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===Chapter 4: The Two Knight Corps===
===Chapter 4: The Two Knight Corps===
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“Hey, you over there!”
“Hey, you over there!”
‘Huh?’, Saito
‘Huh?’, Saito openly thought, as the guard shuffled over and put his hand on Derflinger.
“What kind of backwater town are you from?! I cannot forgive anyone who openly carries a weapon in this city!”
The bearer of the sword appeared to be a commoner, thought the guard. With a pompous attitude, the guard grabbed Derflinger off Saito’s back and threw it on the ground.
“Wh-what the hell are you doing?!”
Just then, the guard noticed Saito’s mantle.
“What the hell? Are you a noble? Still, what is the big idea walking by us carrying a sword? What is with the northern countries that commoners are allowed to prance around acting like nobles? This is blasphemous to God!”
Saito started to voice his complaint, but Derflinger popped out of its scabbard and beat him to it.
“Hey! What’s the deal with throwing a person – no, a sword onto the ground!”
“What is this, an intelligent sword? Whatever the reason, carrying it is not allowed. You should put it in your bag or load it on your horse…in any case, get over here. You look suspicious.”
Still, Derflinger continued bombarding the guards.
“Shut up, you dolts! Guarding your cursed house of frothy prayers!”
“…house of frothy prayers, you say?”
‘Oh boy, Saito thought, holding his head. Sorry from the extra trouble caused, Saito hurriedly grabbed Derflinger to shut him up. The fuming sword clattered about, making it quite difficult to keep it in the scabbard. As Saito finally pinned it inside the scabbard, it seemed to finally cool down a bit.
“Hey, how many times have I told you! Instead of being so offensive, you really should come up with nicer ways of naming things.”
“…how dare this sword! Insulting Romalia’s guards equates to insulting God and Founder Brimir!”
“Can it, greenhorn. What do you claim to know about Brimir? You’d best be quick to apologize and then run along to chant your prayers.”
With cries of ‘What!’ and ‘Unforgivable!’, the guards grabbed the hilt of Derflinger.
“Hey, what are you doing!”
Saito rushed to stop them.
“Demon! Time to turn you into a lump of smoldering iron!”
“Interesting! Let’s see you try it!”
“Stop it!”
It had turned into a scuffle. Louise and the others watched over it with a dazed expression. Because of some unnecessary words, the resulting scuffle turned into a very bad situation, they decided.
But, it seemed like they were destined for trouble anyways. Saito had unfortunately flung the vigorous guards away.
“Wah! I’m sorry!”
“You think sorry is going to cut it?! You have just used force on the servants of God and the Founder! We shall halt this blasphemy here! …Men! Come out and stop these suspicious individuals!”
At those words, many guards flooded out of a small area.
“This may be related to the incident! Seize them!”
Their hands grasped at their holy items. Seeing their holy wands, Kirche said,
“Uh oh. These guys are Paladins.”
Tabitha responded to her words.
Blowing a whistle, Sylphid dropped down from the sky. Tabitha and Kirche jumped on its back. Tabitha then cast ‘Leviation’ on the panicky, confused Tiffania, lifting her onto Sylphid’s back.
Only Louise was left standing in front of the Paladins.
“What is this!?”
Louise ruffled her pink hair and shouted directly at the Paladins.
“We are the Tristainian government! Currently, we are heading towards Her Majesty, Queen Henrietta, who is staying in this country! Laying a hand on us will be a significant breach of diplomacy! Do you understand?”
The Paladins looked at each other.
“…Her Majesty, Queen Henrietta?”
“Did you not receive this information?”
‘Uh oh.’ Louise thought as her face paled. Come to think of it, Henrietta’s visit had been undercover. Although the upper echelon of the government may have known, there were many of the lower-ranked guards that wouldn’t know.
“Bastards…, going as far as using the name of the queen of Tristain…, this is looking more and more suspicious.
“You have done plenty to invoke the judgment of the church. Prepare yourselves!”
Kirche picked up the panicking Louise into her arms.
“Jean, Guiche, everyone, you guys follow us with ‘Fly’. Saito! Come here and hop on!”
Grasping tightly onto Derflinger, Saito jumped towards the ascending Sylphid. Springing through the air, he skillfully caught Sylphid’s leg.
Letting out a short cry, Sylphid accelerated upwards. Colbert and the rest of the Knights of the Ondine quickly cast ‘Fly”, chasing after Sylphid.
“The heretics are escaping! After them!”
