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=== Part 2 ===
=== Part 2 ===
Late at night - although spring, at these hours still unpleasantly cold, a Jutsushi from the Special Information Storage Room, Kurahashi Izumi was waiting inside the car for the enemy's attack.
She lost count how many times she let out a miserable sigh from her red lips.
She played with the handle in irritation and grumbled words she said a dozen times already.
"Geez, why must we do this? Even though he already have piles of stuff to do......."
"Well, it can't be helped right? "
Next to her, settled in the passenger seat, trying to shrink his large build in the constrained space, Kumagai Yuki spoke so to calm her.
"It's an refutable truth this is our responsibility since we let Utsumi escape. Besides, if we could seize Utsumi for a second time, we'll have a good clue about Pandemonium - "
"Shut up. Be silent, stupid. "
Izumi ruthlessly knocked down Kumagai's words trying to raise their will to work.
"I know that without you telling me. But since our man force is scarce even at the best of times, setting a 24 hour guard made of Jutsushi for the sake of a civilian who might or migt not be attacked, don't you think that's pointless? "
"........If you think so, wouldn't it have been better not to forcibly drag me here? I was in the middle of my work. "
"Hou - "
Izumi stared at the grumbling Kumagai with eyes closed partly giving an ominous expression.
"Let's hear it then, what is it that you can do while I'm not there? "
"No, that, I certainly cannot use my power but, if it's just a normal search then - "
"There are already excellent people for that who can do it a hundred times better. If you were to join them you'll only be a hindrance. "
His best objection mercilessly crushed, Kumagai groaned.
"Enough already, just go and buy something. It's getting suffocating with you inside the car. "
Those were some arbitrary comments for someone who called him but Kumagai nodded without complaint. No matter how bossy the other party is, that manner was beyond submissive.
This man, was either extremely timid or the other person grabbed hold of his weakness or possibly both.
Anyhow, Kumagai shrunk his body as much as possible, got down from the car in low spirits and walked to the convenience store.
Glaring at that retreating figure, Izumi concentrated her consciousness on the surroundings lookout for the second time.
Although one might say she shouldn't have bothered. The barrier was already up. At the center of the house that was the subject of their protection, the amulets put up in twelve directions sanctified the interior of that space. Something as corrupted as a curse could never come inside.
She had that self-confidence. But -
"The Chief was unreasonable about this"
Kirika's indication was not to protect the barrier or retaliate. But search for where was Utsumi hiding by following the thread of intent and restrain him.
It's simple to defend against the curses of an amateur. As it is the opponent can be defeated and brought back.
In that case, according to the proverb ''If you curse someone dig two graves'' the Jutsushi who doubled the curse should certainly die.
But, if they were to do so the Pandemonium trail will come to an end.
Therefore, it was imperative to capture Utsumi. They established he was the only person to have a class change at the new Pandemonium.
'' - If it's you, you can do it. Please insert heart- ''
''Do it yourself! ''
Although she spat at the unreasonable request made by her boss with a smiling face in her mind, Izumi was painfully aware of her honesty that didn't allow her to cut corners.
"Good grief...."
Deciding in her heart she will once again vent her anger on Kumagai when he returns, she sharpened her awareness.
And after a few minutes - that, came along.
An impact that pressured her. The ominous surge of curses wrapping her body send shivers to the muscles along her spine.
"It's coming.......! "
While grimacing because of discomfort Izumi promptly made a seal.
"On Abakya Beiroshya Magabadara - "
She chanted the incantation as sections. The web of thought knitted in a complex manner entangled, seized and removed the curses.
"Kuuh, it's unexpectedly strong......"
She heard it was the <<Second Rank>> but those were some rough hexes that exceeded her expectation. They were pushing forward like a violent horse on the invisible barrier that blocked his way.
