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Ignoring the acute pain running through his body, Ayato held Claudia in his arms.
A black blade was stuck deeply into her chest and the overflowing blood had soaked her torn uniform.
Okręt wojenny „Orzeł” zabrał Saita do postrzępionej linii brzegowej Albionu. Podróżowali przez trzy godziny i mogli już zobaczyć przylądek oraz wielki zamek stojący na samym jego brzegu.
“Fufufu…… are you safe, Ayato……?”
Wales wyjaśnił Saito, który stał na prawej stronie pokładu, że była to twierdza Newcastle. Jednakże, „Orzeł” nie skierował się na wprost do miasta, ale za to pożeglował w dół wybrzeża.
Even so, Claudia stretched out her hand to Ayato’s cheek while smiling gently.
– Dlaczego zmierzamy w dół?
“Yes, I’m fine……! More importantly, about you, Claudia……!”
Wales wskazał na niebo za zamkiem, gdzie pływał olbrzymi statek. Jednakże, on nie mógł zobaczyć ich statku, który ukrywał się na przeciwnym brzegu chmury.
As he spoke, Ayato realized that she was in quite a dangerous condition.
– Okręt wojenny buntowników.
“Ah…… sorry, Ayato…… please, don’t make such a face…… you’ve done, nothing wrong after all…… Even if I say that, it’ll be no use, I guess…… Fufufu…… really, sorry……”
To mogło być opisane tylko jako olbrzymi statek - był dwa razy tak długi, jak „Orzeł”, z niesamowitą ilością żagli i wyglądał jakby mierzył w port Newcastle. Bez żadnego ostrzeżenia otworzył ogień celując w zamek. Pierwsza kula armatnia uderzyła w ścianę i mógł być dostrzeżony mały ogień. Falę uderzeniową można było odczuć na pokładzie Orła.
Despite the situation she was in, Claudia had an expression of satisfaction that had never been seen on her face before.
– Ten statek nazywał się „Niezawisłe Królestwo” i należał do floty naszego kraju. Teraz gdy buntownicy przejęli kontrolę nad nim, zmienili nazwę na „Lexington”. Został nazwany na cześć pola bitwy gdzie ci faceci odnieśli pierwsze zwycięstwo nad nami – powiedział z uśmiechem Wales.
“I’m…… really, selfish…… but, Fufufu…… finally…… I’ve finally reached this time……”
– Ten okręt wojenny prowadzi stałą blokadę Newcastle z nieba. Od czasu do czasu strzela w zamek, nie w celu zrobienia jakiegoś uszkodzenia, ale tylko by nas zdenerwować.
“Claudia! Hang in there!”
Saito spojrzał poprzez chmurę na okręt wojenny. Było tam wiele armat po każdej stronie, a na powierzchni statku namalowany był smok.
Ayato pressed the wound trying to stop the bleeding even a little, but it was no use at all.
– Ma 108 armat i chwilami naprawdę wygląda jak ognisto dechy smok. Cały bunt rozpoczął się na tym statku. Nie możemy równać się z nim, a więc lepiej jest żeglować wokół tej chmury i pozostać niewidocznym. Od kiedy jest tam tajemny port, o którym tylko my wiemy, możemy osiągnąć Newcastle z innej strony.
“That’s right…… even in the dream…… no, exactly this moment that I saw in the dream…… how long I have eagerly waited for it…… you’ll probably never understand……”
Claudia’s voice got gradually weaker and blurred.
Her pupils have already lost their focus.
Before long, a trickle of tears spilled over the corner of her eyes mixing with raindrops.
Nagle stało się ciemno, gdy statek wszedł pod kontynentem, ponieważ ląd zablokował światło słoneczne. W dodatku, wciąż byli otoczeni przez chmury. Nie mogli nic zobaczyć. Wales wyjaśnił, że buntownicy nigdy nie zeszli pod kontynent, ponieważ podróżowanie tą drogą było niebezpieczne. Zimno, wilgoć i chłodne powietrze uderzyły w policzki Saita.
“Ah…… I’m very happy…… Ayato…… to me, such…… such a wonderful time…… surely after this……no matter how much time passes……. Such a feeling, I will never……”
– Nawigatorom królewskiego lotnictwa wojskowego łatwo żeglować, opierając się na mapach topograficznych, używając magii światła i pomiarów.
The hand that was touching Ayato’s cheek weakly fell.
Wales zaśmiał się, arystokrata, który nie zna nieba nie jest osobą inteligentną.
Żeglowali przez chwilę i ostatecznie dotarli do obszaru, który otworzył się na czarnej dziurę w górze. Rozświetlone przez magiczne światło z masztu, było to naprawdę spektakularne, mogli zobaczyć dziurę średnicy 300 metrów.
He shuddered for a moment, but it looked like she just lost consciousness.
– Zatrzymywać się tu teraz.
Although the wound was deep, he would probably make it in time if he carried her to a hospital. Director Jan Korbel’s motto was not just for show.
– Aye Aye sir, zatrzymywać się tu!
Rozkaz Walesa był wydany do wciąż bardzo energicznej i pełnej życia załogi. Żagle zostały zdjęte i „Orzeł” zaczął płynąć w prawo pod dziurę.
“Kukuku……! This is splendid; I picked up luck in an unexpected way……!”
– Wolno zwiększyć prędkość.
– Aye Aye sir, wolno zwiększyć prędkość!
Ayato glared at Bujinsai who shook his shoulders as he said so while staggering.
„Orzeł” wzniósł się wolno w kierunku dziury. Za nim postępowała „Marie Galante”, na której pokład weszli nawigatorzy Orła.
“After all, the original target is that young lady.”
Wardes kiwnął głową – Z pewnością nie jesteście powietrznymi piratami, Wasza Wysokość.
The old man, whose eyes glittered, picked up his staff that fell on the ground, his gaze showing no signs of faltering at all, and turned it towards Ayato and Claudia.
– Jesteśmy dokładnie powietrznymi piratami, Wicehrabio.
“But, as expected I won’t feel relieved until I drop them. Both your heads, that is……!”
It looked like Bujinsai still intended to continue.
Though Bujinsai seemed to be wounded quite severely, Ayato had also reached his limit.
Although he did not know to what extent he could fight back, he could not just sit back and wait to be beaten without doing anything.
Można było dojrzeć światło wewnątrz dziury i tam się „Orzeł” kierował.
(No matter what it takes, I must pull through this and carry Claudia to a hospital as soon as possible……!)
Okręt wojenny przybył do tajemnego portu Newcastle. Wewnątrz olbrzymia wapienna jaskinia była pokryta białym mchem. Wielu ludzi oczekiwało na nabrzeżu. Liny zostały rzucone do marynarzy by przywiązać Orła i w końcu zostało przystawione drewniane przejście.
Wales pośpieszył Louise i innych by zeszli przejściem. Wysoki i wiekowy mag podszedł do nich.
But then, a black-clothed figure suddenly appeared before such Bujinsai and whispered something into his ear.
– Ha ha, cudowne wojskowe osiągnięcie, prawda Wasza Wysokość?
Stary mag wydawał się pojawić znikąd przed Orłem.
– Ciesz się, Parys. Siarka, to jest siarka!
Bujinsai’s expression distorted and he annoyingly clicked his tongue.
Gdy Wales tak wykrzyknął, otoczyli go przyjmujący wiwatami żołnierze.
“Tch, no choice then……! Let’s temporarily retreat!”
– Och! Siarka! To jest honor dla naszej gwardii! – stary mag zaczął płakać, jakby się postarzał.
As soon as he spoke, Bujinsai plunged into the rainy, dark night and disappeared with the cloaked figure.
– Służyłem przez sześćdziesiąt lat pod poprzednim królem... Nie będzie tak szczęśliwych dni więcej, Wasza Wysokość. Po tym jak wybuchła rebelia, to wszystko zmieniło się w smutek... Nawet z siarką nie zrobimy tego...
“……I don’t quite understand, but did we pull through……?”
Wales zaśmiał się z uśmiechem.
『──Well, I caused quite a chaos in their ranks by crushing their healing ability users after all. And incidentally, the young ladies over there seem to have rampaged quite a lot, so they would probably soon reach their limits in blockading this area.』
– Nawet jeżeli zostaniemy pokonani, pokażemy buntownikom odwagę rodziny królewskiej i honor.
A space window that displayed these words suddenly appeared in front of Ayato as he was muttering to himself in utter amazement.
– Cudowna śmierć. Moje stare kości dygoczą z podniecenia. Poinformowano, że buntownicy zamierzają zaatakować zamek jutro. Teraz, to jest naprawdę wszystko albo nic, Wasza Wysokość.
– Ze swoim ostatnim oddechem przyniesiemy ich żołnierzom wstyd!
As the space window moved, Ayato followed it to the figure of a woman, with a strange mask, emerging from the shade of a warehouse.
Wales i inni zaśmiali się ze spokojem płynącym z głębi ich serc. Louise zmartwiła się po usłyszeniu słowa pokonani. Innymi słowy, oni umrą. Czy nie boją się śmierci?
Although Ayato immediately put his guard up, the woman waved at him in a panic.
– A kim są ci ludzie? – stary mag nazwany Parysem, zapytał Walesa po zobaczeniu Louise.
『No, um, I know that telling you not to be on your guard would be unreasonable, but can you at least stay quiet there and trust me?』
– To jest ambasador z Tristain. Przybyła z powodu ważnej sprawy związanej z królestwem.
The characters on the space window were replaced by new ones and the woman raised both her arms as to show that he had no intention to fight.
Parys przez moment był zaskoczony, co ambasador z innego królestwa szukałby w tych ruinach? Ale niedługo uśmiech powrócił na jego twarz.
“Who on earth are you……?”
– Więc jesteś ambasadorem. Szambelan Parys do usług, Pani. To miło, że przebyłaś całą drogę do Albionu. Chociaż to nie może być dużo, będziemy mieć małą ucztę dziś wieczorem. Jak najbardziej - proszę przyjdź.
Upon close inspection, the woman also had injuries here and there on her body. They were quite serious injuries at that, and in reality, just standing was probably painful for her.
『I can’t reveal it, and there shouldn’t be time to leisurely explain the situation, right? There’s a pleasure boat, which I board on, nearby and a car has also been arranged on the opposite bank. I can send you two to a hospital.』
Certainly, it was difficult for Ayato in his current state to carry Claudia to the hospital from here and he did not know how much time it would take.
“……Got it. Then please.”
Louise i inni poszli za Walesem do jego pokoju. Pokój księcia był usytuowany za pokojem kuchennym i wyglądał raczej zwyczajnie.
As Ayato made up his mind and said so, the woman greatly nodded.
Drewniane łóżko, stół i para krzeseł, a także obraz na ścianie, który przedstawiał scenę batalistyczną.
『Okay, now that it’s been decided, let’s hurry. From what I see, she seems to be in quite a dangerous state.』
Książę siadł na krześle i otworzył szufladę biurka, wewnątrz której była niewielka szkatułka. Zdjął naszyjnik ze swojej szyi.
Niewielki klucz został włożony w zamek szkatułki i Wales otworzył ją. Leżał tam portret Henrietty.
[[Image:ZnT02-201.jpg|thumb|Louise przyjęła list pochylając się głęboko.]]
