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===Chapter 5 - Late Night Confidence===
===Chapter 5 - A Royal Eccentricity===
For weeks at the academy, Kaede had felt less like Pascal's servant and more like... something akin to a close friend. Pascal had never left her out of any conversation that she was present for, and he often solicited her thoughts on topics that she had knowledge of.
''Not exactly what 'Flying Armada' was meant for...''
But today reminded Kaede once again that in the eyes of society and everyone else, she was still just a servant.
But that was exactly what it felt like to Kaede, as she crouched low enough in her saddle to hug the insubstantial 'mane'. Her ''Phantom Steed'' galloped among over a hundred other riders. Yet aside from the blue-white Oriflamme leading the formation, she could only see glowing red orbs hanging off dark silhouettes -- as though guidance lights on the wings of modern aircraft.
The war council was her first experience in being seen but not heard, as she spent the whole time standing still and silent. It was understandable though, as just like Cecylia -- who stood silent behind the ambassador through the whole meeting -- Kaede was far too inconsequential to speak out in a gathering of Empire-ranking bigwigs. Even Sylviane and Pascal barely had any opportunity. The two of them only sat at the same table due to their position as heirs. Meanwhile the other attendees were either lifelong career officials or seasoned political leaders with an established power base.
In addition to his own staff, bodyguards, and Princess Sylviane's armigers, General von Manteuffel also brought along three dozen other officers to organize the operation. Given the importance of the entourage, the entire ''Black Lancers'' company of the Knights Phantom rode escort in a massive combat box formation.
However, Kaede did not extend the same understanding to her exclusion from Pascal's meeting with Sylviane and Emperor Geoffroi. She might have promised Pascal on the roof last night that she would always be family to him. Yet a real family member would not have been kept outside the doors like she was now...
Of course, Pascal had dragged Kaede in. She had packed the black pseudo-uniform in her bag as a possible overnight change of clothes, and it came in handy for blending in amongst the officers. No one had objected so far, but she earned plenty of curious stares.
A real family member would be sitting inside in their private meeting, not left waiting outside with a mere bodyguard.
Reynald, on the other hand, had returned to the academy. The General had taken advantage of his trip and sent along orders for the battalions rallying there.
''Maybe that's not entirely fair,'' the familiar girl thought.
In the darkness of a cloudy night, the massive squadron dashed through bone-chilling winds and a thin flurry of snow. Were it not for the magical temperature control built into her undergarments, Kaede was certain her joints would be frozen stiff by now.
Kaede glanced at the female armiger who stood on the other side of the closed doors. The young lady appeared somewhere in her early twenties, which for a mage meant anywhere between actually twenty to half a century old. She was a hint taller than average, with chestnut-brown hair that barely draped over her narrow shoulders. Her eyes were a cloudy gray, and while her face held the ideal 'almond' shape, her wide nose and freckled cheeks were just proportional enough to not be homely.
Despite its availability to Hyperien magic, ''Teleport'' was not an efficient spell for long-distance travel. Amusingly enough, its developers considered 'folding space' the easier part of the spell. Target verification procedures built into the magic were far more complex and limited its operational range.
She also wore heavy half-plate armor, although Kaede had never heard it clink. She carried a steel heater shield on her back, while the weapon that hung from her crossed double-belt was a heavy mace. This imposing wardrobe made it clear that she was ready for action at any moment. Though thankfully her vigilant gaze stayed on the empty hallway rather than looking at Kaede with suspicion.
After all, maps were misleading; the world was round, and far from perfectly spherical. Finding oneself a kilopace above or below ground held deadly consequences.
Sylviane had addressed her affectionately as 'Mari', so it was clear that she was very close to the Princess. Kaede knew that royal bodyguards also routinely served as confidants, and Mari was likely no exception.
Therefore, ''Phantom Steed'' remained the primary means of long-distance travel for most Hyperien mages. The spell had many forms, including the ''Overlay'' variants for creating shadowy barding for real mounts. But its basic version conjured a pseudo-physical 'horse' that held good weight and knew no fatigue.
"So... what's the Princess like?" Kaede finally worked up the courage to ask.
Kaede's only problem had been that the mount and saddle looked insubstantial, as though she sat atop a sculpted cloud of dense black smoke. Given that the magical steeds could gallop five stories above ground at over eighty kilopaces per hour, it easily summoned a mild case of acrophobia for those unused to such means of travel.
It felt rather uncomfortable just standing there with a fully-armored lady in silence.
She had actually thanked the darkness for obscuring her view of the ground below.
"You'll find out in a moment." Mari replied simply.
"<u>We are almost at Nordkreuz. I give it another half hour,</u>" Pascal sent over their private telepathy channel... or so Kaede thought.
''That is so extremely not helpful,'' Kaede's face fell.
"<u>How can you tell?</u>" she asked in the middle of a yawn.
Though before she could file any more silent complaints, Mari looked at her and added:
They had been riding all night. She would be nodding off by this point, if she wasn't deathly afraid of falling. Although logically that was impossible; Pascal didn't trust her riding skills -- or lack thereof -- so he had cast a sticking spell that glued her butt to the saddle.
"Word of advice though: I would tread carefully if I were you. His Grace may be quite laid back when it comes to noble courtesy, but Her Highness is a stickler to etiquette. You didn't exactly start on the right foot by virtue of being his familiar."
It had started to itch hours ago...
''The Princess is the jealous type then.'' Kaede swallowed as she muttered "thank you". Mari's sympathetic warning was definitely precious insider knowledge of Sylviane's character.
Nevertheless, she did not look forward to arrival. There was someone in Nordkreuz whom she ''must'' face, even if she had no clue what to say.
Then, as if on cue, the doors to the private chamber opened.
"I'll let you two work out your problems," Emperor Geoffroi's deep yet affectionate voice came. "Don't forget the meeting this afternoon Sylv."
Her thoughts had returned to the topic again and again, only to walk away blank every time. The onset of drowsiness certainly hadn't helped her focus.
"I won't, Father."
"<u>The same beacons placed in every settlement and major location to guide teleportation can also be tapped by a ''Pathfinder'' scanning spell,</u>" Pascal went on to explain. "<u>I know exactly where every landmark within fifteen kilopaces is in reference to myself right now.</u>"
The brawny Emperor then stepped out from the room. He paused briefly and examined Kaede with a stern gaze, which made the familiar girl feel like she had just been brain-scanned by a MRI machine.
''Magical GPS, no satellite installation required...''
The Emperor's mustache then curled upwards as he offered a fatherly smile.
Kaede yawned again, not that anyone was watching. The night brought many blessings, and amongst them was an end to all staring, whether it be contemptuous or curious.
"Kaede, is it?"
"<u>You sure you want me on this?</u>" She inquired. "<u>It's one thing for a commander to have an aide. Staff officers are already advisers.</u>"
"Y-yes, Your Majesty," Kaede hurriedly replied with a curtsy. She almost stumbled in her anxiety.
"<u>Consider yourself an assistant staff officer then,</u>" Pascal replied. "<u>I did acquire permission from the General to bring you, if you were wondering.</u>"
Geoffroi chuckled, which did wonders to calm Kaede's nerves in her first time greeting an ''Emperor''.
"<u>When did that happen?</u>" She glanced over to Pascal's figure, whose own smoky mount galloped across the air no more than ten paces away. "<u>Wonder if you at least got a raised eyebrow out of that, given he's about as expressive as a rock.</u>"
"Don't worry. I'm used to Pascal's outlandish ideas in 'proper behavior'. There is no need to fear me, so long as you treat my daughter with the appropriate respect that she deserves and do not seek to undermine their relationship."
"<u>A very ambitious rock, seeing as he brought me onto his staff because he took the opportunity to station his own protégé in the optimal command positions.</u>"
Kaede did not miss the conditionality of his statement which also made it a warning.
Uneasiness permeated Pascal's mental voice as he went on:
"Of course, Your Majesty." She nodded firmly.
"<u>Assuming this operation is successful and the King hands out fair promotions, von Manteuffel will be able to count two-fifth of the army's upper command structure as his former direct subordinates -- their loyalties divided between him and the King.</u>"
"Sylv told me that you're from another world, but you're nevertheless a Samaran in ours." Geoffroi added with curiosity in his gaze. "Would you like to meet the ambassador from the Grand Republic of Samara? He is in charge of all Samaran relations in Rhin-Lotharingie. I believe he is still away on business, but we can certainly have arrangements made."
The greatest concern for any ruler had always been the loyalty of the army. Coup d'états overthrew far more governments than peasant rebellions or foreign aggression ever could.
Kaede's eyes lit up. Considering the problems that Samarans faced outside the Grand Republic, the ambassador would certainly be a man who could offer advice and protection to her kind. The only issue was, of course, the fact that she wasn't ''actually'' from the Grand Republic.
Yet before Kaede could speak, it was Sylviane's tired voice that rang across her mind:
"Y-yes! Thank you very much, Your Majesty!" She bowed this time.
"<u>Did you tell the King about it during your private chat?</u>"
The Emperor simply nodded with a mild smile before he strode off. He met his own bodyguards further down the hallway before turning and vanishing from sight.
Hearing a voice she didn't expect ''inside'' her head was not a pleasant surprise. Kaede almost jumped in her saddle, if she wasn't glued down to it.
"Mari, you can bring her in now." Kaede heard the Princess' voice from inside.
''Who else is in my head now...?''
The knight-in-waiting nodded to Kaede, as though reminding the familiar girl of what she had just said. She then followed just behind Kaede into the room, and closed the door gently almost as soon as the smaller girl stepped past the threshold.
"<u>I am not certain it is my place to say...</u>" Pascal answered his fiancée. "<u>Doctrinal divisions within the army is one thing, but I do not want King Leopold to see me as an element of the political factionalism.</u>"
Kaede swallowed again as she walked into the middle of the room under the Princess' unimpressed gaze. Sylviane sat regally upon a plush armchair. Even Pascal looked a hint nervous as he sat on another armchair to her side. It certainly did not help Kaede's nerves to see even her master tense, as he was normally so unflappable if not downright insolent towards figures of authority.
"<u>If the King is serious about developing a friendly relationship like you said, then it may benefit you to tell him about it,</u>" Sylviane suggested, only to append one word in emphasis: "<u>maybe.</u>"
The young girl carefully lowered herself in the most sincere curtsy she had given yet.
"<u>More 'maybe' than normal here,</u>" Pascal replied. His tone then switched to one of wariness: "<u>Father once said that the King should never be taken at face value. Makes me wonder just how much he wants out of a closer relationship -- other than my link to you and Emperor Geoffroi, that being the obvious one... Kaede what did you think of him?</u>"
A silent moment of eye contact soon followed. Yet as uncomfortable as the air grew, Kaede did not shy away from Sylviane's steady gaze. In a situation where she had nothing to be guilty about, weakness would only mislead the other's judgment to worse ends. All she could do was wait patiently for her turn to speak: a courtesy appropriate for differences in social rank, as Pascal reminded her this morning.
"<u>I thought he was pretty laid back, for a King... though he seemed quite capable.</u>"
''She isn't just some noble from the academy either.'' Kaede reminded herself as she tried not to fidget in her small heels. ''She's Pascal's dear fiancée, someone I MUST try to stay cordial with...''
A brief moment of silence gave her the sinking feeling she just flunked Pascal's latest test.
After what seemed an eternity, Sylviane finally bestowed upon Kaede the grace of a gentle smile. Her hands, which were clad in long, periwinkle gloves, left the armchair's sides and folded on top of her lap. Her violet, mid-calf skirt had clearly been smoothed out after she sat, as it did not show even a single wrinkle over her legs.
"<u>Kaede you don't deal with nobles much do you?</u>" Sylviane asked, more curious than condescending.
Her actions were straight and simple, yet they exemplified the Princess' behavior. Sylviane's movements held neither natural grace nor crudeness. However they were all taken with a delicate touch, as though she concentrated upon her image with every step.
"<u>I hadn't really dealt with ''any'' nobles before Pascal summoned me, Your Highness.</u>"
"Don't worry," the Princess spoke at last. "I won't bite even if you are his kept woman."
"<u>She mostly talks to history books and prays to flying pasta,</u>" Pascal commented with enough nonchalance to accompany a shrug. "<u>And just the three of us in this, Kaede,</u>" he noted after her formal address.
Kaede's attempt to smile back was wry at best:
"<u>I didn't even notice you set this network up,</u>" Kaede remarked, unhappily. "<u>Aren't ''Telepathy'' spells suppose to give a 'ring' inside the head?</u>"
"I'm not. I'm his familiar."
"<u>That is because I tied our familiar bond to the ''Telepathy'' I was talking to Sylv through</u>," Pascal explained. "<u>Joining individual links is the basis to forming networks. I would imagine there are quite a few among this squadron at this moment. Sylv also has a channel opened with all of her armigers, for one.</u>"
