Difference between revisions of "Silver Cross and Draculea:Volume01 Chapter2"

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(little something something here and there)
Line 378: Line 378:
After school, in front of the locker-room <ref>'''Locker room''': The one in Japan where the students put on their shoes</ref> Rushella was criticizing Hisui's results. His results were mediocre at best.
After school, in front of the locker-room <ref>'''Locker room''': The one in Japan where the students put on their shoes</ref> Rushella was criticizing Hisui's results. His results were mediocre at best.
But Rushella refuse to accept the results, and repeatedly critique him.
But Rushella refuse to accept the results, and repeatedly critiqued him.
"It looks like you were not serious. You really didn't pay attention, right?"
"It looks like you were not serious. You really didn't pay attention, right?"
Line 386: Line 386:
Because Physical Education took place outside the school, Rushella used her magic eyes to stay indoors.
Because Physical Education took place outside the school, Rushella used her magic eyes to stay indoors.
Even though she was not a teacher, she sat on a chair holding her parasol, while cheering and boosting Hisui.
Even though she was not a teacher, she sat on a chair holding her parasol, while cheering and rooting Hisui.
To be honest, it was extremely embarrassing. And the men/women physic ED was suppose to be separate.
To be honest, it was extremely embarrassing. And the men's/women's physical ed was suppose to be separate.
"Why were you looking at my Physical Tests?"
"Why were you looking at my Physical Tests?"
Line 400: Line 400:
"You really know how to make it hurt, you broke through all of my defensive lines."
"You really know how to make it hurt, you broke through all of my defensive lines."
"Keep my spirits up. When it is 'class time', you were only half paying attention, right? Why are you so merit-less?"
"Keep your spirits up. When it is 'class time', you were only half paying attention, right? Why are you so merit-less?"
"It is no big deal. At critical moments, the strength in my body will come out."
"It is no big deal. At critical moments, the strength in my body will come out."
Line 468: Line 468:
She sounds like someone very experienced (yes, in that-Translator), her skirt is also short as hell. And keeping her shirt unbuttoned in a style that would make her #1 in the school.
She sounds like someone very experienced (yes, in that-Translator), her skirt is also short as hell. And keeping her shirt unbuttoned in a style that would make her #1 in the school.
"....I don't really understand, it is the first day of school, for what reason you call me out here?"
"....I don't really understand, it is the first day of school, for what reason did you call me out here?"
Hisui heighten his awareness, and begin to look around.
Hisui heighten his awareness, and begin to look around.
There don't appear to be anyone around.
There doesn't appear to be anyone around.
"Other than two of us, no one else is around. Who are you looking for?"
"Other than two of us, no one else is around. Who are you looking for?"
Line 488: Line 488:
"....That is a bit too close?"
"....That is a bit too close?"
"I am intentionally closing in. Hisui-san...you feel a little cold...hard for people to get close to. During the self introduction, I feel you were observing everyone."
"I am intentionally closing in. Hisui-san...you seem little cold...hard for people to get close to. During the self introduction, I felt you were observing everyone."
"....Do you really have to right to say that? What, that is when you start to check me out?"
"....Do you really have to right to say that? What, was that when you started to check me out?"
"Of course, handsome, white skin, must be the best in the freshman class, must be great at cross-dressing?"
"Of course, handsome, white skin, must be the best in the freshman class, must be great at cross-dressing?"

Revision as of 01:31, 11 January 2013

Mortal World

"Why are you so unhappy?"

Rushella lovingly lowered her head and asked, but Hisui did not reply.

He only stared at the sky, cursing the world's change to abnormality and his own life.

Right now is recess time, and the location is the roof.

It is a symbol of high school life, the sweet smell of spring, but Hisui's face is full of confusion.

The nightmarish homeroom class is over, Hisui finally finished the morning class.

Because it is the first day at school, the stuff they teach are the basics, only requiring some light attention and it is over- But Rushella's arrogant performance in front the teachers-completely devastated Hisui's heart.

Even the precious rest time, due to incessant questioning by Rushella regarding school regulation and policies, left him neither peace nor rest.

