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Am I the only one who doesn’t know?
Am I the only one who doesn’t know?
"This is Masuzu. This is Masuzu. Kidou Eita’s passion for bloomers has begun to ignite. Over."<ref>If you haven't caught one, she is simulating a police incident report</ref>
"This is Masuzu. This is Masuzu. Kidou Eita’s passion for bloomers has begun to ignite. Over."<ref>If you haven't caught on, she is simulating a police incident report</ref>
"Stop it! Who are you talking to anyways?!"
"Stop it! Who are you talking to anyways?!"

Revision as of 06:27, 8 September 2013

Chapter 3 Believing in My Girlfriend is Mayhem

Oreshura v03 101.jpg

After leaving the family restaurant and saying farewell to Fuyuumi and Kaoru, my cellphone began pouring that cursed music just like it knew it was the opportune moment.

[Subject] Wishing you a magnificent and peaceful summer

[Text] Dear Sir,

As it is the height of summer, I wish you increasingly well with good health.

Cicadas can be endlessly heard, and feeling the character of summer, I wonder if thy honored is doing well these days?

Come to the usual café.



Just opening the text message made me gush out with fatigue.

To think that texts from my girlfriend could make me unhappy to this extent, it really was innovative……

If she tried applying for the Guinness Book of World Records [2], would she make it?

At that thought, the cursed music sounded again.

What is it? Did she forget to say something?

[Subject] idiot!

[Text] Of course I wouldn’t make it on the Guinness Book of World Records.

"You're the idiot, you idiot!"

I couldn’t help but get angry at the text message.

The eyes of pedestrians passing by made me feel awkward……

But, how could Masuzu know what I was thinking? She couldn’t have supernatural powers now, could she? But maybe Hime’s delusional new world wasn’t so far off.

I thought about these trivial things as I rushed to meet Masuzu who was waiting at the coffee shop. From here it would take eight minutes to walk, but if I ran it would take four minutes. I definitely won't let her go on and on and being so picky about time again.

I entered the café that was earlier full with couples, and found Masuzu sitting at the same seat at the coffee shop as last night.

She noticed my figure, suddenly sighed and said:

"Today is four minutes, twenty-three seconds points eight three. Well, it’s much faster than yesterday, but if you take the current situation, it will still be very difficult to qualify for the inter-high."

"Don’t, worry, I'm not going, to, participate."[3]

I sat opposite of Masuzu, completely out of breath.

"If it was such a pressing matter, you didn’t have to send such a long text."

"Well I realized I haven’t sent a summer greeting to you yet.” [4]

"Then you should have written a postcard! Don’t mix that up with regular texts! That kind of incomplete partial courtesy is the thing I dislike the most!"

Masuzu gave a 「hmph」 and said with a childish pout:

"What courtesy? You are merely at a level where you get excited about Akishino-san’s butt."

"......How long do you intend to keep bringing up that thing?"

"Of course until your death."

Masuzu said, with her eyes looking like a wild wolf’s eyes.

"Desire · For· Butts. That is the only real sense of justice that the two of us share."

"I don’t recall sharing that kind of justice with you!"[5]

"Fine, since I don’t like think I’m particularly aroused by butts, unlike Eita."

"And you’re immediately betraying what you said!"

These changes in the wind speed are simply too astonishing. It's life if I'm with this girl in the same army fighting together one day, then by the next day she would unceremoniously sell me out to the enemy.

The waitress fearfully helped us as we ordered. She probably that we were 「a couple in the middle of an argument」? But we always have this kind of feeling around us, and furthermore we weren’t even a couple.

"So how did the business with Fuyuumi Ai go??"

"Oh, I definitely have results."

I took a sip of lemonade that the waiter brought, and then looked at Masuzu in the eyes and spoke.

"Fuyuumi really has a boyfriend, I’m sure."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because she told us in great details things about Michel. For example, what she wears to dates, her boyfriend’s preferences, how they met each other, and that type of stuff."

"That’s what you call evidence?"

Masuzu shrugged and said:

"I thought you were going to bring something like Daigoro’s photo. Even then, there is the possibly that it's just someone else’s photo, so it’s difficult to call that evidence."

"Then what will you believe in?"

"If someone actually meets Daigoro in person."

