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<b>VERY</b> preliminary:<p>
<b>VERY</b> preliminary:<p>
'''Open Issues'''
'''Open Issues'''
*Issue-new: level->score for box descriptions - V2+
*Issue 01: Volume 1 frequently uses --- in place of —; in a few instances, I've seen -- and ----, so any naive Ctrl-F / Find-Replace regex / etc should first check for -- and ---- before ---.
*Issue 01: Volume 1 frequently uses --- in place of —; in a few instances, I've seen -- and ----, so any naive Ctrl-F / Find-Replace regex / etc should first check for -- and ---- before ---.
*Issue 02: Umaibô=>Umaibō & Umaibo=>Umaibō & Umaibous=>Umaibōs... Completed for:
*Issue 02: Umaibô=>Umaibō & Umaibo=>Umaibō & Umaibous=>Umaibōs... Completed for:

Latest revision as of 03:12, 24 February 2014

Utsuro no Hako Edit Tracking, Volume 1[edit]

98 Novel Illustrations. (needs EEE or someone else w/correct images + ability to edit)
  ok File:UtsuroNoHako_003.jpg: ...let sleeping dogs lie (Aya text: (this technically should be updated...but the absolute limits have been hit. Maybe after V7 has been TL'd, and every single other volume has been completely edited and polished to perfection...)
XX  Prologue
100  1st time
100  23rd time
100  1,050th time
XX  13,118th time
XX(pend one tiny EEE confirm)  10,876th time
100  8,946th time
XX  2,601st time
XX  2,602nd time
100  4,609th time
100  5,232nd time
XX  27,753rd time
XX  Interlude
XX  27,753rd time
XX  27,754th time
XX  3,087th time
XX  27,754th time
XX  0th time
XX  27,755th time
XX 27,755th time
XX 27,755th time
100  27,755th time
9X  0th time
100  5,000th time
100  6,000th time
100  7,000th time
100  8,000th time
100  9,000th time
XX  9,999th time
XX  10,000th time
XX  27,755th time
XX(a bit stiff in a few places) 27,756th time
XX  1st time
XX  Epilogue
XX  Author’s Notes

Utsuro no Hako Edit Tracking, Volume 2[edit]

ok Novel illustrations
okish Prologue
ok April 29 (Wednesday) Shōwa Day
1X April 30 (Thursday)
1X May 1 (Friday)
1X May 2 (Saturday)
1X May 3 (Sunday) Constitution Memorial Day
1X May 4 (Monday) Greenery Day
00 May 5 (Tuesday) Children's Day
20 May 18 (Monday)
00 Author's Notes 

Utsuro no Hako Edit Tracking, Volume 3[edit]


ok Novel illustrations
okish Prologue
02 Beginning
02 Round 1
00 Round 2
00 Round 3
00 Epilogue
00 Author's Notes

Utsuro no Hako Punctuation & Style Rules[edit]

VERY preliminary:

Open Issues

  • Issue-new: level->score for box descriptions - V2+
  • Issue 01: Volume 1 frequently uses --- in place of —; in a few instances, I've seen -- and ----, so any naive Ctrl-F / Find-Replace regex / etc should first check for -- and ---- before ---.
  • Issue 02: Umaibô=>Umaibō & Umaibo=>Umaibō & Umaibous=>Umaibōs... Completed for:
Project Landing Page
Illustrations for V1, V3, V4
NEEDS TO BE FIXED for text within V1 illustration file: http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:UtsuroNoHako_003.jpg
Taken note of. Btw. not that I want to change it, but just pointing out the problem that we now have two types of romanization. EusthEnoptEron (talk) 02:22, 13 April 2013 (CDT)
  • Issue 03: capital letter after "..."? After colons? (Trivial, but would help to generalize)
  • Issue 04: em-dash, en-dash? Spaces in between?

Closed Issues (until V7 comes out, at least):

  • Issue 01: Kazuki's sister's name: Ruu-chan=>Luu-chan & Ruka=>Luka. Completed for V1-V6
  • Issue 02: Spaces between sentences: Parts of volume 2 (and others) have two spaces between sentences instead of a single space - I'm pretty tempted to do a straight Ctrl-F and hope for the best (or else a regex for two, but not three spaces -> a single space)
    • Fwiw, two spaces are stripped to one in MediaWiki, so it's not that urgent an issue. EusthEnoptEron (talk) 02:22, 13 April 2013 (CDT) (/facepalm ...well, good to know earlier rather than later - thanks for the heads-up Grrarr (talk) 08:37, 13 April 2013 (CDT))

HakoMari items to discuss w/EEE over IRC[edit]

