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Ash wanted to rush out to protect Sylvia but is stopped, by Avdocha’s underlings, and is held from behind.
Ash wanted to rush out to protect Silvia but was stopped, by Avdocha’s underlings, and is held from behind.
"You idiots! Let me go!"
"You idiots! Let me go!"

Revision as of 12:38, 9 April 2014

Chapter 4 - Avdocha the Convicted

Part 1

Early in the morning. Ash put on his uniform and rushed out of magicship Silvanus straight to school.

Since he has obtained Veronica’s permission last night the guards in charge did not stop Ash.

On the way there Ash did not encounter Captain Glenn. Of course… Ash also simply did not want to meet him.

By quickly running up the stairs he finally arrived at the Student’s Council’s office.

"I’m entering."

He openes the door without hesitation and instantly… An object, like a cannon, flew into his arms.

"Oh! ......Eco?"

Eco’s body is soft.

Yesterday she probably went to Rebecca's room to stay for the night. He smells a sweet scent. One that that will not make you tired of it and yet will also make you feel refreshed.

"Something wrong?"

Eco’s attitude made Ash feel troubled. That feeling is like that of a pet and its owner, that have been separated for a long time, and it leaped at its owner when they were reunited.

The thing that he doesn't understand is… Does Eco have those kind of feelings? They didn’t see each other for only one night... And yet. Her personality has become so docile?

"It's annoying that you are so slow…..."

Eco buries her face in Ash’s chest and is reluctant to let go. Not only did she not let go there are also signs that she is hugging him a lot more tightly. The heat from her is transferring to Ash's body.

If it's only just that… Then he can let it be. Though, right after that thought, Eco grabbed Ash’s tie and pulled him right into the front of her face.

"S-Slow down. Wait... My neck is going to break ...!"

Ash quickly put his finger into the gap between tie and neck which barely enables him to breathe. At least he is now free from the danger of suffocating.

What is wrong with Eco so early in the morning?

Her cheeks are bright pink and her eyes are watery.

Ash is struggling but Eco continues to attack.


After making the cute sound… Eco’s feet are wrapping around his leg.

Her legs, in knee socks, slid in between Ash thighs. The moment her soft thigh came into contact with his crotch his whole body shivers.

"No...... My body is so hot... I can’t stand it any longer." Eco gasped.

As she kept tugging Ash’s tie while lifting up her body.

Her half opened lips moving towards Ash’s cheek -


Extending her tongue she gently licked Ash’s cheek. Like a dragon who wants to be spoiled by its master.

"...... Ah?"

At this moment… Ash spotted something – from Eco's mouth there comes a rose like smell.

"You...... Show me the inside!"

"Is this...... alright!"

"Is this......alright?" Eco says after she jumps down.

The usual Eco would ignore Ash’s order. This morning, however, it is as if she is now a different person. Her cheeks are getting redder and she stares at Ash’s face.

Being flirted with by her eyes… Ash saw Eco actually gently lift her miniskirt.

"... Huh?" Obviously Eco was confused about what 'inside' meant.

For the moment. Ash just couldn't understand what was happening right in front of him.


Ash almost falls backwards.

The thing clinging to Eco’s pure white skin almost caused his awareness to be swept away. That underwear, embellished with a lot of laces, was designed for adults!

Suddenly he came back to his senses… Ash obstinately holds Eco’s hands.

"What are you doing you fool! I'm not talking about the skirt. It's what's inside your mouth!"

"Umm... I know..."

Eco with a flushed face opens her mouth halfway.

Behind her pearl white teeth, a pink tongue can be seen.

"So this stuff is the culprit!"

On Eco’s tongue was a piece of round candy.

A strong Ansal smell went into his nostrils.

Even though Ansals are harmless to humans it brings a strong intoxicating effect to the dragons. Like drinking alcohol is for humans… Ansal’s smell brings pleasure to dragons.

The problem is that Eco is only a young dragon. Even with only a small amount of Ansal the result it brings is hard to predict.

"Come on. Quickly spit it out!"


Eco exhaled a mouthful of heat, and firmly grasped Ash’s tie.

Don’t take Eco as just a petite girl as her strength is still like a dragon.

Ash, unable to do anything, can only let her pull him. - Eco, with Ash currently immobilized and his mouth half-opened, met it with her lips.

At the same time, Eco’s tongue breaks past the barrier.


The two sticky and slippery tongues tangled.

The unimaginable shock makes Ash’s mind go blank and he is transfixed in place.

"Tee hee..."

Eco revealed a devil like smiled and slowly averted her face. During that time the candy has rolled into Ash’s mouth.

The mouth-fed candy has melted into half of its original volume, Eco’s body temperature still remains on the candy.

Ash was entirely entranced.

"You… Just now..."

His face is hot as if flame is going to burst out from it.

At the start Ash was concentrating too much on the mouth-fed candy. That is why only until now, Ash found their lips were sticking tightly together.

According to that… Wasn't that his and Eco’s first kiss?


Suddenly, like a puppet whose string was broken, Eco fell limp.

She buried her face in Ash’s arms and fell into a deep sleep. Seems like the drunken Eco has finally fallen asleep.

"Really... She only knows how to give people headaches."

Just as Ash breathed a sigh of relief-

"..... In this position, between a human and a dragon, your behavior just does not sound healthy."


Hearing a surprisingly calm voice, Ash was shocked.

- Glup!

The candy in his mouth is accidentally swallowed.

"....Rebecca! Since when have you been here?"

Rebecca leisurely crosses her arms in front of her chest as she stood in the doorway. Her face is wearing a snappish smile

Rebecca leisurely crosses her arms in front of her chest as she stood in the doorway. Her face is wearing a snappish smile.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course… When Eco ran out of the room."

"Isn’t it that you were here from the beginning to end? Why did you stand on the side-lines and not come to my aid!"

"Well that scene was very exciting! Oh, Ash, by the way, that underwear Eco is wearing belongs to me."


After hearing that… Ash cannot help but think about Eco’s exposed underwear.

Those laces flooded his whole mind, the material should be silk, right? He remembers the top has a unique gloss. It turns out that Rebecca usually wears those kind of underwear... After getting lost in his imagination Ash returns to his senses.

"Hey! That's not the point! I would like to know why Eco’s mouth was stuffed with that candy."

"Ahh. You mean that? That is my, self-prepared, personal snack. When she saw me licking it, on my palm, Eco came and begged for one. When I saw her eager face… How could I heartlessly refuse? "

"Rebecca, even when you knew the Ansal herb will have a negative effect on Eco, why did you continue to let her eat it?"

"Huu? ... I do not understand what you mean by that."

Rebecca exposed a playful smile and hid inside her room.

Part 2

Rebecca looked at the faces of all those who were present.

"Then let the meeting begin. Silvia will not be present for today’s meeting... So are there only three people left?"

She was correct. Right now. The ones who are sitting around the table are Rebecca, Max and Ash. The trio. By the way… Eco is lying on the couch.

The Vice president and the secretary still seem like they don't intend to attend this morning either.

"Right... Doesn’t it feel a little lonely?”

After Ash stated this Rebecca looked at him ridiculously.

"Any problem with it Ash? Are you so lonely when Silvia is not here? Is Rebecca onee-san not enough to satisfy you?"

"How could I dare to think so?!!"

Ash was too nervous to know what to do next. Max, right beside him, was also shocked but he interrupts:

"President. We do not have time. Please do not tease Ash anymore and quickly begin the meeting."

"Hmm. You’re right. Every time I see Ash… I just want to make fun of him."

Rebecca, with a bitter smile, returns back to the topic.

"As you have heard, Princess Veronica's condolence trip is going to be held this afternoon. Actually... We must represent the academy’s students by accompanying the Princess."

Ash senses something bad.

"The people who are going to accompany the Princess must be Max, Ash, Eco and I. This is Princess Veronica’s orders. We do not have the right to refuse."

Just like what he sensed… His bad feeling was correct.

"Princess Veronica has many enemies. If someone wants to assassinate the Princess they certainly will not miss this great opportunity. Even though there are the seven escorts, who are in charge of the security, we still should not neglect precautionary measures. We, as mere Dragner's, must also be mentally prepared to be able to protect the Princess when there is danger."

"Please. May I ask ..."

Ash timidly raised his hand.

"Is there a problem Ash?"

“Rebecca-san. You're not a 'mere' but a dignified Ark-Dragner. Max, also, is an outstanding Dragner but I'm just a humble breeder.”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn’t you also have the famous title 'Silver Knight'?"

"... That's not the kind of title I want. Even if you give it to me for free."

"But I think that it is suitable for you. Back to the topic... The next thing is the main point."

After changing the topic… Rebecca showed a serious expression and passed the information in her hands to Ash and Max.

That is commonly known as a 'Wanted Poster'.

The entire sheet of paper is full of the details of the criminal’s characteristics and looks.

The reward offered actually reaches up to one million Eccles[1]. Compared to a normal reward this amount is excessively large.

"We received some information from a certain party that 'Avdocha the Convicted' has infiltrated Ansarivan. Everyone please be very careful."

Part 3

The revival operations are well underway. The noise and hustle and bustle of construction sounded off in St Durham’s Square one after another.

The sound of the roaring man supervisor.

The sturdy frame operator’s loud cry.

The knocking sounds of the hammers.

The Necromancia’s attacks had happened a full two weeks ago.

The Square had been razed to ruins and yet today the revival operation was going on smoothly.