Fed up with it, I said:

"If you start doubting to that extent, you'll never see the end of it, understand? Can’t you just believe in what I say a little."

"......That’s true, I'm sorry."

Masuzu stirred her rather dilute iced coffee and said:

"I’m just a woman who is unable to believe in anyone."


What is this?

Suddenly the subject became too serious.

"Because I myself am a liar, I feel like other people will resort to lying as well. Completely involved in this lifestyle of falsehood, I have long lost trust in the hearts of people."

Masuzu stared at a piece of ice floating in her glass as she spoke to me. At the same time, I saw a 「painful smile」 overlap.

——I am demon.[6]

"......H- How can that be possible, heh?"

I rubbed and rubbed my nose and said:

"Even if you certainly are someone who is very distrustful, I definitely not think that you are the type who is 'unable of believing in someone'."

"Why are you saying something like that?"

"Because if you really didn’t trust anyone, you wouldn't be able of doing club activities with Chiwa and Hime. Every time you kept drawing up these meaningless plans to become popular, isn’t that proof on itself that those two will follow through?"

Masuzu’s expression seemed to suddenly realize it.

"Perhaps, it might be just as Eita says."

"Since you have such a self confidence, the fact that you believe in yourself means that you are already capable of believing."[7]

I said, smiling at Masuzu. Masuzu gave me a big smile in return.

Ee, I can say some pretty nice things!

It's been a while since I felt like fitting the shoes needed for the label of 「boyfriend」.

"Then I should be able to trust, too."

"That's what I think."

"Yes, for example, if my own boyfriend tries to steal underwear from bloomer stores every night, I will trust even such a difficult story—"

"Don’t believe that!!"

I gave out a strong denial.

"Huh? But I have trust in my heart."

"This is something you made up! It’s based on a completely biased misconception! You absolutely can’t believe it!"

That being said, what is a bloomer store?! [8]

I don’t even think elementary schools even use those anymore![9]

……Are there really still schools like that?

Am I the only one who doesn’t know?

"This is Masuzu. This is Masuzu. Kidou Eita’s passion for bloomers has begun to ignite. Over."[10]

"Stop it! Who are you talking to anyways?!"

Even though it felt like I just won a bit, it ends up like this?

Is it impossible for me to win over Masuzu?

Isn't this stumbling down on your own rear?

At this time.

Masuzu suddenly leaned forward, and immediately placed her lips near my right cheek—

———Chu [11]


I clutched where Masuzu touched me on the cheek with the lips, and stared back at her.

Masuzu cheeks seemed slightly flushed as she looked away and said:

"Take it as a reward for saying some nice things."



Oreshura v03 109.jpg

How come?

This is nothing like her usual combat strategy?

How come, why am I so restless after this…….?[12]

I fell silent, and Masuzu once again brought her face close to me, and whispered:

"Are you excited?"

"H—H— How c—"

—ould that be. I couldn’t finish the sentence.

I definitely am not a liar.


  1. Yes, Masuzu used a much polite tone than usual with Eita when writing this mail
  2. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/
  3. The "inter-high" is a big level competition between several schools, there is almost techincally one inter-high for every sport club there is and is usually the club goal to qualify and perform great on it
  4. It’s custom in Japan to send these summer greeting cards / 暑中お見舞い
  5. She is mixing up a famous line which was I think by the Shinsegumi which represented their 'policy', the famous "Aku Soku Zan" or 'Slay evil swiftly' ( 悪・即・斬 ), her own version is "Shiri Soku Yoku" or 'Swift desire (for) butts' ( 尻・即・欲 )
  6. This is Eita reminiscing about what she said in an argument between the two of them at the end of volume 1
  7. He is playing with words here, He is basically saying that one own's self confidence ( 自分 に 自信 ) means that one believes on one self ( 自分 を 信じ ) , and thus the 信じ that Masuzu doubted is there
  8. Bloomer meaning the kind of clothing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloomers_(clothing)
  9. Yes, as far as I know it looks like Bloomers haven't been the norm for ages now
  10. If you haven't caught on, she is simulating a police incident report
  11. It's a "kissing sound effect"
  12. He describes his current state with the sound effect of a pounding heart ドキドキ

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