates the army. He wore a purple sequin dress to participate in the Gay Parade (Gaiden 2)
Mayol (マイヨール)
Mayol (マイヨール)<br/>
A macho in the Maou's Harem who wore a naked bowtie (yellow).
A macho in the Maou's Harem who wore a naked bowtie (yellow).
The leader of "Is the squadron you serve called iketenja?". Heaven sent macho. Yuuri who liked his artistic side turned him into a teacher. (Gaiden 3)
The leader of "Is the squadron you serve called iketenja?". Heaven sent macho. Yuuri who liked his artistic side turned him into a teacher. (Gaiden 3)
Maga (マガー)
Maga (マガー)<br/>
Calorian girl. (Novel 7)
Calorian girl. (Novel 7)
Makalhin (マカルヒン)
Makalhin (マカルヒン)<br/>
The commander of the second search party (seven parties in all) chosen by Gwendal to rescue Yuuri who was washed away to Shimaron. (Novel 5)
The commander of the second search party (seven parties in all) chosen by Gwendal to rescue Yuuri who was washed away to Shimaron. (Novel 5)
Maxine (マキシーン)
Maxine (マキシーン)<br/>
Nigel Weisz Maxine.<br/>
Nigel Weisz Maxine. Shou Shimaron soldier. Both sides of his head are shaved, leaving the upper part of the hair to be tied into a ponytail. A thin, manicured beard connects to it through narrow sideburns. Because of his looks, Yuuri nicknamed him 'Crop Pony.' As a new soldier, his life was saved by Adalbert on the battlefield and he miraculously returned home. He took the name 'Will Never Die Maxine' and his hair and beard style became so popular in the Shou Shimaron army that it became regulation. All of a sudden he formed the Macho-Ponies family in Seisakoku. There are many people who 'end up hatin' him, however his connection to Maki Shinji<ref>Maki Shinji wrote a song called 'Yannachatta' 「やんなっちゃった」, which means 'ended up hating it.' He was also a Ukulele player.</ref> is unknown. He can manipulate silver strings skillfully, so he might play the ukulele. (Novel 5)
Shou Shimaron soldier. Both sides of his head are shaved, leaving the upper part of the hair to be tied into a ponytail. A thin, manicured beard connects to it through narrow sideburns. Because of his looks, Yuuri nicknamed him 'Crop Pony.' As a new soldier, his life was saved by Adalbert on the battlefield and he miraculously returned home. He took the name 'Will Never Die Maxine' and his hair and beard style became so popular in the Shou Shimaron army that it became regulation. All of a sudden he formed the Macho-Ponies family in Seisakoku. There are many people who 'end up hatin' him, however his connection to Maki Shinji<ref>Maki Shinji wrote a song called 'Yannachatta' 「やんなっちゃった」, which means 'ended up hating it.' He was also a Ukulele player.</ref> is unknown. He can manipulate silver strings skillfully, so he might play the ukulele. (Novel 5)
Matthew Olsen (マシュー・オルセン)
Matthew Olsen (マシュー・オルセン)<br/>
Rodriguez friend with nursery school teacher certification. Since they work together a lot, and are Gundam friends who get along well, he's mistaken for a Black Tri-stars, but he himself is a Federation person. He's also the co-owner of a 'Taylors.' He introduced Gogg to Murata. (Gaiden 2)
Rodriguez friend with nursery school teacher certification. Since they work together a lot, and are Gundam friends who get along well, he's mistaken for a Black Tri-stars, but he himself is a Federation person. He's also the co-owner of a 'Taylors.' He introduced Gogg to Murata. (Gaiden 2)
Muscle No.1 (マツスル一号)
Muscle No.1 (マツスル一号)<br/>
Flynn's muscular subordinate. He shared a carriage with Yuuri and prevented him from escaping. There's a No.2 and several more. Speaks with lots of pauses. His type is like Bobby Bonds (pro baseball player), Miguel Cabrera (pro baseball player), or Bob Sapp (pro wrestler). (Novel 6)
Flynn's muscular subordinate. He shared a carriage with Yuuri and prevented him from escaping. There's a No.2 and several more. Speaks with lots of pauses. His type is like Bobby Bonds (pro baseball player), Miguel Cabrera (pro baseball player), or Bob Sapp (pro wrestler). (Novel 6)
Matsudaira Ana(short for announcer) (松平アナ)
Matsudaira Ana(short for announcer) (松平アナ)<br/>
Matsudaira Sadatomo. In charge of NHK's 'That's when history changed' narration. (Novel 7)
Matsudaira Sadatomo. In charge of NHK's 'That's when history changed' narration. (Novel 7)
Matsudaira Ken (松平健)
Matsudaira Ken (松平健)<br/>
Yuuri's favorite period drama actor. He's especially famous for his role as the rampaging Uesama on a white horse. You can see his strong influence in Yuuri's Ue-sama mode when he doesn't simply kill people with his sword, or when he says things like "Justice" or "Judgement." (Novel 1)
Yuuri's favorite period drama actor. He's especially famous for his role as the rampaging Uesama on a white horse. You can see his strong influence in Yuuri's Ue-sama mode when he doesn't simply kill people with his sword, or when he says things like "Justice" or "Judgement." (Novel 1)
Matsutouya Yumi (松任容由美)
Matsutouya Yumi (松任容由美)<br/>
Yuumin. A charismatic Japanese singer and songwriter. Due to Miko's(mother) influence, who's a huge fan, Yuuri himself has a vast knowledge of her songs since the Arai Yumi era. Looking at the paved road for carriages that travel a long distance in Shimaron's central area, he referred to it as the 'Chuuou Freeway'<ref>The name of one of her songs.</ref>(*9). (Novel 6)
Yuumin. A charismatic Japanese singer and songwriter. Due to Miko's(mother) influence, who's a huge fan, Yuuri himself has a vast knowledge of her songs since the Arai Yumi era. Looking at the paved road for carriages that travel a long distance in Shimaron's central area, he referred to it as the 'Chuuou Freeway'<ref>The name of one of her songs.</ref>(*9). (Novel 6)
Madoka Hiroshi (円広志)
Madoka Hiroshi (円広志)<br/>
Singer and song writer. His signature song is 'Dream Flower.' It's the name an annoyed Miko should have used for her boke attack when the Missing Child Search Guys Class B's automated telephone service asked if what they were looking for was hard to find - 'To the Inside of the dream' (@ Inoue Yousui)<ref>'Is what you're looking for hard to find?' is a lyric in the song</ref>. This has nothing to do with Tachi Hiroshi. (Gaiden 2)
Singer and song writer. His signature song is 'Dream Flower.' It's the name an annoyed Miko should have used for her boke attack when the Missing Child Search Guys Class B's automated telephone service asked if what they were looking for was hard to find - 'To the Inside of the dream' (@ Inoue Yousui)<ref>'Is what you're looking for hard to find?' is a lyric in the song</ref>. This has nothing to do with Tachi Hiroshi. (Gaiden 2)
Martha (マルタ)
Martha (マルタ)<br/>
Sveleran woman. She was sent to the camp for committing adultery. Her baby was stolen. (Novel 3)
Sveleran woman. She was sent to the camp for committing adultery. Her baby was stolen. (Novel 3)
Manda Hisako (菖田久子)
Manda Hisako (菖田久子)<br/>
Actress. When Yuuri heard 'an intellectual person with long black hair,' he associated the description with her name. By the way, the man was Kinpachi.... strange... (Gaiden 4)
Actress. When Yuuri heard 'an intellectual person with long black hair,' he associated the description with her name. By the way, the man was Kinpachi.... strange... (Gaiden 4)
Mister Spock (ミスター・スボック)
Mister Spock (ミスター・スボック)<br/>
Yuuri confused 'secret SPOT' with this 'Star Trek' character. He's part of the crew of the starship Enterprise and born of a Vulcan father and a human mother. He's famous for his 'Live long and prosper' (finger-signed) special greeting (Vulcan Salute). (Novel 8)
Yuuri confused 'secret SPOT' with this 'Star Trek' character. He's part of the crew of the starship Enterprise and born of a Vulcan father and a human mother. He's famous for his 'Live long and prosper' (finger-signed) special greeting (Vulcan Salute). (Novel 8)
Miss Heinz (ミス・ハインツ)(pseudonym)
Miss Heinz (ミス・ハインツ)(pseudonym)<br/>
A girl in a yellow bikini staying at M Family who lost her bikini top. Her dream is to become a racer. Her goal is to become like Heinz-Harald Frentzen (German racer). Self proclaimed 'Fastest decelerating woman.' Her favorite car is a yellow cabriolet. She took Yuuri and the gang to Koshien. (Gaiden 4)
A girl in a yellow bikini staying at M Family who lost her bikini top. Her dream is to become a racer. Her goal is to become like Heinz-Harald Frentzen (German racer). Self proclaimed 'Fastest decelerating woman.' Her favorite car is a yellow cabriolet. She took Yuuri and the gang to Koshien. (Gaiden 4)
Mino Monta (みのもんた)
Mino Monta (みのもんた)<br/>
Japanese TV presenter. A tough man who calls every woman, regardless of their age, 'young lady.' (Novel 5)
Japanese TV presenter. A tough man who calls every woman, regardless of their age, 'young lady.' (Novel 5)
Mindell (ミンデル)
Mindell (ミンデル)<br/>
Lord Dougard Mindell. First generation of the family. Worked toward piracy suppression in the north.
Lord Dougard Mindell.<br/>
First generation of the family. Worked toward piracy suppression in the north.
Mutsugorou (ムツゴロウ)
Mutsugorou (ムツゴロウ)<br/>
Hata Masanori. Japanese male who plays around with animals the most intensely. He also created an Animal Kingdom<ref>Mutsugorou Animal Kingom Nature Preserve</ref>. (Novel 7)
Hata Masanori. Japanese male who plays around with animals the most intensely. He also created an Animal Kingdom<ref>Mutsugorou Animal Kingom Nature Preserve</ref>. (Novel 7)
Murata Ken (村田健)
Murata Ken (村田健)<br/>
His Highness (Geika/猊下).<br/>
His Highness (Geika/猊下). It's an exclusive mobile device of the maou that can be used anytime and anywhere. He chose German as his second foreign language in high school. His mobile phone ringtone is 'Thunderbirds.' His father resembles Sada Masashi and his mother looks like Takashima Reiko. Although the person who 'utterly rejected him before he confessed' in July is unknown, but since he himself says that he didn't receive too much damage from it, the theory that he said that in order to take Yuuri to the aquarium is getting stronger.
It's an exclusive mobile device of the maou that can be used anytime and anywhere. He chose German as his second foreign language in high school. His mobile phone ringtone is 'Thunderbirds.' His father resembles Sada Masashi and his mother looks like Takashima Reiko. Although the person who 'utterly rejected him before he confessed' in July is unknown, but since he himself says that he didn't receive too much damage from it, the theory that he said that in order to take Yuuri to the aquarium is getting stronger.
Mary (メリー)
Mary (メリー)<br/>
Girl in braids aged between 12 and 15. Sheep master. Person to whom Murata sold the thirty stolen sheep they ran away with. (Novel 6)
Girl in braids aged between 12 and 15. Sheep master. Person to whom Murata sold the thirty stolen sheep they ran away with. (Novel 6)
Monet Mondemile ( モネ・モンデミール)
Monet Mondemile ( モネ・モンデミール)<br/>
A hot blooded new social worker sent by Social Services. She gave Yuuri captain Ducky. Although she's a beautiful woman in her twenties with huge breasts, looking at or touching her breasts is a big no-no. (Gaiden 2)
A hot blooded new social worker sent by Social Services. She gave Yuuri captain Ducky. Although she's a beautiful woman in her twenties with huge breasts, looking at or touching her breasts is a big no-no. (Gaiden 2)
A macho in the Maou's Harem who wore a naked bowtie (red), and unrefined underpants. Iketen Red. (Gaiden 3)
A macho in the Maou's Harem who wore a naked bowtie (red), and unrefined underpants. Iketen Red. (Gaiden 3)
Jacob (ヤーコプ)
Jacob (ヤーコプ)<br/>
Jacob Baap.<br/>
Jacob Baap. Art dealer. Hazel gave him the water box when she was alive. (Side Story 1)
Art dealer. Hazel gave him the water box when she was alive. (Side Story 1)
Yazawa (矢沢)
Yazawa (矢沢)<br/>
Murata's classmate during the 5th grade. His home number is one number different from that of the Shibuya family's. (Gaiden 3)
Murata's classmate during the 5th grade. His home number is one number different from that of the Shibuya family's. (Gaiden 3)
Yasuoka Rikiya (安岡力也)
Yasuoka Rikiya (安岡力也)<br/>
Currently, Rikiya. When Yuuri pictures him in his head, he sees him as a representative actor of the Kowamote era. He's comparable to Gwendal especially regarding raising armies with force. In the kasuga donburi commercial, he's the one dressed as 'Black Candy Man.' (Novel 3)
Currently, Rikiya. When Yuuri pictures him in his head, he sees him as a representative actor of the Kowamote era. He's comparable to Gwendal especially regarding raising armies with force. In the kasuga donburi commercial, he's the one dressed as 'Black Candy Man.' (Novel 3)
Yaffuto (ヤッフト)
Yaffuto (ヤッフト)<br/>
Grisela Trantinian Yaft (グリーセラ・トランティニアン・ヤッフト) The 15th maou, the Head-cutter Queen. (Novel 1)
Grisela Trantinian Yaft (グリーセラ・トランティニアン・ヤッフト) The 15th maou, the Head-cutter Queen. (Novel 1)
Jeannot (ヤノット)
Jeannot (ヤノット)<br/>
Von Karbelnikoff Jeannot. The 23rd maou, the Strict Ruler. (Novel 1)
Von Karbelnikoff Jeannot. The 23rd maou, the Strict Ruler. (Novel 1)
Yamomoto Linda (山本リンダ)
Yamomoto Linda (山本リンダ)<br/>
Someone who is unstoppable. (Novel 2)
Someone who is unstoppable. (Novel 2)
Yuuka (ゆうか)
Yuuka (ゆうか)<br/>
A pretty girl who was in kindergarten and elementary school with Yuuri and Murata. Girl Boss Type. (Gaiden 4)
A pretty girl who was in kindergarten and elementary school with Yuuri and Murata. Girl Boss Type. (Gaiden 4)
Josak (ヨザツク)
Josak (ヨザツク)<br/>
Gurrier Josak. He's one person who plays two roles: Kagerou Ogin and Tsuge no Tobizaru (@ Mito Kōmon). He's His Majesty's 0043 spy (the last two digits add to 007). He's good with an axe, but because he's not Yosaku, he doesn't cut down trees<ref>This is a pun with Josak's name. Yosaku is the name (and main character in) a song by Kitashima Saburo that starts with the lyric "Yosaku cuts down trees."</ref>. His name sounds like a French cuisine related name, but it seems to come from the eastern side of the continent. According to Josak himself, his relatives on his mother's side were cooks. (Novel 2)
Gurrier Josak. He's one person who plays two roles: Kagerou Ogin and Tsuge no Tobizaru (@ Mito Kōmon). He's His Majesty's 0043 spy (the last two digits add to 007). He's good with an axe, but because he's not Yosaku, he doesn't cut down trees<ref>This is a pun with Josak's name. Yosaku is the name (and main character in) a song by Kitashima Saburo that starts with the lyric "Yosaku cuts down trees."</ref>. His name sounds like a French cuisine related name, but it seems to come from the eastern side of the continent. According to Josak himself, his relatives on his mother's side were cooks. (Novel 2)
Yoshiko (ヨシコ)
Yoshiko (ヨシコ)<br/>
Yoshiko-chan as a joke. Miko calls them 'Yoshiko-djan' and imitates the voice, but she's probably mistaken her with 'Sally-djan'. By the way the voice impression is that of the youngest of the three sisters in 'Sally the Witch,' Hanamura Yoshiko. (Gaiden 2)
Yoshiko-chan as a joke. Miko calls them 'Yoshiko-djan' and imitates the voice, but she's probably mistaken her with 'Sally-djan'. By the way the voice impression is that of the youngest of the three sisters in 'Sally the Witch,' Hanamura Yoshiko. (Gaiden 2)
Jonathan Taylor (ヨナサン・テーラー)
Jonathan Taylor (ヨナサン・テーラー)<br/>
A bald man with lazy beard and a tattoo of the cookie monster on the back of his hand who runs a small bookstore in Boston. When he was young and had lost his love for books, he worked at a convenience store. Later he would renovate the store called 'Taylors' with a special selection of books that catered to geek customers. (Gaiden 2)
A bald man with lazy beard and a tattoo of the cookie monster on the back of his hand who runs a small bookstore in Boston. When he was young and had lost his love for books, he worked at a convenience store. Later he would renovate the store called 'Taylors' with a special selection of books that catered to geek customers. (Gaiden 2)
Ryan (ライアン)
Ryan (ライアン)<br/>
Unrivaled animal lover. After meeting his fated one, Keiji the Sandbear, he became the first Sandbear handler in history. Conrad's former subordinate.(Novel 3)
Unrivaled animal lover. After meeting his fated one, Keiji the Sandbear, he became the first Sandbear handler in history. Conrad's former subordinate.(Novel 3)
Ranatan (ラナタン)
Ranatan (ラナタン)<br/>
The female director of the Darco Prison "Who's calling!? This is the 1st district of Hell, ah! Errand 3rd District". Her appearance is similar to Miko's and to those Moe characters that Shouri likes, both of which cause DAMAGE to Yuuri. (Novel 16)
The female director of the Darco Prison "Who's calling!? This is the 1st district of Hell, ah! Errand 3rd District". Her appearance is similar to Miko's and to those Moe characters that Shouri likes, both of which cause DAMAGE to Yuuri. (Novel 16)
Randy Johnson (ランデイ・ジョンソン)
Randy Johnson (ランデイ・ジョンソン)<br/>
Great American pitcher. Was excessively promoting the Body Blade on a home shopping show. (Gaiden 1)
Great American pitcher. Was excessively promoting the Body Blade on a home shopping show. (Gaiden 1)
Lampedusa (ランペドゥーサ)
Lampedusa (ランペドゥーサ)<br/>
One of Murata's previous lives (soul user). He lived for a very long time. (Side Story 1)
One of Murata's previous lives (soul user). He lived for a very long time. (Side Story 1)
Rick (リック)
Rick (リック)<br/>
An apprentice crewman on a luxury liner. Young boy with freckles. Guided the pirate attack and later was an execution target at the fire festival event. (Novel 2)
An apprentice crewman on a luxury liner. Young boy with freckles. Guided the pirate attack and later was an execution target at the fire festival event. (Novel 2)
Ringo Hoppe-kun (apple cheeks-kun) (林檎ほっぺくん)
Ringo Hoppe-kun (apple cheeks-kun) (林檎ほっぺくん)<br/>
A young Kamikuro. Helped Yuuri and the gang contact the founder of the sect. (Novel 17)
A young Kamikuro. Helped Yuuri and the gang contact the founder of the sect. (Novel 17)
Lindsey (リンジー)
Lindsey (リンジー)<br/>
The next-next head of the von Wincott family. Susanna Julia's nephew. 12 years old. Because his blood was the most dense in the family, he had a role in regards to playing around with Snow Gunter's body which was affected by the poison. (Novel 6)
The next-next head of the von Wincott family. Susanna Julia's nephew. 12 years old. Because his blood was the most dense in the family, he had a role in regards to playing around with Snow Gunter's body which was affected by the poison. (Novel 6)
Louis Biron (ルイ・ビロン)
Louis Biron (ルイ・ビロン)<br/>
His hair is split right through the middle and his eyebrows form a ハ character. An evil merchant who strokes a lobster-like pet while it's on his lap. Holds production rights in the western area of the Hildeyard pleasure district (where the adult entertainment is). Employed Hube as a bodyguard. According to Yuuri, "His name sounds like a famous brand ripoff." He's a person who has a unique sense of language using special adverbs such as 'Absolutely-pon' and 'totally-pon'.(Novel 4)
His hair is split right through the middle and his eyebrows form a ハ character. An evil merchant who strokes a lobster-like pet while it's on his lap. Holds production rights in the western area of the Hildeyard pleasure district (where the adult entertainment is). Employed Hube as a bodyguard. According to Yuuri, "His name sounds like a famous brand ripoff." He's a person who has a unique sense of language using special adverbs such as 'Absolutely-pon' and 'totally-pon'.(Novel 4)
Lucinda (ルシンダ)
Lucinda (ルシンダ)<br/>
The town's female blacksmith. Tried to sharpen Shinou's sword (Morgif). (Gaiden 4)
The town's female blacksmith. Tried to sharpen Shinou's sword (Morgif). (Gaiden 4)
The Polite Brothers (礼儀正しい兄弟)
The Polite Brothers (礼儀正しい兄弟)<br/>
Shinou's (and Daikenja's) half-brother(from another mother). The eldest prince that their father, the king, made a court lady give birth to. A kind-hearted person who was good in battle, but because of a misunderstanding he was made to commit suicide by a royal decree. However, the head that was exposed to the public was from someone else so there are rumors that the real person was able to escape thanks to the help of a certain dancer. (Gaiden 4)
Shinou's (and Daikenja's) half-brother(from another mother). The eldest prince that their father, the king, made a court lady give birth to. A kind-hearted person who was good in battle, but because of a misunderstanding he was made to commit suicide by a royal decree. However, the head that was exposed to the public was from someone else so there are rumors that the real person was able to escape thanks to the help of a certain dancer. (Gaiden 4)
Reginald Ponchack (レジナルド・ボンチヤック)
Reginald Ponchack (レジナルド・ボンチヤック)<br/>
Karbelnikoff branch reporter for the Shin Nichi. Has a collusive agreement with Densham. (Gaiden 1)
Karbelnikoff branch reporter for the Shin Nichi. Has a collusive agreement with Densham. (Gaiden 1)
Rodriguez (ロドリゲス)
Rodriguez (ロドリゲス)<br/>
Jose Rodriguez. A pediatrician in El Savallo, New Mexico, USA. An Earth mazoku who taught the language and means of living to Conrad when he went to Earth. Ganota (Gundam otaku) (Gaiden 1)
Jose Rodriguez. A pediatrician in El Savallo, New Mexico, USA. An Earth mazoku who taught the language and means of living to Conrad when he went to Earth. Ganota (Gundam otaku) (Gaiden 1)
Robert De Niro (ロバート・デ・ニーロ)
Robert De Niro (ロバート・デ・ニーロ)<br/>
Actor. Apparently he looks just like Bob, the Earth's maou. He played the devil in the movie 'Angel Heart'. Speaking of which, the main character of the movie, a private detective angel, is played by Mickey Rourke. (Gaiden 2)
Actor. Apparently he looks just like Bob, the Earth's maou. He played the devil in the movie 'Angel Heart'. Speaking of which, the main character of the movie, a private detective angel, is played by Mickey Rourke. (Gaiden 2)
Robert Rodriguez (ロバート・ロドリゲス)
Robert Rodriguez (ロバート・ロドリゲス)<br/>
Filmmaker. He does the film editing himself. His most well known work is 'Desperado' (Gaiden 3)
Filmmaker. He does the film editing himself. His most well known work is 'Desperado' (Gaiden 3)
Roberski (ロベルスキー)
Roberski (ロベルスキー)<br/>
Soldier who commanded Shin Makoku's unsinkable fleet. Descendant from the Great War King, Arsenio.
Soldier who commanded Shin Makoku's unsinkable fleet. Descendant from the Great War King, Arsenio.
Be advised that the following terms still need to be checked for accuracy.
Ah! In this life there are tears (あヽ人生に涙あり)<br/>
The theme song of "Mito Komon". Yuuri, a historical drama fan, sings it in his head to measure how much time passes. (Novel 3)
Aiko age 16 (アイコ十六歳)<br/>
Youth novel "1980 Aiko age 16" (author: Akemi Hotta). It was turned into a drama and a movie. It was a forced association to the 16 sheep. (Novel 7)
Prisoner of Love (愛の虜号)<br/>
On the hull there's a silver star (or many), the sails are of a deep aqua blue. This is the ship that Cherie-sama uses on her Free Love Trip. It's interior is covered in gold, silver and precious stones all the way to the inside of the toilet bowl and it basically possesses extraterritoriality​. It was a tribute of Fanfan. (Novel 2)
Angel of Love (愛の天使)<br/>
Title given to Wolfram when in Van der Via, his beauty brought dying people back to life. (Novel 2)
Ao (アオ) (meaning: blue)<br/>
A jet black horse that Conrad bred and raised, for it to become the soukoku Maou Yuuri's horse. In Japan it would be called 'blue haired'. In Shin Makoku horses possess two hearts. Female. (Novel 1)
The Red Devil (赤い感魔) <br/>
When standing, she experiments ; when sitting, she writes stories. Walking behind her, is the picture of hell itself. This is the nickname given to the highly talented and extremely honorable Mad Magicalist Anissina. The fact that it is also a nickname for the Premium League soccer team Manchester United, is simply a coincidence. (Novel 3)
Ruby Red shoes (赤い靴)<br/>
Yuuri uses this song to convince Greta that a girl leaving alone at night and having a 'nice guy' take her away is a bad thing. However in the original song it's 'foreigner', not nice guy<ref>Iijisan: spelled as いいじいさん is nice guy; spelled as 異人さん means foreigner. In the song leaving with the stranger is a good thing. Shouma must have taught Yuuri a different version.</ref>. It becomes clear that all the misunderstandings he has are a result of his father's education. (Novel 4)
Red Comet (赤い海星)<br/>
The Dougard family, MA-powered propelled, high-speed battle vessel. It's loaded with the non-MA-powered portable tank "It's like a Dre~am". The characteristic ship is painted red. It's not connected to the "Red Comet" akaisuisei (Gundam); because this one's name is read as "akai kaisei".
Diary: In the fall, my swaying memories (秋には揺れる想い日記)<ref>Yureru Omoi, album by Zard.</ref><br/>
Gunter's journal, part 2. Diary literature, continues to perform at it's best. (Novel 5)
Azusa No.2 (アズサ二号)<br/>
Elite pigeon. It was deadly attacked on the job by an eagle-dog (ワシイヌ), while delivering documents. Has no connection to the train that departs at 8. (Novel 9)
Sleeping on your Chest Line (あなたの胸で眠り隊)<br/>
Ma-powered hug-pillows developed by Anissina.<br/>
Red, to make a young sense of justice explode; Blue, for bad jokes that give you a quiet sleep, Green, to smell the scent of flowers and sleep peacefully; Yellow for your sleep talk to always be 'I can't eat anymore'; Peach for R-related dreams; and Silver to bring back fun memories. The bags that contain them are all ocher, but these bags are negative air ion masterpieces, kneaded with Sandbear bamboo powder. In the extra stories, there's also a introspection pillow. (Novel 10)
Anime Store manager (アニメ店長)<br/>
Animate's hot young character Anizawa Meito. Shouri with Anime PhD. (DOCTOR) who misunderstood the situation, unilaterally rejected Anizawa's relatives on behalf of Dr. Anime Rodriguez (DOCTOR). (Novel number mislabeled)
Captain Ducky (アヒル船長)<br/>
What Yuuri bestowed Conrad. Every not and then, it floats on the tubs of the Blood Pledge Castle. Incidentally, the character of the bank where Shouma works also seems to be this Captain Ducky. (Gaiden 2)
Knitted Stuffed Animals (あみぐるみ)<br/>
Gwendal's spiritual unification ritual. When bad things happen, he just finishes one after another. Small animals are his motif, or rather, the sense of his products are strange. They always need foster parents (novel 2)
Amuzou kun (アムゾウくん)<br/>
Anissina's MA powered device. Amigurumi head changer. Has a special mode for different fabrics. (Novel 4)
The heroic legend of a certain drunk fighter (ある酒乱戦記)<br/>
A popular short novel of Shin Makoku. The only flaw that the king has is that he fights drunk. Due to this he will lose it all, but along with his friends who swear loyalty to him, he will rebuild an impressively giant kingdom. Shin Makoku's Hall of Art and Culture. Has no connection to "The Heroic Legend of Arslan" (by Yoshiki Tanaka) (Gaiden 1)<ref>Certain drunk fighter sounds like Arslan.</ref>
Arnold (アルノルド)<br/>
One of the battlefields in the war against Shimaron, 20 years ago. A bloody battlefield in the southwest border of Shin Makoku. The humans sent 30,000 soldiers, who were reduced to less than a thousand by the Ruttenberg division. Through this military victory, Lord Weller gained equal status as that of the 10 Nobles, and right after that he retired from the army. (Novel 7)
Igosso (イゴッソー)<br/>
The cry of a mountain bird. It probably has nothing to do with the spirit of the Tosa man. (Gaiden 1)
Lightning bolt​ mark (稲妻マーク)<br/>
Murata tried to put the mark in his own head. The trademark of the famous wizard Potter-san's Harry. (Novel 5)
It'll be pouring soon-kun (今すぐふるぞくん)<br/>
A Ma powered rainmaking device developed by Anissina. Carries a giant shell on its back, and has a large jade plate on top of its head. It has the disadvantage of wanting to eat agender cucumbers. (Novel 3)
Imouto character (妹キャラ)<br/>
The attribute of the dating sim character that Yuuri played secretly. Apparently it was "Sister Princess" (Novel 7)
Healing Hands Tribe (癒しの手の一族)<br/>
A tribe of people who have hair and eyes with peculiar powers that can make improve the healing ability of the patient. Because they have peculiar blood color, their skin is also transparent. The long lives of the mazokus can be attributed to them, who were persecuted by the humans 2000 years ago and drifted towards Shin Makoku. Gisela is one of them. (Novel 1)
Island of Van der Via (ヴアン・グー・ヴイーア島)<br/>
Volcanic island in the Westernmost area of Shimaron. One of the three Islands of Via(ヴイーア). Famous for its numerous hot springs, its fruits of sea are also abundant, and it also has a the warm climate. For the past 300 years, since the volcano erupted, a "Fire festival" is held once a year, to appease the wrath of the god. A hundred years ago, it was a serious thing that involved sacrificing a girl, but nowadays it's a completely touristic event. (Novel 2)
Wink (ういんく)<br/>
A Japanese female music unit, whose "Suzukisan...." and "Aidasan...." cross palms to make a unique and impressive pose. For example I love beauty, a well known song of them is 'Lonely Tropical Fish' (Novel 17)
Wincott (ウィンコツト)<br/>
The oldest blood tribe among the ten nobles. Their founder fought alongside Shinou to defeat the soushu. The citizens of their former territory (the southernmost end of the continent, what is currently Caloria) betrayed them and deprived from their lands and goods and they fled to Shin Makoku. "The Wincott Poison" is made by purifying their blood. They have jurisdiction over the North-West area of Shin Makoku. A prosperous family in the battlefield. (Novel 1)
Wincott Poison (ウィンコツトの毒)<br/>
A Poison difficult to refine. For the past 300 years this poison can't be found anywhere but the Land where it was created (currently Caloria). Those who have been affected by it, can be controlled by those possessing the Wincott Blood even after dead. Depending on how you use it, it can be a miracle cure. (Novel 5)
Uesama (上様)<br/>
The personality that appears when Yuuri activates the super maou mode. It has a low-pitched voice, speaks in difficult and complicated words, with the characteristics of half-assed historical drama lines. (Novel 2)
Water Ol' Boys (うおた―O―ぼ―いず)<br/>
Male Synchronization (swimming) Team formed by the Principal, Vice Principal and School Master. O is an abbreviation of 'old'. Old water people 年寄りの冷や水(Novel 9)
Cow (牛). <br/>
The cry of this livestock is 'mosamosa'. The best quality cows in the other world, have eight stomachs and 5 horns. A cow with two horns is treated as a rare animal. There are legendary animals similar to the called Tsunokawa (角川?). (Novel 1)
Uffun (うっふーん)<br/>
What is typically yelled at the top of a mountain. On earth it would be like "Yahoo" (Novel 4)
Like reading Shin Makoku's Constitution to a Deaf Horse.(馬の耳に員魔国憲法)<br/>
Said in relation to Günter, who loses all thinking ability when it comes to Yuuri. (Novel 4)
Sea Poison Spider Shellfish​ (ウミドクグモ貝)<br/>
The color of Anissina's nails. Although the name sounds poisonous it's just a soft pink color. (Novel 7)
Sea Grapes (海葡萄)<br/>
They're not an Okinawa delicacy, but precious stones that look very similar to luxury plums of the southern part of Kishu. In Darco they seem to be indispensable for shipbuilding. Yuuri went to jail for the theft of this item. (Novel 16)
Friends of the Sea (うみのおともだち号)<br/>
Shin Makoku Navy Battleship commanded by Captain Sizemore. Contrary to its cute name it's a large warship equipped with the latest weapons. (Novel 9)
Does the Sea Die? (海は死にますか)<br/>
What happens to the sea when the land shakes? A question that the worried sea monster Sizemore asked. There's no connection to Masashi Sada's "Poem of the Soldier". (Novel 8)
Ripe, Ripe eggplant(熟れ熟れ茄子)<br/>
A dangerous plant that serves as a side dish. (Novel 9)
Movie subtitles (映画の字幕)<br/>
A particular way of speaking of the shinzoku. They speak in short sentences, they abbreviate parts like verbs, and using special inflections. A.k.a Toda (Yasuo) subtitles. (Novel 7)
Eternal Pacifism Doctrine(永世平和主義)<br/>
The doctrine that King Yuuri is supposed to have instated in Shin Makoku, a revolutionary anti-war doctrine. (Novel 2)
Alien VS Predator (エイリアンVSプレデター)<br/>
1) An American movie where two large creatures clash.<br/>
② A musical performance in the first school play in Shin Makoku's "Parents and Children Singing and Dancing Evening " by Shin Makoku's school play. Yuuri played the Alien role. (Gaiden 3)
S.S. Bohn (S・Sボーン)<br/>
A company in Boston. Provider of information about the Box. Golg's office. Although I'm pretty sure it's a rip off of the L.L. Bean company name (auto-parts), what this company does is unknown, and on their store sign there's a picture of meat and bone. (Novel 13)
Enatsu's 21 Balls (江夏の21球)<br/>
Yamanide Junji's non-fiction work (published by Kadokawa Bunko under the title 'Slot Carp's One, just one more Ball). It's about a Kintetsu vs. Hiroshima game in the Japan Series of 1979, where Hiroshima's pitcher Enatsu Yutaka, threw 21 balls, in the seventh race, during the 9th inning. A must-read baseball book. Even Yuuri with his blue hands read this work from start to finish. (Novel 7)
Apron-kini (エプキニ)<br/>
A bold abbreviation of an apron and bikini bottoms. It was a word coined by Yuuri who was disappointed that the first 'naked apron' he had seen in his life, was that of his friend(♂). (Novel 5)
M Family (M一族)<br/>
Ocean house and PENSION run by Murata's relatives (his father's second cousin). M stands for the initial in Murata, and all the rooms have been named strangly after plants that start with M such as: MArgarite, MAkuwauri (Japanese melon), muskmelon (MAsukumeron), MAndragora, and so on. It's Yuuri's live-in part-time job during the summer. Pays 9,000 yen per day. (Novel 5)
Engiwarui/Bad omen bird (エンギワル鳥)<br/>
Bird of Paradise. Has sapphire colored wings and an orange tail. Because its cry is 'Engiwarui' (bad omen); that's its popular name. (Novel 1)
Courtesan King (花魁キング)<br/>
A musical number in Shin Makoku. An R-rated adult story where women fight and if they lose they get thrown in the mud. It has no connection to Disney's "Lion King". (Novel 17)<ref>Oiran (courtesan/prostitute) King, is an anagram of Raion (Lion) King.</ref>
High Mazoku (王宮魔族語)<br/>
The formal mazoku language. It's just like a dialect but in order to have more power, humans who have not learnt it, cannot understand it. (Novel 3)
Prince Level (minus) (王子機レベルマイナスー)<br/>
Connected to Wolfram's Prince status since Yuuri's enthronement. There's no direct connection to Alice Blue's Game " Prince LV 1". (Novel 9)
Royal White Bison Unit (王立白水牛部隊)<br/>
Small Shimaron's secret guard corps. To abbreviate Bison, they call themselves the Bi-Unit.<ref>Yes, Bi-unit works in Japanese too, as it was written in Katakana. (バイ隊)</ref>
Okiku Günter (おキクギュンター)<br/>
Vessel given to Günter. An Okiku Doll modified by Anissina. If you mail order it, you'll also get the Luxury Storage Box, offer valid only right now for 98 pieces of gold. (Novel 5)<ref>九十八金 98 gold/money. </ref>
The Wizard of Osu (The Male Wizard) (オスの魔法使い)<br/>
Musical number in Shin Makoku that says "The majutsu of men is not enough!". It seems it's not 'Oz'. (Novel 17)
The Service Sentai Iketenja (お仕え戦隊イケテンジャー)<br/>
5 men who have a face and body that makes them proud. (The abductor muscle stretching complaints all 5 made, has been erased from the records) However their haircuts are not so good. All lined up with their naked bow-ties, their one pair of underpants and their mushroom haircuts, they're members of the Maou's Harem. Their fixed line for when they make their appearance is "Neo-Human Casshern" and "Kamen Raider Stronger" . If it sounds like a bad pun, it's just your imagination. (Gaiden 4)
Pot-sama (Otsubo-sama) (おつぼさま)<br/>
The door keeper of the Maou's Harem of about 20 cm in diameter that was inside a brown jar. There's a red and a blue one, and they change to attach themselves to people. They look like WadaDon and WadaKatsu of the game "Taiko no Tatsujin" (Bandai Namco games). The second son didn't give up on his assumption that it looked more like "Thomas the Tank Engine". They're weak against dryness. Furthermore the Red one will grow three times faster. (Gaiden 4)
Olive Necklace (オリーブの首飾り)<br/>
The theme song of Tokyo Magical Robinson (Murata). Has to make due with a Raw Orchestra. (Novel 6)
Orange Rabbit (オレンジ色のウサギ)<br/>
The Yomuiri Giant's team mascot, Jabitto. (Novel 3)
Demonic House Play (Onmama) (怨魔魔)<ref>Although it's supposed to mean omamakoto (playing house) it is composed with the kanjis "malicious" , "evil/demon" "evil/demon"</ref> <br/>
Home Education tool for young girls recommended by Anissina. A HARD game to play house that helps reeducate husbands who don't spend time with their family, and repel the excessive interference of mother-in-laws. The ultimate goal is to achieve the housewife's independence. (Novel 6)
Karbelnikoff Territory (カーベルニコフ地方)<br/>
Located in the south of Shin Makoku. With its white sand beaches and its dry winds, it's a warm tourist resort area. It's specialty is the Karbelnikoff Bi<ref>Probably another Bi pun connected to bison.</ref>. By crossing a river you can get to the neighboring Conanshia. (Novel 3)
Foreign Returnees (外海帰り)<br/>
Word used in Seisakoku to talk about people who have returned from other countries. As they are people with dangerous ideas, they are isolated and forced to live in a refugee camp/detention facility. This is a word used for Jason and Freddy. (Novel 12)
Pirates (海賊)<br/>
A generic name for male criminals, who while wearing white and blue sailor uniforms and shirred skirts, break into passenger ships and trade vessels. (Novel 2)
Cavalcade (カヴアルケード)<br/>
Human country. I comparison to Shin Makoku, it's located in the land right across the ocean. It was secretly using money and gathering soldiers, preparing for a war with Shin Makoku. By chance, Yuuri saved the former prince of this country along with his wife and child. After that it became a friendly country with Shin Makoku. In this country, the formal greeting is to take off your had which has a wig attached to it, to exposed a shaved head. (Novel 2)
Kakunoshin (カクノシン)<br/>
The alias Conrad used while on the luxury liner with Yuuri. -> Mitsuemon (Novel 2)
Gakuran- school uniform (学ラン)<br/>
It's the typical black uniform with gold collar buttons, that Yuuri, who attends a Prefectual High School, wears. Using it as a reference The Assitant to the King created multiple custom items. It's Yuuri's official outfit in Shin Makoku. (Novel 2)
Studybrary (lit. Study poop) (がっきゅううんこ)<br/>
Meaning: Study library. When Wolfram stretched Yuuri's cheeks he responded with Pavlov-level like reflection by saying this word.(Novel 3)
Canarya (かなリイヤ)<br/>
Ma powered air device. No matter how you look at it, there's a (living) canary inside the 'Kanarya', but Anissina insist it's ma- powered. (Novel 10)
Foreigner of the Kabuki (歌舞伎座の外人)<br/>
Shin Makoku musical number. It has a completely different meaning to "Phantom of the Opera", it's a lonely story. (Novel 17)
The Night of Kamai and the gang (かまいたちの夜)<br/>
A Chuunsoft game, that Murata didn't even give a "Pink Bookmark" but even went as far as giving a "Gold Bookmark". Sound novel. (Novel 5)
Caloria (カロリア)<br/>
Autonomous region in Small Shimaron. Before the creation of Shin Makoku, the Wincott family was its ruler. In this era, the Gilbit family served as regional lord. After winning the Greatest Fighter, it achieved its independence. ( Novel 5)
