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For the residents of Musashi, iss it normal that I would hesitate?
For the residents of Musashi, is it normal that I would hesitate?
"Haha, the fact that ya know; Masazumi-san, ya've seen Toori's stripping right?"
"Haha, the fact that ya know; Masazumi-san, ya've seen Toori's stripping right?"

Revision as of 11:15, 10 October 2013

Chapter 03: Innocents at the Table

Horizon1A 143.jpg

To be indecisive is to think overmuch.

And to question whether to stay silent or continue to speak.

But then, where can you find the answer?

Point Allocation (Resolution)

There existed a space where the light of the end of morning gently entered.

A place where two thick tables of wood were installed. It was a cafe with a kitchen deeper inside.

At the entrance of the store; there was a wooden signboard with the symbol of Blue Thunder engraved upon it.

The sign which announced that they were still preparing was hanging over the entrance, but inside the store, there was two figures.

One was the figure of the female shopkeeper, baking the bread needed from noon and evening in the kitchen in the depths of the store.

The other one was a figure of a student, who returned one of the chairs placed upon the eating hall's tables to the floor, and was taking her meal.

The student was wearing a male uniform.

Under the fairly long black hair, fairly sharp eyes were fixated upon the table. Moving her hands, she took her breakfast.

Atop the table, the meal the student was putting into her mouth was only a few pieces of baked bread and water.

"Masazumi-san, I think it would be better if ya worked a part-time job with good pay and ate properly. Just doin' scholarly things won't let ya gain any experience right? If a girl dressed as a man collapses, you won't have any fans y'know?"

The student, Masazumi, to tore up her bread as she listened. She answered with a fairly high voice.

"Only my father's acquaintances have realised that I'm a girl... And even at the Academy, only my teacher and some classmates know. Even you didn't notice until you took care of me because I had collapsed from the heat."

"Nah, I've been thinkin' that it was a little strange since a while ago... So, I stripped ya together with P-01s."

"...That's a memory I don't want to remember."

It's only because of that that I can come here without worry.

But still, I'd like to avoid talking about my gender.

Therefore, Masazumi said.

"It's true that to get my tuition fees and living expenses, other jobs would be better, but..."

"Ya parents're making a fuss?"

To the question which was hard to answer, Masazumi did not give an answer. Thinking 'What do I do?', she just inserted the bread into her mouth, chewing thoroughly. Drinking the water in the glass, she let loose a breath. With that, a wry laugh echoed from beyond-

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. ...Are you going to do more work for the student council now? Ya don't have a break, right?"

At those words, Masazumi smiled a sad smile where she lowered here eyebrows.

She said as a form of thanks "I'm being worried about, aren't I?"

"As the student council vice-president, I will now be escorting President Sakai to Mikawa, up until the checkpoint. Well, even if I say that... before meeting up with the president, I was thinking that I would go visit my mother's grave."

"Haha, even if ya go to the Academy now, ya won't make it in time for the classes. But... could I ask about the reason for a young child to go visit a grave at a time like this"

"My mother, who became a victim of strange phenomena, and I, too, bere born in Mikawa, so... I thought that I should visit before we descend."

"...A victim of Phenomena? Could it be the side-effects of the Apocalypse that everybody's been talkin' about recently?"

'Jud.', Masazumi nodded. Trying to rembember as hard as possible the incident of that time from an objective point of view...

"...Well, the truth is I don't know whether or not it was a phenomena. The magistrate in charge said it she was spirited away. Just, she was suddenly gone, and at the place she should have disappeared from, a large symbol was written with blood..."

Masazumi drew a circle with her fingers, and she showed a line piercing its center.

"This kind of design was left behind. The investigation said that it seemed to be a type linked to a group of mysterious disappearances called the "Princess Disappearances". But, there are numerous accounts of robbers tricking people with that, not to mention regular disappearances or elopements. Well... there was a lot going on in Mikawa, and it's becoming a place where phenomena occur readily. Because of that, even if I say a grave, I'm just going to see the things my mother left behind. Things like ornaments, memos..."