Wales, który zauważył, że Louise patrzyła na pudełko, przemówił zakłopotany.
She did not need to say it as he knew it.
– Sejf.
Ayato carried Claudia and followed the woman moving ahead.
W środku był jeden list. Wydawało się, że też był od księżniczki. Wales wyjął go z miłością i przeczytał. Ten list wyglądał na starszy niż był, z powodu ciągłego czytania.
『Oh, that’s right. I saw the fight earlier, but it was quite thrilling seeing how you kicked that old man’s ass. You ain’t bad.』
Po przeczytaniu Wales łagodnie złożył go i włożył do koperty, a następnie podał Louise.
– To jest list, który otrzymałem od księżniczki. Zwracam go.
『……As I thought, I want to have a bout with you one day, too.』
– Dziękuję ci.
These words, which were displayed, disappeared immediately after a short moment along with the space window.
Louise przyjęła list pochylając się głęboko.
Thus, Ayato did not see them.
– „Orzeł” zabierze cię do Tristain jutro, ponieważ nie będziemy go używać w bitwie.
Louise zdecydowanie otworzyła swoje usta, po wpatrywaniu się przez jakiś czas na list.
“Retreat, you say……!?”
– Ale, Wasza Dostojność... Co miałeś na myśli, gdy wspomniałeś o wspaniałej porażce?
The melee where allies and enemies were jumbled together suddenly stopped at this voice of Silas.
Z wahaniem zapytała Louise. Wales odpowiedziała na to bardzo prosto.
Julis, who was breathing heavily, looked at Saya and Kirin to see what was going on, but the two girls also had perplexed expressions, indicating that they were also clueless as to what has halted the assault.
– To jest tak. Moje armia ma 300 ludzi, podczas gdy siły nieprzyjacielskie mają 50000. Nie ma żadnej szansy na zwycięstwo. Więc pozwól nam przynajmniej zginąć w chwale.
“W-What is the meaning of this……?! I didn’t hear about it……!?”
Louise spuściła wzrok.
It seemed to be the same for the enemy side though.
– Wasza Wysokość, również masz na myśli siebie, gdy mówisz o polegnięciu w bitwie?
Surrounding Julis and company were the Shadow Star’s agents, who put on a hood, and several men in black clothes that joined in the middle of the battle. The latter was probably the Yabuki Clan.
– Oczywiście. Ja też umrę.
When they were facing only the Shadow Star, Julis and company had the upper hand instead ── probably because the Shadow Star’s number one purpose was to hold them back at all costs ── but, after the Yabuki Clan joined, the situation instantly reversed and Julis and company were steadily cornered.
Saito, które przyglądał się rozmowie z boku, westchnął. Książę martwiący się tak mało o jutrzejszą śmierć, robił wszystko tak zagmatwanym. Wydawało się, że to nie była rzeczywistość, ale wydarzenie z gry.
Even so, that they could somehow hold out was the results of their repeated special training for the <Gryps>. Even inside the melee, they promptly took coordination and escaped from a predicament, and at times they struggled through by entrusting their backs to each other.
Ramiona Louise opadły, gdy ukłoniła się głęboko do Walesa. Miała jednak więcej rzeczy do powiedzenia.
However, one could not deny that they were outnumbered from the beginning.
– Wasza Wysokość... Wybaczać moją niegrzeczność, ale jest jeszcze kilka rzeczy, które muszę powiedzieć.
Moreover, the enemies were not a mob of small fries, each one of them was a suitable expert on his own.
– Co chcesz powiedzieć?
At this rate, they would be overcome before long ── or at least it should have been like that when at that time, Silas’ flustered voice of earlier resounded.
– Co jest zawartością listu?
“Are you telling us to pull back despite cornering them so far? Such, such a thing, I’ll never……!”
– Louise.
Saito zaprotestował. Oczywiście, zawartość listu była przecież rzeczą osobistą. Ale Louise, po zadaniu pytania, patrzyła z determinacją.
Standing beside Silas was probably a man of the Yabuki Clan.
– Kiedy księżniczka dała mi to zadanie, wyglądała jakby martwiła się o swojego kochanka. A w pudełku był portret księżniczki i dostrzegłam posępną minę po pocałowaniu i przeczytaniu listu... Czy ty i księżniczka...
As he was calm in contrast with the perplexed Silas, no sooner than the man gave a signal, the Yabuki Clan disappeared as if melting from the place of the melee.
Wales się uśmiechnął. Zgadł co Louise chciała powiedzieć.
“Guuuuh! We’ll retreat as well……!”
– Chcesz powiedzieć, że kuzynka Henrietta i ja mamy stosunki miłosne?
Though Silas was bright red in frustration and anger, the containers, who were floating in the air until now, came down one after another at the same time. It was not as if they were aimed at Julis and company, it was just that he simply cancelled his ability.
Louise kiwnęła głową.
Water splash and splinters of the gouged ground flew about, and Julis unintentionally protected her face.
– Najwyraźniej tak. Wybacz zadziwiającą niegrzeczność. Skoro tak, zawartością tego listu jest...
It was just an instant, but the Shadow Star’s figures have disappeared when Julis raised her face.
Po położeniu swojej ręki na czole i zrobienie gestu, jakby martwiąc się przez moment co powinien i nie powinien mówić, Wales rzekł.
Left behind were Julis and company, who looked at each other and then sank down to the ground at all once before long.
– List miłosny. Właśnie tak jak zgadłaś. Głupio, jeśli ten list miłosny miałyby być przekazany cesarskiej rodzinie Germanii, jak poinformowała listownie Henrietta. Może stać się wielkim zagrożeniem. W liście przysięga ona wieczną miłość do mnie w imieniu założyciela Brimira. To jest jak przysięga ślubna, miłość zaprzysiężona na imię założyciela. Jeśli ten list zostanie wydobyty na światło dzienne, ona zostanie oskarżona o popełnianie przestępstwa bigamii. Cesarz Germanii nie omieszka zerwać zaręczyn z księżniczką, która naruszyła zasady. Wtedy nie będzie żadnego przymierza. Tristain może być politycznie zignorowana przez rodziny szlacheckie innych krajów.
“Haa…… does this mean, that we somehow managed it……?”
– Tak więc księżniczka i Wasza Wysokość byliście zakochani w sobie?
With a face saying that she hadn’t quite grasped the situation yet, Kirin muttered so.
– To stara historia.
“……I’m tired.”
Louise rozmawiała z Walesem gorączkowym tonem.
Saya rescinded her lux as well and lay down face up.
– Wasza Wysokość, wróć! Wróć do Tristain!
At the area where water splashed, there seemed to be a big puddle of water, but all of them were already sopping wet anyway. So it would change nothing at this late hour.
Wardes nagle położył swoją rękę na jej ramieniu. Jednakże, to nie zatrzymało Louise.
“No, our original purpose is Claudia’s rescue. Until we confirm it……”
– Błagam! Proszę, jedź z nami do Tristain!
Julis said so and was going to stand up, but she staggered as he could not fill strength in her legs.
– To nie może być zrobione – powiedział Wales ze śmiechem.
“Um, are you all right?”
– Wasza Wysokość, nie zgadzam się. Księżniczka też tak myśli! Czy nie mówi tak w liście? Znam księżniczkę od naszego dzieciństwa, wiem bardzo dobrze jak ona myśli. Księżniczka nie opuszcza ludzi, których kocha! Wasza Wysokość, nie powiedziałeś tego, ale jestem pewna, że księżniczka także każe ci uciec!
“Y-Yea, no problem.”
Wales potrząsnął swoją głową – nie jest tam nic takiego napisane.
She held back the worried Kirin with one hand and greatly exhaled while putting the other hand on the ground-covered debris to support herself.
– Wasza Wysokość! – Louise kontynuowała naciskanie Walesa.
Because she has released large-scale techniques in succession until a while ago, she seemed to have considerably consumed prana. Thinking about tomorrow’s semifinal, she should naturally have saved it, but it was also a fact that it was not a situation where she could save spare energy.
– Jestem z rodziny królewskiej. Nie kłamię. W liście, księżniczka nie każe mi uciec, przysięgam to na mój honor.
──Then, she received a call on the portable terminal inside her pocket.
Wales mówił jakby odczuwał ból. To wyglądało jakby słowa Louise uderzyły go.
“! Is it Ayato?!”
– Henrietta jest księżniczką. Ona musi dać priorytet raczej krajowi niż mnie.
As Julis cried out, Saya quickly got up and Kirin bent herself forward.
Louise zrozumiała co miał na myśli. Nawet gdyby Wales lubił Henriettę, to nigdy nie byłoby to poparte przez innych arystokratów w jego sytuacji.
When she hastily opened a space window, Ayato’s serious face was projected there.
Wales stuknął w ramię Louise.
『──Julis, are you safe?』
– Jesteś uczciwą dziewczyną, Vallière. Masz uczciwe, czyste i przyjazne oczy.
“Well, somehow. More importantly, what happened to your side? Where are you right now? And what about Claudia……?”
Louise spuściła wzrok tęsknie.
To Julis, who enthusiastically questioned in rapid succession, Ayato answered.
– Ale dam ci jakąś radę. Nie jest zbyt dobrze dla ambasadora mówić szczerze w ten sposób.
『I’m in the hospital right now. And, Claudia is──』
Wales uśmiechnął się uroczo.
– Jednakże, jesteś idealnym ambasadorem w zrujnowanym kraju jak nasz, ponieważ rząd, który zostanie jutro zniszczony jest uczciwszy niż jakikolwiek, więc nie ma niczego do obrony oprócz swego honoru.
It was about time when the date changed that Claudia woke up.
Po tym wyjął coś ze swojej kieszeni. Z kształtu i poruszającej się strzały wydawał się zegarem.
“Where is…… this place?”
– Ahhaha, już czas na nasze małej przyjęcie. Odkąd jesteście ostatnimi gośćmi naszego królestwa, chciałbym abyście też byli na nim obecni.
To Claudia, who slowly opened her eyes, Ayato, who has been at her side all along, teasingly said.
Saito i Louise wyszli z pokoju. Wardes został i ukłonił się Walesowi.
“Unfortunately, it’s not heaven.”
– Och masz jakąś inną sprawę, Wicehrabio?
Then, Claudia revealed a lonely wry smile, moved only her head and looked at Ayato.
– Jest jedna przysługa, o którą chciałbym prosić, Milordzie.
“I know that. Either way, where I’ll go will be hell, right?”
– Proś.
“Since you can speak that much, it looks like you’re all right.”
Wardes wyszepnął do ucha Walesa, który się uśmiechnął.
For the time being, he heaved a sigh of relief.
– Ach taka urocza prośba, to będzie przyjemność.
“This is a special room of the hospital. Until a little while ago, there was a doctor that is a healing ability user……”
“……Ah, no wonder the wound in my chest is already healed.”
In fact, the power of a healing ability user that Ayato witnessed for the first time should have been something to be impressed about.