Group of Experts (鑑定団)<br/>
A variety show called "Group of Experts who Appraise Anything" (TV Tokyo). Murata who wanted to know the value of the blue maseki recommended Yuuri to appear in the show. It seems the target was Shimada Shunsuke.... but what about Ishizaka Kouji. (Novel 5)
Kickal (キカル)<br/>
Neighboring country of Shin Makoku. Produces good quality tea leaves. (Novel 5)
Kicking Ogre (キックの鬼)<br/>
Gwendal's kicking technique to protect Yuuri. Furthermore the "Vacuum jump, knee kick" that he showed was kicking ogre kick-boxer Sawamura Tadashi's special move. (Novel 3)
Equestrian people (騎馬民族)<br/>
The main forces of the remote regions of Seisakoku. Their Savior, Adalbert, caught them by their stomachs sacks, and gradually reorganized them. (Novel 14)
Wooden carved bear and salmon(木彫りの熊と鮭号)<br/>
Small Shimaron cargo ship. In the end, it was this ship that would take Yuuri to Seisakoku (Novel 11)
Lifesaver-kun (救命くん)<br/>
Drowning water dolls. They're used to practice CPR. They served as body doubles of the maou. (Novel 2)
Günter's amulet (ギュンターの守護)<br/>
It's similarly overpowered and spell-activated like the one in anime "Hana no Ko Lunlun". It shakes on Wolfram chest because it's a "Shugo Chara!" (protective character). But it is not connected to the manga "Shugo Chara" (by Peach-Pit) . (Novel 10)
Lord (卿)<br/>
It's added to the surname of those who go to battle in case of emergency, even among aristocrats. (Novel 1)
Church (教会)<br/>
A place where humans pray to God. On their walls, straw dolls representing God's body are lined up.
Sympathy-kun (共感くん)<br/>
Companion for people in agonizing cries. Located in Anissina's psychological laboratory. Because he has sympathized with the oldest son too often, he shows a tearful appearance (Gaiden 3)
Maidmer Princess (魚人姫)<br/>
Wearing red algae on the hair is good manners for a lady. Conrad has a relationship with the entire family. If you fish one of them, as long as you release them quickly you'll have a sunny day the next day. (Novel 9)
Huge Squid (巨大イカ)<br/>
An enormous marine creature that appeared near the Shimaron mainland. One of his suction pads is bigger than a toilet bowl. It saves young wives time and again, whe it comes to making dinner. (Novel 6)
Gyokkurisan (魚ックリさん)<br/>
A special ma powered healing method to reduce back pain. Once you're heal you can go back to call it "burikkokun" (dumb and innocent).... A perpetual motion MA.
Gilesbi (ギレスビー)<br/>
One of the former three kings of the continent, fa family proud of its strength. After the battle , they were denied what is now Somers, the easternmost part of Shimaron. (Novel 8)
The Holy Water of Gilesbi (ギレスビーの聖水)<br/>
Water with powers. Water from the well, that the last king of the Gilesbi family pulled. You're supposed to drink it with a live goldfish (it was actually a young kotsugyo) for good luck. (Novel 8)
The Golden Salmon (金鮭号)<br/>
The flagship of the King of Small Shimaron. 'New Rich' style. (Novel 9)
Golden wings (金の翼)<br/>
Wings that Wolfram received from his uncle Waltorana, and decided to give to yuuri because he had no ornaments on him. It's a brooch of a golden bird with spread wings. It seems that it was left on Earth somewhere. (Novel 1)
Dimensional traveling line (空間移動筒路)<br/>
Anissina's dimensional traveling technology took 6 months to create and 1 year to construct. With it one can travel back and forth without permission between an underwear drawer in the Karbelnikoff castle, and the desk drawer of the Voltaire castle. If you get stuck in between places,there's a risk you'll wander the subspace forever. It seems that while the dimensional line is open it smells of 'Veranda'. But it's not exactly 'Lavander', which means it won't do time leaps. ("The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" by Yasutaka Tsutsui) (Gaiden 1)
Grass (草)<br/>
It's what happens to the Kotsuchizokus when they're exposed and worn down by the elements while on spying missions abroad. Corpse condensation. 〔Novel??? > 舵)
Gujibokigodora (グジボキゴドラ)<br/>
The name of (probably) an animal, that Wolfram said while playing shiritori. Details unknown. (Gaiden 1)
Old bitch~ (クソババア)<br/>
In the other world, in human speech it means "My beloved mother", Mainly used by babies and children. (Novel 2)
Bear Hand (熊手)<br/>
Gisela's abbreviation of " I want to even borrow a bear's hand!". Poison Lady brand. When worn, even by women with the thinnest arms, they'll have a prosperous business. (Novel 16)
Kumahachi (クマハチ)<br/>
An insect type of creature that are rumored to be very few, so these rare animals are protected as national treasures. When they're young they look like 'Kabutomushi' and spit a yellow adhesive from their mouths. When they hatch, their upper body and legs look like those of a teddy bear, the antenna and yellow and black stomach, like bees. They also possess transparent wings. The Queen Kumahachi has a pink floral pattern. Their cocoons are rich in calcium and their feces are used as pigments. When exposed to the light of the full moon it turns into the Kumahachi of the Moon (Tsukino Kumahachi); if submerged in water smaller version of itself grow. After hatching they travel the world for about a year, and they have a tendency to return to their birth place. (Gaiden 1)
Connect connect the bones (組み組み骨っちょ)<br/>
Formerly known as "Oops! The bones just fell down!" not to be confused with "Ah! Surprise! It's me Tame Gorou!". Greta's Toy. Can be use to make Terine-shan a machine to communicate. (Novel 11)
Grantz region (グランツ地方)<br/>
Located in the northern region of Shin Makoku, next to human territory. Taking responsibility after Adalbert's departure, his father is now in charge of it. (Novel 1)
Crusoe (クルーソー)<br/>
The name that Yuuri uses when he's traveling with Murata, posing as a Captain. The names Clooney (the actor) and Kuruuyou (Now) were also candidates. -> Robinson (Novel 5)
Kurdal (クルダル)<br/>
Country name. Details unknown. The style of Conrad's wonderful cooking, when doing grilled fat eel. Although actually it was an insect. (Novel 4 )
Clemens Memorial Hospital(クレメンス記念病院)<br/>
A General Hospital in Boston. After the taxi ride, Yuuri was born here. (Gaiden 2)
Black Tri-Star (黒い三連星)<br/>
① Fictional unit name in New Mobile Suit Gundam. It's composed of 3 people from the the Zeon army:Gaia, Ortega and Matthew.<br/>
② A group composed of three people, Rodriguez's friend who is a nursery teacher, Matthew Olsen, a bear-type giant with half his face covered with beard, and Fraw with his hairy legs.(They have few people). However they can't use the Jet Stream Attack. (Gaiden 2)
①Demon Sergeant. Used to talk about Gisela (Novel 1)
②Sergeant Keroro. A name given to Matthew Olsen after getting married. It is an Alien Frog that wears a yellow hat (with one red point) whose son was imprisoned on Earth(Pekopon) after the invasion. (Novel labeled as 〔水〕 )
Keiji (ケイジ)<br/>
A Sandbear who fell in love beyond his tribe with the male mazoku Ryan. It's 167 isogais (probably a weight measuring unit). I think it's probably a male. He won the rare animal race. (Novel 4)
Blood Pledge Castle (血盟城)<br/>
The flawless and impregnable castle where the maou resides.<br/>
It has this name because to demonstrate their gratitude and friendship towards Shinou, the spirits residing in the ground<ref>地霊 They are not earth elements, but spirits/souls that live in the ground. It's a common word in Japanese, not a character or force particular to maruma.</ref> pledged that if anyone other than the maou were to reside in the castle, they'd pay for their sin with blood. Possesses 250 rooms. It has 3~5 floors. In the castle there are 200 maids, attendants and government officials; and 4500 full time soldiers. There's also stables and huge barracks and a multiplicity of lodging​ areas, as well as a luxury guest house in the east. Behind the castle there's also a lush forest. (Novel 1)
Gettysburg (ゲティスバーグ)<br/>
The name of a place in the state of Pennsylvania. Here's where American president Lincoln gave his speech with the famous passage "Government of the people, by the people, for the people". When Conrad was asked about what he thought of Yuuri's MAken(Demon Sword), that was his evaluation of it. (Novel 2)
Kentenau (ケンテナウ)<br/>
A village burned by the mazoku 20 years ago. (Novel 1)
The icy 5 year old (氷の五歳児)<br/>
Suffix given to Shouri during the Boston era.(Gaiden 2)
Gogsare Region (ゴグサレ地域)<br/>
A region in Shin Makoku. Their inhabitants walk around only wearing shoes and hats (Naked necktie?) and have a very unusual custom of making putting their toes in the each other's armpits when they bump into each other. They're protected as a minority culture. (Novel 16)
Kotsugyozoku (骨魚族)<br/>
A phantom<ref>fantastic, illusion, incredible: maboroshi</ref> aquatic life form. They're called Kotsugyo-don and are considered a good luck charm. When you see them it's said to also be benficial to increase your bone density. (Novel 7)
Kotsuchizoku (骨地族)<br/>
Relatives of the Kotsuhizoku. Kochi. They suck each other bones as a form of affection. They love to be half buried in the soil of the graveyard. (Novel 1)
Kotsuhizoku (骨飛族)<br/>
A light brown skeleton specimen, with wings that seem made of thin bamboo sticks and oil paper. They can fly through the sky. Kohi for short. They don't have a concept of individuality and because they can communicate even through long distance, they're very useful for keeping watch and scouting missions. Even if they're completely broken apart, they can be restored by putting the bones back together. There seem to be specialists who do that.
Conanshia (コナンシア)<br/>
A human country found after crossing a large river in the south of Shin Makoku. Several years ago they had a civil war and for the past 2 years they've had record droughts. There's a lot of animosity due to the gap between the rich and the poor. Unsafe place (Novel 3)
Lakeside Tribe (湖畔族)<br/>
A tribe who has purple hair and eyes. Many of them have a very powerful maryoku since birth. They work in security or education in the capital. Günter also possesses this blood (His mother is a Lakeside Tribe) (Novel 1)
Komotendagiu (コモテンダギウー)<br/>
An auspicious bird of Shin Makoku. Its feathers are black. It probably looks like a crow. (Novel 9)
Official pigeon mail (御用鳩便)<br/>
Elite carrier pigeons from private companies intensely controlled by their trainers. Military and aristocracy use these pigeons to demonstrate power.
Calendar (暦)<br/>
In the other world the seasons (called on earth) spring, summer, fall and winter last 3 months. For example, July is "the third month of summer" and November is the " First month of winter". (Novel 2)
The child of Constantine (コンスタンテインの子供)<br/>
It's not.... the story of the children of Constantine in the Netherlands, who tear apart dimensions, and stick their fingers in it all night long to prevent the destruction of the demon world. (Novel 17)
Fish Wars - Sakana Taisei - サカナ大戦<br/>
A popular fighting novel about an seafood troupe temporarily looking like beautiful warriors, manipulating phantom fish in order to win the hegemony of the sea. Published by Shin Makoku Central Library. Was turned into an opera, however the theme song when they enter marine products sales floor, that helps them with the sales, has no connection to JF Golden Fishery campaign's " People from the Fish Country". Furthermore, a connection to Sega's dramatic adventure "Sakura Wars" is not allowed.(Gaiden 1)
How many more sand dunes are there? (砂丘はどこまで続くのでしようか)<br/>
Name given to the squadron when they're being removed from the mass hypnotic smoke. There's no connection to the kids of the Imperial Palace in the "Old Stories of the manga World". (Gaiden 3)
Spork (先割れスプーン)<br/>
Although it may bring nostalgic memories of the spork used in elementary school, in Shin Makoku it's a standard utensil for dinner. However it's made of the highest quality silver. (Novel 1)
Zaku (ザク)<br/>
① Name of fictional weapon in the New Mobile Report Gundam Series. The major MS (mobile suit) of the Principality of Zeon.
② In the other world, a pretty bad name to call a soldier (mentioned by Wolfram)
③The name that Murata's Gundam fan, pediatrician friend, would have very likely given Murata if he would have been his nadzukeoya (person who names a baby). (Novel 7)
Desert Turtle - Sabaku Kame- サバクガメ
If during puberty you witness these turtles mating, giving birth, it seems you'll have nightmares.(Novel 7)
Sharks (餃)<br/>
They're vegetarian in the other world. (Novel 3)
Scabbard​ (鞘)<br/>
Putting a scabbard high on an altar, after removing the sword from it and saying: " My Sword Will Only Return to it with Shinou's guidance" in the sense that they will continue to fight as long as Shinou allows them to, is a ritual that mazoku soldiers perform to pray for good luck and protection. (Novel 5)
A monkey's hand (猿の手)<br/>
A horror legend that says that if you pray to the mummified hand of a monkey, the dead will come back to life. (Novel 7)
The Rock (ザ・ロック)<br/>
American WWE wrestler, Dwayne Johnson, famous for being History's Strongest King.
The three Ks - San Ke-(3K)<br/>
Yuuri's impression of what it was like working for "M family". Dirty (Kitanee), I didn't hear about this beforehand (kiitenakattayokonnano), be careful with hidden cameras (kiwotsukeyo tousatsu) (Novel 5)
Cianfrocco (シアンフロッコ)<br/>
Dog of the Shibuya Residence. Mostly certainly a mongrel. It's the name of a foreign player that belonged to the Seibu Lions. -> Zinter (Novel 3)
Jennifer (ジェニファー)<br/>
Shibuya Miko's nickname. Sometimes phrases like "from Yokohama (/from Hama)", or "From Hell" are added to it.(Gaiden 2)
Salt Monkey's Golden .... (塩猿の金....)<br/>
One of the materials used to make the Wincott Poison. The last word that's missing is most likely "ball". It hasn't been in the market for 500 years. (Novel 5)
Shigi (止義)<br/>
The spirit that Yuuri presented in a vicious maou mode. Worse than usual. (Novel 8)
Hell Paradise Goala <br/>
Huge Koala. Inside it there's a Dr. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde. A ferocious beast whose diet consist mainly of kidnapping (Eucalyptus?)<ref>Pun: Yuukai(kidnapping) sounds like Eukari, (eucalyptus). </ref>, however if it sees a branch it wants to hang from, it can't resist the impulse. 200 isogais (probably a weight measuring unit). (Novel 4)
Historical drama(時代劇)<br/>
What Yuuri likes. The ringtone of Yuuri's mobile phone (that stopped working after being submerged in the water during the star tours) is the " Shogun Going Crazy Theme", a theme that is played when there's trouble, cueing in the entrance of Uesama riding a white horse. (Novel 1)
Non-stop Celebratory Banquet for 7 nights straight(七夜連続祝いの宴)<br/>
An event scheduled to be held by Günter when Daikenja returns to Shin Makoku. Its official name is " Non-stop Celebratory Banquet for 7 nights straight - Put your rank aside tonight, eat til you drop, drink til you drop and it's fine if you get naked". It would be quite bad for the reputation of Aristocratic Ladies. (Novel 7)
Actual Age (実年齢)<br/>
The actual age of the (human-shaped) mazokus in the other world, is 5 times their appearance. (Novel 1)
Shibuya Yuuri, Harajuku Fuuri(渋谷有利原宿不利)<br/>
A phrase that makes fun of the main character's name. It's estimated that it has been used 50,000 times in the past. (Novel 1)
Shimaron (シマロン)<br/>
One of the human nations that is in conflict with the mazoku. A big country, which boast of being the most powerful nation. This country is made up of Big Shimaron and Small Shimaron (originally it was one Shimaron, but after the war twenty years ago it was clearly divided into Big and Small Shimaron respectively). In the past few decades, it gained total control of the continent's many areas. Counting autonomous regions, occupied territories, and islands, its influence extends to one quarter of the world. -> Big Shimaron ; Small Shimaron. (Novel 2)
Shimaron-marron (シマロンマロン)<br/>
They're not chestnuts, instead, they're round plants that taste good and look like truffles. A domestic product from Shimaron. Although it's hard to bite (if you get used to it) it seems to have a really good taste. (Novel 6)
Shapuun (しゃぷ―ん)<br/>
Poison Lady brand shampoo with a super pungent odor. It's a really effective combination if you use it with Poison Lady brand impure soap. (Gaiden 3)
Jari (じやリ)<br/>
Wolfram's special ending to his sentences. Since the Sandbear attack when he swallowed a great amount of sand, it seems he started using this suffix to his sentences occasionally when he gets excited or angry. (Novel 3)
Japan Advertising Review Organization. This is the organization that Yuuri said he wanted to contact when he was shocked for having been painted with B cups by the Third Son. Which followed with the Catch phrase: Jaro, what's Jaro?<ref> Pun: "Jaro tte nan jaro?" using 'nan jaro' instead of "nan daro?" which means: "What's __?"</ref> (Gaiden 1)
Kimba the White Lion (ジャングル大帝)<br/>
The story of a White Lion drawn by Osamu Tezuka (No novel reference added)
Feeling like the back cover of a Weekly Magazine (週刊籠の裏妻紙みたいな気分)<br/>
This is how Shibuya Miko felt when she was called her full name, instead of just her last-name, because on the back cover of most magazines ther used to be "Nippen's Miko-chan". "Miko-chan" was the image character of a ball pen calligraphy course (by the Gakuben Comprehensive Education Center). A famous female who carried a binder with her and recommended teaching materials. (Gaiden 2)
Male and Female mixed baths (雌雄混合大浴場)<br/>
In Shimaron's culture it's a bath with sheep. The mixing of genders doesn't refer to humans but to the sheep. (Novel 9)
Garden of Monks (修道の園)<br/>
The religious facility that forbids women, which Günter joined when he entered priesthood. The monks follow the doctrine of shaving their whole body, to eliminate as many physical differences with Shinou as possible. (No Novel noted)
The Ten Nobles (十貴族)<br/>
Prestigious people who rule the territories in accordance to the Maou's will. The ruling class, who are basically the military class. Their ranks are known because their last names are the name of the land they rule with the word 'von' before it. Among them, those who are prepared to fight, are called 'Lord' once they reached adulthood. (Novel 1)
Previous Maou (上王)<ref>Jouou: Not a common word to call the previous king. Sounds like "queen" although the kanji are different </ref><br/>
Previous maou, the way the former maou is addressed (Novel 1)
Honest Mary (正直メアリー)<br/>
Relative of Paper Sliding Door Mary (lie). Monitoring device. Also known as "Ma Powered Eyes No.1." (Gaiden 3)
Paper Sliding Door Mary (​障子にメアリ)<br/>
An old fashioned way of saying that walls have ears (lie). However there are no Paper Sliding Doors in Shin Makoku. (Gaiden 1)
Small Shimaron (小シマロン)<br/>
Country ruled by Saralegui. Thanks the legend of Maxine, the man who won't die, there's a trend among the soldiers to cut and style their hair in the shape of a Cropped Ponytail. (Novel 5)
The Queen's Ideas (女王様の着想)<br/>
Anissina's stylish and convenient invention's store. It has the interesting point of making consumers wonder where the ma power is coming from and has gained popularity among rabid fans. It has no connection whatsoever with the convenient goods selection shop "King's Idea"(王様のアイディア). (Gaiden 1)
Dishwasher Detergent commercial (食器洗い洗剤のCM)<br/>
Reference to the commercial for "Charming Green" (Lions) that features an old couple holding hands, skipping back into a store. Phrase that was likened to the moment when Yuuri was handcuffed to Gwendal and they were trying to hide it pretending that they were carrying some goods. (Novel 3)
Cheater (尻軽)<br/>
Word used by Wolfram to criticize Yuuri's friendliness to everyone<ref>The word used here is "八方美人" which means being friendly to everyone OR being a "flawless beauty".</ref>. Synonym of the "adulterer". Meanwhile Yuuri confused it with the word ashigaru, foot soldier, (a rank) and interpreted it favorably asking" Do you mean I'm quick on my feet?" (Novel 2)
Schildkraut (シルドクラウト)<br/>
Located in Hildeyard's southernmost point, it's not a Hub Airport but a Hub Port city. People and ships from all over the world gather in this neutral trade city. (Novel 2)
White Lion (白い獅子)<br/>
This refers to the Saitama Seibu Lions mascot, Leo. His sister is Laina. (Novel 3)
White Ibonba (白イボンバ)<br/>
Used in Shin Makoku as an adjective for white and delicate fingertips. Probably a type of fish. (novel 9)
Fly Fly White Pigeon Mail Carrier (白鳩飛べ飛べ伝書便)<br/>
A private, commercial communication organization. Known as: White Pigeon Mail.<br/>
The established system is that the message is sent by pigeon, and the customer is billed depending on the traveled distance. It is slower and less reliable than the country owned military information network, but they have locations all over the world to carrying information and items to customers without discrimination (as long as they can pay). In recent years the demand for their service has increased. There's also the "Red Pigeon New Comet Mail" which is three times faster than White Pigeon Mail. However, due to being young, they go into the wrong organizations by mistake. "Pink Pigeon Mail" specialize in delivering Love Letters. There has also been an increase in the use of "Kotsuhizoku Mail" which is used to transport large packages within the country. (Novel 6)
Shinou Antenna (眞王あんてな)<br/>
The abbreviation of the MA-powered device to detect magic that Anissina has on top of her head " Ah! His Majesty Shinou is in a place like that?". For some reason it's in the Kansai dialect. It's a joke of Kitaro (@Gegege)'s Yokai Antenna, however it cannot see Maria-sama. (Novel 17)
Shinou's Supper (眞王の晩餐)<br/>
A high and special dinner party, for the maou and his closest family. It has no connection to " Ito Family's Dinner Table" or "Egawa's Dinner Table". (Novel 1)
Shinou's Mausoleum/ Shrine (眞王廂)<br/>
Mazoku holy ground. It's on top of a mountain that can be see from the windows of the Blood Pledge Castle. The place where it's said that Shinou, the one who started the mazoku clan, is sleeping. Males are basically forbidden to enter it. With the High Priestess right in the middle, the maidens and female guards protect it. Regardless of the time of the day or the season, the beacons continue to burn non-stop. (Novel 1)
Shinou's Mausoleum Globe (眞王廂の球体)<br/>
A shiny globe that Ulrike manipulates. It floats above a pedestal made of black stone. It projects something similar to an astronomical chart with shaking stars, and can specify the location of any maou (with strong maryoku ) within the country. Outside the country, the sensor becomes less precise, which makes it difficult to determine the exact location. A bright golden light represents Cherie. An unstable blue light represents Yuuri. (Novel 5)
Zinter (ジンター)<br/>
The Shibuya Family mix bred dog. Younger than Cianfrocco. The name comes from one of the foreign player of the Seibu Lions. (Novel 3)
Shin Makoku (眞魔国)<br/>
The abbreviated name of the country that Yuuri rules, where the mazoku live. The official name is: "The eternal kingdom in which the wise and courageous mazoku live in prosperity after defeating the soushu with their power. Ah! We should never forget the entire world originated from the mazoku. Long live the great Shinou and his people." The population of human-shaped mazoku alone is 50 million. Since the number of the other citizens is too great, they can't be counted. The territory is divided into the land under direct control of the maou plus the between the lands ruled by the 10 . (Novel 1)
Shin Makoku Standing Art Troupe (眞魔国立芸術団)<br/>
It enrolls people who want to play cats or paint a turtle. It seems that at least some of the Maou's Harem come from this place. (Novel 8)
Shin Makoku's Emblem (眞魔国徽章)<br/>
The Maou inscribes its own crest. There are decorative coins, necklaces, rings and such that the descendants of the maou receive. (Novel 4)
Shin Makoku Research Institute (眞魔国総研)<br/>
Shin Makoku's Census Research Institute. According to a survey by them, the evil character that appears the most in children's dreams is Poison Lady Anissina. (Novel 6)
Shin Makoku Nippou (眞魔国日報)<br/>
Shin Nichi. Newspaper that prides itself for being the one to publish information the fastest, and selling the most amount of copies. It contains gossip articles like the ones you find in women magazines and one fake short stories like the ones you find in the sports columns, however, these are secretly the most popular among subscribers. (Gaiden 1)
New Ma powered String Phone (新・魔動糸電話)<br/>
It looks just like a string phone but if you don't say "Gori-san"(@ Taiyō ni Hoero!<ref>Ishizuka Makoto/ Gori-san: A character in that detective series. If a new detective would get confused and called him gorilla-san he'd get very angry.</ref>) at the end of a sentence, the communication gets cut off. (Novel 16)
Super Hitoshi Kun (スーバーひとし君)<br/>
A sort of doll that's the moderator of a quiz show called "Discovery of the World's Mysteries"(TBS), modeled after Hitoshi Kusano. There's a special red explorer outfit version; and white normal "Hitoshi Kun" for when you answer correctly, which has 3 different bodies. If you answer incorrectly the doll is confiscated. As of 2010, this system hasn't changed. The regulars are Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, Nonomura Makoto, Bando Eiji, etc. (Novel 4)
Svelera (スヴェレラ)<br/>
A country located in an arid area, which used to be a part of Conanshia. Love with other races, or between people who aren't spouses is considered a felony. Due to a long drought, their food self-sufficiency is at an all time low. They unearthed "End of the Wind" and sold it to Big Shimaron, however it seems that lately they haven't been able to collect the houseki , which was an important item for exportation, causing the number of people who are looking for work outside the country has increased rapidly. Their currency is called 'Peso'. Their military hair style called "Salmon-Sea-urchin-Tuna Salad" is very similar to a battleship roll sushi​. The mateki was also found here. (Novel 3)
Cedar Pollen Number one (杉花紛一号)<br/>
Yuuri's role in the school play in 4th grade elementary school. It seems the play was about people suffering the symptoms of hay fever. (Gaiden 3)
Sugubanyakoppo (スグバニヤコッポ)<br/>
The name of an animal (probably) that Wolfram said while playing Shiritori. Details unknown. (Gaiden 1)
Star Tours (スターツアーズ)<br/>
"This will be useful to you in the future" is what Yuuri's father told him while making him ride 10 consecutive times on this Dis(__) Land attraction. And it did come in handy later on, because it helped him not panic when he was traveling to the other world. It also refers to the state of travelling through time and space. "Star Tour" for short. (Novel 1)
Sandbear (砂熊)<br/>
A huge panda with monotone colors like beige and brown. An evil beast that makes its nests in the desert, waiting in the center of a type of prey-hell. Its special saliva burns to the touch. -> Keiji (Novel 3)
Swirl's Information Store (スワルドの情報屋)<br/>
Fanfan's favorite. Its information is always right (Novel 8)
Justice No.1 & No.2 (正義一号二号)<br/>
Water serpents controlled by Yuuri. Attack magic that has taken a shape. They have the kanji for 'Justice' on their bellies. Before his adopted daughter it seems that they have upgraded to trifurcaded dragons. (Novel 1)
Seisakoku (聖砂国)<br/>
An imperial country located to the south of the world, that possesses a territory between 2 to 5 times that of Shin Makoku. It seems that digging out houseki and exportation are two ways of acquiring the most valued foreign currency. (Novel 9)
Let's purify, forever (清浄機よ永遠に)<br/>
A ma powered air purifier that looks like a flag. You can wave it with your hands. The design is not that of stars and banners. (Gaiden 3)
Adulthood (成人)<br/>
For mazokus it starts at age 16. There is a ceremony (coming of age ceremony) where people decide what path they'll take; Whether they'll pledge to become a soldier, or attempt to achieve prosperity as a civilian. There are a lot of people who choose whether to keep their mother's or father's name during this time. And those who possess both human and mazoku blood, must decide whether they'll live their lives as either mazoku or humans. (Novel 4)
See the World by Train (世界の車窓から)<br/>
A morning mini program about a traveler's journal. For example it shows a lot of landscapes a seen from a car window. Yuuri felt like he was in this show while traveling long distances in the continent. (Novel 6)
Fully Automatic Maryoku Washing Machine (全自動魔力洗濯機)<br/>
Ma-powered device that made its appearance along with Anissina. You can rotate the water in the barrel with your own power. It was considered a failure due to the great amount of energy it consumed. (Novel 3)
Previous Life Analysis Software (前世解析ソフト)<br/>
Developed by Murata. Contains data about famous people that lived in the last 2500 years in both the West and the East.According to it, Yuuri's grass lot baseball team has 3 Himikos<ref>Himiko or Pimiko (卑弥呼, 175-248 CE) was an obscure shaman queen of Yamataikoku in ancient Wa (Japan). Early Chinese dynastic histories chronicle tributary relations between Queen Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220-265), and record that the Yayoi period people chose her as ruler following decades of warfare among the kings of Wa. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingū, who was Regent.</ref>, two Oda Nobunagas<ref>Oda Nobunaga was the initiator of the unification of Japan under the shogunate in the late 16th century, which ruled Japan until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. He was also a major daimyo during the Sengoku period of Japanese history. His opus was continued, completed and finalized by his successors Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was the second son of Oda Nobuhide, a deputy shugo (military governor) with land holdings in Owari Province.</ref>, and two Napoleons. By the way, Yuuri was one of the Himikos. (Gaiden 4)
Fully MA-powered washing lavatory.(全魔動水洗厠)<br/>
A device made of nightmares. It seems it was terrible enough to be flushed down the toilet. (Novel 17)
Soukoku- doble blacks-(双黒)<br/>
(Because they're so rare) it seems that one single era, won't see two soukoku mazokus in it. It's said that if you obtain one, you'll attain immortality and in the Western Principality, reward money is offered for them. They're also treated as a mythical medicine and a rare delicacy.
Soushu (創主)<br/>
When they tried to swallow the entire world, a group of brave people lead by Shinou and Daikenja defeated them, and their dangerous existence was sealed into four boxes. (Novel 1)
The 'Until That Day' Church (その日まで教)<br/>
A super lethargic church. The doctrine of the 'Kurokami' was caused by a black hair that they found tangled around "Mirror of the Deep Waters" (Daikenja or maybe someone else?). (Novel 16)
Zomosagori Dragon (ゾモサゴリ竜)<br/>
Murderous beast. When you see it, it looks like a small Stegosaurus. Even the young ones eat people. It's said they're rather difficult to kill. Their cry is 'Nyaa'. (Novel 2)
Zorashia (ゾラシア)<br/>
A few years ago, this empire had a civil war and neighboring countries trying to invade it. 6 months after princess Greta was taken hostage, the imperial house was abolished after being beaten by the popular government. (Novel 4)
Sondergaard (ソンダーガード)<br/>
Human country. It's located in a continent positioned across the sea from Shin Makoku.
Big Shimaron (大シマロン)<br/>
Formerly Shimaron. Its capital is Lambert. It's military uniform is yellow and brown, and the official hair style is fluffy long hair, which is maintained by using egg oil. After acquiring the "End of wind", they wanted to try to use Wincott poison to control the 'Key'.
Pinch hitter Nick (代打ニック)<br/>
A gorgeous sailing ship registered in Hildeyard. It was left as a reserve to travel from Shildekraut to Van der Via. Somewhat inferior to a certain famous sunken ship, but definitely gorgeous. Yuuri was thinking about this when he named it (Novel 2).<ref>As you may have guessed Pinch Hitter Nick is the nickname of a baseball player, Nick Stavinoha, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Stavinoha Yuuri was thinking about how gorgeous the ship was when he named him after a Hiroshima Toyo Carp player. </ref>
Dad joke- dajare- (駄洒落)<br/>
What Conrad considers himself an expert in (it's his conviction). Phrases like " Just to look nice (su-te-ki), I want to use a walking stick (su-te-ki) like a British man", or" How can you possibly Alaska" cause freezing temperatures<ref>Saying that a joke is cold or that it caused the temperature to drop is the way of expressing a joke was really bad.</ref>. Yuuri has recently learned the skill to ignore this out of his own will.<ref>If you thought that sensei didn't make a pun with this line, you're wrong. (スルーする; ignore) </ref> (Novel 4)
Soul (魂)<br/>
Souls reset when the user dies, and it doesn't take a long time for the next user to receive it. It accumulates the memories of the past 'Lives', but they're usually sealed. In rare cases it's put into a transparent container with an augite-made lid. (Gaiden 1)
The Ball's Hole (球の穴)<br/>
A Major League training hell agency, from When Shouri leaves his home in New York. It gave birth to Tiger Mask. It has no connection to "Tora no Ana" (the tiger's hole). (Gaiden 2)<ref>Tora no Ana, a popular site that let's you publish and sell your own doujinshis (you just have to pay the price of the printing and then sell it for whatever you want.)</ref>
Darco (グルコ)<br/>
The port city where "Who Is It Summoning Hell 1-Chome, Ah, Errand-Running 3-Chome Prison" is
. Small Country made of Prisons and Fisheries. (Novel 16)
Dandy Lions (ダンデイーライオンズ)<br/>
Grass Lot Baseball team where Yuuri serves as the Captain.They appeared in local cable TV, and there are also members who are adults. Yuuri himself is a regular catcher with jersey number "8". (Novel 2)
Cheese Aliens (チーズ星人)<br/>
Mascot of Nissin Cup Noodle's Cheese Series. When it says "chi chi chi chi chi", cheese comes out of its fingers. When Yuuri turned into super Uesama mode in the Gilbit mansion in Caloria, he made out of tea something similar to this character. (Novel 5)
Underground Tunnel (地下通路)<br/>
The underground 'Space'<ref>The word 'Space' here is a 'space' like the place where Shinou resides, or the machine that Anissina built to connect places. </ref> in Seisakoku where things that you think about or that you had once seen come true.
The tribe in charge of using the tunnel for Royal funerals, would only allow blind people to use the tunnel, since it was the only way they wouldn't be affected. (Novel 12)
The Family of Wisemen (知者の一族)<br/>
A family that lives in the farthest easter corner of the world. It seems the only young female in the village was given to Shinou's father and was made to have his baby. (Gaiden 4)
Hanging Breasts Wrapper (乳吊り帯)<br/>
What bras are called in the other world. (Novel 5)
Chanbaratorio (チヤンバラトリオ)<br/>
An entertainer's comedy act. It's not connected to a martial art sports. (Gaiden 2)
Super Majutsu (超魔術)<br/>
In reference to the Super Maou Mode that Yuuri displayed in the 'Greatest Fighter'. The judge called him "Narikiri-chan". It has no connection to Fuji TV's masked magician magic and his fire extinguishing magic story. (Novel 8)
Super Ma Powered Yo yo (超魔動ヨーヨー)<br/>
A MA powered toy that's very popular among kids. I can't tell the Super part, nor the Ma power part of it. There's also a related product, a Ma powered Spinning Top. (Novel 6)
Pot Plink (ツボコロリ)<br/>
The secret medicine that causes Pot-sama to dry and 'plink', fall off. It's not something that should be used for the callus and blood blisters that soldiers get on the sole of their feet during war time. (gaiden 3)
Taylor's (テーラーズ)<br/>
A bookstore managed by the fanatic (of Japanese subcultures) Jonathan Taylor. His clients who study at places like Harvard and MIT (Masachissets Institute of Technology, and are strangly nice. (Novel 13)
T-zou (Tぞう)
A sheep that tagged along with Yuuri and the gang in Caloria.<br/>
Its dark brown face has white in the T-zone area<ref>T-zone area, forehead and nose. This is quite female lingo as they're the only ones who use this kind of words for applying make up or cleansing products</ref>. According to the legend of "The Sheep Queen", if you only breed males, they'll all become her servants. Has the numbers 666 on its back (Novel 6)
Digital-Analogue G Shock (デジアナGショツク)<br/>
The watch that Yuuri always wears, which even after being flushed down a toilet was A-Ok. It's an analogue type, the limited Daisuke Matsuzaka edition.<ref>Who is Daisuke Matsuzaka? You have 5 seconds... 4...3...2...1... It is of course, a baseball player! https://im4-a.mbokimg.dena.ne.jp/2/7/570/478581570.3.jpg</ref> Since it doesn't seem to be unsynchronized, a day in th other world is apparently as long as one on Earth. (Novel 1)
Long hand red frog (手長アカガエル)<br/>
An ingredient for making dinner that has an effect similar to Viagra. There's also a purple fruit that has the same effect . (Novel 3)
Terine (テリーヌ)<br/>
A skull that Captain Mountain Range showers with deep love and polishes daily with egg whites. It is called familiar names like 'Ternine-shan' or 'Terine-bon'. It was believed it was the skull of a killed enemy; but in reality it's the head of a kotsuhizoku. We later find out that it has an important communication device (specialized in transmission) that works quietly.
The Greatest Fighting Event -Tenkaiichi Butoukai - (天下一武闘会)<br/>
Known as The Greatest Fighter(テンカプ). An event similar to the olympics organized by Big Shimaron. There's no connection to the 'Tenkaichi Budoukai' that Son Goku participated in. The type of event is not like that in 'Dragon Ball', but rather like the one in 'Gladiator'. (Novel 7)
The Greatest Dancing Event - Tenkaiichi Butoukaii (天下一舞踏会)<br/>
A Great Dancing competition organized by Mehilsar (メヒルサル). (Gaiden 1)
This it the artist that Rodriguez entered 4 times in a row at the karaoke. It was probably the opening song of "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing". The singer of this 2 member band, is the same as Anissina's seiyuu in the anime, Takayama Minami. (土 Wrong Kanji entered )
Ba-bump! A Late Night Service with Lots of Men, and there's also tears! (どき~男だらけの魔術合宿、お涙ばろりもあリ!)<br/>
Among the new adult mazoku males only 40% reach the reference value, so Anissina devices a way to improving their maryoku.
1 year before they reach adulthood, boys are compulsory forced to join training camps, studying theory and practicing day and night, in a super strict way. For some reason, it has the name of a great swimming competition with a nostalgic celebrity in it. (Novel 4)
Doguu (どぐぅ)<br/>
The cry of pigeons. It's not a clay figuring(土偶) (Novel 6)
Poison Lady (毒女)<br/>
Anissina's alias. A character for children modeled after herself that appeared in "Sleep Sleep Child". Every novel follows the title format "Poison Lady Anissina and ....... ". Each of the novels' titles continues with " The Secret Laboratory", " The Patient's will", " The Repairment of a certain Bag", "The Annoying Corset", "The Symphony of the Immortal" (still in progress), however it has no connection to the stories about the eldest child of the Potter household. Recently it seems that (the story/character) has been portrayed in comics similar to American comics. (Novel 5)