From the small building, horses quickly emerged, sprouting wings as they flew up. The Paladins mounted the horses and chased after Saito and the others, who had just raised their heresy level with further blasphemy.
Looking at the horses, Louise shouted.
“It’s Pegasi!”
Native to the area of Romalia, the winged, holy horse, Pegasus, was the steed of the Paladin. Glimmering with radiant white light, they steadily drew closer and closer.
Normally, the flying speed of a Pegasus was comparable to that of a wind dragon…, but Sylphid wasn’t escaping at full speed.
“The ones using the ‘Fly’ spell can’t escape at this rate…”
Catching Kirche’s words, Saito drew close to her.
“Hey, Kirche! How are we going to get away?! We’ve got ourselves into a lot of unnecessary trouble!”
Kirche brushed her hair up and glared at the ‘one who started it’.
“Don’t you know how frightening the ‘Paladin’ are? That if they decide that someone is ‘blasphemous’, it is not a trivial thing? They can informally conduct the judgment of the church and cut down anyone they see fit.”
The color drained from Saito’s face.
He was reminded of a ruckus between himself and Beatrice. Looking backwards, Tiffania was trembling. Most likely because of hearing the words "judgment of the church", it refreshed her of the ruckus caused by her ears a little while ago.
Viewing the streets of Romalia from sky high, it seemed to be divided into strict districts like a checkerboard. No matter whichever district it was, a beautifully carved tower standing over the heads of other buildings, standing ever so proudly.
"Seriously, insulting the clergymen in this place full of churches is the last thing you would ever want to do. At least consider about it throughoutly before doing so."
Hearing Kirche say so, Saito stared at the Derflinger in his hands
"Oi, you big mouthed sword. Go and reflect yourself"
Derflinger replied unwillingly
"It's not fair, all the time sitting in the sheath has made me very agitated. But most important of all is that I hate this country. The man who founded this country named '''Feisadic(弗爾薩迪)''', I abhor him!"
"These anicent things just forget it! Because of you, you've already caused me enough trouble already!"
Hearing Saito's scolding, Derflinger returned into the scabbared, slightly chattering, as if it really was reflecting on itself.
Looking backwards at the Ondine Knights, they were almost flying irratically, like an airplane in turbulance. They were tired. The "flying" spell isn't designed for long distance journeys, since it requires great concentration.
"At their limit"
Kirche described calmly. Tabitha below raised her staff and pointed to somewhere.
Kirche nodded her head. Understanding Tabitha's intention, Slipheed started diving.
"W-what are you thinking! Why should we ever land!"
"To use that bar as a defense"
Louise and Saito roared in unison.
"You give me another choice, genius. We can't escape any longer, being caught is that last thing you'd ever want. If this goes on, a fight is going to break out anyhow. Better do it in a tavern since there's usually no one at daytime."
Slipheed accurately arrived at the targeted street. The pedestrians were so surprised at the sudden Wind dragon, they all fled. Kirche jumped off Slipheed, and kicked open the tavern's door.
Unwary of the trouble about to be bestowed on him, the bar owner welcomed them with a warm smile and a "How may I serve you". Kirche took a rough glance inside the inn. As expected, there were not many customers to speak of. Only a man dressed like a clergyman sat at with bartender.
It's common sense in Romalia not to drink wine in broad daylight, who would otherwise be treated as non-believers. Even if anyone wanted to, they would have done it in secrecy at home. Kirche relaxed. The less involved, the better.
"What would you like to order, miss"
Seeing noble customers, the owner of the inn came and asked, rubbing his hands gleefully.
"Today, I'll take this inn."
The dumbfounded shopkeeper looked at the unending line of nobles walking in, so shocked that his eyes could have dropped out.
"What, What is this?"
Kirche did not answer, she was scratching over a check with a pen, and placed it in the hands of the owner.
"That, that much!"
"It may be not enough, when the time comes, don't hesitate to ask for more"
"Ye-Yes! Although, what are you planning to do? Is it a party?"
"More or less, although the fireworks would go a bit wild, I hope you wouldn't mind, would you?"
The owner turned around. Tabitha was instructing the Ondine Knights how to make a fortress out of chairs and tables.
"Whoa! Wait, wait! You people! What is this! Waa!"
The shopkeeper's complaints were drowned by the sound of windows shattering. The guards outside were already in formation and casting spells.
"Uwha! What's going on! What is this! Ah, holy knights!"