Not only a transfer student, but also a complete gorgeous beauty, she is popular with both the girls and the boys. But Rushella completely ignored everyone else, only talking to Hisui, thus creating a dangerous aura among the male student population.

Finally recess arrived, but....she still followed over.

"I say....can't you be a bit more merciful....just how deep is your hatred for me?"

"Very deep. I drank your blood and yet you refuse to become my servant, and even sprayed me full of garlic."

"But you struck first right! And why do you pretend to be a student? High school life has nothing to do with my body right?"

Hisui's questions are reasonable suspicions, and Rushella looked away.

"Could it be....you look at these young people as preys?"

Hisui's tone became serious.

Teenagers gathered in a high school, in certain ways it would be an ideal hunting ground for a vampire.

The common knowledge that vampires love the blood of a virgin girl the most--there should be plenty here.

"Wrong, I am not the type that leaves a prey half full then run off with someone else."

"Not even one drop, completely dry? I am not going to feel grateful you know, with that kind of logic."

"Isn't it better than abandoning you half transformed?"

"That is vampire logic only."

Hisui sighed, then leaned against the rail fencing.

After being fanged by a vampire, there are usually two possibilities---death, or become a vampire.

Death or servitude, this is all the vampire's choice. In certain rare cases, in the process for a person to become a vampire, the master vanishes.

In a situation like this, the victim that remained behind will be stuck at [Mid-transformation] for the rest of his/her life.

Due to the [Mid-Transformation] the victim may take on certain vampire characteristics, they may have vampiric instincts, longer lifespan compared to average humans---and carry the curse for the rest of their lives.

"I will carefully select the partner I drink blood from. If I want him to become my servant then the criteria are is even more stringent. And in addition, I will not leave until he become my servant. It is a (True Ancestor)'s etiquette from the ancient days."

"Then why did you select me?"


"Looking at you, who is so serious on making me your servant, why did you target me last night?"

Hisui is still confused about last night.

When they met last night, Rushella really wanted to turn him into her servant.

But his body prevented that transformation, so she even charged into the school.

Thus....why is she so interested in me?

"Don't you feel honored? I became attracted to you. As if I am really attached to you. To look for someone young and handsome, similar in age to me, a boy with a delicious blood flavor to become my servant."

(Translator-Rushella must have read too many shoujo manga.....)

"....similar age? What are you blabbering about? Aren't you a [True ancestor]-sama? Although you can't tell from looks, a vampire's actual age must be ancient compared to me. Speak of that, how old are you?"

(Translator-Female anime character slapping in 3...2...1)

As Hisui asked, Rushella's expression froze.

It is almost as if she isn't feeling offended by having someone asking her age...but as if someone asked her something scary.

"What? Isn't longevity something a vampire should be proud of?"

"I....I don't know."

It is so far the lightest whisper that came from Rushella.

It is the voice of a girl at Hisui's age, feeling totally helpless.

"How old I am....I am really not sure."

"Because you lived so long you forget....apparently not. Then, where are you from...hey, where are your relatives and servants? Why don't you ask them...?"

"I don't have....those people."

"Eh? But..."

"Relative....I should have them, but I can't remember. Servants...I shouldn't have any. Drinking blood...you are my first time."


Completely confusing.

Ok, now Hisui can understand why her blood sucking techniques are so awful, but the mysteries just got deeper.

"But....aren't you a [True Ancestor]? A royal-blooded Ojou-Sama, standing on top of thousands of servants?"

"I don't have...memories."


"For example, when was I born, where I was born....I completely don't know. Thus, how old I am...I don't know either."

Rushella held her arms together, withdrawing back.

She looked far away, biting her lips.

"Lost your....memories?"

"Maybe so... The night I met you, I woke up from the coffin. Near the forest outside the city. But, why I was there, or when I was there....I completely don't remember. I only know my name, that I am a true ancestor, other than that...."

"Some average day-to-day knowledge is there, but nothing about myself. But that knowledge...is a bit outdated."

Hisui finally understood.

Strange fashion, a vampire "style" that is rare now-days, idiotic blood drinking technique.

Such a strange existence, because she don't even understand herself.

It looked like Rushella was not lying; besides, there is nothing good to gain by revealing her own weakness to humans. It looks like she really lost all her memories.