Poison Lady Health Organization (毒女保健機構)<br/>
Established by Anissina. It dispatches Poison Midwives to help anxious mothers all over the world with childbirth and childcare. (Novel 17)
Poison Killings Handbook (毒殺便覧)<br/>
Anissina's favorite book. Old and new poisons and symptoms from all over the globe. The murdered person and their circumstances are described in detail. Suitable for its content, it's a thick book with purple cover. (Novel 5)
Tosa Lake (トサ湖)<br/>
A Lake on the Christ territory, where the Lakeside tribe originates. The von Christ family has a villa there where Günter was born. In the regional dialect, they end their sentences with 'Tosa'. When Günter gets excited, he too inadvertently uses it at the end. (Gaiden 1)
Dracma bills (ドラクマ紙幣)<br/>
Currency that circulates in Cavalcade. Louis Biron counterfeit it. (Novel 4)
Dragon (ドラゴン)<br/>
A creature that is at the top of the Red List of endangered species. Due to human over hunting them, they were close to disappearing, so the mazoku started to strongly protect them. (Novel 1)
Triple Jennifer Attack (トリプルジェニファーアタック)<br/>
Miko's special move. Ultra Jeniffer's Special 3 consecutive moves. (Gaiden 2)
Training wear (トレーニングウエア)<br/>
The jersey top and bottom custom made in Shin Makoku for Yuuri's training routine. They're green with 2 white lines, the kind of design you can only see in variety shows nowadays. After getting passed Yuuri's old clothes, the nadzukeoya can be see happily wearing them in the castle, with his arms and legs sticking out of them. (Novel 4)
Knife (ナイフ)<br/>
Purposely dropping one on the floor, is a way to request a duel. If the other party picks it up, it means that they've accepted it. (Novel 1)
A Love Journal Written in the Summer (夏から擢る愛日記)<br/>
Günter Journal, the second installment. It has a green goat leather cover, with gold decorations. It contains wild delusions in regards to his majesty.'Heika Love Love Journal' ( Novel 2)
Seven Colored Mamoimo (七色マモイモ)<br/>
Seisakoku's special product. It's so delicious that one must eat it at least once before you die. (Novel 9)
What are you talking about!? (なんということでしょう!)<br/>
A phrase that Yuuri, who likes 'reforms', uses in his head a lot, when describing the structure of a building. The voice is that of Midori Koto (加藤みどり). It's a phrase you will surely hear during the remodeling documentary program " Great remodeling! Dramatic Before and After" (Asahi TV). In a different world, the craftmanship of Japanese construction doesn't apply. (Novel 6)
No-No Smell Kun - Nio wa nai nai kun - (ニオワナイナイくん)<br/>
A large ma powered deodorizing machine. One of Anissina's Ma powered inventions. An improved version of " No-no Smell Sick Stain Kun" (or No-no Smell 16 Kun)(ニオワナイナイシクステーンくん」 (Novel 9)
28 Days Later (28日後) <br/>
Yuuri, who doesn't want to believe in living deads, remembered this SF horror film with an infectious disease theory. But in reality it wasn't 28days after death but a year, with the bodies already fermented. (Novel 12)
Paint Type of Joytoy (塗るタイプ・オブ・ジョイトイ)<br/>
Shouri's screen name that's a spoof of "Yinling of Joytoy". It's rather embarrassing. (Novel of )
Negroshinoyamakishi (ネグロシノマヤキシ)<br/>
We're not sure what kind of animal it is, but we do know that if you grilled its meat, it's delicious. (Novel 2)
Cat (猫)<br/>
A small animal that makes Gwendal turn to mush. Its cry is 'meh meh'. (Novel 2)
Nema Via (ネマ・ヴィーア)<br/>
One of Shimarons three 'Via' islands. There's a low level POW camp. (Novel 6)
Sleep Sleep Child (寝る寝る子供)<br/>
Anissina's creation. With a red and purple cover and its title written with an eerie font, this is .... no picture book, but rather a book that with infallible maryoku puts you to sleep. If by any chance you don't feel the effects, you can return it within the following 10 days. (Novel 6)
Cosmetics by age (年齢別化粧品)<br/>
Saisunkan Pharmaceutical's 'Domohorn Wrinkle'. It seems that the system used to purify the water at the oasis, is similar to the extraction process at the manufacturing plant of this basic skin-care products. (Novel 14)
Nokantei (ノーカンティー)<br/>
Conrad's beloved horse. A hazel colored maiden. Since it's a war horse, it was two hearts. (Novel 1)
No Dan Via (ノー・ダン・ヴイーア)<br/>
Shimaron's westernmost end. One of Shimarons three 'Via' islands. Ships heading to the main land also depart from here. (Novel 5)
Muscle brain (脳筋族)<br/>
Muscle brain abbreviation.<ref> One word is longer than the other in Japanese, but they both mean muscle brain, meathead, hot blooded idiot, etc.</ref> Someone who's not good at thinking things trough. Title that his older brother gave Yuuri. "Obakachin" (you little retard), is a synonym of this term. (Novel 4)
Nogisu (ノギス)<br/>
① Kumahachis' cry.<br/>
②(Callipers) A tool to measure length. Many of them are made of metal. <br/>
You can find them at schools, in the industrial arts storage room. (Gaiden 1)
Nozomi-chan (のぞ見ちゃん)<ref>Nozomi (not with that spelling though) means wish, desire. It's interesting that these binoculars are connected with 'desire'. Clearly a must in Cherie's wardrobe. </ref><br/>
Ma powered glasses. Recommended by Shin Makoku's Bird Watching Society. Because it has MA powering elements in it, it can be comfortably used in any environment. Masterpiece. (Novel 7)
Windpipe No.1 (喉笛一号)<br/>
A T-shaped cane (stick) that Yuuri received from Gisela. A sword cane, that releases flowers when you pull it by the handle. However, if you twist it instead, a sword will come out. It has this name because it has slit the windpipes of several people. (Novel 4)
Perman No.2 (パーマンニ号)<br/>
This is the alias of a young chimpanzee whose real name is Bobby; in 'Perman' (author: Fujiko F Fujiyo). Yuuri used it as an example, when thinking that if he could bring the Fake Maou back to Shin Makoku, he could use him as his body double. He probably mistook it for 'Copyrobot' (Novel 3)
haicha (はいちや)<br/>
A slightly embarrassing verb in Seisakoku language. Yelshi did 'this verb' to his mother's breasts until age three. (Novel 15)
Box (箱)<br/>
The 4 Forbidden Boxes. Built by Shinou, the soushus were sealed in them at the end of their deadly battle. They must never be touched, and it's said that if opened they would bring death and destruction. There's a key for each of the boxes. 'End of Wind' (the key is the left arm of someone of a certain bloodline), 'End of the Land ' (left eye) 'Inferno of the Tundra' (left side of the chest 'the heart'), 'Mirror of the Deep Waters' (blood). The two boxes carried to earth by the original Daikenja were called " Pandora's box' and 'Noah's arc'. (Side Story 1)
Batman (バットマン)<br/>
An alias that Yuuri received when he drew a baseball bat when given a pen after losing his memories. It has no connection to 'Piano Man', the German man who drew a grand piano. Of course, it has no connection to bat-people either. (Gaiden 4)
Leaf-kun (葉っパくん)<br/>
The ma powered underwear that Anissina gave naked Shinou. It has barely the size to cover the crotch area. Rather than 'ma powered' it should be called a ma collector. (Novel 17)
Stuffed Nose Kun (鼻がきくぞうくん)<br/>
A machine used for tracking ma power. Commonly known as 'Power Dog'. We're not sure whether it's a dog, an elephant or a flower. There's a similar product that's a simplified version of it, called ' A minor case'(軽事件かっる); but of course neither of them is connected in any way to "Detective Dog Patrol" (刑事犬カール) (TBS show). (Gaiden 3)
The Mummy (ハムナプトラ)<br/>
An American adventure movie. A remake of 'The Mummy Returns'. It's not... a movie where the ones taking the mummy turn into mummies. (Novel 5)
Hair Clipper Kun (バリカンくん)<br/>
An abbreviation of Crick-crack Harvesting Man Kun (バリバリ刈る男くん). The Ma powered hair cutting device that Anissina brought with her when she was trying to turn Hube into Yuuri's body double. (Novel 17)<ref>This is one of those untranslatable puns. 影武者 kagemusha means body double. Kage, sounds like hage and hage means bald. ハゲ武者 hagemusha means bald warrior. Anyway, there's a pun mixing body double and bald warrior, and I'm guessing that's what the hair cutting machine has to do here.</ref>
Hulkamania (ハルカマニア)<br/>
An enthusiastic fan of Hulk Hogan (pro-wrestler). Also used to reference the audience and how they reacted to Adalbert pre-battle taunting in the Greatest Figther. Synonym -> Everyone at Alta throwing interjections at Tamori.<ref>Tamori is a comedian. By throwing interjections, the verb in Japanese means "to throw in interjections to show that one is paying attention"</ref> (Novel 8)
A Journal that was started in the Spring (春から始める夢日記)<br/>
First part of Gunter's Journal. It gained popularity after it was read in the monks garden and it's what prompted Gunter's debut as a writer. For the publication, he used a female sounding pen name (W・C・ニコラとの説有り) so that his identity wouldn't be discovered, and the story was rewritten as one between a high ranking older man and a maid. There's no particular connection to the Japanese classic "Tosa Journal" written by a man pretending to be a woman. (author: Kino Tsurayuki) (Novel 2)
Haro (ハロ)<br/>
1)A small robotic mascot sphere that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam.
2) A basketball painted green that Rodriguez friend tried to take to a meeting of the 'National Gundam Society'. (Gaiden 2)
Bandou Eiji (バンドウエイジ)<br/>
The popular Bandou dolphins, Bandou-kun and Eiji-kun from Sea World; that Murata and Yuuri visited. It's not the former professional basebal player who likes boiled eggs. (Novel 3)
Hee-hee-fuu (ヒーヒーフー)<br/>
The Lamaze breathing method for giving birth. Inhale twice shortly and exhale once. Due to Yuuri's mistake, there are still people who confuse this with what you should say when rowing a boat in the other world. (Novel 6)
Kgjh-Yes Kun (びいえすくん)<br/>
An abbreviation of "Kgjh, Kgjh, YES, YES I'm receiving radio waves", the high performance radio receiver that can pick up almost any sound. It's successor ' Kgjh-Yes Kun, Hai!' will continue working as a 'terrestrial digital broadcasting' without rusting even if it's underground with denden bugs and centipedes crawling around it. (Novel 12)
East Nilson (東ニルゾン)<br/>
Name of a place in Big Shimaron. The largest ocean port of the country. It's the starting point of The Greatest fighter. (Novel 7)
aphrodisiac (美番蘭)<br/>
A kind of perfume that Cherie had a chemister make for her. It has an adverse effect only on those who possess maryoku, causing feelings of love or hate towards the person using it to intensify to extremes. (novel 1)
Sheep (羊)<br/>
Its cry is 'Nmoh!' and it gets violent like a bull in a bullfight when it gets excited. When it snows, they go into 'snow mode' and their appearance CHANGE with all their wool combed straight back. (Novel 6)
Assertive Tone like when you're talking to yourself (一人時間差断定口調)<br/>
Forceful narrative that Anissina is especially good at. It doesn't give the listener time to refute. (Novel 3)
Hinemosu (ひねもす)<br/>
Something that you're very likely to encounter in the sandy soil of Svelera. It might mean 'Sandbear' in Sveleran dialect, but details are unknown. The picture that Yuuri imagined of a dinosaur swimming in a spring pond, seems to come from an association from Yusuke Buson's phrase "Haru no umi hinemosu no tarinotarikana"<ref>Haru no umi hinemosu no tarinotarikana (春の海ひねもすのたりのたりかな)... there's no dinosaurs in the poem though, Yuuri...</ref>
Hinomokou (ヒノモコウ)<br/>
Zorashia's court cuisine. Sea food Spaghetti with shrimp and clams topping. They use a Chinese style ramen bowl. You can eat it at food stalls in the Pleasure Quarters. It has nothing to do with hikomokkosu (a word that that Kumamoto men say) (Novel 4)
Thong- himopan (級バン)<br/>
The most common underware of Shin Makoku's ruling class. The maou's is black and silky glossy. The common people seem to wear trunks. It is rumored that the Second Son wears boxers.
(Novel 1)
Slap (平手)<br/>
Slapping someone's left cheek is an traditional mazoku way of proposing. Slapping the right cheek or punching someone's face is not considered a proposal. If the other person shows their right cheek, or hits the left cheek back, (this being called a 'reverse proposal'), the engagement is final. (Novel 1)
Hildeyard (ヒルドヤード)<br/>
A human country on the other side of the ocean from Shin Makoku. From Voltaire territory, it's about three days on ship. To officially thank Shin Makoku for lending their strength during the creation of the country, it has kept since then diplomatic relationships with it resulting in an increase of profits derived from trade. A pleasure quarter was created due to the amount of people entering and leaving this country. Many also come from abroad to work here.<br/>
Furthermore, in regards to the hot spring areas next to it, it's said that" If you immerse yourself for a day, you get three days. Two days, will give you six years. But if you immerse yourself for three days, you will live a very long life" to speak of the good quality of the sulphur hot spring. When Conrad had hurt his hand tendon, and also when Dunheely had suffered an injury that left him close to death, these hot springs completely heal them. (Novel 2)
Puu Alliance (プー同盟)<br/>
It's the abbreviation of " Shin Makoku's Wolfram was always a spoiled Puu Alliance". Established by Gunter; Gwendal joined as a member. (Novel 2)
Von (フォン)<br/>
A particle attached to the name of the 10 mazoku Nobles. Adding this particle to the name of the land they control is their last name.(Novel 1)
Pocket Monster Mazoku Kun (懐怪物魔族くん)<br/>
A popular toy especially among the aristocratic young boys.<br/>
It's monsters in a small container that you can train while making them fight. They possess three evolutions before reaching their full power. Since it's out in the open, they're allowed to use these lower mazoku (familiar spirit​s). Not only are pocket monsters expensive, but you must also have spare money for the registration fee. Since it doesn't appeal to the common people, it's difficult for it to become popular among them. (Novel 6)
Bubububun cicada (ブブブンゼミ)<br/>
These are the cicadas that fly throughout Shin Makoku to absorb the toxines after a strange disease that happens every 645 years, the Wormwood fever, occurs.<br/>
They're one of the "World's 7 Wonder Insects" called "Shinou's Assistants<ref>The kanji used is the one for 'angels', but it has a special reading</ref>". They're a popular topic of novels and plays, but all of a sudden The Great G (******). This time it is Greta's friends the couple Semiñor and Semiñorita<ref>It's a combination of semi (cicada) and señor and señorita (Mr. and Ms. in Spanish)</ref> the ones in charge of suctioning the toxics. (Novel 10)
Burikko- kun (鰤っ子くん)<ref>Burikko is a girl who pretends to be cute by playing innocent. </ref><br/>
The rolling motion on her stomach that the maidmer does.
やりすごると魚ックリ腰になる.(gaiden 3)
His Majesty's Love Basket Ranking (陛下ご籠愛番付)<br/>
A ranking of who people on the streets think is the person Yuuri likes. It represents the key positions with numbers. It's considered the raw material for "Heika Toto". (gaiden 1)
Heika Toto (陛下トト)<br/>
An abbreviation of "His Majesty Preferential Treatment Expectation". The secret pleasure of Shin Makoku citizens in guessing who Yuuri will fall in love with. Currently the "He will fold under Excellency Wolfram's pressure" is a favorite. There are others like "He will fall for Cherie the former Queens bonkyu bongs", "He'll run away with one of Excellency Gwendal's knitted animals because people don't understand their love" "He'll trai... raise a young beautiful girl to his liking", "Excellency Conrad will grab his majesty and run away barefoot with him" , "A broken Excellency Gunter will explode and while using a strange voice he'll run away with his majesty" and such. The forecasts are really diverse. (Novel 4)
His Majesty's Twenty-Four (陛下二十四宇)<br/>
A compilation by Anissina "Emergency Report: A true account!!! His Majesty's Twenty-Four." It's not a documentary that focuses on the police, but rather a simple dictionary that explains Earth's phrases that Yuuri uses a lot. Statements like "Healthy" or "Sea of Hell", although there are still doubts about its accuracy. There are plans to increase the terms in it. (Novel 7)
A song to break his Majesty (陛下を費美する歌)<br/>
A love song that Gunter composed secretly. There are 72 that have been confirmed to this day. A lot of people forget the lyrics. (Novel 6)
Plainsmen Tribe(平原組)<br/>
An organization that doesn't own lands in the country. They are sent to fight to other countries, train to be soldiers and this becomes their livelihood. <br/>
ince the eastern part of the continent pretty much became Shimaron too, they have gradually forgotten their pride and cared only about power. Currently it has a connection with Small Shimaron. Flynn is from this.(Novel 6)
Get compensation, redeem the coins (贖を引き裂いて償う)<br/>
A phrase that represents Shin Makoku soldier's preparedness. It's similar to the money that is paid to settle a fight. (Novel 9)
Someone else No.27 (別人27号)<br/>
A small PC with many modifications that Shouri got in a junk shop in Akihabara. (Novel 11)
Henachoko (へなちよこ)<br/>
Means Yuuri. Wolfram uses it usually, putting all his love into it. (Novel 1)
Venera (ベネラ)<br/>
It means 'hope' in Seisakoku language. She's the anti-government leader. Hazel. (Novel 9)
Berard (ベラール)<br/>
One of the three royal families that are regarded as the former rulers of the continent. They were reduced in numbers during the battle at Cole Nilzon. 20 years after the battle, the only survivor, Paig (peh-ee-gh), was transfered to the capital with the name Weller. (Novel 8)
Lake Constance (ボーデン湖)<br/>
The lake that works as a border between Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It's where April sunk the box. (Side Story 1)
Ball Park (ボールパーク)<br/>
A baseball field. It was constructed to celebrate Yuuri's 16th birthday in the Capital of Shin Makoku under the orders of Conrad. Both flanks are over 100 meters<ref>About the same as a professional baseball field.</ref>. A full fledged facility complete with team benches and spectator's seats. It seems that the grass naturally growing in the field has an embarrassing name. (Novel 4)
Heal (Hoimi - ホイミ)<br/>
A basic recovery spell that appears in the "Dragon Quest" game series. I think Yuuri has mastered it. (Novel 4)
What Yuuri called himself while being interviewed by the Executive Committee at the Van der Via Festival. There's a drama outside Japan where a hero of the same name uses things around him like flour and detergents, to escape situations by using science.<ref>Macgyver is called in Japanese: "Macgyver the Adventurer Rascal". And Yuuri actually registered with the whole name in Japanese "Macgyver the Adventurer Rascal" for the competition. </ref> (Novel 2)
Houjutsu (法術)<br/>
The magic that shinzoku and humans manipulate. It's said you're granted this power by wishing for it. You can be born with a natural talent for it or pray for it. It's activated with training and discipline. It does things like sealing evil (MA) and it also has many side effects for the mazoku. (Novel 1)
Houseki (法石)<br/>
A supplement to houjutsu, a mineral to give powers to those who aren't talented. Valuable minerals whose reserves are limited.
The high quality ones can only be excavated by the hands of women and children. The ring with a red stone that Alazon gave to her son Saralegui, was also made with houseki.
(Novel 3)
Houryouku (法力)<br/>
The power that opposes maryoku. (Novel 1)
I'm tired already (ボクもう疲れたよ)<br/>
Usually continued by " for some reason I'm really sleepy", the seasonal word is Patrasche<ref>It seems the Japanese are obsessed with "The Dog of Flanders" a story about a boy and a dog who work really hard, fail at everything and die at the end.</ref>. Used when you're feeling weak or tired due to hard labor. When you've reached your limit, an angel will come to pick you up. (Novel 10)
Pedestrian Hell (歩行者地獄)<br/>
Antonym of pedestrian heaven. To prohibit the passage of all citizens due to some circumstance.(Novel 10)
Bone static (骨パシ)<br/>
A form of communication that kotsuhizokus and kotsuchizokus can use to communicate through great distances. A function somewhere in between osteophony and telepathy. (Novel 9)
Translation jelly<ref> This word is also a slang for prostate. </ref> (翻訳心太)<br/>
If you pour it in your ear, you'll (theoretically) understand any language; it's Anissina's version of (Doraemon's) 'Translator Konyaku'. There was also a similar product called "Zukyiiin! In your ears!" that (theoretically) allowed the user to understand what animals say , but their eardrums went zukyiiiin! and hurt so its production was stopped. (Novel 11)
Major Danger (マージョルノキケーン) (No.1 & No.2)<br/>
Anissina's new anti-bird medicine. It even made an effect on zombie mode Josak's eyes. (Novel 10)
Marvel (マーベル)<br/>
Marvel Comics. American comics publisher of comics such as 'Spiderman' or 'X-MEN'. (Gaiden 2)
Mabo (マーボー)<br/>
Yuuri's alias when he was a fugitive for eloping and stole a bride. The name comes from 'Yanbo and Mabo Weather Forecast'.-> Yanbo (Novel 3)
Class B Lost Children Tracker (迷子追跡野郎Bクラス)<br/>
Private Investigation Company Mc Hattan. Although they seem rather competent, for some reason they're Class B. Although it's rumored that all of its members are former US. Army Commanders, a connection with the foreign drama 'A Team' cannot be confirmed. (Novel 1)
Maou (魔王)<br/>
The ruler of Shin Makoku, the country of the mazoku. Generation after generation, the maou boasts a vast power believed to be greater than that of gods. The succession is not hereditary, but decided by Shinou, and it's said that disobeying him can cause frightening results. Yuuri is the 27th maou. As for Earth maou, his maryoku isn't that powerful and he doesn't have a country. (Novel 1)
Maou's Harem (魔王奥)<br/>
A great harem for the maou. An area dedicated to the ruler's night games. A harem for those who do not wish to choose a partner. Since the previous maou was a female (Cherie), there were some very good looking machos in the underground harem. (gaiden 3)
Maou Statue (魔王像)<br/>
An artwork that Fanfan got from the treasure room in Big Shimaron. The head is an elefant.(Novel 8)
Demon Mirror -Makyou- (魔鏡)<br/>
①A symbol of Hildeyard's pleasure quarters. They are hung by the townspeople. If light hits from the right angle, it reflects a beautiful pattern on the floor. A shiny masterpiece.
②A lost mazoku treasure "Demon Mirror of the water surface"(水面の電鏡). At the bottom, there's a pattern of intertwining dragons. When you pour water into it and use it, it will show the figure of the person who's looking at it, in the past or future. For some reason, Hildeyard's Hinomoko stand served a dish with it. (Novel 4)
Maryoku Enhancement Blade (Magical Blade)魔力増強刃<br/>
Anissina's maryoku training device. With a long and thin-as-a-feather denter, if you bland it all day long, you can expect getting 6 times the average effect. It has nothing to do with the products to strengthen the abdominal muscles.<ref>Probably a reference to BodyBlade.</ref> (Novel 4)
Majutsu (魔術)<br/>
It's mainly used for important things like fighting or summoning the maou. In accordance with the war pact they have with the humans, they seem to control how much they use it. In places where there are fewer elements that obey the mazoku, (Like human territories), its effect is weaker.(Novel 1)
Machine gun protest(マシンガン抗議)<br/>
A characteristic of Yuuri, which is fatal for catchers and also very disadvantegous in life. An unstoppable mouth, due to an uncontrollable sense of justice. An extreme case of short temper. Another name for it: Turkish March. (Novel 1)
Maseki (魔石)<br/>
A stone that's only reactive to people who possess maryoku. The black stone that Morgif has on its forehead is also a maseki. Furthermore the blue maseki that's always hanging from Yuuri's neck, is a memento of Susana Julia that Conrad gave Yuuri. The stone that's rimmed with silver, is the size of a 500 yen coin, and has the Wincott coat of arms engraved in it. (Novel 1)
Mazoku (魔族)<br/>
①(In the other world) Beings that can use majutsu and live very long lives. They're enemies of the humans. Their hair, skin and even their shape, varies greatly among them, but if one of them is born with black in their bodies, it means that they have the special soul of a king or someone close to them. (Novel 1)<br/>
② (On Earth) Their looks and skills are similar to those of humans. They live a little longer than humans, and it's said that there are many who excel at something. (Gaiden 1)
MA Harmonic Bird Whistle (魔調和音鳥笛)<br/>
Whistle developed by Anissina. Using the sound waves that people can't hear, it is said to manipulate birds emotions (only to make them angrier though) (Gaiden 1)
Late stage adoption ban (末期姜子の禁)<br/>
A rule of the Edo period. When the head of a house died young without leaving any successors, soon after his death, a child was quickly adopted into the family as the heir. The ban prohibited this action. The reason Flynn had to dress up as her late husband, is because Small Shimaron, as a vassal state, had also adopted this ban.(Novel 5)
MA building blocks demolition (魔積み木崩し)<br/>
An educational household toy recommended by Anissina. Boys are also encouraged to use them. The goal of the game is to get women who have taken a wrong turn, to gain their independence. (Novel 6)
Ma powered laundry scissors (魔動洗濯バサミ)<br/>
Product that can eliminate unpleasant others with a little bit of maryoku. Although pinching your nose is convenient. (Gaiden 1)
Ma powered Kite (魔動凧)<br/>
Suspicious Kite used frequently by Anissina to go from one place to another. Ideal for violating the airspace of the Volatire territory. (Gaiden 1)
Ma powered trailing bullet (魔動追撃弾)<br/>
Its goal is to explode. A bullet that can be lunched manually and chases after its target. It's quite heavy. (Novel 7)
Ma powered grinding device (魔動挽肉製造器)<br/>
A prototype of a ma powered device that Anissina made in the year she came of age. A rotated blade in a cylinder to put pigs in and grind them. It seems that something also happened when Minchey wandered off from her brother. (Novel 4)
Ma powered hemming device (魔動服の裾上げ)<br/>
With just a little bit of maryoky you can easily hem up any clothes. It's recommended to always having in the sewing box. (Gaiden 1)
Ma powered water heater (魔動湯沸かし器)<br/>
With just a little bit of power (it does exactly what the name states) (Gaiden 1)
Maryoku - Magic - Demon power (魔力)<br/>
Power that the mazokus possess (those who are half humans do not possess it). The strength of such power is determined by the quality of the soul they're born with. They can use elements like Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water, by making pacts with them. (Novel 1)
Maryoku Container(魔力瓶)<br/>
Has the Poison Lady seal. Using it with the Maryoku Amplifier Device, this can make a container of highly concentrated maryoku. It's what makes it possible for Shinou to be materialized (as long as it's always on him). (Novel 17)
Maolin Kick Ball (魔林蹴球運)<br/>
Sport recommended by Anissina. At any rate, there's no connection to "Shaolin Soccer".  (Novel 6)
The Substitute Hakuraku (身代わり伯楽)<br/>
A story about a violent girl who swaps places with aristocrats brothers, and become a big success after riding a horse. In China, Hakuraku is a famous horse connoisseur​. It has absolutely no connection to the "The Substitute Countess" series (author: Kiyohara Mimori). It's described in "The Other World's Poison Lady's Biting the Whole Fruit Complete Encyclopedia ". (Novel 17)
Bathing suits (水着)<br/>
It's mandatory to wear them in the Hildeyard hot springs. The ones lent out (to men), are yellow super bikini, with a tail attached to the posterior side. It seems women like them a lot. (Novel 4)
Mitsuemon (ミツエモン)<br/>
The alias Yuuri used when heading to Van der Via, similar sounding to 'Mito Komon'. He also used it in the Hildeyard Pleasure Quarters. It's a nickname he uses often. Using the story of being a young master of
" a whole sale crepe store in Echigo", he confused Hyscliff by using words like 'Echigo' and 'Chirimen'.
-> Kakunoshin (Novel 2)
Mickey (ミッキ)<br/>
A mazoku in charge of the guest house security in the Blood Pledge Castle. Basically, its made of two large hands similar to that of a mouse with the same name; each of them are several meters long. You can run on the area between the index and middle fingers (in that area in between them). (Gaiden 1)
Stowaway IMPOSSIBLE -Mikkou impossible- (密航インポツシブル)<br/>
Stowing away is actually a difficult MISSION to accomplish, it has nothing to do with a spy's strategy. (Novel 9)
Minovsky particle (ミノフスキー粒子)<br/>
A fictional subatomic particle that appears in the "Mobile Suit Gundam " series. If they are sprayed in space, it makes it difficult to communicate using conventional radio waves. When the communication between Rodriguez and his friend dropped, the particle was listed as one of the reasons. There's a high probability that he was just pretending, simply because he wanted to say the line "Damn, those Minovsky particles!". Or actually that's exactly what happened without a doubt. (Gaiden 2)
Minchey (ミンチー)<br/>
The name of Densham's domesticated roosters. Number 19 had a white and light brown pattern on it. They're on bad terms with Anissina.<ref>We've read about Minchey No.19 in Gaiden 1. And Minchey No. 54 , in the story " Never Ending Poison Lady" part 2.</ref>(Gaiden 1)
Munschtettner (ムンシュテツトナ)<br/>
The place of origin of the Karbelnikoff Family, before joining the mazoku. (Novel 4)
Alarm clock bird (目覚まし鳥)<br/>
A bird that cries in the morning in Shin Makoku. Similar to chickens. You know it's time to wake up when the bird has cried three times, which is approximately 1 hour after early morning. (Novel 4)
Wooden horse (木馬)<br/>
A fictional battleship of the Earth Federation Army that appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam series, the White Base. This codename was used so that the Zeon Army wouldn't know what they were talking about. Rodriguez (who cosplays as captain 'Bright Noa') and
his friend seem to be alligned with the Earth Federation.(Gaiden 2)
Comittee to eradicate all Popular Men (モテ男撲滅委員会)<br/>
Yuuri is affiliated to this group. The group members also attempt to escape their unpopular life. There's a similar commission that attempts to eradicate Christmas.<ref>Google for videos of "クリスマス撲滅委員会"</ref>(Novel 6)
Monitaa (もにたあ)<br/>
An abbreviation of "In order to create better things, I want to test them on your body" (When asked, shouldn't it be moniata? she dismisses the comment). In other words Anissina's laboratory guinea pig to make Ma powered devices. (Novel 3)
If only Box (もしもボックス)<br/>
A secret tool that a robot cat made in Japan possesses. It has the shape of a public telephone box. When you say "If only" to the receiver, when you come out of it, the "if only " world displays before you. (Gaiden 2)
Pink Eared Poison Rabbit (モモミミドクウサギ)<br/>
They appear in the Shimaron wilderness. Their numbers have decreased rapidly in recent years and it's now a endangered species. (Novel 7)
Mörgif (モルギフ)<br/>
A legendary sword that only the Maou can use. Its official name is " Willem Dussolier Eli do Mörgif". If it absorbs a life, it releases a terrible power. There's a really unfortunate face on the handle, which makes sounds. The name "Melgib" that Yuuri sometimes calls it, is in reference to Mel Gibson the main character of "Lethal Weapon". (Novel 2)
Mole mole (モレモレ)<br/>
Slang for brothers(兄弟). Mole means older brother(兄) and Mole means younger brother(弟). It's impossible to know which is which. (Novel 3)<ref>The explanation was based on the kanji.</ref>
Goat Milk (山羊乳)<br/>
In the other world, rather than cow milk, the staple is goat milk. If you drink it, you'll grow taller for sure. It also cures short tempers and cowardice. (Novel 5)
Baseball (野球)<br/>
What Yuuri loves dearly. He was a member of the Baseball Club in Junior High and formed his own grass lot baseball team in high school. In terms of professional baseball, he prefers the Pacific League. (Novel 1)
Yanbo (ヤンボー)<br/>
Gwendal's alias. He got the name from the bunny he was taking care of. (Novel 3)
Yuuri (ユーリ)<br/>
It means 'July'. And also it seems, "Children born in July are blessed because they need to grow strong to survive the summer". By the way, there's also rumors that the refreshing young man who came up with this theory was also born on this month. There's another theory that says that the reason for the name is that it's similar to Julia. (Novel 1)
Snow Gunter (雷ギュンター)<br/>
①A state of Gunter overpassing that of frenzy, due to his excessive jealousy. It's standard for him to shoot lasers as freezing as a dragon's breath in this state. (Gaiden 1)<br/>
② Made by Anissina. A naked Gunter that due to the progresion of a poison arrow shot at him, left him in a state similar to being dead. Gwendal mounted a snow bunny made by him on its crotch which hardened with the surrounding snow. Later when he was being controled by the Wincott Poison, it showed a truly pathetic figure. (Novel 5)
Dream Theater (夢芝居)<br/>
A super ma powered device to experience dreams. A pillow and mic set. Place the pillow next to the sleeping person, stand beside them holding the microphone and 'act' as if you were asleep. You'll be able to enter their sleep. (Gaiden 3)
Anti travel sickness medicine (酔い止め)<br/>
In the other world you make it by mixing the eyeball of blood sucking bats with poisonous frog, rotten pears, and maidmer fish scale powder. For people's use. (Novel 12)
4126 (good bath) (4126 よいふろ) <br/>
The last four of Murata's cell phone number. It's also the wordplay in a famous commercial for the Itoh Hot Spring hotel phone number.(Gaiden 4)
Bewitching (Youen 妖艶)<br/>
Ma powered Secretary No.1, made by Anissina. Contrary to it's name it's not bewitching at all. Inspite of this it's always making sexy poses, this function cannot be cancelled. (Novel 4)
Labour Camp (寄場)<br/>
Women who do not vow to break it off after marrying other races, infidelity, eloping and comitting adultering while in priesthood, are sent to the Svelera Labour Camps. The women still in shakles mine houseki while guards oversee. (Novel 3)
Resurrection group (蘇り組)<br/>
Zombie group controlled by Alazon's power of 'Using the Dead' (Actually it's Yelshi controlling them. ) Their looks and nature are fundamentally different than the North Korean Group for Pleasure Women (kipummjo). (Novel 12) (Connection needed. Please check)
Raaji (ラーヒ)<br/>
One of the three ruling families of Shimaron. After they were confined to Gershon, in current Small Shimaron, their lineage was broken. (Novel 8)
Rah Oil - La Oil- (ラー油)<br/>
Although Gwendal banned the divination method that included dropping small animals into this oil for divination, Gunter invented a new method in Shin Makoku, by dropping a large amount of red peppers in it instead. (Novel 2)
Rabacop (ラバカップ)<br/>
A rare animal owned by Louis Biron. Details unknown. It probably has no connection to the 'Rubber Cup' used for toilets.(Novel 4)
Rafflesia<ref>This is a foreign word, spelled with kanji, that give it its meaning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafflesia</ref>- Rotten Spirits-(螺腐霊死唖)<br/>
Plants that live in the Shin Makoku wetlands. It's said that it can have smell as bad as that of souls rotting . It has huge and grotesque petals. (Novel 7)
Ruttenberg (ルッテンベルク)<br/>
Territory controlled by Shin Makoku, found along its Western border. It was an area were a lot of humans had always lived. Later it was given to Dunheely, who became its first ruler. Conrad's birthplace. (Novel 7)
Ruttenberg Division. (ルッテンベルク師団甲)<br/>
Originally, it was the Limerick Corps of the 12th Division. Commander Limerick was changed at the very last moment and Lord Weller Conrart rose to the top. It has this name because it was composed mostly of half bloods. Their loyalty to Shin Makoku was questioned due to the blood running through them. With a little under 4000 men, they fought desperately to stand their ground in Arnold. (Novel 7)
Lion of Ruttenberg (ルッテンベルクの獅子)<br/>
Another name given to Conrart. Different concepts, like Conrart's hair being a little longer than now, his birthplace, and a brave animal, overlap in the name given to him. (Novel 2)
Red Snake Come on (レッドスネークカモーン!)<br/>
A comedian. It doesn't matter whether The Chopin Hunter of Tokyo Comic Show, or Tokyo Magic Robinson (Murata) say the lines, a real Red Snake won't come out. (Novel 6)
Red Socks (レッドソツクス)<br/>
A professional baseball team of Masachussets. It belongs to the American League East. Papa Shibuya and Conrart are fans of this team. Yuuri uses their home stadium, Fenway Park, along with that of the Tokorozawa (Seibu) stadium, as a reference measure (For example: 5 times Fenway Park). (Novel 1)
Rochefort territory (ロシュフオール地方)<br/>
Southwestern area of Shin Makoku. Rich in mineral resources, especially, silver. (Gaiden 1)
Robinson (ロビンソン)<br/>
Nickname that Yuuri made Murata use when they were travelling. I'd call him advisor to Captain Crusoe, but sometimes he miraculously transforms into therapist and magician 'Tokyo Magic Robinson'. (Novel 5)
Robocop (ロボコツプ)<br/>
American movie. Science Fiction Action movie about a deceased cop, that uses a robotic body. It has no connection to Louis Biron's rare animal.<ref>Of course, this means it does. In the drama cd, the rare animal makes an appearance and sounds like Robocop.</ref> (Novel 4)
Romero and Argento (ロメロとアルジェント)<br/>
Classical drama. One of Shin Makoku's three tragedies. A man and a woman who couldn't be together in life, decide to be together in death (continue to live as kochizokus) and drink the purple medicine (but it was fake and they ended up as living dead), a real tragedy. Rather than being like Earth's "Romeo and Juliet", it's more like a zombie story. Furthermore, this has nothing to do with either George A. Romero (movie director, masterpiece: Zombie); nor Dario Argento (Movie director, masterpiece: Suspiria ) (Gaiden 1)
Romero's poison (ロメロの飲み薬)<br/>
The new purple poison, from the famous play. Made by Anissina. When applied to a healthy person, they start rotting alive. Gwendal's right arm, once became the ultimate sacrifice. (Gaiden1)
Longabal River (ロンガルバル川)<br/>
A river that goes north in Small Shimaron. Yuuri and Murata who were captured by Flynn, traveled through it on a boat towards Big Shimaron. There's a (currently functioning) refugee camp near the river side. (Novel 6)
'My Bronze Statue' Plan ( 「我が銅像」計画)<br/>
What 'transformed' Yuuri aimed for. A dictatorship. He wanted to build bronze statues of himself in various places of Shin Makoku. The plan has nothing to do with "Mein Kampf"<ref>In Japanese "Mein Kampf" is wagatozo, and "my bronze statue" is wagadozo. </ref> (by Adolf Hitler). (Novel 8)
Take me out to the Ball game (私を野球に連れてって)<br/>
"Take me out to the Ball Game" is a beloved song among American fans. Yuuri has no doubt it's a love song. (Novel 10)
Trap Lady (罠女)<br/>
This is the new goal that Greta set for herself, once she realized that you need maryoku to be a Poison Lady. In other words a genius trap master. (Gaiden 3)

