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It was JPN Babel's high school student council president -- Hikami Kyouya, and the person in charge of Japan from COCOON.
It was JPN Babel's high school student council president -- Hikami Kyouya, and the person in charge of Japan from COCOON.
The whole picture of Alayzard was in his hands.
The whole picture of Alayzard was in his hands.[[File:HYnA vol 05 016.jpg|thumbnail]]
It was certain with this. Miu was a special existence.
It was certain with this. Miu was a special existence.

Revision as of 02:14, 6 December 2014

Epilogue - Preparations for the Future

Part 1

There was an air which was fresh and pure.

All the life inhabiting the forest was being healed warped in such an atmosphere.

That had finally returned to the Wandering forest.

In the center of the eternal forest was the village of Forestnium.

And in -- a quiet remote corner stood two gravestones.

One was for the Patriarch Urumu who unfortunately died in the raid by Leon and the other armor Knights.

And the other grave was to mourn the great Demon King -- Galious.

-- After Galious was defeated by Akatsuki many of the clansman who fought at his side gave up on the war, and moved to Forestnium to live.

Although human origin, Galious fought for the sake of all Demons until his last breath. His spirit was revered from the bottom of their hearts, because of such they wanted to set up a monument for him when they came here. However the residents of Forestnium hated the war. They chose to take a different path than the pro-war faction that followed Galious, and feared building a grandiose tomb would lead to needless disputes. Thus it was constructed on the outskirts of the village only known to some.

"It's all over."

Squatting before the two gravestones Ousawa Miu quietly said.

She went on to report to the two who were resting peacefully.

The fighting between Humans and Demons had spanned a long time.

And now Alayzard's chain of hatred and strife disputes were finally marked by a period.

-- Five days have passed in the blink of an eye, since the deathmatch between Akatsuki and Leon.

Their one on one duel lowered the curtain on the war between the Galivain and Disdiya. And although there were some unresolved problems the post-war process was advancing comparatively smoothly.

It was because the cease-fire negotiations only had three people participate, Akatsuki, Listy, and Alphonse.

To leave room to manoeuvre a peace treaty Akatsuki never killed a single Disdiya soldier during the war.

Listy fully understood Akatsuki intentions.

And their philosophy coincided with Prince Alphonse's efforts to stop his own country from sinking even deeper.

So under arbitration of Sherfied, Galivain and Disdiya sat down to sign a formal truce.

The matter of annihilation of the surveillance forces which started the war was the first topic. In consideration of fostering friendship between the three countries, and not creating anymore grudges it was mutually decided it was done by an unknown perpetrator. As for the non-aggression peace treaty it was concluded and signed three days after the end of the match.

The peace that Galivain, Galious and Urumu dreamed of finally arrived.

After the report was completed Miu's eyes stayed fixed on the two gravestones.

Galious chose to go to war against humans, while Urumu refused to fight even at the end.

The two's ideas couldn't run more counter to each other. However, it was Urumu's grandson Kurt at the time who decided to have him buried next to Galious.

He thought even though they took different paths the two believed in the same future.

Ousawa Miu was very thankful for Kurt's thoughtfulness. In the future more people will visit her fathers grave along with Urumu's. She was sure her father wouldn't feel lonely. And on other hand, after his comrades, who have taken refuge in other places, learn of the end of the war they will also comeback to Forestnium.

After this it can begin. In the direction Galious and Urumu had hope for, the rebirth of Galivain.

"............ Nn."

Miu gave a small nod.

And then her head turned slightly to the right and up.

She had came there together with someone else -- Ousawa Akatsuki was standing at her side.

He was staring at Galious and Urumu's graves with a serious expression.

Miu couldn't help but think he also wanted to speak with them the same as her. Then -- Akatsuki closed his eyes, and silently said a short prayer.

After she saw Akatsuki open his eyes Miu stood up.

"There is still some time...... no need to hurry."

After hearing Akatsuki voice Miu lightly shook her head,

"It's okay. I have already told them they don't have to worry about Galivain's future."

She had said goodbyes to both of them. And after the signing ceremony of the peace treaty in Sherfied, Akatsuki and Miu already fulfilled their promise to Selina, and tasted some her home cooking at her restaurant. So there was nothing left to regret as she planned to return to that other world.

The world where Ousawa Akatsuki -- and Ousawa Miu lived.

"...... Are you sure?"

Akatsuki asked again.

Kurt and the other people in the village wanted Miu to stay in Forestnium. Now that all the fighting was at an end Miu would no longer need to be forced into exile to another world.

But, Miu tactfully declined the villagers suggestion.

She did however accept their good intentions behind it.

There was no hesitation, because she had already made up her mind.

"Umm well...... I no longer belong here."

Miu gazed at the youth standing before the eyes.