'That so,' a voice tinted with relief could be heard.

"Even though tends to get depressed about the Apocalypse, you're still a good girl."

"That isn't it at all. For school too, even though I'm paying my own tuition, I'm at the point where I think it's fine to take a break from working... Well, once I reach the checkpoint today, I'll be able to hear about Tres España and K.P.A. Italia. They're coming to inquire about the Logismoi Oplo, so I was thinking that I could learn something from it."

"That's troublesome... Ah, also, thank P-01s for the meal this time."

'Alright', Masazumi answered and looked towards the entrance.

Nobody was at the counter, and neither was there an indication that someone was in front of the store.

However, Masazumi, still looking in that direction, opened her mouth.

"It's already been a year, hasn't it...? If I hadn't been saved by her, I would really have died."

"Recently, doesn't it seem like yer gettin' along with her well? Ya lent her some books, right?"

"Jud., mostly about general knowledge... The day before, I lent her my transcript of my history teacher lecture, you know. As expected, it seems that she hasn't read through it though."

"I see, ya really want to be a member of the provisional council. Ya have quite a lot of books."

"Not that many," Masazumi responded with a wry smile all while thinking

If only I had the money to buy more.

"I would read a lot more if I had the money though... Well, I'm sorry for causing trouble so frequently. Right now I'm freeloading, so I'll return this debt in the future. I'll become a great politician."

"If ya become a member of the provisional council, ya won't need our bread anymore, right? If ya say that ya want to repay the debt, then yeah... can you investigate P-01s' origins for me like you did last time? Ya managed to get a lot donde."

At the shopkeeper's voice, Masazumi folded her arms. Indeed, a while ago, she had investigated about the circumstances regarding P-01s.

"Even when I used my authority as the student council vice-president, in the end, I didn't know anything about it... Well, I think that Musashi's vice-president doesn't really have any true authority."

"Why didn't ya become a candidate for student council president? The Chancellor is the Testament Union's recommendation, but the Student Council President is elected by a candidacy, y'know?"

Being asked, Masazumi thought. And immediately, she uttered the words which were her response-

"...Because, Aoi, the Chancellor, declared his candidacy for student council president too."

'It's hard just to criticise people like this,' Masazumi thought. However, it was meaningless to stay silent.

"Since he was born on Musashi, everybody knows what he's like, far more than what they know about me, a newcomer who's only been here one year. Also, the Testament Union's also got an idea, having seen Aoi's grades when he enrolled."

"That's because he's an idiot. In the past, during the speech of the matriculation ceremony, he burst into the ceremony hall smiling like an idiot while clutching a bundle of lit ceremonial firecrackers."

"Yeah, he chased all the new students around. The ceremony hall was in panic, but in the end the new students worked together, brought Toori down and launched the fireworks…A moving ending, even if rather forced. Speaking of which, president Sakai gave a closing speech. 'Everyone, remember this day well,' he said... like anyone would forget."

'Well,' Masazumi said lightly folding her arms.

"...Because he, the Chancellor, was elected to also the Student Council President, things ended without the Academy being split into one faction supporting the student council and other supporting the chancellor's board. Even for Testament Union, it's easier to control the Academy if Aoi is at the top of both sides, right?"

"That so? Um, right now, it seems that right now he has the urban name 'Impossible' appended to him, but can he really not do anything? Before, he was pretty... no, he was an idiot back then too, but what's he like now?"


Masazumi tilted her neck. Serving snacks and bread from early on in the morning, this shop was popular with students in terms of pricing as well. Toori and his classmates could be seen here pretty often.

"Right now, I see them here quite often, but... you're asking about what he's like now?"

"Yeah, Toori had stopped coming for a while, stretchin' from ten years ago till about a year ago. Before, Toori, his sister Kimi, and a child who lived close by would eat breakfast together here."

"...That was more than ten years ago? Then, from last year, it's been nine years since Toori had come..."