"But, it's not so bad I can't control it! "
There's no need to resist against power with power. If the opponent's ability is powerful, it's better to stop the other side by sidestepping, handling and weaken his force little by little.
The difference between an amateur and a specialist is not power but the skill to accurately manage that power.
The force of those violent but unskillful thoughts, little by little but in a steady way, was reduced.
Izumi was fortifying her protection even more while simultaneously tracing those thoughts.
" - !? "
She could swore. She didn't make any mistake. But the instant she searched for Utsumi's whereabouts, the twelve amulets simultaneously lost their effectiveness.
It wasn't the reaction of burning off because they couldn't endure the curses and burst. This was -
"The amulets have been physically destroyed!? He came here personally!? "
Without thinking Izumi shouted but she immediately rejected that reasoning.
A few days ago, when they interrogated him after the arrest, they thoroughly investigated that thing's personality. Utsumi was consistently an menial, underhanded man.
Naturally, it's impossible for him to bravely defy a danger.
His brand of magic, the power to attack from a separate place where he's safe, it's something truly suitable for him.
"Then, he has an accomplice? "
That was also improbable. Who the heck would become an ally to such a vulgar man? -
There were a lot of questions but now was not the time to indulge in speculation.
Right now, the girl she should protect had been presented in front of Utsumi in a completely defenseless condition.
Kicking the door, Izumi rushed outside. But the foot that was about to break into a run was forced back after the first step.
"Yo. It must be difficult staying up so late. "
That voice without any tension came drifting from before her eyes.
For how long he'd been there, deceiving even Izumi's perception fully concentrated on searching for the enemy, the man stood straight on her way.
Izumi asked in a subdued tone.
"Yagami Kazuma - why are you here? "
"Why, you ask. That's - "
With an attitude that was frivolousness itself, the man - Kazuma, laughed carelessly.
His manner was so relaxed he didn't seem to recognize the situation but Izumi understood it was impossible.
"Of course, it's for the sake of catching Utsumi and make him tell where Pandemonium is. Our goal is the same for the time being so I'm lending you a hand. You should be very grateful, no? "
Kazuma spoke with the usual lax expression and turned his back to Izumi. And then he walked to Nanase's house without change.
But, Izumi didn't move. Her sharp gaze pierced Kazuma's back and said:
"You're making fun of me"
".....Aah? "
Kazuma looked over his shoulder puzzled.
"Did you think you alone are enough? It's wonderful that you have pride but you should take the help when it's offered. That way is more comfortable - "
"Do you think you can deal with me the same way like that Isurughi boy? "
Ignoring Kazuma's frivolous talk, Izumi informed him coldly.
A brief period of silence - and then Kazuma turned his body around.
An opaque, unreadable gaze seized Izumi.
"What do you mean? "
"There's something I previously heard about from Chief. When you're manifesting your true power, that pupil is shining blue. "
In a wooden tone Izumi spoke those words that seemed unrelated to the present condition.
"That brilliance can't be compared to that of gems, it's a cool and clear, vibrant, thoroughly blue like the perfectly clear sky or a pure lake. "
"What of it? "
It was a monotonous, quiet question. But without feeling hesitant as Kazuma's facial expression was gradually disappearing, Izumi declared.
"Your eyes right now - are red to the point of being sinister. "
"You may have tricked Isurughi but you won't trick me! Answer! What did you plan to do coming here? "
"......that's, right......"
Showing a faint hesitation at the vehement cross-examination, Kazuma murmured in an inaudible voice.
"At present, you're a nuisance"
" - !!"
Overpowered by that dreadful surge, Izumi leaped as if she was repelled. At the same time she took amulets from her bosom and -
"I won't kill you. Sleep for a while. "
" - !!"
Reaching from an impossible place in the back, a low voice. The moment she tried to turn away in astonishment, a heavy shock shook her entire body.
When she opened her eyes, everything was already over.
=== Part 3 ===