As soon as the shopkeeper saw the pure white cape stitched with a holy cross, he legs turned jelly.
"You, You, who are you!"
Kirche pitied the poor guy
"Get down. It's dangerous"
Saito dragged the Tiffania trembling like never before into the tavern and let her sit down. Tiffania hugged herself as if attempting to use the academy's dress and her large brests to conceal herself, sitting down in a corner still like a statue.
"It's going to be alright. No matter what happens I will protect you. Besides, it seems like I'm at fault as well, so sorry"
Tiffania nodded her head, still shaking. Saito put his hand on Derflinger. Outside of the shattered windows, a solemn line of Holy Knights stood proudly.
The Ondine Water Spirit knights made a cover under the windows using chairs and tables, standing off with their wands. Tabitha and Kirche made commands lacking details. They had already turned into something like a commander and vice-commander.
The only customer here, they offered him to leave due to obvious reasons, but to everyone's surprise, he turned down that offer with a smile.
"There's no food better than this" and drank down the red wine in one gulp.
Colbert silently observed the Holy Knights' actions from a crack through a table. Normally, he would be the one trying to stop this brutal fight, but this time he didn't mention a single complaint to Kirche. Saito, observing Colbert transitioning from being calm to being realistic in this situation, concluded that it may be a brutal fight, but is the correct decision.
IN comparison, Guiche, Captain of Ondine Knights, kept mumbling "How did it turn into this[[User:Wildk|Wildk]]" and knelt on the floor covering his head like an ostrich.
Louise's body seemed to shake with fury over something. It wouldn't matter what words were used to comfort her. Louise with an extrememly high dignity just can't stand an insult through being mistaken and treated like a criminal.
Saito huffed and puffed, taking a break next to Kirche and Tabitha.
"Now what?"
Kirche laughed
"Alright! Every one of the brave knights here, Let me describe the plan today"
Everyone held their breaths, waiting anxiously for Kirche to name their position and objective.
"Try and stall as much time as possible"
"That-That's it?"
Kirche nodded.
"Right. As long as we buy time here, the news of a riot will be delievered to the Pope eventually. Do you think Queen Henrietta wouldn't have noticed by then?"
"Wow, how much patience do we need"
Guiche voiced his thoughts, stunned
"Is that so? You could always go outside and surrender to the Knight's trial, you know. We are all guilty of insulting an official. I wouldn't want to be taken and be beheaded or whatever."
Saito, then said with determination.
"Me and Derflinger are the only ones who insulted them. I'll go alone."
Louise cried running towards Saito.
"Don't! If you're going, I'm coming with you"
She bowed her head with embarrasment.
"You are my familiar. Your responsibility is also mine. Therefore I'm also going with you"
Saito looked at Louise emotionally
Louise blushed.
"A-as a master, I have my responsibilities. That's why, I won't allow you to go"
"I won't"
Grateful to the core, Saito hugged Louise. Letting herself drown in this emotional conversation, Louise also hugged him back redfaced.
"Be-because master and a familiar is together as one."
"I understand. I understand"
"Hey, do these things somewhere else"
A Malicorne frowning so hard that he looks as if he was 50 years older pulled them apart. The two just now tightly embracing each other was red to the core.
Kirche complained
"No matter what you said, it just won't work"
"Also, if we let you go out by yourself, it would hurt our reputation, wouldn't it?"
Malicorne flicked his thumb up with a snap. Malicorne's words seemed to be an infection to the other Ondine Knights, all saying "That's right, that's right!"
"Basically, I hate Romalian clerks"
"The Crusaders are cruel and only knows how to brag! I've already wanted them to get a taste of who is the real hero around for a long time!"
These dangerous words echoed throughout the tavern. Looks like it really came from the bottom of their hearts.
Whatever they say, nobles of Halkeginia just love getting involved in these conflicts. Saito shook his head shrugging.
"Huh. What's with whoever's God. Since ancient times, isn't it because of God's existance we've been having all these wars?"
Thinking of the Histories lessons he'd been in, Saito said.
Different religions, because of just this reason, have caused countless battles on Earth. Unfortunately, because everyone was saying things out from the bottom of their, which they wouldn't have otherwise dared to talk about.
That is, except for one person.
