Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/1005"

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Line 241: Line 241:
|"Ah… that’s right. We haven't met before. I'm Kitahara Haruki. For the time being, I’m the class representative for Class E for the first half of the year."
|"Ah… that’s right. We haven't met before. I'm Kitahara Haruki. For what it’s worth, I’m the class representative for Class E for the first half of the year."
Line 385: Line 385:
|60|担任教師|Homeroom Teacher
|60|担任教師|Homeroom Teacher
|"This isn't like you, Kitahara. You wouldn't normally do this. Are you losing your sense of responsibility just because you're not the class representative this term?"
|"This isn't like you, Kitahara. Normally you’d be the one preventing others from acting out like this. Did you think that since you’re not the class representative anymore that you can just toss out your responsibilities?"
Line 517: Line 517:
|82|担任教師|Homeroom Teacher
|82|担任教師|Homeroom Teacher
|"Ah, well, that's..."
|"Ah, well, you know..."
Line 596: Line 596:
|Ahh, although it’s someone else’s problem... no, precisely because it is someone else's problem, that's why...
|Ahh, I know it’s not my problem but… No, the fact that it has turned into her problem is the issue here.
Line 620: Line 620:
|"It's pointless to tell the teachers anything. Adults won't understand a thing."
|"It's pointless to tell the teachers anything.<br>Adults won't understand a thing."
Line 668: Line 668:
|Somehow, from Touma's expression right now, it seems as if she wouldn't mind even if we decided to forget all about what just happened.
|Judging by her expression, I get the feeling Touma isn’t all too opposed to the idea of just forgetting about what happened.
Line 716: Line 716:
|Touma's white, thin finger points straight at me to condemn my words...
|Touma's thin, white finger points straight at me to condemn my words...
Line 788: Line 788:
|I instinctively raise my hands above my head so Ogiso can't reach them. Relinquishing such a blissful feeling, my attempt to remain serious instead ends up in vain.
|I instinctively raise my hands above my head so Ogiso can't reach them, relinquishing myself of the blissful sensation of her hands. With that, any chance of explaining myself in a cool-headed manner is out the window.
Line 818: Line 818:
|...Are her occasional instances of glancing to the side supposed to look alluring?
|...And I guess her occasional glance to her right is also a form of affectionate gesturing?
Line 848: Line 848:
|"Yeah... Such a relief. Since you went through the trouble of joining us, Ogiso, it'd be terrible if we couldn't perform at the school festival."
|"Yeah... What a relief. Since you went through the trouble of joining us, Ogiso, it'd be terrible if we couldn't perform at the school festival."
Line 866: Line 866:
|"Indeed. I decided to participate, so it'd be frustrating if we couldn't perform over something so trivial."
|"You’re right, it would be really frustrating if we couldn’t perform over some silly accident, now that I’ve finally decided to join."
Line 872: Line 872:
|"I'm sorry for doing something so careless..."
|"I’m sorry for being silly..."
Line 938: Line 938:
|How perfect Ogiso's timing had been... How Touma's expression had changed ever so slightly...
|How perfect Ogiso's timing had been…<br>How Touma's expression had changed ever so slightly...
Line 986: Line 986:
|She's no longer saying things like, "Don't touch me" right now.
|She's no longer saying, "Don't touch me" to me.
Line 1,028: Line 1,028:
|The way she's completely ignoring my terrible guitar playing is indeed cool, but... personally, it just makes me sad.
|Hearing her play unrestrained by my clumsy guitar does sound incredibly cool, but… personally, it just makes me sad.
Line 1,046: Line 1,046:
|Actually, I'd memorized the whole thing. Because it's required for a class representative.
|Actually, I've memorized the whole thing. Just one of the duties of a class representative.
Line 1,052: Line 1,052:
|…必要だよな? 普通。
|…必要だよな? 普通。
|That’s normal, right…?
|...It is required, right...? Normally...?
Line 1,064: Line 1,064:
|"Even if she's our classmate, you shouldn't go prying into her past."
|"She may be our classmate, but that doesn’t mean you should go prying into her past."
Line 1,070: Line 1,070:
|"You're quite extreme with the way you handle personal info."
|"You were perfectly content digging through all her other personal info, though."
Line 1,136: Line 1,136:
|"That’s your idea of a defense?"
|"Are you trying to cover for her with that?"