Magicship Silvanus landed slowly from above the square.

Right after she safely alighted from the magicship… Veronica immediately, with a loud voice, announced to the public:

"Dear countrymen! Thank you for your hard work!"

On recognizing the heroic Veronica… The scene is suddenly full of cheers.

"Wow. It's the Princess Veronica Her Royal Highness!"

"To even think that Her Royal Highness will actually come to a place like this..."

"That armour really looks valiant!"

Every worker stops doing their work as they are all moved and full of tears. However. Veronica just stared at them fiercely.

"Who allowed you to rest?! Why are you bothering with my existence. Immediately continue with your work!"

At Veronica's loud voice even the earth would shake! Furthermore. The Asias that were brought to the construction site were also shivering.

"Yes. Princess!"

Though all the workers are burly, self-confident and brawny they now, all of them, felt particularly vulnerable and hurried to resume their own work.

The sense was more like a strict supervisor who came rather than a condolence visit. Ash, standing beside Veronica, cannot help but laugh bitterly.

Rebecca, Max, Ash and Eco, the four of them followed along with the arrangements made in the meeting this early morning. They are accompanying Veronica as the student representatives.

"Hmm... There is something strange."

Eco from the start is looking around aimlessly.

Did she find out something unusual using her dragon’s intuition? If it is so, the situation they are in will be a serious one, it is most likely an enemy of Veronica.

"Eco? Is there anything suspicious?"

Ash, with a nervous voice, asks Eco but she then revealed an extremely unhappy expression.

"The crepe stall is gone."

"... Hu?"

"I said. I can’t find the stall selling crepes!"

Ash is dumbstruck. What Eco likes to eat most is none-other than the crepes sold in the stall selling crepes in St Durham Square.

"You tell me... What Crepe seller will do business in this construction site?"

"Wuhu[2]...... My crepes..."

Eco is so disappointed that she showed a dejected expression. There are tears in her eyes whirling.

"Really.. I can’t stand you any longer. The owner must have moved his stall to some other part of the streets. Later we will look for it together… Alright?"


Once she had heard this… Eco immediately smiled dazzlingly.


Her smile is like a full bloom rose of which Ash cannot help but stare at deeply.

"Something wrong?" Eco asked when noticing Ash's stare.

Right after Eco confusedly asked… Only then did Ash come back to his senses and, with an pumped up attitude, he cleared his throat.

"No. Nothing......"

In short. His bribery has been successful and Eco will, temporarily, quiet down. After all, he is now playing the role of Veronica’s guard with a heavy responsibility. Just in case this job was messed up by Eco, it would be hard for him to make sure that his head stays on his neck. Using crepes in exchange for the safety of his head… This price is nothing.

"Hmm. Using the strength of an Asia? A breeder who chooses to be a civil engineer is really rare."

"Y- Yes. I’m just lucky!"

At the same time, as Ash is trying to keep Eco calmed down, Veronica’s condolence trip is also being carried out smoothly.

Apart from the square the surrounding buildings have also been damaged by the Necromancia. Which is why many carpenters are working there right now.

The carpenter Veronica is talking to seems to be a breeder and at the side an Asia can be seen pulling a trolley.

When facing Veronica the fierce looking carpenter, due to excessive fear, looked very nervous. This scene is really amusing.

Looking at that the kind of laid-back scene Ash suddenly remembered the name that Rebecca brought up at the morning meeting.

--‘Avdocha the Convicted'

According to the report; She has the blood of a Tantalos. From a young age she has been doing guerrilla activities in the mountains. Later on she spread out from the mountains and was involved in terrorist attacks across the continent. She is very famous for her anti-establishment activity.

But five years ago, in the capital City of Fontaine, after Veronica’s assassination ended in failure… She was never seen again.

Some reports stated that such an activist is likely to stage a comeback for Veronica. Of course. The credibility of those reports are yet to be verified but still they must be prepared for the worst.

"Hey. Eco."

Ash gathered his nerve and whispered in Eco’s ears.

"... What’s the problem?"

"In case that I ran into a dangerous situation… Could you make me the Ark?"

"Well. Do you even want that kind of patch up work? I don’t mind, but, there will be conditions-"

"Alright, alright, no matter how many crepes you want to eat... I’ll buy them for you."

Except for the ansal flavor crepes... Ash, in his heart, silently added just as the nearby church bell rang.

That's the bell to indicate one o’clock in the afternoon.

"It is already this late...?"

Listening to the solemn bell… Silvia's face suddenly emerges in Ash's mind.

The building around St Durham Square has more than one church.

At this time Silvia should be complying with Veronica's command by offering her prayers in the St Valeria’s church for repentance.

Just when Ash takes Silvia’s feelings into account, and his mood was subsequently depressed, something happened.


Suddenly. At the other end of the square. The sound of an explosion can be heard.

"W-What happened?"

Ash, surprised, looked at the other end of the square.

A thick black smoke is seen growing into the sky.

"It can’t be ...!"

The worst thought emerges in Ash mind.

The location where the black smoke emerges is St Valeria’s clock tower.

At the same time the explosion occurred the public, gathered in the square, started to scream and the crowded site degraded into a mess.

After all only a few days ago they were subjected to the Necromancia’s attack and, because of that, the present reaction of many people are particularly extreme.

“-Princess please return to Silvanus.”

At this time. Glenn’s voice is heard.

"You’re right." Said Veronica without blinking an eye.

As she just calmly nodded.

Ash who could not help but angrily interrupt said:

"Didn’t you see that church? Princess may be right inside there -"

However. Veronica coldly interrupts Ash:

"Don’t worry. From now on, I declare from this moment, Silvanus will become the strategic headquarters of this Operation. All of you… Please return together."

Even when her biological sister may be caught up in the bombings… Veronica’s calm attitude really pissed people off.

Part 4

Silvia arrived at the St Valeria’s Church.

Under Veronica’s order she did not even bring her maid Cosette with her.

St Valeria’s statue was positioned on the altar.

St Valeria is one of the Twelve Apostles who served St Rosa Maria.

In the denomination of Rosa Maria's bible St Valeria, is portrayed as a woman full of compassion and also, is the protector of law.

In addition to Silvia, there are also many people who come to the church. But most of them look like tourists. Those who are like Silvia, who have their own troubles, are the minority.

“St Valeria. Please forgive my imprudent actions."

Silvia knelt in front of the altar and began to pray.

"St Valeria’s..."

At this time, someone else right beside Silvia is non-stop praying.

That voice feels very familiar.

"Please bless me so that I will get pregnant with 'Silver Knight'-sama’s child......"

"What are you praying for?!!"


THUND. That person is so shocked by the other roaring voice that she screamed and fell backwards.

Silvia carefully looked at her face.

"...I knew that it was you. Jessica Valentine!"

Jessica stood up straight and stares back at Silvia.

"Oops. Look at you… You're not with the Princess? I thought you were to accompany Princess Veronica for her condolence trip today."

"Err... Sorry to tell you that I did not accompany her!"

"Y- You. What are you getting angry about?"

"Give me a break! That is not the point… How come you're here?"

Jessica obviously does not understand the reason Silvia is so angry.

"Well. I just wanted to beg St Valeria to bless me for an easy childbirth..."

"St Valeria is a protector of law! You have looked for the wrong person! "

"Hmm, I’m not like the rest, I won’t even bother this small detail."

"What type of small detail is this?”

"Hm... If you keep on clinging to petty things like this… You will never be on equal footing with the Princess!"

Silvia, whose weakness is found out, suddenly became furious.

“What did you say? Outsiders like you will never understand!"

“Obvious at a glance- There is too much difference in both of your open-mindedness."

"Ugh! How shameless are you... To talk about someone else pain!"

"Oops. It is your pain? Oh… As a royal you are far behind Veronica-sama in your open-mindedness and as a Dragner your strength is far less than 'Silver Knight'-sama; I advise you to learn how to be a woman and you can take this noble’s daughter as an example."

"What did you say......?"

Silvia couldn’t bear with it any longer and her rational thinking had snapped. She felt that what Jessica implied was as if she is trying to persuade her to hurriedly marry Glenn. Although logically it is impossible for Jessica to know of her arranged marriage with Glenn but Silvia can’t care about the details so much.

"Ha! A mere Randall family’s servant even has the nerve to ask me to take her as an example? Even my toes are laughing!"

Jessica's face turns from red to white and back to red.

"Can it be Rebecca had told you...?"

"Don’t worry, under the president’s order, I will not spread this to the public. But. I would like to advise you to have a little restraint and stop falsifying your status."

Jessica lips tremble, she fiercely glared at Silvia.

"Then I’ll ask you... Can you can guarantee that your actions are never related to falsehood?"


Silvia is also afraid that someone will see through her timid side which is why she is always pretending to be strong. As one of the Lautreamont Knight Country’s Princess' she is trying her hardest to play the ideal image of ‘This is what a princess should do’.

Isn't such behavior also taken as falsehood?

"Oops. Could it be that I hit the bull’s eye?"

"N-No. That's not it...”

Just while Silvia intends to voice a rebuttal-


The sound of explosion came from above.

The floor shook because of the impact as dust, sands and stones fall from the ceiling.

Judging from this evidence… There seems to have been an explosion upstairs.


Silvia is so frightened she inadvertently clings to Jessica.

Maybe Jessica is equally caught up in the panic and she wraps her arms around Silvia and hugged her hard.

