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Celica cheerfully laughed when she discovered that Kazuma got solidified by Nine's shocking behavior.
Celica cheerfully laughed when she discovered that Kazuma got solidified by Nine's shocking behavior.
"Ahaha. Are you surprised? Onee-chan unexpectedly got a sweet tooth."
"Ahaha. Surprised? Onee-chan unexpectedly got a sweet tooth."
"Sweet tooth..."
"Sweet tooth..."
Kazuma got very uneasy when he thought whether it was okay to dismiss it with those words. But, he thought that he should stop arguing about that here as he had no ally in this.
Kazuma got very uneasy when he thought whether it was okay to dismiss it with those words. But he thought that he should stop arguing about that here as he had no ally in this.
Celica being the obvious, together with Trinity, and even the waitress who brought gum syrup, they accepted it because it was a common scene.
Celica being the obvious, together with Trinity, and even the waitress who brought gum syrup, they accepted it because it was a common scene.

Revision as of 03:23, 6 December 2013

Chapter 4: Doubt of Yellow Equilibrium

Part 1

It was deep in a remote forest.

Excluding the people who lived there, no one knew about it.

In such a place, there was a small village.

The people who lived there weren't humans. They were beastkins... To be exact, cat-type beastkins who had root of lineage in the now defunct Japan.

The inhabitants already slept as the night had gone deep. With fires burning on the village's surroundings to repel wild animals, the cracking noises of orange-colored flames were played during the stillness like an instrument.

In the basement below a small building inside the village, there he was.

The room, which was surrounded by stone wall, was unpleasantly cold; it was covered in complete darkness. Walking with a lantern that was lit with fire, only him and his surroundings that were wrapped with the warm, faint light.

On the walls that were almost assimilated with the darkness, silhouette of a short person was swaying.

Even if it was a human, it only got the height of children. However, there were large, triangular ears on top of the head and a long tail which was split in to two parts on the back. It was a cat-type beastkin with grey fur, Tomonori.

With silent footsteps as he advanced inside, only flickering fire in the lantern engraved his slow pace.

Arriving on the inner part of the room, Tomonori stopped. He placed the lantern he held to his side.

A flat, lengthy box made of paulownia tree was enshrined there. For a several seconds, Tomonori stared at it, and then he gently undid the seal.

Inside it was a single sword. Compared to the pair of short swords Tomonori usually handled, the sword was larger by far.

It was sheathed in black scabbard and sealed tightly by the sword strap.

Tomonori grabbed that sword. As if severing the intense hesitation, he took it out from the box.

"...What do you want?"

With the grabbed sword hanging in the air, Tomonori suddenly talked.

That inquire was directed to the presence behind him.

He found out about it by the scent, even without looking back.

The presence was looking at Tomonori's back from the entrance of the small room that was hidden underground. The standing still figure had similar small build of silhouette as it was a male cat-type beastkin. He had white fur with tawny spots; a two-tone pattern.

The name of the man was Mitsuyoshi. The older brother of Tomonori.

"What're ya plannin' to do with that?"

Without entering into the room, Mitsuyoshi asked with calm voice.

This room was hiding things considered important for the village; a room dedicated for safekeeping. With trespassing without reason being the obvious, taking out the object inside without permission was violating the village's law.

While it was a scene where someone should get blamed properly speaking, Mitsuyoshi didn't raise his voice. With somewhat amazed looking pretext, he asked again.

"Ya know what kind of sword that is, right?"

"...Time-Killing SwordHihi'irokane."


It was a secret sword that when wielded, it held the power not just to cut flesh, but also eventually sever the dwelling spirit.

However, this sword wasn't just that kind of object.

It existed from long ago. Tomonori and Mitsuyoshi's clan had inherited it for generations.

Until six years ago, Tomonori and the others had been living in a mountain village in Japan. Likewise, the mountain was a passed down plot of land from the old days. Compared to this village, far larger number of cat-type beastkins had lived there.

However, that life had been severed by the Black Beast.

In order to defend the old village land, many numbers of warriors had challenged the Black Beast, and fell. Because of the large-scale nuclear strike, the old village's mountain had gone burnt and demolished.