Ousawa Akatsuki -- she belonged nowhere but with him. She would absolutely not lose sight of that.

So she herself had already decided to live with him.


"No matter what, I Have to return to my own world."

"Huh ......?"

Akatsuki sudden statement left Miu to stare blankly. That sort of thing should of been understood by everyone? However, Akatsuki continued,

"...... There is still things I have to finish over there."

And so,

"If you are willing to entrust your fate to me -- I'll take you back with me."


Miu can't help but opened her eyes wide, because she understood what Akatsuki was saying.

-- That day in front of her dying father those were the words he said to her.

Akatsuki was re-enacting the scene once more at the place her father's soul was resting. She was on the verge of tears. In her heart she was happy -- but also sad.

So Ousawa Miu quietly waited for Akatsuki's last question. Akatsuki stretched out his right hand, and asked whether she was prepared to take his hand.

The answer was obvious -- and had been decided a long time ago.

So to the right hand of Akatsuki's that had been put forth.

"EH --?"

However Miu didn't take his hand.

Akatsuki had already pulled her over, and tightly embraced her. His arm was around her lower back.

It was the evolution of the form since that day.

As if a symbol of their relationship, but also represented a major step forward.

Then Akatsuki said with a strong voice,

"Galious, I'm taking your daughter. She will always -- remain by my side."

As Miu heard those words in Akatsuki's arm her heart involuntarily jumped.

Before when they exchanged oaths it was a mutually compromise, but now it was beyond that. The question and answer relationship was a thing of the past.

Ousawa Miu understood her present self didn't need to say anything.


So Miu remained silent, and gently rested her cheek on Akatsuki's chest and closed her eyes. Of her own will she entrusted all of herself to him.

As she looked at her father, Galious's gravestone she definitely felt the place she belonged...... with Akatsuki. Her Father had hoped Miu would find happiness in the future, and she felt she certainly had.

Part 2

A few minutes later --

Akatsuki and Miu headed towards a certain place.

It was the place where they all arrived in Alayzard.

In a corner of the Wandering forest.

A <dimensional hole> was created there when they traveled from his original world to Alayzard.

Normally when a person was summoned to another world to return to their original world it was necessary for them to pass through the <gate of another world>. However, Akatsuki and others this time used a special method to come to Alayzard, so to return naturally meant they must follow the same method.

After walking through the forest for a little while Akatsuki and Miu reached their destination.

Their companions as well as the others who wanted to see them off had been waiting for a long time.

"...... It looks like everyone's here."

Akatsuki looked around to confirm his companions who came with him to Alayzard were there.

Kuzuha was there, but Riruru was refusing to let her go. Kaidou was surrounded by the children of Forestnium.

Chikage and Haruka were standing next the two from Sherfied, Zechs and Loutier. From the looks of it they were talking about something. And understandably -- there wasn't anyone from Disdiya or Aleclasta.

The war had just ended, and even with peace treaty in place the rift between all the countries couldn't be removed completely so soon. In addition, as part of the non-aggression treaty with Galivain, Sherfied, Disdiya and Aleclasta had agreed humans won't enter the Wandering forest without first obtaining permission. Otherwise it would be a violation of the treaty. Zechs and Loutier were friends with Akatsuki, so naturally had been given special permission to enter the forest.

"Oh...... It's Akatsuki and the Princess!"

Suddenly, one of the children following Kaidou around noticed them. And,

"Hime-sama --!" (note = Princess)

Just like that Miu was surrounded.

"Everyone came to...... thank you."

Miu held the kids in her arms with a big hug.

Some were smiling, while others were crying no matter she gave them all hugs one after another.

Akatsuki gently ruffled the kids hair as slowly made his way through the crowd over to Zechs and Loutier.

"Well then...... I guess we'll take our leave."

Haruka and Chikage notice him coming their way, and tactfully backed away.

After Zechs saw Haruka and Chikage backs trail off he turned to face Akatsuki.

"About that matter you asked me about...... somehow it is working out well."

Zechs said so with a calm expression, while Akatsuki's turned serious after listening to him and,

"I see -- That's good if it stays a secret forever."

The matter Akatsuki requested from Zechs was regarding Leon. He wanted to prevent as much as possible Leon's mother Selina from finding out the truth of what occurred. Five years ago Leon's misfortune was what he invited on himself, but this was someone else's maliciousness that was using him in their plans.

In order to hide the fact Disdiya used a forbidden spell to revive, Sherfied and Disdiya have issued gag orders to everyone involved from their two countries. After all, the truth of the tragedy five years ago, and the truth of this matter would likely cast a shadow on the peace Alayzard just obtained. But still, the door was still open when it comes to people. People by their nature were prone to gossip. So, there was no guarantee rumors weren't going to be spread.

But ......