Silvia and Jessica’s screams are like a trigger which make the other visitors cry.

It is only one explosion but, from the original sacred atmosphere of the Church, it has instantly turned into a living hell.

At this time… A condescending shadow appeared.

"Who’s that person?"

Silvia's eyes widened.

Black hair and eyes, which were full of evil, glimmered.

Under the high degree of exposure folk costume, a nearly tanned colored skin can be seen.

The woman, like in a drama, began to speak:

"‘Blame the sin, rather than the sinner!’ What a joke. The fragile mind of a human is the root of all evil and all who are sinners will never escape death!"

WHACK! The woman waved a toss of the whip that was in her hand-

"I shall be called 'Avdocha the Convicted’!" [3]

Silvia became dumbstruck.

She remembers that name.

"How come... This person is 'Avdocha the Convicted’?"

Silvia knew the existence of this anti-establishment activist. Long ago… She had also seen her 'wanted order' several times.

Her reward amount is up to one million Eccles.

However, the woman in front of her not only has face of a child, a petite body, and a childlike appearance which caused others not to believe she is a battle-hardened terrorist. This is totally different from the image in the wanted poster.

But the woman with a calm expression looks at the visitor.

Even when her body is petite she is still able to look down from up high.

That is because she was standing on the back of a basilisk.

Under the sight of the big rolling eyes that only a basilisk has-


Silvia and Jessica trembled.

The extreme fear causes them to not release each other’s hands.

--- Basilisk

Even though they bear a striking resemblance to lizards, their size is nowhere near a lizard. Although they are well known as a close relatives of an Asia, but judging from their body, there is not even a slightest hint that they have a Dragon's intellect.

To tame such monster after capturing it and ride it like a horse, no matter what, it will never be done by an ordinary person.

So the only explanation is… The woman in front is none-other than 'Avdocha the Convicted’-

"From now on, you are all hostages! Just don’t act rashly and I will not take your life! On the other hand... If someone dares to fight back… Don’t blame me if we use you to feed him!"

Followed by Avdocha’s order the basilisk made an earth-shattering roar.

Part 5

The atmosphere of the airship Silvanus’s navigation room was very tense.

The crew, led by the helmsman, are at their posts; They were ready to take off at any time.

"Huhu... It is hard even for me to tolerate this… Glenn."

Veronica who is smiling while sitting on the captain seat said.

"Yes. Veronica-sama."

Glenn seriously nodded in agreement.

Apart from the escort’s captain Glenn who is by Veronica’s side, the other six escorts are on their dragons responsible for the protection of Silvanus.

Under Veronica’s order Rebecca, Max, Ash and Eco - the members of the student’s council - also gathered in the navigation room.

"Hey.... Why can you be so calm? The church that Princess is in was attacked!"

Ash, unable to restrain his emotions, questioned.

Veronica on the captain’s seat comfortably cross her legs and teased;

"You're too inexperienced Ash. During the Necromancia’s attack, were your emotions this unstable? If it is so, then you were just lucky the last time- you'd better give some deep thought about it or else you cannot guarantee your own life."

"What did you say?"


At this moment, the communication sergeant interrupted Ash while looking back at Veronica.

"There is a signal from St Valeria’s Church!"

Beside the communication sergeant’s hand the bright dragon crystal, next to the magic communicator, is shining.

"Connect to it."


The magic communicator continued to flash for a while then a projection appeared in mid-air.


Ash gasped. Even though he knew that this is a type of oracle he had never seen such method. The technology must have been imported from the Empire.

Although there is a lot of static noise the scene shown on the screen looks like the interior of the St Valeria’s church. – St Valeria’s statue set on the altar statue proves this fact.

The only thing is, the screen didn’t show the hostages. Of course, that does not rule out that Silvia could have been abducted.... Which made Ash anxiously clench his fists.

At this moment… The projection screen suddenly shows a woman's face.

『 "I shall be called 'Avdocha the Convicted’. Wait, since we are already familiar with each other, I don’t need to announce my name… Right Veronica?"[4]

"You're right. So could you quickly tell me what your demand is?"

Veronica shows the calm demeanor of a royal family.

"She is...'Avdocha the Convicted’?"

Ash's eyes widen and he turns speechless.

Seeing her childlike face Rebecca, Max and Eco seem to feel the same as Ash. All of their faces looked stunned and skeptical.

Because between her looks and the arrest warrant they received earlier… They are apparently two completely different characters.

The portrait in the arrest warrant looks like a 24-year-old with a sharp look like a she-leopard. Which gave the feeling of a veteran guerrilla soldier......

『 "I’ll let you have a look at this first!"』

The screen suddenly focuses at another person’s body.

The altar of the Rosa Maria’s religion is magnificently decorated with its symbolic totem wing like crucifix. However, there is a person tied to the winged cross.

Ash and the others turn speechless and not just because of Avdocha’s fetishes.


Rebecca who knew her since childhood muttered blankly.

She is not wrong. The one tied on the winged cross is the president of SKFC-Jessica Valentine. Of all people. Evidently she seems to have inadvertently become a hostage.

"That’s t-too much!"

Ash's lips are trembling.

Jessica is actually only wearing her underwear.

- The Head of Valkyrie!

Apart from her underwear and knee socks the rest of her clothing was mercilessly stripped away.

The humiliated Jessica is desperately struggling to hold back her tears.

Not only that. There are also squiggles on top her bare belly that reads:

- The Head of Valkyrie!

"That. Is that blood text...?"

"No. that does not look like blood. It should be something like lipstick.”

Rebecca swept away Ash’s worry.

"Hmm... To even use hostages as a meat shield to make me offer my head. She is really an insatiable woman." Veronica calmly remarks.

Even after witnessing Jessica’s inhumane treatment, Veronica is still easy going.

At this time, the screen slowly moves downwards, and the altar is shown.

"...What is that?"

Ash frowns.

Around the altar, there are black objects that give the impression of a "machine". Although it is an extremely strange and rarely seen thing they are filled with a dangerous atmosphere that can never be found coming from equipment within the church.

From the screen Avdocha’s voice is heard again:

『 "As you can see we have a bomb set up in the church. This is an Empire made mechanical bomb. Once detonated, the church will immediately be blown to pieces. Also. I am a person who has no patience. Every time the bell rings. I’ll kill a hostage."』

"What did you say...?!"

Ash excitedly clenches his fists.

She is threatening that every hour there will be someone who will lose their life.

Until the next time the bell rings… There is only around fifty minutes.

『 "Hehe... I can’t wait to see your head when it is off your neck Veronica."』

Once finished with these words the communication was terminated.

It seems that Avdocha stopped it herself.

"Your Highness. What should we do now?"

Rebecca asked, but a sneer is shown on Veronica’s mouth.

The coldness of her sneer, caused Ash’s hair to stand up straight.

"I’ll never compromise with terrorists. If we face an emergency situation we’ll use the main canon of Silvanus to blow up the whole church."

"What ..."

After hearing this emotionless declaration Ash felt as if he is punched from the back of his head.

Even when she knew that Silvia may also be inside the church. But...

"You are really...!"

Ash finally understands the reason Veronica is given the title 'Ironblood Valkyrie'.

Part 6

The time is moved slightly backwards---

Nearly a hundred worshipers were taken hostage along with Silvia. Of course, due to unexpected events, they are trembling endlessly while still trying to grasp the situation that they are in.

The terrorist’s mastermind is 'Avdocha the Convicted’.

There are nine soldiers surrounding them.

The nine soldiers give off the feeling that they are from the mountains and are large, muscular men. They are dressed in their folk costumes; With an eagle looking mask on their face and equipped with the mountain people's usual whip and shamshir[5] dagger and others. The nine men seem to be loyal to Avdocha. In contrast to their savage like looks, they accept orders just like any regular army soldiers.

Avdocha’s objective is to defeat Veronica. She probably wants to take advantage of the 100 hostages to achieve this goal.

"is there nothing that we can do?"

As the Knight’s Royal Princess… What can I do? Just when Silvia thought this, her first thought is the intention to expose her identity as the princess.

"As long as I identify myself, we could ask them to release the hostages......"

It is not an exaggeration to have this idea because she should have her own value as the princess.

If she can use a person's freedom in exchange for the safety of the public… Isn't this a very good bargain?

"I will never allow you to do this!"

Surprisingly, Jessica actually tries stopping Silvia. When she heard Silvia talking to herself, she with a low voice advised her to give up on the idea.

"Once they know that you are Princess Veronica’s sister there’s no one who can guarantee your safety."

"The problem is... If I am the only person who will be sacrificed and these people can be saved -"

"Do not look down on others! I never had the intention to sell you out for my freedom! For I'm Jessica Valentine!"

At this time, Avdocha who was originally busy giving orders to the men, suddenly turned around and look back at Silvia and Jessica.

"Well, well, well.... There is someone who has the leisure to whisper around even when they are in danger. You really have guts to be doing that."

She took the reins of the basilisk and moved closer to the two. The basilisk with its heavy steps gives a pressuring feeling; Silvia is almost scared out of her wits.

However. Jessica is the opposite.

She stood up from the spot.

"I am Jessica Valentine!"


"Don’t look at me like that. I'm a well-known noble! Out of respect for me… Can you promise that you would never harm the other hostages?"

The heroic act gave Silvia a hard hit.

In such a situation… She actually had the courage to claim herself as a noble...!

Avdocha sitting on the basilisk’s back, her eyes narrowed into a crack.