"You came to school; does that mean you want to learn about the current era? Is that the idea?"

"....Correct. I want to know how this world is like. But....humanity has definitely changed a lot. Looking at this world during the daytime, really shock me. Such huge buildings, so many people...and if I think carefully, people work and play in broad daylight. Although it makes me feel uncomfortable, but it is clear that world power is in the hands of humans. But it is so strange....forget about the Vampires, I don't even feel the spirits of any supernatural beasts. Why is it like this?"

"Because this is the world's situation right now. Most of the people, even if they know vampire exists, will not believe it."

"....It appears so. When I spoke my name this morning, no one gave any reaction. My name has significant history in the vampire lore. Anyone with a tiny understanding of our history should know when I am."

"It looks like you considered that too.....so that is why you said your name so loudly. Just to grasp the situation."

Hisui's opinion of this out-dated vampire has improved a little.

Though her common sense stopped hundreds of years ago, her adaptability is definitely not bad.

"What happened to this world? Why did my race vanish? Why don't the humans know I exist!?"

"Even if you ask this...this 15 year old me, I am still learning the basic common knowledge."

"Tell me quickly. Since you are not surprised of my existence, then you are better knowledgeable than general humans."

She saw through him completely, so Hisui can no longer play dumb.

"I only heard a little from my relative; historically, it should be sometime around the industrial revolution? During that period, humanity's knowledge became more and more advanced. Because of this, Our World and the Monster World's [position] became misaligned."


"Please explain in simple words. What is the Industrial Revolution?"

".....So I need to explain from the beginning, huh. I think you should learn about world history. To put it simply, it is like wireless communication. When there is a wireless broadcasting station, TV shows become possible. But most of the audience cannot receive the signal. They were meant to match up together, humanity and monsters, which is now miss-positioned. Thus they weren't aware of each other. But now and then they will link up, and the two world overlaps. Those who are sensitive to high frequency....people who are described as spiritually sensitive, are able receive effects of the other world much more simply."

"I am completely confused....wireless what?"

".....Sorry, my mistake."

Hisui thought his explanation was pretty good, but it appears she isn't understanding the critical point. The boy shakes his head, and rephrases his explanation so this ojou-sama from another world can understand.

"In other words, monsters didn't cease to exist, but humanity could no longer feel their existence....something like that. It is almost as if they are separated into their own world. Thus, even vampires wouldn't be able to find other monsters."

"You should have said this earlier, instead of going around and around."

".....My mistake."

"I understand. But vampires are special. Vampires are different than other monsters; Vampire still exists in this world, they must completely live in the human world. We are corporeal. And it will be troublesome for us if humans don't exist."

"Indeed. It is completely different than specters who have no body and just floats around. Vampire still exists in this world. You could say they are the representative of the monsters. Thus, humanity is still alert of their existence."

Hisui's eyes darken with hesitation, which Rushella did not miss it.

"What are you saying? Are you saying humanity expelled my race?"

"My meaning is, such people do exist. They understand this world's true appearance, and consider monsters who co-exist in the human world to be their enemies. During self introduction---You said, no one had any reaction to your name? On other hand, a few may suspect you are a vampire. You should be careful."

"You don't have to worry, I do not plan to hide my identity. Even if humanity band together against the vampires, it is nothing special."

Rushella puffs up her chest as she replies.

Such an answer completely meeting Hisui's expectations, he simply shrugs his shoulders.

"First I must find my memories; if I manage to, I should be able to find other vampires. I want to ask them things. You seem to have a great understanding of vampires, so help me."

"Don't want to, you can do it alone."

"But you are a servant that's meant to serve me."

"I am not your servant; I am not familiar with your race's organizational makeups, nor am I interested."

"You really are the cheeky type."

Rushella's pride appears to be wounded, she licks her tongue then moves closer.

It is day time, thus her physical capabilities are reduced, but Rushella will definitely win if she decides to play hardball.

The boy is still considering his options when Rushella laughs.

"Although beating you is simple, but in certain ways I would be lost. I want you to surrender by your own free will, kneel before me, then I will bury the hatchet."

"(expletive), but vampires are naturally like this. But you have your fangs and <Magic eyes>, couldn't you subdue anyone easily?"

