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<nowiki>----</nowiki>¿Quien pensaría alguna vez que una chica repentinamente caería del cielo?
<nowiki>----</nowiki>Who would ever think that a girl would just suddenly fall from the sky?
In the movie I saw last night, a girl fell from the sky.
En la película que vi ayer por la noche, una chica cayó del cielo.
El concepto tal vez podría ser una buena idea para una película o un manga.
The concept could be a good idea for a movie or manga.
It could be a prologue to the mysterious and special things that were coming.
Eso podría ser el prólogo de las cosas misteriosas o especiales que vendrán.
The lead character could be an ally of Justice, and from there, an epic adventure could unfold.
El personaje principal podría ser un aliado de la Justicia, y de ahí, una aventura épica se desenvolvería.
But first there needs to be a girl who'd fall from the sky!
Sí, así que primero, ¡necesita haber una chica que caiga del cielo!
...If you ask me, these kinds of thoughts are nothing but nonsense.
...Si me preguntas a mí, estos tipos de pensamientos no son más que absurdos.
No hay ninguna manera en la cual una chica que caiga del cielo pueda ser normal.
There's no way a girl who fell from the sky could be normal.
If such a thing were to happen, you'd be taken to a strange world and be mistaken for an ally of justice.
Si una cosa así fuese a pasar, tu estarías llevado a un mundo extraño y confundido por un aliado de la justicia.
If you think about it logically, such a thing would be filled with danger and nothing but trouble.
Si lo piensas lógicamente, una cosa así estaría llena de peligro y no sería más que problemas.
Al menos yo, Tohyama Kinji--
At least I, Tohyama Kinji----
Would be glad if there weren’t any girls who came falling from the sky.
Estaría feliz si no hubiese ninguna chica que viniera cayendo del cielo.
I just want to have an ordinary life, like one normal people have.
Yo sólo quiero una vida ordinaria, como la que las personas normalmente llevan.
That said though, I'd have to move away from this ridiculous school first…
Aunque habiendo dicho eso, yo primero tendría que alejarme de esta escuela ridícula lo más pronto posible...
...ding dong...
....ding dong.....
I opened my eyes as I heard the faint sound of a door bell.
Abrí mis ojos al escuchar el sonido tenue del timbre.
...Oh my.
It seems like I slept with only my trunks on.
I checked the cellphone near my pillow---- It was seven in the morning.
(Who could it be at this early hour...)
Maybe I should just pretend that I'm not home.
But, that modest way of ringing my door bell gave me a bad feeling.
I reluctantly put on my shirt and uniform pants as I crossed the large room in my flat... and peeked through the keyhole to see who was there.
And just as I thought----SHE was there.
"...Oh boy"
...Cielos. <!-- <Mertius> no hay como traducirlo bien el “Oh my” -->
---Shirayuki was standing there.
Parece que me dormí solo en mis calzones.
Pure white blouse. Crimson-colored tie and skirt.
Revisé mi celular que estaba cerca de mi almohada; Eran las siete de la mañana.
She was staring at her lacquered compact and arranging her hair as she stood there wearing the pristine Butei high school uniform.
“Quién podría ser en esta hora tan temprana...”
“What is she doing? In a place like this…?”
Tal vez no debería hacer más que fingir que no estoy en casa.
I was asking myself why when she suddenly started taking a deep breath, in and out.
Pero, esa manera modesta de tocar el timbre me estaba dando un mal presentimiento.
I can't understand her, as usual.
Me puse mi camisa y los pantalones de mi uniforme y crucé la habitación larga en mi apartamento...<!-- <Mertius> O piso, departamento... --> Y miré a escondidas por el ojo de la cerradura para ver quién estaba allí.
--- I opened the door.
Y justo como yo pensaba; ELLA estaba ahí.
"Hey, Shirayuki."
-...Oh cielos
She quickly shut her compact and put it away as I opened the door.
Shirayuki estaba allí.
Una blusa blanca pura. Una lazo <!-- <Mertius> En vez de lazo, corbata, ¿o es demasiado masculino?--> y falda de color carmesí.
Ella estaba mirando fijamente a su polvera y arreglando su cabello mientras se paraba ahí vestida en su limpio uniforme de secundaria de Butei.