But, prana’s consumption seemed intense accordingly and he could agree that unless it was a life-threatening injury, one could not receive its blessing.
Przyjęcie odbywało się w sali zamkowej. Król Albionu, James I, siedział na tronie i przyglądał się poprzez zwężone oczy, zebranym arystokratom i wasalom.
Because of that, even though Ayato should have suffered considerable injuries, he was given only normal treatment. Although, Director Jan Korbel expressly showed up and made the treatment personally, so he should be thankful.
Chociaż następnego dnia każdy mógł umrzeć, to było to zupełnie prawdziwe przyjęcie, a stół był zastawiony rozmaitymi smakołykami.
“As expected, the healing ability users of a hospital are excellent after all…… to the point of being hateful.”
Saito i inni obserwowali to kolorowe przyjęcie stojąc w kącie sali.
Ayato did not fail to hear these words that she added in a low voice at the end.
– Zostawiają wszystkie kłopoty jutra i próbują cieszyć się teraźniejszością.
“──Claudia, could you explain it to me?”
Wardes kiwnął głową w odpowiedzi na słowa Saita.
When Ayato said so with a serious expression, Claudia cast down her eyes diverting her gaze and kept silent.
– Tak, oni zachowują się radośnie.
A long silence.
Kiedy pojawił się Książę Wales, rozeszły się jakieś entuzjastyczne westchnienia między paniami. Wyglądało to, jakby cieszył się popularnością nie tylko jako książę, ale także jako całkiem przystojny mężczyzna. Gdy zbliżył się do tronu, ludzie zaczęli szeptać.
Even so, as Ayato was patiently waiting, Claudia eventually spoke.
James I spróbował wstać prosto i przywitać się z nim, ale z powodu swojej starości zachwiał się i prawie upadł.
“……What do you want to hear?”
Z sali było słychać jakiś śmiech.
“Just about everything.”
– Wasza królewska Mość! Za wcześnie na upadek!
Ayato gave an immediate reply without hesitation.
– Rzeczywiście! Oszczędźmy to na jutro!
James I nie był obrażony na takie komentarze i uśmiechnął się.
After heaving a somewhat indifferent sigh as she gave up, Claudia slowly raised her body and looked at Ayato.
– Nie martwcie się, po prostu moje nogi były zdrętwiałe od tak długiego siedzenia.
“I got it. You certainly have the right to hear it, I guess. But, you have already realized it, right? ──That dying today at that place was my true wish.”
Wales zbliżył się i podtrzymał ciało króla. Było jeszcze kilka zdławionych chichotów.
Deep dejection blurred on Claudia’s voice.
– Powiem wszystkim wam dzielnym i lojalnym wasalom, że jutro „Rekonkwista” planuje zaatakować nasze Newcastle pełną siłą. Szliście i walczyliście dzielnie dla tego nieporadnego starego króla, jednakże jutro nie będzie bitwy. To będzie bardziej jak jednostronna rzeź. Znieśmy to i pokażmy nasze męstwo po raz ostatni.
With that alone, he was made to understand, whether he wanted it or not, that Claudia’s words were serious.
Król zakasłał głośno, potem kontynuował mowę.
As Claudia said, Ayato had vaguely realized it; but as expected, it was a shocking thing to hear her say it to him.
– Ale to może zbyt wiele prosić wszystkich o śmierć. Dlatego jutro rano okręt wojenny „Orzeł” zabierze wszystkie kobiety, dzieci i tych, którzy postanowią odejść do bezpieczniejszego miejsca, daleko od tego opuszczonego kontynentu.
“……Why would you do such a thing?”
Jednakże, nikt nie odpowiedział. Jeden arystokrata głośno poinformował króla.
But, he asked as he managed to squeeze only these words.
– Wasza Wysokość! Czekamy na rozkaz! Całe Wojsko Naprzód! Całe Wojsko Naprzód! Całe Wojsko Naprzód! Ponieważ nasz słuch jest dziś wieczorem tak kiepski, wątpię czy będziemy w stanie usłyszeć jakikolwiek inny rozkaz!
“Fufufu, well. You will definitely not understand why even if I explain. No, it’s not only you. I think that anyone on this earth other than me will never understand.”
Wszyscy ludzie kiwnęli głowami.
Claudia, who lonelily laughed, slowly closed her eyes as she said so.
– Tak! Co powiedzieliby inni, gdybyśmy uciekli?
“I obtained <Pan-Dora> when I was child and while I was tormented by nightmares of death every night, I gradually lost the value of living. People die no matter how they struggle. No matter how much happiness one experienced while they were alive, there’s no change to the fact that it would eventually come to naught. I actually experienced it not with words or thoughts, but with my body, and when it repeated ── I came to think that rather than how to live, how to die was much more important.”
– Za późno na wycofanie się, Wasza królewska Mość.
– To prawda! Będziemy służyć królowi, jak robiliśmy to przed laty! Dzisiejszy wieczór jest dobrą porą! Założyciel pobłogosławił nas cudownym księżycem i ciepłą nocą! Radujmy się dziś wieczorem piciem i tańcem!
Though there was something he wanted to say, Ayato remained silent instead.
At least, the root of that way of thinking was something that only the one, who experienced <Pan-Dora>’s nightmares, could understand.
Po tym każdy powrócił do uczty. Trzech gości z Tristain przyciągnęło dużo uwagi. Arystokraci nie wydawali się smutnymi albo zmartwionymi, wesoło żartowali i proponowali wino lub jedzenie gościom.
“And then at one time, I…… I met you, Ayato. Inside a dream that <Pan-Dora> showed me.”
– Ambasadorze! Spróbuj to wino! Powiedz nam, z którego kraju wino jest lepsze!
– Tu! Spróbujcie tego! To specjalność Albionu - kurczak z miodem, z całą pewnością uczyni was zdrowymi i silnymi!
It looked like Laetitia’s guess was right on the mark.
Albion dobrze się bawił! Nawet u kresu.
When Claudia opened her eyes then, she sadly continued while being bashful.
Saito został melancholikiem. Ludzie, którzy radowali się w obliczu śmierci, wyglądali bardziej smutnie niż dzielnie. Louise wydawała się czuć to mocniej. Nie mogła znieść atmosfery, potrząsnęła głową i wybiegła z sali.
“My hero, who rushed to my danger, fought in order to protect me and who saved me…… Fufufu, well in the end, I ended up dying even in that dream though.”
Przez moment Saito chciał podążyć za nią, ale nakłonił Wardesa by poszedł zamiast niego.
Claudia stared at Ayato with moist eyes.
Wardes kiwnął głową i ruszył. Saito przykucnął na podłodze i westchnął.
“Since the time when I had that dream, I have longed for you the whole time ── and fell in love with you.”
Wales zobaczył, jak to robił i przyszedł do niego z centrum sali.
– Ten chłopiec jest chowańcem panny Vallière. Jednakże, bardzo niezwykłym jest dla osoby, być chowańcem. Tristain jest naprawdę niezwykłym krajem.
Ayato did not know how to reply to her confession.
Wales śmiał się, gdy tak mówił.
Instead, he urged her to go on as he continued questioning her.
– To jest niezwykłe także w Tristain – powiedział zmęczonym głosem Saito.
“……That place today was it?”
– Czujesz się przygnębiony?
“Yes, that’s right. While it rains incessantly, in the harbor of Seidoukan Academy, I am struck by a blade when protecting you and then die in your arms ── this is the conclusion of the dream I saw then. At that time, my wish, the dream that should come true and the scene that I should arrive at were decided.”
Z niepokojem, Wales spojrzał w twarz Saita. Wciąż odczuwał ból w ramieniu i widzenie ludzi przygotowujących się na śmierć, też go przygnębiało.
Saito wstał i zapytał Walesa – Przepraszam za niegrzeczność... Ale czy ty się nie boisz?
Ayato just listened to Claudia’s words silently.
– Bać się? – Wales popatrzył obojętnie na Saito.
“Thereafter, I have also experienced death more than a thousand times, but there was nothing that exceeded that dream until this day. No, rather the more I experienced new deaths, the stronger and deeper that thought[1] became. So to be frank, I have already understood it, too.”
– Czy nie boisz się umrzeć?
As Claudia said up to there, she laughed self-derisively.
Wales zaśmiał się po usłyszeniu tych słów.
“──That all of this was orchestrated by <Pan-Dora>.”
– Martwisz się o nas! Nas! Jakim jesteś miłym chłopcem!
– Nie, właśnie to jest przerażające dla mnie. Nie mógłbym śmiać się tak jak ty, gdybym wiedział, że umarłbym jutro.
“Do you remember when I told you before that this child has a bad personality? This child, by showing me a vivid and ideal death…… by making me fall in love with you, it enjoyed itself by playing with my life.”
– Boję się. Nie ma żadnej osoby, która nie bałaby się umrzeć. Obojętne czy jesteś arystokratą, czy człowiekiem z gminu.
“No way……”
– To dlaczego?
Ayato could not help being at a loss for words.
– Ponieważ mam co bronić. Coś, co sprawia, że zapominam o chłodzie grobu.
“Shall I cite you one example? Inside my dreams, I have been killed many times by many people, and by close people to me at that. My mother and father go without saying, but there were also Laetitia, Julis, Sasamiya-san, Toudou-san and Yabuki-kun…… But Ayato, I have never been killed by only you even once. Don’t you think that it’s quite unnatural?”
– Co bronisz? Honoru? Sławy? To są głupie powody do umierania za nie – powiedział głośno Saito.
“But if you understood it, then why……”
Wales odpowiedziała z odległym spojrzeniem.
“Fufufu…… Isn’t that obvious? The thing called love ── just because you are aware of it, is not something that can be stopped, you know?”
– Frakcja arystokratów „Rekonkwisty” jest naszym wrogiem, który próbuje zjednoczyć Halkeginie. Chwytają się idei „Świętej Ziemi”. Dobrze, że ludzie mają takie ideały, ale to nie powinno być realizowane siłą i krwią. Wszystkie kraje byłyby zrujnowane.
When Claudia said so and smiled, tears spilled over her eyes.
– Jednakże, nie ma już szansy na zwycięstwo? Jaki jest sens tu umierać? Może mógłbyś znaleźć później inne powody do porażki...
“My wish was to make the dream I saw that day become reality; nothing more. I put all my effort into that. The fact that that I enrolled in Seidoukan Academy, the fact that I became the student council president, the fact that I invited you as a special transfer student, the fact that I participated in the <Gryps>, the fact that I stirred up the Integrated Enterprise Foundation and induced them to send assassins to me, everything…… all of this was done just for the purpose to cause what happened today.”
– Nie, przynajmniej powinniśmy popisać się przebłyskiem odwagi i honoru przed innymi arystokratami, nawet jeśli nie jest możliwe zwycięstwo, możemy pokazać, że rodziny królewskie Halkeginii nie są słabym wrogiem. Chociaż nie wydaje się by porzucili szybko ambicje „Unii” i „Odzyskania Świętej Ziemi”.
