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In Toori's words, Neshinbara replied,
In Toori's words, Neshinbara replied,
"You mean that? Last wagon sale we bought up all the stocks of that IZUMO-brand educational game titled, "''Essential Communication Skills for Lonely People - Make 100 Friends in 1 Week!''", and then sent all the packages in a whole box to the King's house, right? And then we put a message with it, which I wrote for all us, "''Since your highness is distressedly friendless, please think of this as your friend. ---From all of Musashi students.''". I see. That's what 'his friend' the king was talking about."
"You mean that? Last wagon sale we bought up all the stocks of that IZUMO-brand mind-training game titled, "''Essential Communication Skills for Lonely People - Make 100 Friends in 1 Week!''", and then sent all the packages in a whole box to the King's house, right? And then we put a message with it, which I wrote for all us, "''Since your highness is distressedly friendless, please think of this as your friend. ---From all of Musashi students.''". I see. That's what 'his friend' the king was talking about."
"...So it was all your fault that these last few days my wife has been making a worried face everytime she looks at me!!"
"...So it was all your fault that these last few days my wife has been making a worried face everytime she looks at me!!"

Revision as of 22:09, 13 November 2011

Horizon1A 159.jpg

Having an idea of what's wrong,

but having no idea of what to do.

Point Allocation (Decisiveness)

Two figures stood in front of the classroom with a 3-Plum signboard hanging above the door.

A middle-aged man and a young man.

The middle-aged man is dressed in white-tights and a significantly extra large jacket decorated with gold. A crown is perched on top of his head. Around his right arm fastened an armband bearing the emblem of Testament Union with embroidered words, "Musashi King and Vice President".

The slender young man next to him, donned in Murashi Ariadust uniform for male students, was lugging a traveler's bag with his left hand.

The young man looked at his companion. After redirecting his gaze to the door before them, he spoke,

"She said she'll be back right away, but she sure is quite late, Yoshinao-kyoutou[1E 1]."

"Indeed. These commoners should learn the manners of not keeping our crowned prince waiting."

Yoshinao faced the young man with the name tag, "Azuma".

"This is preposterous. I can't believe they are throwing you into this kinda of class upon your return to Academy after a long time of absence. The President sure is quite imprudent."

"No, this is the best conclusion in pursuant with law. Also, I'm not a crowned prince anymore..."

You've got to be kidding, Yoshinao replied.

"Although the Testament Union had sealed your powers as they ordered and even stripped your political authorities, it still doesn't change the fact that you are the son of the emperor. Honestly, a celebrity king like me[1E 2], who was dispatched by the Testament Union from Hexagon Francoise, is quite delighted by your return."

Uh-huh, nodded Azuma. Yoshinao continued,

"However, you can't refute the coldness of Musashi citizens. To prove that, no one came to pick you up on the day of your arrival besides myself."

"Ah, no. The Testament Union figured it might turn into a commotion if they let Musashi know of my exact arrival time, that's why I came here in an express plane. And I actually prefer this way. No ruckus. Everything going smoothly."

"You're very kind, Azuma-dono. Covering up for your people."

Yoshinao folded his arms, nodding in satisfaction.

Yoshinao is not originally from Musashi. He was used to be a land proprietor somewhere in the outskirt of Hexagon Francoise. His ability was recognized by his locals, so he was chosen by the Union to become Musashi King for a certain deal.

...Still, I came here shouldering a very big responsibility. Why? Because right now--

1648, the present year, the world currently has no established international organization because nothing like that was written in the Testament. However, solidarity between countries is absolutely necessary after the collapse of Harmonic Divine States.

For that very reason was the Testament Union founded, a religious meeting that has always been held since old days in Europe.

Whenever a holding of religious conference was stated in history, the representative of each nation in the Union uses that opportunity to gather together, exchange opinions and makes some adjustments. Other than that times, they also make sure to keep in touch with each other as nation branches conduct their businesses.

In short, this is how they established an artificial international organization, albeit restrained by various conditions.

The Board of Education that dispatches teachers are actually associated with the nation's branches.

...And people sometimes refers to it as Board of Education Union.

The Far East's Board of Education had dispatched Yoshinao to Musashi to act as supervisor. 160 years since the end of the Unification War, in order to circumvent political and military suppression, a King was delegated by the Testament Union to supervise Musashi's administration and management instead.

Since the Musashi King has a power over the Chancellor's Board and Student Council, as well as right over Musashi, without Yoshinao's approval, administration and management in Musashi wouldn't function properly.

Therefore, Yoshinao thinks of himself as "The Director of Peace and Order".