"It's probably going to be okay. We have taken the initiative to release some of our own rumors, saying the armor Knight was someone who looked quite similar to Leon to control the information."

Loutier added,

"And Selina had resigned from her position on the People's Council this morning, and she doesn't intend on taking part in the upcoming national elections. It is unlikely she will learn the truth of this matter."

As long as they don't caught in their lies Selina would never learn of the real facts.

The only way -- to uphold this peace was by deceiving the world.

However, Ousawa Akatsuki didn't mind at all. As long as he can stop a woman's tears, it will justify the means.

That was just his aesthetics. If it was necessary lie, Akatsuki wouldn't hesitate to carry it through until the end.

He doesn't expect everyone to live happily ever after, that sort of ideal was nothing more than lip service.

As long as the people of this world can live for today, and embrace hope for tomorrow without anymore tears -- he thought that was true peace.

"-- By the way."

And Akatsuki said,

"Where is your former Queen? I haven't seen her around anywhere."

"She headed into the forest a little while ago alone."

And Zechs pointed to a group of trees behind him.

"After so much trouble she was able to meet with you again, and now has to say goodbye again. Most likely their are all sorts of mixed feelings in her heart...... On top of that, everything with Leon was a big blow to her."

"...... Hmm."

Come to of think of it after the duel ended with Leon, Listy just rushed over with Miu to give me a hug with together. Afterwards everyone was so pressed for time with the cease-fire negotiations we almost had no conversations.

"-- Akatsuki, please go find her."

Then, Loutier in a quiet voice went on to subtly inform him of the feelings of one girl,

"Listy is surely waiting...... for you."

"............ Ah."

Akatsuki nodded before he began to head off.

"Oya, Akki...... we should be getting back soon!"

Kaidou called out to Akatsuki, and when he looked back at him,

"Even though I'm quite laid back, I can still began to feel a bit of homesickness!"

The moment he finished saying so -- Kaidou's body began to shine.

It was a sign of a dimension shift. The people nearby started to clamor, but Kaidou smiled wryly,

"Take it easy. I still can't go back home like this...... right, Akki?"

"Ah well -- in theory that's true."

Akatsuki returned a nod.

When they came to Alayzard Miu was used as a intermediary, since her unique characteristic of being a resident of that world would direct them as they crossed through the <dimensional hole> in Akatsuki's room. In order carry out a dimensional shift of more than one person, he used renkan keikikou to pour everyone's Ki into each other merging them together so to speak as one.

So -- to return the process was the reverse.

A <Dimensional hole> had already existed here. Now all that was needed was as an intermediary that could link them to the former world to make the dimensional shift possible. After that Akatsuki could distribute the Ki into everyone to return with Miu.

But, when they came to this world the only inhabitant was Miu. The other five including Akatsuki carried out the dimensional shift as one person with use of his Renkan Keikikou.

In other words, it was necessary for all five to act as the intermediary to return.

"Kaidou is only one-fifth of the intermediary needed to return. Unless the remaining four people concentrate at the same time, and I merge our Ki's together it is not possible to carry out the dimensional shift."

Akatsuki explained to the three, Chikage, Kuzuha, and Haruka. And,

"Try to imagine our world, for instance what you want to do after you return..... by doing so, is an easy way to create a connection to our world through your consciousness."

"What you want to do after you return......"

Haruka mimed his words before,

"Now that you mention it...... there's the follow-up work after the ranking tournament as well as preparing for the new term. There must be a lot of things to be tidied up after what happened. Strictly speaking, It's not want I want to do, but what I have to do."

"As for us, it was decided yesterday with Miu and Class Rep -- right?"

To what Chikage said with a laugh, Kuzuha gave her a small nod "Nn" and then while looking at Miu,

"We are going to stay the night at Ousawa-san's home."

As soon as she said so their three bodies began to shine. Now the only one left was Akatsuki, but --

"I hate to do this, but..... you will have to wait for me a little."

Akatsuki smiled and quickly walked towards the thicket that was pointed out. Whiling laughing,

"Apparently over there...... some fellow is probably waiting on me."

Part 3

Hidden in a quiet shaded area in the forest Listy was thinking alone.

She was trying to find a way to put her feelings into words.

Akatsuki was again leaving to return to his own world.

But now that she knows the truth about five years ago certain feelings had been born in Listy.

She couldn't help it -- she was in love with Akatsuki.

...... But --

Five years ago, even though she told him that lie thinking of his well being it didn't change the fact she rejected him.

How on earth could her present self face Akatsuki? And at the last moment tell him 'I've always loved you.' It was too hypocritical.

Even so, she didn't want to separate from him.

She could not suppress her feelings.

"It's already..... impossible."

Listy's voice trembled as she spoke out loud to herself.