Latest revision as of 23:08, 8 November 2020


Instruction Manual[edit]

◆The goal of this dictionary is to explain the story of the Maruma series novel (Takabayashi Tomo ・Kadokawa Beans Bunko). Please use it as supplementary reading for the paperback. We don't assume any responsibility if you do not find this to be useful at all after reading it.

◆ This document is separated in two parts: "People" and "Things", each of them in Japanese syllabary order. Since there may be many spoilers to the story, please judge yourself how important the term is for you.

◆ There are people's names, organizations, and other words whose original meaning can be guessed while reading the story, but since the series takes place in another world, all of that is basically not connected to it. Furthermore, since we're not taking any age groups into account, the explanations might be aged biased. The parts that you don't understand, ask your dad. Or ask your mom to tell you. If you're still not getting an answer, try your granddad... or maybe your grandma.

◆ There are remarks that include the prejudice of the compilers. It's up to you if you want to believe them. Also, depending of the situation, euphemisms might be included. Please read the air.

◆Since even the author herself has gotten confused some times (maybe it's amnesia), if there are things that really don't make sense, please pretend you don't see it, and leave it alone.

The title's of the novels are abbreviated like this.[edit]

(Novel 1 ) - Starting Today I'm in Ma!Freelance Work!!
(Novel 2 ) - This Time it's the Ultimate Ma!Weapon!
(Novel 3 ) - Tonight is the Great Ma!Escape!!!
(Novel 4 ) - Tomorrow a Ma!Wind Will Blow!
(Gaiden 1) - His Excellency and the MA Tosa journal!?
(Novel 5 ) - The Ma!Sun Will Definitely Rise!
(Novel 6 ) - Someday in the Ma!Twilight!
(Novel 7 ) - The Ma!Snow Dances in the Sky!
(Novel 8 ) - A Ma!Star Falls to the Earth!
(Side Story 1) - The Facade of the Lady Is a Disguise!
(Novel 9 ) - Aim for the Ends of the Ma!Ocean!
(Gaiden 2 ) - My Son is in Ma!Freelance Work!?
(Novel 10 ) - This is the First Ma!Step!
(Novel 11 ) - This Will Become a Ma!Song!
(Novel 12 ) - The Treasure is in the Ma!Soil!
(Novel 13 ) - The Box is Ma!Bottom of the Water!
(Gaiden 3 ) - Starting Today I'm the Ma!King!?
(Novel 14 ) - The Sand is at the End of the Ma!Road!
(Novel 15 ) - Set Ma!Sail for Home!
(Gaiden 4 ) - From Shin Makoku With Love
(Novel 16 ) - Before Us is the Ma!Prison!
(Novel 17 ) - Behind Us is the Stone Ma!Wall!


Arsenio (アーセニオ)
Roberski Arsenio: the 22nd Maou. Famous as the Great War King. (Novel 1)

Von Grantz Adalbert: He used to be one of the ten nobles, but because he abandoned the mazoku, "Lord" is not added to his name. Macho. In his heart, Yuuri nicknamed him 'Denver Broncos' an American Football team name. (Novel 1)

Red Crocodile- (Aka Wani-赤鰐-)
A heavy offender in the Darco prison. (Novel 17)

Ajira (アチラ)
An official interpreter of Seisakoku. A man who wears thick Kent-Derricott glasses. His ancestors up until his grandparents were slaves, but due to their interpreting skills (he claims that it is houryoku) were raised in status to citizens. Venera's collaborator. (Novel 11)

Anissina (アニシナ)
Lady von Karbelnikoff Anissina. Owns a special laboratory in the basement of Blood Pledge Castle. Has poor handwriting. She's a redhead that possesses the monstrous strength to pick up a man with a single hand, but she has nothing to do with the Russian figure skater Marina Anissina (who pairs up with Gwendal Peizerat for ice dancing). (Novel 1)

Abigail (アビゲイル)
Abigail Graves. Female, American high school student. Great grandchild of April Graves. She's a part-time cheerleader and treasure hunter. A Japanophile who's e-mail friends with Hashimoto Asami. (Novel 11)

Amuro (アムロ)
Amuro Rei, the main character of 'Mobile Suit Gundam'. A person who's never been hit even by his father. Matthew Olsen's pseudonym. (Gaiden 2)

Alazon (アラゾン)
A brave[1] shinzoku woman. The previous empress of Seisakoku. She had twin boys with the king of Shou Shimaron, Gilbert, but the oldest of the twins was moribund. In order to revive him, she rushed through the underground labyrinth and prayed to 'Inferno on the Tundra' that was in the Royal Tombs. Although it's unknown whether it was an effect of the box, the child started breathing again, but Alazon was cursed and she herself slowly started to turn into a dead person instead. In order to keep him away from the curse and from the depths of death, she made her revived child, Saralegui, return with her husband to Small Shimaron. (Novel 12)

Al Pacino (アル・バチーノ)
An American actor who became famous due to the movie "The Godfather". According to Shouma, there's a high probability that he's a mazoku. (Gaiden 2)

Andy (アンディ)
Boy with shinzoku blood who was housed with JayFre[2] in the Shimaron facility. (Novel 7)

Amblin (アンブリン)
Was taken away from corrupt traders and turned into Gwendal's secretary. A woman with a big waist. She's excellent and active in mental work. Dacascos's wife. She once took her daughter and divorced him, but later they got back together. (Gaiden 1)

Henri Régent( アンリ・レジャン)
Friend of Bob and Hazel. Former French military doctor. Gentle-mannered but doesn't trust people. He tried to move the box on his own. One of Murata's previous lifes (one of the users of his soul). (Side Story 1)

Yelshi (イェルシー)
Emperor of Seisakoku. Like his mother he can use the 'death servant' houjutsu. Although he acted meek at first, when they got to the imperial capital of Yelshiulad, he had the same ideas as his older brother Saralegui. (novel 11)

Ishihara Shintaro (石原慎太郎)
Novel author and current Governor of Tokyo. His younger brother Ishihara Yuujiro is an actor. Shouri likes his book "Little Brother" very much. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University. (Gaiden 2)

Izura (イズラ)
① The name of the last princess of Svelera. Although she entered the Zorashia Empire as the third wife, she died later in the civil war. Greta's mother.
②Sveleran girl from the Hildeyard Pleasure District. A girl who runs very fast, Wild Goat Girl (カモシカちゃん). Because in Svelera committing adultery with unmarried adult women is a crime, the main source of income is minors (Novel 4)

Ito Tsutomu (伊東勤)
Seibu Lion's catcher and coach. During his active time as a player, he wore the number 27 on his jersey. The beloved mentor that Yuuri secretly admires. It seems that Yuuri received his initiation as a catcher from him. (Novel 1)

Inou Tadataka (伊能忠敬)
An expert cartographer. When he was lost, Yuuri wished there was a person like him in Shin Makoku. (Gaiden 1)

Iwaki (岩鬼)
Iwaki Masami. Character of the manga Dokaben (by Shinji Mizushima). A professional baseball player that holds a leaf in his mouth and calls Yamada Taro 'Ya~mada'. Yuuri, who forgot he was transferred from his Fukuoka Daiei Hawks to the Tokyo Superstars, treats him like 'a person of the enemy team.'

Inglath (イングラス)
A Shimaronian general that overthrew the original Berard Royal Family. Obsessed with the boxes, hates mazoku. He later renamed his own family Berard. (Side Story 1)

Waltorana (ヴァルトラーナ)
Wolfram's uncle. The current head of the Bielefeld family. In the novels so far there's nothing more than the notation "Bielefeld's Uncle", but when he had to appear in the anime, the author named him. An advocate of pure-blooded mazoku.

William (ウィリアム)
A negotiator (NEGOTIATOR) of confrontational criminals. Before singing a song composed he composed himself, 'I was born in Wisconsin,' at My Golden Microphone, he was suddenly recalled by the Boston Police. He later became a psychiatric counselor and worked with Diaz in the FBI. He didn't get discouraged and published a sequel called 'Born and raised in Wisconsin.' In addition, Yuuri composed a musical number called 'Wisconsin, all the way to the bone.' It has nothing to do with his hometown. (Gaiden 2)

Professor Ueda (上田教授)
Ueda Jiro. Professor at Japan's Science and Technology University. His special skill is karate, which he learned through correspondence courses. Murata loves reading all his books that use science to explain strange and paranormal things called 'Come at Me, Paranormal Activity.' He's a character in the show "TRICK" (on Asahi TV). (played by Abe Hiroshi) (Novel 6)

Wolfram (ヴォルフラム)
Lord von Bielefeld Wolfram.
Sleeping face of an angel with the sleeping habits of a devil. When compared to his fiance they're EVEN in height, but the length of his legs are certainly longer. Yuuri's first impression was that he looked like the 'One of Boys Vienna Choir OB.' His next impression was that he 'yapped like a pomeranian dog.' (Novel 1)

Ulrike (ウルリーケ)
Oracle Priestess. Highest ranking woman in Shinou's Shrine. With silver hair that flows down to the floor, she is an 800 year old with the appearance of a young girl. Summons Yuuri and is the only living being who can hear Shinou's words. (Novel 5)

Edith (エーディット)
Edith Bapp. Jewish woman. Tasks April Graves with investigating the 'Mirror of the Deep Waters' that was stolen by Nazi Germany. (Side Story 1)

April (エイプリル)
April Graves.
Her lady appearance is only a facade. Later in life, after teaching her granddaughter Crystal the secret family business, she retired and flew around the world with her husband as the director of a charity. (Side Story 1)

Amy (エイミー)
Girl with shinzoku blood who was confined with Jayfre in the Shimaron facility. (Novel 7)

ESPer Ito (エスパー伊東)
Japanese celebrity. Murata identifies him as a psychic, but his thing is 'psychic ability' not ESP. According to Yuuri, he's Japan's 4th most famous Ito. (Novel 8)

Ettiene (エチエンヌ)
A court painter that made even suicidal men pale who was once employed by Blood Pledge Castle to draw the portrait of Shinou and the Daikenja from his imagination. He devised the so-called technique of 'montage.' (Novel 16)

Emma (エマ)
A village girl who lives near the borders. Refugee. (Novel 1)

Eric Clapton (エリック一クラプトン)
The guitarist that Murata mistook with Superman's hometown (Krypton). (Novel 9)

Enjoy (エンジョイ)
A female reporter associated to a local TV station in New York. She was covering the Gay Parade on Fifth Avenue. (Gaiden 2)

Owen Brothers (オーウェン兄弟)
Brothers who lived in El Sahuayo [3]. They rode with Conrad in their own car. (Gaiden 1)

Odil (オーディル)
Lord von Wincott Odil.
Head of his family. Susanna Julia's father. Has already retired from military service. Lives a somewhat reclusive life. (Gaiden 3)

Oobayashi Nobuhiko (大林宣彦)
The film director (famous for 'Tenkousei') of the movie 'I are You, You am Me' (author: Yamanaka Hisashi). Although it should be noted that the line "Mikan to okan" comes from the anime 'Atashin'chi'. (Novel 13)

Osugi and Piko (おすぎとピーコ)
Japanese twin celebrities.
The older brother Piko is a fashion critic, the younger, Osugi, a film critic. It was an alternative proposal by Murata, who disliked the name of the twin sisters as Jason and Freddy. Either one is weird.... (Novel 7)

Gardino (ガーディーノ)
An adolescent temporarily working in Dai Shimaron's garrison who went to the capital to study art and theater. To pay for his studies, he passionately plays the part of the dying Norman Gilbit. After that, he used his experience as a shepard to be the coachman that helped leave with the disguised 'End of the Wind' (Novel 8)

Carla (カーラ)
Calorian girl (Novel 7)

KatzLetzKikka (カツレツキッカ)
The war orphan trio Katz, Letz, and Kikka - characters of "New Mobile Suit Gundam" who were evacuated to the White Base. Since they are synonyms of children to Federation Fans (apparently), the Shibuya brothers, who ran away from home, are called this by the leg-hair-boasting Fraw. (Gaiden 2)

Kamei Shizuka (亀井シズカ)
Girl who challenged Murata in the February mock tests, a girl who was his rival in middle school (there's also a 'girlfriend' theory). She was also a classmate of Yuuri in second year of middle school. It should be noted that it's not an alias and she's also not a politician.[4] (Novel 13)

Carlos (カルロス)
A boy with black eyes and black hair from a diner in El Savallo. The first person that Conrad meets when he arrives on Earth. He lives with his mother and younger sister. (Gaiden 1)

Gisela (ギーゼラ)
Lady von Christ Gisela.
Healer Demon Sergeant. May be the only living being in Shin Makoku capable of opposing the Poison Lady. (Novel 6)

Kinan (キーナン)
Former subordinate of Günter. An archer who always carries a quiver and has sanpaku eyes as sharp as those of an eagle. The most skilled in Shin Makoku. He left on a journey with Gisela and Dacascos to look for Yuuri, but went missing during the trip, taking Conrad's left arm with him to Shou Shimaron. Afterwards, hired by Maxine, he participates in the assassination (attempt) of Saralegui. He's looking for the body of his older brother who was (thought to have been) killed during the last great war. (Novel 5)

Keisha (キェシェ Kieshe)
Carlos and Nikki's mother. A firm woman who runs a diner in place of her deceased husband. (Gaiden 1)

Kisilis, the Seaweed King (キシリスの海藻王)
Human royalty who once suffered the effects of the Wincott Poison. Published in 'The Handbook of Murder by Poison.' (Novel 5)

Kinis (キニス)
Middle aged farmer who, as the representative of the village, tried to sacrifice his own daughter to stop the 'curse' of the dead attacking people. (Gaiden 4)

Tusked Tortoise (Kiba Game 牙亀)
One of the prisoners of Darco. The crime he committed is for sure not voyeurism[5]. (Novel 17)

Günter (ギュンター)
Lord von Christ Günter.
He sat on the 'most beautiful mazoku' throne for 50 years. Is (approximately) 150 years old. Commanding officer of Majesty Yuuri's Passionate Loyal (madly in love LOVE) Imperial Guards[6]. There are rumors about him having a soukoku fetish. Is in fact, tone deaf. (Novel 1)

Gilbert (ギルバルト)
Former king of Shou Shimaron. Father of Saralegui and Yelshi. After the last great war, he washed ashore in Seisakoku and wedded Empress Alazon. (Novel 12)

Girhen Zabi (ギレン・ザビ)
Character of 'New Mobile Suit Gundam.' Zeon General. Highly skilled instigator who gives speeches similar to Hitler's. Murata's mental image of Maxine. (Novel 6)

Gwe Dal (Gu Uedaru - 具・上樽)
The eternal victim in the Poison Lady Anissina series. His physical appearance is very similar to Gwendal's. (Novel 9)

Gwendal (グウエンダル)
Lord von Voltaire Gwendal.
Contrary to what one would think considering his strict character, the amount of 'onee'[7] subordinates he has is abnormally high. It has also been suggested (by Anissina) that he might pick his soldiers for their looks. Yuuri's first impression of him was that he could almost hear the "Godfather · Love theme". (Novel 1)

Qracian (クラシアン)[8]
Man from a plumbing company in Shin Makoku. He does things like fixing the clogged drain in Blood Pledge Castle and repairing the rain gutter of the gazebo. (Novel 7)

Glenn (グラン)
Macho in the Maou's Harem who wears a naked bowtie (blue) and unfashionable underwear. Blue Crazy Hunk. (Gaiden 3)

Crystal (クリスタル)
Crystal Graves. April's granddaughter and Abigail's mother. She received a request from Conrad to retrieve the left arm of her grandfather's ancestor, Robert. (Side Story 1)

Christine (クリステイン)
Murata's previous life (soul user). Seems to have been a completely devoted[9] actress. (Gaiden 1)

Grizzly (グリズリー)
A criminal in the Darco Prison. Name given by Yuuri. Unlike his appearance, he has a beautiful voice (Novel 17)

Greta (グレタ)
Human girl who went from Maou assassin to Yuuri's adopted daughter. About 10 years old. The tattoos she has of her mother's name on her left shoulder and her father's name on her right shoulder were a custom of Zorashia's Imperial family. (Novel 4)

Glenn Gordon Weller (グレン・ゴードン・ウエラー)
Dunheely Weller's father. A descendant of the three kings renowned in the continent's history. Weller is only a part of his original family name. He was forced to change his name and live as a captive person. His alias was 'The continent's number one dandy.' (Novel 8)

Quatro Bajina (クワトロ バジーナ)
Char Aznable's other name. (Novel 13)

Gegenhuber (ゲーゲンヒューバー)
Lord Grisela Gegenhuber, known as Hube.
Gwendal's cousin from his father's side. Although love between mazoku and humans was legal, he resurfaced an old-fashioned idea that one should doubt the loyalty of those of mixed blood to ensnare Conrad, inviting heartache to Susanna Julia and eventually pushing her to her death. However, while looking for the mateki in Svelera as he was ordered to, he met and fell in love with a human woman, Nicola. Because he was in a country that did not allow relationships between races, they were captured and separated and he was tortured because of the box, but with Greta's help he managed to escape and started looking for a way to die while roaming the pleasure district. Currently he's back in Shin Makoku and is the father of a boy. (Novel 3)

Kevin Bacon (ケビン・ベーコン)
Actor that Miko likes. It seems she also likes Brad Pitt (Gaiden 2)

Gerhart (グルハルト)
Gerhart Horbart.
Although he's an elite Harvard graduate, he's an otaku. He is the grandson of April's cousin, Diane. His great grandfather was a butler to the Graves. According to a will, he took good care of a metal fragment of 'Inferno on the Tundra.' Known as Golg. Saying "Nantomonaize!" (It's completely perf(ect)!) with a thumbs up is his catchprase. Furthermore Gogg was a mass production water type MS produced by the Zeon army. Sergeant Rasa who rode on the Gogg said this phrase "As expected from the Gogg, it's completely perf!" (novel 13)