“¿Qué es lo que ella está haciendo? ¿En un lugar como este...?”
Me estaba preguntando a mí mismo por qué, cuando ella comenzó repentinamente a tomar un respiro profundo, para adentro, y afuera.
No la puedo entender, como siempre.
Abrí la puerta.
-Hey, Shirayuki.
A smile lighted her face up as she greeted me with my old nickname.
Ella rápidamente cerró su polvera y la guardó cuando abrí la puerta.
"I thought I already told you to stop calling me that."
"Oh, s-sorry... But I was thinking of Kin-chan and then you came out and.... Oh, sorry! I called you 'Kin-chan' again and, oh my, I'm really sorry, Kin-chan, uh..."
Una sonrisa iluminó su rostro mientras ella me saludaba por mi viejo apodo.
The shade of her face gradually turned pale and she quickly tried to cover her mouth.
-Creo que ya te he dicho que pares de llamarme así.
...The urge to complain suddenly went away.
-Oh, p-perdón... Pero yo estaba pensando en Kin-chan y luego tu saliste y... Oh, ¡Perdón! Yo te llamé ‘Kin-chan’ otra vez y, oh no, lo siento mucho, Kin-chan, em...
El color de su cara, gradualmente, se fue tornando pálido y ella rápidamente intentó cubrirse la boca.
... Las ganas de quejarse se me fueron súbitamente.
[[Image:Hidan no Aria 01-015.jpg|thumb]]
[[Image:Hidan no Aria 01-015.jpg|thumb]]
Shirayuki Hotogi.
Shirayuki Hotogi.
As you can guess from the way she called me, we're childhood friends. As for her appearance, she had snow-white skin like her name implied, and her long black hair came down past her waist.
Como puedes imaginar por la manera en la cual ella me llama, somos amigos desde nuestra infancia. En cuanto a su apariencia, ella tenía la piel de un blanco-nieve justo como su nombre implicaba, y su largo cabello negro llegaba por debajo de su cintura.
She had calm, gentle eyes and long eyebrows.
Ella tenía ojos gentiles y calmos, y largas cejas.
Es lo que se podría esperar de la doncella del Santuario Hotogi. Ella era justo como un Yamato-Nadehiko que salía de un libro.
It was what you would expect from a maiden of Hotogi Shrine. She was just like a Yamato-Nadeshiko who came out from a book.
"Listen, this place is a male dormitory and you shouldn't come here without a reason."
-Escucha, este lugar es un dormitorio masculino y no deberías venir sin una razón.
-Em, p-pero yo estaba en un campamento de entrenamiento en Isejinguu hasta ayer... Y no pude hacer nada por ti así que...
"Um, b-but I was out on a training camp on Isejinguu until yesterday... And I wasn't able to do anything for you so..."
"There's no need to."
-No hay ninguna necesidad de hacerlo.
-...P-pero... Ohh...
"....B-but...... ohh...."
"...Alright, alright!"
-...Está bien, ¡Está bien!
I decided to let her in when I saw tears starting to well in her eyes.
Decidí dejarla entrar ya que veía las lagrimas que comenzaban a aparecer en sus ojos.
-Yo... Yo espero no ser una molestia.
"I..... I hope I won't be a bother."
She made a perfect 90 degree bow, and then proceeded to take off her black strapped shoes, arranging them carefully by the door.
Ella hizo una reverencia perfecta de 90 grados, y procedió a quitarse sus zapatos con tiras negras, arreglándolos cuidadosamente en el piso.
"So, why did you come here?"
-Entonces, ¿Para qué viniste acá?
I felt too lazy to sit properly in a chair so I sat on the low table.
"I-I wanted you to have these."
Me sentía muy vago como para sentarme correctamente en una silla así que me senté en una mesa bajita.
She started to untie the Japanese cloth she was holding as she, too, sat in front of the table.
She placed a crimson-colored Jyuubako on the table and opened the painted lid.
Inside the Jyuubako was a soft-looking omelet, orderly lined-up sweet boiled shrimps, silver salmon, luxurious foods like Saijyou Persimmons, and shiny white rice.
"...Wasn’t it bothersome for you to make all of this?"
-Y-yo solo quería traerte estos.
I asked Shirayuki while she was handing me painted chopsticks and she said,
Ella comenzó a desatar la tela Japonesa que estaba agarrando, mientras también se sentaba en frente de la mesa.
Colocó un Jyuubako de color carmesí en la mesa y abrió la tapa pintada.