Line 1,148: Line 1,148:
|"The first time I saw her was in your classroom, and three days later I tried to ask her out, but she just kicked me all of a sudden, she kicked me!"
|"The first time I saw her was in your classroom, and three days later I tried to ask her out, but she just kicked me out of nowhere!"
|Reference to event from chapter 1 of Kazusa novel
|Reference to event from chapter 1 of Kazusa novel
Line 1,167: Line 1,167:
|"Well... she's the best in your class, isn't she? She's the only one I'd ask out, you see."
|"Well... she's the prettiest girl in your class by far, isn't she? She's the only one I'd ask out, you see."
Line 1,197: Line 1,197:
|I wonder which girl it was among all of the 21 girls he’d tried to introduce me to up until now...
|All the girls he’s been trying to introduce me to were without a doubt from that 21…
Line 1,275: Line 1,275:
|...The only problem is that most of the information he knows is centered around her gender.
|The only problem is that most of the information he knows is centered around her gender.
Line 1,341: Line 1,341:
|"She's Touma's mother, right? She should be on the name register..."
|"She's Touma's mother, right? I think I remember seeing her name in the guardian register..."
Line 1,371: Line 1,371:
|"Umm... Was that during elementary school? There was something like a series of top artists that was coming out or..."
|"Umm... Was that during elementary school? I think they had a series of commercials, with one top artist appearing for each one…."
Line 1,455: Line 1,455:
|And if she'd also made such a large donation to the school, it'd be hard for the staff to treat Touma normally.
|And if she's also made such a large donation to the school, no wonder the staff would give Touma special treatment..
Line 1,569: Line 1,569:
|In any case, this is quite frustrating. It seems like I'd gone off on a tangent with my own emotions, which is not exactly one of my best traits.
|All I can say is that I feel frustrated, and it feels like my rationality is being overshadowed by my emotions. And I’m terrible when it comes to emotional reasoning.
Line 1,581: Line 1,581:
|"Shut up, you one-girl-per-class advocate."
|"Shut up, you one-girl-per-classist."
Line 1,671: Line 1,671:
|I may as well be doing the worst possible thing now.
|I may very well be doing something despicable right now.
Line 2,031: Line 2,031:
|"You don't have to sigh so long-windedly."
|"You don't have to look so obviously annoyed."
Line 2,703: Line 2,703:
|"Still, I should be apologizing for something like this. After all, I was the one who forcibly dragged you into this."
|"Still, I should be apologizing for what happened. I mean, I was the one who forcibly dragged you into this."
Line 2,715: Line 2,715:
|"It's fine, I never thought that this could have been avoided or anything."
|"It's fine, I never felt pressured to do this."
Line 2,733: Line 2,733:
|"I did enjoy this job, you know? I got to meet so many people, learn so many things... and most of all, I earned a decent amount of pocket money, right?"
|"I did enjoy this job, you know? I got to meet so many people, learn so many things... and most of all, I earned a decent amount of pocket money, too."
Line 2,853: Line 2,853:
|On that rooftop, where we had our second meeting..
|The second time we’d met on the rooftop.
Line 2,895: Line 2,895:
|I feel as if I'd heard some kind of grumbling.
|I feel like I heard some kind of grumbling.
Line 3,039: Line 3,039:
|But that'd be too convenient... There's no way I can ask Ogiso to do that, after all, she just joined.
|But that'd be too convenient... There's no way I can ask Ogiso to do that after she just joined.
Line 3,045: Line 3,045:
|I'm not that shameless of a person to get tangled up in such selfish reasoning.
|Even I am not so shameless that I’d let someone else get completely tangled up in the mess I’ve made.
Line 3,063: Line 3,063:
|...Consequently, I will do something that's just a little shameless.
|...However, I am shameless enough to tangle her up just a little bit.
Line 3,201: Line 3,201:
|"Or... is it something only between Touma-san and Kitahara-kun...?"
|"Or... is it something only between Touma-san and you, Kitahara-kun...?"
Line 3,477: Line 3,477:
|"Now, try again from the beginning. I can give you a few pointers to start you off."
|"Now, once again from the top. I can give you a few pointers to start you off."
Line 3,525: Line 3,525:
|"There's a difference in the meaning between both of those. A class representative with excellent grades such as yourself should get the idea, no?"
|"A class representative with excellent grades such as yourself should be able to figure out the basic difference in nuance."
Line 3,633: Line 3,633:
|"But I couldn’t defy her. In fact, I never even thought about talking back to her. After all, she plays much better than me."
|"But I couldn’t defy her. In fact, I never even thought about talking back to her. After all, she plays way better than me."