Tomonori and the other cat-type beastkins parted with most of their brethren as they made their escape to a continent. Here, they had been building a small village while living quietly.

Someday, they would obtain the peaceful land from those days once more and restore the undying long history.

He strongly believed so.

"That's the treasure of our clan, foundation... an' our old village's symbol."

Mitsuyoshi spoke as quiet like the engraved shadow in the room.

Just like the time when they had been living in the now formless old village, this sword alone had been taken care of. Among the villagers, this sword was believed as the old village's symbol. The number of people who survived the days of despair while holding that belief wasn't small.

Still gripping his clan's old village's sword, Tomonori dropped his arm to the side of his body.

Without looking back at the older brother, he replied with stiff voice.

"...Wherever everyone is living on, then that'd be the home. Sword is a weapon. And weapon... has a role."

"What's the role of that fellow?"

"To cut the evil that threatens the world."

"What's the evil that threatens the world?"

"The man I must kill."

Answered unhesitatingly, Tomonori moved his gaze to the sword he held. Different from the short swords, it emphasized its presence heavily.

Hihi'irokane. A sword beyond all definitions of space-time that could also sever spirit.

"This sword is required to kill that guy. If not this sword... there won't be a meaning on it."

As the words of his younger brother hinted an awfully strong determination, the glint on Mitsuyoshi's eyes slightly turned sharp. As if he was weighing Tomonori's intention.

"...This ain't Clavis' instruction, is it?"

Tomonori answered with cold, unwavering voice.

"Of course. This is my will."

"If ya act on yer own convenience, ya will lose somethin' equally big. Surely ya understand, right?"

"I'm not Clavis' servant."

Mitsuyoshi was righteousness. Tomonori was faith.

It appeared their words indicated and matched the resolution they abided in their heart.

It had been this way for a long time. Mitsuyoshi and Tomonori couldn't understand each other. Even while they were aware of the burden that was decided for each other and respected each other's feeling, but still, they couldn't live in the same way.

The questioning Mitsuyoshi and the replying Tomonori extremely aware of it from long ago.

Therefore, Mitsuyoshi knew well that he wouldn't be able to sway his brother's faith no matter what kind of words he used. Undoubtedly, he himself possessed something that couldn't be distorted just like Tomonori.

"...Tomonori. Ya goin' alone?"

"Of course."

"But yer opponent is the kind that makes ya need to get Hihi'irokane. Ya still doin' it?"

"I don't need any hindrance."

Tomonori's reply was cold. But inside his mind, there were the figures of half-beastkins who had done many missions along with him as his subordinates.

They were incomplete people. Not human, or beastkin to say either. They were rejected mixed breed who didn't belong to any society.

Had no place to go, Tomonori aided them while Mitsuyoshi resolved to shelter them. Since then, the protected half-beastkins worked as Tomonori's subordinate, fighting along with him.

If they were aware that Tomonori went alone, they would most likely grieve. However.

"...If I take them along, those guys will lose their lives."

As if he didn't intend for anyone to hear it, Tomonori muttered in low tone.

No matter what their appearance was, no matter what their race was, they were living because they had been born. Especially since the half-beastkins never knew peace and weren't permitted to establish as a species.

He himself must not have been a good leader. Even so, he couldn't bring himself to involve their lives for his selfishness.

"There's no time. You too, you mustn't been planning to loiter in a place like this."

Tomonori turned on his heel as if to shake something off.

Mitsuyoshi slightly twitched the tip of his nose.

During this time, Mitsuyoshi also had a different duty. It was to investigate that person.

The target of his investigation was Relius Clover. The man who Clavis tracked the records of and had something to do with the appearance of Black Beast.

"If you're going to assist me, I need none of it. This is my path."

After he told it, Tomonori started walking with sword and lantern in hands. Although he noticed the older brother's figure on the edge of his vision, he didn't focus on it.

There was other thing that he should focus on. He had that kind of expression.


Mitsuyoshi spoke while they were passing each other.