"Yet, everyone doesn't give me even a tiny bit of respect."

"W-What's wrong, vice president?"

"Ah, it's nothing", Yoshinao rendered the words he accidentally let slipped inconsequential.

Ever since Yoshinao came here in Musashi, he has no recalling of students treating him with respect. Especially that particular Chancellor who always makes fun of him by calling him "Maro".

...Only Maro(myself) can call Maro(me), Maro! (T/L refer to note 2)

This is all the Far East's Board of Education's fault!, he thought to himself.

The nation's branches were liable to act in their own accords because the Testament Union couldn't arrange a periodical meeting. Far East's branch is in Izumo, which is under the jurisdiction of the guidance committee, so the dispatch order came in from there, but...

...They are overlooking a very serious situation!

Azuma, the son of the emperor just came back, and they won't let us inside the classroom. The door is kept shut, and a voice of the advising teacher inside just said, "Give me a few minutes!".

Five minutes has passed and it's still like this. What the two could make are whispers of students coming beyond the classroom, like,

"S-Sensei don't exert too much force there. Ah, see? the hole just got bigger. At this rate, we'll be unable to cover it."

"Careful Heidee! That part with a crotch impression, don't touch it with a bare hand or you'll get contaminated!"

"But if I don't, the support will... Eww, gross. What's this sticky liquid dripping from the bottom of the paper?"

"What the hell are you all doing----!!!"

Hearing that, Yoshinao immediately swung the door open. What appeared before his eyes is a figure of a naked man, standing upright with both fists thrusting upwards towards the ceiling.


Yoshinao shut the door in reflex.

Azuma beside him is making a "Eh? Eh?" face, wondering what was wrong with Yoshinao.

"Wh-What's the matter, Vice President!? Is something wrong!?"

Yoshinao, with back pressed on the door, shook his head.

"I-It's nothing, Azuma-kun! Yeah, it's nothing!"

And then they heard blows as if a palm is striking the door from inside the classroom.

"Heeey Marooo! That was you right!? Why are you staying there? Why don't you come inside if you want to come in! No one here really hates you. In fact, nobody actually cares."

"Hey, Toori! Will you quit strip-dancing over there and give us a hand here?"

"Ah Teach. Maro is just right outside and won't come in. It seems he's getting embarassed. But I guess that couldn't be helped. He doesn't know what to do in this kind of situation. That Maro, he loves cosplaying as the king in a playing cards, because of that he has trouble making friends. Hey, everyone! Next time you see Maro reading a manga in one corner giggling silently by himself, don't be afraid to talk to him, alright?"

...That brat... I swear I'll lynch him someday!

Yoshinao faced his companion. Azuma is looking up to his face, flabbergasted. Realizing the situation, Yoshinao flusteredly said,

"R-Rest assured. I do have someone I can call a friend."

From inside the classroom, Toori's voice said,

"Oh, that's right. Guess I was worrying for nothing. Maro has at least a friend right, Neshinbara?"


That's right. As expected of this Academy's Chancellor, you know things well.

In Toori's words, Neshinbara replied,

"You mean that? Last wagon sale we bought up all the stocks of that IZUMO-brand mind-training game titled, "Essential Communication Skills for Lonely People - Make 100 Friends in 1 Week!", and then sent all the packages in a whole box to the King's house, right? And then we put a message with it, which I wrote for all us, "Since your highness is distressedly friendless, please think of this as your friend. ---From all of Musashi students.". I see. That's what 'his friend' the king was talking about."

"...So it was all your fault that these last few days my wife has been making a worried face everytime she looks at me!!"

Yoshinao, enraged, swung the door open once again.

The naked body is there no more, but a female teacher.

The beaming female teacher, Oriotorai said,

"Ah, King-sama. I'm really sorry but we're not finished cleaning up yet."

"Eh? No, listen here."

Yoshinao directed his gaze beyond Oriotorai's back, to the wall near the window.

"I think I saw a human-shaped hole over there and someone was gluing a paper over it as if like..."

The door was suddenly closed. From inside the classroom, came immediately the voice,

"Everyone! We seriously need to hurry up! The king is starting to grow suspicious of us. That guy, he is surprisingly sharp about small details."

"Teach! Teach! That hole is not small at all! But whatever. Listen everyone!"

That was Toori's voice.

Translator's notes and references

  1. honorifics used when addressing Vice-Principals.
  2. Yoshinao refers to himself as Maro. Maro is an ancient form of "I". Whenever he uses pronouns like "I", "Me", "Myself", he always use Maro.