"That's right, Toori only started to come here again since last year. When Masazumi-san came to Musashi, it was the time where P-01s started working here. Now, again, he comes every morning though."

"I wonder why," the shopkeeper's question floated from the kitchen, but the answer to that was unknown to Masazumi as well.

"However, even if he comes here, he doesn't have a meal and just buys bread to go, so it can't be that he wants to get employed here when he graduates ...About that, well..."

"What is it?"

Just as she stretched her hand out to a piece of bread while asking, a voice could be heard.

"I'd been thinking that there was no way, but I've started to wonder."

"...? What are you talking about? You don't mind if I ask?"

"Hmmm, I wonder if, for you, it'd be easier to get it across if I said it this way."

From the kitchen, the sound of oil frying something resounded. Audible inside this chain of sizzling noise, was a voice.

"Toori probably likes P-01s."


Masazumi halted her hands which were trying to tear up the bread. Tilting her chair, she turned her gaze towards the kitchen; the shopkeeper's back, visible across some equipment, did not turn around.

"--Idiots who fall in love with automatons, that isn't just a fairy tale, I guess."

"Ah, no way, that's..."

Automatons do not have emotions. Automatons have the instinct to serve people as living beings, but that is different from emotion. They don't understand the workings of emotions, and even if they were questioned concerning this, they would not be able to answer.

...Therefore, they are "dolls".[1D 1]

If the female shopkeeper's words are true, Toori's behavior is...

"Useless, or rather... obsessive."

Masazumi described what most would take as common sense. However, following the timing of a conversation, Masazumi heard the female shopkeeper's voice.

"Even if useless, it's fine though."


She asked, but there was no answer. However, something came in its place.

"How's Toori doing in school?"

With this question, Masazumi realized that they were splintering from the conversation up till now. So after thinking for a moment, Masazumi tore up her bread, going back to the original flow of their conversation.

"By the Testament Union's standards... he has no capabilities at all, his academic ability is average, and it seems that they've judged that his athletic ability is below average in terms of stamina. Especially when it comes to his body..."

She muddied a fact into words. However, a voice spilled out from the depths of the kitchen.

"Long before, he cut his left shoulder, and because of that he's bad at athletics, isn't he."


For the residents of Musashi, is it normal that I would hesitate?

"Haha, the fact that ya know; Masazumi-san, ya've seen Toori's stripping right?"

"Saw or was shown--The first time I went to school, for some reason he, with "Underdog" written in huge letters on his front body, was being chased around by a pack of dogs, running around the school building."

"Because of that injury, he can't use swords very well, huh."

She was telling Masazumi what she already knew, seeking confirmation. Therefore, Masazumi also nodded.

"...Because of this, the Testament Union gave him the urban name, 'Impossible'."

What she said was just the truth, exclusive of personal opinion.

"Even as a Musician of Shinto, he worships an Entertainment-type God, said to focus upon fun and games... He appears to have passed the high-rank examinations, but it seems that he hasn't yet applied for any blessings. I've been told that it's because the blessing he can use isn't really useful."

"What kind of blessing?"

"Jud., "Power Propagation'."

Masazumi remembered. The thing she had heard from the Testament Union's attendee at the inheritance ceremony when she became the vice-president.

"When Amaterasu was hiding within a rock door, the laughter of the Goddesses dancing outside passed through the rock door and was conveyed to Amaterasu, and it became an opportunity to bring Amaterasu out. In short, the technique of the God of Entertainment is a technique that uses emotion as a medium, transmitting something to its receivers as a means to share it. Just like sharing laughs with everyone by dancing."

But even so, it was useless.

"Included in this technique is a form of equivalent indemnity, which takes the form of 'impurity'. When using laughter as a medium, there can be no sadness. If this is violated... the power which was propagated using laughter as a medium will conversely be taken away."

"Taken away... which means?"

