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-- A few minutes to nine p.m.
-- A few minutes to nine p.m.
Almost an hour had already passed since JPN-Babel had went into lock down. The other COCOONs including Michael himself should already have grasped the situation, and it was around the time when they should have started to take some kind of steps. And when the moment comes will it be China to act -- CHN-Babel's Wang Feilong?
Almost an hour had already passed since JPN-Babel had went into lock down. The other COCOONs including Michael himself should already have grasped the situation, and it was around the time when they should have started to take some kind of steps. And when the moment comes will it be China to act -- CHN-Babel's Wang Feilong<ref>Can also mean a type of dragon</ref>?
...... Or is Michael himself going to move......?
...... Or is Michael himself going to move......?

Latest revision as of 22:32, 22 March 2015

Chapter 1 - The Thoughts of the Other Side[edit]

Part 1[edit]

A tower of Babel reaches through the clouds.

They stand in each of the special autonomous regions of the G7 countries, symbols of COCOON's authority.

Their operation and management were left to the COCOON in charge in that area.

Each of those countries that comprised the G7 had very different cultures and religions. It would of been more of an obstacle to regulate them all the same way. Therefore besides the infrastructure, the construction of the building as well as management of the towers of Babel change depending on national circumstances in an attempt to make every special autonomous region the most effective.

So to speak, a tower of Babel was the exclusive castle of the COCOON in control of that region. And,

The COCOON currently in charge of JPN-Babel -- Hikami Kyouya -- was presently inside a certain place within Babel.

"Who could have thought this place would come in handy this soon......"

Kyouya floated a thin sneer.

Part of the building wasn't drawn in any of the blueprints, and he was in that secret space.

Other than Kyouya himself there wasn't a second person in the world who knew of its existence.

The reason was very simple -- to reach the room it was necessary to pass through three concept barriers. An ordinary person wouldn't even be able to detect the entrance which was concealed under the influence of first concept barrier.

Even if the entrance was discovered, beyond the first barrier was nothing but an empty space. Of course, the empty room was a facade.

Whereupon most people would choose to turn back there.

However, someone of the level of Crimson Twilight or COCOON should detect a "strange feeling" lurking inside the empty space. After finding the source of that "strange feeling" they would need to break through the second concept barrier to enter into the next space.

And that concept barrier protects the room from all physical and magic attacks.

The unfaltering fortress barrier.

The barrier had been reinforced with several layers providing an absolutely impregnable defense.

It was unlikely there would be someone would suspect the purpose of this space.

However, it was also part of Kyouya's meticulously set trap.

Masked inside the fortress barrier was the barrier that leads to the third space.

Even members of Crimson Twilight or the rest of COCOON would find it very hard to detected that last concept barrier.

And only if the barrier was released according to the correct procedures would the entrance appear.

All to establish an absolutely secret space.

At this very moment, Hikami Kyouya was standing in his little fort.

Part 2[edit]

The environment within the space made it seem like a temple from an another world.

The air was crystal clear.

A sacred space void of impurities as if they did not exist at all. Kyouya's voice sounded,

"-- Now, let's get started."

Kyouya stared ahead -- at the alter in the center of the room.

It was composed of a light blue ore.

And lying on said altar was a girl.


The girl was silent, because she was unconsciousness.

Only peaceful, calm breathes were being repeated.

The lovely sleeping beauty's name -- Ousawa Miu.

She was the demon king's daughter from the alternate world of Alayzard.

-- Then.

Under Kyouya's watchful eye Miu's body began to dimly give off a white light. And simultaneously,

Kyi~i~i~i~i Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze Tze

A shrill rumbling began in the room which sounded similar to the noise of a dimensional shift.


"Everything seems to be going smoothly... ... Wonderful."

Kyouya unintentionally deepened his smile.

The ultimate goal of COCOON was the -- "Y Plan". In short, it was to bring about the manifestation an ultra-high-order life form, a living entity which transcends the law of causality and freely able to manipulate all events, and place it under their control. Allowing COCOON to bring complete order to this world, liberating all of humanity from every kind of suffering thus creating a new paradise.

However -- to elicit a manifestation of such a supreme entity into the world an appropriate "place" was essential. This was the reason COCOON constructed the towers of Babel in various countries around the world.

The towers control the Chimyaku flowing through the earth, turning the planet into a suitable "place."

This 'Y plan' by COCOON, even while receiving interference from 'Crimson Twilight' was still gradually progressing. However, at the present rate of progress it may take several years to be realized.

-- Meanwhile, Hikami Kyouya had obtained a golden opportunity.

He discovered that Ousawa Miu was possibly an ultra high-dimensional being.

And after he got the report from the person sent to observe Miu, he found out she had returned to Alayzard with Akatsuki that possibility turned into conviction.

Therefore, Kyouya started on a course of action to fulfill his own ambition.

There were too many people within COCOON. The world needed only one true God -- that was, Kyouya alone.

The life form transcending the law of causality that Kyouya / Cocoon were going to manifest originally was a type of conceptual existence that did not posses a living consciousness towards itself. All events could be manipulated. If the one in charge of that power were to think 'I want to destroy the world' it becomes an event at once, and this world would be destroyed.

Therefore a way to stabilize the power, and always control uncertain phenomenon were needed. And COCOON had already completed -- the device.

The equipment unit was located beneath COCOON's headquarters in the United Kingdom in a state that could be activated at any time.

And Kyouya exactly replicated the same device under utmost secrecy in JPN-Babel. It was not noticed by anyone, in a place which no one knows about.

In short, Kyouya had completed all the preparations to control Miu.

"Now its just a race against time......"

To draw out the power of an ultra-high-order life from Miu, and stabilize said power would take time. Further to control it from there would take an even greater amount than that, and also that Miu was an existence equivalent to ultra high-dimensional being, after all, was just an unconfirmed possibility. Kyouya had no expectations for her existence to be superior to all the laws of cause and effect. However, it should at least be a level where COCOON's strongest Michael Arcwood would pose no problem to him.