It's the sole customer sitting calmly in a chair despite all the commotion. That hat on his head was wide and low, covering his face. After hearing Saito's claim, he laughed, then used a pelicular voice and spoke
"That was really some interesting things you've said"
"Is that so? Well, it's going to be really dangerous here soon, so it would be better if you leave. Sorry to cause you all the trouble!"
"Nah, let me stay and watch"
What a pelicular person, but now was not the time to think about this.
Saito looked outside again behind the crudely made defense.
"Hmm, those guys still haven't attacked so far"
Kirche observed. Since the Crusaders have broken the windows, they didn't move an inch at all. Looks like they only broke the windows to understand the situation inside.
Another few moments of standing off each other passed. A crusader walked out from the surrounding formation. He experssion was incredibly irritating to anyone who saw it, and shook his head two or three times, as if disgusted with the whole incident. While he walked, Saito voiced his thoughts.
"He looks like Guiche in somewhat way"
"Please don't compare me with him"
His face is a combination of a handsome one but with long black hair like what a gentle person would have. His black hair spilt cleanly into left and right straight down from his forehead, dangling on both sides.
The man gave a polite bow and called out softly to the people taking defensive actions inside the inn
"I am the captain of the Crusaders representing Alieste monastery, Carlo '''Halksidic Arnold 加爾羅克里斯狄亞諾特倫博迪諾)'''. To everyone one within the tavern, you have been completely surrounded. Being the humble servants of God and our Ancestors, I dislike pointless battles. Therefore, are you willing to honestly surrender?"
"We will gladly do so if you can ensure our safety"
Kirche bargained.
"Despite I really want to do so, but right now we are handling another case and has accepted an order to arrest every suspicious person and put them up for trial. If you can prove your innocence to God, Then we can discuss further details."
The Ondine Water Spirit Knights yelled out loudly, complaining. They know thoroughtly the so called trial is just a abbreviation for your sentence for your "crimes".
"We are not heretics!"
"Real nobles from Tristain!"
"If you are nobles from Tristain, then accept your trial like a noble. There is nothing wrong with using your body to prove your innocence. If you can't do that, then we have no choice but to treat you like one."
"Go ask Pope his holiness! We're Romalian guests!"
Hearing Saito's raged yells, the Crusader named Carlo laid out his hands in a carefree way. A man looking like he would be of rank vice-captain came forward and whispered somethign in his ears.
"Since you are so stubborn about standing down, looks like we must trial you no matter what. How unfortunate, to bleed unnecessary blood today, to cast unnecessary magic. Ho ho, perhaps is a training given from God."
Carlo lifted the holy cross hanging from his chest and magically stuck it to his forehead. With that done, his beautiful and gentle face turned into one with a strong scent of firece cruelty.
"Crusaders! As believers and servants of God and Founder Brimir, eliminate the heretics!"
Magic densed around the crusaders.
Carlo stood with his back facing Saito and the others. Excatly like a conductor of an orchestra of spells.
The environment inside the tavern was very tense.
Tabitha displayed her side of anxiety, one rarely seen, and gave specific orders to the Ondine Knights.
"Expand Air Shields. The more the better. Now."
Without hesitation, the Ondine Water Spirit Knights chanted spells, creating air shields in front of the tavern.
At the same time, the Crusaders have finished their spells.
Each of them held their respective wands out. Dragons in scales of flames slithered out from the tip of their wands, entangling together multiple times, and took shape as one giant single dragon.
"What is that!"
"Chorus of Praise. The spell Crusaders are most adapt in. Tricky"
Tabitha replied.
Once time, Henrietta and the corspe of Prince Wales made a hexagonal star combination spell. This was very similar in make, only those who can endure vomiting blood and have gone under tough training, like the Crusaders here, are able to perform this miracle like spell.
"They're really trying to shoot that into the shop!"
Before Saito even ended his yells, the dragon on flames have already began it's assault on the tavern.
Everyone inside the inn curled up fearfully.
A fortunate thing is that the dozen layers of air shields have lived up to their purposes, diminishing the power of the flaming dragon. Still, the Ondine Knights expanded a few more air shields in front, like the saying, it never hurts to do more than less.