“Noble? I've never heard of the Valentine house... Anyway. We appreciate your foolhardiness; I’ll now give you an important task! Arrest her!"

Two of Avdocha’s men came forward without a word and held Jessica from both sides. Without any explanation they dragged her to Avdocha.

Like a comforting thought Silvia imagines that there is nothing that needs to be worried about.

However what unfolded in front of all hostages was a tragic scene.

Jessica clothes were torn and stripped off. Then, Avdocha, personally took a lipstick and wrote on her belly 'The Head of Valkyrie!’

Jessica from the start to the finish didn't moan once and not even a drop of tears flow out from her eyes. She just gritted her teeth and bears all this but it is not difficult to tell what she is experiencing.

Finally. Jessica was taken to the altar and tied to the cross.

"Jessica... I've misunderstood you. In fact. You are a lot nobler than a true noble."

-Compared to me. I-I’m...... Actually weak and incompetent.

She could use her identity as a Dragner and fight back...... It is not that Silvia doesn't have this idea; the problem is, as long there are hostages, there is no way to summon Lancelot in the church.

This space in the church is too small for Lancelot to use its skills.

"Damn... Why am I... This useless?!"

Apart from sitting down, together timidly with the other hostages, in addition to unable to do anything, Silvia deeply hated herself.

Part 7

"'Avdocha the Convict'? How can this be possible ...!" Anya murmured.

Anya, who is disguised as a flower girl, is mixed amidst about a hundred hostages inside the church.

In order to prevent her men, who deeply hated Veronica, from taking any actions Anya also infiltrated Ansrivan. She only went to the St Valeria’s Church to gather information but was unfortunately drawn into Avdocha’s terrorist act.

'Avdocha the Convict' is a legend in the mountains. Since she was lost in a military operation and there were no more rumors about her anymore. So many thought that she had died...

Anya since her childhood had already heard her name and looked up to her. Avdocha have left her village with numerous heroic legends.

Of course, this is the first time Anya saw her.

She had only seen her portrait in the wanted poster in the past at best.

The beauty on the wanted poster is a perfect match with the title 'Avdocha the Convicted'.

The record breaking reward amount, one million Eccles, is also a stunner.

But the person herself is not the case.

-I actually didn’t expect that she had such a petite body...Logically speaking… Her actual age should be around the twenties. Anya thought to herself.

That aggressive basilisk who was tamed and obeyed her, that is the best evidence that she is likely Avdocha. Because in Avdocha’s heroic legend, the basilisk didn’t just play a small role.

However, from Anya’s point of view, there are too many things that don’t fit.

- Such a terrorist act... Is nothing but foolhardy.

In this world… There are plenty of rebels who recklessly sacrifice their own life. The Tantalos tribe, since a long time ago, seems to be popular with suicide attackers.

However, judging from the rumors spread on many parts of the mountains, at the very least, Avdocha is not that kind of reckless person.

Not only did she led successful fights, one after another, in the end, she always survived. - Because of this… Avdocha had become a legend.

Even when the ‘killed in action’ message is well publicized people still think that "maybe she is still alive somewhere in the world". That is the part that makes Avdocha so scary and also adds some style to her legend.

Against such legendary figures it is impossible for her to do such a foolhardy act......

Anya feels that instead of thinking about these problems she should worry about her own safety.

- Yes... In fact. What is she going to do next?

Since Avdocha had already set the time limit they will die if they just sit still.

Don’t forget each time the bell rings… One of the hostages will be killed...

How about if she revealed that she is also from the Tantalos tribe. Even she did think that… -Anya quickly waved off this idea.

She is a veteran.

Such people will not take Anya in as her companion just because of the same skin color. To act rashly will probably end up with a harsh lesson like that Jessica Valentine.

Although under Milgauss' help the mountainous people's dispute was finally able to calm down but there are a lot of Tantalos family who gave up their home and choose to come out from the mountains. Which resulted in many people, who are not from the mountains, with the same skin color as Anya increasing.

Moreover. There are the rumors:

Princess Veronica established a force consisting of foreigners and she intends to use a different army system for them than from the Knight's army. They are also for other uses.

Also there seems to be many mountain people who are included in the group.

-I shouldn’t act rashly or else I’ll be suspected as a soldier from the foreign force......

Even though she was disguised as a flower girl… But she is still Avdocha. Perhaps she may recognize Anya had once undertaken military training at a glance.

- If that is so. Then the smart move is to temporarily blend in with the hostages and see what’s going to happen next.

After concluding all that Anya is hugging her knees with her hands and her head is buried in between them. This way she will not need to face Avdocha directly.

If she can just avoid doing any unsightly behavior, no matter how many times the bell sounded, Anya will never be so unlucky and be killed? After all. The number of hostages are as many as 100 people......

But god is never gonna let her get off easily.[6] Beside Anya there was a mother shaking while holding her baby. Maybe because the baby sensed her mother’s anxiety, the look on it's face was as if, it is going to burst into tears anytime.

- Please be good...!

Anya immediately pulls her cheeks and began to coax the baby.


It is probably that her act is funny but fortunately the baby gave a happy grin.

She silently felt relieved, even within her heart, but at the same time she starts to hate herself.

- What am I actually doing...?

Part 8

Rebecca suddenly speaks to Veronica.

"Are you going to send someone to negotiate?"

Veronica seems like she is interested in this proposal and looks to Rebecca.

Even when the person she is speaking to is Veronica, Rebecca is still without fear, and gracefully stated her views:

"We must not use the main cannon of the Silvanus until the very end. I think we should make this our trump card and only use it when we are left with no other choice."

"Alright, we’ll follow to according what you had said."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"The question is who will become the negotiator?"

Rebecca with a confident smile responded to Veronica.

"Public order of Ansarivan, since ancient times, is maintained by the Student Council so I think we should send someone from the council. If it is just a student I think they will let their guard down."

Hearing Rebecca's rhetoric, Ash feels anxious.

Since Silvia was taken as hostage, and the vice president and secretary are nowhere in sight as usual, the candidates left behind are the trio of Rebecca, Max, and Ash.

Of course, everyone knows that Rebecca is the most suitable person for this task, but -

"I recommend Ash Blake as negotiator."

Rebecca has made a very surprising recommendation.


Ash suspects he had heard it wrongly.

"That... Rebecca-san. You are serious about it?"

Just when Ash is at loss, Eco interrupted Rebecca.

"Are you kidding? Do you want to let this guy go alone into such dangerous place?"

Facing Eco who is in fury, Rebecca replies her with a playful smile.

"Could it be that you are worried about Ash?"

Eco suddenly blushed.

"T-Th-That. How is that possible? What I’m protesting about is that you don’t have the rights to order my meat slave!"

Once those words were blurted out… The atmosphere in the navigation room immediately froze.

Even those officers who are in charge of the steering and the communication secretly peeped at Ash as if he is a suspicious person.

"Wait! Don’t talk any nonsense that’ll make people misunderstand!"

The ‘meat slave’ that Eco means is someone who will present their own flesh to their owners when they are hungry. But, by no means, were those officers imagining that kind of meaning.

But the situation right now did not allowed Ash to explain himself just because everyone threw him a suspicious glance.

Finally. Veronica broke the silence.

"Well... I didn’t think that you are actually Eco’s meat slave. I admire you have some backbone."

"That’s why I say it is a misunderstanding!"

Veronica looked at Ash who is desperately denying.

"Is there anything to be shy about? Isn't it that meat slaves are those who give their own flesh for their lord when they are aware that their lord is at the risk of starvation?"

"That’s why I say it is a misunderstanding... Huh?!"

Ash is stunned.

"You are really strange. If there are any other meanings… Why don’t you speak it out loud?"

Veronica is with a serious expression. As if she only knew this meaning.

Eco and Veronica's thinking seems to have something in common.

"Yes. you're right! That’s what Eco’s meat slave means!"

After Ash grasps the opportunity to explain… The atmosphere of the navigation room finally calms down. Finally. Ash is away from those sharp glares and he let out a sigh of relief but the most fundamental problem is not yet solved.

"In short, without my permission, you'll never be going to send him there!"

Eco, who is stubborn, refused to back down.

Like her. Rebecca looks like she isn't in a hurry.

"Logically speaking, it is supposed to be my duty as president to go there –“

"Then you just only need to go to solve this problem!"

"The problem is that I cannot go because the terrorists should know that Rebecca Randall is an Ark-Dragner. If I was chosen as a negotiator it's likely that I’ll be ignored."

What Rebecca said is not unreasonable. If Ash was with the terrorists he’d also not greet Rebecca with open arms.

"So Ash, do you think that you can do it? There is a time limit, but you still have an equal strength as an Ark-Dragner. Nevertheless. You are also the ‘Silver Knight’."

"Don’t joke around. This burden is really too heavy for me!! No matter what… I’m just an ordinary student!"

"That’s right. It can be presumed that the other party also sees you as an ordinary student. So this is the advantage."

"The problem is..."

"Don’t be afraid. Even if it is dangerous, Eco will defend you. Am I right, Eco?"

"Don’t you just simply speak in place of others!"

"Oh! So you mean to say that you cannot protect Ash? Is the Ark you made so fragile?"

"I, I didn’t say that! Don’t you dare look down on my Ark!"

"Then. Can you protect Ash?"

"Of course!"

Eco confidently lifted her chest.

Ash can only smile.