“……But, that wish didn’t come true.”
– Dlaczego? – zapytał Saito.
Ayato said so and took out something, which he wrapped in a handkerchief, from his breast pocket.
Saito, które dorastał we współczesnej Japonii nie mogło zrozumieć, dlaczego ktoś okazywałby swoją odwagę w taki sposób.
The silver charm that was split in two ── the one that Ayato was entrusted with by Laetitia and gave to Claudia.
Wales zdecydowanie oświadczył.
“According to Korbel-sensei, it seemed that it’d have been dangerous if the wound was only a few centimeters deeper. Perhaps, this charm might have protected you.”
– Dlaczego? Niewątpliwie, to jest nasz obowiązek. Obowiązek tych urodzonych w rodzinie królewskiej. Obowiązek nałożony na rodzinę królewską by bronić królestwa do samego końca.
“Fufufu, that’s again…… a very cheap drama-like miracle, eh.”
Saito nie zrozumiał. Jednak, ponieważ Wales ma osobę, którą kocha i która też kocha jego, przeżycie czy przetrwanie dla takiej osoby również nie jest obowiązkiem? Pomyślał w ten sposób.
After Claudia laughed as she sneered at it, she took a very deep breath.
– Księżniczka Tristain cię kocha. Czy zapomniałeś jej list?
“Actually…… I somehow had a bad feeling. Because in the dream I had, there was no scene where you gave me that charm.”
Po słowach Saita, Wales uśmiechnął się przypominając go sobie.
I see. That was probably why Claudia made a perplexed face at that time.
– Z powodu miłości, czasami trzeba udać niewiedzę. Z powodu miłości, czasami trzeba pozwolić odejść. To dałoby innym tylko wymówkę, by najechać Tristain.
“……That’s all. Go on, Ayato. You may scold me to your heart’s content. I am ready for that.”
– Ale, ale...
“Scold you?”
Saito zawahał się. Decyzja Walesa nie zostanie zmieniona. Trzymał ramię Saita i patrzył mu prosto w oczy.
“I mean, you know? I…… For such a worthless, foolish, selfish and hopeless dream, I have deceived and used you and everybody. I must receive a retribution for that.”
– Skoro jest to jasne, nie mów tego Henriettcie. Nie ma potrzeby by martwić jej ładną twarz niepotrzebnymi zmartwieniami. Ona jest jak ładny kwiat. Czy też tak nie sądzisz?
Claudia’s voice seemed to tremble slightly as she spoke.
Saito kiwnął głową. „Ona rzeczywiście jest piękną księżniczką. Nie chcę widzieć, jej twarzy smutnej albo zmartwionej”.
Ale, Wales nie zmieniłby przez to swojej decyzji. To jest to, co jego oczy mówiły.
Ayato stood up silently, went to the window and opened the curtain.
Before they noticed, the rain has stopped completely and the moon brightly illuminated the townscape.
– Po prostu powiedz jej, że Wales walczył dzielnie i zginął z odwagą. To będzie wystarczające.
“Let’s see…… Certainly, there’s some part where I can’t suppress my anger. No matter how dear a wish it was for you, Claudia, as expected I want you to live after all.”
Po powiedzeniu tego Wales wrócił do centrum sali.
While looking up at the moon, Ayato continued.
“Not just me, I’m sure that the others also think the same. Especially Julis, she’ll definitely be bright red in anger.”
There, Ayato turned his face and fixedly stared at Claudia.
Saito opuścił ucztę, ale od kiedy poczuł się zaginiony, zapytał kelnera gdzie jest jego pokój.
“But ── more importantly, there’s something I want to ask you before all that.”
Po tym jak mu powiedziano, ktoś stuknął go w ramię od tyłu. Gdy odwrócił się, zobaczył Wardesa. – Muszę ci coś powiedzieć.
“Something you want to ask me?”
Rzekł Wardes kamiennym głosem.
“Yeah, what is it that you want to do after this?”
– I to będzie?
“Eh……? A-After, is it?”
– Louise i ja bierzemy tu jutro ślub.
Seeming as if it was a completely unexpected question, Claudia’s eyes wavered as she was flustered. Because this was the first time that he had seen Claudia like that, he loosened his lips as he found it somewhat funny.
Ciało Saito zamarzło. Nie był w stanie zrozumieć znaczenia słów.
“That’s right. Fortunately…… wait, I’ll say this just in case, but it’s after considering that your dream this time has been splendidly broken.”
– W takim czasie? Dlaczego?
“……You show no mercy, I see.”
– Ponieważ chcemy prosić dzielnego następcę tronu Walesa o udzielenie nam małżeństwa. Następca tronu z przyjemnością się zgodził. Odprawimy ceremonię przed decydującą bitwą.
“Well, even I’m angry after all. But let’s set that aside for the time being; I want you to tell me what you wish for or what you want to do after this, something along those lines.”
Saito ucichło i kiwnął głową.
“Even if you asked that…… why are you asking me that?”
– Przyjdziesz? – zapytał Wardes.
Claudia looked like she could not hide how perplexed she was.
Saito potrząsnął swoją głową.
“Of course, it’s because I want to know more about you so that you don’t ever again do such a thing from now on.”
– W takim razie możesz odlecieć jutro na statku. Louise i ja wrócimy gryfem.
When he said so, Claudia opened her mouth with a dumbfounded face.
– Ale czy to nie jest za długi dystans?
“Don’t tell me…… are you forgiving me, Ayato?”
Saito, ponieważ był zdezorientowany, zadał raczej banalne pytanie.
Claudia muttered with a face saying that he could not believe it.
– Tylko jeżeli leciałbyś szybko bez odpoczynku – odpowiedział Wardes – w takim razie, muszę już pójść.
“No, I haven’t forgiven you yet. As expected, I want to complain properly. But, that and this are two different things. First ── I want to have a talk with you from here on.”
– W porządku – ramiona Saita opadły.
“From here on……”
Chociaż wiedział, że do tego ostatecznie dojdzie, wciąż czuł się bardzo samotny.
Claudia repeated these words in blank amazement.
And then, she smiled wryly with a face seeming like she would burst into tears at any moment.
“Such a thing…… I don’t know…… there’s no way that I would know, is there……?! I mean, I have lived all along for the sake of this day, only for that……! Asking me at this late hour what I’ll do after that is……!”
“Then, you should just find it from now, right?”
Saito przechodził ciemnym, że oko wykol, przejściem ze świecznikiem. Księżyc świecił przez otwarte okno na drogę w przejściu.
Ayato frankly said so.
Spacerowała tam przy świetle księżyca samotnie dziewczyna. Miała długie jasno różowawe włosy... Łzy, które wyglądały jak perły, spadały z jej bladego policzka. Saito przez chwilę patrzył cicho podziwiając jej tak piękną, ale smutną twarz.
“I-Is it that simple to……”
Louise odwróciła się i zauważyła go stojącego tam ze świecą. Jej oczy były wilgotne, chociaż je wytarła.
“You don’t really have to find it right now, Claudia. The thing known as a dream or a wish, you see, is something on the extension of everyday you are living like this. That’s why, as long as you don’t stop walking, you’ll find it someday ── at least, I think so.”
Jej twarz posmutniała kolejny raz. Gdy Saito podszedł do niej, oparła się o jego ciało, jakby tracąc całą swoją siłę.
“I have to keep walking, is it……?”
– Płaczesz, dlaczego...
“Yes, but if it’s a wish like this time again, I’ll absolutely stop you.”
Louise nie odpowiedziała, ale przycisnęła swoją twarz do klatki piersiowej Saita.
When Ayato jokingly, yet half-seriously said so, Claudia burst into laughter a little as she could no longer hold it.
Objął ją stanowczo.
“Fufufu……! You’re saying something quite selfish.”
Początkowo był zdziwiony przylgnięciem do niego Louise. Nie był przyzwyczajony do tego rodzaju rzeczy. Jednakże, zaszlochała jak dziewczyna i poczuł jak przylgnęła do niego bardzo serdecznie. Była zraniona i współczuł jej. Jednakże, co to oznacza?
“……I think we’re alike in this regard though.”
„Louise prawdopodobnie przylgnęła do mnie, ponieważ byłem tu przez przypadek - tak, jak dziewczyna przytula się do wypchanego zwierzaka. To nie ja, ale Wardes jest dla niej naprawdę ważny”.
Though Claudia’s shoulders shook for a while (as she was laughing), she wiped the tears around her eyes with her flexible fingers before long and raised her face.
Ciągle, Saito nic nie mówił i głaskał głowę Louise niezgrabnie swoją ręką. Jej głowa wydawała się tak mała, że mieściła się w jego dłoni.
[[Image:ZnT02-217.jpg|thumb|Gdy Saito podszedł do niej, oparła się o jego ciało, jakby tracąc całą swoją siłę.]]
Louise powiedziała płacząc.
“I got it. In that case, I, too ── I shall begin to walk once again.”
– Nie... Ci ludzie... Dlaczego, dlaczego postanowili umrzeć? Nawet choć księżniczka jest ... Nawet jeżeli Wales kocha ją... Dlaczego następcę tronu Wales wybrał śmierć?
Claudia said with a somewhat refreshed face.
– Powiedział, że to ma obronić kogoś ważnego.
Hearing that answer, Ayato felt like he was finally able to lower the curtains for this matter.
– Co jest ważniejsze na świecie, niż osoba, którą kochasz?
“……Thank you, Claudia.”
– Także nie rozumiem sposobu myślenia księcia.
Saying so, he grasped Claudia’s hand.
– Przekonam go! Przekonam go jeszcze raz!
“Fufufu, why are you the one saying thanks? Like that, it’s as if our roles are reversed……”
– Nie.
However, as Claudia said up to there, she suddenly stiffened.
– Dlaczego?
– Ponieważ, jesteś tu by dostarczyć list księżniczki. To jest twoja jedyna misja.
Her gaze was focused on her hand held by Ayato.
Louise mamrotała, podczas gdy łzy kontynuowały płynięcie w dół jej policzków.
“N-No, Um, it’s nothing……!”
– ... chcę niedługo wrócić. Chcę wrócić do Tristain. Nie lubię tego kraju. Ci niemądrzy ludzie i nierozsądny książę, który zostawia wszystko.
When Claudia pulled out her hand in a panic state, she turned away and fell onto the bed.
Chociaż Louise czasami zachowywała się nieustępliwie, wciąż była dziewczyną. Louise nie mogła zrozumieć świata Walesa. Ale Saito rozumiał ją, ponieważ też myślał tak samo.
“Errr…… I-I’m sorry.”
Louise, jakby nagle przypominając sobie, wyjęła coś ze swojej kieszeni.
While being surprised at her reaction, although he tried apologizing for the time being, the usual Claudia should have started a skin ship that could not be compared to this every time.
– Wyciągnij swoje lewe ramię – powiedziała.
However, Claudia, while being red until the ears, turned only her gaze towards Ayato bashfully.
– Co?
At such a figure of Claudia that he has never seen so far, Ayato’s heart skipped heavily.
– Zrób to.
“U-Um…… Ayato?”
Saito odsłonił swoje lewe ramię, jak mu kazano. Louise wyjęła puszkę. Zagarnęła w środka swoim palcem i wyciągnęła jakieś lepkie lekarstwo, które miało dziwny zapach.
