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Latest revision as of 03:52, 8 January 2021

Title: Rat ・Ox ・Tiger ・Rabbit[1]

(Yuuri)" They ended up making me do it..."

(Murata) "Now that Christmas is over, who made you do what?"

"The end of the year cleaning of my room. My parents did. So you see when I came home yesterday, I kinda did it without thinking. And then I saw this sticky note on the desk. It said 'We started with the end of the year cleaning'. The fact that I started cleaning when the sticky note said I should, threw me off.[2]"

"Oh, that's fine! At any rate, it's not like there was something in your room that would get you in trouble if they'd had seen it, right? Besides if you would have started sooner, what would you do until New Year's Eve?"

"What I would do? I could try my revenge cleaning of the bathtub, for example."

"Okay, so you see, that's why I have one request to make. Or rather, I should say there's something that I want. Eh, no wait, what are you imagining? You don't have to get ready like that!"

"It's just that I can't get you a present, I don't have any money."

"50 yens is enough. I want a New Year's card."

"New... Year's... card. Uwah! I forgot! I completely forgot! I will! I'll write it! I'll write it right now!"

"Huh? You haven't written any yet?"

"But at any rate, why are you asking for a New Year's card? It's not like you're asking a bunch of your friends so that you get a ton of them, right?"

"Well, it's not like I don't get any cards, but the ones I get say "This year you'll keep winning" or " The year that decides your fate has started", they all have those kind of stinging comments. I'm really starving for some more... heartwarming, friendship feeling cards this year."

"Murata, say... Are you the type that's always getting into fights?"[3]

"But the truth is, I've never gotten a New Year card from you. Not even when we were in the same class in the second and third years of junior high."

"Ah, well. That's because I only send them to close friends, not to the whole class."

"We're friends now, right?"

"Y... You don't have to look at me so teary-eyed from behind your glasses! Of course we are!"

"Okay, then here."

"Here? What? Why are you giving me a New Year's card here? No, wait. Huh? Here!? You want me to write it here!?"

"Next year is the year of the rabbit, Shi-bu-ya~. It has two long ears, Shi-bu-ya~."

"Is that pressure for me to put the picture of a rabbit on it? I don't have a 'stamp made with a potato', or 'an eraser stamp'."

"A rabbit is easy~ Shi-bu-ya~. Draw a circle, then an oval, then one more oval, and you~ are ~ done~."

"Ma, a circle, and an oval... and one more...."

"Oh, my my! I'm surprised Shibuya! This shape! It looks just like a photograph!"

"Eh, you think so?"

"I do! I don't think I could draw it without a reference. With these three circles, you were able to draw a familiar silhouette known world wide! If you drew them poorly, you might end up getting sued by Disney"

" ... are you praising or criticizing me...?"


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  1. ね・うし・とら・う stands for Nezumi, Ushi, Tora, Usagi 子(鼠) 丑(牛) 寅(虎) 卯(兎) the first 4 animals of the Chinese horoscope. All of them are: (ね・うし・とら・う・たつ・み・うま・ひつじ・さる・とり・いぬ・い)or in kanji 子(鼠) 丑(牛) 寅(虎) 卯(兎) 辰(竜) 巳(蛇) 午(馬) 未(羊) 申(猿) 酉(鳥) 戌(犬) 亥(猪) or in Romaji: Ne(zumi), Ushi, Tora, U(sagi), Tatsu, (He)Mi, Uma, Hitsuji, Saru, Tori, I(noshishi); or in English Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
  2. lit. "冷やし中華だけだよな",it's just cold Chinese noodles.
  3. The comments on the cards can refer to 'fighting to have a good year at school' or just 'fighting'. Yuuri must be joking here.