Mitsuyoshi also didn't take a better look at his younger brother. As if yielding to the room's entrance, he leant his back on the wall, staring at the empty paulownia box which stored a sword until a while ago.

"Since ya made up yer mind, I won't stop ya. So definitely... bring him down."

"...That is my role."

Definitely, whatever the outcome would be.

He would kill that man.

Holding killing intent and sense of duty that were like blades in his chest, Tomonori ran straight to Ishana during the dead of night.

Part 2

Today, Ishana was blessed again with fine wheather.

It was the after school as the class had ended. While holding his bag on his hand as he had finished the preparations for returning home, Kazuma looked out of the window in the hallway.

From there the academy's courtyard could be seen clearly. What Kazuma was looking was a small building peeking from the opposite side of the thick bushes and large trees, the Cathedral.

There, the Magic Guild's highly classified information was stored. Among them, there was information related to the Azure.

The more he thought about it, the thought toward the Azure inside Kazuma grew stronger.

(Cathedral... Cathedral...)

Leaning on the window frame as he put his arms on it, Kazuma viewed the Cathedral while biting his thumb.

What would be the best way to get it there? Be it waking or sleeping, he had only been thinking about it.

Since it had come to that, he found out signs of tenacity within himself. It was the first time for him to experience obsession.

"What are you looking at~?"

From behind, Trinity's gentle voice could be heard. Kazuma turned around quite smoothly.

"Just the outside. I thought the weather is nice."

While answering Trinity's gentle smiling face with forced smile, Kazuma secretly took a breath.

Was it the usual and same normal attitude from her? That thought made him worried.

Terumi's words resounded in his mind.

——That woman is monitoring you, ain't it?

(Trinity-san is monitoring... me...?)

If that's the case, the greeting just now might be a part of the monitoring.

It was like there was another face underneath his face. While showing a smile that appeared on the surface of his face, underneath it was a face that kept attention to Trinity's every movement like he mustn't overlook even a slight fault.

"It seems so. The weather is nice that it brightens the mood~."

"Yes, exactly."

His mouth fluently let out cheap words. Despite that the inside of his chest was filled with suspicion, he weaved conversation like he was the same friend as he had been until yesterday.

Not showing any sign of doubt toward Kazuma's distrust, Trinity pulled her chin a bit and straightened herself again.

"Umm, Kazuma-san. Today, after this, do you have any plan?"


While putting a casual voice, Kazuma secretly frowned beneath his bangs.

Why was Trinity minding about his plan? The snake of suspicion, which had been coiling on the bottom of his stomach, raised its head.

"No, I don't have any particular plan. I'm just going to return to the dorm."

He didn't actually have any plan, but he answered carefully to not give even a slight chance.

But Trinity turned shy while looking delighted, and then she narrowed her clear green eyes.

"If so, is it okay if I invite you?"


It was unexpected words. Kazuma couldn't keep up in understanding it and asked again in dull tone of voice.

Trinity's shoulders shook as she chuckled. Even now, her soft laughing voice was like fragrance of sugar and flowers drifting about.

"Like I said, it's an invitation. If you don’t mind, Can we have a tea together?"

"By tea... Are you inviting me to drink tea?"


Trinity nodded gently.

As for Kazuma, he couldn't give a reply while his eyes wandered around.

He couldn't make sure of Trinity's true intention. He could follow as much as listening for the plans of the monitoring target. But as for the extent after that, there shouldn't be any significance unless she restricted the target's freedom. If she didn't do so, then she wouldn't be able to investigate where the monitoring target was going and what he did.

No. Trinity's monitoring was probably not to investigate Kazuma's action, but might be to restrain Kazuma's action. If that was the case...

"Umm, are you unwilling to accept it?"

As Trinity's voice suddenly heard, Kazuma hurriedly made a smiling face.

It was plainly suspicious to refuse the tea invitation immediately after replying he had no plan.

Kazuma quickly shook his head.

"No, absolutely not. I was just a bit surprised. It's because I never considered receiving tea invitation from someone like Trinity Glassfield-san."

"Fufu. Actually, me too."

With the hand that wasn't holding her bag, Trinity touched her cheek which was like dyed in light pink color.