"D-don't worry, I just woke up a bit earlier than usual. Besides, I was worried that all you were having was food from the convenience store during spring break so..."
Adentro del Jyuubako había una tortilla suave, camarones dulces hervidos en una fila ordenada, salmón plateado, comidas lujosas como Caquis de Sajiyou, y un brillante arroz blanco. <!-- <Mertius> “Inside the Jyuubako was a soft-looking Omelet, orderly lined-up sweet boiled shrimps, silver salmon, luxurious foods like Saijyou Persimmons, and shiny white rice.
"But that shouldn’t concern you."
-...¿No es fastidioso para ti hacer todo esto?
Still, despite what I said, I picked up the Jyuubako and decided to have the breakfast she made for me. Her cooking was superb as usual; especially when it came to Japanese food.
Le pregunté a Shirayuki mientras ella me pasaba unos palillos chinos decorados y ella replicó,
Shirayuki just looked down as a pink shade was starting to crawl all over her face. She started peeling a mandarin, taking out the white veins on its surface, and then placed it on a saucer.
It seemed that she was peeling those for me.
Well..... Maybe I should thank her, at the very least.
I started to munch on the peeled mandarin after I finished the delicious meal and looked up at Shirayuki.
".....Uh, thanks for the meals you always make for me."
-N-no te preocupes, yo solo me desperté un poquito más temprano que lo usual. Además, estaba tan preocupada de que todo lo que estuvieras comiendo fuera comida del colmado durante las vacaciones de primavera así que...
"Oh, no; I should be the one thanking you, so thank you very much!"
-Pero eso no debería ser un motivo de tu preocupación.
"And why should you thank me? Hey, stop bowing like that; it looks like you're kneeling in front of me or something."
Aún sin importar lo que dije, recogí el Jyuubako y decidí comer el desayuno que me hizo. Sus comidas eran magníficas como siempre; y especialmente cuando eran comidas Japonesas.
Shirayuki solamente miraba hacia abajo mientras un tono rosado comenzó a mostrarse por toda su cara. Ella comenzó a pelar una mandarina, quitando las venas blancas de la superficie, y la colocó en un platillo.
Parecía que los estaba pelando para mí.
"B-but, you ate all of the food I made, and you even thanked me for it, so it just seemed like I should thank you so..."
Bueno... Tal vez debería agradecerle, por lo menos.
She looked up at me with a face full of joy, with faint tears shrouding her eyes.
-...Eh, gracias por las comidas que tu siempre me haces.
Oh, give me a break.
Why are you always acting so timid? You should have more confidence in yourself.
Just look at that well endowed chest of yours.
With thoughts like that crossing my mind, I suddenly, accidentally...
Stared at her breasts.
-Oh. No, yo debería ser la que te agradece a ti, ¡así que muchas gracias!
She was bowing at me so her deep cleavage was showing, outlined by a black lacy bra.
-¿Y por qué es que tu me deberías agradecer? Hey, para de hacer reverencias así; parece como si te estuvieras arrodillando en frente de mí o algo.
( Black... that's out of question!)
I tried to look away from those breasts wearing a bra that wasn't meant for a high school student to wear. But…
It started to throb.
That dangerous sensation, where the blood all over my body was concentrating at the core of my body took over.
---This is bad.
-P-pero tu te comiste toda la comida que yo hice, y hasta me diste las gracias por ella, así que solamente parecía como si yo te debiera agradecer, así que...
I was denying myself.
Ella me miró con una cara llena de alegría, con lágrimas tenues cubriendo sus ojos.
I was denying myself of this sensation.
Oh, dame un descanso.
"Thanks for the meal."
¿Por qué siempre actúas tan tímida? Deberías tener más confianza en tí misma.
Solamente mira a ese pecho dotado que tienes.
Con pensamientos como esos cruzando mi mente, yo repentinamente, accidentalmente...
I stood up in a hurry, trying to escape from Shirayuki.
Miré fijamente su pecho.
Phew. Seems like I made it. It was safe for today.
Shirayuki took the empty Jyuubako away, went over the sofa, and picked up my school uniform.
"Here, Kin-chan. We're sophomores starting today, aren't we? Now take this bullet-proof uniform."