Revision as of 17:31, 3 October 2013

Chapter 3 - The ones doing secret maneuvers

Part 1

A door was opened suddenly without even knocking.

Both Bernhardt, enjoying dancing after a meal, and Lapis, who served at dinner shifted their attention on the door.

The face that was very similar to a toad looked at the two with haughtiness.

"Is it over? "


Vesalius asked without looking surprised and the toad - Utsumi Kousuke, nodded in a manner not at all related to modesty.

"I perfectly made the power you gave me my own. No one is able to defy me now"

"Good for you", replied Bernhardt uninterested.

Sensing that monotonous tone was teasing him, Utsumi raised his eyebrows.

"Do you have some complaint? "

"Never "

Unperturbed by Utsumi's question heavy with intimidation, Bernhardt slowly shook his head.

"I am truly glad. No matter how accomplished one is, you managed to jump over <<Second Class>> and go straight to the <<Seed>>. Isn't normal to worry? "

"Then......it's fine"

Although sullen like an infant, in outline Utsumi showed consent.

"By the way, I plan to stay here for a little while....."

"Don't mind me"

Bernhardt agreed without hesitation.

"This Pandemonium exists for the sake of accommodating you, the chosen ones. What's more, at present you're the only <<Second Class>> <<Seed>> - you can be called elite among the elite. You can use it as you will"

He was adding one thing to another.

"Luckily, there are plenty of guest-rooms. "


Utsumi's body trembled at the chill of having his true intention seen through. But he immediately smoothed his face over and showed a nihilistic smile.

"You saved me trouble"

Convinced of the fact that they didn't notice he became frightened from the bottom of his heart, Utsumi left the room.

"Fuu - "

At the small sound made by the closing door, Bernhardt showed a small smile and pressed the tea cup to his lips once more.

"No, he has a wonderful outstanding talent. If not for the issue of his outward appearance, he could be a prime field candidate. "

" - yes"

Lapis bowed her head slightly. Without missing that faint gap, Bernhardt observed his servant only by moving his line of sight.

"Are you dissatisfied? "


"Say it. I won't get angry.

Repeatedly asked a question, after a faint indecision, Lapis opened her mouth.

"I'm not.......dissatisfied. Just - "

"Just? "

"I am unable to understand Master's intention. "

"Hmm "

After showing a contemplating manner for a brief period of time, Bernhardt spoke.

"I understand what you're trying to say. The data gathering is almost over. Keeping at it further has no meaning. "

In silence Lapis consented.

"In addition, detaining that boy not understanding etiquette in Pandemonium has no reason. "

The nod this time came slightly quicker. Perhaps he peeked inside her skirt.

"Certainly it could be said it's meaningless stopping in this country further, for the sake of executing the plan. "

"Then, shall we go back to Headquarters? "

Kaze no Stigma vol 05 101.jpg

"Don't say stupid things"

Bernhardt curtly refused the servant's words.

"Why would we go home now? From here on it will become interesting. "


"That's right. We certainly accomplished our goal. But people who only live to accomplish goals are miserable creatures. Enjoying the process of arriving at one's goal not only by pushing forward on the shortest distance but straying from it at times - such flexibility is essential for a human. Do you understand? "

Gazing at her master talking about triumphantly, Lapis bends her head slightly to the side, looking perplexed.

"It's because I'm not human........"

"It has nothing to do with that. "

Bernhardt concluded clearly.

"If so, as a being with a heart, let me rephrase that. I don't remember creating you like a doll. It would be troublesome if you didn't follow my orders but making you to obey blindly would have been in vain. "

"......Do even I hold the flexibility to enjoy myself in the process? "

"Hmm, the ingredients for it are all supposed to be there. Or else - you don't want to meet him again? "

At those remarks that seem to tease her, Lapis' facial expression shook for the first time.

"I - "

Little by little, slowly, she spoke with those trembling lips.

"I am - "

Bernhardt quietly looked at Lapis, unable to continue those words, becoming silent altogether. In that gaze, something similar with love dwelt beyond a doubt.