“Eh? W-What is it……?”
– Dostałam to przed chwilą od kogoś w zamku. To lekarstwo magii wody jest bardzo skuteczne przeciwko oparzeniom. Mogłem dostać tylko to, ale powinno być w porządku.
“Earlier I think that I…… kind of c-confessed to you, but……”
Louise mamrotała, podczas gdy smarowała tym ramię Saita.
„Nigdy nie sądziłem, że może być tak łagodna. Ale nie powinienem uzależniać się od tej łagodności zbyt mocno, ponieważ niedługo odejdzie.”
Now that she mentioned it, that was right.
Saito potrząsnął swoją głową i odepchnął ją od siebie. Louise spojrzała w jego twarzy zdziwiona.
“P-Please forget about such a confusion I uttered mixed in the confusion.”
Saito miał bolesny wyraz twarzy.
Po dostrzeżeniu tego, Louise ugryzła swoją wargę.
“Someday…… next time, I would like to convey my feelings properly…… after all.”
– ...Dlaczego taka mina? Coś się zdarzyło?
As Claudia said so, she buried her face in the pillow.
– To nieistotne.
“……I-I got it.”
– Rozumiem. Gdy tylko wrócimy, będę szukać sposobu by odesłać cię twojego świata.
Ayato could not give any reply other than that.
Powiedziała Louise, wahając się chwilę. Widocznie, źle zrozumiała. Jednakże, Saito pomyślał, że dobrze jest tak to pozostawić.
– ...jest dobrze, nawet jeśli nie pomagasz.
– Co?
Both of them sank into silence as is, and as they both lost track of time ── a knocking sound suddenly resounded in the hospital room.
– Mam na myśli, że weźmiesz niedługo ślub, więc nie powinnaś przejmować się szukaniem sposobu by mnie odesłać.
『──Ayato, Claudia, we’ll come in.』
– Co? Tylko mi nie mów, że martwisz się tym? Wciąż myślisz, o słowach które powiedziałam w hotel w La Rochelle? Rzeczywiście, powiedziałam wtedy „ślub”... Ale, ale nie myślałam o tym serio.
At the same time as a space window opened, Julis’s face was projected.
Louise odwróciła swoją twarz od Saita.
Saya and Kirin also seemed to be there behind her.
– Ślub nie jest jeszcze możliwy. Wciąż nie jestem wspaniałym magiem... I też nie znalazłam sposobu by cię odesłać...
“Now then, you’ll also have to explain to them. And when it’s over…… you’d better be ready; we’ll scold you together.”
Saito pomyślał.
“Yes, I know. But……”
„Rzeczywiście, Louise nie może wziąć ślubu, ponieważ poczuwa się do odpowiedzialności za mnie. I przez to nie będzie mogła wyjść za mąż do czasu, gdy nie znajdę swojej drogi do domu.” Saito pomyślał, że to będzie jej szkodzić. „Myślę, że nie jest to uczciwe dla tej olśniewającej, pięknej, miłej i łagodnej Louise”.
Ayato smiled at Claudia, who still made a slightly uneasy face.
– W porządku. Sam będę szukał drogi powrotnej, więc powinnaś wziąć ślub.
“It’ll be alright. I think that they’ll probably say the same thing as me. I can bet on it.”
– Co za samolubną rzecz powiedziałeś, jesteś moim chowańcem! Broń mnie do czasu, aż znajdziemy sposób by cię odesłać!
When Ayato said so, Claudia finally nodded with her usual smile ── yet slightly different from the one so far.
Powiedziała Louise i intensywnie wpatrywała się w Saita.
– Nie mogę cię bronić.
Ramiona Saito same opadły w dół, gdy to powiedział.
– Pamiętaj co się zdarzyło.
Claudia, alone in the hospital room where the moonlight came in, sighed.
Dramat podróży ożył w głowie Saita. Gdy zaczęto strzelać strzałami, został uratowany przez Wardesa. Został pokonany w pojedynku z nim. Gdy zostali zaatakowani przez człowieka w białej masce, nie mógł uratować Louise.
In the end, she received a severe scolding from Julis and company for one whole hour.
„Zawsze Wardes ciebie ratował. Nie byłem w stanie zrobić nic poza staniem i patrzeniem”.
Saya indifferently and coolly, and Kirin surprisingly with tender care while having tears on her eyes, blamed Claudia’s selfishness and betrayal; and they were also happy that she survived. Above all, although in a strong tone, consideration for Claudia could be felt in some points from the scolding of Julis who got angry like raging fire as soon as she heard the circumstances.
– Nie jestem silnym magiem tak jak Wicehrabia. Jestem po prostu normalną osobą, nawet jeżeli mówią, że jestem legendarnym chowańcem „Gandálfrem”. Nie wiem jak walczyć. Wszystko, co mogę robić to brawurowo wymachiwać mieczem wokół. Nie mogę cię chronić.
“……This is the first time in my life that I have been scolded so much by someone.”
Dłoń Louise uderzyła w policzek Saita.
Even so, all of them naturally accepted Claudia, so she was thankful for that.
– Tchórz!
“From now on, huh……”
Saito mówił z niezmienionym wyrazem twarzy.
She refuted the words that Ayato said.
– Rozdzielmy się odtąd Louise. Wracasz z wicehrabią gryfem, podczas gdy ja wracam „Orłem”. Gdy powrócę, będę szukał drogi do mojego świata. W tej sytuacji, jestem ci wdzięczny.
A frighteningly huge blank future spread now before Claudia’s eyes.
– Jesteś poważny?
How ironic even though she was the wielder of <Pan-Dora> that had the ability of future foresight.
– Tak.
“Well at any rate, I have to settle things with those guys first.”
– Idiota!
As Claudia muttered so, she operated the portable terminal put at her bedside. How many years had it been since she herself took the initiative to call this person?
Wykrzyknęła Louise. Łzy zaczęły płynąć z jej oczu ponownie. Saito nie odpowiedział. Tylko patrzył, jak Louise drżała.
A little while after the call, her mother’s ── Isabella’s face was projected on the space window.
– Nienawidzę cię! Nienawidzę cię!
『To think that I’d receive a call from, strange things do happen after all.』
Saito wymamrotał, zasłaniając oczy – Wiem.
A perfect smile and a gentle tone as usual.
Louise odwróciła się na piętach i pobiegła ciemnym przejściem. Saito klepał swój policzek. Miejsce gdzie został uderzony wciąż bolało i sprawiało, że czuł się bardzo smutny.
『I shall listen to what you have to say.』
– Żegnaj, Louise.
“Before that, I would like to express my thanks.”
Powiedział cicho. Chociaż myślał, że nie zapłacze, łzy lały strumieniami i się nie zatrzymywały.
『……About what?』
– Żegnaj mój łagodny i śliczny mistrzu.
Isabella tilted her head to the side as she was baffled.
“It looks like I too will be able to change a little thanks to this incident.”
Perhaps because she took it as sarcasm, Isabella’s eyes softly narrowed.
『……It looks like you skillfully came through this time, but there’ll be no next time.』
“Yes, I know. That’s why…… I surrender already.”
To Isabella’s quizzical voice, Claudia’s shoulders shook as she was chuckling.
“It is neither a trap nor a stratagem. I am saying that it is my loss.”
『What are you up to at this late hour? You are not possibly valuing your life this late in the game, are you?』
“No, you are right…… I value my life. Even I am surprised about it.”
Over the space window, she keenly felt Isabella’s gaze sounding her out.
Well, it was no wonder. The other party, who was so obstinate, had easily raised a white flag; so it would be natural to be suspicious. Moreover, strategically aside, tactically it was an opponent whom she might say to have more or less won against.
『Assuming that I believe it, do you think that Galaxy will sheathe its sword. Since the situation has deteriorated to this extent, we will not stop so easily. And you are the one who created that situation, you know?』
“Yes, I understand that as well. The negotiations are from here on.”
While saying so, Claudia operated her portable terminal.
『There is no longer room for negotiations……』
The mouth of Isabella, who started to say that, suddenly stopped.
“I sent you some data a moment ago. Please, check them.”
『This is……』
Isabella opened her eyes wide as she was surprised.
“Do you think that the knowledge that I got as a byproduct of <Pan-Dora>’s price was only regarding <Varda Vaos>? That is some confidential information about Queen Veil and Le Wolfe. Well, please think of it as a present.”
『……This is, a present, huh.』
Isabella’s eyes shone in a calculating way.
Well, of course. There was no way that a top executive of an Integrated Enterprise Foundation could ignore circumstances that would bring a clear profit to their own camp.
“From now on, I will offer information like this to Galaxy. How about it, do you think that there is enough value in reaching a common ground?”
『……I understand. I will first thoroughly investigate this information. Until then, you will keep your life for the time being.』
After pondering for a while, Isabella said cautiously.
“Thank you. Also…… Mother”
『……What is it?』
“Sorry for the abrupt question, but why did you enter Galaxy?”
Because Claudia’s father, Nicholas, was originally a person of the Enfield House that became the foothold of the actual place in the power struggle at the time of the Europe revival, she understood why he was in Galaxy. However, Isabella was an ordinary person you would find anywhere and should have nothing to do with them.
『What will you do after hearing it?』
Isabella seemed taken aback at Claudia’s abrupt question.
“No, I just thought that it might be interesting if I were to one day enter Galaxy and then…… someday, stab you in the back.”
Claudia said so and grinned.
That was just an idea she hit upon. Since Claudia was a <Genestella>, she could not become a top executive like Isabella, and to begin with, Claudia did not think even as a joke of undergoing a mind adjustment program.
However ── leaving such minor details aside, she thought that it would be interesting if there was such a choice.
『……Fufufu, fufufufu! What on earth happened to you, Claudia? You said something quite interesting again.』
Then, Isabella answered with a really happy face that Claudia has never seen so far.
『I understand. If by chance you were able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me…… I would tell you about it then.』
After Isabella said so, the space window turned black.
When Claudia collapsed on the bed after a short while, she broadly grinned.
“I see; it is quite pleasant that she thinks that there is a possibility……”
She muttered so to herself and then closed her eyes contentedly for a while.
This feeling of elation was not bad.
“……Now then.”
After a short time, Claudia opened her eyes, raised her body and operated her portable terminal again.
This was because there was another person whom she had to thank and complain to no matter what.
“──How do you do, Laetitia? Can I have a little of your time?”
== Przekład ==
== Przekład ==