Gengoroumaru (源五郎丸)
A baseball commentator in Koushien. It's unknown if it is his full name or only his last name. (Gaiden 4)

Kent (ケント)
A newscaster on a local TV channel in New York. Man of the Lloyd glasses. He's the person Shouma refered to when he was agitated and watching TV saying "Eeey, that's enough of the Lloyd glasses guy! Show me Yuu-chan, show me Yuu-chan's struggling style!" In addition, the catch phrase of Tem Ray, Amuro Ray's father in Gundam is "Eeey, show me the Gundam, show me Gundam's fighting style" (Gaiden 2)

The Prefectural High school Second Year Ace (県立高校二年エース)
The tragedy-struck pitcher who couldn't stand on the mound at Koushien because he broke his leg in a traffic accident. He meets Yuuri by chance in Miss Heinz (pseudonym)'s car. (Gaiden 4)

Kouji Tomita (コージー冨田)
A bald Japanese entertainer that Yuuri remembered when he first saw the Cavalcade hair custom. He would change wigs according to the story. (Novel 2)

Cory (コーリィ)
DT's wife. A beautiful woman who runs a restaurant in Boston's Chinatown. (Side Story 1)

Godlen's Evil Princess (ゴドレンの悪妃)
A human from a royal family who suffered the effects of the Wincott Poison. Published in 'The Handbook of Murder by Poison.' (Novel 5)

Kobayashi Sachiko (小林幸子)
Singer. On stage (mainly in NHK's New Year's Eve singing contest), she wears flashy costumes. It was a term used to express the unusualness of His Royal Highness Berard II, as he stepped out of his gondola in the "Greatest Fighter" seats. Mikawa Kenichi can be used as a synonym. (Novel 7)

Lakeside Girl (湖畔族の少女)
The girl who gave fairly cold water to Yuuri when he first arrived in Shin Makoku and was tired after his first horseride. She said :"If we can be of help to Your Majesty until our very last drop, we'll be more than happy." This became a pact and is connected to the awakening of Yuuri's water maryoku. (Novel 1)

Convenience store part time worker (コンビニのパー卜店員)
A male college student who, because he was reading the customer service manual, was late to escape the venue during Jonathan's raid. He got a sermon for not being able to read fast enough. (Gaiden 2)

Conrad (コンラッド))
Lord Weller Conrart.
Dark brown hair. A characteristic of his light brown eyes is that its irises have silver spots scattered. He got the scar on his right eyebrow during some trouble when he was about to take Yuuri's soul to Earth. When he was temporarily with the Green Berets, he seems to have visited Boston, Washington, Staten Island, New Hampshire, Orlando, Quebec, Edinburgh, Wales, Dusseldorf, Cherbourg and other places. He is not aware that his jokes are lame (read: cold[10]) and he freezes his surroundings fairly often. (Novel 1)

Sizemore (サイズモア)
Shin Makoku's Navy Captain. His younger brother is also enrolled in the navy. Although he's a fierce man in sea battles, dubbed 'Sea Monster' (Umibouzu), he worries and feels sad about the top of his head looking like a Kappa[11]. He's straightforward and cries easily. (novel 7)

Saitou Dousan (斎藤道三)
Warrior of the Sengoku Period. A man called Mamushi(pit viper). His son, Yoshitatsu was killed in the Battle of Nagaragawa. He appeared in the NHK drama 'Hideyoshi' and in the Kadokawa movie 'Sengoku Self Defense Forces 1549.' In Yuuri's head he looks like a mix of Flynn and the unhappy leader of the Plainsmen. (Novel 6)

Saralegui (サラレギー)
Although he was enthroned only 2 years ago, he quickly changed the name of the capital and port, giving them his name. A dictator-like king. Sara. (Novel 9)

A man of few words with an iron sword (斬鉄剣の無口な男)
A man similar to Ishikawa Goemon (Lupin III), who sailed on the same ship as Wolfram. (Novel 6)

Captain Mountain Range (山脈体長)
Leader of the mercenaries from the Plainsmen. A bald person who looks like a mountain range himself. He has an 'X' scar on his head. A shy guy who talks to others through Terrine-shan . Alias: Captain of the Strait. His grandfather seems to have smuggled a lot with Seisakoku. (Novel 6)

Jason (ジェイソン)
① One of the shinzoku twin sisters. Possesses strong houryoku and is good at using fire houjutsu. It seems she also has the ability of knowing the history of a person's soul just by looking at their face. She grew up isolated with children born between humans and shinzoku in the Shimaron wilderness. She was taken by Maxine and because she believed him when he told her that she'd be given the Isolation Facility (church) if she won the 'World's Best,' she participated in the tournament. Later, she'd return to Seisakoku. -> Freddy (フレディ)
② Jason Voorhees. The main character of 'Friday the 13th.' A killer who wears a hockey mask to hide his face. By the way, contrary to the popular idea, he doesn't use a chainsaw to attack. (Novel 7)

Sigourney Weaver (シガニー・ウィーバー)
American actress. Since she went head-to-head with an alien, she made her way into Greta's Ranking of women she admires. (Gaiden 3)

Secord (シコード)
Blacksmith in Shin Makoku. He forged a sword dedicated to Maou Yuuri. He's affected by a strange disease, 'mugwort fever,' and seemed to be in a dying state. (novel 10)

Shibuya Shouma (渋谷勝馬)
Yuuri's old man ('oyaji'). His wife calls him 'Uma-chan[12]'. To protect the peace of the financial world, he fights day and night using his trusty personal computer and calculator, much like a shogunate warrior Global Banking Man (GroGinMan). He has a Bruce Lee - Level 7 certificate. As Shinou wanted it, he possesses Japanese DNA, is passionate, has guts, a sense of justice, and raised his son with the mental ability to create games. The oldest of three brothers. (novel 1)

Shibuya Shouri (渋谷勝利)
Yuuri's older brother. His mother calls him 'Shou-chan'. His woman type is Reni Milchstraße (from Sakura Wars). He released a dating Sim critic website where, among other things, he complains that when he gives the archery girl his little brother's name she has many behavioral problems. He was actually born on the 'Good Couple's Day' (November 22nd), but it seems because he wishes he was born on 'Good Older Brother Day' (November 23rd) he checks the Sagittarius horoscope without hesitating. (novel 1)

Shibuya Miko (渋谷美子)
Yuuri's mother. Maiden name: Motozawa (本沢). She's good with both the pen and the sword. Lifting weights is indispensable for her daily training and it seems she's also a capoeira master. She returns her enemy's boke (confusion) attack with a boke attack, meaning she's a user of the 'Boke Killing' technique. (Gaiden 2)

Shibuya Yuuri (渋谷有利)
His Majesty. Muscle head baseball brat. Has 2.0 vision on both eyes. He claims to be 170cm tall, but he's actually 2 mm short of that height. Ehh, isn't he shorter than that? There's that theory too.

Char Aznable (シャア・アズナブル)
Character of 'Mobile Suit Gundam.' His real name is Casval Rem Deikun. His nickname is 'the Red Comet.' His personal suit is 'a red that is three times than normal.' Murata called the high speed ship of the Dougards 'Char-like.' (novel 7)

Jichael Mackson (ジャイケル・マクソン)
Composed William's follow-up songs. It's believed that his name is a fake copy of the King of Pop's name (Gaiden 2)

Shas (シャス)
Jilta's father. Secretly helps mazoku in the country. Volunteer member of the 'Mo-re mo-re.' (Novel 3)

Justin (ジャステン)
Old man who lived in El Savallo. Mazoku from Earth. 82 years old. (Gaiden 1)

Jean-Luc (ジャン・リュツク)
Lord von Rocheford Jean-Luc. Second son of the Rocheford family. A representing ornithologist of the country. Anissina's fiance candidate. (Gaiden 1)

Stuffel (シュトッフェル)
Lord von Spitzberg Stuffel.
One of the Ten Nobles. Cherie's older brother. Although he's a blonde and a NICE MIDDLE(-aged man), you can see something greedy in his eyes.(Yuuri's opinion) Wanting to keep his power as regent/prime minister, when the former maou announced her resignation, he tried to the very end to repeal it. Failing to do so, he then tried to gain favor with a huge celebration when the new maou entered the castle. A man who only cares about power, but is a terribly foolish coward (Wolfram's opinion). The person who sent Conrad, who was rumored to be close to Susanna Julia, to Arnold was also him. (Novel 1)

Chevallier (シュバリエ)
Cherie's chamberlain. A quiet, capable, beautiful, blonde man. Or so we thought, but in reality he was the 25th Maou. When he abdicated, he sealed most of his power away. (Novel 1)

Schulz (シュルツ)
Colonel. A person holding great power within the Nazi Germany Army. Or so you would think, but in reality he's a part of higher uppers who don't have a good opinion of dictators. It's a fictional character created to correct the organization's trajectory. (Side Story 1)

Sean Connery (ショーン・コネリー)
Famous English actor. He's famous for movies like '007'. According to Shouma, he and Tommy Lee Jones (an actor who plays an alien in coffee commercials), are men with the stench of angels. (Gaiden 2)

Genius actress from a shoujo manga (少女遅画の天才女優)
Character that Yuuri referred to when he was playing Norman, The Masked Feudal Lord. Since she's from a publication that his mother, Miko, was looking forward to the continuation of, she is thought to be Kitajima Maya (Glass Mask, author Suzue Miuchi), but it might be Himekawa Ayumi. (Novel 6)

Jilta (ジルタ)
A boy born from Shas's only daughter, Norika, and a mazoku man. Since his growth is slower than that of his peers, he gets bullied (Novel 3)

Shiro Zame (White Shark) (白鮫)
A heavy offender in Darco prison's disciplinary punishment section. (novel 17)

Shinou (眞王)
The first maou who has the power to appoint maou. He defeated the soushu and established Shin Makoku. For the mazoku, he's an entity similar to that of God. His portrait is that of a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, whose face is similar to Wolfram's, and a strong, indomitable sense of dignity that reminds you of light. He's the 'if you remain quiet you're beautiful' type. The perfect example of a legendary person who's better off remaining a legend. Loves war. (Novel 1)

Schindler (シンドラー)
Oscar Schindler.
A German businessman who saved more than a thousand Jewish lives from Nazi Germany. He became a famous person after the movie 'Schindler's List' was released. (novel 5)

Susan (スーザン)
A female New York police officer. Participated in the Gay Parade. Her partner is Monica. (Gaiden 2)

Zusha (ズーシャ)
Shinzoku girl. One of the twins who gave Yuuri the letter written by Jayfre. Twin: Zeta (Novel 9)

Sugihara Chiune (杉原千畝)
Japanese diplomat who during World War II issued asylum visas to save more than 60000 Jewish people from being killed.(Novel 5)

Susanna Julia (スザナ ジュリア)
Lady von Wincott Susanna Julia.
A blind boxer that used to go by the name 'Julia the Bear Killer.' She liked Adalbert's cooking. Even when Yuuri's vision was SHUT OUT because of an extreme situation, it seems that A-sama's cooking lowered his guard. (Novel 2)

Stallone (スタローン)
Sylvester Stallone. One of the best Macho actors in America. According to Yuuri, his face looks like Alexander the Great's. (novel 7)

Stroup (ストロープ)
Saralegui's confidant subordinate (novel 9)

Zeta (ゼタ)
A Shinzoku refugee boy who was rescued from Shimaron waters by Yuuri. Twin: Zusha. (Novel 9)

Diane (ダイアン)
Diane Horbert. Maiden name: Graves. April's pure cousin. While married to an elite lawyer, she fell in love with Horbert the butler's son. (Novel 13)

Daikenja (大賢者)
The only being who stands on equal ground to that of Shinou in this world. As a person with black hair and eyes, the so-called soukoku, he is perceived by the mazoku as a super beauty. His soul preserves all of his memories through his different lives, and he is fated to stand next to the maou once again. It is a title that Murata Ken is currently crowned with. Because he's treated as a clergyman, he is called Your Highness (Geika) (Novel 1)

Dacascos (ダカスコス)
Lilit Latchie Nanatan Micotan Dacascos. Dacky-chan.
Günter's subordinate and a middle-aged soldier with a wife and child. He was forced to shave off all of his body hair during a trial period at a monastery, and he was almost turned into a zombie by the Poison Lady, among other things. His elderly mother collects aristocrats' trash as a hobby. (Novel 4)

Taka Me (Hawk Eye) (鷹目)
A mazoku man in Darco Prison's disciplinary punishment section. Kinan's older brother. (Novel 17)

Taguchi Tomorowo (田口トモロヲ)
Japanese actor. Murata imitated his impressive narration from 'Project X~ Challengers'(NHK). (Novel 5)

Dazai Osamu (太宰治)
A Showa[13] writer who wrote 'No Longer Human.' Yuuri clearly remembered him in association to "Run Melos!" during the Greatest Fighter (speed) competition. (Novel 7)

Tajima Youko (田嶋陽子)
A female politician who's also a TV personality and a scholar and who always has heated up discussion about women. After hearing Flynn's remark of 'hair is a woman's weapon,' an outraged Yuuri said 'If Dejima heard you!' and even continued talking unhappily about the difference in gender studies. (Novel 7)

Tanaka Kunie (田中邦衛)
A unique, Japanese actor. Yuuri once used this name to refer to Wolfram's face when he had just woken up and was sleepy. (Novel 4)

Tahara Souichiro (田原総一朗)
Raw eggs until morning... is not the name of the discussion program 'Live until morning' (TV Asahi). Yuuri used the same tone when he was being serious during the summit with Saralegui. (Novel 9)

Duncan (ダンカン)
A police officer in the NYPD . Participated in the Gay Parade. (Side Story 2)

Dunheely Weller (ダンヒーリー・ウエラー)
Conrad's father. Light brown hair and eyes. Has two tattoos on his left arm as a proof that he's an exile. After Maou Cherie gave him Ruttenberg, he saved oppressed people of mixed human and mazoku blood from human lands and turned it into a place where they could live. He died at age 89. (Novel 1)

Chucky (チャッキー)
① Shinzoku girl who lived in the same facility as Jayfre.
②Character of the horror movie 'Child's Play.' A killer in the body of a doll. It attacks people to regain its real body. (Novel 7)

Lady von Spitzberg Cäcilie. A queen who, as a result of Shinou's mischiefs/tampering, ended up having all her sons being 'keys.' Prefers clothes that accentuate her cleavage and legs. (Novel 1)

Tsuruoka Masayoshi (鶴岡雅義)
Leader of the mood band 'Tokyo Romantica.' Famous songs: 'Otaru no hitoyo' and 'Kimi wa kokoro no kaname dakara.' Because his name sounded familiar, Yuuri's belief that Murata was lying about his age strengthened. (Novel 6)

Dave Specter (デーブ・スペクター)
A man that Yuuri announced he liked more than Dave Ookubo (former professional baseball player). He's an American TV personality who speaks better Japanese than the Japanese. He's a Dajara (likes puns). (Novel 7)

Dana (デーナ)
Shinzoku girl who lived in the same facility as Jayfre. (Novel 7)

Diaz (デイアス)
A police inspector who makes lots of mistakes, has sideburns, wears a trench-coat and a dark hat, and has an unlit cigar in his mouth. Seems to be going for a Columbo look. Works for the Boston Police. He persuaded the burglar holed up in the convenience store. He likes cars, but is a bad driver who confuses the breaks with the gas. He crashed into the convenience store with the police car and was captured. He later moved on to the FBI. He's currently investigating an extensively wide area (Gaiden 2)

Asian man who, at the request of the late Hazel, became April's partner for two years. A treasure hunter who is skilled with machines. He and his beautiful wife have four children and six grandchildren. (Side Story 1)

The pilot who flew Bob's charter jet. DT's grandson. Real name unknown, age unknown. The J is probably not for 'Japan' but for 'Junior'. Self proclaimed 'Civilian Top Gun.' (Novel 13)

Davison (デイビソン)
Henstridge Davison. 20th Maou. The Slaughterer King. (Novel 1)

David (デイビツド)
Police officer with the NYPD. Drag name is Melanie. Went to the Gay Parade wearing an emerald green mini skirt. (Gaiden 2)

DiMaggio (ディマジオ)
Former Yankees player, Joe Dimaggio. Major League legend. When his sons got lost in New York, Shouma said that New York was built by an evil organization and that this person and everyone who had his genes should burn. (Gaiden 2)

Teketen (テケテン)[14]
A macho in the Maou's Harem how wore a naked bowtie (orange). Kansai dialect​ (Gaiden 3)

David (デビド)
A clever boy who is a representative for Kappa, no I mean the Copperfield Company who sells to passengers on a voyage on the Longarbar River.(ロンガルバル川). He's good at swimming but doesn't do any magic tricks[15]. (Novel 6)

Deuter (デューター)
Richard Deuter[16].
April calls him Richard using English pronunciation. A Nazi soldier(SS) with the rank of lieutenant and a subordinate of Schulz. Has light brown eyes with silver scattered in them. Robert was his grandfather's ancestor. Later he married April. (Side Story 1)

Dwayne (デュウエイン)
Von Gyllenhaal Dwayne. 21st Maou. The Belligerent King. (Novel 1)

Terakawa (寺川)
Son of a University professor. During the 5th grade, he was a target of bullying in Murata's class and was saved by Yuuri who was in the class next to his. Currently he's an outfielder in the grass lot baseball team. His jersey number is 41. It seems he used exchanges emails with Murata. (Gaiden 4)

Terahara (寺原)
Terahara Hayato . Professional baseball player. When he was in high school he got a record as the fastest in Koshien. He's Yuuri's dream partner. Yuuri says" Although I'm a bit scared, I want to catch his ball in an All-Stars one say". ( Gaiden 1)

Del Kiersen (デル・キアスン)
Lord von Wincott Del Kiersen. Susanna Julia's younger brother. He lost his sister at a young age and although he's the second son, he will be the successor. When he was young, he idolized Conrad. The father of Rinji, the next head of the family. (Gaiden 3)

Densham (デンシヤム)
Lord von Karbelnikoff Densham. Anissina's older brother. One of the Ten Nobles. He's more pro-business than pro-military. He pays incredible amount of taxes, making his contribution to the nation's finances very high. Likes chickens. (Novel 3)

Dokumamushi Sandayū (毒崚三太夫)
A Japanese actor that is good at playing around with old people. Sugamo's idol. Yuuri used his name to express his mental state of always being surrounded by people over 100 (Hazel, Conrad, Josak). (Novel 12)

Togrikol (トグリコル)
Person in charge of the Svelera camp. Warden. A white, Mohawk man with different hair, eyebrow, and beard colors. Justice reached him with Yuuri's grotesque mud-magic. (Novel 3)

Sir Topham Hatt (トツプハム・ハツト卿)
He is the head of the railway in Sodor, the island where Thomas the train is. Because he used his favorite hat for many years, he's missing hair at the top of his head.(Gaiden 3)

Donald (ドナルド)
Old man from New York. Geography geek. Because he likes land scouting so much he's lives a bit of a homeless life on the road.

Nakajima (中島)
Nakajima Hiroshi. Friend of Isono Katsuo (Sazae-san). Since he wears glasses, Murata (seems to be) secretly concerned about that character. (Novel 16)

Nathan Margan (ナタン・マルガン)
One of Murata's previous lives (soul users). (Side Story 1)

Narikin Girl (ナリキンガール)
The legendary medical teacher from Shin Makoku's Military School. Commonly known as the Devil in the White Coat. Someone very different from Nightingale. Her last words were "Why do I heal? Because there are patients there!".... patients, treated as objects. (Novel 10)

Nicola (ニコラ)
A Sveleran girl who lost her parents in the civil war. Looks like Ryōko Hirosue. She grew up in a facility close to Zorashia and although she was helping excavate houseki, she met Hube who had come looking for the mateki (demon flute) and got pregnant with his son. Although they had decided to elope, they were caught (this is when the childish looking wanted poster was created that would later cause Gwendal and Yuuri to be mistaken with an eloped couple), and adding to that, they escaped without paying for a meal (The Fake Maou Incident). After this, in exchange for Hube's life, she consented to a political marriage. However, she ran away in the middle of the ceremony (Yuuri and Gwendal are treated as bride kidnappers). In the end, she went to Shin Makoku and married into the Grisela family. (Novel 3)

Nikki (二ッキー)
Carlos' younger sister. 3 year old human (Gaiden 1)

Nitobe Inazou (新渡戸稲遺)
Former face of the 5000 yen bill. By the way Natsume Soseki was the former 1000 yen bill. (Novel 4)

Nina (ニナ)
A Sveleran girl who went to Hildeyard Pleasure District to earn foreign money. She's from the same town as Izura. Her dream is to become a teacher (Novel 4)

Nero (ネロ)
Togrikol's son. He has a few problems in regards to the things that his father taught him. (Novel 3)

Norman (ノーマン)
Norman Gilbit. Delegate ruler of the Autonomous Region of Caloria. To hide the after effects of an illness he had during his childhood, he hid his face behind a mask. He died in a horse accident three years ago. His wife is Flynn. (Novel 5)

Nobita (のび太)
He tried to avoid troubles and relies on a robot cat. He's the only child of the Nobi household. His special skill is to fall asleep in 3 seconds. (Novel 6)

Norika (ノリカ)
Sveleran woman. Ten years ago she had a son with a mazoku who was passing by and was sent to the camp. The child was saved from being buried alive by Hube and was sent to her father Shas. (Novel 3)

Haley Joel Osment (ハーレイ。ジョエル・オスメント)
American actor that Yuuri likes. (Novel 7)

Howell (ハウエル)
Boy in a village near the borders. Refugee. (Novel 1)

Pakiri (パキリ)
A mazoku boy who lives in an orphanage. He likes songs. Had a faint awakening to love with Greta? (Gaiden 3)

Hakone Hachiri no Hanjirou (籍根八里の半次郎)
Person drawn on the public bath's wall (assumption). A Japanese man like him who said NO to Hikawa Kiyoshi's debut single. As Yuuri wanted to ask to be saved while being washed away to another world, but determined that he'd say no to whatever he asked. (Novel 2)

Hashimoto Asami (橋本麻美)
Yuuri's girlfriend (?). Proactive type. Although she was in the tennis club in middle school, she retired after her Achilles heel was cut. Goes to a fancy girl's school. Abigail's email friend . (Novel 9)

Basilio (バシリオ)
Von Rochefort Basilio. 19th Maou. The Brutal King. The last king before Yuuri who activated Morgif (novel 1)

Badwick (バドウィツク)
Folklock Badwick. (フォルクローク・バドウィック)
Male editor at Shin Makoku's Central Museum of Literature in charge of the Entertainment Literature Department's small animals for girls section. He's good at winning over writers with his fluency. (Gaiden 1)

Star Helmsman (花形操舵手)
Soldier in the prime of his life in the Shou Shimaron navy. Helmsman of the 'Wood-carved Bear and Salmon' cargo ship. Yuuri appointed him captain. He cooperated with the shinzoku navigator to get through the stormy waters near Seisakoku. (Novel 10)

Baldwin (バルドウィン)
Archaeology professor. Acquaintance of Deuter. (Side story 1)

Punch Satou (パンチ佐藤)
TV celebrity. A professional baseball player (outfielder) with a particular hair style (Novel 2)

Poncho Itou (パンチョ伊東)
Baseball commentator. Former head of the Pa League's public relations department who has a unique hairstyle. Deceased.

Picard (ピカード)
Captain of the starship Enterprise. A bald man that Yuuri admires (/likes). (Novel 7)

Beard-Stubble-kun (髭の剃り跡くん)
The referee at the Greatest Fighter's final stage. Yuuri gave him that name after seeing his copious stubble. Real name unknown. He belongs to the 'International Referee Federation,' a special NGO (or so Yuuri thinks), with absolute authority over the end of the contest. Possesses a manly spirit. (Novel 8)

Hyscliff (ヒスクライフ)
Hyscliff Enroy (ヒスクライフ・エヌロイ). Nickname: Mr. Shiny.
Former Crown Prince of Cavalcade. He fell in love with a lady of the Enroy family in Misshinai, north of Hildeyard. A passionate man, who abandoned his right to succeed the throne and entered a merchant family as a son-in-law. He possesses production rights in the southern area of the pleasure district in Hildeyard (the area with the hot springs). (Novel 2)

Big Show (ビッグ・ショー)
American Pro wrestler. The ring name of Paul Wight, a giant over two meters tall who weighs more than 200kg. The 'Funaki' Yuuri imagined as an opponent at an overwhelming disadvantage was Funaki Shouichi (Sho Funaki) a Japanese pro wrestler. The height difference is easily over 30cm. (Novel 8)

Hicks II (ヒックスニ世)
Lord Dougard Hicks II. The captain of the high speed vessel, 'the Red Sea Comet.' (Novel 7)

Fanfan (フアンフアン)
①Stefan Fanberlain (ステファン・ファンパレン). A wealthy merchant from Shimaron. Cherie's boyfriend. An elegant gentleman with repeating rhetoric that makes you want to grit your teeth. (Novel 7)
②Fancil Fanberlain (ファンシル・ファンパレン) Stefan's grandmother. After miraculously surviving a naval accident, she was the first 'unsinkable​' of the Fanberlains.
③ Jefferson Fanberlain (ジェファーソン・フアンバレン), Fancil's husband and Stefan's grandfather. If we keep this up, where does it stop? Are all of them Fanfans? An active family following 'Jojo's Laws.'[17] (Novel 8)

Forgeas (フォルジア)
Von Voltaire Forgeas. The 7th maou. Looks exactly like Gwendal. (Novel 1)

Fukutomo Seizou (福本清三)
A Japanese actor who specializes in losing sword battles. The man who has been cut down 50,000 times. (Novel 8)

The Swordmaster that Destoyed his Nemesis with Boat Paddles (船の櫂で宿敵破った剣豪)
Refers to Miyamoto Musashi of the two-sword fighting style, swordmaster from the early Edo period. His nemesis was usually Sasaki Kojiro. Murata used those words to comment on Yuuri picking a bumpy, steel club that was far from elegant during the 'technique' part of the Greatest Fighter. Furthermore, when Yuuri had to fight the Third Son, he used the Late Ganryuujima Plan[18]. (Novel 7)

Fraw Bow (フラウ・ボゥ)
Character in Mobile Suit Gundam. Because there are no women among Rodriguez's Gundam otaku friends, the name was given to the male with the most hair on his legs in the Black Tri-stars. (Gaiden 2)

Francois (フランソワ)
Pierce's bodyguard and driver who has brown skin, dyes his hair yellow and red, has earrings, and wears tight, black leather pants. He's a certified public accountant and has a safe box number. Bob pulled him from a certain organization. A muscleman Aniki[19] born in the Caribbean. French. (note in original is incorrect)

Brandon (ブランドン)
Boy in a village near the country's borders. Human refugee and Conrad's baseball partner. He was hurt protecting the Maou, Yuuri. (Novel 1)

Brittany (ブリッタニー)
Von Wincott Brittany. The 14th Maou. The Bloodshed Queen. (Novel 1)

Flynn (フリン)
Flynn Gilbit. She left the Plainsmen to marry Norman, the feudal lord of Caloria, six years ago. She hid the death of her husband to protect the territory and started living as a body-double behind a mask three years ago. After that, she became the first leader of the independent country of Caloria. (Novel 5)

Freddy (フレデイ)
① Shinzoku girl. After being helped by Yuuri, she returned with Jason to Seisakoku, but were persecuted for 'returning from abroad' and then they joined the anti-government movement. Currently they live in Seisakoku with Maxine as their father and Adalbert as their grandfather in a three generation (?) household. -> Jason (ジェイソン)
② The killer in the horror movie 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.' Freddy Krueger. He appears in his victims' dreams wearing a red and green horizontally striped clothes a broad-rimmed hat, tearing them apart with his iron nails. He once fought with Jason. (Novel 7)

Babe Ruth (ベーブ ルース)
American Baseball God. (Novel 7)

Beatrice (ベアトリス)
Hyscliff's beloved daughter. Due to her uncle dying of an illness, has earned the right to succeed Cavalcade's throne. She spends half her year living in her father's homeland receiving a royal education along with her good friend, Greta. She'll soon be 7 years old. (Novel 2)

Baker (ベイカー)
The bearded butler of the Gilbit household. (Novel 5)

Paiguet (ペイゲ)
Paiguet Berard. He lost his mother and father when he was a baby, was robbed of his right to the throne, and was imprisoned by a certain family. After this, he changed his name to Weller. (Side Story 1)

The Plainsmen Leader (平原組首領)
Flynn's father. Had an awesome afro. He also ended his sentences with afro. Didn't get along with his daughter. (Novel 6)

Hazel (ヘイゼル)
Hazel Graves. April's grandmother. Former treasure hunter who was also close to Bob. She and 'Inferno on the Tundra' ended up in Seisakoku. Is the head of the anti-government movement. Venera. (Side story 1)

Heather (ヘザー)
Girl with shinzoku blood imprisoned in the same facility as Jayfre.(Novel 7)

Beckenbauer (ベツケンバウアー)
Franz Beckenbauer. Former German soccer player. Murata remembered his name when he heard the word 'Emperor.' Then he remembered Michel Platini (Former French Soccer player). However that one is 'Le Roi (Shogun).' (Novel 11)

Berard II (ベラールニ世)
Dai Shimaron's de facto highest ranking and most powerful person. He's the king's uncle. An old man who wears gaudy outfits. (Novel 8)

Berard IV (ベラール四世)
Dai Shimaron's king. Middle aged man with a mushroom haircut and a pretty girl's anime voice. (Novel 8)

Helio (ヘリオ)
Secord's son. He presented the gift sword his father made. (Novel 10)

Bergkamp (ベルカンプ)
Dennis Bergkamp. Dutch soccer player. After Murata said "A tall and cool guy who new Yuuri (he was talking about Josak)", Yuuri asked him who that person reminded him of and Murata replied with this soccer player's name. Since after that he also replied with Kakefu (Masayuki. A former baseball player), he might have just been half asleep. (Novel 6)

Bertrand (ベルトラン)
von Radford Bertrand. The 24th Maou. The Lion King. (Novel 1)

Helmut Kellner (ヘルムート・ケルナー)
Opposes Deuter. Lieutenant in the SS Nazi Germany army. He has bad taste (in things). (Side Novel 1)

Benneveut (ベンヌヴォート)
Benneveut Horbert. He married Diane after returning from the battlefield. As the son of Horbert, the butler, he's Gogg's grandfather. (Novel 13)

Hyuuma (飛雄馬)
Hoshi Hyuuma . As a star of the Giants, he's in the Big Leagues. His father is Hoshi Tooru. (Novel 17)

Bob (ボブ)
① Earth's maou. Even in the world of business he's considered a maou (demon king). Loves American Football and Samba. (Gaiden 2)
② Bob Dylan, American singer.
③ Bobo Brazil. American pro-wrestler. It's the ring name of Houston Harris. His nickname is the "Black Majin" (Novel 10)

Boris Akademi (ボリス・アカデミー)
Shouri's friend. Foreign student (Novel 10)

Horbert (ホルバート)
An elegant and strict German butler who has been serving the Graves family since Hazel's time. Helps April with her hidden job. When Hazel was burned to death, he was the first to arrive on the scene and recover the leftover metallic fragments of the box. Later he quit his job, embarrassed by his son's mismanagement. (Side Story 1)

Bonda Tetsuro (凡田鉄郎)
Friend of Shouri. Railway enthusiast. (Novel 10)

Michael (マイケル)
His drag name is Bossa Nova. He hates the police more than he hates the army. He wore a purple sequin dress to participate in the Gay Parade (Gaiden 2)

Mayol (マイヨール)
A macho in the Maou's Harem who wore a naked bowtie (yellow). The leader of "Is the squadron you serve called iketenja?". Heaven sent macho. Yuuri who liked his artistic side turned him into a teacher. (Gaiden 3)

Maga (マガー)
Calorian girl. (Novel 7)

Makalhin (マカルヒン)
The commander of the second search party (seven parties in all) chosen by Gwendal to rescue Yuuri who was washed away to Shimaron. (Novel 5)

Maxine (マキシーン)
Nigel Weisz Maxine.
Shou Shimaron soldier. Both sides of his head are shaved, leaving the upper part of the hair to be tied into a ponytail. A thin, manicured beard connects to it through narrow sideburns. Because of his looks, Yuuri nicknamed him 'Crop Pony.' As a new soldier, his life was saved by Adalbert on the battlefield and he miraculously returned home. He took the name 'Will Never Die Maxine' and his hair and beard style became so popular in the Shou Shimaron army that it became regulation. All of a sudden he formed the Macho-Ponies family in Seisakoku. There are many people who 'end up hatin' him, however his connection to Maki Shinji[20] is unknown. He can manipulate silver strings skillfully, so he might play the ukulele. (Novel 5)

Matthew Olsen (マシュー・オルセン)
Rodriguez friend with nursery school teacher certification. Since they work together a lot, and are Gundam friends who get along well, he's mistaken for a Black Tri-stars, but he himself is a Federation person. He's also the co-owner of a 'Taylors.' He introduced Gogg to Murata. (Gaiden 2)

Muscle No.1 (マツスル一号)
Flynn's muscular subordinate. He shared a carriage with Yuuri and prevented him from escaping. There's a No.2 and several more. Speaks with lots of pauses. His type is like Bobby Bonds (pro baseball player), Miguel Cabrera (pro baseball player), or Bob Sapp (pro wrestler). (Novel 6)

Matsudaira Ana(short for announcer) (松平アナ)
Matsudaira Sadatomo. In charge of NHK's 'That's when history changed' narration. (Novel 7)

Matsudaira Ken (松平健)
Yuuri's favorite period drama actor. He's especially famous for his role as the rampaging Uesama on a white horse. You can see his strong influence in Yuuri's Ue-sama mode when he doesn't simply kill people with his sword, or when he says things like "Justice" or "Judgement." (Novel 1)

Matsutouya Yumi (松任容由美)
Yuumin. A charismatic Japanese singer and songwriter. Due to Miko's(mother) influence, who's a huge fan, Yuuri himself has a vast knowledge of her songs since the Arai Yumi era. Looking at the paved road for carriages that travel a long distance in Shimaron's central area, he referred to it as the 'Chuuou Freeway'[21](*9). (Novel 6)

Madoka Hiroshi (円広志)
Singer and song writer. His signature song is 'Dream Flower.' It's the name an annoyed Miko should have used for her boke attack when the Missing Child Search Guys Class B's automated telephone service asked if what they were looking for was hard to find - 'To the Inside of the dream' (@ Inoue Yousui)[22]. This has nothing to do with Tachi Hiroshi. (Gaiden 2)

Martha (マルタ)
Sveleran woman. She was sent to the camp for committing adultery. Her baby was stolen. (Novel 3)

Manda Hisako (菖田久子)
Actress. When Yuuri heard 'an intellectual person with long black hair,' he associated the description with her name. By the way, the man was Kinpachi.... strange... (Gaiden 4)

Mister Spock (ミスター・スボック)
Yuuri confused 'secret SPOT' with this 'Star Trek' character. He's part of the crew of the starship Enterprise and born of a Vulcan father and a human mother. He's famous for his 'Live long and prosper' (finger-signed) special greeting (Vulcan Salute). (Novel 8)

Miss Heinz (ミス・ハインツ)(pseudonym)
A girl in a yellow bikini staying at M Family who lost her bikini top. Her dream is to become a racer. Her goal is to become like Heinz-Harald Frentzen (German racer). Self proclaimed 'Fastest decelerating woman.' Her favorite car is a yellow cabriolet. She took Yuuri and the gang to Koshien. (Gaiden 4)

Mino Monta (みのもんた)
Japanese TV presenter. A tough man who calls every woman, regardless of their age, 'young lady.' (Novel 5)

Mindell (ミンデル)
Lord Dougard Mindell.
First generation of the family. Worked toward piracy suppression in the north.