"Which... is far worse, if you'll pardon the expression," Sylviane replied in calm words. "I realize that it's no fault of your own, and I ''am'' grateful that you saved his life. I gathered from his report that you were quite central to the bait-and-trap scheme. But..."
''No wonder it's so quiet. Everyone is chatting away on smartphones inside their heads,'' Kaede thought.
The Princess closed her eyes and sighed, almost in exasperation, before reestablishing contact.
Then it struck her: why Pascal hadn't said anything for several hours already.
"Courtesans I can deal with. It is simply a matter of fact that few men of greatness and ambition are ever completely faithful to only one woman. Even my father, as family-oriented as Gaetane traditions go, had a second lover when he was younger. He's not proud of it, and while I don't understand what drives men to unfaithfulness, the simple fact is that powerful men often do: it's a cardinal sin of their kind." Sylviane answered with a glance towards Pascal, who oddly kept his silence even though his frowning gaze clearly wanted to retort.
After the last few weeks with him, Kaede wasn't used to feeling like a third wheel -- which, at this late hour, instantly prickled her mood with irritation.
Kaede returned a bare nod. It hardly took a historian to know just how common affairs were among the nobility and the modern political elite. Media-aware scandals represented merely a tiny tip of the iceberg. Female activists might debate biologists on the role of genetics, but as a scholar the evidence to Kaede was overwhelming.
"<u>Either way Kaede, I asked the General when I sent you off to change. After all, it is normal for a mage to bring their familiar along, provided that you can keep up...</u>"
Far more interesting was Sylviane's willingness to share this history with her, since royalty did not normally air their dirty laundry to outsiders.
"<u>Not exactly a ''normal'' familiar,</u>" Kaede cut in to add.
"But such 'concubines' are also temporary, or at the very least, informal," Sylviane continued as her voice gradually hardened to almost a lecture. "I am willing to tolerate Pascal having one as long as he continues to hold ''me'' in the highest regard and is discrete about his affair -- which means keeping her tucked away, in some remote residence, unseen and unheard."
"<u>No. Familiars do not normally fool Imperial assassins either, and he did read my report on that. I only asked so I could tell anyone who objects that 'the General allowed it',</u>" Pascal sent back with a thorough dipping of smugness. "<u>As for your role? Being 'eyes and ears', I would like for you to stay with a front-line unit on the flank. It will give me better battlefield vision and save an adjutant for passing orders.</u>"
''In other words, keep the dirty tramp out of my sight,'' Kaede thought. It was somewhat bitter too, as she was the harlot of this conversation, even if the princess avoided saying so.
"<u>So... pretend to be a walking pair of binoculars?</u>"
Sylviane then grew solemn:
"<u>Learn to judge battlefield deployments yourself,</u>" Pascal added, an edge of sternness working into his voice. "<u>We have had plenty of tactical discussions during our research, so this is as good an experience for you as it is for me. If you must do something, I can enchant ''First Aid'' onto your ring and load whatever spells you need into your runes. But I want your eyes on the field as much as possible.</u>"
"Unfortunately, you are none of those."
"<u>Uh.... why ''First Aid''?</u>" Kaede grew curious. Her martial training may be completely amateur, but even that was better than not a single drop of medical background.
"I'm also not intimate with him, whereas a concubine would be." Kaede held her ground, though even her stiffened voice remained wispy.
"<u>Because only basic spells can be put onto a spell activation item, and because you can perform basic healing even better than Parzifal, simply due to your nature,</u>" Pascal explained.
She then blanched a little when Sylviane's eyebrows shifted up just a hair to betray her revelation...
"<u>For being Samaran? I did read that my blood was a healing enhancer.</u>"
''Seriously! Why do all nobles, even the sensible ones, always jump that conclusion!?''
"<u>More than just enhance,</u>" he emphasized. "<u>Ever wondered how healers could work when any mage's body that refines its own ether naturally repulses foreign ether from other casters? Healing non-mages is easy. Healing mages, however, require a special focus to compensate. Samaran blood is ''never'' rejected in a transfusion. Likewise, healing spells -- and only spells that cure or calm, for whatever reason -- cast through Samaran blood gain a limited ability to bypass ether rejection. The blood also lose potency as it is used more. So effectively, your entire body full of fresh blood is a spell focus of the highest quality.</u>"
Of all the changes brought by Kaede's gender switch, the social view that kept seeing her as some sexual object was easily the most irritating. It was as though her femininity came before her identity as a ''person'', and she would rather suffer her menstrual period again than deal with this every time.
Being called a top quality trade good wasn't exactly a very flattering comment. But then, Pascal merely stated the facts 'as is'.
Though ultimately, it hardly even mattered to Sylviane:
''At least he doesn't see me as a bag of gold.''
"Yes, but you ''are'' a girl officially attached to him. Furthermore, your bond is even more permanent than the sanctity of marriage, as not even the Pope can divorce you. As a mage's familiar, it is part of your ''function'' to be present and active," Sylviane stated. "This you have already proven through foiling the assassination plot against Pascal."
"<u>Yeah I remember being 'medical supplies'. But I don't remember seeing Parzifal carry vials of blood around.</u>"
"In other words," Kaede moodily interjected, "you would have the same problem with a sister, if Pascal had one."
"<u>Samaran blood is not cheap, part of why you should never leave secure grounds by yourself,</u>" Pascal added, completely serious. "<u>But ask Parzifal about his bloodquartz stasis rod next time. He keeps it stored inside his right glove.</u>"
She heard a groan from Pascal. Only then did Kaede realize that she just completely tore up his request of "''speak only when you are asked.''".
A gryphon near the head of the formation squawked, piercing the rhythmic background of beating wings. As though a roll-call, its comrades immediately responded with similar cries, expanding around the massed formation like a ring of sound.
"Apologies, Your Highness." She hurriedly added, finally breaking eye contact to glance down. "That was inappropriate of me."
But this was no parade. It was a collective challenge.
The air grew silent once more. The atmosphere became almost oppressive.
The ''Black Lancers'' was the oldest of the Knight Phantom units and had an uniformed tradition: out of a full company of one-sixty, its entire combat force of one-thirty-six all rode gryphons -- muscular beasts who wore plated armor over their eagle heads and lion torsos even as they flew. Unlike most Phantoms who emphasized mobility above all, these knights specialized in frontal assaults and close-quarters aggression.
Kaede also couldn't help wonder what the penalties for disrespecting royalty were. As a crown princess, Sylviane would inherit far more dungeons than Pascal ever could. They might even come with their own secret police department, with medieval sensibilities capable of making Stalin's gulags seem like a beach resort by comparison.
''What's going on?''
But as she snuck a glance back up, all of her imagined pressure evaporated at once.
Before Kaede focused on the telepathy to ask, Sylviane updated them from the front:
Sylviane was still staring at her, but now with an odd, almost bittersweet smile before she broke out in a chuckle. The Princess then turned towards her betrothed:
"<u>Skywhale. An armored one.</u>"
"I can see why you like her." She followed with a sigh.
As though on cue, a deep, soothing mew echoed across the open skies. The overhead clouds parted just enough for some illumination by pale, 'lunar' light, revealing the creature that provoked the gryphons' senses.
"I told you she was fun to talk with." Pascal grinned as he finally confirmed that his betrothed hadn't put a silencing spell on him.
The sperm whale hovered in midair a good distance away, casting a shadow that obscured an entire farmhouse barn under it. The beast was even more colossal than its Earth equivalent, and would need a clearing the size of an ice hockey rink to land. It also had tentacle-like appendages extending out from underneath the small side-flippers, and the huge, block-shaped head glistened a metallic shine.
"I think your idea of 'fun' is different from most people's." Sylviane's voice was somewhere between amusement and exasperation.
But the most interesting detail was the steel vehicular compartment strapped beneath the belly. Behind it dangled massive cargo nets, although they were mostly empty at the moment. In the shadows of the night, Kaede thought the skywhale appeared similar to fantasy concepts of a dirigible airship.
"On that note, please stop grouping me with other men." Pascal remained unabashed. "Last I checked, it was you who encouraged me to court other girls at the academy to 'broaden my experiences'. I have never initiated a relationship with another girl without your approval."
''Well, it's not sentient tofu,'' Kaede thought. Her logic still lay bloated with incredulity, but at least it didn't require emergency resuscitation.
''He's clearly henpecked,'' Kaede thought. It was apparent now that Sylviane had asked him to hold his tongue, so that the Princess could assess Kaede for herself.
She had read about them after Parzifal spoke of Reynald's familiar. Wild skywhales traveled across the northern skies in tight-knit, highly-protective groups. Adults were too powerful and intelligent to tame, therefore the only skywhales that worked with humans were those summoned as a familiar during early childhood and brought up over the course of a decade. They were easily the strongest beast of burden on Hyperion, but only for the lucky few who had one for a partner.
''Does that mean I passed?'' The familiar couldn't help wonder.
"<u>Whose flags?</u>" Pascal asked.
In the meantime Sylviane countered flatly:
It took nearly a minute of continued flying before Sylviane confirmed:
"Except this one."
"<u>Grand Republic Merchant Alliance.</u>"
"Yes, well, I did not think a familiar would apply." Pascal at least had the courtesy to look sheepish. "In my defense, I just wanted a companion."
"<u>So there are Samarans on board?</u> Kaede's interest peaked instantly.
"Should have tried the other gender." The Princess tossed back as her eyes gave Kaede another up-and-down sweep. They weren't exactly grumpy or unhappy, more like... conflicted.
It was weird to ''be'' a Samaran without ever having met or known one.
"I do not think the Church would approve," Pascal grumbled into the air.
"<u>Not necessarily,</u>" Sylviane replied. "<u>Samarans are a bare majority even within the Grand Republic. Plus many skywhale merchants immigrated there since Hyperien nations tend to commandeer and draft them during wars.</u>"
Sylviane's gaze immediately froze. Then, as her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed, she spun around to cast an outraged glare at Pascal:
Kaede could imagine. These floating leviathans could use war elephant tusks for toothpicks.
"You know what I meant! And they don't approve of this any more than the other!"
"<u>How do they stay afloat?</u>"
Kaede wondered if religious conservatism actually turned girls off from fantasizing forbidden romance like Japanese schoolgirls often did, or if Sylviane only rejected it because the prospect of her ''fiancée'' being gay was... extremely not cool.
"<u>Magic; levitation,</u>" Pascal replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
''And here I was worried about being seen as a guy, by a girl, as paired with another guy, when I'm now a girl, but was a guy...'' her thoughts looped about.
"<u>And what do they eat?</u>"
''This is so surreal.''
"<u>Large animals, anything from sharks to mammoths,</u>" he explained this time. "<u>Cattle and reindeer herders treat them like a roaming natural disaster, since it takes an army -- and willingness to take massive casualties -- to take down a pod of skywhales. For that reason, commandeered skywhales are usually thrown at the enemy as shock units to break battle lines. Works splendidly, except their massive size attracts so much fire that the whales are usually maimed or killed. We reimburse their owners for the loss, of course, but...</u>"
"I honestly believed you would like her," Pascal mumbled out again, paying triple to the concept that anything a man could say in such a situation only made it worse. "I mean... you can tell by the looks alone."
"<u>--Not enough to replace something invaluable to their lives.</u>" Kaede finished for him before finally peeling her eyes away. She managed to leave the rest of her thoughts unsaid: 'just like all the other husbands and sons in the army'.
Sylviane's gaze upon Kaede was conflicted again. There was even a look of familiarity in her eyes, as though Kaede reminded her of someone. Nevertheless, she turned away to her betrothed and asked pointedly:
The existence of magic changed many aspects of Hyperion, but it did nothing to erase the fundamental flaws of human societies. Wars were still provoked by the ambition of statesmen, while its cost was paid for by the working masses.
"And how far down did that rank in your original motivations for summoning a cute girl as your familiar?"
Yet with Sylviane in her sight, gliding through the night sky on avian wings of burning blue, Kaede did agree that Hyperion had at least one advantage:
Kaede blinked a few times. Wives simply did not refer to mistresses as 'cute'. Perhaps that meant she was now past the first hurdle of being seen as a direct threat?
''Some rulers truly led their men here, not just provoke wars while hiding behind untarnished white houses.''
"Does that mean you do like her?" Pascal asked with rising hopes.
Unfortunately, 'some' was not 'all', and people like Marina still paid the price.
"SHE is not the problem. YOU are!" Sylviane declared as she jabbed her index finger his way. "A familiar does not choose the summoner, but I have no doubt that you ''did'' specify the result, ''Runelord!''"
"I cannot deny that one," the lord himself admitted. "She even gave me the fisticuffs for pulling her out of her life in another world. Left me sore for days."
Sylviane spun towards Kaede with an incredulous look:
<nowiki>----- * * * -----</nowiki>
"Is that true?"
Kaede hesitantly nodded. "Sorry. It was the morning after he summoned me, and my emotions had gotten the better part of me."
"Oh you don't need to apologize." The Princess giggled with amusement. "I'd been tempted to give him a good slap ever since he told me. It's nice to know that you've already done the deed, even if it's not quite as satisfying."