Line 3,657: Line 3,657:
|"That's right, why hadn't I noticed until now? Even though she's someone who can play so well without much practice..."
|"That's right, why hadn't I noticed until now? She can play well without much practice at all…"
Line 3,675: Line 3,675:
|She was someone always deeply engaged in music. One, who could easily let slip phrases like "practice ten hours a day."
|She was someone always deeply engaged in music. One who could easily let slip phrases like "practice ten hours a day."
Line 3,741: Line 3,741:
|Even so, why do I feel this inexplicable guilt creeping up my spine, along with this cold sweat and tension?
|Even so, why do I feel this inexplicable guilt creeping up my spine, along with this cold sweat and nervosity?
Line 3,777: Line 3,777:
|I feel like I'll catch a cold from my sweat with all the cold winds of the fall evening.
|The sweat pouring from my body is frozen in an instant by the chilly winds of fall. I might even catch a cold from this.
Line 3,831: Line 3,831:
|However, while I'm wrapped in regret, the tide of battle suddenly changes because of one thing Ogiso says.
|However, while I'm wrapped in regret, the tide of battle suddenly changes due to one single utterance from Ogiso.
Line 3,915: Line 3,915:
|"Oh man, the rumors are very much wrong. She's hardworking, and rather plain, with a good personality. I couldn't even tell she was such a playful, interesting girl."
|"Oh man, the rumors are very much wrong. She's hardworking, and rather plain, with a good personality. I never knew she was such a playful, interesting girl."
Line 4,041: Line 4,041:
|Well, it pains me to admit it, but for now I have to give up on negotiations in Music Room 2.
|Well, it pains me to admit it, but for now I have to give up the negotiations in Music Room 2.
Line 4,269: Line 4,269:
|"On top of that, you drove everyone away real quick. It really is something, having someone beautiful get angry."
|"On top of that, you drove everyone away real quick. I guess beautiful people are really persuasive when they’re angry."
Line 4,341: Line 4,341:
|"Wow, congratulations."
|"Ah, really. Congratulations."
Line 4,425: Line 4,425:
|"Ah, really."
|"Really now?"
Line 4,437: Line 4,437:
|"I don’t know."
|"I don’t care."
Line 4,491: Line 4,491:
|"Is that so...?"
|"I wonder about that..."
Line 4,545: Line 4,545:
|"If possible, I'd like you to explain to me exactly how your thought process came to that conclusion, in detail."
|"If possible, I'd like you to explain to me exactly how your thought process brought you to that conclusion, in detail."
Line 4,563: Line 4,563:
|"Normally it'd be stranger not to notice. Well, it can't be helped. Kitahara-kun is 'that idiot,' after all, just like you said."
|"Normally it'd be stranger not to notice. Well, I suppose I get it. Kitahara-kun is 'that idiot,' after all, just like you said."
Line 4,671: Line 4,671:
|"I refuse. I couldn't stand someone singing forever."
|"I refuse. I couldn't stand someone singing forever by themselves."
Line 4,725: Line 4,725:
|"I mean, I got really angry too. He kept on speaking so highly about you."
|"I mean, I got really angry too.<br>He kept on speaking so highly about you."
Line 4,803: Line 4,803:
|Ogiso made a bombshell announcement that went,<br>"I talked to Touma-san yesterday," which was terrifying in many ways.
|I found myself absolutely terrified at Ogiso’s bombshell announcement that she had “talked to Touma-san yesterday.
Line 4,821: Line 4,821:
|I was terrified because she realized that I wanted her to talk to Touma, even though I never actually told her that.
|I was terrified because she realized that I wanted her to talk to Touma, even though I never actually told her to.
Line 4,833: Line 4,833:
|"Please, you're exaggerating. I also wanted to talk with Touma-san... due to various reasons."
|"Please, you're exaggerating. I also wanted to talk with Touma-san... for more reasons than one."
Line 4,845: Line 4,845:
|"Though we sure got to talk about a lot of things, talking with her was so much fun!"
|"Though we sure got to talk about a lot of things. It was so much fun!"
Line 4,875: Line 4,875:
|"...I'm sorry, but the person I was thinking of was Touma Kazusa, my classmate..."
|"...I'm sorry, but the person I was telling you about was Touma Kazusa, my classmate..."