Of course, the one who eventually killed the creature was Tabitha. Standing up swiftly, she unleased a spell chanted already in preparation.
Glittering ice particles started to orbit around Tabitha, releasing a blinding lime light.
Ice storm
Tabitha's ice storm enwrapped the firery dragon.
All the people around couldn't care less about the steam generated. When the mist has disappeared, seeing Tabitha still standing there heroically, every single soul in the Tavern cheered.
To their disappointment, Tabitha then said
"Out of energy. Take care of the rest"
Then went to the back of the inn.
Gulp. The Ondine Water Spirit Knights couldn't help but swallow their own saliva. Tabitha's powerful magic cannot be used anymore, which would, in other words, mean that they have to get through this on their own.
Unexpecting their magic disintegrating, the faces of the Crusaders changed.
"Hmm, even in the standards of heretics, they are doing pretty good."
Carlo casted his next spell smiling.
Since a spell in the fire field was easily defeated, the next spell would be of water type. As the chant continues, the ice arrows began to increase.
Annnd, the defense used respectively for the couple hundred ice arrows was nothing else other than Colbert's fire magic.
No difference from his average attire from giving a lecture, Colbert calmly sang out magic, generating a fire snake comparable to the size of the now evaporated fire dragon.
As sudden as anyone would be seeing a flaming snake swallowing arrows of ice, it vanished. Only a few left out arrows punctured the table deep. With that, the Crusader's attack have ended.
But, Colbert also looked like he will be unable to cast anymore spells for quite a while. Scratching his balding head,
"Everyone, I'll leave the next spell to you guys" and went to the back of the inn as well.
On the streets a bunch of people have already gathered jeering and cheering. Obviously, seeing the bossy Crusaders usually threatening people in "the name of the Pope", in trouble is something you just can't miss.
Huh! Carlo twisted his face.
"Huhhuh, damn, second time"
The next is going to be even more powerful, the students whispered to each other.
Saito tapped Louise's shoulders.
"It's time, Louise"
Kirche, Tabitha and Colbert all turned towards Louise. They all know that Louise is the legendary void user.
The ace of everyone here, void.
A magic only the Founder could use, of type zero.
Though the Ondine Knights may not know of Louise's background, on the other hand, they Do know of the potentiall lethal damages she is capable of. Which explains why they all glanced at Louise expecting something from her.
"Please blow all those guys away! Until then, we will defend this place with our lives!"
The next spell the Crusaders were chanting is of wind magic.
The irratic gust may not be as powerful as the hexagonal star combination, but the power it contains should not be neglected either.
"I'll block it!"
Saito ran forward carrying Derflinger. The harsh gust of wind is being absorbed into Derflinger. Saito then turned back and yelled
"Louise! Now! Blow those guys away!"
Louise chanted the spell tensely.
Waving her wand, the explosion went off.
Pang! Accompanying the harmless pop, the blast only dented the ground in front of the Crusaders a little bit inwards.
"That's it?" Saito thought, his brain taking a break from blocking the fierce winds.
Louise also looked stunned at the damage done by her spell.
Kirche nodded her head heavily.
"Ahh, I take that you're feeling very happy right now?"
A shudder was sent down Louise's spine.
"The way your system works is by conserving a lot of energy, no? Must need some emotions like anger or jealousy or whatever, but recently you haven't been going through much of either, have you?"
"D-d-did not, that kind of thing"
Louise twisted around hang her head embarrasingly. Saito who started to be unable to withstand the fierce winds bumped onto her.
Saito and Louise flew backwards inside the tavern. Though Derflinger may have absorbed a lot of the wind, it was still more than enough to damage the defenses construted from tables and chairs.
As soon as the Crusaders confirmed the destruction of the defenses inside, instead of garrisoning like before, they raised the staffs in their hands, chanted some sort of spell. As they chant, colours of red, blue, white and all colours grew from the tip of their staffs.
"Blades. They're coming in" Kirche informed everyone.
Also something Crusaders often use. By inducing magic on their own staffs, this allows it to prolong into a blade.
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Revision as of 06:57, 17 January 2012