Ella estaba haciendo una reverencia hacia mí así que su amplio pecho se estaba mostrando, su perfil adornado con un sostén negro de lazos.
After putting on the uniform, I went over to the television and picked up a gun.
“Negro... ¡Eso es impensable!”
"I don’t think a gun is necessary since we're just having a starting ceremony today."
Yo intenté alejar mi mirada de esos senos usando un sostén que no estaba hecho para que una estudiante de secundaria usara. Pero...
Eso comenzó a pulsar.
Esa sensación peligrosa, donde la sangre de mi cuerpo entero se estaba concentrando en mi núcleo me invadió.
"You should take it with you Kin-chan, since it's a school rule."
Esto es malo.
She was saying this as she knelt before me, putting the belt on along with the holster.
Yo me estaba negando yo mismo.
School rule... "A student of Butei High School is obliged to arm himself with a gun and a blade at all times within the school grounds," huh?
Yo me estaba negando yo mismo de esta sensación.
Yeah, it's not normal.
-Gracias por la comida.
I hate to admit it, but nothing in Butei high is normal.
Me paré de prisa, tratando de escapar de Shirayuki.
Phew. Parece que lo logré. Estaba a salvo por hoy.
Shirayuki tomo el Jyuubako vacío, fue al sofá y agarró mi uniforme escolar.
"Besides, you can't tell when the 'Butei-killer' will attack again...."
-Aquí, Kin-chan. Ya somos estudiantes del segundo año comenzando desde hoy, ¿No? Ahora toma este uniforme a prueba de balas.
She looked up at me with a worried look on her eyes.
Después de ponerme mi uniforme, yo fui hasta el televisor y recogí una pistola.
" A 'Butei-killer'?"
-No creo que necesite una pistola ya que sólo tenemos la ceremonia de entrada hoy.
"Yes. A letter came in during the New Year about a serial killer case."
-Deberías llevarla contigo Kin-chan, ya que es el reglamento de la escuela.
I faintly recalled receiving a message like that during the New Year.
Ella me estaba diciendo esto mientras se arrodillaba en frente de mí, poniéndome mi correa al mismo tiempo que mi pistolera.
If I remember correctly, it was a psychopath that was setting bombs on vehicles, incapacitating the victims, sending a remote-controlled helicopter armed with a machine gun, and finally leading the victim to the sea and sending them off the cliff.
El reglamento de la escuela... “Un estudiante de la secundaria de Butei está obligado a armarse con una pistola y una cuchilla en todo momento dentro de la escuela”, ¿eh?
"But I thought he was arrested?"
Sí, eso no es normal.
"T-there might be a copycat criminal lurking around. Besides, when I did my fortune-telling this morning, it said that you’ll have trouble concerning a girl soon... I wouldn't be able to take it if something happened to you…"
Odio admitirlo, pero nada en la secundaria de Butei es normal.
Trouble concerning a girl, huh? Well, there might be some truth to that fortune, since I had to deal with THIS so early in the morning.
-Además, no puedes estar seguro de cuándo el ‘asesino de Butei’ atacará de nuevo...
Shirayuki started to well up tears again as I remembered that if I break another one of the regulations again, my current goal of transferring to an ordinary school would be complicated.
Maybe arming myself isn’t such a bad idea after all.
"Alright, I'm arming myself right now, okay? So stop crying over there."
Ella me miró con un expresión de preocupación en sus ojos.
I let out a sigh as I took out a butterfly knife which was a legacy from my deceased brother and put it inside my pocket.
-¿Un ‘asesino de Butei’?
For some reason, Shirayuki started to stare at me, placing her palms on her cheeks.
"Kin-chan... you look so cool. No wonder your ancestors were all allies of justice... You just have that kind of air around you."
-Sí. Una carta llegó durante el año nuevo sobre un caso de un asesino en serie.
"Hey, stop it. It sounds like I'm some kind of brat."
Yo apenas recordaba haber recibido un mensaje como ese durante el año nuevo.
Si recuerdo correctamente, era de un psicópata que estaba plantando bombas en vehículos e incapacitando a sus víctimas, enviando a un helicóptero a control remoto armado con una metralleta, y en el final guiaba a la víctima al mar y la tiraba por un barranco.