"The transmitted power will not be shared, it will be thoroughly stolen away. Luck and emotion, even power, it depends on the contents of the contract, but it will most likely be exorcised as impurity, and it will not return for a long period of time. The reason that entertainers and artists whose careers fail experience psychological depression is because, failing in their works of art, the emotions of joy and laughter are lost from within themselves."

"A frightening spell, isn't it..."

'Isn't it?' Masazumi said. She continued her talk.

"But for Aoi, it's a meaningless technique. His abilities in academics and body are both average, so it's meaningless for others to share it. And even if he had more power than that, the risk when it is stolen away is far too high. Not being able to become sad..."

...Things like that happen quite often.

If something was stolen away, almost like a follow-up to the sadness, it would be intolerable.

The moment she thought this, a soft laugh could be heard from inside.

"Haha, Masazumi-san, just as I was wondering whether ya hated Toori, ya were worrying about him, weren't ya."

Being told something she had not even thought, Masazumi flushed her face.

Drinking the water in her glass, she calmed her breath.

"--If something happens to student council president, the responsibility will fall to me."

This is a fact. The student council and chancellor's board are the facilities with the highest authority in every country, but the Musashi's King which was sent by the Testament Union holds the authority of the final decision. Being the intermediary between the students and Musashi's King is the vice-president's job.

I myself think that it's a lot of trouble, but there's something else.

...What would it be like?

Masazumi wishes to be a politician. As her father is a member of the bureaucratic organization which aids students, the provisional council, he ponders and amends the decisions of the student council, brings the suggestions from the citizens, and furthermore, has the duty of running the management of the city based upon personal estimations."

When I've graduated from the Academy, I was thinking of starting on the road leading there.

However, recently, a single question had come to life.

...As she was born in the Far East, wouldn't everything be useless?

In the Far East, where it was set that the age limit for students was 18 years, you can't have anything to do with the government after graduation. Therefore, the adults, in other words the council members were nothing more than bureaucrats. Even if they had wealth, they were nothing more than wonderful taxpayers.

Furthermore, in Musashi, the Musashi's King which is sent by the Testament Union holds the authority of the final decision. He can even oppose the student council and chancellor's board. Because he holds all Musashi's matters under his jurisdiction, it is impossible for Musashi to achieve an autocracy. And because it was only able to fly above the tentative borderlines of all the countries, it was unable to freely choose its flight path.

Even if I try to carry something out, I don't really have the power to choose.

I've come to realise this fact very well during this one year. Looking at the circumstances after Aoi was chosen as the chancellor and when he became the student council president, I was forced to fully realize it.

That our strength will not be recognized.

...If that is the case...

Wouldn't it be fine to make a cursory job of everything?

If we become dependent upon the other countries' occupation, there are privileges that we can receive. For example, Aoi receiving the positions of chancellor and student council president and becoming a celebrity within Musashi.

And suddenly, Masazumi thought of her father.

Her father had left Mikawa ten years ago and moved to Musashi, being a member of the provisional council for ten years.

Masazumi knew why. It had been a year since her father had called her and she had come to Musashi. She knew that many businessmen, real estate managers and ground transport managers went to her father. If you thought of this as a privilege, the meaning in becoming a member of the provisional council in Musashi, a politician, and her destination as a political hopefully...


Thinking about a lot of things, Masazumi shook her head.

There was also the rumours that the Apocalypse was coming this year, and as if indicating this, it was true that the frequency of phenomena was rising.

A present age where the immediate future could not actually be seen.

Therefore, Masazumi thought that at least during meals, she would not think of the dark future.

At that moment.

"Yer hands have stopped moving... Was the bread bad, Masazumi-san?"

Because of the shopkeeper's voice, Masazumi regained her thoughts. Sighing, she took a breath.

"Ah, no, I was just daydreaming a little."

"Haha", she laughted, but even she felt that it was forced.

...There are just too many things to think about.

Her mother disappearing was the trigger for her coming to Musashi, many things had happened this last year.

She suddenly opened her mouth.