Revision as of 19:48, 5 September 2016

Rozdział 8 – Wieczór w Newcastle


Ignoring the acute pain running through his body, Ayato held Claudia in his arms.

A black blade was stuck deeply into her chest and the overflowing blood had soaked her torn uniform.

“Fufufu…… are you safe, Ayato……?”

Even so, Claudia stretched out her hand to Ayato’s cheek while smiling gently.

“Yes, I’m fine……! More importantly, about you, Claudia……!”

As he spoke, Ayato realized that she was in quite a dangerous condition.

“Ah…… sorry, Ayato…… please, don’t make such a face…… you’ve done, nothing wrong after all…… Even if I say that, it’ll be no use, I guess…… Fufufu…… really, sorry……”

Despite the situation she was in, Claudia had an expression of satisfaction that had never been seen on her face before.

“I’m…… really, selfish…… but, Fufufu…… finally…… I’ve finally reached this time……”

“Claudia! Hang in there!”

Ayato pressed the wound trying to stop the bleeding even a little, but it was no use at all.

“That’s right…… even in the dream…… no, exactly this moment that I saw in the dream…… how long I have eagerly waited for it…… you’ll probably never understand……”

Claudia’s voice got gradually weaker and blurred.

Her pupils have already lost their focus.

Before long, a trickle of tears spilled over the corner of her eyes mixing with raindrops.

