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“Hmm……” Professor’s observes me with a serious gaze as if she is licking my face. My body froze, but my heart pounds frantically. If I move even a bit, our faces would stick together.
“Hmm……” Professor’s observes me with a serious gaze as if she is licking my face. My body froze, but my heart pounds frantically. If I move even a bit, our faces would stick together.
“The skin on your face is okay.” Professor jots down the results. Then, she says as if nothing happened: “Then take of your clothes.”
“The skin on your face is okay.” Professor jots down the results. Then, she says as if nothing happened: “Then take off your clothes.”
“Ye- Yes……”
“Ye- Yes……”

Revision as of 05:35, 21 January 2012

Six Days Before

“Thanks for your patronage!”

The voice of the butcher is full of vigor, as usual, and rang loudly behind me. I start to walk on the road that leads to the Umbrella residence. I carried an enormous La Bier fish on my back yesterday, while I’m carrying a tea colored limb of a cow and a white spring onion on my back today. It’s just like I’m dual wielding mutton and onions.

I walk forward quickly, with the eyes of the pedestrians on me. When I think about it, the dinner menu of the Umbrella residence is always revealed to the people in the city. It was La Bier stew pot yesterday night, while it’s Oval-styled mutton soup with onions in it.

Going around the corner and walking through the Venus Fountain Plaza, I arrive at the main road of the Commercial Street.

Oval City is a picturesque city with canals flowing around it and looks like an oval from above. This was a place that was plagued by floods, but now that the drainage system and underwater sewers are completed, the number of tourists and citizens living here is constantly increasing. By the way, the place where Professor is working at – First Robotics Laboratory of Oval University – is the tallest building in the city.

The robot research centre has almost completely been turned into a tourist haunt, so the citizens of Oval City are quite tolerant of robots. At least there aren’t signs like ‘Robots are Prohibited’ hung in buses or restaurants. But even in a city like this, not all people are tolerant of robots. From just now, some housewives who live somewhere around here were gossiping “See, it’s the robot from the female professor” “It’s so obscene……”. Actually, I did not listen to their conversation deliberately, it’s just that I have a function for automatically detecting the sounds near me.

I should first emphasize this, I am an ordinary robot created by Professor used for housework, and my certification number is HRM021-α. My job is to do all the housework and chat with Professor. Apart from that, there’s nothing much. It’s just that many people like to gossip, and the rumours would usually get worse. Among the more malicious ones of the rumours, is that the top robot researcher Wendy von Umbrella is a lesbian and has an unhealthy interest in robots modelled after young girls— this type of malicious rumour. It’s probably because Professor is single, and she kicked away all the men who tried to woo her, that rumours like this appeared.

In reality, there are indeed quite a few users who use female robots for “those uses.” I cannot deny this, but the profits of that domain support a large part of the robot industry. Some rich people would even buy quite a few robot of the same model, creating a ‘virtual harem.’

Even so, Professor is not a person like that.

Professor did not give me any sexual requests. I can say that for sure after serving her for three years.

The reason that Professor created me was because of her ‘sister’ who died in an accident.

It happened on an autumn four years ago. One day, the Umbrella sisters went out together to have a vacation. Professor drove the car. Then, on the way to their destination, their car collided from the front with a truck that drove past the center separation. The party who was at fault was obviously the truck’s, but Professor, who was driving, felt responsible for her sister’s death. From that day, there were no cars in the Umbrella residence.

As their parents died when they were young, the sisters had to rely on each other to live. It was because of the incident that Professor suddenly lost her one and only family member— her sister.

Iris Rain Umbrella. That is the name of her deceased sister— and also my name.

Therefore, I am a ‘replacement’ for her sister. Similar to the circlet cigarettes that are a replacement for normal cigarettes, we are just counterfeits that look exactly like the original. Every time my outline is reflected from Professor’s eyes, she is not looking at me, but just looking for her sister in me.

Even so, I’m still okay with that. Professor has always taken care of me; if I want to go out to play or want anything, she would usually listen to my request. And the most important thing is she is gentle to me. If I am not satisfied because of this, then I’m really just too fussy.

Sometimes— it’s really just sometimes— there would be a light prick on my chest like a prick from a rose, but I’m already used to it.

After dinnertime today, it’s time for my weekly maintenance.

“We’re starting~”

Donning a white robe, Professor walks into the research lab. A thick stack of folders is in her hands. Seeing this scene, I show her an unsatisfied expression and turn my head around.

It’s because I hate the process of maintenance.

“Don’t move.”

Professor immediately takes out a pocket-sized torch from her pocket, then flipped the switch with a click, shining the ray of light on my eyes. This process is not to assess death, but just a simple test to determine if my pupils are functioning properly.

After that, Professor takes out a few cards and shuffles them exaggeratedly like a magician, then quickly places them in front of me. I directly answer the pictures that I saw— “Star, cross, apple, paper.”

“That’s great.”

My dynamic visual function seems to be functioning well.