"Times sure flies fast. In a year, we've already gone once around the Far East to my hometown, Mikawa. Even though Mikawa is the Far East's representative, recently it's become on good terms with P.A. ODA, so the Testament Union is looking at it with suspicion. Also, because of the New Nagoya Castle's Leyline Reactor, phenomena are overflowing in the region... I wonder if my friends from before are doing well. I mean people like the daughter of the other Honda family, Lord Tadakatsu's daughter."

"My, my, talking about friends from yer hometown? Are ya homesick?"

"No," even whilst answering with that, she felt a sense of self-injury. Therefore, Masazumi spoke.

She spoke about something she had been thinking for a while. She spoke of one of the reasons that she often went out to do part-time jobs that started in the morning.

"...Our Academy, Ariadust is really the Musashi citizens's Academy. I don't really fit here. Or rather, me being someone who competed for and failed to receive a inherited name is also an issue, with the fact that everyone..."

The fact that everyone was showing her care was evident.

Her lips, which were on the brink of saying this, stopped.

"Do ya want to try and become friendly with everyone?"

A question came.

Without understanding the question, she pondered. After a while, Masazumi frowned.

"It's not like they aren't friendly..."

"Then, do ya ever feel that ya'd like to get along better with them? If ya do..."

She heard it.

"Investigate the 'Remorse Way'"

"Remorse.. Way...?"

Muttering, Masazumi tilted her head. If the name she had heard matched the image in her head, she knew the road the shopkeeper spoke of. Indeed, that she knew it was a matter of course.

"Um, it's the large starboard way in front of the Academy, isn't it? Passing through a natural park, reaching from the right starboard till the bow..."

"Do you know why it's named 'Remorse Way'?"

'No,' Masazumi answered. She doesn't know the clear reason.

What she know was:

...The stone slab at the entrance of that passage, the one that belongs to the girl named Horizon...

Ten years ago, a stone slab like a gravestone praying was made to pray for a girl's happiness in the next life. What meaning does it hold? If I investigate, will I understand the origins of the name which everyone normally uses, 'Remorse Way'?"

"What could it be?"

"It's simpl... A fact which Masazumi-san does not know but over half of the Musashi's residents know. If you investigate it... yeah."

With that, the noise of the shopkeeper in the kitchen turning around could be heard.

"Ten years ago, durin' Musashi's Great Renovation, a certain incident had happened."

"...An incident? It have something to do with that stone slab? Horizon, the name of a girl, is written on it..."

"If ya've noticed that, then this'll be quick. A step further, step inwards and look. If you do that, more of Musashi's various facets will become visible to you."

Her voice sounded, and along with the sound of her walking, a scent came. Turning around, the female shopkeeper, plate in her hand, was coming this way with a smile on her face.

"Each of Musashi's residents remember why the name 'Remorse Way' was given to that road. So, ya should investigate. Yer worries'll definitely lessen... Also, this."

Atop a tray there was a paper bag and bread. On top of the bread was butter fried spinach, ham, egg and carrot.

"Before, Toori and the girl who lived close by would put what we sold on a piece of bread. With the addition of soup, our mornin' menu…Well, rather than mornin', it was already noon. If yer goin' now to visit a grave and Mikawa, I'll wrap it together with a tightly sealed paper cup, so ya can take it away."

At the same time as her voice, the bell which signaled the time rang out. It was the noontime bell.

Hearing this, Masazumi suddenly turned her gaze outside. The voice of the female shopkeeper, putting the meal into a paper bag-

"Is there somethin' ya interested in the Academy?"

"Jud., since today, Azuma-sama should have come from the Testament Union."

"Ah, if that's so, the King will be following him, won't he. The Academy'll be busy, won't it? So yer interested, then?"

"Well", Masazumi said and stood up. While hearing the sound of the female shopkeeper arranging the paper bag on top of the table, she spoke.

"Once in a while, I take a guess about why that place would be busy."

My plans for today, visiting a grave and going to Mikawa.

...But if I investigate Remorse Way afterward, will I learn something?

Translator's notes and references

  1. 自動人形(Automaton)->人形(Doll)