"I felt a little nervous to invite a man, even if he's a friend."

"What do you... mean by that?"

As he expected, he couldn’t grasp her intention. Toward Kazuma who inadvertently had questioning look, this time, Trinity put the hand which had been on her cheek to her mouth and let out a short laugh.

"It's a secret~."

"Secret? But..."

"Okay then. Now that it has been decided, let us go. The other two should have already gone ahead."

With sweet fragrance drifting about, Trinity tenderly held Kazuma's hand. He got pulled with her still urging him.

"Wha-, wait, Trinity-san...?"

Even when he raised a confused voice, Trinity only gave cheerful smile.

He could escape if he shook off her hand. Such option came to his mind, but he couldn't do it.

Suddenly, they faced the entrance after getting down on the stairs. While doing it, Kazuma frowned because of a question which was different from the questions he had so far.

Just now, did Trinity say... 'the other two'?

"So... Why am I here..."

After his mind finally calming down again, Kazuma showed a stiff smile while feeling compelled to complain.

Trinity dragged Kazuma's arm and brought him to a solitary café which was just next from the main street of the island.

The store had charming appearance with bricks decorated on a white wall. The entrance's surroundings had a numbers of planters which were planted with colorful flowers lined up there. Identical, the interior also had white walls irregular brick-like tiles as ornaments; the area by the windows enshrined brightly colored potted flowers.

The guests and employees in the store were nothing but females. Kazuma was the only exception there.

"Why you say? Isn't it because I took you here?"

While putting a sugar cube to a royal milk tea that was full of milk in front of Kazuma, Trinity gently smiled.

There were two other persons beside Kazuma who encircled a round table along with her.

On the Kazuma's left side Kazuma was a person who had a huge smile seeing her caramel and nuts cake and lemon tea, Celica.

On the right side, Nine was sitting with a chocolate cake, which looked sweet just by looking at it, and a hot coffee which was placed beside the cake.

The expected appearance of the 'having tea' was exactly what Kazuma feared as a sensitive atmosphere was flowing about.

By the way, there was a dish of rare cheese cake beside Trinity's royal milk tea; but in front of Kazuma, there was a straight and baked cheese cake placed.

"No, not about that. Err... Why did I get invited to drink tea with Trinity-san and the others?"

It felt too extreme even for saying it was out of place. If it wasn't an invitation from Trinity, he would suspect it as a tasteless harassment.

While stirring her lightly colored black tea with a spoon, Trinity meekly smiled.

"Since Kazuma-san looked down recently, I thought for having a change of pace~. I don't know what man would prefer, so I'm sorry if you don't like joining our hobby..."

"Just... that?"

Smoldering suspicion made Kazuma asked again.

Trinity put her fingers on her cheeks and thought a little.

"After that... I thought that if having a tasty cake would be nice. Ah. Perhaps this is bothering you?"

"N-Not that. Ha, haha..."

As if Trinity's worried face suddenly noticed, Kazuma laughed to cover it up.

(Only worried...? It mustn't only just that.)

Trinity was supposed to monitor Kazuma. Probably at the instruction from Nine.

But as if relieved by Kazuma's answer, there was affection showed in Trinity's relaxed eyes which was unthinkable to direct it to her monitoring target.

Trinity was always gentle. Not only Kazuma, everyone who knew her must be feeling it. It was unimaginable to think there was lie in her affection. ...He didn't want to consider about it if he could.


Terumi had told him.

Couldn't comprehend it, Kazuma put his spoon and stirred the light brown liquid of his black tea even though no sugar had been put there.

Suddenly that hand stiffened.

Beyond his gaze as he inadvertently raised it, Nine's fingers, which were beautiful to the nails, were hooked to a small handle. Without even a slight hesitation, she raised the milk pitcher for her coffee to the sky and slowly turned it upside down in one go, pouring the milk into her cup down to the last drop.

And then one-by-one, she dropped the sugar cubes which were provided on the table. The contents of the bowl that had sugars decreased in a blink of eye.


Unintentionally, the confusion went out as a voice.