Situated by the lake that merged three of Northern Hyperion's most important rivers, Nordkreuz was a major trading hub built into a fortified port city. The urban districts featured wide streets, huge market plazas, and large taverns raised to three stories tall, all surrounded by thick, sloping stone walls behind outer rings of wooden fortifications and earthworks. As a strategic location, the army maintained both a large garrison and considerable infrastructure here even during peacetime. Mobilization for war then added no less than three massive camps, situated just outside the walls.
The Princess then grinned at Pascal's rolling eyes before her gaze returned to Kaede and hardened into a stare:
With its main streets lit by ley-line-powered magical lanterns, the city was easily visible to approaches by air. A column of torchlight and glowing lamps entering the southern gates also marked the arrival of several hundred cavalry from the Landgraviate of Kostradan.
"However in the future, I ''will'' have you arrested if you assault my future husband, is that understood?"
After hours of riding across the flat coastal lands of Weichsel -- a fortified frontier with few towns lighting the darkness -- Kaede finally felt her return to civilization.
"Crystal." Kaede rushed to nod. It was clear that Sylviane wished to reserve the privilege of dealing with Pascal for herself.
The Knight Phantoms escorted the officers all the way to Nordkreuz's Keep before departing to their own encampment. The shell keep actually extended out from the city's northern fortifications by bridge, built atop a motte raised from an artificial lakeside island. The construction was quite militaristic for a Landgrave's estate, but it did offer peace and quiet from the urban quarters, as well as an excellent scenic view of the lake and countryside.
Satisfied with her answer, the Princess' expression softened.
It was also Kaede's official place of residence as a member of the Landgrave's household, even if stone keeps felt as displaced from 'home' as it went.
"Did you really come from another world?" She then asked in curiosity.
After touching down in a small courtyard, Pascal dismissed their mounts back into thin air and lead the entire group into his home. Arriving halfway between midnight and dawn did not stop the servants from greeting their new lord. Lined up in two neat rows with a dozen maids on one side and half as many footmen in the other, they did their best to look polished and alert despite the twilight hour.
"Yes, Your Highness. A far more technological realm that's sent men to the moon, but with no magic at all," Kaede clarified. "I would say more socially advanced as well, but discussions with Cecylia proved that may just be bias from my perspective."
The Majordomo was an one-meter-eight (5'11") tall senior in his late fifties with large gray eyes under salt-and-pepper hair. Square-faced with drooping red cheeks, he was plump enough to reveal an obvious pot belly. He and his footmen wore uniforms similar to Victorian-era suits -- white dress shirt tucked under black jacket and trousers. Despite what seemed a perpetual frown, his insistence on formalities at such an hour revealed a clear pride in his profession.
"How could one travel to celestial bodies without magic...?"
"Welcome home, Your Grace," the Majordomo began as he led the footmen to a simultaneous bow while the maids curtsied.
Kaede's eyebrows shot up instantly. ''Did that mean mages figured out space travel?''
"Thank you, Karsten. Although I am still the man who left for academy months ago."
Nevertheless the Princess puzzled for merely a brief second, before her eyes soon refocused upon Kaede. Sylviane would not be side-tracked easily, a sign of mental discipline as expected from someone whom Pascal deeply respects.
Pascal's reply came a bit sheepish, which was most unlike his usual 'rightfully noble' self. Prodigy or not, the young man simply wasn't emotionally ready to step into his father's shoes.
"Never mind. It's good that you've talked to Cecylia at length. She's an excellent judge of character and one whom I trust very much."
"Of course, Your Grace," Karsten nodded but did not reduce the formalities by a single step. He then turned to greet the Princess Sylviane and General von Manteuffel: "Your Highness, Your Grace, welcome back to Nordkreuz."
With a preoccupied frown, Kaede halted her other thoughts as she realized that Sylviane and Cecylia didn't just know one another; they were on excellent terms. Since they were both Pascal's childhood friends, it was likely they met way back then and kept in touch. Plus Cecylia was a trained intelligence analyst, thus the Princess had the best eyes and ears for monitoring Pascal back when he was at the Königsfeld Academy. Though this might be a little more awkward today, considering that Cecylia was a spy for another country, alliance notwithstanding.
"Pleasure as always, Karsten," Sylviane beamed back without a hint of fatigue.
A brief shiver went through Kaede as she remembered her near-paralysis when those scarlet-crossed dhampir eyes came up close and personal...
The Princess had yet to break the unison link with her phoenix, and her flame-feathered wings merely transformed into a billowing cape of cinders. White-blue embers cored by traces of gold drifted off her, bathing the entire courtyard in warm luminescence as twelve armigers' torchlight capes surrounded her pillar of flame. Her usual wisteria eyes were alight in bright cerulean, while her dark-plum hair burned electric blue. Even the waist-hugging steel breastplate, skirting, and lightweight spaulders that covered her battledress emanated blue flames as though freshly hammered by a sacred blacksmith.
''Not sure if I want a reference like that.''
The entire ensemble reminded Kaede of a fire burning on pure oxygen. It formed a stark contrast between radiating presence -- which the normal Sylviane rather lacked -- and the cool gentleness of the her calm, appreciating smile.
"I do admit, Kaede, that your intrusion into our relationship may be similar to that of a sister." Sylviane noted back to their prior conversation before Pascal spoke. "Except that men don't summon sisters, however much some of them may want to."
Meanwhile, General von Manteuffel's face seemed even more stony than usual as he went straight into business:
Kaede nodded back. After her recent years in Japan, she became very familiar with that concept. It was one that she found more amusing than anything else, since she actually grew up with an older sister.
"We should finish all coordination in the last few hours before our departure at dawn. Scouting priorities still need delegating, and we must confirm that all units have packed at least one month of food, feed, and abundant ammunition."
"There is also a natural limit between siblings, however close they might become," the Princess continued. "That limitation does not exist when you do not share any blood relations with him."
"Colonel von Konopacki and his staff are waiting in the conference room to explain their preparations, Your Grace. Please follow me," Karsten bowed again before leading the group towards the steel gates.
''Incest is a near-universal taboo, after all,'' Kaede nodded as she understood. Sure, there were a few cultures in history which saw a siblings' union as 'sacred'. However, it was clear that the Trinitian Church teachings which spread through Western Hyperion did not harbor such views.
Most of the officers followed, although a dozen or so went the other way -- across the covered footbridge toward the town walls.
Then, Sylviane spoke with a stern face fitting of a tigress marking her own grounds:
Kaede herself, however, stayed rooted in place as she observed the sight of a familiar face.
"Could you promise me that you will not develop romantic relations with my husband-to-be then?"
At the far end of the maids' line stood the petite Marina, Kaede's first 'friend' at the academy. She wore the classic white and black dress of a servant. A forced smile lay plastered onto her expression as she stared back through narrowed sea-green eyes.
"Of course!" Kaede rushed to answer. ''It's not like I've ever felt attraction towards a man before!''
''I don't think she's forgiven me yet,'' Kaede determined. ''But then, I don't think I would have either.''
Yet even as she said that, she felt something uneasy deep within: was this really something she could promise? When she could be spending untold years in this body?
She never did arrive at an answer through her entire flight.
However Kaede completely ignored it as she went on:
As though Pascal had read her thoughts, his mental voice followed in the wake of her own:
"In fact, Your Highness, there is something you should know about me. I don't know if Pascal told you, but..."
"<u>I had asked Karsten to arrange Marina as your maid during the short stay. I would recommend that you squeeze a few hours of sleep in before dawn -- you are not exactly abundant on rest to begin with. But I presume you would want to talk to her.</u>"
"She is a ''boy'', or was." Pascal interjected as he stole her thunder. "I ''really'' was not looking for anything of romantic or sensual interest, honestly!"
"<u>Thank you... really,</u>" Kaede replied. She began to take slow steps again, her mind a confused mix between relief and apprehension.
After freezing for a brief moment, Sylviane locked her gaze upon Kaede once more and leaned forward in her seat. Her waist-long, dark-purple hair fluttered about in voluminous tresses as she stared straight at the familiar with shock-enlarged eyes.
"<u>Make sure she helps you pack plenty of non-perishable food into that messenger bag of yours. As you heard the general, we will be campaigning away from supply lines for at least a month.</u>"
Kaede felt like an exotic animal being scrutinized over. Even the armiger Mari was now gawking at her from the door, all pretense of disinterest abandoned.
Were it not for the existence of extra-dimensional storage, there was no way a person could carry an entire month of provisions and still be expected to travel efficiently.
The rapidly growing curiosity, perhaps even fascination, in the Princess' eyes did not help. Within moments, Sylviane stood up and closed the distance between them. She reached out to Kaede's cheeks and shoulders, gently feeling them through silken gloves as though confirming the reality of what she saw. Her hands then trailed down, brushed past the familiar's small chest before settling on a firm hold at the narrow waist.
"<u>Of course. What about yours?</u>"
"I would ''never'' have guessed..." Sylviane spoke through an almost trance-like voice, before stepping to Kaede's side and gliding one hand gently through the snowy-white long hair. "It's like you were meant to be a girl. How does it feel?"
Kaede hated herself as soon as she sent those words. This was no time to run away.
"Uh... smaller?"
"<u>The other maids will take care of it. I grew up here; they know my preferences well enough,</u>" Pascal concluded just as he passed the keep's raised portcullis.
Kaede honestly wasn't sure what kind response the Princess sought from her. After adapting to countless changes over the past few weeks, her entire experience was simply too overwhelming to describe by words alone.
Meanwhile, Kaede came face-to-face with Marina. With her best attempt to exert a friendly smile, she greeted the young maid that looked no older than herself:
"I guess I'm starting to get used to everything." Kaede shrugged as she glanced down in dejection. "Not that I have another choice: even Pascal has no idea how to fix this."
"Hello again, Marina. Could you please take me to where I am staying?"
"I guess it must have been a shock, suddenly finding yourself like this."
"Of course, ''Milady''."
Kaede nodded back as images of that fateful first night flashed through her mind:
The petite maid returned an elegant curtsy, but Kaede nevertheless winced as that one word stung her ears like acid.
"Waking up in some stranger's bed and finding myself stripped and dressed in 'bridal lingerie' was... not exactly pleasant."
"<Did you have to...>"
Pascal's mental voice cut off as his fiancée slowly rotated back towards him. His entire body stiffened as her petrifying glare laid him against the chopping block.
<nowiki>----- * * * -----</nowiki>
"<Well, it's true,>" Kaede commented, relieved to have the Princess' examining eyes off her again. "<Besides, payback is fair.>"
"Uh, I would like to point out that you have done that too," Pascal stated. "Well, the lingerie, at least. Your collection for Vivi is just ''obsessive''..."
"It's not even two dozen--" Sylviane let slip before she loudly retorted: "I do NOT have an obsession!"
The room Kaede received as her own had been recently furnished. Its size was modest and comparable to modern bedrooms, but the contents were opulent beyond question. A queen-sized four-poster layered in rich fabrics took the center, its sides lined by long strips of intricate rugs. Four large bookshelves and a lounge chair stayed against the wall on one side, while a massive dressing table flanked by mahogany wardrobes occupied the other. There was also a closet in the corner that camouflaged itself as a small wardrobe, but actually hid the chamber pot that she hated to be reminded of.
Pascal didn't say a word after being interrupted. He simply stared at his future wife with a knowing look, arched eyebrows included. Somehow he had reversed the situation in an instant, and it was now Sylviane who sported a light blush while trying to recover her momentum:
The bed and window curtains all came in white, which Kaede enjoyed as one of her favorite colors. They did, however, project an extreme girlishness with the overabundance of laces, ribbons, ruffles, and even pearls.
"A-anyways, I'm a girl. I'm allowed to play with dolls."
One fact laid apparent: Pascal had arranged the details for her needs, but also took the liberty to add his own tastes.
Kaede shivered as she felt a chill sweep across her from Sylviane's words. Pascal's mention of 'Vivi' also left her curious if Sylviane kept some ornate, life-sized doll.
It also wasn't a refurbished guest room, but one in the same corridor as Pascal's own -- meant only for the lord's immediate family. It certainly explained the attitude of the maids, who politely addressed Kaede as 'Milady' when they met, only to whisper quietly once she was out of ordinary earshot.
"You're a ''man'', aren't you?" The Princess's voice grew adamant. "What are you doing in my domain?"
She heard the word "whore" at least once.
"So it is acceptable for ladies to take sword-and-shield but we are not allowed to enjoy cuteness!?" Her betrothed immediately cried unfair. "What kind of gendered hypocrisy is this!"