Thinking how an unspeakable sadness will take over once Akatsuki leaves, and that no one else but him will be able to stop her tears. However,

"-- I think it's going to work out."

The sudden voice caused Listy's body to shutter, and then she looked back unconsciously.

A young man was standing there with a a confident smile, Ousawa Akatsuki.

"Wh-what are you doing here?..... Wait, how did you know I was here?"

"There was a little something I left behind. So I couldn't go back just yet."

And ......

"As for finding where you were hiding for me, of course, is not an issue. There's no way I could lose track of your Ki."


Listy couldn't help but blush.

Even though she already knows about Akatsuki's renkan keikikou she completely forgotten how capable it was. None the less his words warmed Listy's heart.

The fact that -- he specially came looking for her was an immense comfort. Seeing how she wasn't going to say anything, Akatsuki come out and asked along with a smile,

"So what's already impossible?"

"No, no, nothing......!"

Listy pretended to be clam, not willing to share her true thoughts.

Even at a time like this she still had to save face, and couldn't help feel somewhat disgusted with herself.

For all that, Listy was just unable to control herself.

And so ......

"How about you? What is it you forget?"

She sent a sidelong glance at Akatsuki as to confirm his intention.


"Oh, that's right -- I couldn't afford forget this."

Akatsuki said so with a big smile on his whole face.

The next moment -- his hand took hold of Listy's breast.


She failed to understand what had happened all at once, and suddenly froze in place.

Akatsuki's right hand tightly closed down on Listy's left breast.

His five fingers dug in.

Listy reflexively gave Akatsuki a short right hook to his jaw.

"You filthy pervert......! You do something like that at a time like this!"

Her face was bright red as Listy quickly covered her chest with her left arm.

"No, I just want to see your smile ......"

Akatsuki was completely unapologetic. So,

"There isn't a girl in the world who would smile after having her breast suddenly attacked!"

Listy El Da Sherfied's scream reverberated in the area.

Then from behind Akatsuki -- from those off in the distance,

"Wait a minute, why is everyone suddenly looking at me!? This terrible joke has gone too far!

A scream from a familiar voice was raised.

After hearing that, Akatsuki scratched his battered jaw with his fingertips and,

"...... It looks like there really is one."

"Did you not hear.....! She herself denied it!"

At that moment Listy was convinced Miu must be enduring imaginable hardships being near a man like Akatsuki. To be caught between her embarrassment -- and her feelings for him.

It could be said Akatsuki would do whatever it takes to stop our tears.

He would use a sudden kiss, a massage of the breasts, or a grab of the butt.

And towards himself -- he would not hesitate to lie even if it meant sacrificing himself.

At that moment, a thought suddenly occurred to her. She still hadn't expressed her thanks to him for what really happened five years ago. So, Listy slightly lowered her head,

"Why do you always..... like that do things other people cannot possibly do?"

She asked the question inside her heart. Then,

"I'm not that great. I'm just doing what I want to do."

Akatsuki easily answered, and very straightforward,

"It's just being obedient to my feelings, and honest with myself -- unlike you."

"You.....! It is none of your concern!"

Flushed with anger Listy loudly protested.

Akatsuki didn't need to remind her. Listy knows it best herself, how she always refuses to face her absolute true self.

It would be too painful.

....... But, it can't be done... ... There was no way it can be helped......

Listy was brought up strictly as a member of the royal family under all sorts of rules. That wasn't allowed or this wasn't allowed, in her royal life she wasn't allowed the slightest freedom. Love or even life itself, everything existed in order to meet the expectations of others. Five years ago -- after they liberated the capital with Akatsuki, it was also true. As the only surviving member of the Royal families Listy's obligations were unimaginable. So, after Galious was defeated she was immediately crowned the Queen to fulfill her obligation as last of the Royalty of Sherfied. And also even that day when Akatsuki was returning to his original world she could only force herself to silently watched him leave.

Her real feelings -- for all her life had to be suppressed.

"I'm sorry, I am such an awkward and strange person."

"No, I didn't mean criticism......"

After he said so, Akatsuki's expression became troubled.

Same as before words contrary to her feelings could not be stopped,

"Are you looking for me to ask you to stay? I'm sorry, but that's not something an awkward woman would say."

While she was saying that in her heart she was screaming. No, that's wrong. It's not at all what I want to say. Even though this is farewell. As expected you look to be having difficulty. I hate this, I don't want to see such a face.

...... What can I do.....?

I very much don't want to to make things difficult, and undoubtedly don't want to be hated.

...... Akatsuki, I beg you......!

Even though I can't be true to myself, and although until the end I was unable to speak my heartfelt words.

"A person like you ......!"

-- But still see the real me.

Please notice.

"The faster you return to your world the better!"

Part 4

After Listy finished shouting the forest immediately became silent.

While breathing heavily, Listy could only look down at the ground.