HakoMari synopsis: random notes to self[edit]

http://www.baka-tsuki.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=3161&p=69753&hilit=drum#p69753 http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Utsuro_no_Hako_to_Zero_no_Maria&diff=99099&oldid=95425

Keep "I'll break you"

Generic footnotes[edit]

<ref>If you’re reading this light novel, chances are that you don’t need this note. On the other hand, you may find the diversity of commentary on the subject interesting, especially as you scroll further down. See http://ask.metafilter.com/161835/First-names-in-Japanese-honorifics</ref> "The awkwardness in Japanese Anime/Manga is because it indicates a dramatic shift in personal intimacy/comfort. It's equivalent to getting a long warm hug from someone you just met. Generally used as a literary device to get two characters close to each other without tons and tons of expository time."

Notes to self re: trivial edit tracking, Utsuro no Hako Illustrations & Illustration summary pages[edit]

Complete: Utsuro no Hako V1

illustration summary
individual illustrations

Utsuro no Hako V2

Complete/trivial: illustration summary
  • April 7th- Announcement (1.Needs to be sync'd, in part, w/ending phrase of V1. 2.Need to grab EEE/downtime re: the current desription of Maria as a "firm beauty" ....)
  • April 23rd - Classroom
  • May 1st - Confession




illustration summary
individual illustrations - Untranslated


yo) about the changing of the order of editing Tsukumodo chapters, as you so kindly proposed - both you and ss were going at the last chapter of vol. 1 pretty hard. if you're not finished with it yet, can i humbly request you to do that chapter first? i thought about it and things seemed to coincide a bit: you're doing it anyway with ss and i just felt like i needed to tl the best chapter in the volume next after the first chapter (i need some motivation to keep going as tsukumodo isn't all that fun really). and by the time i finish said last chapter you will have probably edited the whole volume , so after that the order isn't a problem. sorry i didn't think of this sooner... PS. god, i love "future in the past" (tense)--Idiffer 03:45, 29 July 2012 (CDT)

hey! no worries, totally not a prob. (Just a heads up - I'll probably crap out at some point and get busy w/other stuff this week, so don't be so sure that I'll have gotten thru the volume by the time you TL it... :P) Grrarr 10:43, 29 July 2012 (CDT)

oh, hey. thanks for the update. but really, no need apologize. plus, i've been lazy myself (i have still have half of 'coincedence' to go) + i tl'd a chapter Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai and have things to be busy with other than tsukumodo, mainly proofreading + my new job is pretty much hell in terms of work shifts. so all in all, i have no problem waiting. --Idiffer (talk) 22:51, 14 August 2012 (CDT)

Cool - well, not so much the work shifts being hell part...but glad I haven't been holding you up/you've been otherwise occupied. About to send you a PM Grrarr (talk) 00:02, 15 August 2012 (CDT)

Reminder to self: do "coincidence" then "present" Also, at some pt, make sure the prologues and other word-for-word copies of "what is a relic" in the various chapters are all consistent... Grrarr (talk) 16:13, 24 August 2012 (CDT)


Thanks for all the help w/HakoMari. Fyi:

  1. EEE and I both encourage you to edit aggressively...very aggressively :)
  2. Inline comments are usually a lot easier to handle than discussion page comments, unless there's some broad meta-issue at stake
  3. V1, V5, and V6 are basically edited. V2 is still very much in progress. V3 and V4...need a lot of work.
  4. The dominant tense should be present, not past. (That being said, there are lots of exceptions, such as narrative flashbacks, etc etc.) This is basically complete for V1, V5, and V6, partially complete for V2, and again, almost completely unimplemented for V3 and V4.
  5. Welcome, and ... um ... happy editing?

Grrarr (talk) 00:58, 16 July 2013 (CDT)


Wanted to direct your attention to an argument I'm putting forth here: http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Talk:Utsuro_no_Hako:Volume1_Prologue

Speaking of style, I see you're getting away from the "formal/academic/calcified writing style" - I think that's a really nice thing to do. It's one of my primary hobbies to look at different interesting writing styles, for example from Orwell and Russell (considerably different choice of vocabulary, tendency for longer, more complex sentences; "styled like a dusty BBC radio broadcast") to a translation of The Brothers Karamazov (short, clipped sentences delivered in a very matter-of-fact tone) to a recent nonfiction book on psychology for the masses (informal; American spoken vernacular), and so forth. Having to write for academia is pretty suffocating, so I hope you have fun with that 'getting away.'


Well, I just checked the edit logs and realised I've done silly mistakes and you had to clear it in my stead. I just wanted to apologise for that; I'll make sure I double-check before submitting my edits to make sure it doesn't have mistakes like that in the future.