Then, Professor says like a nanny taking care of a child: “Alright, ahh~.” From this moment, I would feel rather embarrassed. Professor pries my mouth open with her fingers that are wearing gloves, carefully examining the condition of my mouth. I cannot help but emit strange huffing sounds.

Professor rapidly writes down the results on a piece of paper beside her. That paper is an official document that would be handed to the officials after this. The law states that the robot of a normal family has to undergo regular check-ups once every half a year.

For me, it’s once a week. Probably because I’m a new model robot, I have to undergo various check ups.

“Then it’s your skin examination.”

—it’s here! The skin examination!

As its name suggests, this is an examination done on the surface of my skin. Which means—

I must take off my clothes.

“First, it’s your face.”

Professor holds my face with both of her hands, pulling me closer to her.


Professor stares at my face like she is going to burn a hole on it. Her dark amber irises is coming closer to me.

“Hmm……” Professor’s observes me with a serious gaze as if she is licking my face. My body froze, but my heart pounds frantically. If I move even a bit, our faces would stick together.

“The skin on your face is okay.” Professor jots down the results. Then, she says as if nothing happened: “Then take off your clothes.”

“Ye- Yes……”

I nervously take off my socks and place them into the clothing basket. Then, I take off my maid headdress, apron and the dress, leaving only my bra and shorts on me. I cannot feel any cold. I should say that my body feels like it is burning hot.

The reason that Professor asked me to take off my clothes, is not because of any lewd interests. The skin examination is a check up to determine if there are any scratches or changes on my artificial skin. From my face to my neck, shoulders, arms, belly and back, Professor checks them with a serious gaze.

— ahh….. huu.

The artificial skin can sense Professor’s breath, causing a goosebumps to appear on my back. Though I went through this examination every week for three years, I haven’t got used to this even now.

“Alright, take off your bra.”


“What is it?”

I mentally brace myself, saying “No…… Nothing” while extending my hand to my back. Even if I don’t cooperate, it would just extend the time for the examination.

I take off my light blue bra, showing my white breasts. Not too big or small, the soft shape perfectly suits a young girl of this age— was what Professor said. I was modelled on Professor’s sister, so her breasts are probably like this too.

Professor takes off her glasses and observed in detail. I feel so embarrassed that I can almost breathe fire.

“Okay, take off your panties too.”

Professor jots down the results on the paper and coolly gives me my next instruction.

— Uuuuu.

I place my fingers on my panties and unwillingly take them off. To be frank, my extreme embarrassment is making me feel faint.

After taking off my panties, I become totally nude.

“Let’s see……”

Professor immediately squats down in front of me. Then, she closely examines my ‘front’ and ‘back.’ I can feel Professor’s breath, and her forehead lightly touches my lower abdomen. If other people see this scene, they would definitely misunderstand.

“Hmm…… This is……”

Professor’s cool voice suddenly becomes rough. It seems that she found ‘that.’

“The spots again?”

I ask her, while Professor says while checking: “Yes. There’s one at the right side of your butt.” Then, she uses her finger to touch the position of the spot. My body swayed lightly.

“It has a diameter of five centimetres, and is light purple……”

Professor writes down the characteristics of the spot on the paper. For some reason, my body would sometimes become mottled with small spots. Their position varies, and they would even appear on my face occasionally. I was shocked at the start, but I’m already used to it by now.

“Can it be fixed?”

“Of course.”

Professor takes out a machine that is even thinner than the pen-shaped torched and presses it onto my bottom. This method is called the optical segregating cleaning method, or just ‘clearing stains’ on my artificial skin.

“It’s done.”

Professor slaps my bottom with a thwack. I lightly touch it, then quickly put on my panties and my bra. It’s lucky that the spot today is small. If the spot is too big, I would have to continue to stand here nude.

“Let’s have a short break.”

After saying that, Professor leaves the research lab. As smoking is prohibited here, she is going to smoke her cirgarette in the corridor.

The examination is finally over. I relaxed and heave a sigh.

For the sake of Professor’s reputation, I should explain a bit— The reason for Professor examining me personally and not bringing me to a specialist. If I refuse the regular maintenance, I would have to go to specialized agencies to undergo maintenance. If so, I would have to show my nude body in front of the male technicians. I feel scared even by imagining it.

Because of that, Professor obtained the qualifications of a robot technician and shouldered the responsibility of my maintenance. In addition, it would eliminate the need of the fussy procedures of going to the various governmental departments. So, I can only get examined at home like this because of Professor.

— even though I understand that……

Professor sits back onto the chair after five minutes, saying “Then,” and crosses her arm. There are still many examination documents, and I have to undergo a scan of my mental circuit, action control verification and the examination of my safety circuit.

Feeling depressed, I stare at Professor grudgingly like a child looking at a doctor holding an injection needle.

After noticing my gaze, Professor says in the strange tone of a spoiled girl “Ara, Miss Iris, do you have anything to say?” Her mouth seemed to indicate faint amusement.


I unhappily turn my face around.

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