They were partially right though: Kaede wasn't a 'lady' by any means. She had neither the upbringing nor the refinement, and certainly not the noble blood. Besides, familiars were meant to be servants for their mage masters.
"The practical kind, since by the grace of magic we can fight just as well as you do." Sylviane countered. "In case you forgot, the last five times you dueled me..."
She almost wished Pascal had let her stay in the servants' quarters. But even without the appeal of materialistic comforts, she didn't want to disappoint him when he had made such a warm gesture.
"I have not forgotten a thing and you can stop rubbing salt in every chance you get," Pascal cut her off with a torrent of words, his drawling arrogance completely abandoned by this point. "Can we get back on topic please?"
His summoning had ripped Kaede from her family. In exchange, he was offering her the chance to join a new one.
''He must be really desperate if he'd rather talk about...''
Moisture gathered in her eyes when she thought of it that way.
"Sure, let us revisit how you summoned a girl, took advantage of her helplessness, stripped her bare naked, and had your way with her, when you're already engaged..."
Furthermore, after everything she promised on the roof of dormitory keep, she wasn't about to leave Pascal to occupy this long corridor by himself. Unless she missed her guess, he wouldn't even want to move into the master bedroom unless the Majordomo Karsten insisted upon it.
Sylviane leaned forward over him, forcing herself deep into his personal space to continue her offensive without giving him a moment of respite. Even Pascal's steadfast determination to hold his ground soon began to buckle under the relentless verbal assault:
But in the meantime, she had another concern... one that must be tackled tonight.
"I have a portable projector if you would like to show us your memories. I'm sure your eagerness of the moment will be perfectly noted by your ravishing hands as they anxiously stroked every length of that porcelain skin, carefully examining a girl's most intimate parts. Or when..."
"Please take a seat Marina," Kaede said as she sat onto velvet bedcovers. Then, when the maid looked hesitant, her pink eyes almost pleaded: "''Please''."
Kaede felt her cheeks ignite as Sylviane's exaggerated descriptions began conjuring vivid, uncensored images in her mind. Before she knew it, her thin arms had wrapped themselves around herself in a tight, protective embrace while her glare fixed itself on Pascal.
The petite maid sat down straight on the lounge chair, and uncomfortable silence fell upon the two once again. Although Kaede did finally notice the shade of black under Marina's reddened eyes -- the maid had been crying a lot recently.
She felt dirty from just the visualization. Worse yet, Pascal could have done exactly ''that'' and she wouldn't even know...
"How are they treating you here?" Kaede asked before glancing down, her words even more wispy than usual.
With his back arced away from his fiancée, Pascal was also blushing a fiery red. He soon threw up both hands in defeat:
Marina shrugged. Her voice wasn't hateful, but neither did it contain any other emotion:
"I surrender! Unconditionally! Just state your demands already! And please stop making me sound like such an irredeemably lecherous pervert!"
"It's a life. Karsten judges us on a purely professional basis, so he's cordial as long as my work is done proper."
Sylviane finally returned to standing upright. Even her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, although her shortness of breath was mostly due to the machine-gun fire of accusations.
"But they're forcibly keeping you here?"
"Well... you did say that you honestly thought I would like her, right?"
Kaede felt like a block of insensitivity. Marina's life had been tossed into the abyss, and here all she could think of was ask more questions.
After taking a few steps back and pivoting towards her fiancée's familiar, Sylviane sent Kaede a warm smile: the delight of a victor as she admired her prize.
...Except the punishment was even more 'cruel and unusual' to her modern senses than she realized.
''I have a bad feeling about this...''
"Don't even need to..."
"I will allow you to accompany him wherever he goes. But in exchange, I want you to obey my authority in all matters at home." Sylviane dictated her terms and conditions. "That means if I want to borrow you this afternoon, or request that you keep your distance from him for a week, you will do so. I will also tell you where to sleep. I reserve the right to determine what you can or cannot wear. And I may demand changes in your etiquette or behavior."
The maid's tone stayed bland even as she pulled up one sleeve and revealed tattooed black script that spelled 'Justice'.
Sylviane then rotated back to Pascal:
"--it's a ''G-geas Brand''," her eyes teared as she explained in a whisper, as though her dry words might set it off had they rang any louder. "It'll activate if I violate my oath of service. So you can rest assured that I can't even take any actions intended to harm you without suffering its curse."
"And you will not object or interfere in any way. Is that acceptable?"
'''Rest assured' is about the last thing I feel from that...''
''She's a natural dictator,'' Kaede thought. Still, a part of her did have to admit: ''this is quite mature for her age.''
Kaede did wonder why Pascal trusted Marina to attend her -- because there wasn't any actual 'trust' involved.
It was an old trick in the book, especially in cultures that once practiced polygamy. When a husband of authority grew interested in another female, a shrewd wife would often seek to establish dominance over the new girl, and therefore control any budding relationship. Although there was usually far more subtlety and less... tyranny.
"Can it be removed?"
Furthermore, none of the authorities Sylviane demanded was unusual when Kaede thought about old aristocratic sensibilities. A lady of the house easily held all of that, and more, over her maid servants. It was simply part of how noble households used to be run, even back on Earth a century or two ago.
"They said that while any spell can be dispelled with enough power, this will detect any attempts to and activate at max intensity. So sure, it's removable; but whether I survive the attempt or not..." Marina finished with another shrug as she covered the mark once more.
''I just need to play along for now until I can get on her good side first, then maybe we can renegotiate.'' Kaede thought of the warning that Pascal gave before setting out.
"Then... how long do they expect you to stay... an indentured servant?"
Meanwhile, Pascal's first response was a deep frown.
Just forcing out those two words burned Kaede's tongue. It might be common in the traditional, eye-for-an-eye system of punishment, being synonymous to slavery still gave it a barbaric edge.
"I do have obligations to take care of her after summoning her into our world."
"For assisting the attempted murder of a high noble? Life for a life."
"And I'm not unreasonable," Sylviane replied. Then, almost jokingly: "besides, if I were mean enough to desire harm upon her, I hardly require your permission to manage it."
Then, Marina's finally unveiled her acidic disdain:
''Of course. She has plenty of guards and agents at her beckon...''
"What did your naive little head think it was going to be? Maybe I would be quietly hanged with a sack over my face?"
Kaede sighed. Sylviane wasn't exactly subtle in reminding her of their difference in rank. It felt as though they were negotiating a transfer of her 'ownership'. This might be common to their 'medieval' sensibilities, but it certainly wasn't in the modern age that Kaede grew up in.
Both of them visibly winced. Kaede because the words had hurt, and Marina due to her intentionally barbed tongue.
"Fine," Pascal begrudgingly agreed. "But I retain my right to intervene in the interests of her well-being." His voice then grew unyielding: "I ''will not'' relinquish my obligations to her, on any grounds."
The ''Geas'' spell was quite sensitive, and a trail of tears broke loose as the maid whimpered.
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Sylviane replied with a genuinely sweet smile. "You being responsible in personal relationships is a rare and good thing."
"I'm sorry, Marina, but ''please'' believe me... I didn't even want anything this bad for you..."
Her royal gaze then bore down upon Kaede in expectation of a response. Though there was a hint of light within them that was already admiring a newly-acquired possession.
Yet as she said that, Kaede couldn't look at Marina in the eyes. It wasn't even naivety; Kaede simply didn't ''think'' about it back then. To be fair, she had been busy worrying over how to keep Pascal alive at the time. But Marina was right -- any punishment feudal law would have handed down would be far worse than this.
"Of course..." Kaede answered. Not that she had any other realistic choice but to play along for now. Then, as nonchalantly as she could: "should I address Your Highness any differently then?"
Kaede took a deep breath and tried again:
She honestly wasn't sure this time. Historical events were one thing, but details like the evolving etiquette of different time periods confused her, even if Hyperion followed similar trends to Earth.
"You paid loyalty to a master for raising you. I can understand that. But my own life is tied to Pascal's. So just as you saw no other choice, neither did I..."
Sylviane went back to staring at Pascal again, her eyebrows raised halfway between surprise and curiosity:
She halted before sticking another sock in her mouth. Her head really wasn't running straight this late.
"What weird things are you making the poor girl call...?"
"W-why should I believe you?" Marina went back to her uncaring monotone. "I mean, why are you even being nice to me then? I could have killed you in connection to him."
"NOTHING-!!!" His near-shout came on instinct before she even finished. "She just calls me Pascal!"
"Because I know you were candid in your offer," Kaede answered as her sincere gaze held onto swollen sea-green eyes. "Because if you hadn't said anything, that assassin's arrow would have shot straight through my neck..."
The Princess' grin was still humored as her sight returned to Kaede.
"Isn't that why you got my punishment to this?" the maid interrupted, although she soon fell to a whisper -- a faint sign that behind the barbed wires of pride, there was indeed a shadow of gratitude.
"'Your Highness' is still the formal way to address me. But among us and my other servants? 'Milady' will suffice adequately."
"Pascal won't budge any further, but I don't think this is a fair treatment for you, not for what you did," Kaede explained. "And one more reason," she appealed through bittersweet words, "it's because I don't make friends often, Marina, so I really didn't want to let go."
"Yes Milady," Kaede answered as she gave a slow curtsy, seeking as much elegance as she could manage. "I'm in your care."
"Well that's impossible now," Marina's sour retort came as a matter of fact.
"Don't worry, I'm a far more reasonable person than Sir ''Runelord'' here," Sylviane beamed with reassurance. "I'm certain we shall come to know each other real well. However, I will hold you to the promise you made me earlier."
A brief silence returned, followed by a deep, heartfelt sigh from Kaede:
That ill sense of unease in Kaede's chest only grew worse as she nodded back.
"I know... I'm occasionally idealistic, not spontaneously idiotic."
She wondered if she would ever again see the angelic smile that once cheered her mood during her gloomy initial week in the new world.
Minutes passed as Kaede pursed her cheeks in thought. Pascal's intentions for her standing did seem quite obvious, which meant she needed a servant she could rely on.
She only wished that her 'trust' wasn't founded on a penal curse.
Kaede wasn't sure how the situation had evolved so quickly...
"But... I think I can still offer you something else," Kaede softly tested the waters. "Since Pascal will probably assign me a servant, would you be willing to become my maid? I promise I'll treat you as nicely as I can, and I welcome you to voice your objections when I do misstep."
Before the hour was up, she was already sitting next to the Princess on a rich velvet couch, with the unusual pleasure of having her hair brushed by royal hands.
Marina's eyes enlarged with surprise. Yet within those rounded, glassy orbs also clashed a conflict between blame and suspicion. If there were any appreciation at all, they were very faint traces.
...Except that she was stiff as a board and too nervous to enjoy it.
''It's going to take a lonnnng time for her to trust me again, though.''
Meanwhile, Pascal remained in a large and comfortable armchair right across from them. He watched his fiancée with a peaceful smile. Though his turquoise gaze seemed distant and preoccupied under the soft, golden curls.
"Would it help if I let you hit me?"
"<Relax. This is normal for her.>" He had told Kaede some minutes ago. But that was far easier said than done given how out of place she felt.
The maid's eyebrows went up further. Of all things, she clearly wasn't expecting that.
Sylviane's hairbrush then vanished into an extra-dimensional pocket somewhere near her waist. With both hands on Kaede's thin shoulders, she adjusted the smaller girl's position before leaning over.
"I don't know if the spell works that way," she muttered. "I'm not sure if I want to find out either."
Kaede felt the pressure build on her back. The Princess' arms were soon draped over both shoulders, while soft cheeks nuzzled against the silky, straight hair behind her head.
Although one point was clear: she did want to hit Kaede, or slap her, or some other medium of venting anger and frustration.
"I take it the past month was quite stressful." Pascal finally broke the silence.
''Probably a good sign,'' Kaede thought. The desire for direct anger was both more honest and less extreme than the alternative. ''Maybe there's a slim chance after all.''
The weight atop Kaede's head increased as it was turned into a royal headrest. She rather doubted that the slim-waisted Princess was heavy, but her own body was smaller and hardly built for strength.
"You won't always have his favor like now, you know," Marina warned as she wiped her eyes. "Especially once he gets busy with work."
''Apparently I'm a large teddy bear,'' Kaede thought.
It was an odd way to agree, however tentative it was. But at this point Kaede simply sagged with relief to hear an opportunity.
Still, being treated like an oversized ornament wasn't that bad of price if it meant earning the Princess' trust over time. The real question that troubled Kaede was: ''where does this go?''
"Then I just have to keep up," she answered, a faint smile finally returning to her expression.
"Edith took Vivi south with her, so I haven't even had any chances to relax like this in the past few weeks," Sylviane complained as she crossed her hands over Kaede's chest. Meanwhile she continued to rub her cheeks against Kaede's silky hair. "And you weren't around to help either."