“Ah…… I’m very happy…… Ayato…… to me, such…… such a wonderful time…… surely after this……no matter how much time passes……. Such a feeling, I will never……”

The hand that was touching Ayato’s cheek weakly fell.


He shuddered for a moment, but it looked like she just lost consciousness.

Although the wound was deep, he would probably make it in time if he carried her to a hospital. Director Jan Korbel’s motto was not just for show.


“Kukuku……! This is splendid; I picked up luck in an unexpected way……!”


Ayato glared at Bujinsai who shook his shoulders as he said so while staggering.

“After all, the original target is that young lady.”

The old man, whose eyes glittered, picked up his staff that fell on the ground, his gaze showing no signs of faltering at all, and turned it towards Ayato and Claudia.

“But, as expected I won’t feel relieved until I drop them. Both your heads, that is……!”

It looked like Bujinsai still intended to continue.

Though Bujinsai seemed to be wounded quite severely, Ayato had also reached his limit.

Although he did not know to what extent he could fight back, he could not just sit back and wait to be beaten without doing anything.

(No matter what it takes, I must pull through this and carry Claudia to a hospital as soon as possible……!)


But then, a black-clothed figure suddenly appeared before such Bujinsai and whispered something into his ear.



Bujinsai’s expression distorted and he annoyingly clicked his tongue.

“Tch, no choice then……! Let’s temporarily retreat!”

As soon as he spoke, Bujinsai plunged into the rainy, dark night and disappeared with the cloaked figure.

“……I don’t quite understand, but did we pull through……?”

『──Well, I caused quite a chaos in their ranks by crushing their healing ability users after all. And incidentally, the young ladies over there seem to have rampaged quite a lot, so they would probably soon reach their limits in blockading this area.』

A space window that displayed these words suddenly appeared in front of Ayato as he was muttering to himself in utter amazement.


As the space window moved, Ayato followed it to the figure of a woman, with a strange mask, emerging from the shade of a warehouse.

Although Ayato immediately put his guard up, the woman waved at him in a panic.

『No, um, I know that telling you not to be on your guard would be unreasonable, but can you at least stay quiet there and trust me?』

The characters on the space window were replaced by new ones and the woman raised both her arms as to show that he had no intention to fight.

“Who on earth are you……?”

Upon close inspection, the woman also had injuries here and there on her body. They were quite serious injuries at that, and in reality, just standing was probably painful for her.

『I can’t reveal it, and there shouldn’t be time to leisurely explain the situation, right? There’s a pleasure boat, which I board on, nearby and a car has also been arranged on the opposite bank. I can send you two to a hospital.』

Certainly, it was difficult for Ayato in his current state to carry Claudia to the hospital from here and he did not know how much time it would take.

“……Got it. Then please.”

As Ayato made up his mind and said so, the woman greatly nodded.

『Okay, now that it’s been decided, let’s hurry. From what I see, she seems to be in quite a dangerous state.』


She did not need to say it as he knew it.

Ayato carried Claudia and followed the woman moving ahead.

『Oh, that’s right. I saw the fight earlier, but it was quite thrilling seeing how you kicked that old man’s ass. You ain’t bad.』


『……As I thought, I want to have a bout with you one day, too.』

These words, which were displayed, disappeared immediately after a short moment along with the space window.

Thus, Ayato did not see them.

“Retreat, you say……!?”

The melee where allies and enemies were jumbled together suddenly stopped at this voice of Silas.

Julis, who was breathing heavily, looked at Saya and Kirin to see what was going on, but the two girls also had perplexed expressions, indicating that they were also clueless as to what has halted the assault.

“W-What is the meaning of this……?! I didn’t hear about it……!?”

It seemed to be the same for the enemy side though.

Surrounding Julis and company were the Shadow Star’s agents, who put on a hood, and several men in black clothes that joined in the middle of the battle. The latter was probably the Yabuki Clan.

When they were facing only the Shadow Star, Julis and company had the upper hand instead ── probably because the Shadow Star’s number one purpose was to hold them back at all costs ── but, after the Yabuki Clan joined, the situation instantly reversed and Julis and company were steadily cornered.

Even so, that they could somehow hold out was the results of their repeated special training for the <Gryps>. Even inside the melee, they promptly took coordination and escaped from a predicament, and at times they struggled through by entrusting their backs to each other.

However, one could not deny that they were outnumbered from the beginning.

Moreover, the enemies were not a mob of small fries, each one of them was a suitable expert on his own.

At this rate, they would be overcome before long ── or at least it should have been like that when at that time, Silas’ flustered voice of earlier resounded.

“Are you telling us to pull back despite cornering them so far? Such, such a thing, I’ll never……!”


Standing beside Silas was probably a man of the Yabuki Clan.

As he was calm in contrast with the perplexed Silas, no sooner than the man gave a signal, the Yabuki Clan disappeared as if melting from the place of the melee.

“Guuuuh! We’ll retreat as well……!”

Though Silas was bright red in frustration and anger, the containers, who were floating in the air until now, came down one after another at the same time. It was not as if they were aimed at Julis and company, it was just that he simply cancelled his ability.

Water splash and splinters of the gouged ground flew about, and Julis unintentionally protected her face.

It was just an instant, but the Shadow Star’s figures have disappeared when Julis raised her face.

Left behind were Julis and company, who looked at each other and then sank down to the ground at all once before long.

“Haa…… does this mean, that we somehow managed it……?”

With a face saying that she hadn’t quite grasped the situation yet, Kirin muttered so.

“……I’m tired.”

Saya rescinded her lux as well and lay down face up.

At the area where water splashed, there seemed to be a big puddle of water, but all of them were already sopping wet anyway. So it would change nothing at this late hour.

“No, our original purpose is Claudia’s rescue. Until we confirm it……”

Julis said so and was going to stand up, but she staggered as he could not fill strength in her legs.

“Um, are you all right?”

“Y-Yea, no problem.”

She held back the worried Kirin with one hand and greatly exhaled while putting the other hand on the ground-covered debris to support herself.

Because she has released large-scale techniques in succession until a while ago, she seemed to have considerably consumed prana. Thinking about tomorrow’s semifinal, she should naturally have saved it, but it was also a fact that it was not a situation where she could save spare energy.

──Then, she received a call on the portable terminal inside her pocket.

“! Is it Ayato?!”

As Julis cried out, Saya quickly got up and Kirin bent herself forward.

When she hastily opened a space window, Ayato’s serious face was projected there.

『──Julis, are you safe?』

“Well, somehow. More importantly, what happened to your side? Where are you right now? And what about Claudia……?”

To Julis, who enthusiastically questioned in rapid succession, Ayato answered.

『I’m in the hospital right now. And, Claudia is──』

It was about time when the date changed that Claudia woke up.

“Where is…… this place?”

To Claudia, who slowly opened her eyes, Ayato, who has been at her side all along, teasingly said.

“Unfortunately, it’s not heaven.”

Then, Claudia revealed a lonely wry smile, moved only her head and looked at Ayato.

“I know that. Either way, where I’ll go will be hell, right?”

“Since you can speak that much, it looks like you’re all right.”

For the time being, he heaved a sigh of relief.

“This is a special room of the hospital. Until a little while ago, there was a doctor that is a healing ability user……”

“……Ah, no wonder the wound in my chest is already healed.”

In fact, the power of a healing ability user that Ayato witnessed for the first time should have been something to be impressed about.

But, prana’s consumption seemed intense accordingly and he could agree that unless it was a life-threatening injury, one could not receive its blessing.

Because of that, even though Ayato should have suffered considerable injuries, he was given only normal treatment. Although, Director Jan Korbel expressly showed up and made the treatment personally, so he should be thankful.

“As expected, the healing ability users of a hospital are excellent after all…… to the point of being hateful.”

Ayato did not fail to hear these words that she added in a low voice at the end.

“──Claudia, could you explain it to me?”

When Ayato said so with a serious expression, Claudia cast down her eyes diverting her gaze and kept silent.

A long silence.

Even so, as Ayato was patiently waiting, Claudia eventually spoke.

“……What do you want to hear?”

“Just about everything.”

Ayato gave an immediate reply without hesitation.


After heaving a somewhat indifferent sigh as she gave up, Claudia slowly raised her body and looked at Ayato.

“I got it. You certainly have the right to hear it, I guess. But, you have already realized it, right? ──That dying today at that place was my true wish.”

Deep dejection blurred on Claudia’s voice.

With that alone, he was made to understand, whether he wanted it or not, that Claudia’s words were serious.

As Claudia said, Ayato had vaguely realized it; but as expected, it was a shocking thing to hear her say it to him.

“……Why would you do such a thing?”

But, he asked as he managed to squeeze only these words.

“Fufufu, well. You will definitely not understand why even if I explain. No, it’s not only you. I think that anyone on this earth other than me will never understand.”

Claudia, who lonelily laughed, slowly closed her eyes as she said so.

“I obtained <Pan-Dora> when I was child and while I was tormented by nightmares of death every night, I gradually lost the value of living. People die no matter how they struggle. No matter how much happiness one experienced while they were alive, there’s no change to the fact that it would eventually come to naught. I actually experienced it not with words or thoughts, but with my body, and when it repeated ── I came to think that rather than how to live, how to die was much more important.”

“……” Though there was something he wanted to say, Ayato remained silent instead.

At least, the root of that way of thinking was something that only the one, who experienced <Pan-Dora>’s nightmares, could understand.