And that also meant exceeding the leader of the Crimson Twilight, who was about equal in terms of power.

In other words.

"With this kind of power, I will stand at the top of this world."

And after COCOON and Crimson Twilight were suppressed the "Y plan" could move to the later stages.

Allowing himself to be the only true God in charge of this world.

At that time -- there would be no person in this world who could stop him.

Part 3[edit]

"Now ......"

Kyouya took out a pocket watch from his breast pocket to check the current time by opening the lid.

-- A few minutes to nine p.m.

Almost an hour had already passed since JPN-Babel had went into lock down. The other COCOONs including Michael himself should already have grasped the situation, and it was around the time when they should have started to take some kind of steps. And when the moment comes will it be China to act -- CHN-Babel's Wang Feilong[1]?

...... Or is Michael himself going to move......?

Well, it was fine either way.

Including the nuclear submarine of the Japanese Government JPN-Babel's defenses were well prepared to withstand any enemy coming form the outside.

So the focus of attention was not the outside, but from within.

Actually, two members of 'Crimson Twilight' had at present invaded JPN-Babel's premises.

Among them was one person Kyouya was very familiar with.

"Kaidou-kun, did you also finally move?..... unable to hold back anymore."

Although there was no positive proof, it was understood from the beginning Kaidou was not ordinary by any means. Perhaps it was the mutual understanding from a strong man to another. Even if Kaidou tried to keep a low profile, it was clear to Kyouya's eyes. Not every returnee from another world had that degree of strength. Since he was not a COCOON like himself, the answer was virtually given what he was.

-- Of course, Kaidou himself came to the same understanding.

For him to be openly known by Kyouya, and still overtly pretend to be mundane.

On such a poor imposter Kyouya was very clear, Kaidou would be quite the troublesome enemy. However "Crimson Twilight" was not after Miu. With the confusion over the bait, the <Phoenix cells>, the other side shouldn't figure out Kyouya's real intention.

No matter, toys have been prepared to keep them company. Until the time comes, it would be good for them to play to their utmost. Now no one can interfere with Kyouya's plan.

-- Except him.

When the figure of that youth came to mind Hikami Kyouya can not help but look up at the empty space.

The corners of his mouth gave rise to a delightful smile,

"Yes, except you...... Ousawa-kun."

Part 4[edit]

In the bathroom of the Ousawa home came a continues screaming, and crying.

It was the wailing of a teenage girl who's heart carried an unbounded amount of regret and sadness -- Nanase Haruka.


Inside the warm bathtub Ousawa Akatsuki's arms were around the lower back of the crying girl in front his eyes, as he thought to himself.

...... That guy was abducted by Hikami?

Not long ago, Haruka had been transfer to Akatsuki's side while he was bathing.

-- When they all where in Alayzard in order to ensure the personal safety of Haruka he placed a transfer seal on her body. Since that was activated must mean she faced a life or death crisis. When he asked the reason Haruka kept crying as she explained, but within that sobbing clogged voice he was only able to make out a few words about the situation.

On how Miu -- had been captured by the President.

When Akatsuki returned to the house Miu was nowhere in sight. Before he had asked Listy the reason, and was told she went out with Haruka.

...... So that's it.

Since she was not fully accustomed to this world he didn't think she would make such a rash move on her own.

Perhaps, Kyouya wanted to speak with Miu, and it appears she was unable to wait for Akatsuki to come home. Maybe someone was sent on behalf of Kyouya to compelled her to meet so soon. The reason for Listy's vague explanation must of been because they were unclear on what Kyouya wanted.

After all,

...... I've been looking for an opportunity to fight Hikami.

If Listy told it like it was there was no guarantee that Akatsuki wouldn't go marching into JPN-Babel.

However COCOON -- no, Hikami Kyouya's power was clear that anyone with eyes could see, and without being in the right mind set wasn't someone Akatsuki could handle. Therefore, Miu decided to keep the appointment. Haruka might have gone in an attempt to protect Miu. In short, because of their concern over what his impulsive nature would do. Miu had chosen exposed herself to danger.

"...... It was my fault."

Akatsuki quietly said. Still sobbing Haruka looked up at him.


The look in Akatsuki's eyes said it all.

-- I'm the one who didn't protect Miu. It was not your fault.

However, Akatsuki floated a tender smile,

"Your sense of responsibility is one of your strengths, but don't put all the blame on yourself."

Then he gently wiped away her tears.

-- That's right, this wasn't Haruka's responsibility.

Having dangerously exposed Miu, also having made Listy worry.

And even the cause of Haruka's tears -- all the blame was on Akatsuki.

So Akatsuki drew closer and embraced Haruka stronger.

"-- Ah."

After hearing a small voice come out from his arms, he whispered into her ear,

"I'm sorry, Haruka...... even under normal circumstances, being wedged between the student council and us had to be painful -- I put you in a situation that hurt you the most."

So ......


After hearing that Haruka shoulders began to shake, as her body was slightly trembling again.

And then she pressed her head against his chest, and shook her head -- as if telling him he doesn't need to apologize.

"Oh dear...... how troublesome."

His intention was to stop her tears, but it caused her to cry more.

Akatsuki could not help but smile wryly. He was still really bad at dealing with a crying woman.

...... But......

As Haruka remains now, Akatsuki was not going to wait for the crying to stop naturally.

Not because of a question of time.

It was just that right now a girl was crying in front of him.

To stop a woman from crying he will do whatever it takes. That was just the aesthetics of Ousawa Akatsuki.

However, Akatsuki's aesthetics were not that simple.

"...... It seems that will have to do."

Akatsuki took a half step back, and gently touch Haruka's tear stained cheek.

She was one of girls who decided to take part in the destiny Akatsuki had chosen. They were already well mentally prepared, and willing to sacrifice part of their lives for that. Including the most important things like precious people and things, or even their past, present, and future just to stay with Akatsuki.

Ousawa Akatsuki couldn't help thinking – what can I do for them?

Just like before, it wasn't enough to just stop her tears.