Line 5,277: Line 5,277:
|Even though she knew she could just say, “Yes, I'm practicing.” Even if it were a lie, that would have left me no choice but to give up.
|She could’ve just said, “Yes, I'm practicing” as a lie, and I’d have no choice but to give up.
Line 5,301: Line 5,301:
|"If you've figured it out yourself, get lost. And don't come back here ever again."
|"If you've figured it out yourself, get lost.<br>And don't come back here ever again."
Line 5,319: Line 5,319:
|"...In that case, Ogiso told me to convey a message from her in the event you should refuse me so bluntly."
|"...In that case, Ogiso told me to convey a message from her in the event you should refuse me."
Line 5,391: Line 5,391:
|Ogiso... what in the world did you...?
|Ogiso... What in the world did you...?
Line 5,433: Line 5,433:
|"That’s completely irrelevant, not to mention rude!"
|"Not only do those two things have nothing to do with each other, but it’s also very rude of you."
Line 5,439: Line 5,439:
|And her own internal logic is completely consistent...<br>I guess that explains why we always argue.
|Touma never compromises when it comes to her own internal logic… No wonder we always argue.
Line 5,469: Line 5,469:
|"Don't kick my legs, especially not with those toe tips...!"
|"Don't kick my legs, especially not with those pointed ends...!"
Line 5,481: Line 5,481:
|Her attitude suddenly changes when the conversation's topic shifts to Ogiso... I wonder why?
|Her attitude suddenly changes when the topic shifts to Ogiso... But seriously, why?
Line 5,499: Line 5,499:
|It's a quiet station, in a good way. Ogiso was the one who suggested we meet here.
|It’s a great deal more peaceful than Minami-Suetsugu, which is where our school lies. Ogiso was the one who suggested we meet here.
Line 5,565: Line 5,565:
|"Umm, aren’t you two inadvertently being a bit cruel to someone? Maybe toward me?"
|"Umm, aren’t you two being kind of mean to someone? Me for example?"
Line 5,589: Line 5,589:
|[F14"Could have just taken the lead from the start..."]
|[F14"Could’ve just said so from the start then.."]
Line 5,600: Line 5,600:
|[F14"Because I don't know how she'd counterattack..."]
|[F14"Because I don't know how she'd counterattack..."]
Line 5,607: Line 5,607:
|[F14"...I seriously have to know. What exactly went on between the two of you that time you met?"]
|[F14"I seriously have to know. What happened between you two when you first met?"]
|Intentional F14 tag}}
|Intentional F14 tag}}
Line 5,613: Line 5,613:
|[F14"Like I could tell you that..."]
|[F14"Like I could tell you that."]
Line 5,649: Line 5,649:
|"Manager! Long time no see... Well, actually, it hasn't even been three days."
|"Manager! Long time no see... Though I guess it’s only been three days."
Line 5,661: Line 5,661:
|Just recently, I'd come to meet Ogiso here...
|This is the very same place I came to pick up Ogiso...
Line 5,667: Line 5,667:
|"Ah, that's not it. I'm just a customer today. I hope you will give us a lot of freebies, right?"
|"Ah, that's not it. I'm just a customer today. I hope you will give us a lot of freebies."
Line 5,703: Line 5,703:
|946|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|946|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|「ん? ほらそこにあるでしょそこよ」
|「ん? ほらそこにあるでしょそこよ」
|"Hmm? Isn’t it right over there?"
|"Hmm? It’s there, isn’t it?"
Line 5,733: Line 5,733:
|"I do cook~! Jeez, don't say things like that when we have guests over!"
|"I do cook~! Jeez, don't embarrass me when we have guests over!"
Line 5,775: Line 5,775:
|"After all, Mom, you always end up leaving too much to instinct. And you talk too much despite that, too..."
|"But Mom, you always end up leaving too much to instinct. And you lecture me on every little thing too."
Line 5,805: Line 5,805:
|963|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|963|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"Jeez, this girl... How unsightly to be yelling in front of guests."
|"Jeez, this girl... You should know better than to yell in front of guests…."
Line 5,830: Line 5,830:
|"Leaving it open would have been more fun. Hey, my sister’s completely different from when she's at school, isn’t she?"
|"Leaving it open would have been more fun. See? My sister’s completely different from when she’s at school, isn’t she?"
Line 5,884: Line 5,884:
|Touma, who felt rather awkward, had just said, "I'm going home," when this young man appeared like a savior, bringing tea.
|Unable to bear the awkwardness any longer, Touma was just about to say, “I’m leaving” when this young man appeared like a savior, bringing tea..