As much to say that Nine didn't speak with friendly voice, she gave a sharp gaze to Kazuma.


"Oh, no. That..."

Any answer would be good. When Kazuma's mouth got stiffened as he desperately thought something, Celica called a passing waitress.

"Excuse me, can I have gum syrup?"

"Ah, yes. I'll get it right away."

Kazuma was at loss with words.

Without any resistance, the female waitress brought a small pitcher filled with gum syrup. Naturally it was placed in front of Nine; and naturally, Nine put it into her coffee.

Not a single drop remained of course.

Presently, the coffee inside her white cup had been transformed into something murky white with sweet aroma oozed; the water level went up to the rim, almost spilling.

Like it wouldn't get spilled, Nine stirred it with a spoon.


Kazuma slowly put his hand on his mouth.

It didn't mean that Kazuma disliked sweets. However, this was an exception. It was a story of another world.

Celica cheerfully laughed when she discovered that Kazuma got solidified by Nine's shocking behavior.

"Ahaha. Surprised? Onee-chan unexpectedly got a sweet tooth."

"Sweet tooth..."

Kazuma got very uneasy when he thought whether it was okay to dismiss it with those words. But he thought that he should stop arguing about that here as he had no ally in this.

Celica being the obvious, together with Trinity, and even the waitress who brought gum syrup, they accepted it because it was a common scene.

"This particular amount should be normal. Don't worry, I'm doing it properly."

Nine spoke as if nothing happened, all while raising the cup with astonishing sense of balance.

(It's absolutely not normal! There's no meaning if the coffee's flavor is gone, isn't it!)

As he endured his desire to let his voice out, Kazuma could only give a feeble smile.

Trinity added a few words as if to deliver the final blow.

"When Nine's feeling tired, she would drink things like gum syrup directly, you know. When she had done so, she said her head got properly working~."

"...Haa, my head..."

He couldn't comprehend what a genius could do. Kazuma came to that conclusion in his innermost thought.

"See, rather than the dorm, Onee-chan and I live in a house on the island. The house is in this neighborhood. That's why we often come here on the way back from academy just to have tea. Since we do it each time, we got known by the people of this shop."

Seemingly enjoying it, Celica, while wryly smiling, bent herself toward Kazuma and looked at him like as it was a secret talk.

Kazuma backed out about twice the distance she approached him.

"O... ooh. I-I see."

Almost reflexively, he averted his eyes. He wasn't very good to have his eyes stared.

Besides, it might be his feeling, but since the time Celica was sitting beside him, indescribable fear assaulted him. As discomfort crawled from his spine to the back of his neck, he could feel nausea just by swallowing his saliva.

Of course, it wasn't because of what had been done to Nine's coffee.

Not noticing Kazuma's bad shape, Celica pierced a fork to her cake and stuff her cheek with a mouthful bite. Firmly closing her eyes and grasped the fork tightly, she groaned happily.

"Mmm~, delicious. Kazuma-san should also eat it, c'mon. The cake and black tea is reaaaaally tasty."

Toward Kazuma who wasn't having his black tea or cake, Celica urged him with sparkling eyes.

Beside her, Trinity wrapped her cheeks with both of her hands and was taken aback as she looked at Kazuma.

"Could it be~, you dislike sweet food? My apologies~."

"No, not at all. I like it. I was just puzzled by the situation just now... I'll eat now, then."

Kazuma smiled while controlling the feeling of exhaustion that would make him collapse. Hooking his fingers to his cup, he drank the black tea that had its refined aroma rising.

It surely must have tasted good.

But on Kazuma's surroundings, there were three people. Nine who held a drink that he wasn't sure if it's okay to call it coffee anymore while looking at his direction with sharp eyes. Celica who strangely made him felt sick just by being near her. And Trinity who was possibly monitoring him.

As he was 'having tea' while being surrounded by them, it was like he didn't have the proper feeling to enjoy the black tea's taste. The poor quality black tea he drank in his room was very much more relaxing.

(Really, how did this come to happen...)

In the present time of this baffling situation, Kazuma didn't even know what kind of expression would be good to make.

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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