This girl Nanase Haruka deserved more.

A method of conveying that feeling, and Ousawa Akatsuki understood the best way to do that. So in order to let his thoughts reach Haruka's heart --

Akatsuki overlapped his lips with Haruka's.

Part 5[edit]

Nanase Haruka for an instant didn't understand what had happened.

Pressed up against his torso, and with his hands tightly wrapped around her back she felt a warmth entirely different from the hot water. It was the heat coming off -- Ousawa Akatsuki's body.

And now her lips were feeling the same warmth.

She had been kissed by Akatsuki.


Haruka stiffened up in the surprise for a moment -- But,

"...... Ah."

There were no signs of resistance.

Instead she slowly closed her eyes, and put her hands around the back of his neck.

She accepted that kiss, as Nanase Haruka committed to her first kiss.


....... I liked him for a long time......

-- A little while ago, when she found out she was saved from Kyouya thanks to Akatsuki.

She was finally able to realize it. She wasn't willing to admit to herself, and had been deliberately ignoring and denying her feelings. She didn't know exactly when it began -- but Nanase Haruka was definitely sure she liked Ousawa Akatsuki.

To the point she couldn't help it.


Even though there were feelings she couldn't explain to herself, rejecting the kiss made no sense. So Haruka admitted to herself she liked Akatsuki and accepted him.

The tense mood suddenly relaxed.

...... Ah......

Taking advantage of the situation Akatsuki's tongue advanced into Haruka's mouth.

Without knowing whether it is good or what to do, she let Akatsuki take the initiative as he entwined their tongues.

"-- Fuaan~"

She leaked a sweet lovely voice from her nose, since Haruka's tongue was being pinned down, her slender waist involuntarily twisted back and forth.

Intense pleasure ran through her whole body in an instant.

...... Th-this is......

Through Akatsuki's Kiss something invaded Haruka's body.

Since the emergence of a seething heat inside, representing the continuous influx of Akatsuki's Ki, Haruka felt her body gradually becoming soft.

...... A-amazing......

Although it was her first kiss it brought so much pleasure.

Haruka couldn't help thinking, what was going on with her body?

...... Oh..... maybe......

She recalled it. The time in Alayzard inside the brothel when they drank that aphrodisiac, and after how Akatsuki came to detoxify them.

That night -- Haruka had the Ki inside her body sucked out through her moles continuously by Akatsuki. She tasted the peak of pleasure many times. That kind of supreme pleasure was deeply imprinted on Haruka's body and mind.

And so......

...... My body's senses have been developed by that person......!

Long before her first kiss Haruka's body had already known a woman's happiness.

"Mmhnn...... oh, chu...... oh...... mmm~"

Under the influence of Akatsuki's tongue assault, Haruka's euphoric intoxication deepened.

Then -- suddenly she felt a warm heat coming over her chest.

When she looked down she was surprised to find all the buttons on her school uniform were undone.

"...... Ah."

Feeling the shock of not knowing when he did that, Haruka pulled herself away, and saw a gentle smile appear on Akatsuki's face,

"It's not good to have your clothes on while taking a bath."

He barely finished when Akatsuki's hands lightly caressed the left and right side of Haruka's collarbone from outside to the inside. In addition to the buttons on the jacket and blouse, apparently even the bra clasp could not escape his clutches. It was hard to believe how easy it was for her clothes and bra to be taken off, and tossed outside of the bath. She felt a brief pleasant sensation as her upper body was exposed for him to see.


Haruka quickly covered her chest with both hands.

Apart from embarrassment from being exposed, she felt more shame over,

...... I just kissed him. He actually let me......!

That alone brought about a female physiological response in her body. The tips of her breasts tighten into two sensitive spots.

To that fact, her face reddened and a surge of heat emerged in her lower abdomen.

However, Haruka was not able to run away. Akatsuki had firmly encircled her waist with his arm. And as if he had seen through everything,

"-- You don't have to hide your embarrassed side from me."

Then he said earnestly,

"Your usually very dignified, and now your very red face with shame is cute as well... ... I already know about these sides, and have accepted them."

"I ...... I ......"

After receiving some gentle comfort, the blushing Haruka didn't know how to respond.

It was certainly as Akatsuki said.

-- After she drank that harmful aphrodisiac that night, Nanase Haruka would never forget that image of herself she exposed to him.

Initially she was somewhat reserved, and then in the end simply reveled in pleasure she had in that drunken state.

Under the pretext of being detoxified Miu and herself let out some unbelievable lewd noises, and surrendered their minds and bodies to the pleasure Akatsuki brought forth.

She gave up being that Nanase Haruka, and indulged in the happiness of a woman.

At each mountain peaked she would involuntarily call Akatsuki's name over and over again.

And so ......

...... If it's in front of this person, perhaps I don't need to hide anything.

Whether it was her deplorable, regretful crying self.

Or her shameful self drowning in pleasure during the detoxification.

Even the embarrassed self who felt more helpless because of a kiss.

Akatsuki accepted all of Haruka, unconditionally.

But still,


Haruka couldn't bring herself to entrusted everything to Akatsuki.

She thought it was impossible to enjoy such a right, because she couldn't protect Miu.

And -- it was at that time.

With a clank the bathroom door opened from the outside.


Haruka had a confused look as he turned back to look face to face with her.

Looking at the nude Akatsuki and the half naked Haruka inside the shower was Listy Sherfied.

After being seen by Listy -- Haruka realized the fact of the predicament,

"This, this is......!"

At the same time as the embarrassment was an inexplicable anxiety.

Listy was aware how she went with Miu to JPN-Babel.

...... And it unexpectedly resulted in me snuggling alone in Ousawa Akatsuki's arms......

As she began to reflect over things a sense of guilt and apology sprang forth.

Shamelessly only herself had escaped, furthermore was seen being comforted by Akatsuki in this sort of place. Haruka felt she betrayed Listy's trust.

At the very least Haruka wanted to provide an explanation to justify Akatsuki, and when she tried to convey so --

"Listy... ... Did you also want to enter together?"