Rebecca’s technique is really amazing. He doesn't know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate but Eco did not even notice that she had fallen into Rebecca’s trap.

“Don’t worry, Ash, even when is Eco protecting you… I will not be bold enough to send you into the enemies’ den alone."

Rebecca, suddenly with a gentle smile, stretched out her hands and gently rests them on Ash’s shoulders.


The distance between the two is so close that they can sense each other's breath. Even when it is an emergency situation, Ash still could not help but blush. A fragrant aroma could be smelled.

"I will wait for an opportunity to attack the church. It is just that I’ll not be doing the same thing as you. With the Ark, it's child’s play to break into the church through the foundation."


Ash at that time doesn’t understand what she means.

"So, this is it!"

However. He then realized Rebecca's intentions.

First, Ash is sent into the church to act as a negotiator to stall for time.

Rebecca, on the other hand, is using the tunnels below to gain access to the church.

Next they’ll use the oracle to blast through the foundation and surprise Avdocha.

"President! Please let me participate in your plan!"

Max shouted.

When the Necromancia attacked the city Max was good for nothing and became a burden. He probably would like to take this opportunity to clear his name.

Rebecca immediately rejected.

"Sorry Max, this time, you won’t come in handy."

"... What?!"

Max, burnt out like a candle in the wind, stood motionless.

Ash understands Rebecca’s intentions; he knew she did not mean to ill treat him.

Max, who still remains in the stage of a Dragner, can only show his true colors when he is riding his dragon he. However this battle must be done in small scale and the large body of the dragon will only be in the way.

The Ark-Dragner who can use the oracle specially for the Ark is very suitable for this kind of combat.

Rebecca was right, despite the time constraints, Ash has that ability.

Thanks to Eco’s power Ash can give it a try.

Since he has this ability, what should he do to fulfill his responsibility -

Ash made up his mind.

"I’ll go, after all, Princess is waiting for us to save her."

"Well then. That's more like it."

Rebecca with a smile of appreciation, turned back to face Veronica.

"Do you think this strategy is practical, Your Highness?"

Veronica on the captain’s seat shaking her other leg, gave a satisfied smile.

"Very well, Rebecca. We will make use of your combat strategy, but I do not want to let talented people like you to go on an adventure alone, I’ll let Glenn go with you."

"Captain Glenn’s combat power is what I sought for."

Rebecca agreed immediately but Glenn opposed it.

"Veronica-sama, I’m the escort’s captain, is it really appropriate for me not to be beside you -"

"What are you talking about? Glenn?"

Veronica whispers in Glenn’s ear.

She is most probably asking him to personally rescue Silvia who is bound to be married to him- Ash thought.

Like a confirmation, to Ash’s prediction, Glenn for a moment exposed an unpleasant expression.

Glenn, since he came to Ansrivan, always remains with expression Number 1. So such changes must be really rare.

Anyway, Glenn after all is a loyal servant to the king.

"...Yes. Princess."

After he respectfully bowed… His normal poker face returned.

Ash of course does not agree with that absurd marriage but now is not the time to protest.

"Hey, Eco, can we make a deal?"


Ash stood next to Eco and quietly whispered.

Since the other party possessed the Empire made bombs countermeasures must be prepared in advance.

"...Can you do it Eco?"

Just as Ash expected, after listening to his combat strategy, Eco is puzzled.

"Huh? How do I know whether I can do it or not?"

"No. You can do it."

Ash with confidence smile at Eco.


Eco simply did not expect that Ash would smile at this time and she fell into a confused silence.

"Remember the last time we fought the Necromancia? At least this opponent is a human. No matter what, it won’t be as difficult as last time."

"Well... perhaps it is like that this time."

"I’ll be looking forward to your performance. Eco."

Then, Ash placed his hand lightly on Eco’s shoulder.

"I-I know but… I’ve a condition-

“Crepes right? After everything is dealt with… I’ll bring you back to look for the stall."

Eco slightly lift her neck and looked up at Ash.

"...You still remember?"

"Of course I remember. Because you are my Pal."

"W- Why does Ash even have this type of aura around him...!"

Even when Eco angrily turned her face to the side… Her ears were still all red.

Part 9

After alighting from Silvanus Ash passed through the evacuated St Durham Square and moved towards St Valeria’s Church.

On the way there, Ash suddenly remembers the tie clip.

This was given by the communication officer before he departed.

Inside The tie clip, even though it looks ordinary, it has a small piece of Bright Dragon Crystal and it will send the sound it received back to the Silvanus' navigation room.

To put it bluntly. It is an ultra-micro magic communication tool.

Only then Ash realized that this type of machinery existed in this world.

Who would think that he would actually take on such a chore? Ash cannot help but secretly cry.

But Rebecca’s analysis is very reasonable; He cannot deny that he is most suitable person to play this role. After all Ash as a student, is unknown to the public but at the same time he has the same combat ability as an Ark-Dragner.

"Forget it. Anyway. Boats eventually straighten when they reach the docks."[7]

After he finishes thinking, he thrust his hands into the pockets of his pants.

He maintained his speed and continued to walked forward.

Rebecca and Glenn should now have departed towards the church through the underground tunnels.

Just when Ash is 20 meters from the main entrance of the church...


Beside his ears, a whizzing sharp sound is heard and the stone on the ground is followed by a "pop!" strange sound.


Only after a full few seconds does Ash realized that someone was shooting at him!

"Are they the ones who fired the shot...!"

At the church’s window on the second floor are two snipers. They were armed with weapons that he suspected to be Empire-made sniper rifles.

Is Avdocha working with the Empire’s army? Or, are they using what they recover from their fights with the Empire...?

Let's put the origin of the weapons aside; the shooting just now is clearly a warning. If the sniper had the intention to kill, that shot probably would have killed Ash.

After realizing he is one step away from death, Ash gave a cold sweat. But at this time he cannot retreat.

Because Silvia is a hostage being held inside the church-

"Do not be afraid...Eco is protecting me."

After Ash pumped himself up, he shouted toward the sniper:

"I’m Ash Blake and I’m here on behalf of the Student Council! Please let me in to negotiate with you!"

Even Ash does not think he sounds convincing but the ‘Student Council’ in this academy town holds a great position.

Since Avdocha is one of the leading activists she should know about this background knowledge.


They didn’t respond. However. One of the snipers disappeared from the window. From a positive perspective Ash hopes that they are afraid of the student council.

"Well... How are they going to make their move?"

Ash, hands in his pocket, patiently waited for the results.

After a few minutes. - "Crack..." The door, with a heavy sound, slowly opened.

Part 10

Once he passed through the door, Ash was soon surrounded by three masked soldiers.

After checking his items he is led to the altar.

Fortunately. The soldiers did not notice the tie clip and Ash is secretly relieved.

"Oh... So, kid, you are the negotiator?"

In front of the altar Avdocha, riding on the back of the basilisk, looked down at Ash.

Although Avdocha called him a kid… Doesn’t she think that her appearance looks a lot more childish? But, at this time, Ash shouldn’t correct her.

"I am the student council representative for General Affairs. Ash Blake."

While declaring his name, at the same time, Ash quietly observed the whole place.

A half-naked Jessica was still tied to the altar’s wing cross.

Because she is not moving Ash thought that she was dead. Though, with a closer look, there is still a sign of breathing in her chest.

It seems that she just lost consciousness. The red text written on her belly is more shocking than what is seen through the screen.

On the other hand… The hostages, that lined the walls, along the sides were quiet.

Ash found Silvia in a corner, thanks to the eye-catching academy uniform, Ash is able to find her.


Silvia with a stunned look stares at the Ash.

Ash nodded slightly, for Silvia to be at ease, and his sight moved back to Avdocha.

"General affairs? It seems that I’m looked down upon."

"Even if it is our president who personally came to negotiate, would you even let her in? You should also know that our president is an Ark-Dragner?"

Avdocha laughed.

“Hehe... You talk too much. Say… What you want to negotiate about? Our request, a simple one, is Veronica’s head. As long as you obediently hand over her head, I’ll immediately release all the hostages. If not we will blow up the church. Things are just that simple. Are they not?"

"You really think we will accept such a request? She is the 'Ironblood Valkyrie'. If desperate enough that person would not hesitate to use the main cannon of Silvanus to blow this church, together with all the hostages, into ashes."

Once Ash blurted that out the hostages immediately began to become restless.

"What did you say?"

"Does Veronica-sama intend to do nothing about us...!"

"Disregard for human life!"

Avdocha cold sight shot through the panicked hostages.

"Silence!" With a loud sound enough to shake the earth.

Everyone kept quiet instantly.

"Is the purpose of this trip is to make the hostages panic? I’ve never seen such a foolish negotiator."

"I was just declaring the truth. If you continue to delay you will all lose your lives in vain!"

"Do you think this threat will be effective?"

"I do not think so since I've heard a lot about what you have done... That’s why I do not understand why would you do such things?"

Avdocha did not directly answer the questions. She just change the subject.

"So be it... I’ll tell you about my past."

"What did you say?"

The unexpectedly development cause Ash to be caught unprepared.

"In fact. We have been looking for my sister that has disappeared for quite a long time."


"Yeah, but, I still do not know whether she is alive or not. It's because of the mountain disputes that caused our separation."

Is she trying to arouse the sympathy of the people? Or that she has some other purposes?

"... What happened after that?"

Ash tried to maintain a sound-calm-look while urging her to continue.

"What I want to say is this. Talking about this... I heard that Veronica has three sisters. I would like to let her feel the pain to be separated from her sisters."