"Hesitating is fine, being worried is fine. Those experiences will make your heart grow. Your heart, still resembling that of a puppet will bud from your own will. Understand that's why I assigned the greatest mission to you. "

"........yes, Master. As you please. "

Although still confused, Lapis nodded meekly.

The gap between that puppet-like reply and her contrastively bewildered facial expression satisfied Bernhardt exceedingly.

Part 2

Late at night - although spring, at these hours still unpleasantly cold, a Jutsushi from the Special Information Storage Room, Kurahashi Izumi was waiting inside the car for the enemy's attack.


She lost count how many times she let out a miserable sigh from her red lips.

She played with the handle in irritation and grumbled words she said a dozen times already.

"Geez, why must we do this? Even though he already have piles of stuff to do......."

"Well, it can't be helped right? "

Next to her, settled in the passenger seat, trying to shrink his large build in the constrained space, Kumagai Yuki spoke so to calm her.

"It's an refutable truth this is our responsibility since we let Utsumi escape. Besides, if we could seize Utsumi for a second time, we'll have a good clue about Pandemonium - "

"Shut up. Be silent, stupid. "

Izumi ruthlessly knocked down Kumagai's words trying to raise their will to work.

"I know that without you telling me. But since our man force is scarce even at the best of times, setting a 24 hour guard made of Jutsushi for the sake of a civilian who might or migt not be attacked, don't you think that's pointless? "

"........If you think so, wouldn't it have been better not to forcibly drag me here? I was in the middle of my work. "

"Hou - "

Izumi stared at the grumbling Kumagai with eyes closed partly giving an ominous expression.

"Let's hear it then, what is it that you can do while I'm not there? "

"No, that, I certainly cannot use my power but, if it's just a normal search then - "

"There are already excellent people for that who can do it a hundred times better. If you were to join them you'll only be a hindrance. "


His best objection mercilessly crushed, Kumagai groaned.

"Enough already, just go and buy something. It's getting suffocating with you inside the car. "


Those were some arbitrary comments for someone who called him but Kumagai nodded without complaint. No matter how bossy the other party is, that manner was beyond submissive.

This man, was either extremely timid or the other person grabbed hold of his weakness or possibly both.

Anyhow, Kumagai shrunk his body as much as possible, got down from the car in low spirits and walked to the convenience store.


Glaring at that retreating figure, Izumi concentrated her consciousness on the surroundings lookout for the second time.

Although one might say she shouldn't have bothered. The barrier was already up. At the center of the house that was the subject of their protection, the amulets put up in twelve directions sanctified the interior of that space. Something as corrupted as a curse could never come inside.

She had that self-confidence. But -

"The Chief was unreasonable about this"

Kirika's indication was not to protect the barrier or retaliate. But search for where was Utsumi hiding by following the thread of intent and restrain him.

It's simple to defend against the curses of an amateur. As it is the opponent can be defeated and brought back.

In that case, according to the proverb If you curse someone dig two graves the Jutsushi who doubled the curse should certainly die.

But, if they were to do so the Pandemonium trail will come to an end.

Therefore, it was imperative to capture Utsumi. They established he was the only person to have a class change at the new Pandemonium.

- If it's you, you can do it. Please insert heart-

Do it yourself!

Although she spat at the unreasonable request made by her boss with a smiling face in her mind, Izumi was painfully aware of her honesty that didn't allow her to cut corners.

"Good grief...."

Deciding in her heart she will once again vent her anger on Kumagai when he returns, she sharpened her awareness.

And after a few minutes - that, came along.

An impact that pressured her. The ominous surge of curses wrapping her body send shivers to the muscles along her spine.

"It's coming.......! "

While grimacing because of discomfort Izumi promptly made a seal.

"On Abakya Beiroshya Magabadara - "

She chanted the incantation as sections. The web of thought knitted in a complex manner entangled, seized and removed the curses.

"Kuuh, it's unexpectedly strong......"

She heard it was the <<Second Rank>> but those were some rough hexes that exceeded her expectation. They were pushing forward like a violent horse on the invisible barrier that blocked his way.