Behind her, some incredible words came out Akatsuki's mouth.

It was undoubtedly adding oil to the fire.

Haruka thought Listy would immediately furiously condemn Akatsuki and herself -- but,

"...... Nn."

An unexpected answer reached Haruka's ears.

"..... Listy?"

In front of the surprised Haruka, Listy slowly moved --

And she started to take off her clothes.

Part 6[edit]

With a hand on the shoulder strap of the camisole, Listy couldn't help but gulp.

A feeling of shame and tension flooded her mind, but.

...... You can't hesitate.

After she pushed aside both shoulder supports, in the entrance changing room to the bathroom -- the camisole slid directly to the floor. And when she grabbed hold of her inner undergarment there was incidental eye contact with him.

...... Please let me do this...... I believe you understand my feelings.

Listy sent a glance begging for approval, conveying how she roughly understood the current situation.

-- That's right, Listy guessed to how things ended up.

Haruka's cries had echoed throughout the whole bathroom, and even reached the living room where Listy was. Therefore, Listy immediately rushed over.

But -- Haruka had gone with Miu only to return alone, and was hiding out crying inside the bathroom.

That was enough to figure out something must have went wrong.

So in the changing room, which was was separated by a door, she eavesdropped on much of the conversation between Akatsuki and Haruka.

Because she believed only Akatsuki could heal the sadness inside Haruka.

But ......

If Haruka were to hesitate to show her real self to Akatsuki, then the story was different.

In that case, only another woman like herself could help her.

So Listy firmly decided to open the door to the bathroom.

At that time -- Akatsuki asked if she wanted to bathe together.

Although it was said in a tongue-in-cheek tone his eyes were very serious.

-- That also wasn't that surprising.

Usually in that case, Listy would have made a fuss over "what are you doing?" indiscriminately blaming Akatsuki. However, if she did that Haruka would only blame herself more.

And, far more than anything else she was crying in front of Akatsuki.

He probably stopped her tears in his special way, but that wasn't going to settle her emotions. So Listy picked that seemingly coincidental time as the the best time to intrude. She saw through everything when Akatsuki said "enter together?"

And of course Akatsuki clearly understood what she intended her mind.

That -- her timing was to help Haruka accept Akatsuki.

Haruka, at this point, wouldn't have been able to permit herself to do so -- because an issue weighed heavily on her mind that only Listy, a woman like herself, could undo.

Now Listy was standing in the same situation as her, to prove to Haruka that she had not done anything wrong.

That was the only way to resolve her guilt, and have her frankly face Akatsuki.

And so......

The first step for Listy to put herself in the same situation was to take off all her clothes.

Last night -- even though Listy stirred up a lot of trouble, Miu still accepted her. And today Miu also went to JPN-Babel with Haruka in order to protect her. She herself was unable to do anything about it, and forced Haruka into the role of protecting Miu alone while she stayed home.

That's right......

Miu's abduction wasn't Haruka's fault.

Akatsuki may think he should be held responsible, but that too was incorrect.

Strictly speaking, it was because of Listy.

Whether it was Miu being taken, or Haruka's inner suffering over not protecting her, everything stemmed from Listy.


It was her turn this time to lend a helping hand to Haruka, and then attempt to rescue Miu.

Starting with Haruka, Listy Sherfied knows how to do it.

The other day in the monorail she was personally taught by Miu on how to accept Akatsuki.

Now she only had to do the same thing this time herself.

"Listy...... Uh, I......"

To Haruka's bewildered expression, Listy silently returned a smile.

She crossed her hands as she grabbed the hem of the undergarment, and then --


In one breath -- she took it off.

Listy was trembling slightly, only because her skin was exposed to the cold outside air.

There was embarrassment being exposed to Akatsuki, however it wasn't the reason Listy couldn't help but shiver.

-- Now was not the time to hesitate.

The only thing remaining on Listy's upper body was a bra, and once that fastener was undone it would naturally fall to the floor.

It became so that she was almost completely naked in her underwear.

And finally she unhooked the bra clasp, and it was just a pair of panties.


She hid her exposed breasts with her left hand, as she slowly walked into the bathroom.

In preparation to personally show Haruka the best way to fully accept Akatsuki.

Part 7[2][edit]

In the bathtub Haruka looked up at the nearly nude Listy wearing only a pair of underwear.

...... How beautiful......

Seeing her newly, Haruka couldn't help but think so.

In the world of Alayzard Listy was called "The greatest treasure of the Sherfied," yet Listy's beauty at present exceeded even that title.

Listy then dropped to the waist to draw in some hot water in the washbowl, and over the period of time it was flowing from her shoulders,

"...... Stop looking so much."

Then with her checks were bright red -- she entered the bathtub in front of Haruka.

Looking at her very much sandwiched in the middle, Haruka couldn't help say,

"Listy...... Why would you ......?"

Her red face said it all, Listy was definitely feeling very embarrassment.

HYnA vol 08 005.jpg

It was understandable. After all, she was in front of the person she liked -- Akatsuki, and was exposing her skin to him.


"-- It's alright."

Listy's tone was exceptionally calm. And while dyed red,

"We had already vowed from now on to live with Akatsuki...... so, its better to accept him like me, and not overly blame yourself."

"That is......"

When Haruka tried to defend herself Listy gently held her.

Listy's hands were around her waist, when she undid the the button to Haruka's skirt immersed in the hot water.

Then with surprising swiftness pulled down the zipper.

"L-listy...... wait......!"

Instinctively, Haruka spoke out panicky.

"It's okay...... its the same with me. Come one, stick out your feet."


Haruka sent a fleeting glance back, and saw Akatsuki quietly staring at the two.

She felt the look in his jet-black eyes were motioning -- for them to continue without any scruples.

And so......


If that's the case, it might not be regarded as betraying Miu.

After all, she had received consent from Akatsuki and Listy.

"...... The same as with Listy......"

After Haruka persuaded herself that, she lightly raised her legs in the bath.