"Isn't it useless against you!? But in certain ways, it is still effective. For example....you worry about me looking for other prey, right? Those people have no relationship with you, but you still care about them."

"Of course I care. If someone around me dies, or stop being human...I definitely don't want to see it happen. If it becomes like that, even me....I would become a vampire hunter."

To protect his peaceful life, even Hisui would become a cold-heart foe.

Rushella *hum* (sound), then stand up.

"I don't think you could exterminate me. But, let's stop wasting time. You will still come to help me."

"That, I already said..."

"If you agree to help me, I will not suck anyone else's blood. I can promise that with you. If you are willing to sacrifice your body to me, I will guarantee the safety of other people around you. How is that?"

"This sucks..."

This must be feeling of a man staked on altar meant for human sacrifice.

It is the first day at school, and fate of everyone here is on his shoulders.

"So? Decide quickly."

".........I will serve you."

"I can't hear you, speak louder."

Rushella wants to shows off her beautiful ears, moving it next to him.

"Let me help you."

"Did you forget something?"

"Please allow me to help you....mistress."

"Hum, you speak well!"

It is clear he didn't lose his humanity, but Hisui suddenly reached a level lower than average humans.

"Damn it...I never thought I would curse my own body one day..."

"Then you will work hard right. A servant who can move during daytime is precious to me. And one day you will become one of my kind. Then, let's perform today's service?"


Hisui look confused, suddenly his field of vision turns dark, and Rushella's face came close.

In that instant, he found himself on the floor.

What is blocking the sun is Rushella on top of him holding a parasol.


"You went to the 'cafeteria' to buy lunch right? Then I am going to have lunch as well."

Rushella licks her lips, then dove at Hisui's neck.

The boy tried to struggle, to avoid the sweet breathe down his neck.

"Hey, Let go! Didn't you suck me this morning?! It should had been enough right?"

"Be Quiet, I don't feel well, what is the problem? All I want is to suck a little bit!"

"I said it is not allowed....!"

Rushella's lips come closer and closer, while Hisui struggled.

The two struggled, until Rushella's lips reach his neck.

"Making me waste so much energy..!Ok, I am going to take care of you..!"

"Are you a corrupt bureaucrat who steals people's daughters?"

As Hisui prepare his final line of defense, the roof top door suddenly opened.


Hisui recognize the voice, and freezes.

There were several people standing by the stairs.

Rushella's lips still on his neck, while he turned his sight around.

From the students he barely knows, there was one who has the best relationship with him--- Class Rep Sera Reina.

Judging the lunch box she is carrying, Reina planned to come have lunch with Hisui.

"That.....I am sorry for interrupting!"

Hearing Reina's heartfelt apologize, Hisui begin to sweat uncontrollably.

His own limbs are currently pinned to the spot by Rushella.

It look like they were about to share a passionate kiss.

Even if he pushes the vampire away, there still would be kiss marks left behind.

"I, I say...!"

Before Hisui can explain, the girls all dispersed.

But their harmless gossip still flow into his ear.

"Hum, they are....really together? They already got it done so early?"

"It looks like they weren't going to just kiss..."

"School just start, and it is broad daylight outside, what the heck..."

"Foreign girls...so open."

Even though it is only whispers, but they felt like a painful roar in Hisui's head.

....And a stab in the heart.

Draculea V01 - 063.PNG

Hisui stared at the sky soullessly.

Rushella appears to lose interest as well, brush up her hair and straighten out her clothes that was mussed up by Hisui; she got up from his body.

"Peeking at other people eating lunch, what a bunch of impolite people. Don't you think so?"

"I finally understood what a girl feels like when she is forcefully pushed down...."

Hisui tearfully murmured. His hands become loose, and the plastic bag with the food he brought from the cafeteria fell off.

"Ah yes, what did you buy? Let me look, I want a taste."

"Up to you....in fact, it will be helpful if you help me eat it."

Search through the bag, and finally selecting a strawberry milk.

She studied the container back and forth, and after finally understanding to how to use it, begins to sip its contents.

"What? Such a sweet and pink milk! Perhaps they added blood in it?"