Ash feels that he has goosebumps.

Damn. This situation is very bad.

Ash finally understands why Avdocha deliberately brought up the sister topic.

Because she wanted Veronica to also tasted the bitter feeling.

Silvia, once she is exposed, Avdocha is likely to not let her off.

Unfortunately, there are no signs that Rebecca and Glenn are about to break into the church.

- Are you alright Eco...?

Ash with a desperate feeling focus his attention on his left arm’s ‘Seikoku’.

With this 'Seikoku' Ash and Eco are able to communicate.

- Eco... Can you hear me?

Eco does not respond.

Part 11

- Dragon Workshop

This is but a space used by dragons to create their works. Even though Eco only has some knowledge about this space there is no doubt that this place is different from the real world.

If the real world is defined as the physical world, then this can be compared to the spiritual world. Since they are not bound to the body anymore they can imagine freely. With some effort, flying to the sky is not a problem-

Once Ash entered the church… Eco sent her spirit to the Dragon Workshop. Her true body is protected in Silvanus's navigation room so she does not need to worry about the safety of her body.

The floor is paved with white and black square tiles.

On the wall, there are many works left beside by her ancestors hanging there without any order. Just like a museum of black and white.

"Welcome to the Dragon Workshop."

As usual. The woman called Navi comes forward to meet Eco.

"You again..."

Eco with a bored look stared at Navi.

Frankly… Eco is not good at dealing with her.

Today Navi is wearing a dark red dress and sitting on an antique chair.

When I grow up. Will I become like her? Eco hated to look at her. Even her horns are different from Eco's as both of them are sharp and pointed.

"Isn't this only the second time we've met? How could that slow pace, of the two of us meeting, make you feel tired?"

"Hmph! I don't even want to come to this place!"

Eco impatiently talks back to Navi’s teasing.

Sure enough. I have this headache whenever I meet this woman. Eco worried.

"Do you not have even a little desire to create? As I have told you; Dragons are born craftsman. Do you really not want to help him -Ash Blake- create an original Ark? "

Eco’s cheeks suddenly felt hot.

"D-Don’t joke around, why would I want to help that guy...!"

"Well… I think he is a very great guy! Since 'every dragon would surrender to him' he is also very mysterious. You too… Quickly grow into your 'true from' and let him ride on you... Then you may be addicted to that feeling."

“'True From'?”

Eco suddenly feel uneasy.

"What do you mean? In other words… My current form... Is just a deception? In the end… Why was I born in the human form?"

A flirtatious smile emerged on Navi’s face.

"Because the human form is also the real you."


"But you are eventually a dragon and also Ash Blake’s Pal. I hope that you can soon be 'awakened' ."

"Weird. Somehow every time you talk… I feel a fire emerging in my belly!"

"Hehe... Sorry. I seem to like to tease you. Back to the topic. You are here in order to complete your mission… Are you not?"

"Hmm... Yeah. That guy asked me to prepare a suitable Ark against the Empire-made bomb."

"He intends to use the power of magic against machinery? Well… Here we go."

Although she is very unhappy with Navi’s long-winded behavior… Conditions do not allow her to continue to waste her time in useless dialogue. So Eco closed her eyes and summoned the large number of designs left behind by her ancestors.

The total number of these designs is well over a thousand.

What Eco can do now, is to extract the parts which are suitable for Ash and re-build it into a new Ark suitable to go against the Empire-made bomb.

Although it is only an 'extract and re-build' it will still consume a huge amount of magic.

It will cause a huge burden on the young dragon Eco.

Even so. For Ash, who is in the enemy’s den, and also for her favorite crepes, Eco can only try… -

Part 12

Anya, who was mixed into the crowd, noticed something uniqe and her eyes widened while her thoughts went rambling on.

- That guy-!

The ‘Silver Knight’ who successfully controlled the Necromancia-

The one who has potential to become Milgauss' enemy in the future-

This guy not only came into the church as a negotiator but he also revealed his own name.

"The student’s Council’s representative for General Affairs-Ash Blake is it...? I’ll remember your name."

Even when out of nowhere she was caught in Avdocha’s terrorist act, which caused her to fall into despair, but it was also a blessing in disguise because now she knew Ash’s name without putting in any effort.

The only thing is, she has to leave this church alive, otherwise there is no meaning behind this. Not only each time the bell rings, they will kill a hostage… Veronica is also outside aiming the Silvanus' main cannon here.

So the first task is to get out of this dangerous place alive.

Once any event that is not expected by Avdocha happens it is a simple thing for her to escape.

In order to grasp this opportunity she must make herself ready......

"Chaa... ♪"

The thing is… Anya is now carrying a baby.

- She's the ‘Ironblood Valkyrie’. If she is desperate, that person would not hesitate to use the Silvanus' main cannon and turn this whole church together with the hostages into ashes.

After hearing Ash’s announcement the mother, beside her, was so scared that she lost consciousness.

Fortunately. Anya had good reflexes, and she managed to grab the baby, and narrowly avoided the disaster of the baby bursting into tears. The problem is that now the situation is still in a critical point.

"What can I do......"

After Anya muttered with a sigh her chest suddenly felt numb and almost straightened her body.

It turned out that the baby stretched its arms to reach out and touch Anya's breast.

- M-My breast. Even Milgauss-sama had never touched them before!

The baby is probably hungry and wants to drink milk… Anya naturally cannot produce any milk and yet the baby's mother is still unconscious.

- What is your mom doing! How could this be possible just because she lived in the peaceful days for too long!

At the same time Anya is cursing in the bottom of her heart as the baby starts to fondle her breast.

All of a sudden it squeezes it with its hands and the next moment it rubs them with its face.

Compare to its mother’s breasts Anya’s are a lot smaller. Maybe the baby is troubled with the difference between the two?

Finally. The baby actually bites Anya’s nipples through the clothing.

"...... Ah!"

Under the strange sensation… Anya came out with a weird noise.

This voice causes her to blush with shame.

"Don’t you dare ask for too much!"

Anya quietly scolded it and forces the baby away from her chest.

Unexpectedly. The baby turns sour...

"Woo Woo ... hick… ... Waaaaaa!"

It suddenly burst into tears.

Anya looks ashen, even when she tries to please the baby, but it is a complete failure. She can’t be blamed for this because… She has never taken care of a child

- Damn...... if Avdocha......

However, in only five seconds, Anya’s worry has become reality.

"So noisy...... Can’t a mother of the Knight country discipline her child properly?"

Anya, still hidden in the crowd, feels her whole body stiffening instantly.

"Since it's too noisy… Why don’t you release the women and children?"

The boy named Ash steps forward to help but Avdocha just laughed him off.

"How can I? Moreover… The first bell is going to ring soon. I have been always punctual; Let’s just choose the baby as a sacrifice."

"Are you kidding? Are you even human? It is just an innocent baby!"

"Do you think there is time to care about the age of every opponent on the battlefield? If you are careless, it should not surprising, there will be a day that you will be killed by a five year old kid!"

"Even if it is like this-.”

As if to prevent Ash from saying anything the basilisk gave a ferocious deep rumbling growl.


Once Avdocha heard the growl…

She laughs and answered back. "Hmm. Is it so…."

"What's so funny?"

"Hehe... It says that baby is just enough to wet the teeth. Well then. Bring me the mother and her child!"

After Avdocha gave the order two masks soldiers immediately take action.

- I-It can’t be! Anya is horrified.

Avdocha actually want to feed the wing lizard with her -and- the baby......

One step, two steps. The soldiers move through the crowd and are coming nearer.

Since their expressions cannot be seen under the mask, many people shudder.

“Uuu..."[8] The crowd moans.

Anya is scared and begins to shed tears.

Even when Anya has cheated death for a few times, and is a veteran, she still can't withstand Avdocha’s heavy pressure. Her mind instantly turns blank.

The soldiers are closer now.

"I can’t be saved anymore...!"

Just when Anya gives up hope-

"Hold on!"

A loud voice echoed in the church, someone came forward to stand in front of Anya.

The first thing that emerged in Anya’s eyes is a dazzling golden hair.

The person, in the dragon riding academy’s uniform, protected Anya and the baby and declared to Avdocha:

"I am Lautreamont Royal Knight’s family fourth Princes-Silvia. I request, as a member of the royal family, for you to immediately release the mother and its child!"

Part 13

The voice in the church, through the magic communicator in Max’s hand, can be heard in the airship Silvanus' navigation room

『 "I am Lautreamont Royal Knight’s family fourth Princes-Silvia. I request as a member of the royal family for you to immediately release the mother and its child!"』

The moment Silvia exposed her own identity… Max became dumbstruck.

"What the hell is Her Royal Highness doing...?!"

Isn't she inverting the root and branch[9]? As a result, it is essentially giving Avdocha the trump card.

"Hmph. That idiot..." Veronica muttered.

But. She didn’t show an unhappy expression.

On the other hand. It looks like she is smiling.

Part 14

"That's our country’s Princess for you!" Silvia, who took the initiative to expose her own name, of course surprised Ash though in his heart he has other thoughts.

Because in this case, in order to save the mother and her child, unless Silvia came forward, there would be no other way.

"Hmm... Why bother? If you had kept quiet… Then you might not have been noticed."

Avdocha controlled the basilisk’s reins and approached Silvia.

"I- I am a Princess! How can I sit quietly and watch my people be killed!"