Thereupon the buoyancy of her body suddenly shifted causing her half rotate around,


Seeing Haruka was going to lose her balance Listy quickly embraced her from behind.

"...... It's alright, take it easy."

Feeling Listy's softness and warmth on her back Haruka immediately felt very at ease. At that time Akatsuki was in the front of her again, and in his hands was her skirt which she was unaware had been taken off,

"Now then, the last remaining one......"

The soaked skirt was gently placed outside of the bathtub.


"What are you talking about. You can't bathe with your clothes on, right?"

Haruka let go of her indecision when she heard Akatsuki's matter of course tone.

Then from behind her Listy reassured her with a hug, and also whispered in her ear,

"Haruka...... are you that scared to have yourself be seen by Akatsuki?"

"I ......"

Though Haruka was embarrassed about being naked in front of the Akatsuki, it wasn't the reason she couldn't dare face him. After all, her affection for Akatsuki was at a level where it was likely to overflow and spill.


"But...... I couldn't protect Miu......"

Haruka thought her present self wasn't entitled to be comforted by Akatsuki.

So ......

"I'm also very worried about Miu-chan...... but right now I'm much more worried about you."

And Listy softy said,

"I believe you know Akatsuki's aesthetic? If you continue to cry Akatsuki won't be able to leave here, and go to JPN-Babel to rescue Miu-chan."


Haruka had a sudden rude awakening, as she stared at Akatsuki.

...... I once again became a burden......

Her face turned pale.

"Don't make such a face...... as for not being able leave a crying woman alone is simply my own selfishness."


He quickly attempted to stop Haruka from crying, however it was not possible.

The overwhelming fear of almost being killed by Kyouya -- was deeply carved into Haruka's mind.

-- At that moment, Nanase Haruka understood that now she was completely unable to stop her tears.


"I'm not going to ask you to force yourself to stop crying, doing such a thing would be too lonely. Since you did cry in front of me, then how to stop your tears, and eliminate your fear and sorrow...... naturally is my responsibility to bear."

And Akatsuki laughed gently,

"So long as you now only think of yourself -- no, thinking only about me would be better."

"Thinking of you ...... would be better?"

Haruka subconsciously repeated Akatsuki's words.

"However...... how to comfort a woman who is crying in the bath, I only know of one way."

As soon as he said so, Akatsuki's right hand reached out to Haruka.


Ignoring Haruka's cry of surprise, he forcibly pulled her over with Listy. In the bathtub, Haruka was sitting on top of his right thigh, and Listy on top of the left,

"-- So, I'm going to handle this my way."

At the same time as saying so -- Akatsuki started to caress both of their breasts.

As he rubbed them he ruthless poured Ki into their bodies.

“!? -- fua~ a a an!"

Nanase Haruka had let out a lovely voice and Listy,

"Ohhh...... Oh...... Fu......"

After the intense pleasure came the ensuing collapse.

...... I just...... lightly reached the peak......

The thought of how shameless she was caused Haruka to involuntarily quiver slightly.

-- However, Akatsuki wasn't going to give her too much time to reflect.

Even after the light peak he continued to caress their breasts.

Haruka's breast within Akatsuki's hand was kneaded into a variety of lewd shapes that protruded through the gaps of his fingers.


"Kyaa...... AAAhhhhhh!"

The light peaks were making Haruka's whole body sensitive, and made her able to fully recognize the pleasure that Akatsuki's palm was bringing about. However, the real pleasure was about to begin.

"Fua, kyaa~...... Ah, uhn...... Haaa."

Every time his hand on her chest moved without restraint the rest of Haruka's body involuntarily twisted in the water.

The messy waves on the surface of the bathtub said it all.

Her body had long ago accepted Akatsuki.

As clear images of THAT night in Alayzard revitalized in her mind.

...... Even though there is no aphrodisiac, how is it that I ......!

Nanase Haruka then had to admit that –- she was inevitably linked to Akatsuki, and with him in mind one hand alone could push herself to the pinnacle of pleasure.

The fact that she had been willfully blind in the past has now been clearly recognized.


After the new realization Haruka's body felt numb, and her back faintly trembled involuntarily.

That's right -- How could I have forgotten?

That irresistible joy, and the happiness that was brought about.

...... Yes.

Haruka remembered only now.

How her own body and mind -- desired to be dominated by Akatsuki.

-- Then someone gently clasped hold of Haruka's left hand inside hot bath water

Her slender fingers had been gently entwined with Listy's soft hand.

And then Haruka's line of sight could not help but move to the side,

"Fua...... an, aaa...... nnn!"

Almost like a reversed image in a mirror -- Listy and Haruka together sank into the abyss of extreme happiness.

Suddenly, Haruka and Listy's eyes met. They both similarly had accepted Ousawa Akatsuki as women.



Then while Haruka was facing Listy she saw her face light up like a peach flower.

It seemed similar to the joy she herself displayed.

And before Haruka's gaze,

"Fua -- fua, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah ~ ~ ~ !"

Listy's whole body trembled violently along with the lovely voice.

She had mounted the peak.

As Akatsuki massaged her breast Listy's body incessantly twitched. And before long she slumped down into the arms of Akatsuki.

"Fu, ah...... nn, Fuu...... Ha...... ha."

Sweet moans leaked out, as she wore a trance-like expression exuding sex appeal.

Haruka couldn't help thinking, Listy right now surely couldn't be able to think of anything. Her brain must be lingering over the intense pleasure that Akatsuki had caused.

After she witnessed that sort of appearance from Listy,

...... The next...... will be me......

The moment she thought so, a heat was born at once inside her.

The torrent of intense pleasure was enough to make anyone incapable of thought.


"Oh...... OHH, ooooohhhhhhhhh!"

The last of Nanase Haruka's reason was blown away.

She completely lost herself, abandoning all reservation to revel in the pleasure of a woman. She placed her hand on top of Akatsuki's that was on caressing her chest thirsting for more, with greater force. But,

Haruka unconsciously had look back over her left shoulder.