No, the original material is the same thing, no need to mix it...Hisui don't even have the strength to sigh.

Rushella begin to suck the milk, and begin to release a cute sound. Hisui sat nearby with tearful eyes.

The class's final bit of compassion, was swept away by the wind.

Really don't want to go to the afternoon class.

The fair sex's ability to disseminate gossip is faster than the speed of light.

Just lost the ability to have a normal school life.

Now he has to welcome his "being labeled as strange" high school life.

Hisui was considering a school transfer, while Rushella was blissfully sucking away at the milk.

"This is so sweet! It is only secondary to blood..."

"......Just kill me."

Hisui replied with a blood-coughing despair, but someone not far away is observing the two.

She was not part of the group of girls earlier, She stood in the shadows behind the (Not sure what is a good term for the small shack that cover the roof stair case-Translator), and focused at Hisui with a laser like intensity.

"Good male, found <3."

".....Why were you so terrible yesterday? Even if you are hopelessly talent-less you shouldn't be this bad!"

"It is only a physical examination, why do I have to go all out?"

After school, in front of the locker-room [2] Rushella was criticizing Hisui's results. His results were mediocre at best.

But Rushella refuse to accept the results, and repeatedly critiqued him.

"It looks like you were not serious. You really didn't pay attention, right?"

"Isn't everyone the same? Also, I shouldn't be criticized by someone who didn't participate."

Because Physical Education took place outside the school, Rushella used her magic eyes to stay indoors.

Even though she was not a teacher, she sat on a chair holding her parasol, while cheering and rooting Hisui.

To be honest, it was extremely embarrassing. And the men's/women's physical ed was suppose to be separate.

"Why were you looking at my Physical Tests?"

"It is your job to forge your own body so you can protect me. Even though you are strangely unable to become a member of my race, you are able to work under the sun, therefore covering my weakness."

"My principal is not to waste energy, what is so special about physical ed? Just meandering through it will be fine."

"Don't be too proud of yourself; when you were serious earlier, you weren't anything special."

"You really know how to make it hurt, you broke through all of my defensive lines."

"Keep your spirits up. When it is 'class time', you were only half paying attention, right? Why are you so merit-less?"

"It is no big deal. At critical moments, the strength in my body will come out."

"Stop spouting nonsense. You are my servant, in the moments when lives are on the line, you should be willing to die for me!"

Rushella showed her "high class" looks again, and Hisui was not going to argue.

He stopped looking at Rushella, and opened his shoe-locker. Reaching his hands for his shoes, he found a slip of paper.

The message was both mysterious and interesting.

"I will be waiting for you on the first floor of the second building, in the empty classroom."

He thought for a moment, then left the shoe-locker and headed back to the school.

"Wait a second, where are you going?!"

"I have something to do. Why don't you go ahead and go home?"

"Why are you angry? Stop spouting nonsense, you are my escort, take me back to that crude residence."

"You still plan to live at my place...? If you are not satisfied then you can go find a different place, Vampire-sama."

As Hisui complained, Rushella realized she has no argument, and became silent.

Thus Hisui escaped and headed for the empty classroom.

He was still unfamiliar with the structure of the school, so he got lost several times before he finally finding the right place.

Hisui opened the door, and it was a mess of chairs and desks.

It looked like the place was unused, because of it being a corner room, there wasn't anyone in sight.

As Hisui stared out the window at the fading sun, he heard a voice from behind.

"Ah, you came."

".....Looks like it was not a wild goose chase, what do you want?"

Hisui turned around, and it was one of the girls from the classroom.

She looked extremely feminine for a girl of their age. Tea colored hair with ponytails, and he could barely recall her name from the self introduction in the morning.

But he could not remember her name.

"You are..."

"Mei, Sudou Mei."

"Ah, right..."

As Hisui recalled, Mei came closer, no, hugging should be a more accurate description.

With a "growth" rivaling Rushella pressing against his chest, and a button undone, the boy can see her mesmerizing cleavage. Mei also raised her head to look at him.

"Why...are you looking for me?"

Suppressing his male instincts, Hisui pretended to be calm.

"(expletive-in a cute manner)....you really don't understand?"

Sudou answered with a devilish smile.

To be honest, it is sexy as hell.