Line 6,028: Line 6,028:
|Regardless of whether she’s merely ordinary or an unattainable flower…<br><br>the fact that she is an amazingly charming person should never change...
|Whether she’s an ordinary girl or an unattainable flower, it doesn’t change the fact that Ogiso is overflowing with charm.
Line 6,076: Line 6,076:
|"Umm, so basically, you mean... you'll try to untangle this complicated relationship between the three of you?"
|"Umm, so basically, you mean... you're trying to untangle this complicated relationship between the three of you?"
Line 6,226: Line 6,226:
|"Hmm... Maybe I went too far. Dinner is ready downstairs, so go eat. I was the one who made it today, so I can't really guarantee how it will taste."
|"Hmm... Maybe I went too far. Dinner is ready downstairs, so go eat. I was the one who made it today, so I can't really guarantee the taste."
Line 6,268: Line 6,268:
|"I'm not sure when you got into such a dangerous situation, but..."
|"I'm not sure when you got yourself into this mess, but..."
Line 6,449: Line 6,449:
|"L-Let's eat."
|"Y-Yeah, let’s eat.."
Line 6,557: Line 6,557:
|...And this, perhaps heart-warming scene, repeated itself at least twice.
|And this, perhaps heart-warming scene, repeated itself at least twice.
Line 6,563: Line 6,563:
|...Even though I hadn't even managed to ask for seconds at that point.
|During this time, I had only managed to ask for seconds once.
Line 6,683: Line 6,683:
|"Then, I'll be going home... Oof."
|"Then, I'll be going home..."
Line 6,713: Line 6,713:
|"I think that people who complain about trivial details will end up losing the trust of others."
|"I think that people who complain about every little detail will end up losing the trust of others."
Line 6,851: Line 6,851:
|In other words, their relationship was predestined to be troubled because of this.
|In other words, their relationship was predestined to be turbulent because of this.
Line 6,857: Line 6,857:
|"Listen, Touma-san. I didn't treat you to all this with some kind of ulterior motive. I just felt that we could talk more easily on a full stomach..."
|"Listen, Touma-san. I didn't treat you to all this because I had an ulterior motive. I just felt that we could talk more easily on a full stomach..."
Line 6,869: Line 6,869:
|"...Do you expect me to believe such a simple reason now, after you've put me through so much torment?"
|"...Do you expect me to believe that you have pure intentions, when you've already put me through so much torment?"
Line 6,887: Line 6,887:
|「人が思ってもいないこと勝手に決めつけて、<br>顔から火が出るほどの恥かかせておいて、<br>ちょっとからかっただけ!? あれで?」
|「人が思ってもいないこと勝手に決めつけて、<br>顔から火が出るほどの恥かかせておいて、<br>ちょっとからかっただけ!? あれで?」
|"Jumping to conclusions about other people’s feelings when it’s not even the case,<br><br>and embarrassing them until their face burns with shame. You call that ‘just teasing’!?"
|"Wrongly jumping to conclusions about other people’s feelings, and embarrassing them until their face burns with shame. You call that ‘just teasing’!?"
Line 6,965: Line 6,965:
|1156|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|1156|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"Hey, Takahiro. It doesn't seem as dangerous as you claimed it was."
|"Hey, Takahiro. This doesn't seem as bad as you claimed it was."
Line 7,019: Line 7,019:
|"Well... it seems that he’s all over her right now. But his ex-girlfriend just won't let him go, so he seems to be in a tough spot."
|"Well... it seems that he’s all over Nee-chan right now. But his ex-girlfriend just won't let him go, so he seems to be in a tough spot."
Line 7,031: Line 7,031:
|"Even though she seems like she's never dated a guy before... Suddenly she's having an immoral affair...<br>You're good, Nee-chan!"
|"There wasn’t the slightest hint that she was dating anyone… Yet now suddenly she's having an immoral affair… You're good, Nee-chan!"
Line 7,049: Line 7,049:
|"I'm the one who wants to do something with you two!"
|"I'm the one who wants to do something about you two!"
Line 7,121: Line 7,121:
|"I-I’m so sorry! I’m sorry that my mother and younger brother were so rude and you had to see something so unsightly!”
|"I-I’m so sorry! I never meant for you to bear witness to this side of my family. I humbly apologize for my mom and brother’s rudeness!”