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Chapter 4: The Two Knight Corps

Three days after setting sail from Tristain, the "Ostland" arrived at Romalia's southern port, Cittadella. It was indeed very fast. Even with a fully extended sail on a high speed, cargo-less ship, the distance by sea would take a week.

Cittadella is a fortress city constructed next to a big lake. It was convenient for ships to land and set sail, so the lake naturally became a port. Various ships were brought to the many piers that stretched along the shore. Purely from looking out towards the sea, the port had an appearance not unlike a typical rest stop for ships.

Well, when an oddly shaped ship such as the Ostland docked... a crowd gathered all around the pier. Saito and the crew were a little troubled from this.

Their arrival at Romalia was not an official visit.

In order to not attract the attention of Gallia, their arrival was officially an "academy field trip" by name. Of course, their real purpose was to covertly head for Henrietta's location, but that was a secret.

Naturally, their arrival created quite a memorable ruckus for officials.

On the pier, a spectacled person with the dull appearance of an important Romalian official eyed the Tristainian government-issued port documents, and then he stared at the Ostland suspiciously.

"Students of the Tristain Academy of Magic? What an incredible ship you're riding on. What's with this ship?"

Unlike normal, everyday ships used in Halkeginia, the Ostland had a large wingspan. Not only that, but on the tail and each wing of the ship was a large propeller unfamiliar to most. Official or not, anyone would think that it was suspicious.

The acting leader, Instructor Colbert, responded innocently.

"Ah, it is a new model of ship that I developed in Germania."

"On top of the wings, what are those strange bladed turrets?"

With an arrogant attitude, the official pointed his wand at it and inquired.

"Through the power of steam, it is a device that provides propulsion. I called it the 'water steam engine'."

The official narrowed his eyes at that point.

"Without using the blessed magic of God, you dare to fly in the sky with this strange device...is this not heresy?"

At the words of 'heresy,' the officials' aides sprang into action. All of them drew the holy items from around their neck; their hands trembled at the ready. All of Romalia's officials were clergymen after all.

The conversation was making Tiffania uneasy.

In order to hide her mixed elf blood, she was wearing a wide-brimmed hat, which she now pulled over her head more.

This action apparently caught the eye of the official.

"Hey you. Let me see that hat."

Tiffania was trembling awkwardly.

"What's wrong? I said let me see that hat. Did you not hear me?"

As the official reached for the hat, Tabitha softly chanted a spell. Seeing that motion, Kirche brazenly clung onto the officials arms.

"Ah! From close-up, I see that you're quite the man!"

"Wh-what are you doing?!"

"You do such a fabulous job, don't you, Mr. Wonderful Clergyman?"

"Not really..., anyways let me go! Stop trying to corrupt me!"

"There are a lot of things in this world that are more fun than praying to your god, you know?"

As all eyes gathered at their exchange..., the battle-experienced Tabitha completed her spell with the slightest of motions. Tiffania's hat started to glow.

With that, Kirche abruptly released the man.

"I guess it's as Mr. Official says. I may have come on too strongly."

The official cleared his throat and once again turned towards Tiffania.

"The hat, please."

Finally giving in, Tiffania handed over her hat.

"Hmm...you're much prettier without the hat."

'Huh', Tiffania thought as she checked her ears. Somehow they were that of a normal human being! The shocked Tiffania looked to the side at Tabitha. Somehow, this little blue-haired girl had helped her out with a spell.

Unbeknownst to Tiffania, the spell "Face Change" that could change appearances was a high-level square spell. At some point, Tabitha had apparently reached the capability of a square class mage.

In any case, nothing seemed to be out of place with the port documents. (Of course, since it was genuinely issued by the Tristainian government.) Since everything was in order, the official had no further inquiries.

A heavy weight collectively lifted off of their chests.

It was sort of ironic that they managed to get away by the skin of their teeth. Little did they know, they were inching towards disaster.

Leaving Cittadella by horse-drawn carriage, it would take a day to finally arrive at the capital of Romalia.

According to this country’s customs, wands and weapons had to be stowed away in their baggage before arriving at the city gates.

Such a rule had passed over the head of Saito, who carelessly crossed the gate with Derflinger still on his back. Of course, this caused one of the guards to stop them.

“Hey, you over there!”

‘Huh?’, Saito