It was easier said than done. But Pascal had summoned for a companion in his long journey, and Kaede promised that she would strive her best to support him.
For the first time, it dawned upon Kaede that 'Vivi' might actually be a person, another girl whom the Princess treated as a cuddle-toy like her. However if she remembered correctly from the meeting, 'Edith' was the name of one of the front line commanders...
She also didn't forget Marina's former occupation for a second.
''Wait, are they talking about Vivienne? The Paladin-Bard Pascal mentioned on the way here?''
"Although... that does lead me to a request for you, Marina," Kaede began. "Since you were an observer for an Imperial lord before this..."
Kaede could not fathom why one of Rhin-Lotharingie's most notable individuals would allow themselves to be treated like... well, a stuffed animal.
Marina blinked several times, her expression blank and lost.
In the meantime, the familiar could almost feel Sylviane's pout press into the top of her head. Compared to the poised and careful princess, this was Sylviane's true, relaxed form.
"I won't ask about your former master's identity," Kaede reassured with a wave. "But could you keep a tab on as many happenings within this keep as you can? Inconspicuously? And tell me if you find anything suspicious, anything at all."
"I kept calling though," Pascal kept his voice neutral as he defended himself. "You never accepted the ''Farspeak''..."
After all, there was no better counterespionage than the eyes of a former spy.
"Like I said, you weren't helping," Sylviane interjected before going back to brushing her cheeks against silky soft hair.
"You want ''me'' to spy on the staff and visitors for you?" the maid whispered with incredulity, as if the list of surprises would never end.
Pascal took his own turn for a long sigh, as though in acceptance that he couldn't win against royal unfairness.
"Yes, that's precisely what I'm asking," Kaede nodded slowly in fatigue. "Heaven knows that a Landgrave has his foes. I don't think Pascal underestimates most opponents, but arrogance certainly leaves chinks in the armor. And it's part of my job to watch out for his back."
"Alright. Fine. What did I miss helping with? Last we talked, you spoke of tensions down south, but were more preoccupied with the unrest up north."
"What makes this any different from my last mission then?"
"We knew that tensions were brewing in the south, thanks to all the lies that the Imperator spread about our treatment of Tauheed worshippers. Though we had no idea how ''overwhelming'' the Caliph's readied forces were." Sylviane spoke as she continued to use Kaede as a headrest. "Nevertheless, Father told me to help King Alistair resolve his domestic issues as quickly as possible, since the north has always provided Rhin-Lotharingie with its best soldiers during times of war. Unfortunately, the 'Ducal Alliance' under that agitator Fitzgerald was on the brink of open revolt. They demanded King Alistair sign their 'Charter of Liberties' to undermine his authority -- no taxation without the lords' approval, no revocation of aristocratic property, no punishment without consent by a court of peers..."
Marina struck Kaede with one last hammer for the night, but the latter made almost an immediate recovery this time:
"It is a load of horse manure, just like I had told you then." Pascal scoffed. "Their claim of 'liberty' is laughable at best. It is nothing more than a brazen grab for more privileges! With a 'court of peers', all they have to do is to win a popularity contest and now they can walk free from even the worst criminal offenses! It makes a mockery of the law, as cases should be judged by those who have spent their lives studying legality. Verdict should ''never'' be passed by some random gaggle of lords whose only qualification is their birth, who could be bribed, emotionally manipulated, or simply given promises to sway their opinion!"
"Because you can just leave any info with me," she smiled back with droopy eyes, "and I'll handle any reckless parts this time."
Pascal's fuming voice made it clear that he found the demands downright offensive. It wasn't even a surprise for Kaede. Pascal had always been someone who believed that responsibility and power should be given based on professional merit.
Meanwhile, Sylviane sighed with a wry, little smile, as though she expected this from him as well. She leaned away from Kaede and began to brush the familiar's snowy hair once more.
"I know you felt strongly about the 'Trial by Jury' part. And the taxation point is just..."
"Blatant exceptionalism?" Pascal's scowl grew. "No one likes paying taxes. Yet without taxes, how shall the state grow? Weichsel certainly did not develop its roads, canals, hospitals, its fortresses using only the King's personal funds. Rhin-Lotharingie is vast and sorely lacking in infrastructure to tap its abundant resources. Yet every time the Emperor tries to secure coin for projects, the collective dukes whine and pretend poverty, as though the wealth they took from their own lands had suddenly vanished!"
Kaede was still trying to grasp the whole picture of their conversation. But this 'charter' felt oddly familiar despite the fact she only just heard of it. However it was clear from the exchange and all their past conversations: Pascal was a firm supporter of crown authority over what he considered the 'petty and selfish nobility'.
"Pascal you're a monarchist then?" Kaede inquired.
"He's an absolutist." Sylviane chuckled in reply. "Though Pascal does have extremely high expectations for rulers. I wonder if I can even meet them when I become Empress?"
"You will do fine." Pascal said simply.
Kaede couldn't see Sylviane's expression, but there was something in the Princess' humored voice which sounded genuinely worried.
"Either way, you know I agree with you on the point about taxation," Sylviane frowned. "However, I don't think all their demands are unreasonable. What about the guaranteeing of private property, noble or otherwise? I believe Weichsel has such a law?"
"Of course! Otherwise there would be robber barons who try to seize merchant wares under false pretenses!" Pascal answered. "Even Kaede here understands the logic behind it."
He then paused and looked expectantly at Kaede, as though asking her to fill in the rest.
''Does he want me to show off before the Princess?''
"Uhhh... because the guaranteeing of private property is essential for boosting commerce, especially trade." Kaede answered. "For a merchant, any risk to their wares spells an increase in prices and thus lowers both supply and demand. However if such risk can be mitigated or eliminated, then the flow of goods will increase while making it cheaper for people to receive what they need. This can have a snowball effect, as cheaper materials and tools will improve local productivity and wealth, which in turn brings in more trade."
Pascal's smile showed that she scored full marks. Meanwhile Sylviane stroked her hair as though the Princess saw her as an even more deluxe toy.
"Adorable ''and'' smart. You ''are'' a treasure."
Kaede wasn't sure if this was a good outcome or not. She felt distinctly like she was being even more objectified.
"But this is why a property guarantee law is something that Rhin-Lotharingie could actually use," Sylviane added. "I'm less sure about the nobles' land rights, though we can discuss those details another time."
"You are more interested in this Charter than I expected. Just how exactly did you resolve the issue for King Alistair?"
Pascal's look wasn't just inquisitive. He also spoke the King's name with a smattering of disdain. He had tried to hide it, but Kaede could still tell.
''I wonder what happened between them?''
It felt like whenever they turned, there was someone else whom Pascal had a rocky relationship with. However if Princess Sylviane noticed, she said nothing about it as she went on to explain:
"Fitzgerald was already starting to gather his forces by the time I arrived. Alistair had hoped to try one last time to negotiate, though by that point he had already resigned to meet them in the open field. He had hoped to cut a path to the rebel commanders in battle and eliminate them before the fighting took too many lives."
"That King still thinks like a mercenary." Pascal shook his head with disapproval. "So did you negotiate with them?"
"No. I agreed with Alistair that Fitzgerald had grown too egotistical and wouldn't accept anything less than near-complete concessions. Alistair asked me to contact Duke Kenneth Randolph and persuade him to join the King's side. When I did, I found out that Kenneth had been invited to the other group also. Kenneth didn't really like Alistair and he did agree with some of the Charter's demands. Nevertheless, he refused to join the rebels as he had no wish to betray the crown -- even if Alistair was never legitimized as a bastard."
Kaede's eyebrows rose. She did remember reading that the Kingdom of Gleann Mòr had some kind of succession crisis less than a decade ago.
''But... an illegitimate King? No wonder why his nobles are trying to undermine him.''
"Of course Duke Kenneth does not wish to be remembered for treason. He is a descendent of Douglas the Black's second-in-command." Pascal raised the name of the Lotharin hero from the Independence War. "However Kenneth does have a formidable army and is an experienced veteran. I heard that even the elite 'Black Guard' looks up to him."
Kaede could now hear the knife in Sylviane's humored tone as the Princess continued:
"Kenneth was too good for the Ducal Alliance to pass up, even if they were suspicious of him changing his mind. So I negotiated a compromise with him: I would take the Charter's seventeen points to my father and we'll give some of it due consideration on which ones would be good for the Empire. In exchange, he would join the Ducal Alliance under false allegiance, on the condition that he would be given command of the entire rebel army."
"And they agreed?" Pascal looked incredulous. "The moronic idiots!"
Even Kaede felt surprised, though for a completely different reason: ''Sylviane cannot be more than a year or two older than Pascal!''
Yet, the Princess clearly had a talent for devious schemes.
"Never underestimate the power of ambition and greed." Sylviane mused. "With that one stroke we defanged the rebel alliance. It wasn't hard for Kenneth to arrange an opportunity for me and Alistair to raid their camp and capture their leaders in one stroke, all without a single major battle. Alistair was quite merciful though, as he pardoned most of the minor lords. However Fitzgerald and the other top leaders had to be made an example of."
It was then when Kaede finally realized why the whole story sounded familiar. It reminded her of the circumstances behind the ''Magna Carta'' during the First Barons' War of England. Kaede had always found it ironic that Anglo-Saxon historiography paints the ''Magna Carta'' as some sort of great leap for democratic values. When in reality it was written by a cabal of treasonous barons who demanded exemptions and special treatment from their King.
''Just like the modern elite and their tax loopholes!'' She could almost hear her father's voice complain.
It was another one of those moments that gave Kaede a pang of homesickness.
"Is that the reason why you are so keen to talk about the Charter's details?" Pascal asked.
"Yes." Sylviane nodded. "I did promise Duke Kenneth to seriously consider its contents. It was a promise made in good faith and I intend to keep it."
''Devious to her foes, yet honest to her allies,'' Kaede reflected. ''She really does have great potential as a leader. If only I could find a way to earn her respect...''
The conversation was then interrupted as several taps came from the window.
Sylviane's bodyguard Mari, who had stood against the door with a look of complete disinterest for the past hour, swiftly crossed the floor without waiting for the Princess' word.
As she turned to the source, Kaede saw the entire window glass enshrouded by a light blue haze. The bird hovering just outside reminded her of a lean falcon, except with a magnificent, flowing tail decorated by tiny sapphire gems. It was covered in cerulean feathers that progressively grew lighter towards the wings and tail. Meanwhile its body emitted white-blue flames that sent ripples of heat through the surrounding air.
It was one of the twelve sacred phoenixes of Rhin-Lotharingie: the noblest of magical beasts.
But rather than staring in awe, Kaede tensed up further as the phoenix flew through the opened window and towards its master. The familial girl tried to shift away, except the Princess, who was still draped over her shoulders, pinned her firmly in place.
Kaede braced herself for the heat of scorching air so close to the flame source. Yet as the phoenix settled on Sylviane's shoulder, she felt only the envelopment of a soothing warmth. It was as though she lay just far enough away to enjoy a lit fireplace on this wintry day.
"Relax," Sylviane reassured. "Phoenixes are natural empaths. Hauteclaire's flames only burn those he detect hostility from."
"Was that a test then? Milady?" Kaede asked with relief, wondering how weird they must look to Pascal's amused eyes right now: bird standing regally on top of a Princess who lazied over his familiar girl.
"Not really. Although if I ''was'' wrong about you, you might start to sizzle a little right now. Be a shame though..."
It wasn't until several days later when Kaede had a chance to discuss with Pascal on making Marina her maid.
There was a deadly nonchalance in her voice, and Kaede made a mental note that whatever else Princess Sylviane might be, she was not someone to be scorned. The phrase 'off with his head' came to her as naturally as placing an order for dinner.
He readily agreed, even though the words that followed came with a disapproving frown:
Perhaps it was just another way for the Princess to warn 'you ''really'' do not want to become my enemy'.
"You are being way too easy on her."
Sylviane then patted down Kaede's hair twice before rubbing cheeks against them once more. "A little heat and they're even softer now," the Princess happily noted.
"In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity... doubly so since she did help me," Kaede stated with a faint grin. "Besides, I still like her."
''Like a blanket fresh out of the dryer,'' Kaede thought as she looked towards Pascal for support, but he merely shrugged with amusement:
Pascal looked thoughtful for a moment, then:
"<You do make a nice, soft pillow.>"
"Quote from some dead man in your world?"
Only the phoenix Hauteclaire seemed to sympathize with his fellow familiar as he gave a low whistling chirp of solidarity.
"Great leader," she corrected him. "But also a warmongerer. Nevertheless, kindness is universal."