Mutsugorou (ムツゴロウ)
Hata Masanori. Japanese male who plays around with animals the most intensely. He also created an Animal Kingdom[23]. (Novel 7)

Murata Ken (村田健)
His Highness (Geika/猊下).
It's an exclusive mobile device of the maou that can be used anytime and anywhere. He chose German as his second foreign language in high school. His mobile phone ringtone is 'Thunderbirds.' His father resembles Sada Masashi and his mother looks like Takashima Reiko. Although the person who 'utterly rejected him before he confessed' in July is unknown, but since he himself says that he didn't receive too much damage from it, the theory that he said that in order to take Yuuri to the aquarium is getting stronger.

Mary (メリー)
Girl in braids aged between 12 and 15. Sheep master. Person to whom Murata sold the thirty stolen sheep they ran away with. (Novel 6)

Monet Mondemile ( モネ・モンデミール)
A hot blooded new social worker sent by Social Services. She gave Yuuri captain Ducky. Although she's a beautiful woman in her twenties with huge breasts, looking at or touching her breasts is a big no-no. (Gaiden 2)

A macho in the Maou's Harem who wore a naked bowtie (red), and unrefined underpants. Iketen Red. (Gaiden 3)

Jacob (ヤーコプ)
Jacob Baap.
Art dealer. Hazel gave him the water box when she was alive. (Side Story 1)

Yazawa (矢沢)
Murata's classmate during the 5th grade. His home number is one number different from that of the Shibuya family's. (Gaiden 3)

Yasuoka Rikiya (安岡力也)
Currently, Rikiya. When Yuuri pictures him in his head, he sees him as a representative actor of the Kowamote era. He's comparable to Gwendal especially regarding raising armies with force. In the kasuga donburi commercial, he's the one dressed as 'Black Candy Man.' (Novel 3)

Yaffuto (ヤッフト)
Grisela Trantinian Yaft (グリーセラ・トランティニアン・ヤッフト) The 15th maou, the Head-cutter Queen. (Novel 1)

Jeannot (ヤノット)
Von Karbelnikoff Jeannot. The 23rd maou, the Strict Ruler. (Novel 1)

Yamomoto Linda (山本リンダ)
Someone who is unstoppable. (Novel 2)

Yuuka (ゆうか)
A pretty girl who was in kindergarten and elementary school with Yuuri and Murata. Girl Boss Type. (Gaiden 4)

Josak (ヨザツク)
Gurrier Josak. He's one person who plays two roles: Kagerou Ogin and Tsuge no Tobizaru (@ Mito Kōmon). He's His Majesty's 0043 spy (the last two digits add to 007). He's good with an axe, but because he's not Yosaku, he doesn't cut down trees[24]. His name sounds like a French cuisine related name, but it seems to come from the eastern side of the continent. According to Josak himself, his relatives on his mother's side were cooks. (Novel 2)

Yoshiko (ヨシコ)
Yoshiko-chan as a joke. Miko calls them 'Yoshiko-djan' and imitates the voice, but she's probably mistaken her with 'Sally-djan'. By the way the voice impression is that of the youngest of the three sisters in 'Sally the Witch,' Hanamura Yoshiko. (Gaiden 2)

Jonathan Taylor (ヨナサン・テーラー)
A bald man with lazy beard and a tattoo of the cookie monster on the back of his hand who runs a small bookstore in Boston. When he was young and had lost his love for books, he worked at a convenience store. Later he would renovate the store called 'Taylors' with a special selection of books that catered to geek customers. (Gaiden 2)

Ryan (ライアン)
Unrivaled animal lover. After meeting his fated one, Keiji the Sandbear, he became the first Sandbear handler in history. Conrad's former subordinate.(Novel 3)

Ranatan (ラナタン)
The female director of the Darco Prison "Who's calling!? This is the 1st district of Hell, ah! Errand 3rd District". Her appearance is similar to Miko's and to those Moe characters that Shouri likes, both of which cause DAMAGE to Yuuri. (Novel 16)

Randy Johnson (ランデイ・ジョンソン)
Great American pitcher. Was excessively promoting the Body Blade on a home shopping show. (Gaiden 1)

Lampedusa (ランペドゥーサ)
One of Murata's previous lives (soul user). He lived for a very long time. (Side Story 1)

Rick (リック)
An apprentice crewman on a luxury liner. Young boy with freckles. Guided the pirate attack and later was an execution target at the fire festival event. (Novel 2)

Ringo Hoppe-kun (apple cheeks-kun) (林檎ほっぺくん)
A young Kamikuro. Helped Yuuri and the gang contact the founder of the sect. (Novel 17)

Lindsey (リンジー)
The next-next head of the von Wincott family. Susanna Julia's nephew. 12 years old. Because his blood was the most dense in the family, he had a role in regards to playing around with Snow Gunter's body which was affected by the poison. (Novel 6)

Louis Biron (ルイ・ビロン)
His hair is split right through the middle and his eyebrows form a ハ character. An evil merchant who strokes a lobster-like pet while it's on his lap. Holds production rights in the western area of the Hildeyard pleasure district (where the adult entertainment is). Employed Hube as a bodyguard. According to Yuuri, "His name sounds like a famous brand ripoff." He's a person who has a unique sense of language using special adverbs such as 'Absolutely-pon' and 'totally-pon'.(Novel 4)

Lucinda (ルシンダ)
The town's female blacksmith. Tried to sharpen Shinou's sword (Morgif). (Gaiden 4)

The Polite Brothers (礼儀正しい兄弟)
Shinou's (and Daikenja's) half-brother(from another mother). The eldest prince that their father, the king, made a court lady give birth to. A kind-hearted person who was good in battle, but because of a misunderstanding he was made to commit suicide by a royal decree. However, the head that was exposed to the public was from someone else so there are rumors that the real person was able to escape thanks to the help of a certain dancer. (Gaiden 4)

Reginald Ponchack (レジナルド・ボンチヤック)
Karbelnikoff branch reporter for the Shin Nichi. Has a collusive agreement with Densham. (Gaiden 1)

Rodriguez (ロドリゲス)
Jose Rodriguez. A pediatrician in El Savallo, New Mexico, USA. An Earth mazoku who taught the language and means of living to Conrad when he went to Earth. Ganota (Gundam otaku) (Gaiden 1)

Robert De Niro (ロバート・デ・ニーロ)
Actor. Apparently he looks just like Bob, the Earth's maou. He played the devil in the movie 'Angel Heart'. Speaking of which, the main character of the movie, a private detective angel, is played by Mickey Rourke. (Gaiden 2)

Robert Rodriguez (ロバート・ロドリゲス)
Filmmaker. He does the film editing himself. His most well known work is 'Desperado' (Gaiden 3)

Roberski (ロベルスキー)
Soldier who commanded Shin Makoku's unsinkable fleet. Descendant from the Great War King, Arsenio.


Be advised that the following terms still need to be checked for accuracy.

Ah! In this life there are tears (あヽ人生に涙あり)
The theme song of "Mito Komon". Yuuri, a historical drama fan, sings it in his head to measure how much time passes. (Novel 3)

Aiko age 16 (アイコ十六歳)
Youth novel "1980 Aiko age 16" (author: Akemi Hotta). It was turned into a drama and a movie. It was a forced association to the 16 sheep. (Novel 7)

Prisoner of Love (愛の虜号)
On the hull there's a silver star (or many), the sails are of a deep aqua blue. This is the ship that Cherie-sama uses on her Free Love Trip. It's interior is covered in gold, silver and precious stones all the way to the inside of the toilet bowl and it basically possesses extraterritoriality​. It was a tribute of Fanfan. (Novel 2)

Angel of Love (愛の天使)
Title given to Wolfram when in Van der Via, his beauty brought dying people back to life. (Novel 2)

Ao (アオ) (meaning: blue)
A jet black horse that Conrad bred and raised, for it to become the soukoku Maou Yuuri's horse. In Japan it would be called 'blue haired'. In Shin Makoku horses possess two hearts. Female. (Novel 1)

The Red Devil (赤い感魔)
When standing, she experiments ; when sitting, she writes stories. Walking behind her, is the picture of hell itself. This is the nickname given to the highly talented and extremely honorable Mad Magicalist Anissina. The fact that it is also a nickname for the Premium League soccer team Manchester United, is simply a coincidence. (Novel 3)

Ruby Red shoes (赤い靴)
Yuuri uses this song to convince Greta that a girl leaving alone at night and having a 'nice guy' take her away is a bad thing. However in the original song it's 'foreigner', not nice guy[25]. It becomes clear that all the misunderstandings he has are a result of his father's education. (Novel 4)

Red Comet (赤い海星)
The Dougard family, MA-powered propelled, high-speed battle vessel. It's loaded with the non-MA-powered portable tank "It's like a Dre~am". The characteristic ship is painted red. It's not connected to the "Red Comet" akaisuisei (Gundam); because this one's name is read as "akai kaisei".

Diary: In the fall, my swaying memories (秋には揺れる想い日記)[26]
Gunter's journal, part 2. Diary literature, continues to perform at it's best. (Novel 5)

Azusa No.2 (アズサ二号)
Elite pigeon. It was deadly attacked on the job by an eagle-dog (ワシイヌ), while delivering documents. Has no connection to the train that departs at 8. (Novel 9)

Sleeping on your Chest Line (あなたの胸で眠り隊)
Ma-powered hug-pillows developed by Anissina.
Red, to make a young sense of justice explode; Blue, for bad jokes that give you a quiet sleep, Green, to smell the scent of flowers and sleep peacefully; Yellow for your sleep talk to always be 'I can't eat anymore'; Peach for R-related dreams; and Silver to bring back fun memories. The bags that contain them are all ocher, but these bags are negative air ion masterpieces, kneaded with Sandbear bamboo powder. In the extra stories, there's also a introspection pillow. (Novel 10)

Anime Store manager (アニメ店長)
Animate's hot young character Anizawa Meito. Shouri with Anime PhD. (DOCTOR) who misunderstood the situation, unilaterally rejected Anizawa's relatives on behalf of Dr. Anime Rodriguez (DOCTOR). (Novel number mislabeled)

Captain Ducky (アヒル船長)
What Yuuri bestowed Conrad. Every not and then, it floats on the tubs of the Blood Pledge Castle. Incidentally, the character of the bank where Shouma works also seems to be this Captain Ducky. (Gaiden 2)

Knitted Stuffed Animals (あみぐるみ)
Gwendal's spiritual unification ritual. When bad things happen, he just finishes one after another. Small animals are his motif, or rather, the sense of his products are strange. They always need foster parents (novel 2)

Amuzou kun (アムゾウくん)
Anissina's MA powered device. Amigurumi head changer. Has a special mode for different fabrics. (Novel 4)

The heroic legend of a certain drunk fighter (ある酒乱戦記)
A popular short novel of Shin Makoku. The only flaw that the king has is that he fights drunk. Due to this he will lose it all, but along with his friends who swear loyalty to him, he will rebuild an impressively giant kingdom. Shin Makoku's Hall of Art and Culture. Has no connection to "The Heroic Legend of Arslan" (by Yoshiki Tanaka) (Gaiden 1)[27]

Arnold (アルノルド)
One of the battlefields in the war against Shimaron, 20 years ago. A bloody battlefield in the southwest border of Shin Makoku. The humans sent 30,000 soldiers, who were reduced to less than a thousand by the Ruttenberg division. Through this military victory, Lord Weller gained equal status as that of the 10 Nobles, and right after that he retired from the army. (Novel 7)

Igosso (イゴッソー)
The cry of a mountain bird. It probably has nothing to do with the spirit of the Tosa man. (Gaiden 1)

Lightning bolt​ mark (稲妻マーク)
Murata tried to put the mark in his own head. The trademark of the famous wizard Potter-san's Harry. (Novel 5)

It'll be pouring soon-kun (今すぐふるぞくん)
A Ma powered rainmaking device developed by Anissina. Carries a giant shell on its back, and has a large jade plate on top of its head. It has the disadvantage of wanting to eat agender cucumbers. (Novel 3)

Imouto character (妹キャラ)
The attribute of the dating sim character that Yuuri played secretly. Apparently it was "Sister Princess" (Novel 7)

Healing Hands Tribe (癒しの手の一族)
A tribe of people who have hair and eyes with peculiar powers that can make improve the healing ability of the patient. Because they have peculiar blood color, their skin is also transparent. The long lives of the mazokus can be attributed to them, who were persecuted by the humans 2000 years ago and drifted towards Shin Makoku. Gisela is one of them. (Novel 1)

Island of Van der Via (ヴアン・グー・ヴイーア島)
Volcanic island in the Westernmost area of Shimaron. One of the three Islands of Via(ヴイーア). Famous for its numerous hot springs, its fruits of sea are also abundant, and it also has a the warm climate. For the past 300 years, since the volcano erupted, a "Fire festival" is held once a year, to appease the wrath of the god. A hundred years ago, it was a serious thing that involved sacrificing a girl, but nowadays it's a completely touristic event. (Novel 2)

Wink (ういんく)
A Japanese female music unit, whose "Suzukisan...." and "Aidasan...." cross palms to make a unique and impressive pose. For example I love beauty, a well known song of them is 'Lonely Tropical Fish' (Novel 17)

Wincott (ウィンコツト)
The oldest blood tribe among the ten nobles. Their founder fought alongside Shinou to defeat the soushu. The citizens of their former territory (the southernmost end of the continent, what is currently Caloria) betrayed them and deprived from their lands and goods and they fled to Shin Makoku. "The Wincott Poison" is made by purifying their blood. They have jurisdiction over the North-West area of Shin Makoku. A prosperous family in the battlefield. (Novel 1)

Wincott Poison (ウィンコツトの毒)
A Poison difficult to refine. For the past 300 years this poison can't be found anywhere but the Land where it was created (currently Caloria). Those who have been affected by it, can be controlled by those possessing the Wincott Blood even after dead. Depending on how you use it, it can be a miracle cure. (Novel 5)

Uesama (上様)
The personality that appears when Yuuri activates the super maou mode. It has a low-pitched voice, speaks in difficult and complicated words, with the characteristics of half-assed historical drama lines. (Novel 2)

Water Ol' Boys (うおた―O―ぼ―いず)
Male Synchronization (swimming) Team formed by the Principal, Vice Principal and School Master. O is an abbreviation of 'old'. Old water people 年寄りの冷や水(Novel 9)

Cow (牛).
The cry of this livestock is 'mosamosa'. The best quality cows in the other world, have eight stomachs and 5 horns. A cow with two horns is treated as a rare animal. There are legendary animals similar to the called Tsunokawa (角川?). (Novel 1)

Uffun (うっふーん)
What is typically yelled at the top of a mountain. On earth it would be like "Yahoo" (Novel 4)

Like reading Shin Makoku's Constitution to a Deaf Horse.(馬の耳に員魔国憲法)
Said in relation to Günter, who loses all thinking ability when it comes to Yuuri. (Novel 4)

Sea Poison Spider Shellfish​ (ウミドクグモ貝)
The color of Anissina's nails. Although the name sounds poisonous it's just a soft pink color. (Novel 7)

Sea Grapes (海葡萄)
They're not an Okinawa delicacy, but precious stones that look very similar to luxury plums of the southern part of Kishu. In Darco they seem to be indispensable for shipbuilding. Yuuri went to jail for the theft of this item. (Novel 16)

Friends of the Sea (うみのおともだち号)
Shin Makoku Navy Battleship commanded by Captain Sizemore. Contrary to its cute name it's a large warship equipped with the latest weapons. (Novel 9)

Does the Sea Die? (海は死にますか)
What happens to the sea when the land shakes? A question that the worried sea monster Sizemore asked. There's no connection to Masashi Sada's "Poem of the Soldier". (Novel 8)

Ripe, Ripe eggplant(熟れ熟れ茄子)
A dangerous plant that serves as a side dish. (Novel 9)

Movie subtitles (映画の字幕)
A particular way of speaking of the shinzoku. They speak in short sentences, they abbreviate parts like verbs, and using special inflections. A.k.a Toda (Yasuo) subtitles. (Novel 7)

Eternal Pacifism Doctrine(永世平和主義)
The doctrine that King Yuuri is supposed to have instated in Shin Makoku, a revolutionary anti-war doctrine. (Novel 2)

Alien VS Predator (エイリアンVSプレデター)
1) An American movie where two large creatures clash.
② A musical performance in the first school play in Shin Makoku's "Parents and Children Singing and Dancing Evening " by Shin Makoku's school play. Yuuri played the Alien role. (Gaiden 3)

S.S. Bohn (S・Sボーン)
A company in Boston. Provider of information about the Box. Golg's office. Although I'm pretty sure it's a rip off of the L.L. Bean company name (auto-parts), what this company does is unknown, and on their store sign there's a picture of meat and bone. (Novel 13)

Enatsu's 21 Balls (江夏の21球)
Yamanide Junji's non-fiction work (published by Kadokawa Bunko under the title 'Slot Carp's One, just one more Ball). It's about a Kintetsu vs. Hiroshima game in the Japan Series of 1979, where Hiroshima's pitcher Enatsu Yutaka, threw 21 balls, in the seventh race, during the 9th inning. A must-read baseball book. Even Yuuri with his blue hands read this work from start to finish. (Novel 7)

Apron-kini (エプキニ)
A bold abbreviation of an apron and bikini bottoms. It was a word coined by Yuuri who was disappointed that the first 'naked apron' he had seen in his life, was that of his friend(♂). (Novel 5)

M Family (M一族)
Ocean house and PENSION run by Murata's relatives (his father's second cousin). M stands for the initial in Murata, and all the rooms have been named strangly after plants that start with M such as: MArgarite, MAkuwauri (Japanese melon), muskmelon (MAsukumeron), MAndragora, and so on. It's Yuuri's live-in part-time job during the summer. Pays 9,000 yen per day. (Novel 5)

Engiwarui/Bad omen bird (エンギワル鳥)
Bird of Paradise. Has sapphire colored wings and an orange tail. Because its cry is 'Engiwarui' (bad omen); that's its popular name. (Novel 1)

Courtesan King (花魁キング)
A musical number in Shin Makoku. An R-rated adult story where women fight and if they lose they get thrown in the mud. It has no connection to Disney's "Lion King". (Novel 17)[28]

High Mazoku (王宮魔族語)
The formal mazoku language. It's just like a dialect but in order to have more power, humans who have not learnt it, cannot understand it. (Novel 3)

Prince Level (minus) (王子機レベルマイナスー)
Connected to Wolfram's Prince status since Yuuri's enthronement. There's no direct connection to Alice Blue's Game " Prince LV 1". (Novel 9)

Royal White Bison Unit (王立白水牛部隊)
Small Shimaron's secret guard corps. To abbreviate Bison, they call themselves the Bi-Unit.[29]

Okiku Günter (おキクギュンター)
Vessel given to Günter. An Okiku Doll modified by Anissina. If you mail order it, you'll also get the Luxury Storage Box, offer valid only right now for 98 pieces of gold. (Novel 5)[30]

The Wizard of Osu (The Male Wizard) (オスの魔法使い)
Musical number in Shin Makoku that says "The majutsu of men is not enough!". It seems it's not 'Oz'. (Novel 17)

The Service Sentai Iketenja (お仕え戦隊イケテンジャー)
5 men who have a face and body that makes them proud. (The abductor muscle stretching complaints all 5 made, has been erased from the records) However their haircuts are not so good. All lined up with their naked bow-ties, their one pair of underpants and their mushroom haircuts, they're members of the Maou's Harem. Their fixed line for when they make their appearance is "Neo-Human Casshern" and "Kamen Raider Stronger" . If it sounds like a bad pun, it's just your imagination. (Gaiden 4)

Pot-sama (Otsubo-sama) (おつぼさま)
The door keeper of the Maou's Harem of about 20 cm in diameter that was inside a brown jar. There's a red and a blue one, and they change to attach themselves to people. They look like WadaDon and WadaKatsu of the game "Taiko no Tatsujin" (Bandai Namco games). The second son didn't give up on his assumption that it looked more like "Thomas the Tank Engine". They're weak against dryness. Furthermore the Red one will grow three times faster. (Gaiden 4)

Olive Necklace (オリーブの首飾り)
The theme song of Tokyo Magical Robinson (Murata). Has to make due with a Raw Orchestra. (Novel 6)

Orange Rabbit (オレンジ色のウサギ)
The Yomuiri Giant's team mascot, Jabitto. (Novel 3)

Demonic House Play (Onmama) (怨魔魔)[31]
Home Education tool for young girls recommended by Anissina. A HARD game to play house that helps reeducate husbands who don't spend time with their family, and repel the excessive interference of mother-in-laws. The ultimate goal is to achieve the housewife's independence. (Novel 6)

Karbelnikoff Territory (カーベルニコフ地方)
Located in the south of Shin Makoku. With its white sand beaches and its dry winds, it's a warm tourist resort area. It's specialty is the Karbelnikoff Bi[32]. By crossing a river you can get to the neighboring Conanshia. (Novel 3)

Foreign Returnees (外海帰り)
Word used in Seisakoku to talk about people who have returned from other countries. As they are people with dangerous ideas, they are isolated and forced to live in a refugee camp/detention facility. This is a word used for Jason and Freddy. (Novel 12)

Pirates (海賊)
A generic name for male criminals, who while wearing white and blue sailor uniforms and shirred skirts, break into passenger ships and trade vessels. (Novel 2)

Cavalcade (カヴアルケード)
Human country. I comparison to Shin Makoku, it's located in the land right across the ocean. It was secretly using money and gathering soldiers, preparing for a war with Shin Makoku. By chance, Yuuri saved the former prince of this country along with his wife and child. After that it became a friendly country with Shin Makoku. In this country, the formal greeting is to take off your had which has a wig attached to it, to exposed a shaved head. (Novel 2)

Kakunoshin (カクノシン)
The alias Conrad used while on the luxury liner with Yuuri. -> Mitsuemon (Novel 2)

Gakuran- school uniform (学ラン)
It's the typical black uniform with gold collar buttons, that Yuuri, who attends a Prefectual High School, wears. Using it as a reference The Assitant to the King created multiple custom items. It's Yuuri's official outfit in Shin Makoku. (Novel 2)

Studybrary (lit. Study poop) (がっきゅううんこ)
Meaning: Study library. When Wolfram stretched Yuuri's cheeks he responded with Pavlov-level like reflection by saying this word.(Novel 3)

Canarya (かなリイヤ)
Ma powered air device. No matter how you look at it, there's a (living) canary inside the 'Kanarya', but Anissina insist it's ma- powered. (Novel 10)

Foreigner of the Kabuki (歌舞伎座の外人)
Shin Makoku musical number. It has a completely different meaning to "Phantom of the Opera", it's a lonely story. (Novel 17)

The Night of Kamai and the gang (かまいたちの夜)
A Chuunsoft game, that Murata didn't even give a "Pink Bookmark" but even went as far as giving a "Gold Bookmark". Sound novel. (Novel 5)

Caloria (カロリア)
Autonomous region in Small Shimaron. Before the creation of Shin Makoku, the Wincott family was its ruler. In this era, the Gilbit family served as regional lord. After winning the Greatest Fighter, it achieved its independence. ( Novel 5)

Group of Experts (鑑定団)
A variety show called "Group of Experts who Appraise Anything" (TV Tokyo). Murata who wanted to know the value of the blue maseki recommended Yuuri to appear in the show. It seems the target was Shimada Shunsuke.... but what about Ishizaka Kouji. (Novel 5)

Kickal (キカル)
Neighboring country of Shin Makoku. Produces good quality tea leaves. (Novel 5)

Kicking Ogre (キックの鬼)
Gwendal's kicking technique to protect Yuuri. Furthermore the "Vacuum jump, knee kick" that he showed was kicking ogre kick-boxer Sawamura Tadashi's special move. (Novel 3)

Equestrian people (騎馬民族)
The main forces of the remote regions of Seisakoku. Their Savior, Adalbert, caught them by their stomachs sacks, and gradually reorganized them. (Novel 14)

Wooden carved bear and salmon(木彫りの熊と鮭号)
Small Shimaron cargo ship. In the end, it was this ship that would take Yuuri to Seisakoku (Novel 11)

Lifesaver-kun (救命くん)
Drowning water dolls. They're used to practice CPR. They served as body doubles of the maou. (Novel 2)

Günter's amulet (ギュンターの守護)
It's similarly overpowered and spell-activated like the one in anime "Hana no Ko Lunlun". It shakes on Wolfram chest because it's a "Shugo Chara!" (protective character). But it is not connected to the manga "Shugo Chara" (by Peach-Pit) . (Novel 10)

Lord (卿)
It's added to the surname of those who go to battle in case of emergency, even among aristocrats. (Novel 1)

Church (教会)
A place where humans pray to God. On their walls, straw dolls representing God's body are lined up.

Sympathy-kun (共感くん)
Companion for people in agonizing cries. Located in Anissina's psychological laboratory. Because he has sympathized with the oldest son too often, he shows a tearful appearance (Gaiden 3)

Maidmer Princess (魚人姫)
Wearing red algae on the hair is good manners for a lady. Conrad has a relationship with the entire family. If you fish one of them, as long as you release them quickly you'll have a sunny day the next day. (Novel 9)

Huge Squid (巨大イカ)
An enormous marine creature that appeared near the Shimaron mainland. One of his suction pads is bigger than a toilet bowl. It saves young wives time and again, whe it comes to making dinner. (Novel 6)

Gyokkurisan (魚ックリさん)
A special ma powered healing method to reduce back pain. Once you're heal you can go back to call it "burikkokun" (dumb and innocent).... A perpetual motion MA.

Gilesbi (ギレスビー)
One of the former three kings of the continent, fa family proud of its strength. After the battle , they were denied what is now Somers, the easternmost part of Shimaron. (Novel 8)

The Holy Water of Gilesbi (ギレスビーの聖水)
Water with powers. Water from the well, that the last king of the Gilesbi family pulled. You're supposed to drink it with a live goldfish (it was actually a young kotsugyo) for good luck. (Novel 8)

The Golden Salmon (金鮭号)
The flagship of the King of Small Shimaron. 'New Rich' style. (Novel 9)

Golden wings (金の翼)
Wings that Wolfram received from his uncle Waltorana, and decided to give to yuuri because he had no ornaments on him. It's a brooch of a golden bird with spread wings. It seems that it was left on Earth somewhere. (Novel 1)

Dimensional traveling line (空間移動筒路)
Anissina's dimensional traveling technology took 6 months to create and 1 year to construct. With it one can travel back and forth without permission between an underwear drawer in the Karbelnikoff castle, and the desk drawer of the Voltaire castle. If you get stuck in between places,there's a risk you'll wander the subspace forever. It seems that while the dimensional line is open it smells of 'Veranda'. But it's not exactly 'Lavander', which means it won't do time leaps. ("The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" by Yasutaka Tsutsui) (Gaiden 1)

Grass (草)
It's what happens to the Kotsuchizokus when they're exposed and worn down by the elements while on spying missions abroad. Corpse condensation. 〔Novel??? > 舵)

Gujibokigodora (グジボキゴドラ)
The name of (probably) an animal, that Wolfram said while playing shiritori. Details unknown. (Gaiden 1)

Old bitch~ (クソババア)
In the other world, in human speech it means "My beloved mother", Mainly used by babies and children. (Novel 2)

Bear Hand (熊手)
Gisela's abbreviation of " I want to even borrow a bear's hand!". Poison Lady brand. When worn, even by women with the thinnest arms, they'll have a prosperous business. (Novel 16)

Kumahachi (クマハチ)
An insect type of creature that are rumored to be very few, so these rare animals are protected as national treasures. When they're young they look like 'Kabutomushi' and spit a yellow adhesive from their mouths. When they hatch, their upper body and legs look like those of a teddy bear, the antenna and yellow and black stomach, like bees. They also possess transparent wings. The Queen Kumahachi has a pink floral pattern. Their cocoons are rich in calcium and their feces are used as pigments. When exposed to the light of the full moon it turns into the Kumahachi of the Moon (Tsukino Kumahachi); if submerged in water smaller version of itself grow. After hatching they travel the world for about a year, and they have a tendency to return to their birth place. (Gaiden 1)

Connect connect the bones (組み組み骨っちょ)
Formerly known as "Oops! The bones just fell down!" not to be confused with "Ah! Surprise! It's me Tame Gorou!". Greta's Toy. Can be use to make Terine-shan a machine to communicate. (Novel 11)

Grantz region (グランツ地方)
Located in the northern region of Shin Makoku, next to human territory. Taking responsibility after Adalbert's departure, his father is now in charge of it. (Novel 1)

Crusoe (クルーソー)
The name that Yuuri uses when he's traveling with Murata, posing as a Captain. The names Clooney (the actor) and Kuruuyou (Now) were also candidates. -> Robinson (Novel 5)

Kurdal (クルダル)
Country name. Details unknown. The style of Conrad's wonderful cooking, when doing grilled fat eel. Although actually it was an insect. (Novel 4 )

Clemens Memorial Hospital(クレメンス記念病院)
A General Hospital in Boston. After the taxi ride, Yuuri was born here. (Gaiden 2)

Black Tri-Star (黒い三連星)
① Fictional unit name in New Mobile Suit Gundam. It's composed of 3 people from the the Zeon army:Gaia, Ortega and Matthew.
② A group composed of three people, Rodriguez's friend who is a nursery teacher, Matthew Olsen, a bear-type giant with half his face covered with beard, and Fraw with his hairy legs.(They have few people). However they can't use the Jet Stream Attack. (Gaiden 2)

①Demon Sergeant. Used to talk about Gisela (Novel 1) ②Sergeant Keroro. A name given to Matthew Olsen after getting married. It is an Alien Frog that wears a yellow hat (with one red point) whose son was imprisoned on Earth(Pekopon) after the invasion. (Novel labeled as 〔水〕 )

Keiji (ケイジ)
A Sandbear who fell in love beyond his tribe with the male mazoku Ryan. It's 167 isogais (probably a weight measuring unit). I think it's probably a male. He won the rare animal race. (Novel 4)

Blood Pledge Castle (血盟城)
The flawless and impregnable castle where the maou resides.
It has this name because to demonstrate their gratitude and friendship towards Shinou, the spirits residing in the ground[33] pledged that if anyone other than the maou were to reside in the castle, they'd pay for their sin with blood. Possesses 250 rooms. It has 3~5 floors. In the castle there are 200 maids, attendants and government officials; and 4500 full time soldiers. There's also stables and huge barracks and a multiplicity of lodging​ areas, as well as a luxury guest house in the east. Behind the castle there's also a lush forest. (Novel 1)

Gettysburg (ゲティスバーグ)
The name of a place in the state of Pennsylvania. Here's where American president Lincoln gave his speech with the famous passage "Government of the people, by the people, for the people". When Conrad was asked about what he thought of Yuuri's MAken(Demon Sword), that was his evaluation of it. (Novel 2)

Kentenau (ケンテナウ)
A village burned by the mazoku 20 years ago. (Novel 1)

The icy 5 year old (氷の五歳児)
Suffix given to Shouri during the Boston era.(Gaiden 2)

Gogsare Region (ゴグサレ地域)
A region in Shin Makoku. Their inhabitants walk around only wearing shoes and hats (Naked necktie?) and have a very unusual custom of making putting their toes in the each other's armpits when they bump into each other. They're protected as a minority culture. (Novel 16)

Kotsugyozoku (骨魚族)
A phantom[34] aquatic life form. They're called Kotsugyo-don and are considered a good luck charm. When you see them it's said to also be benficial to increase your bone density. (Novel 7)

Kotsuchizoku (骨地族)
Relatives of the Kotsuhizoku. Kochi. They suck each other bones as a form of affection. They love to be half buried in the soil of the graveyard. (Novel 1)

Kotsuhizoku (骨飛族)
A light brown skeleton specimen, with wings that seem made of thin bamboo sticks and oil paper. They can fly through the sky. Kohi for short. They don't have a concept of individuality and because they can communicate even through long distance, they're very useful for keeping watch and scouting missions. Even if they're completely broken apart, they can be restored by putting the bones back together. There seem to be specialists who do that.