Shirayuki took out a black name tag out of nowhere and put it on my chest as I was complaining to her.
-¿Pero yo pensé que ya había sido arrestado?
The name "Kinji Tohyama" was written in it.
-P-podría haber un criminal copión andando por ahí. Además, cuando yo adiviné mi fortuna esta mañana, decía que tu tendrás problemas con una chica muy pronto...Yo no lo podría aguantar si algo te pasa a ti...
When April comes at Butei High, students are obliged to put on a name tag.
¿Problemas con una chica, eh? Bueno, puede haber cierto grado de verdad en esa fortuna, dado que tuve que lidiar con ESTO tan temprano en la mañana.
Of course, I was planning to ignore that, but it seems that Shirayuki saw over that.
Shirayuki comenzó a lagrimear otra vez y me recordé que si rompo otra de las regulaciones de nuevo, mi objetivo de transferirme a una escuela ordinaria se haría complicado.
Typical… just what you’d expect from the president of the school council, gardening club, sewing club and volleyball club. On top of that, her grades in all subjects are excellent. No wonder a slacker like me is having a hard time keeping up with her.
Tal vez armarme no era tan mala idea después de todo.
"I'll go after I check the mail. You can go ahead without me."
-Está bien, me estoy armando ahora mismo, ¿está bien?
Así que para de llorar allí.
"Um, if that's the case, maybe I could wash your dishes while..."
Dejé escapar un suspiro mientras sacaba un cuchillo mariposa que era el legado de mi hermano que se había muerto. Lo puse dentro de mi bolsillo.
Por alguna razón, Shirayuki comenzó a mirarme fijamente colocando sus palmas a la izquierda y derecha de mis mejillas.
"Don't bother."
-Kin-chan... Te ves tan bien. Con razón es que tus antepasados fueron todos aliados de la justicia... Tienes ese aire alrededor de ti.
".....Oh, okay. Well um, I'd be happy if you send me a message or something later."
-Hey, para eso. Suena como si yo fuese algún tipo de chamaco.
Shirayuki tomó una etiqueta negra con un nombre de la nada y la puso en mi pecho mientras yo me quejaba.
El nombre “Kinji Tohyama” estaba escrito en él.
Cuando abril viene a la secundaria de Butei, los estudiantes están obligados a usar una etiqueta con sus nombres.
Claro, yo planeaba ignorar esto, pero parece que Shirayuki vio mis intenciones.
Típico... justo lo que hay que esperar de la presidente del consejo escolar, club de jardinería, club de costura y el club de voleibol. Además de eso, sus notas en todas las materias son excelentes. No cabe duda por qué un vago como yo está teniendo un tiempo duro intentando seguir a su nivel.
-Yo voy a ir después de revisar el correo. Tu puedes ir adelante sin mí.
-Em, si ese es el caso, tal vez yo deba lavar los platos mientras...
-No te molestes.
-...Oh, okey. Bueno em, yo estaré feliz si me mandas un mensaje o algo después.
Ella dijo en una manera un poquito avergonzada, y después hizo una reverencia bajita.
Luego del profundo saludo, salió de la habitación.
She said in a slightly embarrassed manner, and then bowed low.
She went out of the room after the deep salute.
... Phew.
... Phew.
Finally, there weren’t any bothers.
Al fin, ya no habrían más molestias.
Me senté delante de mi PC y revisé mis emails perezosamente y navegué por la web.
I sat in front of my PC and lazily checked emails and browsed the web.
Cuando miré el reloj, ya eran las 7:55.
When I looked up at the clock, it was already 7:55.
Oops, parece que estaba siendo demasiado vago.
Oops, it looks like I was being too lazy.
---I'm definitely late for the bus stop at 7:58.
Yo estaré definitivamente tarde para el autobús de las 7:58.
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Por el resto de mi vida.
---For the rest of my life
Definitivamente voy a lamentar haber perdido el autobús de las 7:58.
I would definitely regret missing that bus stop at 7:58.
Porque un tiempo después, una chica vino cayendo del cielo.
Because some time later, a girl came falling from the sky.
Y el nombre de esa chica es Aria H. Kanzaki.
And that girl's name is Aria H. Kanzaki.
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Revision as of 08:14, 7 May 2011