Latest revision as of 21:35, 27 February 2022

Chapter 5 - A Royal Eccentricity[edit]

For weeks at the academy, Kaede had felt less like Pascal's servant and more like... something akin to a close friend. Pascal had never left her out of any conversation that she was present for, and he often solicited her thoughts on topics that she had knowledge of.

But today reminded Kaede once again that in the eyes of society and everyone else, she was still just a servant.

The war council was her first experience in being seen but not heard, as she spent the whole time standing still and silent. It was understandable though, as just like Cecylia -- who stood silent behind the ambassador through the whole meeting -- Kaede was far too inconsequential to speak out in a gathering of Empire-ranking bigwigs. Even Sylviane and Pascal barely had any opportunity. The two of them only sat at the same table due to their position as heirs. Meanwhile the other attendees were either lifelong career officials or seasoned political leaders with an established power base.

However, Kaede did not extend the same understanding to her exclusion from Pascal's meeting with Sylviane and Emperor Geoffroi. She might have promised Pascal on the roof last night that she would always be family to him. Yet a real family member would not have been kept outside the doors like she was now...

A real family member would be sitting inside in their private meeting, not left waiting outside with a mere bodyguard.

Maybe that's not entirely fair, the familiar girl thought.

Kaede glanced at the female armiger who stood on the other side of the closed doors. The young lady appeared somewhere in her early twenties, which for a mage meant anywhere between actually twenty to half a century old. She was a hint taller than average, with chestnut-brown hair that barely draped over her narrow shoulders. Her eyes were a cloudy gray, and while her face held the ideal 'almond' shape, her wide nose and freckled cheeks were just proportional enough to not be homely.

She also wore heavy half-plate armor, although Kaede had never heard it clink. She carried a steel heater shield on her back, while the weapon that hung from her crossed double-belt was a heavy mace. This imposing wardrobe made it clear that she was ready for action at any moment. Though thankfully her vigilant gaze stayed on the empty hallway rather than looking at Kaede with suspicion.

Sylviane had addressed her affectionately as 'Mari', so it was clear that she was very close to the Princess. Kaede knew that royal bodyguards also routinely served as confidants, and Mari was likely no exception.

"So... what's the Princess like?" Kaede finally worked up the courage to ask.

It felt rather uncomfortable just standing there with a fully-armored lady in silence.

"You'll find out in a moment." Mari replied simply.

That is so extremely not helpful, Kaede's face fell.

Though before she could file any more silent complaints, Mari looked at her and added:

"Word of advice though: I would tread carefully if I were you. His Grace may be quite laid back when it comes to noble courtesy, but Her Highness is a stickler to etiquette. You didn't exactly start on the right foot by virtue of being his familiar."

The Princess is the jealous type then. Kaede swallowed as she muttered "thank you". Mari's sympathetic warning was definitely precious insider knowledge of Sylviane's character.

Then, as if on cue, the doors to the private chamber opened.

"I'll let you two work out your problems," Emperor Geoffroi's deep yet affectionate voice came. "Don't forget the meeting this afternoon Sylv."

"I won't, Father."

The brawny Emperor then stepped out from the room. He paused briefly and examined Kaede with a stern gaze, which made the familiar girl feel like she had just been brain-scanned by a MRI machine.

The Emperor's mustache then curled upwards as he offered a fatherly smile.

"Kaede, is it?"

"Y-yes, Your Majesty," Kaede hurriedly replied with a curtsy. She almost stumbled in her anxiety.

Geoffroi chuckled, which did wonders to calm Kaede's nerves in her first time greeting an Emperor.

"Don't worry. I'm used to Pascal's outlandish ideas in 'proper behavior'. There is no need to fear me, so long as you treat my daughter with the appropriate respect that she deserves and do not seek to undermine their relationship."

Kaede did not miss the conditionality of his statement which also made it a warning.

"Of course, Your Majesty." She nodded firmly.

"Sylv told me that you're from another world, but you're nevertheless a Samaran in ours." Geoffroi added with curiosity in his gaze. "Would you like to meet the ambassador from the Grand Republic of Samara? He is in charge of all Samaran relations in Rhin-Lotharingie. I believe he is still away on business, but we can certainly have arrangements made."

Kaede's eyes lit up. Considering the problems that Samarans faced outside the Grand Republic, the ambassador would certainly be a man who could offer advice and protection to her kind. The only issue was, of course, the fact that she wasn't actually from the Grand Republic.

"Y-yes! Thank you very much, Your Majesty!" She bowed this time.

The Emperor simply nodded with a mild smile before he strode off. He met his own bodyguards further down the hallway before turning and vanishing from sight.

"Mari, you can bring her in now." Kaede heard the Princess' voice from inside.

The knight-in-waiting nodded to Kaede, as though reminding the familiar girl of what she had just said. She then followed just behind Kaede into the room, and closed the door gently almost as soon as the smaller girl stepped past the threshold.

Kaede swallowed again as she walked into the middle of the room under the Princess' unimpressed gaze. Sylviane sat regally upon a plush armchair. Even Pascal looked a hint nervous as he sat on another armchair to her side. It certainly did not help Kaede's nerves to see even her master tense, as he was normally so unflappable if not downright insolent towards figures of authority.

The young girl carefully lowered herself in the most sincere curtsy she had given yet.

A silent moment of eye contact soon followed. Yet as uncomfortable as the air grew, Kaede did not shy away from Sylviane's steady gaze. In a situation where she had nothing to be guilty about, weakness would only mislead the other's judgment to worse ends. All she could do was wait patiently for her turn to speak: a courtesy appropriate for differences in social rank, as Pascal reminded her this morning.

She isn't just some noble from the academy either. Kaede reminded herself as she tried not to fidget in her small heels. She's Pascal's dear fiancée, someone I MUST try to stay cordial with...

After what seemed an eternity, Sylviane finally bestowed upon Kaede the grace of a gentle smile. Her hands, which were clad in long, periwinkle gloves, left the armchair's sides and folded on top of her lap. Her violet, mid-calf skirt had clearly been smoothed out after she sat, as it did not show even a single wrinkle over her legs.

Her actions were straight and simple, yet they exemplified the Princess' behavior. Sylviane's movements held neither natural grace nor crudeness. However they were all taken with a delicate touch, as though she concentrated upon her image with every step.

"Don't worry," the Princess spoke at last. "I won't bite even if you are his kept woman."

Kaede's attempt to smile back was wry at best:

"I'm not. I'm his familiar."

"Which... is far worse, if you'll pardon the expression," Sylviane replied in calm words. "I realize that it's no fault of your own, and I am grateful that you saved his life. I gathered from his report that you were quite central to the bait-and-trap scheme. But..."

The Princess closed her eyes and sighed, almost in exasperation, before reestablishing contact.

"Courtesans I can deal with. It is simply a matter of fact that few men of greatness and ambition are ever completely faithful to only one woman. Even my father, as family-oriented as Gaetane traditions go, had a second lover when he was younger. He's not proud of it, and while I don't understand what drives men to unfaithfulness, the simple fact is that powerful men often do: it's a cardinal sin of their kind." Sylviane answered with a glance towards Pascal, who oddly kept his silence even though his frowning gaze clearly wanted to retort.

Kaede returned a bare nod. It hardly took a historian to know just how common affairs were among the nobility and the modern political elite. Media-aware scandals represented merely a tiny tip of the iceberg. Female activists might debate biologists on the role of genetics, but as a scholar the evidence to Kaede was overwhelming.

Far more interesting was Sylviane's willingness to share this history with her, since royalty did not normally air their dirty laundry to outsiders.

"But such 'concubines' are also temporary, or at the very least, informal," Sylviane continued as her voice gradually hardened to almost a lecture. "I am willing to tolerate Pascal having one as long as he continues to hold me in the highest regard and is discrete about his affair -- which means keeping her tucked away, in some remote residence, unseen and unheard."

In other words, keep the dirty tramp out of my sight, Kaede thought. It was somewhat bitter too, as she was the harlot of this conversation, even if the princess avoided saying so.

Sylviane then grew solemn:

"Unfortunately, you are none of those."

"I'm also not intimate with him, whereas a concubine would be." Kaede held her ground, though even her stiffened voice remained wispy.

She then blanched a little when Sylviane's eyebrows shifted up just a hair to betray her revelation...

Seriously! Why do all nobles, even the sensible ones, always jump that conclusion!?

Of all the changes brought by Kaede's gender switch, the social view that kept seeing her as some sexual object was easily the most irritating. It was as though her femininity came before her identity as a person, and she would rather suffer her menstrual period again than deal with this every time.

Though ultimately, it hardly even mattered to Sylviane:

"Yes, but you are a girl officially attached to him. Furthermore, your bond is even more permanent than the sanctity of marriage, as not even the Pope can divorce you. As a mage's familiar, it is part of your function to be present and active," Sylviane stated. "This you have already proven through foiling the assassination plot against Pascal."

"In other words," Kaede moodily interjected, "you would have the same problem with a sister, if Pascal had one."

She heard a groan from Pascal. Only then did Kaede realize that she just completely tore up his request of "speak only when you are asked.".

"Apologies, Your Highness." She hurriedly added, finally breaking eye contact to glance down. "That was inappropriate of me."

The air grew silent once more. The atmosphere became almost oppressive.

Kaede also couldn't help wonder what the penalties for disrespecting royalty were. As a crown princess, Sylviane would inherit far more dungeons than Pascal ever could. They might even come with their own secret police department, with medieval sensibilities capable of making Stalin's gulags seem like a beach resort by comparison.

But as she snuck a glance back up, all of her imagined pressure evaporated at once.

Sylviane was still staring at her, but now with an odd, almost bittersweet smile before she broke out in a chuckle. The Princess then turned towards her betrothed:

"I can see why you like her." She followed with a sigh.

"I told you she was fun to talk with." Pascal grinned as he finally confirmed that his betrothed hadn't put a silencing spell on him.

"I think your idea of 'fun' is different from most people's." Sylviane's voice was somewhere between amusement and exasperation.

"On that note, please stop grouping me with other men." Pascal remained unabashed. "Last I checked, it was you who encouraged me to court other girls at the academy to 'broaden my experiences'. I have never initiated a relationship with another girl without your approval."

He's clearly henpecked, Kaede thought. It was apparent now that Sylviane had asked him to hold his tongue, so that the Princess could assess Kaede for herself.

Does that mean I passed? The familiar couldn't help wonder.

In the meantime Sylviane countered flatly:

"Except this one."

"Yes, well, I did not think a familiar would apply." Pascal at least had the courtesy to look sheepish. "In my defense, I just wanted a companion."

"Should have tried the other gender." The Princess tossed back as her eyes gave Kaede another up-and-down sweep. They weren't exactly grumpy or unhappy, more like... conflicted.

"I do not think the Church would approve," Pascal grumbled into the air.

Sylviane's gaze immediately froze. Then, as her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed, she spun around to cast an outraged glare at Pascal:

"You know what I meant! And they don't approve of this any more than the other!"