...... Ah.

A pair of jet black eyes that seemed to have suck her breath away were staring at her.

She stared back for awhile thoroughly liberated. It was the moment Haruka accepted, and also the moment she fell into a delightful abyss.

He -- the man named Ousawa Akatsuki had completely conquered her.

So ......

"...... Stand up, put both hands on the wall in front."

Her tender conqueror's order was passed to Haruka's ears

Haruka fully understood the contents of the command, also knew what Akatsuki had requested.

"...... Nn, nn......"

Still Haruka nodded. The option to refuse was nonexistent -- such notions were gone. She had become thoroughly obedient to him, and felt extremely glad for that now.

She slowly pushed aside the hot water in the bathtub, the lingering effects had caused her to stagger when she rose up.

"...... Ah."

Her body was still trembling intoxicated with pleasure. There was almost no power to put in her legs and waist. However, she still managed to stand on her legs shoulder width apart, and lift both arms to put her hands on the wall.



When she stretched out to touch the wall her butt naturally pushed out in Akatsuki's direction. Then,

"...... That's a good girl."

As he said so, Akatsuki gently stroked her rear side.

"Oh ......"

Akatsuki gave me a compliment -- the moment she thought so a feeling beyond joy over came her.

Such that she shivered from the happiness.

Then Akatsuki's hands stroking her lower back gently slide to her firm butt.

He appeared to suddenly massage Haruka's butt really fast then slow seemingly to confirm its softness, however it was to cause the pleasure to permeate her body.

"Mrmm...... ah, fu...... nn...... uhn!"

Akatsuki's Ki flowed in endlessly. Haruka's body had been in a state of extreme sensitivity, now gained a stronger sense of pleasure from that in itself.

-- However, Nanase Haruka was very clear.

That was simply the beginning, definitely not the end.

And perhaps -- very soon she would reach a height she hadn't reached so far. As long as its Akatsuki, Haruka would gladly accept.

But, there was something that had to be said before that. So she looked back behind her,

"Ah... ... W-wait a minute... ... Listen to me first."

The pleasure involuntarily caused Haruka to move her hips back and forth as she spoke. However, she still faithfully passed on what she knew of JPN-Babel's current situation.

Including how Kyouya kidnapped Miu, and information regarding the "guardian beast system." She passed along any information that might become of some help to Akatsuki. Like that, Haruka conveyed everything without the slightest hesitation.

"...... Is that so, I understand."

Akatsuki's tone was calm, he understood how hard it was for Haruka,

"Now, entrust it to me."

At the same time his soothing words reach her ear, Haruka suddenly felt Akatsuki's hands on her wet panties.

"Oh, Ohhh......"

Haruka let slip a shameful voice, but she still didn't resist.

She didn't mind as long as it was something Akatsuki desired.

So, her last piece of clothing taken off, and everything of herself was exposed.


In the excitement thick saliva had accumulated in her mouth Haruka couldn't help but swallow. From the kiss a little while ago Akatsuki's saliva had already fused together with her own. The taste of it gave birth to such extreme pleasure it was scary.

And Nanase Haruka's body suddenly shook as she reached a little peak from the saliva.

She could no longer restrain herself.

"...... Akatsuki...... Akatsuki...... Akatsuki!!"

Haruka closed her eyes, and kept calling out his name.

She abandoned all her shame and modesty to seek pleasure one step further.

Then she suddenly felt as though Akatsuki faintly smiled from behind her.

At that time -- her visibility and thoughts went blank.

...... Ah......

Haruka knew what that phenomenon was, because she had already experienced it in Alayzard.

The moments before when the pleasure surpassed what she could perceive everything becomes pure white.

She didn't know where Akatsuki had touched, only knew that this was the climax.

However, it was a moment where a person body memorizes the feeling such pleasure, engraved into the mind and body was that sweet joy it received. And now pushed beyond the limit she was overtaken by a bottomless abyss of pleasure.

The next moment,


The degree of pleasure was enough for Nanase Haruka to be born again, her whole body twitched violently and involuntarily trembled.

Akatsuki brought an absolute pleasure that turned her consciousness into a white world.

Part 8[3][edit]

-- And now, the echoing of the lovely moans faded away, and at long last calm was restored to the Ousawa bathroom. The crying that was there until a while ago had disappeared leaving only the sweet breathes of two girls lost in their dreams.

"...... Well, its almost time."

The youth quietly muttered to himself.

However, within those few words was a fiery determination.

Slowly -- Ousawa Akatsuki had begun to move.

Part 9[edit]

There was a place that supported the tower of Babel that extended into the sky.

It was deep underground, precisely the lowest level of JPN-Babel.

In there was always a low mechanical hum, but now there was other sounds mixed in with the usual. It was the sound of two people kicking off the ground in a sprint as hard as they could.

"Stop joking around, damn......!"

While running in the dark passage dimly lit by a red light Onizuka Kenya couldn't help but complain.

The girl who Onizuka infiltrated the underground area with was also currently freeloading at his home, Tiana Randohauze. They had encountered an enemy attack that had been lying in wait.

The other party were terrorists who previously caused damage to JPN-Babel.

Phil Barnett -- and Onizuka's former classmate Tanaka.

-- And now, after Onizuka and Tiana encountered them they immediately retreated back the way they came.

They were currently already many floors above were they met Phil and Tanaka.

However, Onizuka hadn't stopped his feet.

And several steps in front of him -- was the small back of Tiana running,

"Ken-chan can you run a little faster? I might have to leave you behind."

"Urhhh, I'm going as fast as I can!"

Tiana looked back urging Onizuka on, however he yelled back in return.

At that moment......

"-- Did you think you could escape?"

A voice came from behind him, at the same time Onizuka's body was blown away from the side.

The attack from Tanaka, who was chasing after them, had caused him to slam into the passage's wall.

"Gahhh...... gah, damn......!"

None the less, Onizuka withstood the pain to get up and start running again.

...... Shit...... what was that attack from Tanaka......!