"Hehe...... How appealing, but, how come your body is shaking like that?"

"This is because my fighting spirit is trembling!"

Even as she verbally did not admit defeat Ash could see that Silvia is obviously trying to be brave.

"Is it so. Let me see how brave you are?"

Avdocha's face gave a dark smile while her hand stretched out signaling her underlings to act. The underling pulled out a shamshir and respectfully handed it to Avdocha.


Ash wanted to rush out to protect Silvia but was stopped, by Avdocha’s underlings, and is held from behind.

"You idiots! Let me go!"

No matter how hard Ash struggles the soldiers didn’t give the slightest stir. Even 'School’s number one problem child' is no match for a veteran soldier.

"Hehe...... you have good luck, your location is just right at the VIP’s seat.”

Avdocha with a grin said that, and rode her basilisk as it slowly moved forward.

The distance to Silvia is gradually shortened.

Finally, in front of Silvia, the basilisk used its tongue to lick at Silva’s face.

"...Eww!" Even Silvia could barely hold back her screams.

Though apparently she has long been scared out of her wits.

“Look this way Silvia!” Avodcha gave a thunderous shout

Perhaps she is already prepared as Silvia opened her arms to both sides.

Then. She makes a declaration:

"To die like a knight...... Is what I wish for!"

"I admire your guts!"

Avdocha lifted the shamshir.


Ash’s scream cannot stop the merciless blade.

-Shaa! As the blade passed through the air.


Silvia was killed.

Ash lost hope.

Part 15


Silvia is still standing.

There is no blood on her body.

The incredible thing is… Silvia did not even feel the pain.

The next moment- Silvia found out that the tight uniform is no longer binding her.

Pieces of cloths like snowflakes are dancing in the air.

Silvia felt seriously humiliated.

"...Why is it always like this!"

Avdocha didn’t slash at Silva’s flesh nor bones- but... .

Only her clothes, like an apple skin, are peeled off and her almost naked body lay exposed.

Coincidentally. The same thing was recently done by Veronica.

Her body, which is only covered with some clothes and underwear fragments, displays an almost naked type of half-nakedness.

Silvia covers her chest with both hands while squatting in place and huddled into a ball. She knew Avdocha’s sight is focused right on her bare skin.

"Princess! Didn’t you desire to die like a knight? Where is your previous pride? You are just exposed naked to the public and you change back to what ordinary women and children do? I almost threw up! You don’t have the right to become a knight! And. It is not worthy for me to kill you! "

"I... I...!"

Being looked down by Avdocha from the very start… Silvia’s emotions were gradually reaching a boil.

At the same time, though, she is trembling more than ever.

But it is not because of fear that she is trembling. She is trembling because she is full of fighting spirit.

"-... This woman was right. What do I have to feel ashamed about? This has no different from any ordinary woman or child? And I even dare to call myself a Knight...... It will just make people laugh! Although I do feel regret… I just need to admit it. I don’t have sufficient awareness. No wonder anee-ue scolds me......!"

"-Be aware of yourself… Silvia Lautreamont! What’s my aim? An excellent knight? That is indeed one of my goals in the past. But I was asking too little from myself. Have to think quickly. I'm Silvia Lautreamont! What is the only realm that I can reach? To show her the future that only I can have!"

At that moment… Silvia's mind received God's enlightenment and she suddenly found her answer.

"Phew... Avdocha. I'll have to thank you."

Silvia suddenly wore a happy expression and Ash was shocked.

Even Avdocha who already turned her back on Silvia was surprised.

"Are you mad?"

Avdocha ridiculed and gave a laugh.

Silvia covered her chest with her hand and graceful stood up from the ground.

"Princess ......?"

Ash wants to avert his eyes from Silvia's naked body but his eyes refused to move.

It is not because he has any indecent thoughts.

It is because of a bright shining glow that made him reluctant to avert his sight.

Avdocha and her subordinates, as well as the rest of the hostages, are like Ash. Everyone's eyes are watching Silvia.

"Avdocha. You are the one who made me aware of how weak I am and what lack of awareness I have."

“So? I’m only speaking based on the truth."

“However. I never before noticed such obvious things. It is a real shame to say so... However. I have been reborn! The past me is already killed by your sword! The new Silvia is now reborn! "

"Oh... I'd like to ask to ask; What can a reborn Silvia do?"

Avdocha look at her fiercely.

The basilisk gave a frightening breath.

Even so… Silvia did not be budge.

"I am the woman who is going to become the Paladin!"[10]

"I am the woman who is going to become the Paladin"

Silvia’s declaration echoed in the church loudly.

"Hee… hee… haha! Even I didn’t expect this answer... You want to become the Paladin? What nonsense! So, in order to achieve your goals, you have to try to break through this dilemma. Well. What are you gonna do?"

Unexpectedly. Silvia laughed.

"Nothing. I had said that I’m gonna become the Paladin! There are people supporting me from the back and I also have anee-ue as my family. I just need to believe in them and wait for the 'upcoming moment'!"

"Haha. Don’t you think that, before before something like that happens, I can take your life away so easily?"

"If I die in your hands… It just means that I’m just so-so."

Just when Silvia heroically makes the declaration... -

There is a terrible shake and just then, in a surge of raging magic, a hole is neatly cut through the floor of the church.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Ash!"

Equipped in their Ark Rebecca and Glenn jump out from the large newly created hole in the floor.

“-Enemy ambush!” Avdocha’s men shouted.

The soldiers, in a blink of an eye, move into formation and attack Rebecca and Glenn. Even the one who is holding Ash is no exception.

"Appear! The certain hit magic spear! Gáe Bolg!"

Right after Rebecca summoned her magic spear Glenn follows by summoning his Ark-Dragner’s personal Ark-weapon.

"Appear! The lightning speed magic sword! Caladbolg!"

Ash’s eyes widened.

"That's Glenn’s personal Ark-weapon......!"

The magic sword Caladbolg is a giant sword with its length is comparable to Glenn’s height. Glenn, without much effort, swung the sword just the afterimage of lightning speed. No wonder he is Veronica’s escort’s captain.

"Hmph...... An unsightly person!"

Even when she curses them Avdocha's is still able to smile. Ash cannot understand how she managed to stay calm.

At this time… Avdocha suddenly jumped off the back of the basilisk and rushes toward the back of the altar.

"Is she...!"

Ash, who realized what she is going to do, clenches his teeth. Even when he wants to continue chasing, the basilisk blocks his way.

The basilisk's eyeballs, as it maneuvers in the way, rotate and continue to stare at Ash.

"Hehehe. Don’t forget I still have the bombs. It is your loss."

Avdocha at the back of the altar proudly laughs.

The reinforcements, Rebecca and Glenn, are still fighting the enemy soldiers. As worthy of the people of the mountains they successfully pin down the Ark-Dragners.

Of course,if Rebecca and Glenn show their true ability, in the blink of an eye they would be the winners. However, if they don’t hold themselves back, they will not only kill their opponents but all the hostages too. Even the whole church will be destroyed!

-What am I going to do? Ash was in a dilemma.

If the stalemate continues… Then Avdocha is going to press the button. No, before that, he has to deal with the basilisk or else he can’t get himself close to the altar.

The problem is that for an unarmed human to win against a basilisk it is indeed a fantasy.


In that instant. The basilisk issued terrible breath and started stomping around.

It moves its limbs with high-speed and, like gliding on the ground, it rushes towards Ash.


Its speed surprised Ash. Although he is conscious about it his two legs refused to move. Ash is jinxed to become a statue as his whole body involuntarily stiffened.


Ash helplessly screams.

The basilisk is right in front of him opening it's mouth.

In his mind there is a clear image of him getting bitten into pieces and broken into two main portions.

"My God ...!"

Silvia quickly covered her eyes. She did not have the courage to face the scene of Ash being shredded by the beast.

"I... How could I be so weak? Where did I get the idea of becoming a Paladin......!"

Silvia slumped to her knees.

Sniff...... Her tears fell off from her eyes onto the stone floor which was gradually becoming wet.

"Oh... A divine light...!" A hostage with a praising tone muttered.

At this time there is another who noticed.

And the others around him are affected.


Silvia wipes off her tears and raises her head.

A pale white light filled her entire field of vision.

After a short moment, the light can no longer be seen, there is a hot surge emerging from Silvia’s chest.


Equipped in the Ark Ash, with one hand, held up the basilisk’s upper jaw.

Part 16

Ouch. The ‘Seikoku’ on his left hand is so hot.

His consciousness is almost swept away by the powerful magic.

『 "- Sorry for the long wait."』

Eco's voice finally can be heard in his mind.

"It's so scary... Do you know that I was nearly eaten by this thing."

Ash, who now can feel the Ark’s magic, smiled brashly.

He looked down to re-examine his own body and he sees a set of blue color Ark which made him remember Silvia's eyes.

"Thank you. Eco."

『"D-Don’t need to thank me... I'm not doing it in order to help you. It's for the crepes okay!"』

Eco cheeks are bright red.

"How is this possible? You are also a Ark-Dragner? How did we miss this information-?"

While witnessing the dazzling Ark, with a look of surprise, Avdocha’s almond eyes widen.

"My Pal is different from the others!" Ash shouts!

At the same time Ash lightly pushes the basilisk’s chin. The basilisk is stunned by Ash as its previous imposing attitude had vanished.

"You are very obedient. Well. The beast seems to be very sensitive to stronger opponents."