Line 7,151: Line 7,151:
|Setsuna's mother and younger brother were quick to believe us when we told them we were from the Light Music Club,<br>meeting about performing at the school festival.
|It didn’t take much to convince Setsuna’s family that we were part of the light music club, here to discuss our plans for the school festival.
Line 7,175: Line 7,175:
|"...Well, since they let me take a part-time job, I can't really go up against them."
|"...Well, since they let me have a part-time job, I can't really go up against them."
Line 7,247: Line 7,247:
|Also, although I feel sorry for Touma...
|Also, although I do feel sorry for Touma...
Line 7,259: Line 7,259:
|It's that kind of embarrassing, nostalgic feeling you get from seeing a home video that was taken ten years ago...
|It's that kind of embarrassing, nostalgic feeling you get from seeing a ten year old home video...
Line 7,331: Line 7,331:
|"At least deny it before being embarrassed. You disgust me."
|"At least deny it before getting embarrassed. You disgust me."
Line 7,349: Line 7,349:
|「それで、ベースは? ドラムは?<br>何を演るかにもよってくるけど、<br>ピアノだけのつもりはないんでしょ?」
|「それで、ベースは? ドラムは?<br>何を演るかにもよってくるけど、<br>ピアノだけのつもりはないんでしょ?」
|"And who will be the bassist? And the drums? All this is dependent on the pieces you’re deciding on, of course, but surely you weren’t intending to rely only on a piano?”
|"And who will be the bassist? And what about the drums? Sure, it depends on the songs you pick, but you know that just adding a pianist won’t be enough, right?”
Line 7,367: Line 7,367:
|[F14"Well, if only you'd joined us sooner, Touma..."]
|[F14"Well, if only you'd joined us sooner, Touma."]
Line 7,385: Line 7,385:
|Come on, she could’ve just let that one slide…
|As if she'd let such a weak comment pass by...
Line 7,439: Line 7,439:
|If someone tells me it is, so bluntly, I can't help but hold it against them. I find myself wanting to sulk just like my friend here.
|If someone shuts me down so bluntly, I can't help but hold it against them. I find myself wanting to sulk just like my friend here usually does.
Line 7,487: Line 7,487:
|"We're not talking about me right now. Don't try to break my train of thought like that."
|"We're not talking about me right now. Don't try to break my train of thought."
Line 7,517: Line 7,517:
|"But you know... if it were just for a month, it'd be fine, right? Nothing wrong with being embarrassingly out of character, right?"
|"But… what's wrong with a single month’s leeway? A single month for me to act out of character, and embarrass myself."
Line 7,529: Line 7,529:
|"I've already considered something like that. The two and a half years in which I've built it up isn't so fragile."
|"I've already considered that. The two and a half years I've spent building up my image isn’t that fragile."
Line 7,541: Line 7,541:
|"Sorry to tell you, but that goes without saying. I worked hard to get on the teachers' good side, while you were reckless and got yourself on their bad side."
|"Sorry to tell you, but that goes without saying. I did my best to get on the teachers' good side, while you did your worst to get on their bad side."
Line 7,559: Line 7,559:
|"So don't just dismiss me so casually. Even I can be pretty unpredictable once in a while."
|"So don’t think you have me all figured out. Even I can be pretty unpredictable every once in a while."
Line 7,571: Line 7,571:
|"This time alone, I don't care if you start hating<br>me. But even if you do, I want you to join us! ...If possible."
|"For once, I don’t care if you start hating me for it, but I’ll still make sure you join us whether you like it or not! …If possible."
Line 7,577: Line 7,577:
|"...Wait a second, now. I never said anything like hate or..."
|"...Wait a second, now. I’ve never said a word about hating you..."
Line 7,607: Line 7,607:
|How many times has it been already that we've been interrupted just when the discussion reaches its climax?
|How many times has it been already that we've been interrupted just when the discussion is about to reach its climax?
Line 7,613: Line 7,613:
|Ultimately, it got to the point where our objective was denied to us by an overwhelming force.
|The time has finally come. The time for our plans to be turned completely upside down by an unrelenting force.
Line 7,631: Line 7,631:
|1267|雪菜の父|Setsuna's Father
|1267|雪菜の父|Setsuna's Father
|"That'd be because you lied, isn't it? You never told me anything about singing at the school festival."
|"That'd be because you lied, wouldn’t it? You never told me anything about singing at the school festival."