She sounds like someone very experienced (yes, in that-Translator), her skirt is also short as hell. And keeping her shirt unbuttoned in a style that would make her #1 in the school.

"....I don't really understand, it is the first day of school, for what reason did you call me out here?"

Hisui heighten his awareness, and begin to look around.

There doesn't appear to be anyone around.

"Other than two of us, no one else is around. Who are you looking for?"

"Someone could be lying in wait, ready to mock the fool who naively believed the note, worked up their imagination in excitement, and came here shamelessly... Such a possibility cannot be ruled out."

"What? Why are you suddenly saying that? Do you have trust issues? Even if you were caught in the spotlight today, there shouldn't be anyone in the class who would start playing pranks the first day of class, right?"

"....Ok, that is good."

Hisui sighed in relief.

While deep in thought, Mei's excited face came even closer.

"....That is a bit too close?"

"I am intentionally closing in. Hisui-san...you seem little cold...hard for people to get close to. During the self introduction, I felt you were observing everyone."

"....Do you really have to right to say that? What, was that when you started to check me out?"

"Of course, handsome, white skin, must be the best in the freshman class, must be great at cross-dressing?"

"I would be?"

Hisui reached out to touch his own face.

To be honest he really doesn't have that feeling. Even though his looks apparently attract vampires, but that isn't something to be happy about.

"Handsome boy...no one around you ever told you that?"

"The one who raised me kept telling me I 'look like a girl' and 'don't be a sissy.'"

Hisui mumbled to himself, but Mei became even more interested, and brought her face even closer.

The two of them are so close to each other, they could feel each other's breath and their lips touched.

"I say..."

"If you don't realize how attractive you are, then I am telling you now?"

The devil in front of him smiled.

Hisui could not stop his breathing, and kept on shaking his head.

"You should stop playing, and go look for someone else"

"Ahh, so serious? High School life...wanting a handsome boyfriend to pass the day together...is very normal right?"

"This morning was self-Intro. Isn't it too strange? It isn't love on first sight....all I have to do is be handsome?"

"Do you want to learn about the other person first? No problem, I will tell you."

Mei's arms reached out and entwined with Hisui's neck.

The close in on his lips.

"You have something with that child named Rushella right? The rumors among girls are scary."

"No, I don't have anything with her!"

Using the opportunity to come clean, but Sudou is still suspicious.

"Really~? She is so cute, and she has a great body."

"Absolutely horrible personality."

Also not human....but he can't say this point out loud. Looking at Hisui's straight face, Sudou begin to believe in him.

So she begins to pursue with earnest.

"Then it wouldn't be a problem if I become your girlfriend. Let me become your girlfriend."

Her lips are even closer now.

As they are about to touch, Hisui finally freed himself from her grasp.

"What are you doing?"

"This should be my line. Stop making these kinds of jokes. These kinds of things....is very strange right?!"

Hisui had no ill feeling, but this line made Sudou frown deeply.

"Strange...you mean me?"

"Of course. I don't really hate the fact you are praising me, and I feel the way you are doing it is really cute, but suddenly being called out by you, enticing me, and confess....no matter how you think it is strange. The fact it is not shocking should be what is surprising...."

Hisui's voice trailed suddenly.

Mei bit down her lips, and grab a corner of a desk.

CRACK! A piece of the desk breaks apart.

It is clearly she didn't exert any strength-as if she is just snapping a small tree branch.

Then her dedicate fingers wrapped around the broken piece---and crushed it into powder.

No matter how you look at it, it is definitely not the strength of a normal high school student.

Suddenly being called out to receive a confession--and then there is her supernatural strength.

Strange. Everything appears to be strange.

Hisui eyed the young girl in front of him.


Mei's face burst into rage and her teeth beginning to grind against each other.

Kujou became scared, and took a step back.

"No, I am not saying I am not satisfied..."

"Why can't you do it with me?!!!It is clear you did it with a vampire!?"


Mei lost her voice, then held her mouth together.

But it is too late, as the boy begins to question her instead.

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Relative: The word used to describe "relative" is "someone close", in here it probably mean "guardian".
  2. Locker room: The one in Japan where the students put on their shoes
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