Conanshia (コナンシア)
A human country found after crossing a large river in the south of Shin Makoku. Several years ago they had a civil war and for the past 2 years they've had record droughts. There's a lot of animosity due to the gap between the rich and the poor. Unsafe place (Novel 3)

Lakeside Tribe (湖畔族)
A tribe who has purple hair and eyes. Many of them have a very powerful maryoku since birth. They work in security or education in the capital. Günter also possesses this blood (His mother is a Lakeside Tribe) (Novel 1)

Komotendagiu (コモテンダギウー)
An auspicious bird of Shin Makoku. Its feathers are black. It probably looks like a crow. (Novel 9)

Official pigeon mail (御用鳩便)
Elite carrier pigeons from private companies intensely controlled by their trainers. Military and aristocracy use these pigeons to demonstrate power.

Calendar (暦)
In the other world the seasons (called on earth) spring, summer, fall and winter last 3 months. For example, July is "the third month of summer" and November is the " First month of winter". (Novel 2)

The child of Constantine (コンスタンテインの子供)
It's not.... the story of the children of Constantine in the Netherlands, who tear apart dimensions, and stick their fingers in it all night long to prevent the destruction of the demon world. (Novel 17)

Fish Wars - Sakana Taisei - サカナ大戦
A popular fighting novel about an seafood troupe temporarily looking like beautiful warriors, manipulating phantom fish in order to win the hegemony of the sea. Published by Shin Makoku Central Library. Was turned into an opera, however the theme song when they enter marine products sales floor, that helps them with the sales, has no connection to JF Golden Fishery campaign's " People from the Fish Country". Furthermore, a connection to Sega's dramatic adventure "Sakura Wars" is not allowed.(Gaiden 1)

How many more sand dunes are there? (砂丘はどこまで続くのでしようか)
Name given to the squadron when they're being removed from the mass hypnotic smoke. There's no connection to the kids of the Imperial Palace in the "Old Stories of the manga World". (Gaiden 3)

Spork (先割れスプーン)
Although it may bring nostalgic memories of the spork used in elementary school, in Shin Makoku it's a standard utensil for dinner. However it's made of the highest quality silver. (Novel 1)

Zaku (ザク)
① Name of fictional weapon in the New Mobile Report Gundam Series. The major MS (mobile suit) of the Principality of Zeon. ② In the other world, a pretty bad name to call a soldier (mentioned by Wolfram) ③The name that Murata's Gundam fan, pediatrician friend, would have very likely given Murata if he would have been his nadzukeoya (person who names a baby). (Novel 7)

Desert Turtle - Sabaku Kame- サバクガメ If during puberty you witness these turtles mating, giving birth, it seems you'll have nightmares.(Novel 7)

Sharks (餃)
They're vegetarian in the other world. (Novel 3)

Scabbard​ (鞘)
Putting a scabbard high on an altar, after removing the sword from it and saying: " My Sword Will Only Return to it with Shinou's guidance" in the sense that they will continue to fight as long as Shinou allows them to, is a ritual that mazoku soldiers perform to pray for good luck and protection. (Novel 5)

A monkey's hand (猿の手)
A horror legend that says that if you pray to the mummified hand of a monkey, the dead will come back to life. (Novel 7)

The Rock (ザ・ロック)
American WWE wrestler, Dwayne Johnson, famous for being History's Strongest King.

The three Ks - San Ke-(3K)
Yuuri's impression of what it was like working for "M family". Dirty (Kitanee), I didn't hear about this beforehand (kiitenakattayokonnano), be careful with hidden cameras (kiwotsukeyo tousatsu) (Novel 5)

Cianfrocco (シアンフロッコ)
Dog of the Shibuya Residence. Mostly certainly a mongrel. It's the name of a foreign player that belonged to the Seibu Lions. -> Zinter (Novel 3)

Jennifer (ジェニファー)
Shibuya Miko's nickname. Sometimes phrases like "from Yokohama (/from Hama)", or "From Hell" are added to it.(Gaiden 2)

Salt Monkey's Golden .... (塩猿の金....)
One of the materials used to make the Wincott Poison. The last word that's missing is most likely "ball". It hasn't been in the market for 500 years. (Novel 5)

Shigi (止義)
The spirit that Yuuri presented in a vicious maou mode. Worse than usual. (Novel 8)

Hell Paradise Goala
Huge Koala. Inside it there's a Dr. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde. A ferocious beast whose diet consist mainly of kidnapping (Eucalyptus?)[35], however if it sees a branch it wants to hang from, it can't resist the impulse. 200 isogais (probably a weight measuring unit). (Novel 4)

Historical drama(時代劇)
What Yuuri likes. The ringtone of Yuuri's mobile phone (that stopped working after being submerged in the water during the star tours) is the " Shogun Going Crazy Theme", a theme that is played when there's trouble, cueing in the entrance of Uesama riding a white horse. (Novel 1)

Non-stop Celebratory Banquet for 7 nights straight(七夜連続祝いの宴)
An event scheduled to be held by Günter when Daikenja returns to Shin Makoku. Its official name is " Non-stop Celebratory Banquet for 7 nights straight - Put your rank aside tonight, eat til you drop, drink til you drop and it's fine if you get naked". It would be quite bad for the reputation of Aristocratic Ladies. (Novel 7)

Actual Age (実年齢)
The actual age of the (human-shaped) mazokus in the other world, is 5 times their appearance. (Novel 1)

Shibuya Yuuri, Harajuku Fuuri(渋谷有利原宿不利)
A phrase that makes fun of the main character's name. It's estimated that it has been used 50,000 times in the past. (Novel 1)

Shimaron (シマロン)
One of the human nations that is in conflict with the mazoku. A big country, which boast of being the most powerful nation. This country is made up of Big Shimaron and Small Shimaron (originally it was one Shimaron, but after the war twenty years ago it was clearly divided into Big and Small Shimaron respectively). In the past few decades, it gained total control of the continent's many areas. Counting autonomous regions, occupied territories, and islands, its influence extends to one quarter of the world. -> Big Shimaron ; Small Shimaron. (Novel 2)

Shimaron-marron (シマロンマロン)
They're not chestnuts, instead, they're round plants that taste good and look like truffles. A domestic product from Shimaron. Although it's hard to bite (if you get used to it) it seems to have a really good taste. (Novel 6)

Shapuun (しゃぷ―ん)
Poison Lady brand shampoo with a super pungent odor. It's a really effective combination if you use it with Poison Lady brand impure soap. (Gaiden 3)

Jari (じやリ)
Wolfram's special ending to his sentences. Since the Sandbear attack when he swallowed a great amount of sand, it seems he started using this suffix to his sentences occasionally when he gets excited or angry. (Novel 3)

Japan Advertising Review Organization. This is the organization that Yuuri said he wanted to contact when he was shocked for having been painted with B cups by the Third Son. Which followed with the Catch phrase: Jaro, what's Jaro?[36] (Gaiden 1)

Kimba the White Lion (ジャングル大帝)
The story of a White Lion drawn by Osamu Tezuka (No novel reference added)

Feeling like the back cover of a Weekly Magazine (週刊籠の裏妻紙みたいな気分)
This is how Shibuya Miko felt when she was called her full name, instead of just her last-name, because on the back cover of most magazines ther used to be "Nippen's Miko-chan". "Miko-chan" was the image character of a ball pen calligraphy course (by the Gakuben Comprehensive Education Center). A famous female who carried a binder with her and recommended teaching materials. (Gaiden 2)

Male and Female mixed baths (雌雄混合大浴場)
In Shimaron's culture it's a bath with sheep. The mixing of genders doesn't refer to humans but to the sheep. (Novel 9)

Garden of Monks (修道の園)
The religious facility that forbids women, which Günter joined when he entered priesthood. The monks follow the doctrine of shaving their whole body, to eliminate as many physical differences with Shinou as possible. (No Novel noted)

The Ten Nobles (十貴族)
Prestigious people who rule the territories in accordance to the Maou's will. The ruling class, who are basically the military class. Their ranks are known because their last names are the name of the land they rule with the word 'von' before it. Among them, those who are prepared to fight, are called 'Lord' once they reached adulthood. (Novel 1)

Previous Maou (上王)[37]
Previous maou, the way the former maou is addressed (Novel 1)

Honest Mary (正直メアリー)
Relative of Paper Sliding Door Mary (lie). Monitoring device. Also known as "Ma Powered Eyes No.1." (Gaiden 3)

Paper Sliding Door Mary (​障子にメアリ)
An old fashioned way of saying that walls have ears (lie). However there are no Paper Sliding Doors in Shin Makoku. (Gaiden 1)

Small Shimaron (小シマロン)
Country ruled by Saralegui. Thanks the legend of Maxine, the man who won't die, there's a trend among the soldiers to cut and style their hair in the shape of a Cropped Ponytail. (Novel 5)

The Queen's Ideas (女王様の着想)
Anissina's stylish and convenient invention's store. It has the interesting point of making consumers wonder where the ma power is coming from and has gained popularity among rabid fans. It has no connection whatsoever with the convenient goods selection shop "King's Idea"(王様のアイディア). (Gaiden 1)

Dishwasher Detergent commercial (食器洗い洗剤のCM)
Reference to the commercial for "Charming Green" (Lions) that features an old couple holding hands, skipping back into a store. Phrase that was likened to the moment when Yuuri was handcuffed to Gwendal and they were trying to hide it pretending that they were carrying some goods. (Novel 3)

Cheater (尻軽)
Word used by Wolfram to criticize Yuuri's friendliness to everyone[38]. Synonym of the "adulterer". Meanwhile Yuuri confused it with the word ashigaru, foot soldier, (a rank) and interpreted it favorably asking" Do you mean I'm quick on my feet?" (Novel 2)

Schildkraut (シルドクラウト)
Located in Hildeyard's southernmost point, it's not a Hub Airport but a Hub Port city. People and ships from all over the world gather in this neutral trade city. (Novel 2)

White Lion (白い獅子)
This refers to the Saitama Seibu Lions mascot, Leo. His sister is Laina. (Novel 3)

White Ibonba (白イボンバ)
Used in Shin Makoku as an adjective for white and delicate fingertips. Probably a type of fish. (novel 9)

Fly Fly White Pigeon Mail Carrier (白鳩飛べ飛べ伝書便)
A private, commercial communication organization. Known as: White Pigeon Mail.
The established system is that the message is sent by pigeon, and the customer is billed depending on the traveled distance. It is slower and less reliable than the country owned military information network, but they have locations all over the world to carrying information and items to customers without discrimination (as long as they can pay). In recent years the demand for their service has increased. There's also the "Red Pigeon New Comet Mail" which is three times faster than White Pigeon Mail. However, due to being young, they go into the wrong organizations by mistake. "Pink Pigeon Mail" specialize in delivering Love Letters. There has also been an increase in the use of "Kotsuhizoku Mail" which is used to transport large packages within the country. (Novel 6)

Shinou Antenna (眞王あんてな)
The abbreviation of the MA-powered device to detect magic that Anissina has on top of her head " Ah! His Majesty Shinou is in a place like that?". For some reason it's in the Kansai dialect. It's a joke of Kitaro (@Gegege)'s Yokai Antenna, however it cannot see Maria-sama. (Novel 17)

Shinou's Supper (眞王の晩餐)
A high and special dinner party, for the maou and his closest family. It has no connection to " Ito Family's Dinner Table" or "Egawa's Dinner Table". (Novel 1)

Shinou's Mausoleum/ Shrine (眞王廂)
Mazoku holy ground. It's on top of a mountain that can be see from the windows of the Blood Pledge Castle. The place where it's said that Shinou, the one who started the mazoku clan, is sleeping. Males are basically forbidden to enter it. With the High Priestess right in the middle, the maidens and female guards protect it. Regardless of the time of the day or the season, the beacons continue to burn non-stop. (Novel 1)

Shinou's Mausoleum Globe (眞王廂の球体)
A shiny globe that Ulrike manipulates. It floats above a pedestal made of black stone. It projects something similar to an astronomical chart with shaking stars, and can specify the location of any maou (with strong maryoku ) within the country. Outside the country, the sensor becomes less precise, which makes it difficult to determine the exact location. A bright golden light represents Cherie. An unstable blue light represents Yuuri. (Novel 5)

Zinter (ジンター)
The Shibuya Family mix bred dog. Younger than Cianfrocco. The name comes from one of the foreign player of the Seibu Lions. (Novel 3)

Shin Makoku (眞魔国)
The abbreviated name of the country that Yuuri rules, where the mazoku live. The official name is: "The eternal kingdom in which the wise and courageous mazoku live in prosperity after defeating the soushu with their power. Ah! We should never forget the entire world originated from the mazoku. Long live the great Shinou and his people." The population of human-shaped mazoku alone is 50 million. Since the number of the other citizens is too great, they can't be counted. The territory is divided into the land under direct control of the maou plus the between the lands ruled by the 10 . (Novel 1)

Shin Makoku Standing Art Troupe (眞魔国立芸術団)
It enrolls people who want to play cats or paint a turtle. It seems that at least some of the Maou's Harem come from this place. (Novel 8)

Shin Makoku's Emblem (眞魔国徽章)
The Maou inscribes its own crest. There are decorative coins, necklaces, rings and such that the descendants of the maou receive. (Novel 4)

Shin Makoku Research Institute (眞魔国総研)
Shin Makoku's Census Research Institute. According to a survey by them, the evil character that appears the most in children's dreams is Poison Lady Anissina. (Novel 6)

Shin Makoku Nippou (眞魔国日報)
Shin Nichi. Newspaper that prides itself for being the one to publish information the fastest, and selling the most amount of copies. It contains gossip articles like the ones you find in women magazines and one fake short stories like the ones you find in the sports columns, however, these are secretly the most popular among subscribers. (Gaiden 1)

New Ma powered String Phone (新・魔動糸電話)
It looks just like a string phone but if you don't say "Gori-san"(@ Taiyō ni Hoero![39]) at the end of a sentence, the communication gets cut off. (Novel 16)

Super Hitoshi Kun (スーバーひとし君)
A sort of doll that's the moderator of a quiz show called "Discovery of the World's Mysteries"(TBS), modeled after Hitoshi Kusano. There's a special red explorer outfit version; and white normal "Hitoshi Kun" for when you answer correctly, which has 3 different bodies. If you answer incorrectly the doll is confiscated. As of 2010, this system hasn't changed. The regulars are Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, Nonomura Makoto, Bando Eiji, etc. (Novel 4)

Svelera (スヴェレラ)
A country located in an arid area, which used to be a part of Conanshia. Love with other races, or between people who aren't spouses is considered a felony. Due to a long drought, their food self-sufficiency is at an all time low. They unearthed "End of the Wind" and sold it to Big Shimaron, however it seems that lately they haven't been able to collect the houseki , which was an important item for exportation, causing the number of people who are looking for work outside the country has increased rapidly. Their currency is called 'Peso'. Their military hair style called "Salmon-Sea-urchin-Tuna Salad" is very similar to a battleship roll sushi​. The mateki was also found here. (Novel 3)

Cedar Pollen Number one (杉花紛一号)
Yuuri's role in the school play in 4th grade elementary school. It seems the play was about people suffering the symptoms of hay fever. (Gaiden 3)

Sugubanyakoppo (スグバニヤコッポ)
The name of an animal (probably) that Wolfram said while playing Shiritori. Details unknown. (Gaiden 1)

Star Tours (スターツアーズ)
"This will be useful to you in the future" is what Yuuri's father told him while making him ride 10 consecutive times on this Dis(__) Land attraction. And it did come in handy later on, because it helped him not panic when he was traveling to the other world. It also refers to the state of travelling through time and space. "Star Tour" for short. (Novel 1)

Sandbear (砂熊)
A huge panda with monotone colors like beige and brown. An evil beast that makes its nests in the desert, waiting in the center of a type of prey-hell. Its special saliva burns to the touch. -> Keiji (Novel 3)

Swirl's Information Store (スワルドの情報屋)
Fanfan's favorite. Its information is always right (Novel 8)

Justice No.1 & No.2 (正義一号二号)
Water serpents controlled by Yuuri. Attack magic that has taken a shape. They have the kanji for 'Justice' on their bellies. Before his adopted daughter it seems that they have upgraded to trifurcaded dragons. (Novel 1)

Seisakoku (聖砂国)
An imperial country located to the south of the world, that possesses a territory between 2 to 5 times that of Shin Makoku. It seems that digging out houseki and exportation are two ways of acquiring the most valued foreign currency. (Novel 9)

Let's purify, forever (清浄機よ永遠に)
A ma powered air purifier that looks like a flag. You can wave it with your hands. The design is not that of stars and banners. (Gaiden 3)

Adulthood (成人)
For mazokus it starts at age 16. There is a ceremony (coming of age ceremony) where people decide what path they'll take; Whether they'll pledge to become a soldier, or attempt to achieve prosperity as a civilian. There are a lot of people who choose whether to keep their mother's or father's name during this time. And those who possess both human and mazoku blood, must decide whether they'll live their lives as either mazoku or humans. (Novel 4)

See the World by Train (世界の車窓から)
A morning mini program about a traveler's journal. For example it shows a lot of landscapes a seen from a car window. Yuuri felt like he was in this show while traveling long distances in the continent. (Novel 6)

Fully Automatic Maryoku Washing Machine (全自動魔力洗濯機)
Ma-powered device that made its appearance along with Anissina. You can rotate the water in the barrel with your own power. It was considered a failure due to the great amount of energy it consumed. (Novel 3)

Previous Life Analysis Software (前世解析ソフト)
Developed by Murata. Contains data about famous people that lived in the last 2500 years in both the West and the East.According to it, Yuuri's grass lot baseball team has 3 Himikos[40], two Oda Nobunagas[41], and two Napoleons. By the way, Yuuri was one of the Himikos. (Gaiden 4)

Fully MA-powered washing lavatory.(全魔動水洗厠)
A device made of nightmares. It seems it was terrible enough to be flushed down the toilet. (Novel 17)

Soukoku- doble blacks-(双黒)
(Because they're so rare) it seems that one single era, won't see two soukoku mazokus in it. It's said that if you obtain one, you'll attain immortality and in the Western Principality, reward money is offered for them. They're also treated as a mythical medicine and a rare delicacy.

Soushu (創主)
When they tried to swallow the entire world, a group of brave people lead by Shinou and Daikenja defeated them, and their dangerous existence was sealed into four boxes. (Novel 1)

The 'Until That Day' Church (その日まで教)
A super lethargic church. The doctrine of the 'Kurokami' was caused by a black hair that they found tangled around "Mirror of the Deep Waters" (Daikenja or maybe someone else?). (Novel 16)

Zomosagori Dragon (ゾモサゴリ竜)
Murderous beast. When you see it, it looks like a small Stegosaurus. Even the young ones eat people. It's said they're rather difficult to kill. Their cry is 'Nyaa'. (Novel 2)

Zorashia (ゾラシア)
A few years ago, this empire had a civil war and neighboring countries trying to invade it. 6 months after princess Greta was taken hostage, the imperial house was abolished after being beaten by the popular government. (Novel 4)

Sondergaard (ソンダーガード)
Human country. It's located in a continent positioned across the sea from Shin Makoku.

Big Shimaron (大シマロン)
Formerly Shimaron. Its capital is Lambert. It's military uniform is yellow and brown, and the official hair style is fluffy long hair, which is maintained by using egg oil. After acquiring the "End of wind", they wanted to try to use Wincott poison to control the 'Key'.

Pinch hitter Nick (代打ニック)
A gorgeous sailing ship registered in Hildeyard. It was left as a reserve to travel from Shildekraut to Van der Via. Somewhat inferior to a certain famous sunken ship, but definitely gorgeous. Yuuri was thinking about this when he named it (Novel 2).[42]

Dad joke- dajare- (駄洒落)
What Conrad considers himself an expert in (it's his conviction). Phrases like " Just to look nice (su-te-ki), I want to use a walking stick (su-te-ki) like a British man", or" How can you possibly Alaska" cause freezing temperatures[43]. Yuuri has recently learned the skill to ignore this out of his own will.[44] (Novel 4)

Soul (魂)
Souls reset when the user dies, and it doesn't take a long time for the next user to receive it. It accumulates the memories of the past 'Lives', but they're usually sealed. In rare cases it's put into a transparent container with an augite-made lid. (Gaiden 1)

The Ball's Hole (球の穴)
A Major League training hell agency, from When Shouri leaves his home in New York. It gave birth to Tiger Mask. It has no connection to "Tora no Ana" (the tiger's hole). (Gaiden 2)[45]

Darco (グルコ)
The port city where "Who Is It Summoning Hell 1-Chome, Ah, Errand-Running 3-Chome Prison" is . Small Country made of Prisons and Fisheries. (Novel 16)

Dandy Lions (ダンデイーライオンズ)
Grass Lot Baseball team where Yuuri serves as the Captain.They appeared in local cable TV, and there are also members who are adults. Yuuri himself is a regular catcher with jersey number "8". (Novel 2)

Cheese Aliens (チーズ星人)
Mascot of Nissin Cup Noodle's Cheese Series. When it says "chi chi chi chi chi", cheese comes out of its fingers. When Yuuri turned into super Uesama mode in the Gilbit mansion in Caloria, he made out of tea something similar to this character. (Novel 5)

Underground Tunnel (地下通路)
The underground 'Space'[46] in Seisakoku where things that you think about or that you had once seen come true. The tribe in charge of using the tunnel for Royal funerals, would only allow blind people to use the tunnel, since it was the only way they wouldn't be affected. (Novel 12)

The Family of Wisemen (知者の一族)
A family that lives in the farthest easter corner of the world. It seems the only young female in the village was given to Shinou's father and was made to have his baby. (Gaiden 4)

Hanging Breasts Wrapper (乳吊り帯)
What bras are called in the other world. (Novel 5)

Chanbaratorio (チヤンバラトリオ)
An entertainer's comedy act. It's not connected to a martial art sports. (Gaiden 2)

Super Majutsu (超魔術)
In reference to the Super Maou Mode that Yuuri displayed in the 'Greatest Fighter'. The judge called him "Narikiri-chan". It has no connection to Fuji TV's masked magician magic and his fire extinguishing magic story. (Novel 8)

Super Ma Powered Yo yo (超魔動ヨーヨー)
A MA powered toy that's very popular among kids. I can't tell the Super part, nor the Ma power part of it. There's also a related product, a Ma powered Spinning Top. (Novel 6)

Pot Plink (ツボコロリ)
The secret medicine that causes Pot-sama to dry and 'plink', fall off. It's not something that should be used for the callus and blood blisters that soldiers get on the sole of their feet during war time. (gaiden 3)

Taylor's (テーラーズ)
A bookstore managed by the fanatic (of Japanese subcultures) Jonathan Taylor. His clients who study at places like Harvard and MIT (Masachissets Institute of Technology, and are strangly nice. (Novel 13)

T-zou (Tぞう) A sheep that tagged along with Yuuri and the gang in Caloria.
Its dark brown face has white in the T-zone area[47]. According to the legend of "The Sheep Queen", if you only breed males, they'll all become her servants. Has the numbers 666 on its back (Novel 6)

Digital-Analogue G Shock (デジアナGショツク)
The watch that Yuuri always wears, which even after being flushed down a toilet was A-Ok. It's an analogue type, the limited Daisuke Matsuzaka edition.[48] Since it doesn't seem to be unsynchronized, a day in th other world is apparently as long as one on Earth. (Novel 1)

Long hand red frog (手長アカガエル)
An ingredient for making dinner that has an effect similar to Viagra. There's also a purple fruit that has the same effect . (Novel 3)

Terine (テリーヌ)
A skull that Captain Mountain Range showers with deep love and polishes daily with egg whites. It is called familiar names like 'Ternine-shan' or 'Terine-bon'. It was believed it was the skull of a killed enemy; but in reality it's the head of a kotsuhizoku. We later find out that it has an important communication device (specialized in transmission) that works quietly.

The Greatest Fighting Event -Tenkaiichi Butoukai - (天下一武闘会)
Known as The Greatest Fighter(テンカプ). An event similar to the olympics organized by Big Shimaron. There's no connection to the 'Tenkaichi Budoukai' that Son Goku participated in. The type of event is not like that in 'Dragon Ball', but rather like the one in 'Gladiator'. (Novel 7)

The Greatest Dancing Event - Tenkaiichi Butoukaii (天下一舞踏会)
A Great Dancing competition organized by Mehilsar (メヒルサル). (Gaiden 1)

This it the artist that Rodriguez entered 4 times in a row at the karaoke. It was probably the opening song of "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing". The singer of this 2 member band, is the same as Anissina's seiyuu in the anime, Takayama Minami. (土 Wrong Kanji entered )
Ba-bump! A Late Night Service with Lots of Men, and there's also tears! (どき~男だらけの魔術合宿、お涙ばろりもあリ!)
Among the new adult mazoku males only 40% reach the reference value, so Anissina devices a way to improving their maryoku.
1 year before they reach adulthood, boys are compulsory forced to join training camps, studying theory and practicing day and night, in a super strict way. For some reason, it has the name of a great swimming competition with a nostalgic celebrity in it. (Novel 4)

Doguu (どぐぅ)
The cry of pigeons. It's not a clay figuring(土偶) (Novel 6)

Poison Lady (毒女)
Anissina's alias. A character for children modeled after herself that appeared in "Sleep Sleep Child". Every novel follows the title format "Poison Lady Anissina and ....... ". Each of the novels' titles continues with " The Secret Laboratory", " The Patient's will", " The Repairment of a certain Bag", "The Annoying Corset", "The Symphony of the Immortal" (still in progress), however it has no connection to the stories about the eldest child of the Potter household. Recently it seems that (the story/character) has been portrayed in comics similar to American comics. (Novel 5)

Poison Lady Health Organization (毒女保健機構)
Established by Anissina. It dispatches Poison Midwives to help anxious mothers all over the world with childbirth and childcare. (Novel 17)

Poison Killings Handbook (毒殺便覧)
Anissina's favorite book. Old and new poisons and symptoms from all over the globe. The murdered person and their circumstances are described in detail. Suitable for its content, it's a thick book with purple cover. (Novel 5)

Tosa Lake (トサ湖)
A Lake on the Christ territory, where the Lakeside tribe originates. The von Christ family has a villa there where Günter was born. In the regional dialect, they end their sentences with 'Tosa'. When Günter gets excited, he too inadvertently uses it at the end. (Gaiden 1)

Dracma bills (ドラクマ紙幣)
Currency that circulates in Cavalcade. Louis Biron counterfeit it. (Novel 4)

Dragon (ドラゴン)
A creature that is at the top of the Red List of endangered species. Due to human over hunting them, they were close to disappearing, so the mazoku started to strongly protect them. (Novel 1)

Triple Jennifer Attack (トリプルジェニファーアタック)
Miko's special move. Ultra Jeniffer's Special 3 consecutive moves. (Gaiden 2)

Training wear (トレーニングウエア)
The jersey top and bottom custom made in Shin Makoku for Yuuri's training routine. They're green with 2 white lines, the kind of design you can only see in variety shows nowadays. After getting passed Yuuri's old clothes, the nadzukeoya can be see happily wearing them in the castle, with his arms and legs sticking out of them. (Novel 4)

Knife (ナイフ)
Purposely dropping one on the floor, is a way to request a duel. If the other party picks it up, it means that they've accepted it. (Novel 1)

A Love Journal Written in the Summer (夏から擢る愛日記)
Günter Journal, the second installment. It has a green goat leather cover, with gold decorations. It contains wild delusions in regards to his majesty.'Heika Love Love Journal' ( Novel 2)

Seven Colored Mamoimo (七色マモイモ)
Seisakoku's special product. It's so delicious that one must eat it at least once before you die. (Novel 9)

What are you talking about!? (なんということでしょう!)
A phrase that Yuuri, who likes 'reforms', uses in his head a lot, when describing the structure of a building. The voice is that of Midori Koto (加藤みどり). It's a phrase you will surely hear during the remodeling documentary program " Great remodeling! Dramatic Before and After" (Asahi TV). In a different world, the craftmanship of Japanese construction doesn't apply. (Novel 6)

No-No Smell Kun - Nio wa nai nai kun - (ニオワナイナイくん)
A large ma powered deodorizing machine. One of Anissina's Ma powered inventions. An improved version of " No-no Smell Sick Stain Kun" (or No-no Smell 16 Kun)(ニオワナイナイシクステーンくん」 (Novel 9)

28 Days Later (28日後)
Yuuri, who doesn't want to believe in living deads, remembered this SF horror film with an infectious disease theory. But in reality it wasn't 28days after death but a year, with the bodies already fermented. (Novel 12)

Paint Type of Joytoy (塗るタイプ・オブ・ジョイトイ)
Shouri's screen name that's a spoof of "Yinling of Joytoy". It's rather embarrassing. (Novel of )

Negroshinoyamakishi (ネグロシノマヤキシ)
We're not sure what kind of animal it is, but we do know that if you grilled its meat, it's delicious. (Novel 2)

Cat (猫)
A small animal that makes Gwendal turn to mush. Its cry is 'meh meh'. (Novel 2)

Nema Via (ネマ・ヴィーア)
One of Shimarons three 'Via' islands. There's a low level POW camp. (Novel 6)

Sleep Sleep Child (寝る寝る子供)
Anissina's creation. With a red and purple cover and its title written with an eerie font, this is .... no picture book, but rather a book that with infallible maryoku puts you to sleep. If by any chance you don't feel the effects, you can return it within the following 10 days. (Novel 6)

Cosmetics by age (年齢別化粧品)
Saisunkan Pharmaceutical's 'Domohorn Wrinkle'. It seems that the system used to purify the water at the oasis, is similar to the extraction process at the manufacturing plant of this basic skin-care products. (Novel 14)

Nokantei (ノーカンティー)
Conrad's beloved horse. A hazel colored maiden. Since it's a war horse, it was two hearts. (Novel 1)

No Dan Via (ノー・ダン・ヴイーア)
Shimaron's westernmost end. One of Shimarons three 'Via' islands. Ships heading to the main land also depart from here. (Novel 5)

Muscle brain (脳筋族)
Muscle brain abbreviation.[49] Someone who's not good at thinking things trough. Title that his older brother gave Yuuri. "Obakachin" (you little retard), is a synonym of this term. (Novel 4)

Nogisu (ノギス)
① Kumahachis' cry.
②(Callipers) A tool to measure length. Many of them are made of metal.
You can find them at schools, in the industrial arts storage room. (Gaiden 1)

Nozomi-chan (のぞ見ちゃん)[50]
Ma powered glasses. Recommended by Shin Makoku's Bird Watching Society. Because it has MA powering elements in it, it can be comfortably used in any environment. Masterpiece. (Novel 7)

Windpipe No.1 (喉笛一号)
A T-shaped cane (stick) that Yuuri received from Gisela. A sword cane, that releases flowers when you pull it by the handle. However, if you twist it instead, a sword will come out. It has this name because it has slit the windpipes of several people. (Novel 4)

Perman No.2 (パーマンニ号)
This is the alias of a young chimpanzee whose real name is Bobby; in 'Perman' (author: Fujiko F Fujiyo). Yuuri used it as an example, when thinking that if he could bring the Fake Maou back to Shin Makoku, he could use him as his body double. He probably mistook it for 'Copyrobot' (Novel 3)

haicha (はいちや)
A slightly embarrassing verb in Seisakoku language. Yelshi did 'this verb' to his mother's breasts until age three. (Novel 15)

Box (箱)
The 4 Forbidden Boxes. Built by Shinou, the soushus were sealed in them at the end of their deadly battle. They must never be touched, and it's said that if opened they would bring death and destruction. There's a key for each of the boxes. 'End of Wind' (the key is the left arm of someone of a certain bloodline), 'End of the Land ' (left eye) 'Inferno of the Tundra' (left side of the chest 'the heart'), 'Mirror of the Deep Waters' (blood). The two boxes carried to earth by the original Daikenja were called " Pandora's box' and 'Noah's arc'. (Side Story 1)

Batman (バットマン)
An alias that Yuuri received when he drew a baseball bat when given a pen after losing his memories. It has no connection to 'Piano Man', the German man who drew a grand piano. Of course, it has no connection to bat-people either. (Gaiden 4)

Leaf-kun (葉っパくん)
The ma powered underwear that Anissina gave naked Shinou. It has barely the size to cover the crotch area. Rather than 'ma powered' it should be called a ma collector. (Novel 17)

Stuffed Nose Kun (鼻がきくぞうくん)
A machine used for tracking ma power. Commonly known as 'Power Dog'. We're not sure whether it's a dog, an elephant or a flower. There's a similar product that's a simplified version of it, called ' A minor case'(軽事件かっる); but of course neither of them is connected in any way to "Detective Dog Patrol" (刑事犬カール) (TBS show). (Gaiden 3)

The Mummy (ハムナプトラ)
An American adventure movie. A remake of 'The Mummy Returns'. It's not... a movie where the ones taking the mummy turn into mummies. (Novel 5)

Hair Clipper Kun (バリカンくん)
An abbreviation of Crick-crack Harvesting Man Kun (バリバリ刈る男くん). The Ma powered hair cutting device that Anissina brought with her when she was trying to turn Hube into Yuuri's body double. (Novel 17)[51]

Hulkamania (ハルカマニア)
An enthusiastic fan of Hulk Hogan (pro-wrestler). Also used to reference the audience and how they reacted to Adalbert pre-battle taunting in the Greatest Figther. Synonym -> Everyone at Alta throwing interjections at Tamori.[52] (Novel 8)

A Journal that was started in the Spring (春から始める夢日記)
First part of Gunter's Journal. It gained popularity after it was read in the monks garden and it's what prompted Gunter's debut as a writer. For the publication, he used a female sounding pen name (W・C・ニコラとの説有り) so that his identity wouldn't be discovered, and the story was rewritten as one between a high ranking older man and a maid. There's no particular connection to the Japanese classic "Tosa Journal" written by a man pretending to be a woman. (author: Kino Tsurayuki) (Novel 2)

Haro (ハロ)
1)A small robotic mascot sphere that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam. 2) A basketball painted green that Rodriguez friend tried to take to a meeting of the 'National Gundam Society'. (Gaiden 2)

Bandou Eiji (バンドウエイジ)
The popular Bandou dolphins, Bandou-kun and Eiji-kun from Sea World; that Murata and Yuuri visited. It's not the former professional basebal player who likes boiled eggs. (Novel 3)