She was too afraid to look up.

Even more now she didn't want to see the what kind of face Akatsuki was making.

Caught up in her rampaging emotions she blurted out those words, and it was too late for Listy to regret. The silence was frightening, and made her feel she was suffocating.

-- And shortly after Akatsuki finally responded.

What did he say? She was overcome with fear, and couldn't help guarding herself and tightly shutting her eyes. However -- because of that Listy didn't heard a word of what he said.

Rather she heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the grass gradually fade away.

"...... Huh?"

Instinctively she looked up, and then opened her eyes.

Akatsuki's back was moving away leaving Listy behind where she stood.

Abandoned -- the thought surfaced in her mind that took all the strength from her whole body. Listy couldn't stop herself from falling to the ground on her knees.


She attempted to call out to him, but the words wouldn't come out.

Just before she had told him to hurry off to his own world, so now Listy had no right to detain him.


In front of the vacant Listy, Akatsuki's shadow disappear behind the trees. It was the worst possible farewell it could of been.

"Wait...... don't go......"

However, it was in very feeble voice in which nobody could hear. And -- eventually the situation reach a point to where Listy was completely abandoned.

Then shouts of joy were being carried over from the other side of the thicket.

And a resounding high-pitched sound came.

As well as white light from the gaps within the trees was transmitted.

Listy understood what was going on.

Akatsuki was about to return to his own world.

...... Not like this......!

If I run after now I might still be in time. However, Listy was nailed in place, motionless. In her head she knew she must go after Akatsuki, but her legs wouldn't move at all. The link between her consciousness and body was completely severed.

"No..... Don't Akatsuki......!"

As it was Akatsuki was going to leave. However, there was no way for Listy's voice to reach him.

The sound of crossing over worlds was too loud causing her to feel it was too cruel.

It swallowed her shouts. Although she was wishing so strongly, none the less her feeling didn't reach.

-- However, Listy kept shouting.

Without wiping them she let the tears rolled down her cheeks. Listy was doing her utmost to express her heartfelt wishes.

Do not leave me -- do not leave me alone here.

Didn't he tell me once? So long as I call out your name without fail you will come running.

Therefore I'm calling your name. I need your help now. So stay, don't go.

Listy El Da Sherfied thought strongly, and await expectantly for a miracle to occur.

...... It won't come. Its not possible for me......!

About to be swallowed up in her overflowing thoughts.

Her heart -- was about to be plunged into a pool of stagnant water.

It was at that time --

Listy suddenly appeared in Akatsuki's arm.

Part 5

In the glow of the dimensional shift.

"Huh ......?"

Nestled in his arm, Akatsuki looked at the dumbstruck Listy.

Sure enough she did cry, as I thought she would. So he decided to enlighten her.

"I had a transfer seal left...... it would of gone to waste, so I had to simply find a way to use up."

At that time -- under the guise of forgetting something he took the opportunity when he touched Listy's breast.

Which all lead to the present situation. The answer was obvious. The thought of separating from Akatsuki to Listy was so painful to the same extent as dying. The best proof -- was the way she was crying now.

So again, there was nothing to worry about. If it was all in order to stop her tears Ousawa Akatsuki was willing to pay any price.

"I'm sorry, Zechs and Lulu...... I taking this guy."

He told the two who came to see them off through the dimension shift.

"I can't leave a woman who is crying like that. It goes against my aesthetics."

Then, some unexpected words were returned from the other side, Zechs and Loutier.

"Hun..... you had that particular quirk from the beginning. Just get lost already."

"Please leave the rest to us. We'll mange to take of Sherfied."

Their words were told along with a smile, and finally Listy was able to understand what was happening.

"Akatsuki..... everyone...... but I...... I......"

Listy looked up at Akatsuki, and hesitantly wanted to say something.

"Don't worry. Even though you didn't say it, you want to come with me."

Ousawa Akatsuki told her there was no need for any more words. Because --

"I'll decided to take you, to take your awkward personality, and to accept all of you already."

Those words of Akatsuki's were sufficient to respond to her feelings in Listy's mind.


She tightly embraced Akatsuki with tears flowing from her eyes.

No longer awkward -- she just wanted to never part.

So, Akatsuki put some power in his arm around Listy's waist, and strongly drew her close. She didn't put up any resistance. And while being wrapped in the same brightness he magnificently declared,

"Now -- let's all head home."

"Hey...... are you serious Ousawa Akatsuki!?"

Haruka questioned, as the others turned their eyes towards him in surprise.

Only one person -- looked perfectly calm as if it had been expected, Miu. After she made eye contact with Akatsuki, Miu floated a smile on her face,

"I knew...... after all, there was no way you could leave behind a woman who was crying."

Miu gently nestled up against Akatsuki's side.