Kaede wondered if religious conservatism actually turned girls off from fantasizing forbidden romance like Japanese schoolgirls often did, or if Sylviane only rejected it because the prospect of her fiancée being gay was... extremely not cool.

And here I was worried about being seen as a guy, by a girl, as paired with another guy, when I'm now a girl, but was a guy... her thoughts looped about.

This is so surreal.

"I honestly believed you would like her," Pascal mumbled out again, paying triple to the concept that anything a man could say in such a situation only made it worse. "I mean... you can tell by the looks alone."

Sylviane's gaze upon Kaede was conflicted again. There was even a look of familiarity in her eyes, as though Kaede reminded her of someone. Nevertheless, she turned away to her betrothed and asked pointedly:

"And how far down did that rank in your original motivations for summoning a cute girl as your familiar?"

Kaede blinked a few times. Wives simply did not refer to mistresses as 'cute'. Perhaps that meant she was now past the first hurdle of being seen as a direct threat?

"Does that mean you do like her?" Pascal asked with rising hopes.

"SHE is not the problem. YOU are!" Sylviane declared as she jabbed her index finger his way. "A familiar does not choose the summoner, but I have no doubt that you did specify the result, Runelord!"

"I cannot deny that one," the lord himself admitted. "She even gave me the fisticuffs for pulling her out of her life in another world. Left me sore for days."

Sylviane spun towards Kaede with an incredulous look:

"Is that true?"

Kaede hesitantly nodded. "Sorry. It was the morning after he summoned me, and my emotions had gotten the better part of me."

"Oh you don't need to apologize." The Princess giggled with amusement. "I'd been tempted to give him a good slap ever since he told me. It's nice to know that you've already done the deed, even if it's not quite as satisfying."

The Princess then grinned at Pascal's rolling eyes before her gaze returned to Kaede and hardened into a stare:

"However in the future, I will have you arrested if you assault my future husband, is that understood?"

"Crystal." Kaede rushed to nod. It was clear that Sylviane wished to reserve the privilege of dealing with Pascal for herself.

Satisfied with her answer, the Princess' expression softened.

"Did you really come from another world?" She then asked in curiosity.

"Yes, Your Highness. A far more technological realm that's sent men to the moon, but with no magic at all," Kaede clarified. "I would say more socially advanced as well, but discussions with Cecylia proved that may just be bias from my perspective."

"How could one travel to celestial bodies without magic...?"

Kaede's eyebrows shot up instantly. Did that mean mages figured out space travel?

Nevertheless the Princess puzzled for merely a brief second, before her eyes soon refocused upon Kaede. Sylviane would not be side-tracked easily, a sign of mental discipline as expected from someone whom Pascal deeply respects.

"Never mind. It's good that you've talked to Cecylia at length. She's an excellent judge of character and one whom I trust very much."

With a preoccupied frown, Kaede halted her other thoughts as she realized that Sylviane and Cecylia didn't just know one another; they were on excellent terms. Since they were both Pascal's childhood friends, it was likely they met way back then and kept in touch. Plus Cecylia was a trained intelligence analyst, thus the Princess had the best eyes and ears for monitoring Pascal back when he was at the Königsfeld Academy. Though this might be a little more awkward today, considering that Cecylia was a spy for another country, alliance notwithstanding.

A brief shiver went through Kaede as she remembered her near-paralysis when those scarlet-crossed dhampir eyes came up close and personal...

Not sure if I want a reference like that.

"I do admit, Kaede, that your intrusion into our relationship may be similar to that of a sister." Sylviane noted back to their prior conversation before Pascal spoke. "Except that men don't summon sisters, however much some of them may want to."

Kaede nodded back. After her recent years in Japan, she became very familiar with that concept. It was one that she found more amusing than anything else, since she actually grew up with an older sister.

"There is also a natural limit between siblings, however close they might become," the Princess continued. "That limitation does not exist when you do not share any blood relations with him."

Incest is a near-universal taboo, after all, Kaede nodded as she understood. Sure, there were a few cultures in history which saw a siblings' union as 'sacred'. However, it was clear that the Trinitian Church teachings which spread through Western Hyperion did not harbor such views.

Then, Sylviane spoke with a stern face fitting of a tigress marking her own grounds:

"Could you promise me that you will not develop romantic relations with my husband-to-be then?"

"Of course!" Kaede rushed to answer. It's not like I've ever felt attraction towards a man before!

Yet even as she said that, she felt something uneasy deep within: was this really something she could promise? When she could be spending untold years in this body?

However Kaede completely ignored it as she went on:

"In fact, Your Highness, there is something you should know about me. I don't know if Pascal told you, but..."

"She is a boy, or was." Pascal interjected as he stole her thunder. "I really was not looking for anything of romantic or sensual interest, honestly!"

After freezing for a brief moment, Sylviane locked her gaze upon Kaede once more and leaned forward in her seat. Her waist-long, dark-purple hair fluttered about in voluminous tresses as she stared straight at the familiar with shock-enlarged eyes.

Kaede felt like an exotic animal being scrutinized over. Even the armiger Mari was now gawking at her from the door, all pretense of disinterest abandoned.

The rapidly growing curiosity, perhaps even fascination, in the Princess' eyes did not help. Within moments, Sylviane stood up and closed the distance between them. She reached out to Kaede's cheeks and shoulders, gently feeling them through silken gloves as though confirming the reality of what she saw. Her hands then trailed down, brushed past the familiar's small chest before settling on a firm hold at the narrow waist.

"I would never have guessed..." Sylviane spoke through an almost trance-like voice, before stepping to Kaede's side and gliding one hand gently through the snowy-white long hair. "It's like you were meant to be a girl. How does it feel?"

"Uh... smaller?"

Kaede honestly wasn't sure what kind response the Princess sought from her. After adapting to countless changes over the past few weeks, her entire experience was simply too overwhelming to describe by words alone.

"I guess I'm starting to get used to everything." Kaede shrugged as she glanced down in dejection. "Not that I have another choice: even Pascal has no idea how to fix this."

"I guess it must have been a shock, suddenly finding yourself like this."

Kaede nodded back as images of that fateful first night flashed through her mind:

"Waking up in some stranger's bed and finding myself stripped and dressed in 'bridal lingerie' was... not exactly pleasant."

"<Did you have to...>"

Pascal's mental voice cut off as his fiancée slowly rotated back towards him. His entire body stiffened as her petrifying glare laid him against the chopping block.

"<Well, it's true,>" Kaede commented, relieved to have the Princess' examining eyes off her again. "<Besides, payback is fair.>"

"Uh, I would like to point out that you have done that too," Pascal stated. "Well, the lingerie, at least. Your collection for Vivi is just obsessive..."

"It's not even two dozen--" Sylviane let slip before she loudly retorted: "I do NOT have an obsession!"

Pascal didn't say a word after being interrupted. He simply stared at his future wife with a knowing look, arched eyebrows included. Somehow he had reversed the situation in an instant, and it was now Sylviane who sported a light blush while trying to recover her momentum:

"A-anyways, I'm a girl. I'm allowed to play with dolls."

Kaede shivered as she felt a chill sweep across her from Sylviane's words. Pascal's mention of 'Vivi' also left her curious if Sylviane kept some ornate, life-sized doll.

"You're a man, aren't you?" The Princess's voice grew adamant. "What are you doing in my domain?"

"So it is acceptable for ladies to take sword-and-shield but we are not allowed to enjoy cuteness!?" Her betrothed immediately cried unfair. "What kind of gendered hypocrisy is this!"

"The practical kind, since by the grace of magic we can fight just as well as you do." Sylviane countered. "In case you forgot, the last five times you dueled me..."

"I have not forgotten a thing and you can stop rubbing salt in every chance you get," Pascal cut her off with a torrent of words, his drawling arrogance completely abandoned by this point. "Can we get back on topic please?"

He must be really desperate if he'd rather talk about...

"Sure, let us revisit how you summoned a girl, took advantage of her helplessness, stripped her bare naked, and had your way with her, when you're already engaged..."

Sylviane leaned forward over him, forcing herself deep into his personal space to continue her offensive without giving him a moment of respite. Even Pascal's steadfast determination to hold his ground soon began to buckle under the relentless verbal assault:

"I have a portable projector if you would like to show us your memories. I'm sure your eagerness of the moment will be perfectly noted by your ravishing hands as they anxiously stroked every length of that porcelain skin, carefully examining a girl's most intimate parts. Or when..."

Kaede felt her cheeks ignite as Sylviane's exaggerated descriptions began conjuring vivid, uncensored images in her mind. Before she knew it, her thin arms had wrapped themselves around herself in a tight, protective embrace while her glare fixed itself on Pascal.

She felt dirty from just the visualization. Worse yet, Pascal could have done exactly that and she wouldn't even know...

With his back arced away from his fiancée, Pascal was also blushing a fiery red. He soon threw up both hands in defeat:

"I surrender! Unconditionally! Just state your demands already! And please stop making me sound like such an irredeemably lecherous pervert!"

Sylviane finally returned to standing upright. Even her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, although her shortness of breath was mostly due to the machine-gun fire of accusations.

"Well... you did say that you honestly thought I would like her, right?"

After taking a few steps back and pivoting towards her fiancée's familiar, Sylviane sent Kaede a warm smile: the delight of a victor as she admired her prize.

I have a bad feeling about this...

"I will allow you to accompany him wherever he goes. But in exchange, I want you to obey my authority in all matters at home." Sylviane dictated her terms and conditions. "That means if I want to borrow you this afternoon, or request that you keep your distance from him for a week, you will do so. I will also tell you where to sleep. I reserve the right to determine what you can or cannot wear. And I may demand changes in your etiquette or behavior."

Sylviane then rotated back to Pascal:

"And you will not object or interfere in any way. Is that acceptable?"

She's a natural dictator, Kaede thought. Still, a part of her did have to admit: this is quite mature for her age.

It was an old trick in the book, especially in cultures that once practiced polygamy. When a husband of authority grew interested in another female, a shrewd wife would often seek to establish dominance over the new girl, and therefore control any budding relationship. Although there was usually far more subtlety and less... tyranny.

Furthermore, none of the authorities Sylviane demanded was unusual when Kaede thought about old aristocratic sensibilities. A lady of the house easily held all of that, and more, over her maid servants. It was simply part of how noble households used to be run, even back on Earth a century or two ago.

I just need to play along for now until I can get on her good side first, then maybe we can renegotiate. Kaede thought of the warning that Pascal gave before setting out.

Meanwhile, Pascal's first response was a deep frown.

"I do have obligations to take care of her after summoning her into our world."

"And I'm not unreasonable," Sylviane replied. Then, almost jokingly: "besides, if I were mean enough to desire harm upon her, I hardly require your permission to manage it."

Of course. She has plenty of guards and agents at her beckon...

Kaede sighed. Sylviane wasn't exactly subtle in reminding her of their difference in rank. It felt as though they were negotiating a transfer of her 'ownership'. This might be common to their 'medieval' sensibilities, but it certainly wasn't in the modern age that Kaede grew up in.

"Fine," Pascal begrudgingly agreed. "But I retain my right to intervene in the interests of her well-being." His voice then grew unyielding: "I will not relinquish my obligations to her, on any grounds."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Sylviane replied with a genuinely sweet smile. "You being responsible in personal relationships is a rare and good thing."

Her royal gaze then bore down upon Kaede in expectation of a response. Though there was a hint of light within them that was already admiring a newly-acquired possession.

"Of course..." Kaede answered. Not that she had any other realistic choice but to play along for now. Then, as nonchalantly as she could: "should I address Your Highness any differently then?"

She honestly wasn't sure this time. Historical events were one thing, but details like the evolving etiquette of different time periods confused her, even if Hyperion followed similar trends to Earth.

Sylviane went back to staring at Pascal again, her eyebrows raised halfway between surprise and curiosity:

"What weird things are you making the poor girl call...?"

"NOTHING-!!!" His near-shout came on instinct before she even finished. "She just calls me Pascal!"

The Princess' grin was still humored as her sight returned to Kaede.

"'Your Highness' is still the formal way to address me. But among us and my other servants? 'Milady' will suffice adequately."

"Yes Milady," Kaede answered as she gave a slow curtsy, seeking as much elegance as she could manage. "I'm in your care."

"Don't worry, I'm a far more reasonable person than Sir Runelord here," Sylviane beamed with reassurance. "I'm certain we shall come to know each other real well. However, I will hold you to the promise you made me earlier."