Hee-hee-fuu (ヒーヒーフー)
The Lamaze breathing method for giving birth. Inhale twice shortly and exhale once. Due to Yuuri's mistake, there are still people who confuse this with what you should say when rowing a boat in the other world. (Novel 6)

Kgjh-Yes Kun (びいえすくん)
An abbreviation of "Kgjh, Kgjh, YES, YES I'm receiving radio waves", the high performance radio receiver that can pick up almost any sound. It's successor ' Kgjh-Yes Kun, Hai!' will continue working as a 'terrestrial digital broadcasting' without rusting even if it's underground with denden bugs and centipedes crawling around it. (Novel 12)

East Nilson (東ニルゾン)
Name of a place in Big Shimaron. The largest ocean port of the country. It's the starting point of The Greatest fighter. (Novel 7)

aphrodisiac (美番蘭)
A kind of perfume that Cherie had a chemister make for her. It has an adverse effect only on those who possess maryoku, causing feelings of love or hate towards the person using it to intensify to extremes. (novel 1)

Sheep (羊)
Its cry is 'Nmoh!' and it gets violent like a bull in a bullfight when it gets excited. When it snows, they go into 'snow mode' and their appearance CHANGE with all their wool combed straight back. (Novel 6)

Assertive Tone like when you're talking to yourself (一人時間差断定口調)
Forceful narrative that Anissina is especially good at. It doesn't give the listener time to refute. (Novel 3)

Hinemosu (ひねもす)
Something that you're very likely to encounter in the sandy soil of Svelera. It might mean 'Sandbear' in Sveleran dialect, but details are unknown. The picture that Yuuri imagined of a dinosaur swimming in a spring pond, seems to come from an association from Yusuke Buson's phrase "Haru no umi hinemosu no tarinotarikana"[53]

Hinomokou (ヒノモコウ)
Zorashia's court cuisine. Sea food Spaghetti with shrimp and clams topping. They use a Chinese style ramen bowl. You can eat it at food stalls in the Pleasure Quarters. It has nothing to do with hikomokkosu (a word that that Kumamoto men say) (Novel 4)

Thong- himopan (級バン)
The most common underware of Shin Makoku's ruling class. The maou's is black and silky glossy. The common people seem to wear trunks. It is rumored that the Second Son wears boxers. (Novel 1)

Slap (平手)
Slapping someone's left cheek is an traditional mazoku way of proposing. Slapping the right cheek or punching someone's face is not considered a proposal. If the other person shows their right cheek, or hits the left cheek back, (this being called a 'reverse proposal'), the engagement is final. (Novel 1)

Hildeyard (ヒルドヤード)
A human country on the other side of the ocean from Shin Makoku. From Voltaire territory, it's about three days on ship. To officially thank Shin Makoku for lending their strength during the creation of the country, it has kept since then diplomatic relationships with it resulting in an increase of profits derived from trade. A pleasure quarter was created due to the amount of people entering and leaving this country. Many also come from abroad to work here.
Furthermore, in regards to the hot spring areas next to it, it's said that" If you immerse yourself for a day, you get three days. Two days, will give you six years. But if you immerse yourself for three days, you will live a very long life" to speak of the good quality of the sulphur hot spring. When Conrad had hurt his hand tendon, and also when Dunheely had suffered an injury that left him close to death, these hot springs completely heal them. (Novel 2)

Puu Alliance (プー同盟)
It's the abbreviation of " Shin Makoku's Wolfram was always a spoiled Puu Alliance". Established by Gunter; Gwendal joined as a member. (Novel 2)

Von (フォン)
A particle attached to the name of the 10 mazoku Nobles. Adding this particle to the name of the land they control is their last name.(Novel 1)

Pocket Monster Mazoku Kun (懐怪物魔族くん)
A popular toy especially among the aristocratic young boys.
It's monsters in a small container that you can train while making them fight. They possess three evolutions before reaching their full power. Since it's out in the open, they're allowed to use these lower mazoku (familiar spirit​s). Not only are pocket monsters expensive, but you must also have spare money for the registration fee. Since it doesn't appeal to the common people, it's difficult for it to become popular among them. (Novel 6)

Bubububun cicada (ブブブンゼミ)
These are the cicadas that fly throughout Shin Makoku to absorb the toxines after a strange disease that happens every 645 years, the Wormwood fever, occurs.
They're one of the "World's 7 Wonder Insects" called "Shinou's Assistants[54]". They're a popular topic of novels and plays, but all of a sudden The Great G (******). This time it is Greta's friends the couple Semiñor and Semiñorita[55] the ones in charge of suctioning the toxics. (Novel 10)

Burikko- kun (鰤っ子くん)[56]
The rolling motion on her stomach that the maidmer does. やりすごると魚ックリ腰になる.(gaiden 3)

His Majesty's Love Basket Ranking (陛下ご籠愛番付)
A ranking of who people on the streets think is the person Yuuri likes. It represents the key positions with numbers. It's considered the raw material for "Heika Toto". (gaiden 1)

Heika Toto (陛下トト)
An abbreviation of "His Majesty Preferential Treatment Expectation". The secret pleasure of Shin Makoku citizens in guessing who Yuuri will fall in love with. Currently the "He will fold under Excellency Wolfram's pressure" is a favorite. There are others like "He will fall for Cherie the former Queens bonkyu bongs", "He'll run away with one of Excellency Gwendal's knitted animals because people don't understand their love" "He'll trai... raise a young beautiful girl to his liking", "Excellency Conrad will grab his majesty and run away barefoot with him" , "A broken Excellency Gunter will explode and while using a strange voice he'll run away with his majesty" and such. The forecasts are really diverse. (Novel 4)

His Majesty's Twenty-Four (陛下二十四宇)
A compilation by Anissina "Emergency Report: A true account!!! His Majesty's Twenty-Four." It's not a documentary that focuses on the police, but rather a simple dictionary that explains Earth's phrases that Yuuri uses a lot. Statements like "Healthy" or "Sea of Hell", although there are still doubts about its accuracy. There are plans to increase the terms in it. (Novel 7)

A song to break his Majesty (陛下を費美する歌)
A love song that Gunter composed secretly. There are 72 that have been confirmed to this day. A lot of people forget the lyrics. (Novel 6)

Plainsmen Tribe(平原組)
An organization that doesn't own lands in the country. They are sent to fight to other countries, train to be soldiers and this becomes their livelihood.
ince the eastern part of the continent pretty much became Shimaron too, they have gradually forgotten their pride and cared only about power. Currently it has a connection with Small Shimaron. Flynn is from this.(Novel 6)

Get compensation, redeem the coins (贖を引き裂いて償う)
A phrase that represents Shin Makoku soldier's preparedness. It's similar to the money that is paid to settle a fight. (Novel 9)

Someone else No.27 (別人27号)
A small PC with many modifications that Shouri got in a junk shop in Akihabara. (Novel 11)

Henachoko (へなちよこ)
Means Yuuri. Wolfram uses it usually, putting all his love into it. (Novel 1)

Venera (ベネラ)
It means 'hope' in Seisakoku language. She's the anti-government leader. Hazel. (Novel 9)

Berard (ベラール)
One of the three royal families that are regarded as the former rulers of the continent. They were reduced in numbers during the battle at Cole Nilzon. 20 years after the battle, the only survivor, Paig (peh-ee-gh), was transfered to the capital with the name Weller. (Novel 8)

Lake Constance (ボーデン湖)
The lake that works as a border between Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It's where April sunk the box. (Side Story 1)

Ball Park (ボールパーク)
A baseball field. It was constructed to celebrate Yuuri's 16th birthday in the Capital of Shin Makoku under the orders of Conrad. Both flanks are over 100 meters[57]. A full fledged facility complete with team benches and spectator's seats. It seems that the grass naturally growing in the field has an embarrassing name. (Novel 4)

Heal (Hoimi - ホイミ)
A basic recovery spell that appears in the "Dragon Quest" game series. I think Yuuri has mastered it. (Novel 4)

What Yuuri called himself while being interviewed by the Executive Committee at the Van der Via Festival. There's a drama outside Japan where a hero of the same name uses things around him like flour and detergents, to escape situations by using science.[58] (Novel 2)

Houjutsu (法術)
The magic that shinzoku and humans manipulate. It's said you're granted this power by wishing for it. You can be born with a natural talent for it or pray for it. It's activated with training and discipline. It does things like sealing evil (MA) and it also has many side effects for the mazoku. (Novel 1)

Houseki (法石)
A supplement to houjutsu, a mineral to give powers to those who aren't talented. Valuable minerals whose reserves are limited. The high quality ones can only be excavated by the hands of women and children. The ring with a red stone that Alazon gave to her son Saralegui, was also made with houseki. (Novel 3)

Houryouku (法力)
The power that opposes maryoku. (Novel 1)

I'm tired already (ボクもう疲れたよ)
Usually continued by " for some reason I'm really sleepy", the seasonal word is Patrasche[59]. Used when you're feeling weak or tired due to hard labor. When you've reached your limit, an angel will come to pick you up. (Novel 10)

Pedestrian Hell (歩行者地獄)
Antonym of pedestrian heaven. To prohibit the passage of all citizens due to some circumstance.(Novel 10)

Bone static (骨パシ)
A form of communication that kotsuhizokus and kotsuchizokus can use to communicate through great distances. A function somewhere in between osteophony and telepathy. (Novel 9)

Translation jelly[60] (翻訳心太)
If you pour it in your ear, you'll (theoretically) understand any language; it's Anissina's version of (Doraemon's) 'Translator Konyaku'. There was also a similar product called "Zukyiiin! In your ears!" that (theoretically) allowed the user to understand what animals say , but their eardrums went zukyiiiin! and hurt so its production was stopped. (Novel 11)

Major Danger (マージョルノキケーン) (No.1 & No.2)
Anissina's new anti-bird medicine. It even made an effect on zombie mode Josak's eyes. (Novel 10)

Marvel (マーベル)
Marvel Comics. American comics publisher of comics such as 'Spiderman' or 'X-MEN'. (Gaiden 2)

Mabo (マーボー)
Yuuri's alias when he was a fugitive for eloping and stole a bride. The name comes from 'Yanbo and Mabo Weather Forecast'.-> Yanbo (Novel 3)

Class B Lost Children Tracker (迷子追跡野郎Bクラス)
Private Investigation Company Mc Hattan. Although they seem rather competent, for some reason they're Class B. Although it's rumored that all of its members are former US. Army Commanders, a connection with the foreign drama 'A Team' cannot be confirmed. (Novel 1)

Maou (魔王)
The ruler of Shin Makoku, the country of the mazoku. Generation after generation, the maou boasts a vast power believed to be greater than that of gods. The succession is not hereditary, but decided by Shinou, and it's said that disobeying him can cause frightening results. Yuuri is the 27th maou. As for Earth maou, his maryoku isn't that powerful and he doesn't have a country. (Novel 1)

Maou's Harem (魔王奥)
A great harem for the maou. An area dedicated to the ruler's night games. A harem for those who do not wish to choose a partner. Since the previous maou was a female (Cherie), there were some very good looking machos in the underground harem. (gaiden 3)

Maou Statue (魔王像)
An artwork that Fanfan got from the treasure room in Big Shimaron. The head is an elefant.(Novel 8)

Demon Mirror -Makyou- (魔鏡)
①A symbol of Hildeyard's pleasure quarters. They are hung by the townspeople. If light hits from the right angle, it reflects a beautiful pattern on the floor. A shiny masterpiece.
②A lost mazoku treasure "Demon Mirror of the water surface"(水面の電鏡). At the bottom, there's a pattern of intertwining dragons. When you pour water into it and use it, it will show the figure of the person who's looking at it, in the past or future. For some reason, Hildeyard's Hinomoko stand served a dish with it. (Novel 4)

Maryoku Enhancement Blade (Magical Blade)魔力増強刃
Anissina's maryoku training device. With a long and thin-as-a-feather denter, if you bland it all day long, you can expect getting 6 times the average effect. It has nothing to do with the products to strengthen the abdominal muscles.[61] (Novel 4)

Majutsu (魔術)
It's mainly used for important things like fighting or summoning the maou. In accordance with the war pact they have with the humans, they seem to control how much they use it. In places where there are fewer elements that obey the mazoku, (Like human territories), its effect is weaker.(Novel 1)

Machine gun protest(マシンガン抗議)
A characteristic of Yuuri, which is fatal for catchers and also very disadvantegous in life. An unstoppable mouth, due to an uncontrollable sense of justice. An extreme case of short temper. Another name for it: Turkish March. (Novel 1)

Maseki (魔石)
A stone that's only reactive to people who possess maryoku. The black stone that Morgif has on its forehead is also a maseki. Furthermore the blue maseki that's always hanging from Yuuri's neck, is a memento of Susana Julia that Conrad gave Yuuri. The stone that's rimmed with silver, is the size of a 500 yen coin, and has the Wincott coat of arms engraved in it. (Novel 1)

Mazoku (魔族)
①(In the other world) Beings that can use majutsu and live very long lives. They're enemies of the humans. Their hair, skin and even their shape, varies greatly among them, but if one of them is born with black in their bodies, it means that they have the special soul of a king or someone close to them. (Novel 1)
② (On Earth) Their looks and skills are similar to those of humans. They live a little longer than humans, and it's said that there are many who excel at something. (Gaiden 1)

MA Harmonic Bird Whistle (魔調和音鳥笛)
Whistle developed by Anissina. Using the sound waves that people can't hear, it is said to manipulate birds emotions (only to make them angrier though) (Gaiden 1)

Late stage adoption ban (末期姜子の禁)
A rule of the Edo period. When the head of a house died young without leaving any successors, soon after his death, a child was quickly adopted into the family as the heir. The ban prohibited this action. The reason Flynn had to dress up as her late husband, is because Small Shimaron, as a vassal state, had also adopted this ban.(Novel 5)

MA building blocks demolition (魔積み木崩し)
An educational household toy recommended by Anissina. Boys are also encouraged to use them. The goal of the game is to get women who have taken a wrong turn, to gain their independence. (Novel 6)

Ma powered laundry scissors (魔動洗濯バサミ)
Product that can eliminate unpleasant others with a little bit of maryoku. Although pinching your nose is convenient. (Gaiden 1)

Ma powered Kite (魔動凧)
Suspicious Kite used frequently by Anissina to go from one place to another. Ideal for violating the airspace of the Volatire territory. (Gaiden 1)

Ma powered trailing bullet (魔動追撃弾)
Its goal is to explode. A bullet that can be lunched manually and chases after its target. It's quite heavy. (Novel 7)

Ma powered grinding device (魔動挽肉製造器)
A prototype of a ma powered device that Anissina made in the year she came of age. A rotated blade in a cylinder to put pigs in and grind them. It seems that something also happened when Minchey wandered off from her brother. (Novel 4)

Ma powered hemming device (魔動服の裾上げ)
With just a little bit of maryoky you can easily hem up any clothes. It's recommended to always having in the sewing box. (Gaiden 1)

Ma powered water heater (魔動湯沸かし器)
With just a little bit of power (it does exactly what the name states) (Gaiden 1)

Maryoku - Magic - Demon power (魔力)
Power that the mazokus possess (those who are half humans do not possess it). The strength of such power is determined by the quality of the soul they're born with. They can use elements like Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water, by making pacts with them. (Novel 1)

Maryoku Container(魔力瓶)
Has the Poison Lady seal. Using it with the Maryoku Amplifier Device, this can make a container of highly concentrated maryoku. It's what makes it possible for Shinou to be materialized (as long as it's always on him). (Novel 17)

Maolin Kick Ball (魔林蹴球運)
Sport recommended by Anissina. At any rate, there's no connection to "Shaolin Soccer".  (Novel 6)

The Substitute Hakuraku (身代わり伯楽)
A story about a violent girl who swaps places with aristocrats brothers, and become a big success after riding a horse. In China, Hakuraku is a famous horse connoisseur​. It has absolutely no connection to the "The Substitute Countess" series (author: Kiyohara Mimori). It's described in "The Other World's Poison Lady's Biting the Whole Fruit Complete Encyclopedia ". (Novel 17)

Bathing suits (水着)
It's mandatory to wear them in the Hildeyard hot springs. The ones lent out (to men), are yellow super bikini, with a tail attached to the posterior side. It seems women like them a lot. (Novel 4)

Mitsuemon (ミツエモン)
The alias Yuuri used when heading to Van der Via, similar sounding to 'Mito Komon'. He also used it in the Hildeyard Pleasure Quarters. It's a nickname he uses often. Using the story of being a young master of " a whole sale crepe store in Echigo", he confused Hyscliff by using words like 'Echigo' and 'Chirimen'. -> Kakunoshin (Novel 2)

Mickey (ミッキ)
A mazoku in charge of the guest house security in the Blood Pledge Castle. Basically, its made of two large hands similar to that of a mouse with the same name; each of them are several meters long. You can run on the area between the index and middle fingers (in that area in between them). (Gaiden 1)

Stowaway IMPOSSIBLE -Mikkou impossible- (密航インポツシブル)
Stowing away is actually a difficult MISSION to accomplish, it has nothing to do with a spy's strategy. (Novel 9)

Minovsky particle (ミノフスキー粒子)
A fictional subatomic particle that appears in the "Mobile Suit Gundam " series. If they are sprayed in space, it makes it difficult to communicate using conventional radio waves. When the communication between Rodriguez and his friend dropped, the particle was listed as one of the reasons. There's a high probability that he was just pretending, simply because he wanted to say the line "Damn, those Minovsky particles!". Or actually that's exactly what happened without a doubt. (Gaiden 2)

Minchey (ミンチー)
The name of Densham's domesticated roosters. Number 19 had a white and light brown pattern on it. They're on bad terms with Anissina.[62](Gaiden 1)

Munschtettner (ムンシュテツトナ)
The place of origin of the Karbelnikoff Family, before joining the mazoku. (Novel 4)

Alarm clock bird (目覚まし鳥)
A bird that cries in the morning in Shin Makoku. Similar to chickens. You know it's time to wake up when the bird has cried three times, which is approximately 1 hour after early morning. (Novel 4)

Wooden horse (木馬)
A fictional battleship of the Earth Federation Army that appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam series, the White Base. This codename was used so that the Zeon Army wouldn't know what they were talking about. Rodriguez (who cosplays as captain 'Bright Noa') and his friend seem to be alligned with the Earth Federation.(Gaiden 2)

Comittee to eradicate all Popular Men (モテ男撲滅委員会)
Yuuri is affiliated to this group. The group members also attempt to escape their unpopular life. There's a similar commission that attempts to eradicate Christmas.[63](Novel 6)

Monitaa (もにたあ)
An abbreviation of "In order to create better things, I want to test them on your body" (When asked, shouldn't it be moniata? she dismisses the comment). In other words Anissina's laboratory guinea pig to make Ma powered devices. (Novel 3)

If only Box (もしもボックス)
A secret tool that a robot cat made in Japan possesses. It has the shape of a public telephone box. When you say "If only" to the receiver, when you come out of it, the "if only " world displays before you. (Gaiden 2)

Pink Eared Poison Rabbit (モモミミドクウサギ)
They appear in the Shimaron wilderness. Their numbers have decreased rapidly in recent years and it's now a endangered species. (Novel 7)

Mörgif (モルギフ)
A legendary sword that only the Maou can use. Its official name is " Willem Dussolier Eli do Mörgif". If it absorbs a life, it releases a terrible power. There's a really unfortunate face on the handle, which makes sounds. The name "Melgib" that Yuuri sometimes calls it, is in reference to Mel Gibson the main character of "Lethal Weapon". (Novel 2)

Mole mole (モレモレ)
Slang for brothers(兄弟). Mole means older brother(兄) and Mole means younger brother(弟). It's impossible to know which is which. (Novel 3)[64]

Goat Milk (山羊乳)
In the other world, rather than cow milk, the staple is goat milk. If you drink it, you'll grow taller for sure. It also cures short tempers and cowardice. (Novel 5)

Baseball (野球)
What Yuuri loves dearly. He was a member of the Baseball Club in Junior High and formed his own grass lot baseball team in high school. In terms of professional baseball, he prefers the Pacific League. (Novel 1)

Yanbo (ヤンボー)
Gwendal's alias. He got the name from the bunny he was taking care of. (Novel 3)

Yuuri (ユーリ)
It means 'July'. And also it seems, "Children born in July are blessed because they need to grow strong to survive the summer". By the way, there's also rumors that the refreshing young man who came up with this theory was also born on this month. There's another theory that says that the reason for the name is that it's similar to Julia. (Novel 1)

Snow Gunter (雷ギュンター)
①A state of Gunter overpassing that of frenzy, due to his excessive jealousy. It's standard for him to shoot lasers as freezing as a dragon's breath in this state. (Gaiden 1)
② Made by Anissina. A naked Gunter that due to the progresion of a poison arrow shot at him, left him in a state similar to being dead. Gwendal mounted a snow bunny made by him on its crotch which hardened with the surrounding snow. Later when he was being controled by the Wincott Poison, it showed a truly pathetic figure. (Novel 5)

Dream Theater (夢芝居)
A super ma powered device to experience dreams. A pillow and mic set. Place the pillow next to the sleeping person, stand beside them holding the microphone and 'act' as if you were asleep. You'll be able to enter their sleep. (Gaiden 3)

Anti travel sickness medicine (酔い止め)
In the other world you make it by mixing the eyeball of blood sucking bats with poisonous frog, rotten pears, and maidmer fish scale powder. For people's use. (Novel 12)

4126 (good bath) (4126 よいふろ)
The last four of Murata's cell phone number. It's also the wordplay in a famous commercial for the Itoh Hot Spring hotel phone number.(Gaiden 4)

Bewitching (Youen 妖艶)
Ma powered Secretary No.1, made by Anissina. Contrary to it's name it's not bewitching at all. Inspite of this it's always making sexy poses, this function cannot be cancelled. (Novel 4)

Labour Camp (寄場)
Women who do not vow to break it off after marrying other races, infidelity, eloping and comitting adultering while in priesthood, are sent to the Svelera Labour Camps. The women still in shakles mine houseki while guards oversee. (Novel 3)

Resurrection group (蘇り組)
Zombie group controlled by Alazon's power of 'Using the Dead' (Actually it's Yelshi controlling them. ) Their looks and nature are fundamentally different than the North Korean Group for Pleasure Women (kipummjo). (Novel 12) (Connection needed. Please check)

Raaji (ラーヒ)
One of the three ruling families of Shimaron. After they were confined to Gershon, in current Small Shimaron, their lineage was broken. (Novel 8)

Rah Oil - La Oil- (ラー油)
Although Gwendal banned the divination method that included dropping small animals into this oil for divination, Gunter invented a new method in Shin Makoku, by dropping a large amount of red peppers in it instead. (Novel 2)

Rabacop (ラバカップ)
A rare animal owned by Louis Biron. Details unknown. It probably has no connection to the 'Rubber Cup' used for toilets.(Novel 4)

Rafflesia[65]- Rotten Spirits-(螺腐霊死唖)
Plants that live in the Shin Makoku wetlands. It's said that it can have smell as bad as that of souls rotting . It has huge and grotesque petals. (Novel 7)

Ruttenberg (ルッテンベルク)
Territory controlled by Shin Makoku, found along its Western border. It was an area were a lot of humans had always lived. Later it was given to Dunheely, who became its first ruler. Conrad's birthplace. (Novel 7)

Ruttenberg Division. (ルッテンベルク師団甲)
Originally, it was the Limerick Corps of the 12th Division. Commander Limerick was changed at the very last moment and Lord Weller Conrart rose to the top. It has this name because it was composed mostly of half bloods. Their loyalty to Shin Makoku was questioned due to the blood running through them. With a little under 4000 men, they fought desperately to stand their ground in Arnold. (Novel 7)

Lion of Ruttenberg (ルッテンベルクの獅子)
Another name given to Conrart. Different concepts, like Conrart's hair being a little longer than now, his birthplace, and a brave animal, overlap in the name given to him. (Novel 2)

Red Snake Come on (レッドスネークカモーン!)
A comedian. It doesn't matter whether The Chopin Hunter of Tokyo Comic Show, or Tokyo Magic Robinson (Murata) say the lines, a real Red Snake won't come out. (Novel 6)

Red Socks (レッドソツクス)
A professional baseball team of Masachussets. It belongs to the American League East. Papa Shibuya and Conrart are fans of this team. Yuuri uses their home stadium, Fenway Park, along with that of the Tokorozawa (Seibu) stadium, as a reference measure (For example: 5 times Fenway Park). (Novel 1)

Rochefort territory (ロシュフオール地方)
Southwestern area of Shin Makoku. Rich in mineral resources, especially, silver. (Gaiden 1)

Robinson (ロビンソン)
Nickname that Yuuri made Murata use when they were travelling. I'd call him advisor to Captain Crusoe, but sometimes he miraculously transforms into therapist and magician 'Tokyo Magic Robinson'. (Novel 5)

Robocop (ロボコツプ)
American movie. Science Fiction Action movie about a deceased cop, that uses a robotic body. It has no connection to Louis Biron's rare animal.[66] (Novel 4)

Romero and Argento (ロメロとアルジェント)
Classical drama. One of Shin Makoku's three tragedies. A man and a woman who couldn't be together in life, decide to be together in death (continue to live as kochizokus) and drink the purple medicine (but it was fake and they ended up as living dead), a real tragedy. Rather than being like Earth's "Romeo and Juliet", it's more like a zombie story. Furthermore, this has nothing to do with either George A. Romero (movie director, masterpiece: Zombie); nor Dario Argento (Movie director, masterpiece: Suspiria ) (Gaiden 1)

Romero's poison (ロメロの飲み薬)
The new purple poison, from the famous play. Made by Anissina. When applied to a healthy person, they start rotting alive. Gwendal's right arm, once became the ultimate sacrifice. (Gaiden1)

Longabal River (ロンガルバル川)
A river that goes north in Small Shimaron. Yuuri and Murata who were captured by Flynn, traveled through it on a boat towards Big Shimaron. There's a (currently functioning) refugee camp near the river side. (Novel 6)

'My Bronze Statue' Plan ( 「我が銅像」計画)
What 'transformed' Yuuri aimed for. A dictatorship. He wanted to build bronze statues of himself in various places of Shin Makoku. The plan has nothing to do with "Mein Kampf"[67] (by Adolf Hitler). (Novel 8)

Take me out to the Ball game (私を野球に連れてって)
"Take me out to the Ball Game" is a beloved song among American fans. Yuuri has no doubt it's a love song. (Novel 10)

Trap Lady (罠女)
This is the new goal that Greta set for herself, once she realized that you need maryoku to be a Poison Lady. In other words a genius trap master. (Gaiden 3)

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  1. The word for brave here can also be used for 'Amazon'
  2. Jason and Freddy.
  3. In former translations, El Salvallo. The name was fixed to be more accurate, also, El Sahuayo it’s an actual city in Mexico, even if the place in the novels is in USA this may be a direct reference.
  4. 'Kamei' (with different kanji) means alias, or pseudonym. 'Shizuka Kamei' is also the name of a politician. This clarification is to note that it's neither a fake name nor is she the politician.
  5. A pun. Kibagame is Tusked Tortoise and debagame is Peeping Tom.
  6. The Word for 'imperial guards' can also mean groupies.
  7. Onee (o-neh): effeminate men, cross-dressers, transsexuals, homosexuals.
  8. Qracian is an actual plumbing company in Japan.
  9. The phrase for completely devoted here is 'applied (their) body' and can also have the connotation that they sacrificed their health and well-being for the endeavor in question.
  10. In Japanese, lame jokes and gags are referred to as being cold.
  11. Mythical Japanese creature. They have a plate in their head full of water which makes it look like they have a circular bald spot right on top of their head
  12. Pretty much 'Horsie'
  13. Showa is the period of time from 1926-1989.
  14. Teke and Ten are drum patterns for taiko drums.
  15. Joke referring to David Copperfield who is a magician
  16. German pronunciation is used here so the 'ch' in Richard is pronounced near the back of the throat so it sounds more like 'Rihard'
  17. Reference to 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure' where Jojo and all his descendants are all named Jojo.
  18. Refers to when Miyamoto Musashi purposely came late to a duel with Sasaki Kojiro in order to irritate him so he wouldn't be able to fight with a clear head. This duel is the most famous samurai duel in all of Japanese history.
  19. Has varying meanings ranging from an older brother to a man in the yakuza/mafia/etc. that outranks the speaker. Unable to determine the intended meaning of the word here without further context, but it seems to be hinting towards mafia.
  20. Maki Shinji wrote a song called 'Yannachatta' 「やんなっちゃった」, which means 'ended up hating it.' He was also a Ukulele player.
  21. The name of one of her songs.
  22. 'Is what you're looking for hard to find?' is a lyric in the song
  23. Mutsugorou Animal Kingom Nature Preserve
  24. This is a pun with Josak's name. Yosaku is the name (and main character in) a song by Kitashima Saburo that starts with the lyric "Yosaku cuts down trees."
  25. Iijisan: spelled as いいじいさん is nice guy; spelled as 異人さん means foreigner. In the song leaving with the stranger is a good thing. Shouma must have taught Yuuri a different version.
  26. Yureru Omoi, album by Zard.
  27. Certain drunk fighter sounds like Arslan.
  28. Oiran (courtesan/prostitute) King, is an anagram of Raion (Lion) King.
  29. Yes, Bi-unit works in Japanese too, as it was written in Katakana. (バイ隊)
  30. 九十八金 98 gold/money.
  31. Although it's supposed to mean omamakoto (playing house) it is composed with the kanjis "malicious" , "evil/demon" "evil/demon"
  32. Probably another Bi pun connected to bison.
  33. 地霊 They are not earth elements, but spirits/souls that live in the ground. It's a common word in Japanese, not a character or force particular to maruma.
  34. fantastic, illusion, incredible: maboroshi
  35. Pun: Yuukai(kidnapping) sounds like Eukari, (eucalyptus).
  36. Pun: "Jaro tte nan jaro?" using 'nan jaro' instead of "nan daro?" which means: "What's __?"
  37. Jouou: Not a common word to call the previous king. Sounds like "queen" although the kanji are different
  38. The word used here is "八方美人" which means being friendly to everyone OR being a "flawless beauty".
  39. Ishizuka Makoto/ Gori-san: A character in that detective series. If a new detective would get confused and called him gorilla-san he'd get very angry.
  40. Himiko or Pimiko (卑弥呼, 175-248 CE) was an obscure shaman queen of Yamataikoku in ancient Wa (Japan). Early Chinese dynastic histories chronicle tributary relations between Queen Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220-265), and record that the Yayoi period people chose her as ruler following decades of warfare among the kings of Wa. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingū, who was Regent.
  41. Oda Nobunaga was the initiator of the unification of Japan under the shogunate in the late 16th century, which ruled Japan until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. He was also a major daimyo during the Sengoku period of Japanese history. His opus was continued, completed and finalized by his successors Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was the second son of Oda Nobuhide, a deputy shugo (military governor) with land holdings in Owari Province.
  42. As you may have guessed Pinch Hitter Nick is the nickname of a baseball player, Nick Stavinoha, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Stavinoha Yuuri was thinking about how gorgeous the ship was when he named him after a Hiroshima Toyo Carp player.
  43. Saying that a joke is cold or that it caused the temperature to drop is the way of expressing a joke was really bad.
  44. If you thought that sensei didn't make a pun with this line, you're wrong. (スルーする; ignore)
  45. Tora no Ana, a popular site that let's you publish and sell your own doujinshis (you just have to pay the price of the printing and then sell it for whatever you want.)
  46. The word 'Space' here is a 'space' like the place where Shinou resides, or the machine that Anissina built to connect places.
  47. T-zone area, forehead and nose. This is quite female lingo as they're the only ones who use this kind of words for applying make up or cleansing products
  48. Who is Daisuke Matsuzaka? You have 5 seconds... 4...3...2...1... It is of course, a baseball player! https://im4-a.mbokimg.dena.ne.jp/2/7/570/478581570.3.jpg
  49. One word is longer than the other in Japanese, but they both mean muscle brain, meathead, hot blooded idiot, etc.
  50. Nozomi (not with that spelling though) means wish, desire. It's interesting that these binoculars are connected with 'desire'. Clearly a must in Cherie's wardrobe.
  51. This is one of those untranslatable puns. 影武者 kagemusha means body double. Kage, sounds like hage and hage means bald. ハゲ武者 hagemusha means bald warrior. Anyway, there's a pun mixing body double and bald warrior, and I'm guessing that's what the hair cutting machine has to do here.
  52. Tamori is a comedian. By throwing interjections, the verb in Japanese means "to throw in interjections to show that one is paying attention"
  53. Haru no umi hinemosu no tarinotarikana (春の海ひねもすのたりのたりかな)... there's no dinosaurs in the poem though, Yuuri...
  54. The kanji used is the one for 'angels', but it has a special reading
  55. It's a combination of semi (cicada) and señor and señorita (Mr. and Ms. in Spanish)
  56. Burikko is a girl who pretends to be cute by playing innocent.
  57. About the same as a professional baseball field.
  58. Macgyver is called in Japanese: "Macgyver the Adventurer Rascal". And Yuuri actually registered with the whole name in Japanese "Macgyver the Adventurer Rascal" for the competition.
  59. It seems the Japanese are obsessed with "The Dog of Flanders" a story about a boy and a dog who work really hard, fail at everything and die at the end.
  60. This word is also a slang for prostate.
  61. Probably a reference to BodyBlade.
  62. We've read about Minchey No.19 in Gaiden 1. And Minchey No. 54 , in the story " Never Ending Poison Lady" part 2.
  63. Google for videos of "クリスマス撲滅委員会"
  64. The explanation was based on the kanji.
  65. This is a foreign word, spelled with kanji, that give it its meaning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafflesia
  66. Of course, this means it does. In the drama cd, the rare animal makes an appearance and sounds like Robocop.
  67. In Japanese "Mein Kampf" is wagatozo, and "my bronze statue" is wagadozo.