"Since that -- wouldn't be the same Ousawa Akatsuki I know."

After hearing her words –-

"Haha...... it's just like that."

And Akatsuki with a big grin,

"Well okay -- back to our world."

At the same time he said so everything in their field of vision turned into a bright white.

The brightness was caused by the dimensional shift revolving around Akatsuki and others at his side.

Part 6

And now -- the brightness had disappeared from the wandering forest.

From where Akatsuki and others were standing not a trace of them could be found.

"They're gone......"

And Zechs sighed,

"You also wanted to go with them, right Lulu?"

She turned her line of sight away, and half jokingly,

"That's so, isn't it?..... but I still have a lot of work in this world."

Loutier said with a small smile.

Akatsuki and also Listy had completed what they each had to do. So now it was her turn.

"And --"

Loutier changed the conviction in her heart into a smile, and said while looking up at the empty sky,

"If we truly did to start to shed tears of sadness -- Akatsuki would surly come running back again."

Part 7

"-- Upon restoring peace to the world the Hero returns to his world with the two princesses."

It was said in a joking manner in a place inside the Empire of Aleclasta.

The most beautiful blooming flowers that could be imagined were enclosed in that place, the sky garden of the Church of Richard.

Inside there was a view a God would have while looking down on mother earth.

The Archbishop and the Pope of the Church of Richard were witness to everything, and had been quietly laughing.

"Hehe...... It's almost like a fairy tale."

"Indeed it is...... and they all lived happily ever after."

To Miranda's words Volk chuckled lightly, and also gave generous praise to Akatsuki's feats.

Certainly with this the war between humans and Demons was at an end.

True peace came to Alayzard, and you might say that was good. But,

"Baram-dono..... was really pitiful. Other countries aside, not get even his own son, Alphonse-dono understood his hardships, and the real intention of the war. As it is it will remain a misunderstanding."

Paused for a moment.

"When in fact -- he simply did it in consideration of Disdiya's future."

In Alayzard the Empire of Disdiya had the largest military.

Although the mighty military was worthy of pride the reality for the people was quite harsh.

The majority of the country was covered with sand, even their valuable oases and greenery were gradually being swallowed by the desert. That encroaching barren land won't produce any crops.

Residents living in the coastal areas facing the sea can fish for a living, but their catches were decreasing year by year.

In contrast to crops which can be cultivated by a person's hand, fisherman can't increase production with manpower.

Of course, Alphonse held key positions in the country, and would of been aware of the economic side of things. But, since he doesn't want to fight he must attempted to resolve this issue by political power and both foreign and domestic trade.

Baram on the other hand, wished to incorporate Galivain into its territory. That country holds a wealth of natural resources in its forest, which would seem like an utopia so far as Disdiya was concerned. In order to solve their country's economic problems, and also acquire the legitimacy to occupy Galivain, Disdiya had to be the one to defeat Demon King Galious.

Phil Burnett -- was ordered to make the contract with the evil dragon Zahhak for that purpose.

And then holding the dominance at the International Conference Baram could promote Disdiya's status, and strengthen his own authority to get what he needed.

However, the existence of the Rogue Hero dampened the Baram's plans.

Akatsuki actions saved Sherfied, and ushered in a new era of peace for Alayzard.

But from a different point of view -- Akatsuki took way the only hope Disdiya had.

-- Therefore Baram this time he had to see things to the end.

To him this war was the last hope -- and also his biggest gamble.

Even if his name were to become smeared as an invader, everything was for sake of Disdiya. Their new Emperor, Alphonse will soon be able to realize this.

And to what extent his father Baram's seemingly crazy actions were in fact in consideration of the country.

"Oh well, the results would of been the same even if he won." said Volk.

If Disdiya had won, Aleclasta would have denounced their invasion.

As they sought territorial expansion, Aleclasta also had something they desired. That was talent. When talented people come together a country's skillsets increase, and those skillsets can be turn into money allowing for that country's finances to become increasingly rich.

Disdiya's current power manged to hold up entirely thanks to the charisma of Baram. A scholar such as Alphonse that doesn't want to fight can't replace Baram as the new Emperor of a military nation. In the future, the country will end up falling into serious political instability. At that time, many people will make the decision to leave their homes in pursuit of a more stable life in another country. Among those refugees will naturally be the mechanical engineers Disdiya prides over.

Such anxiety and despair for the future will hold true towards the upcoming national elections in the newly transformed country of Sherfied, and unfortunately those refugees and Sherfied's own people won't support it.

However, there was Aleclasta, and the teachings of the Church of Richard in which so many people throughout Alayzard put their faith in.

"Let us rescue those poor lost lambs."