----Who would ever think that a girl would just suddenly fall from the sky?

In the movie I saw last night, a girl fell from the sky. The concept could be a good idea for a movie or manga. It could be a prologue to the mysterious and special things that were coming. The lead character could be an ally of Justice, and from there, an epic adventure could unfold.

But first there needs to be a girl who'd fall from the sky! ...If you ask me, these kinds of thoughts are nothing but nonsense. There's no way a girl who fell from the sky could be normal. If such a thing were to happen, you'd be taken to a strange world and be mistaken for an ally of justice. If you think about it logically, such a thing would be filled with danger and nothing but trouble.

At least I, Tohyama Kinji---- Would be glad if there weren’t any girls who came falling from the sky. I just want to have an ordinary life, like one normal people have. That said though, I'd have to move away from this ridiculous school first…

....ding dong.....

I opened my eyes as I heard the faint sound of a door bell. ...Oh my. It seems like I slept with only my trunks on. I checked the cellphone near my pillow---- It was seven in the morning. (Who could it be at this early hour...) Maybe I should just pretend that I'm not home. But, that modest way of ringing my door bell gave me a bad feeling. I reluctantly put on my shirt and uniform pants as I crossed the large room in my flat... and peeked through the keyhole to see who was there. And just as I thought----SHE was there.

"...Oh boy"

---Shirayuki was standing there. Pure white blouse. Crimson-colored tie and skirt. She was staring at her lacquered compact and arranging her hair as she stood there wearing the pristine Butei high school uniform. “What is she doing? In a place like this…?” I was asking myself why when she suddenly started taking a deep breath, in and out. I can't understand her, as usual. --- I opened the door.

"Hey, Shirayuki."

She quickly shut her compact and put it away as I opened the door. Then,


A smile lighted her face up as she greeted me with my old nickname.

"I thought I already told you to stop calling me that."

"Oh, s-sorry... But I was thinking of Kin-chan and then you came out and.... Oh, sorry! I called you 'Kin-chan' again and, oh my, I'm really sorry, Kin-chan, uh..."

The shade of her face gradually turned pale and she quickly tried to cover her mouth. ...The urge to complain suddenly went away.

Hidan no Aria 01-015.jpg

Shirayuki Hotogi.

As you can guess from the way she called me, we're childhood friends. As for her appearance, she had snow-white skin like her name implied, and her long black hair came down past her waist. She had calm, gentle eyes and long eyebrows. It was what you would expect from a maiden of Hotogi Shrine. She was just like a Yamato-Nadeshiko who came out from a book.

"Listen, this place is a male dormitory and you shouldn't come here without a reason."

"Um, b-but I was out on a training camp on Isejinguu until yesterday... And I wasn't able to do anything for you so..."

"There's no need to."

"....B-but...... ohh...."

"...Alright, alright!"

I decided to let her in when I saw tears starting to well in her eyes.

"I..... I hope I won't be a bother."

She made a perfect 90 degree bow, and then proceeded to take off her black strapped shoes, arranging them carefully by the door.

"So, why did you come here?" I felt too lazy to sit properly in a chair so I sat on the low table.

"I-I wanted you to have these." She started to untie the Japanese cloth she was holding as she, too, sat in front of the table. She placed a crimson-colored Jyuubako on the table and opened the painted lid. Inside the Jyuubako was a soft-looking omelet, orderly lined-up sweet boiled shrimps, silver salmon, luxurious foods like Saijyou Persimmons, and shiny white rice.

"...Wasn’t it bothersome for you to make all of this?"

I asked Shirayuki while she was handing me painted chopsticks and she said,

"D-don't worry, I just woke up a bit earlier than usual. Besides, I was worried that all you were having was food from the convenience store during spring break so..."

"But that shouldn’t concern you."

Still, despite what I said, I picked up the Jyuubako and decided to have the breakfast she made for me. Her cooking was superb as usual; especially when it came to Japanese food. Shirayuki just looked down as a pink shade was starting to crawl all over her face. She started peeling a mandarin, taking out the white veins on its surface, and then placed it on a saucer. It seemed that she was peeling those for me. Well..... Maybe I should thank her, at the very least. I started to munch on the peeled mandarin after I finished the delicious meal and looked up at Shirayuki.

".....Uh, thanks for the meals you always make for me."