"But, it's not so bad I can't control it! "

There's no need to resist against power with power. If the opponent's ability is powerful, it's better to stop the other side by sidestepping, handling and weaken his force little by little.

The difference between an amateur and a specialist is not power but the skill to accurately manage that power.

The force of those violent but unskillful thoughts, little by little but in a steady way, was reduced.

Izumi was fortifying her protection even more while simultaneously tracing those thoughts.

" - !? "

She could swore. She didn't make any mistake. But the instant she searched for Utsumi's whereabouts, the twelve amulets simultaneously lost their effectiveness.

It wasn't the reaction of burning off because they couldn't endure the curses and burst. This was -

"The amulets have been physically destroyed!? He came here personally!? "

Without thinking Izumi shouted but she immediately rejected that reasoning.

A few days ago, when they interrogated him after the arrest, they thoroughly investigated that thing's personality. Utsumi was consistently an menial, underhanded man.

Naturally, it's impossible for him to bravely defy a danger.

His brand of magic, the power to attack from a separate place where he's safe, it's something truly suitable for him.

"Then, he has an accomplice? "

That was also improbable. Who the heck would become an ally to such a vulgar man? -

There were a lot of questions but now was not the time to indulge in speculation.

Right now, the girl she should protect had been presented in front of Utsumi in a completely defenseless condition.


Kicking the door, Izumi rushed outside. But the foot that was about to break into a run was forced back after the first step.

"Yo. It must be difficult staying up so late. "

That voice without any tension came drifting from before her eyes.

For how long he'd been there, deceiving even Izumi's perception fully concentrated on searching for the enemy, the man stood straight on her way.

Izumi asked in a subdued tone.

"Yagami Kazuma - why are you here? "

"Why, you ask. That's - "

With an attitude that was frivolousness itself, the man - Kazuma, laughed carelessly.

His manner was so relaxed he didn't seem to recognize the situation but Izumi understood it was impossible.

"Of course, it's for the sake of catching Utsumi and make him tell where Pandemonium is. Our goal is the same for the time being so I'm lending you a hand. You should be very grateful, no? "

Kazuma spoke with the usual lax expression and turned his back to Izumi. And then he walked to Nanase's house without change.

But, Izumi didn't move. Her sharp gaze pierced Kazuma's back and said:

"You're making fun of me"

".....Aah? "

Kazuma looked over his shoulder puzzled.

"Did you think you alone are enough? It's wonderful that you have pride but you should take the help when it's offered. That way is more comfortable - "

"Do you think you can deal with me the same way like that Isurughi boy? "

Ignoring Kazuma's frivolous talk, Izumi informed him coldly.

A brief period of silence - and then Kazuma turned his body around.

An opaque, unreadable gaze seized Izumi.

"What do you mean? "

"There's something I previously heard about from Chief. When you're manifesting your true power, that pupil is shining blue. "

In a wooden tone Izumi spoke those words that seemed unrelated to the present condition.

"That brilliance can't be compared to that of gems, it's a cool and clear, vibrant, thoroughly blue like the perfectly clear sky or a pure lake. "

"What of it? "

It was a monotonous, quiet question. But without feeling hesitant as Kazuma's facial expression was gradually disappearing, Izumi declared.

"Your eyes right now - are red to the point of being sinister. "

"You may have tricked Isurughi but you won't trick me! Answer! What did you plan to do coming here? "

"......that's, right......"

Showing a faint hesitation at the vehement cross-examination, Kazuma murmured in an inaudible voice.

"At present, you're a nuisance"

" - !!"

Overpowered by that dreadful surge, Izumi leaped as if she was repelled. At the same time she took amulets from her bosom and -

"I won't kill you. Sleep for a while. "

" - !!"

Reaching from an impossible place in the back, a low voice. The moment she tried to turn away in astonishment, a heavy shock shook her entire body.

When she opened her eyes, everything was already over.

Part 3