Line 7,661: Line 7,661:
|1272|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|1272|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"The festival only happens once a year, so she can go and have a bit of fun, right?"
|"The festival only happens once a year, so what’s wrong with letting loose a little?"
Line 7,709: Line 7,709:
|1280|雪菜の父|Setsuna's Father
|1280|雪菜の父|Setsuna's Father
|"Is this why you quit your part-time job? Whenever you go to karaoke at night, is that just so you can practice in secret?”
|"Is this why you quit your part-time job? Were your late night visits to karaoke bars just an excuse for you to rehearse?”
Line 7,733: Line 7,733:
|"We'll make it work...! Kitahara-kun and Touma-san are both really good, so it'll be fine!"
|"We'll make it work! Kitahara-kun and Touma-san are both really good, so it'll be fine!"
Line 7,835: Line 7,835:
|"Sorry I kept you waiting."
|"Kept you waiting, huh?"
Line 8,105: Line 8,105:
|At some point, she suddenly stopped walking, and even though I look back, I can't see her face.
|She had stopped walking by my side at some point, and although I look back at the road behind, I’m unable to see that brilliant face.
Line 8,135: Line 8,135:
|Which is why I'm not sure whether she's listening to my silly story, or if she's shut me out completely, or anything.
|Which is why I'm not sure whether she's listening to my silly story, or if she's shut me out completely. Perhaps it’s something else entirely.
Line 8,153: Line 8,153:
|"Though they didn't care nearly as much once I entered middle school."
|"Though they didn't care nearly as much about me once I entered middle school."
Line 8,225: Line 8,225:
|"...I figured you wouldn't yield, Touma."
|"...I figured you were the only one who wouldn’t be taken aback, Touma."
Line 8,303: Line 8,303:
|"But that's exactly why... it's fine for me to be pissed, right? It's fine for me to be pointlessly angry at her, right?"
|"But that's exactly why... it's fine for me to be frustrated, right? It's fine for me to be pointlessly angry at her, right?"
|match with 2010/115}}
|match with 2010/115}}
Line 8,417: Line 8,417:
|I thought that today was guaranteed to be a huge failure, with all attempts at persuading her having failed.
|I thought that among all my failed attempts at persuading her, today would be the biggest failure.
Line 8,429: Line 8,429:
|"You're bold, Kitahara. Did you plan to persuade me with such a tepid attitude...? You're five years too early for that."
|"You're bold, Kitahara. Did you plan to convince me with your tepid attitude...? You’re getting ahead of yourself."
Line 8,471: Line 8,471:
|It might be my turn to look away from her now...
|It might be my turn to look away now...
Line 8,483: Line 8,483:
|"You guys are really different from me, you see...<br>I thought that it'd be impossible for us to understand each other, but..."
|"You guys are completely different from me, you see... I thought that it'd be impossible for us to understand each other..."
Line 8,489: Line 8,489:
|Even if I angered her so many times. Even if she got the idea she wasn't a good match with Ogiso so many times.
|No matter how many times I anger her, and no matter how many times Ogiso makes her uncomfortable.
Line 8,495: Line 8,495:
|"If that's the case... there might not be any harm in us being together."
|"But if that's the case... there might not be any harm in us being together."
Line 8,501: Line 8,501:
|Even so, my sense that “Touma is a good person deep down” didn’t waver until the very end.
|In the end, Touma never betrays my firmly held notion that she's a good person deep down. A side of her that only I know.

Revision as of 01:46, 28 December 2021

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Translation Notes

1. Segments of this file will coincide with the digital novels from the White Album 2 Omake page. If any edits are made, please make sure both match up. They are as follows:

  • Lines 1-46 and 328-391 coincide with Chapter 1 of The Snow Melts, And Until The Snow Falls (雪が解け、そして雪が降るまで).
    • The VN side appears to have extra sfx text that was added.
  • Lines 534-595 coincide with Chapter 2 of The Snow Melts, And Until The Snow Falls (雪が解け、そして雪が降るまで).
  • Lines 676-677 coincide with the Epilogue of The Snow Melts, And Until The Snow Falls (雪が解け、そして雪が降るまで).
    • Line 676 is a bit extended in the VN version.
  • Line 836 coincides with Chapter 3 (all-ages) of The Idol Who Forgot How To Sing / 歌を忘れた偶像(アイドル).

2. The PS3 version changed line 1352 and replaced it with two different lines (likely in order to maintain CERO D rating):

  • 春希
  • 春希