"Oh, no; I should be the one thanking you, so thank you very much!"

"And why should you thank me? Hey, stop bowing like that; it looks like you're kneeling in front of me or something."

"B-but, you ate all of the food I made, and you even thanked me for it, so it just seemed like I should thank you so..."

She looked up at me with a face full of joy, with faint tears shrouding her eyes. Oh, give me a break. Why are you always acting so timid? You should have more confidence in yourself. Just look at that well endowed chest of yours. With thoughts like that crossing my mind, I suddenly, accidentally...

Stared at her breasts.

She was bowing at me so her deep cleavage was showing, outlined by a black lacy bra. ( Black... that's out of question!) I tried to look away from those breasts wearing a bra that wasn't meant for a high school student to wear. But… It started to throb. That dangerous sensation, where the blood all over my body was concentrating at the core of my body took over.

---This is bad.

I was denying myself. I was denying myself of this sensation.

"Thanks for the meal."

I stood up in a hurry, trying to escape from Shirayuki. Phew. Seems like I made it. It was safe for today. Shirayuki took the empty Jyuubako away, went over the sofa, and picked up my school uniform.

"Here, Kin-chan. We're sophomores starting today, aren't we? Now take this bullet-proof uniform." After putting on the uniform, I went over to the television and picked up a gun.

"I don’t think a gun is necessary since we're just having a starting ceremony today."

"You should take it with you Kin-chan, since it's a school rule."

She was saying this as she knelt before me, putting the belt on along with the holster. School rule... "A student of Butei High School is obliged to arm himself with a gun and a blade at all times within the school grounds," huh?

Yeah, it's not normal.

I hate to admit it, but nothing in Butei high is normal.

"Besides, you can't tell when the 'Butei-killer' will attack again...."

She looked up at me with a worried look on her eyes.

" A 'Butei-killer'?"

"Yes. A letter came in during the New Year about a serial killer case."

I faintly recalled receiving a message like that during the New Year. If I remember correctly, it was a psychopath that was setting bombs on vehicles, incapacitating the victims, sending a remote-controlled helicopter armed with a machine gun, and finally leading the victim to the sea and sending them off the cliff.

"But I thought he was arrested?"

"T-there might be a copycat criminal lurking around. Besides, when I did my fortune-telling this morning, it said that you’ll have trouble concerning a girl soon... I wouldn't be able to take it if something happened to you…"

Trouble concerning a girl, huh? Well, there might be some truth to that fortune, since I had to deal with THIS so early in the morning. Shirayuki started to well up tears again as I remembered that if I break another one of the regulations again, my current goal of transferring to an ordinary school would be complicated. Maybe arming myself isn’t such a bad idea after all.

"Alright, I'm arming myself right now, okay? So stop crying over there."

I let out a sigh as I took out a butterfly knife which was a legacy from my deceased brother and put it inside my pocket. For some reason, Shirayuki started to stare at me, placing her palms on her cheeks.

"Kin-chan... you look so cool. No wonder your ancestors were all allies of justice... You just have that kind of air around you."

"Hey, stop it. It sounds like I'm some kind of brat."

Shirayuki took out a black name tag out of nowhere and put it on my chest as I was complaining to her.

The name "Kinji Tohyama" was written in it.

When April comes at Butei High, students are obliged to put on a name tag. Of course, I was planning to ignore that, but it seems that Shirayuki saw over that. Typical… just what you’d expect from the president of the school council, gardening club, sewing club and volleyball club. On top of that, her grades in all subjects are excellent. No wonder a slacker like me is having a hard time keeping up with her.

"I'll go after I check the mail. You can go ahead without me."

"Um, if that's the case, maybe I could wash your dishes while..."

"Don't bother."

".....Oh, okay. Well um, I'd be happy if you send me a message or something later."

She said in a slightly embarrassed manner, and then bowed low. She went out of the room after the deep salute.

... Phew.

Finally, there weren’t any bothers. I sat in front of my PC and lazily checked emails and browsed the web. When I looked up at the clock, it was already 7:55. Oops, it looks like I was being too lazy. ---I'm definitely late for the bus stop at 7:58.

---For the rest of my life

I would definitely regret missing that bus stop at 7:58.

Because some time later, a girl came falling from the sky. And that girl's name is Aria H. Kanzaki.

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