Even from earlier, Onizuka was unable to see what had struck him over and over again, and it even broke through the protective barrier he set up. However, the barriers still played a bit of a role. Tanaka's shock waves at most were only able to slam him into the wall, and not fatally injury him.

If Onizuka was hit directly by the wave he would of lost consciousness immediately, the first time around.

Then Tiana suddenly spoke,

"That wave must be some sort of wind-based magic. On top of being invisible, he is deliberately canceling the magic formation making it even harder to avoid. It really is a bit tricky -- Amazing!"

In the middle of her analysis to herself Tiana took two quick steps sideways. Then the space where she was standing until then was gouged from a shock wave.

She dodge it perfectly.

"You've just been jumping around -- How are you able to avoid that guy's attacks!?"

"Since the surrounding atmosphere fluctuates right before he attacks you just have to feel it out. The direction as well as the timing can also be read from it."

Confronted with Onizuka's question containing his irritation, Tiana answered without hesitation and,

"...... But then again, why hasn't Ken-chan been doing so?"

"If I had such a skill I would have been doing it a long time ago."

Feel the fluctuations in the atmosphere? Stop messing around.

That's just as difficult as dodging an attack that couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

...... It was my foolish mistake for asking her for tips.

Onizuka clicked his tongue loudly. However, even if he couldn't imitate what she could do -- Onizuka still had his own way to respond.


"Basically...... I just have to go all out!"

While shouting Onizuka ignited the area around him into flames.

That undoubtedly gave away their position.

...... But in any case, their location was already grasped by them. It was only that they didn't have a light to guide them.

Onizuka and Tiana were currently running trying to get away, and not hiding in some shadow to get past their enemy. So then, priority should be given to self defense rather than concealing their whereabouts.

And then,


A soundless horizontal shock wave came towards Onizuka who somehow successfully avoided it by lowering his body. The fire around his whole body had fluttered which allowed him to detect Tanaka's oncoming attack.

"See, I knew Ken-chan could do if he tried."

Tiana turned back in admiration.

"Urhhh...... leaving that aside, what direction did that come from?"

Onizuka asked with a rude tone.

Even though Onizuka and Tiana were in a rush to escape it didn't mean they didn't need to put any thought into countermeasures.

"Let's see, he must be somewhere nearby -- Ah look, right ahead!"

Just as Tiana was searching a wide open space suddenly appeared at the end of the channel.

It was huge area that look to be still undergoing some sort of construction.

Compared to the floors of the tower of Babel above ground the underground areas seemed especially vast. Judging from the size of the large-scale machinery they appeared to be building a rather huge underground facility. As Onizuka looked around,

"Here will be good......!"

In addition to the area, there was also sufficient height.

The moment after he muttered, and was able to get a second to catch his breath,

"-- Oh, your not going to run away anymore?"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind. Turning back, the two enemies from earlier stood in his line of sight.

Phil Barnett and Tanaka were their names.

"What is here? Have you found a good place to die?"

Phil Barnett asked while floating a thin sneer, he couldn't help but ridicule them. However, Onizuka and Tiana had no intentions of continuing to escape. Strictly speaking, it was no longer necessary to escape.

"Unpleasant... ... Well, the thought fighting of you in that narrow passage was out of the question ~. A little misstep and the ceiling would come crashing down burying everyone alive."

And "Ahaha" Tiana laughed as she revealed her plan,

"On that point...... if its here everything will be fine even if things get a little bit violent for a moment."

"...... So instead of trying to to escape you deliberately lured us here?"

With a rather bland tone Tanaka had asked, to which Tiana sincerely nodded her head.

"You might say it was something like that... ... You two have the <Phoenix cells>, and even if you were buried under the rubble it might end up with just Ken-chan and myself suffocating to death."

After saying up to there,

(Ken-chan, please listen to me......)

Tiana suddenly started whispering to Onizuka and,

(They probably have already had the genes from a higher order life form implanted in their bodies called "Phoenix cells." It's because of them they can instantly restore themselves just like after he received my earlier attack. Speaking of which Ken-chan, you said that they were both terrorists caught by Babel...... most likely their bodies were more suited to have the cells transplanted into. To tell you the truth, the reason I snuck into Babel is to recover these cells......)

(Conveniently, the circumstances are good now. The <Phoenix cells> you called them. Meaning their resilience is close to immortal. How the hell do you plan on defeating such guys?)

Onizuka asked keeping his voice low.

(Their tremendous recovery power is only coming the <Phoenix cells>. And even if they were immortal there is still a way to win.-- But facing two enemies at the same time with such strong resilience myself alone might be......)

(What!... ... Even you couldn't beat them?)

(If I really want to act recklessly I could do it, but......)

And Tiana started to look around.

(...... I want to avoid it here as much as possible.)

Apparently, there seems to be some kind of reason why Tiana cannot fully use her power here. Therefore,

(Got it...... I will take one of them.)

Onizuka readily agreed and,

(Even if I can't beat one of them, at the very least I can temporarily stall until you defeat one. You should be able to manage that alone.)

Just as they reached an agreement on what to do -–

"-- Is your battle plan nailed down yet? Then, I would like to begin."

Phil had a thin sneer on his face as he lightly waved his right hand.

Then his AD reacted, a long sword took shape in his hand.


"I'll hand him over to you...... from the earlier reaction it seems you two are acquainted."

After moving next to Tanaka he said that, and with a whiff of laugh,

"Strictly speaking, I also met him one time before... ... However, I still want to deal with her. I haven't been able to show my gratitude for cracking my ribs and rupturing my internal organs."

"...... I understand."

Responding to Phil, Tanaka nodded as he remained expressionless.

Then the two slowly stepped towards their opponent.

"Since we have already been nominated, it can't be helped ...... Well then Ken-chan, I'll deal with bright smile-san[4], and you'll have sourpuss-san as your opponent."

And like that Tiana stepped forward.

And the next moment......


Together with a loud crashing sound the battle of Tiana and Phil began.