The refugees from Disdiya, and the people from Sherfied insecure about the change in their country will be welcomed with open arms in Aleclasta. It would be the highest form of humanitarian aid, but also sows the feeling of indebtedness to Aleclasta from the two countries. Moreover the Church of Richard will acquire a large amount of new believers, and will also strengthen their influence further. In short, Aleclasta got the biggest gains without any fighting.

"-- Oh, and speaking of misunderstanding......"

Miranda suddenly remembered one thing, and couldn't help reveal a playful smile,

"Pertaining to matter of the resurrection of Leon-kun...... Sherfied seems to think it was all Emperor Baram's doing."

"As if...... never mind. No need for unnecessary complications. Besides the dead cannot tell stories, actually it saves some trouble."

Volk deepened his smile while stroking his beard.

The act of bring back Leon with the forbidden spell was certainly done by Baram.

However, the one who stolen Leon's remains was not Baram. Phil Barnett destroyed his tomb simply to vent his anger. At that period of time, Baram simply wished for Miu to be brought back to Alayzard as soon as possible. Phil held an abnormal amount of hatred for the former Hero, so the two had no reason to take away his remains.

Then -- in the end who arranged to hand over the remains to Baram?

After Phil destroyed Leon's tomb of Leon, and in the short time before Sherfied noticed someone did steal the remains.

Having been aware of the whole situation, but still continued to watch carefully, who exactly would obtain the most profit? Nobody knows who -- with the exception of the person himself.

Volk Rem Aleclasta IV smiled pleased with himself,

"Thank you Akatsuki for saving Alayzard."

Now it was just waiting for the right time to announce the truth to world, and how much.

The truth of tragedy in Sherfied that occurred five years ago.

The results of the investigation on the attack on the surveillance forces.

As well as the amazing fact Leon Esuperio took part in this war.

That much alone should be enough to ruin Sherfied and Disdiya.

No matter how much Akatsuki desired, all of it won't be kept hidden.

Even with many lies piled on top of each other to cover up the truth, to the people who know the truth, they can easily break such fragile lies.

Just at that time,

"...... I'm sorry for disturbing you."

And the young female bishop stepped forward with a respectful tone,

"A letter was just received addressed to Volk-sama."

"Oh..... it was specially delivered here?"

Miranda said somewhat surprised.

A mountain of various letters arrive every day for Volk the Pope of the Church of Richard.

Letters from influential people of countries to any such believers that were present in Alayzard seeking nothing more than to enlist help from Volk, or hoping to get a return reply in his own handwriting were endless. Of course, most of them had no value whatsoever in reading. So, the Archbishop Miranda instructed them to sorted based on the sender's identity and status. Miranda then inspects those letters herself that will be handed over to Volk. Letters address to Miranda herself were entrusted to her subordinates to sift through before reaching her then Volk.

This letter however was expressly rushed over because it was addressed to the sky garden which was restricted to only a few people.

"It appears to be a very urgent -- Do you know who the sender was?

"Yes, its...... Akatsuki-dono."

"Hoo, didn't he already return to his own world?... ... This is certainly interesting."

'Fu' Volked laughed as he took the letter from the female bishop.

"Thank you for your hard work. You may go now."

After his words, the female bishop bowed respectfully before quickly leaving the sky garden.

And then Volk cut the seal with the letter opener given with the letter.

However, inside there wasn't a letter only one card. And,


After he read it there was a long silence.

No emotions could be read form Volk's expression.

"..... It seems what's written is no trivial matter."

To Miranda's words Volk slid the card crossed the table looking ashen.

Only two lines were written on the card.

To the Supreme Pontiff, the people turn to, should not be too high handed with the truth.

The holy doctrines of the Church of Richard -- won't hold up well with truth of your nephew, I humbly believe.

Miranda can't help but narrow her eyes.

"So..... Akatsuki-kun knew of 'his' true identity......"

"He already returned to his own world...... it can't be a simple bluff."

His usual composed tone was gone, as Volk snorted. That indirect advice Akatsuki gave after he left Alayzard was certainly intended to curb Aleclasta from publishing the truth. At the same time, strongly warned Volk that even if he wasn't in this world he could crush Aleclasta's plans.

"This can be trouble, how are you going..... -- Your Holiness?"

In the middle of Miranda talking Volk stood up, and without hiding the disgust in his voice,

"Even if the truth is not made public...... the demise of Disdiya is just around the corner. There is no loss to us."

After making that parting remark, Volk didn't say anything further. The sky garden was left behind in silence.

Part 8

After Volk completely disappeared the sky garden once again became calm --

"Hah -- ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

She could no longer contain it, as Miranda Quenty burst into laughter.

It was the best. Sure enough Akatsuki should not be reckoned with. He had said at the peace negotiations "All of this was under my control" meaning he would be responsible until the end. Could it be from the outset he sensed Aleclasta's plans? No, if that was the case then he wouldn't of let us off so easy before returning to his world. Perhaps, Akatsuki merely believed Aleclasta was pulling the strings behind the scenes.