That ill sense of unease in Kaede's chest only grew worse as she nodded back.


Kaede wasn't sure how the situation had evolved so quickly...

Before the hour was up, she was already sitting next to the Princess on a rich velvet couch, with the unusual pleasure of having her hair brushed by royal hands.

...Except that she was stiff as a board and too nervous to enjoy it.

Meanwhile, Pascal remained in a large and comfortable armchair right across from them. He watched his fiancée with a peaceful smile. Though his turquoise gaze seemed distant and preoccupied under the soft, golden curls.

"<Relax. This is normal for her.>" He had told Kaede some minutes ago. But that was far easier said than done given how out of place she felt.

Sylviane's hairbrush then vanished into an extra-dimensional pocket somewhere near her waist. With both hands on Kaede's thin shoulders, she adjusted the smaller girl's position before leaning over.

Kaede felt the pressure build on her back. The Princess' arms were soon draped over both shoulders, while soft cheeks nuzzled against the silky, straight hair behind her head.

"I take it the past month was quite stressful." Pascal finally broke the silence.

The weight atop Kaede's head increased as it was turned into a royal headrest. She rather doubted that the slim-waisted Princess was heavy, but her own body was smaller and hardly built for strength.

Apparently I'm a large teddy bear, Kaede thought.

Still, being treated like an oversized ornament wasn't that bad of price if it meant earning the Princess' trust over time. The real question that troubled Kaede was: where does this go?

"Edith took Vivi south with her, so I haven't even had any chances to relax like this in the past few weeks," Sylviane complained as she crossed her hands over Kaede's chest. Meanwhile she continued to rub her cheeks against Kaede's silky hair. "And you weren't around to help either."

For the first time, it dawned upon Kaede that 'Vivi' might actually be a person, another girl whom the Princess treated as a cuddle-toy like her. However if she remembered correctly from the meeting, 'Edith' was the name of one of the front line commanders...

Wait, are they talking about Vivienne? The Paladin-Bard Pascal mentioned on the way here?

Kaede could not fathom why one of Rhin-Lotharingie's most notable individuals would allow themselves to be treated like... well, a stuffed animal.

In the meantime, the familiar could almost feel Sylviane's pout press into the top of her head. Compared to the poised and careful princess, this was Sylviane's true, relaxed form.

"I kept calling though," Pascal kept his voice neutral as he defended himself. "You never accepted the Farspeak..."

"Like I said, you weren't helping," Sylviane interjected before going back to brushing her cheeks against silky soft hair.

Pascal took his own turn for a long sigh, as though in acceptance that he couldn't win against royal unfairness.

"Alright. Fine. What did I miss helping with? Last we talked, you spoke of tensions down south, but were more preoccupied with the unrest up north."

"We knew that tensions were brewing in the south, thanks to all the lies that the Imperator spread about our treatment of Tauheed worshippers. Though we had no idea how overwhelming the Caliph's readied forces were." Sylviane spoke as she continued to use Kaede as a headrest. "Nevertheless, Father told me to help King Alistair resolve his domestic issues as quickly as possible, since the north has always provided Rhin-Lotharingie with its best soldiers during times of war. Unfortunately, the 'Ducal Alliance' under that agitator Fitzgerald was on the brink of open revolt. They demanded King Alistair sign their 'Charter of Liberties' to undermine his authority -- no taxation without the lords' approval, no revocation of aristocratic property, no punishment without consent by a court of peers..."

"It is a load of horse manure, just like I had told you then." Pascal scoffed. "Their claim of 'liberty' is laughable at best. It is nothing more than a brazen grab for more privileges! With a 'court of peers', all they have to do is to win a popularity contest and now they can walk free from even the worst criminal offenses! It makes a mockery of the law, as cases should be judged by those who have spent their lives studying legality. Verdict should never be passed by some random gaggle of lords whose only qualification is their birth, who could be bribed, emotionally manipulated, or simply given promises to sway their opinion!"

Pascal's fuming voice made it clear that he found the demands downright offensive. It wasn't even a surprise for Kaede. Pascal had always been someone who believed that responsibility and power should be given based on professional merit.

Meanwhile, Sylviane sighed with a wry, little smile, as though she expected this from him as well. She leaned away from Kaede and began to brush the familiar's snowy hair once more.

"I know you felt strongly about the 'Trial by Jury' part. And the taxation point is just..."

"Blatant exceptionalism?" Pascal's scowl grew. "No one likes paying taxes. Yet without taxes, how shall the state grow? Weichsel certainly did not develop its roads, canals, hospitals, its fortresses using only the King's personal funds. Rhin-Lotharingie is vast and sorely lacking in infrastructure to tap its abundant resources. Yet every time the Emperor tries to secure coin for projects, the collective dukes whine and pretend poverty, as though the wealth they took from their own lands had suddenly vanished!"

Kaede was still trying to grasp the whole picture of their conversation. But this 'charter' felt oddly familiar despite the fact she only just heard of it. However it was clear from the exchange and all their past conversations: Pascal was a firm supporter of crown authority over what he considered the 'petty and selfish nobility'.

"Pascal you're a monarchist then?" Kaede inquired.

"He's an absolutist." Sylviane chuckled in reply. "Though Pascal does have extremely high expectations for rulers. I wonder if I can even meet them when I become Empress?"

"You will do fine." Pascal said simply.

Kaede couldn't see Sylviane's expression, but there was something in the Princess' humored voice which sounded genuinely worried.

"Either way, you know I agree with you on the point about taxation," Sylviane frowned. "However, I don't think all their demands are unreasonable. What about the guaranteeing of private property, noble or otherwise? I believe Weichsel has such a law?"

"Of course! Otherwise there would be robber barons who try to seize merchant wares under false pretenses!" Pascal answered. "Even Kaede here understands the logic behind it."

He then paused and looked expectantly at Kaede, as though asking her to fill in the rest.

Does he want me to show off before the Princess?

"Uhhh... because the guaranteeing of private property is essential for boosting commerce, especially trade." Kaede answered. "For a merchant, any risk to their wares spells an increase in prices and thus lowers both supply and demand. However if such risk can be mitigated or eliminated, then the flow of goods will increase while making it cheaper for people to receive what they need. This can have a snowball effect, as cheaper materials and tools will improve local productivity and wealth, which in turn brings in more trade."

Pascal's smile showed that she scored full marks. Meanwhile Sylviane stroked her hair as though the Princess saw her as an even more deluxe toy.

"Adorable and smart. You are a treasure."

Kaede wasn't sure if this was a good outcome or not. She felt distinctly like she was being even more objectified.

"But this is why a property guarantee law is something that Rhin-Lotharingie could actually use," Sylviane added. "I'm less sure about the nobles' land rights, though we can discuss those details another time."

"You are more interested in this Charter than I expected. Just how exactly did you resolve the issue for King Alistair?"

Pascal's look wasn't just inquisitive. He also spoke the King's name with a smattering of disdain. He had tried to hide it, but Kaede could still tell.

I wonder what happened between them?

It felt like whenever they turned, there was someone else whom Pascal had a rocky relationship with. However if Princess Sylviane noticed, she said nothing about it as she went on to explain:

"Fitzgerald was already starting to gather his forces by the time I arrived. Alistair had hoped to try one last time to negotiate, though by that point he had already resigned to meet them in the open field. He had hoped to cut a path to the rebel commanders in battle and eliminate them before the fighting took too many lives."

"That King still thinks like a mercenary." Pascal shook his head with disapproval. "So did you negotiate with them?"

"No. I agreed with Alistair that Fitzgerald had grown too egotistical and wouldn't accept anything less than near-complete concessions. Alistair asked me to contact Duke Kenneth Randolph and persuade him to join the King's side. When I did, I found out that Kenneth had been invited to the other group also. Kenneth didn't really like Alistair and he did agree with some of the Charter's demands. Nevertheless, he refused to join the rebels as he had no wish to betray the crown -- even if Alistair was never legitimized as a bastard."

Kaede's eyebrows rose. She did remember reading that the Kingdom of Gleann Mòr had some kind of succession crisis less than a decade ago.

But... an illegitimate King? No wonder why his nobles are trying to undermine him.

"Of course Duke Kenneth does not wish to be remembered for treason. He is a descendent of Douglas the Black's second-in-command." Pascal raised the name of the Lotharin hero from the Independence War. "However Kenneth does have a formidable army and is an experienced veteran. I heard that even the elite 'Black Guard' looks up to him."


Kaede could now hear the knife in Sylviane's humored tone as the Princess continued:

"Kenneth was too good for the Ducal Alliance to pass up, even if they were suspicious of him changing his mind. So I negotiated a compromise with him: I would take the Charter's seventeen points to my father and we'll give some of it due consideration on which ones would be good for the Empire. In exchange, he would join the Ducal Alliance under false allegiance, on the condition that he would be given command of the entire rebel army."

"And they agreed?" Pascal looked incredulous. "The moronic idiots!"

Even Kaede felt surprised, though for a completely different reason: Sylviane cannot be more than a year or two older than Pascal!

Yet, the Princess clearly had a talent for devious schemes.

"Never underestimate the power of ambition and greed." Sylviane mused. "With that one stroke we defanged the rebel alliance. It wasn't hard for Kenneth to arrange an opportunity for me and Alistair to raid their camp and capture their leaders in one stroke, all without a single major battle. Alistair was quite merciful though, as he pardoned most of the minor lords. However Fitzgerald and the other top leaders had to be made an example of."

It was then when Kaede finally realized why the whole story sounded familiar. It reminded her of the circumstances behind the Magna Carta during the First Barons' War of England. Kaede had always found it ironic that Anglo-Saxon historiography paints the Magna Carta as some sort of great leap for democratic values. When in reality it was written by a cabal of treasonous barons who demanded exemptions and special treatment from their King.

Just like the modern elite and their tax loopholes! She could almost hear her father's voice complain.

It was another one of those moments that gave Kaede a pang of homesickness.

"Is that the reason why you are so keen to talk about the Charter's details?" Pascal asked.

"Yes." Sylviane nodded. "I did promise Duke Kenneth to seriously consider its contents. It was a promise made in good faith and I intend to keep it."

Devious to her foes, yet honest to her allies, Kaede reflected. She really does have great potential as a leader. If only I could find a way to earn her respect...

The conversation was then interrupted as several taps came from the window.

Sylviane's bodyguard Mari, who had stood against the door with a look of complete disinterest for the past hour, swiftly crossed the floor without waiting for the Princess' word.

As she turned to the source, Kaede saw the entire window glass enshrouded by a light blue haze. The bird hovering just outside reminded her of a lean falcon, except with a magnificent, flowing tail decorated by tiny sapphire gems. It was covered in cerulean feathers that progressively grew lighter towards the wings and tail. Meanwhile its body emitted white-blue flames that sent ripples of heat through the surrounding air.

It was one of the twelve sacred phoenixes of Rhin-Lotharingie: the noblest of magical beasts.

But rather than staring in awe, Kaede tensed up further as the phoenix flew through the opened window and towards its master. The familial girl tried to shift away, except the Princess, who was still draped over her shoulders, pinned her firmly in place.

Kaede braced herself for the heat of scorching air so close to the flame source. Yet as the phoenix settled on Sylviane's shoulder, she felt only the envelopment of a soothing warmth. It was as though she lay just far enough away to enjoy a lit fireplace on this wintry day.

"Relax," Sylviane reassured. "Phoenixes are natural empaths. Hauteclaire's flames only burn those he detect hostility from."

"Was that a test then? Milady?" Kaede asked with relief, wondering how weird they must look to Pascal's amused eyes right now: bird standing regally on top of a Princess who lazied over his familiar girl.

"Not really. Although if I was wrong about you, you might start to sizzle a little right now. Be a shame though..."

There was a deadly nonchalance in her voice, and Kaede made a mental note that whatever else Princess Sylviane might be, she was not someone to be scorned. The phrase 'off with his head' came to her as naturally as placing an order for dinner.

Perhaps it was just another way for the Princess to warn 'you really do not want to become my enemy'.

Sylviane then patted down Kaede's hair twice before rubbing cheeks against them once more. "A little heat and they're even softer now," the Princess happily noted.

Like a blanket fresh out of the dryer, Kaede thought as she looked towards Pascal for support, but he merely shrugged with amusement:

"<You do make a nice, soft pillow.>"

Only the phoenix Hauteclaire seemed to sympathize with his fellow familiar as he gave a low whistling chirp of solidarity.

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