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Radio Digest 13 - The SHK !!![edit]

CD release: October 24, 2007
Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Murata: The cherry blossoms have fallen and faded away. Mmh... And you? Tell me, have you gotten used to your new life? How are your classes going so far? Did you make new friends? What club did you enter? I can tell by your lean figure and weight loss that you've been limiting the amount of meat in your meals. Are you completely sure you don't want to go back home? *laughs softly* How are you doing? This is your Murata Ken[1].

Wolfram: Uh... hey, Yuuri. Why is he saying that out of the blue?

Yuuri: Yeah, I don't know either. What are you doing Murata? Is that a new routine?

Murata: No~! I was just thinking that every now and then it'd be nice to say hello to people who have recently joined us. I'm the man who's always there to help you in this new life, Murata CHALLENGER Ken. Mhh... I wonder if this could also help Shinou...?

Wolfram: His Majesty Shinou....?

Murata: Yeah, well, he's someone who has very little common sense. And besides since he usually says...

-- flashback --

Shinou: It's easier for me to do it myself, than to wait for someone else to do it.

-- end of flashback --

Murata: and stuff like that. He's a shoot first ask questions later type of person, who doesn't listen to other people's advises. But after admonishing him on his behavior and covering up for him, I felt like he started to pay attention. Speaking of which, I don't think Shibuya would lose to Shinou in that regard.

Yuuri: What do you mean by that? But say, Shinou and Daikenja were really good friends, right?

Murata: Ah.... well, I guess they weren't precisely 'good friends' things were a little different than that. The Daikenja was someone Shinou relied on completely, for example.... right... he'd say:

-- flashback --

Shinou: Say... I have something that needs to be looked into. It seems I have misplaced this and now it's gone. Find it.

-- end of flashback --

Murata: Speaking of which, one afternoon this tiresome guy ....

-- flashback --

Shinou: Say... I was just climbing a tree and accidentally broke a twig, and it seems that I've also torn off my clothes.

-- end of flashback --

Murata: And then, once he got new clothes that suited him he said....

-- flashback --

Shinou: Say... my hairdo doesn't match my clothes. Go get a comb.

-- end of flashback --

Murata: And so I went to get a brush and hair set.

Wolfram: You went as far as to do something like that!?

Murata: Well... maybe I did.... maybe I didn't....

Yuuri: Which one is it!? Murata.... how much of your story is true, and how much of it did you make up?

Murata: Well... the part about him being a handful is true. He was always making a mess, and mistreating people who work for him. Like, if you'd make a mistake writing the KETCHUP kanji on his rice-filled omelet

-- flashback --

Shinou: Now you have to put on a maid costume and cat ears!!! Why did you write Daikenja on it!? This is my rice!!!

-- end of flashback --

Murata: And he'd shout like that!

Wolfram/Yuuri: There's no way he'd do that!!!

Murata: Oh.... you caught me.... Hahahaha.... Eh? Did you hear that just now?

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: Today's guest is Miki Shin-ichirou , Shinou's seiyuu. I'm not sure why everyone's so giggly at the beginning of the show, they must have been having some fun before the show started. Saiga-san tries to ask Miki-san about his impressions of Shinou, but they end up talking about Miki-san being older than the rest. Sakurai-san says that when he first met Miki-san he was a little bit scared of him, because he was his senpai of his. They continue to talk about Miki-san's career for a while, but then Sakurai goes back to Miki playing Shinou, and saying that he got kind of nervous when they had to work together and that kind of shows in his performance. They continue to talk about a bunch of other stuff not related to the show, and then Saiga-san says: I want to keep hearing about you. And Sakurai san says: this is the first time I've seen Saiga-san all fidgety like that. Miki-san talked about the show being sort of improvised, and everyone told him that that's kinda what the show's like. They never really got around to talking about KKM.

T/N: So, they didn't explain what SHK means, even though it's in the title. SHK stands for " Shinmakoku Housou Kyoukai" -> Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

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  1. He's talking to students who have left home to start university.