That said, Miranda never dreamed Akatsuki would play that card.

...... The world can't afford to know of "his" true identity.

The Pope of the Church of Richard, Volk Rem Aleclasta IV, was Alayzard's highest authority, and on official records doesn't have a nephew. To be precise it was erased. That nephew's existence was the biggest stain on the Church of Richard.

The man eloped with a dark Elf, and after the unnatural death of his wife he discarded his human identity.

The person who became the Demon King unexpectedly turned out to be a relative of the current Pope -- which could never be revealed to outsiders.

"..... I wonder where Akatsuki-kun leaned of this secret?"

Galious unlikely revealed his identity himself. If any of the Demon tribes had known about him being a close relative of highest authority of the human race it would of been absolutely impossible to gain the Demon's trust, and even become the Demon King. Maybe even Miu doesn't know of this big secret, otherwise she would of run away from her clansmen back when she received such relentless criticism.

The only possibility could be when Akatsuki left for the <boundary of the Gods>.

After the tragedy five years ago, he went in search of power in the world of the Gods, and must have obtained some information.

"It is a pity...... If his "consciousness" was read one more time, then maybe the truth could be understood."

Miranda said so, while looking at her right. Only a few people know of her special ability to read someone's consciousness through touch.

After the tragedy in Sherfied five years ago, and Listy had to abandoned the capital Akatsuki followed her to Aleclasta. Caught between disappointment and frustration he was absent minded when Miranda secretly read his consciousness, and came to know the truth about Leon. At the same time discovered how much he regretted from the bottom of the heart having killed Leon.

-- However, she didn't get any information on Akatsuki's original world. It seemed her ability was limited to only read the thoughts of things associated with Alayzard.

Strictly speaking, the <boundary of the Gods> was a different world apart from Alayzard, and naturally wouldn't be able to read any of his memories from that time. But if she couldn't find the secret from his memories that would mean Akatsuki discovered Galious's true identity in the <boundary of the Gods>.

"Well, that's probably fine...... at least I found something much more interesting."

Miranda said so with a cold smile that would cause person to shiver. Miranda Quenty recalled when she visited Disdiya's prisoner. Unconsciousness in the dungeon cell she read Miu's 'consciousness' -- from which obtained some information.

Miu at that time was intently worried about Akatsuki's injury.

As a result Miranda was able to get invaluable information. Akatsuki was unconsciously protecting himself with the absolute barrier of Zahark's, repelling any form of recovery magic from coming near the wound.

Miranda believed it was absolutely impossible to use recovery magic indirectly to heal that type of injury. She was certain the absolute barrier of Zahark's was nullified in that situation, because of interference from a higher dimensional power.

"Listy-san having been transferred back at the same time..... could not be just a coincidence."

There must be some sort of force behind it, otherwise things wouldn't have played out so conveniently. Therefore, Miranda Quenty made the conclusion,

"As I thought -- she is definitely an ultra dimensional being."

Part 9

"Right on cue ......"

In Akatsuki's world there was a person who exposed the same smile as Miranda.

It was JPN Babel's high school student council president -- Hikami Kyouya, and the person in charge of Japan from COCOON.

The whole picture of Alayzard was in his hands.

HYnA vol 05 016.jpg

It was certain with this. Miu was a special existence.

Although currently things were in unstable state, the incident with Zahark proved everything.

Miu demonstrated the power of an ultra dimensional being when she tried to help Akatsuki.

From then after Akatsuki received divine protection and the benefits of her power.

...... Maybe Akatsuki really can oppose this world......

"Unfortunately, you don't deserve to possess this power."

Since the key to activating Miu's power lies in Akatsuki -- everything will be alright, because there was nothing easier than exploiting a person's feelings.

Kyouya thought the goddess of fate was finally willing to stand at his side.

"This is not good...... my heart is beating too fast."

It was spring break for JPN Babel, and no one else was in the student council room as Kyouya was muttering to himself.

He was telling himself to calm down.

This was a golden opportunity he absolutely couldn't mess up.

Now was the time to start the preparations. It was necessary to first acquire everything needed for the plan.

COCOON was bound by the "Y plan," Crimson Twilight was erratic, and Akatsuki was in the dark.

I will transcend all of them.

At that moment -- I will have harnessed Miu's power, and ascended to a height that no man can reach. To the domain where only an existence known as a "God" can reach.

"Ousawa-kun, I bet you want to immediately...... settle things with your brother and father."

He disdainfully thought of the stepping stone in his way of becoming a God. Then Hikami Kyouya laughed,

"But before that, I ask you to dance with me. Our bet will be this world -- as well as her fate."

Translator's Notes and References

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