While Ash steps forward the basilisk, simultaneously and obediently, steps back.

"I’m stronger than you! If you are from the Asia’s, if you have some intelligence, Quickly be on your knees!"

Frighten by Ash’s voice, at first it is anxious to know what to do, then letting out a scream, it knelt down.

"That's right."

Ash gently sat on its back.

"Ah! What are you going to do with Kuu-chan!"

Avdocha screams.

“Kuu-chan? Even when you look so scary… I didn’t think that you had such a cute name."

Ash gave a wry laugh. Kuu seems embarrassed and lightly twists its body.

"It seems that the situation has reversed. Avdocha. Let’s go Kuu!"

Being kicked by Ash Kuu gave out a roar and starts running towards the altar.

"Hey Hey, Kuu-chan! I’m your master!"

Avdocha who is panicked simply looks like a child.

While sitting on Kuu’s back, Ash is searching for the information regarding his Ark-weapon.

Soon… A strange weapon design is spread out in his mind.

After checking the properties and the additional effect of the weapon Ash gave a satisfied smile.

Eco managed to do what Ash proposed.

Kuu, like an Asia, kept running forward.

The distance to the altar is quickly narrowed.

Avdocha’s face also turns pale.

"Appear!...... The absolute Zero Holy gun-"

A extremely long gun emerges, out of thin air, under Ash’s summon.

Its shape is similar to the Empire made sniper rifle and yet also is like a spear.

The aim is locked at the altar.

While pulling the bolt. 'Kacha' At the same time, as the metal sounded off, the magic ammunition had been loaded.

"Brionac!" Ash yelled.

While, at the same time, pulling the trigger.

A magic bullet shot out from the muzzle followed by a loud sound. The heavy bullet shell casing is ejected with a ‘Clang’. It then hits the ground and rolls.

"Uuu ...!"

The shot created a powerful recoil which almost caused Ash to fall from Kuu’s back but, fortunately, he has his blue Ark and is sill sitting firm in the saddle.

At the same time the magic bullet is shooting towards the altar and a pale blue flash can be seen.

“Kuu. Retreat!”

Kuu, listening to Ash's order, quickly turns and runs in the direction opposite of the altar.


Avdocha cried out in dismay.

After the freezing magic was launched… Shining ice crystals can be seen coalescing.

The ice crystals gradually increase in size and quickly engulfed the entire altar together with the bombs.


Not only that… Avdocha’s men are also mercilessly frozen while being caught up in the effect..


Ash smiled.

To fight, against the Empire made bombs, experts are required. Even though Knight Country, and the Kingdom, had many exiled scientists from the Empire the problem is not enough time to recruit and train them.

If that being the case… It is better to risk trying to use the oracle’s power to freeze bombs to the point they are disabled. This is Ash's basic strategy.

Ash asked Eco to produce an Ark with ice properties.

Needless to say… This idea is obtained when he was in the Silvanus' lounge reading the novel ‘The Sky Dragon Knight Chronicles'. The protagonist in the series ‘Silver Knight’ uses the frozen magic to interrupt the operation of the machine.

Of course, Ash can’t guarantee the actual effect. He can only gamble- at least at this stage the bombs that have become ice have ceased functioning.

"W-Wait a minute! I-......"

Avdocha was barely able to move from the relatively wide range of the ice round's frozen effect. In the end… He does not escape the inglorious fate of becoming an ice statue.

What he needed to be worry about is, before she became completely frozen, Avdocha seemed to have something to say. But, in short, the St Valeria’s church incident has ended.

Part 17

Up to a hundred hostages were released.

Avdocha and her men, who had become ice statues, were carried out with the help of the civil engineers. Those veteran soldiers, in the end, had become ice and were dragged off by the Asias on a cart. Only the word pitiful can be used to describe them.

Since Kuu was Avdocha’s pet it was also taken away by the escorts. Ash silently prays, in hope that, Veronica will treat it well.

More importantly, he now needs to complete the task that is at hand.

Even though he knows his actions are wrong, Ash still climbs up the icy altar and starts to rescue Jessica who is tied to the winged cross.

Fortunately the freezing magic did not spread to Jessica. Just that, in order to avoid looking at her naked skin while trying to save her, his job is quite difficult.

When Ash finally cut the rope and with both hands carried Jessica -

"Nn ..."

Jessica in Ash’s arms slowly opened her eyes.

Right after she found out that Ash is carrying her. Her eyes widen.

"Y-You...... You are Ash Blake? Why...... Are you in an Ark...?"

"Huh? Err… No. This is..."

Ash regretted his mistake.

He simply did not think that Jessica would regain her consciousness so soon.

Ash did not know how to remove the Ark. So, before Eco’s magic runs out, he can only continue to wear it.

Clearly there is no way to continue to hide the truth anymore, Ash can only give an excuse to explain it.

"... Yeah. The 'Silver Knight' is me. It is just that today my Ark is not silver in color."

After Ash honestly confesses, Jessica’s cheeks turn red.

"To use ice attacks against those mechanical bombs is simply ‘Silver Knight’ himself! Waa-wah. Ash-sama!"


Ash is stunned. Jessica eyes are now watery.

Moreover. Jessica is only wearing her underwear. The cleavage, made by her breasts, can be clearly seen. Even under such occasions, Ash cannot help but being seduced. In front of the beauty that is Jessica… The even blue Ark's strength cannot come in handy.

"I have been determined, for a long time, that my first time will be at the church altar."

"What lies! It is obvious that you had just thought about it!"

"I beg you, Ash-sama, please give me your sperm now...!"

Somehow, Jessica really began to take off her underwear on the spot, and the first thing she actually takes off is her panties instead of her bra.

"Your order of taking off your underwear is too strange, or it should be said, who even asked you to take them off!"

Ash quickly held Jessica's hands to stop her.

"Do not worry."

Jessica sexy lower abdomen is slowly exposed. Eventually, even the following parts are-

"Stop! This is too casual!"

"I'm ready, Ash-sama... Her goddess St Valeria is also staring at us."

"Her goddess Valeria is a protector of law! We will be arrested!"

"Hee hee... I didn’t think that you were so introverted."

Jessica's sweet smell is disturbing Ash.


Ash inexplicably feels dizzy; and almost falls down from the altar together with Jessica.

At this time, Rebecca speaks to Ash from behind.

"Hey, Ash! Hand her to me, you go and take care of Silvia."

Rebecca had long removed her Ark and is helping the escorts to do their tasks and should be very busy. However she probably saw that Ash is in trouble and could not bear just being a bystander.

“Sorry to trouble you. Rebecca-san."

Ash hands Jessica to Rebecca.

"Ah, ahh, Ash-sama, please stay!"

"S-Sorry... See you next time!"

Ash put Jessica’s regretful sounds aside and ran to look for Silvia.

Along the way the Ark breaks into sparkling fragments.

Part 18

Silvia is standing against the wall.

Her body is wrapped in blankets given to her by the escorts Her naked body, that has been exposed not long ago, is now wrapped up tightly. The thing is… Her curves can still be seen. Ash, after putting in some effort to not focus on those curves, finally spoke to Silvia.

"Yo. Princess. Err... Are you okay?"

Ash, suddenly becoming lost, can only squeeze out those few words. It's a bit embarrassing.

"Ahh. I’m not injured...... You saved me again."

"My performance is nothing much but, rather, Princess you are so cool."

"Y-You... What are you talking about!”

Silvia, who is blushing, probably has lost all her strength. Unsurprisingly she suddenly stumbles.

"... Careful!"

Ash was ready, and immediately reaching out, caught Silvia's body.

The blanket wrapped around Silvia’s body slips off and flutters to the ground.

"A-Are you alright?"

Ash looked at the place above her neck and timidly asked.

He instantly thought that he would not escape her iron fist… But, for some reason, Silvia did not show her usual angry expression. Ash then sets her down on her feet.

"S-Sorry. That…. My waist ... I just suddenly..."

Silvia's eyes filled with tears as she quickly grabs the blanket and wraps it around herself.

If Ash did not catch her in time she would probably have fallen.

"Otherwise... I’ll give you a piggyback."

"Huh? But..."

"You don’t have to feel shy."

Ash smiled back, turned around, and gently lifted Silvia.

Silvia felt embarrassed at the start but, shortly after that, she held onto Ash’s neck.

At that moment… Ash felt that Silvia breasts, pressing on his back, change their shape.


"What’s wrong. Ash?"

"N-Nothing ..."

While being unexpectedly stimulated, blushing and at the same time, Ash continue his pace.

Part 19

On her way, to the magicship Silvanus, while being piggybacked by Ash.


Silvia is suddenly struck with an incredible feeling.

- Why is this? Being piggybacked by Ash… Somehow I miss this feeling... Am I familiar with this back...?

This nostalgic atmosphere is so strong until Silvia can barely hold back her tears.

The only thing is, the gentleness of Ash’s back, it's just too comfortable -

Silvia, without realizing, dozed off.

"Paladin ~ A. B. S. 1365.5 ~" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. The currency in this story. From a town in UK.
  2. Whining sound.
  3. In this sentence she speak in an high and mighty form. It is very hard to translate so the simple form will be I am 'Avdocha the Convicted’.
  4. This is also spoken in an high and mighty form.
  5. Half-moon shaped dagger.
  6. This is a proverb.
  7. It means just to 'follow the flow'.
  8. Voice of being scared.
  9. Proverb.
  10. King of the Knight country.
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