While catching a glimpse of the fight out of the corner of his eye Onizuka Kenya slowly moved to stand opposite of Tanaka. It was something that Onizuka couldn't escape, confronting himself from his past.

"Tanaka ......"

Onizuka called his name with a bitter expression and,

"There's no need to make such a face...... you don't have to feel guilty or sorry."

Tanaka was both machine-like in voice and facial expression and,

"The past and now, you are not something I hold any emotions towards."[5]

"...... But, I......!"

Onizuka's voice was strained. Even if Tanaka didn't give it a thought, he felt there was a deficit.


"If you want to feel regretful then by all means, its fine to do as you like."

Tanaka talked quietly, without any emotion and,

"-- You'll die here soon anyway."

As he said so several magic formations expanded all at once.


Even though Onizuka took a defensive stance in a instant he still faced countless shock waves coming at him at the same time.

Part 10[edit]

Haruka had lost consciousness while in the bathroom, so Akatsuki decided to carry her to his room.

"You'll catch a cold without any clothes on."

He had wrapped his bath towel around her, and then lightly covered her with the blanket after laying her on the bed. Akatsuki then looked at Haruka sleeping soundly.

After he did he thought her sleeping face was so peaceful. For the time being she should be okay with this.

So -- Ousawa Akatsuki could act now.

After he put on the new uniform Haruka brought over last night,

"The uniform's interwoven with telepathic stone fibers...... huh."

He said to himself on the verge of going to defeat Kyouya.

Today wearing the uniform provided by Babel felt a bit strange.

...... No matter.

Akatsuki made a small wry smile. As long as it was needed to win, even using an enemy's outfit wasn't wrong had always been his creed. Not to mention that it was something Haruka went out of her way to bring over, however there was still no reason not to wear it.

Furthermore it was Kyouya who made her cry, taking advantage of a Babel uniform to beat him naturally couldn't be more fitting.

Finally Akatsuki slipped the new type model of AD on his right arm,

"--I'll be right back, Haruka."

After a brief goodbye to the sleeping Haruka he quietly left the room.

And when he made his way into the garage he stopped in the entryway when he found a figure standing near Sleipnir. The figure was wearing something the first time.

It was Listy in a uniform for JPN-Babel.

"That was fast... ... I thought it took a women a lot more time to get ready before they went out."

Akatsuki said with a laugh.

"This time I absolutely won't let you leave me here -- no matter what."

"...... It seems you're adamant about going."

"That's only natural."

Listy answered and,

"I already made a vow with Miu-chan last night to be companions and to share a common fate from now on."

"It's not that I can't understand how you feel, but......"

Akatsuki couldn't help think things would be difficult.

The enemy was Hikami Kyouya. Even when Miu and Haruka combined their power they were completely no match for him.

Listy's ability wasn't that much different from Miu or Haruka's.

To put it bluntly, it would be too dangerous to bring her along.


"I beg you, Akatsuki......"

And Listy on the verge of tears,

"Miu-chan got caught while trying to protect me. Then, now would be my turn to help her... ... Isn't that so?"

Within that serious expression Akatsuki saw a determination in her eyes that absolutely wouldn't compromise.

"...... Good grief, I truly don't know what to do with you."

Akatsuki sighed and,

"I understand. We'll go together."

"Really ......?"

Listy's face brightened up.

"I'll be troubled if I leave you here crying. Even that would be useless, you would just secretly follow anyway."

However, Akatsuki added,

"You'll have to follow my instructions. I can't have you acting of your own -- Are you good with that?"

"You mean don't become a burden to you? I understand."

Listy nodded.

"Well, now that its come to this -- not telling those two seems a bit unreasonable."

Akatsuki then took out his cell phone from his pocket.

"When you mean those two...... Chikage and Kuzuha?"

"Uh huh. I was worried they would do something ill-advised on their own. And with those two around you would be less likely to do something recklessly."

If it was just Listy alone it would be difficult to guarantee she won't act on impulse, however the situation was significantly different with those two along.

Since it was a lot harder to let emotions affect your decisions when your actions might jeopardize others.

...... Well, the same goes to me.

Akatsuki smiled wryly in his mind.

Now with Listy and the others coming with Akatsuki also couldn't be reckless. However, as for whether those three when things turn bad become fetters, or a powerful force was dependent upon him.

-- All right, time to go.

To go find the girl waiting for him, and to by all means crush a man.

It was just like the aesthetics he holds himself to. There was no going back, and there won't be any compromises.

Ousawa Akatsuki then said,

"For abducting that guy, and making Haruka cry... ... You will have to pay the price Hikami Kyouya."

Part 11[edit]

After getting in touch with Chikage and Kuzuha it was decided that everyone would meet at JPN-Babel.

So Akatsuki got on Sleipnir, and then Listy sat directly behind him.

"I'm going to go fast...... so hold on tight."


Under Akatsuki's warning Listy wrapped her arms around his waist.

HYnA vol 08 008.jpg

...... Ah......

It was only for a moment, but she had seen the look on Akatsuki's face. The seriousness in his face was different. Listy had known him for a long time, and could count the number of times she had seen an expression like that on him.

"Let's go......!"

And Sleipnir departed. As if it understood its owners feelings the pitch-black machine made off with Akatsuki and Listy in the wind.

...... At such time I, what the......

While clinging to Akatsuki's back, Listy had dropped her head down and cast her eyes down.

In her, there was a somewhat tight feeling that had silently raged in her heart. It was surely a little jealousy.

-- Once in Alayzard, when they were fighting to free the Imperial City of Erdia taken by Galious.

Akatsuki had rushed to the battlefield to save Listy and the others from the crisis.

Listy Sherfied couldn't help think.

At that time -- while he was heading toward the battlefield.

Whether Akatsuki had made the same face as he had now.

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

  1. Can also mean a type of dragon
  2. Warning ecchi overload -- Skip to 8
  3. Click here to Skip to 8
  4. Basically calling him gay -- ニヤけ男さん, but sounds like にやけ男さん
  5. Indifferent
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