“And then at one time, I…… I met you, Ayato. Inside a dream that <Pan-Dora> showed me.”


It looked like Laetitia’s guess was right on the mark.

When Claudia opened her eyes then, she sadly continued while being bashful.

“My hero, who rushed to my danger, fought in order to protect me and who saved me…… Fufufu, well in the end, I ended up dying even in that dream though.”

Claudia stared at Ayato with moist eyes.

“Since the time when I had that dream, I have longed for you the whole time ── and fell in love with you.”


Ayato did not know how to reply to her confession.

Instead, he urged her to go on as he continued questioning her.

“……That place today was it?”

“Yes, that’s right. While it rains incessantly, in the harbor of Seidoukan Academy, I am struck by a blade when protecting you and then die in your arms ── this is the conclusion of the dream I saw then. At that time, my wish, the dream that should come true and the scene that I should arrive at were decided.”


Ayato just listened to Claudia’s words silently.

“Thereafter, I have also experienced death more than a thousand times, but there was nothing that exceeded that dream until this day. No, rather the more I experienced new deaths, the stronger and deeper that thought[1] became. So to be frank, I have already understood it, too.”

As Claudia said up to there, she laughed self-derisively.

“──That all of this was orchestrated by <Pan-Dora>.”


“Do you remember when I told you before that this child has a bad personality? This child, by showing me a vivid and ideal death…… by making me fall in love with you, it enjoyed itself by playing with my life.”

“No way……”

Ayato could not help being at a loss for words.

“Shall I cite you one example? Inside my dreams, I have been killed many times by many people, and by close people to me at that. My mother and father go without saying, but there were also Laetitia, Julis, Sasamiya-san, Toudou-san and Yabuki-kun…… But Ayato, I have never been killed by only you even once. Don’t you think that it’s quite unnatural?”

“But if you understood it, then why……”

“Fufufu…… Isn’t that obvious? The thing called love ── just because you are aware of it, is not something that can be stopped, you know?”

When Claudia said so and smiled, tears spilled over her eyes.

“My wish was to make the dream I saw that day become reality; nothing more. I put all my effort into that. The fact that that I enrolled in Seidoukan Academy, the fact that I became the student council president, the fact that I invited you as a special transfer student, the fact that I participated in the <Gryps>, the fact that I stirred up the Integrated Enterprise Foundation and induced them to send assassins to me, everything…… all of this was done just for the purpose to cause what happened today.”

“……But, that wish didn’t come true.”

Ayato said so and took out something, which he wrapped in a handkerchief, from his breast pocket.

The silver charm that was split in two ── the one that Ayato was entrusted with by Laetitia and gave to Claudia.

“According to Korbel-sensei, it seemed that it’d have been dangerous if the wound was only a few centimeters deeper. Perhaps, this charm might have protected you.”

“Fufufu, that’s again…… a very cheap drama-like miracle, eh.”

After Claudia laughed as she sneered at it, she took a very deep breath.

“Actually…… I somehow had a bad feeling. Because in the dream I had, there was no scene where you gave me that charm.”

I see. That was probably why Claudia made a perplexed face at that time.

“……That’s all. Go on, Ayato. You may scold me to your heart’s content. I am ready for that.”

“Scold you?”

“I mean, you know? I…… For such a worthless, foolish, selfish and hopeless dream, I have deceived and used you and everybody. I must receive a retribution for that.”

Claudia’s voice seemed to tremble slightly as she spoke.

“……” Ayato stood up silently, went to the window and opened the curtain.

Before they noticed, the rain has stopped completely and the moon brightly illuminated the townscape.

“Let’s see…… Certainly, there’s some part where I can’t suppress my anger. No matter how dear a wish it was for you, Claudia, as expected I want you to live after all.”

While looking up at the moon, Ayato continued.

“Not just me, I’m sure that the others also think the same. Especially Julis, she’ll definitely be bright red in anger.”


There, Ayato turned his face and fixedly stared at Claudia.

“But ── more importantly, there’s something I want to ask you before all that.”

“Something you want to ask me?”

“Yeah, what is it that you want to do after this?”

“Eh……? A-After, is it?”

Seeming as if it was a completely unexpected question, Claudia’s eyes wavered as she was flustered. Because this was the first time that he had seen Claudia like that, he loosened his lips as he found it somewhat funny.

“That’s right. Fortunately…… wait, I’ll say this just in case, but it’s after considering that your dream this time has been splendidly broken.”

“……You show no mercy, I see.”

“Well, even I’m angry after all. But let’s set that aside for the time being; I want you to tell me what you wish for or what you want to do after this, something along those lines.”

“Even if you asked that…… why are you asking me that?”

Claudia looked like she could not hide how perplexed she was.

“Of course, it’s because I want to know more about you so that you don’t ever again do such a thing from now on.”

When he said so, Claudia opened her mouth with a dumbfounded face.

“Don’t tell me…… are you forgiving me, Ayato?”

Claudia muttered with a face saying that he could not believe it.

“No, I haven’t forgiven you yet. As expected, I want to complain properly. But, that and this are two different things. First ── I want to have a talk with you from here on.”

“From here on……”

Claudia repeated these words in blank amazement.

And then, she smiled wryly with a face seeming like she would burst into tears at any moment.

“Such a thing…… I don’t know…… there’s no way that I would know, is there……?! I mean, I have lived all along for the sake of this day, only for that……! Asking me at this late hour what I’ll do after that is……!”

“Then, you should just find it from now, right?”

Ayato frankly said so.

“I-Is it that simple to……”

“You don’t really have to find it right now, Claudia. The thing known as a dream or a wish, you see, is something on the extension of everyday you are living like this. That’s why, as long as you don’t stop walking, you’ll find it someday ── at least, I think so.”

“I have to keep walking, is it……?”

“Yes, but if it’s a wish like this time again, I’ll absolutely stop you.”

When Ayato jokingly, yet half-seriously said so, Claudia burst into laughter a little as she could no longer hold it.

“Fufufu……! You’re saying something quite selfish.”

“……I think we’re alike in this regard though.”

Though Claudia’s shoulders shook for a while (as she was laughing), she wiped the tears around her eyes with her flexible fingers before long and raised her face.

“I got it. In that case, I, too ── I shall begin to walk once again.”

Claudia said with a somewhat refreshed face.

Hearing that answer, Ayato felt like he was finally able to lower the curtains for this matter.

“……Thank you, Claudia.”

Saying so, he grasped Claudia’s hand.

“Fufufu, why are you the one saying thanks? Like that, it’s as if our roles are reversed……”

However, as Claudia said up to there, she suddenly stiffened.


Her gaze was focused on her hand held by Ayato.

“N-No, Um, it’s nothing……!”

When Claudia pulled out her hand in a panic state, she turned away and fell onto the bed.

“Errr…… I-I’m sorry.”

While being surprised at her reaction, although he tried apologizing for the time being, the usual Claudia should have started a skin ship that could not be compared to this every time.

However, Claudia, while being red until the ears, turned only her gaze towards Ayato bashfully.

At such a figure of Claudia that he has never seen so far, Ayato’s heart skipped heavily.

“U-Um…… Ayato?”

“Eh? W-What is it……?”

“Earlier I think that I…… kind of c-confessed to you, but……”


Now that she mentioned it, that was right.

“P-Please forget about such a confusion I uttered mixed in the confusion.”


“Someday…… next time, I would like to convey my feelings properly…… after all.”

As Claudia said so, she buried her face in the pillow.

“……I-I got it.”

Ayato could not give any reply other than that.



Both of them sank into silence as is, and as they both lost track of time ── a knocking sound suddenly resounded in the hospital room.

『──Ayato, Claudia, we’ll come in.』

At the same time as a space window opened, Julis’s face was projected.

Saya and Kirin also seemed to be there behind her.

“Now then, you’ll also have to explain to them. And when it’s over…… you’d better be ready; we’ll scold you together.”

“Yes, I know. But……”

Ayato smiled at Claudia, who still made a slightly uneasy face.

“It’ll be alright. I think that they’ll probably say the same thing as me. I can bet on it.”

When Ayato said so, Claudia finally nodded with her usual smile ── yet slightly different from the one so far.



Claudia, alone in the hospital room where the moonlight came in, sighed.

In the end, she received a severe scolding from Julis and company for one whole hour.

Saya indifferently and coolly, and Kirin surprisingly with tender care while having tears on her eyes, blamed Claudia’s selfishness and betrayal; and they were also happy that she survived. Above all, although in a strong tone, consideration for Claudia could be felt in some points from the scolding of Julis who got angry like raging fire as soon as she heard the circumstances.

“……This is the first time in my life that I have been scolded so much by someone.”

Even so, all of them naturally accepted Claudia, so she was thankful for that.

“From now on, huh……”

She refuted the words that Ayato said.

A frighteningly huge blank future spread now before Claudia’s eyes.

How ironic even though she was the wielder of <Pan-Dora> that had the ability of future foresight.

“Well at any rate, I have to settle things with those guys first.”

As Claudia muttered so, she operated the portable terminal put at her bedside. How many years had it been since she herself took the initiative to call this person?

A little while after the call, her mother’s ── Isabella’s face was projected on the space window.

『To think that I’d receive a call from, strange things do happen after all.』

A perfect smile and a gentle tone as usual.

『I shall listen to what you have to say.』

“Before that, I would like to express my thanks.”

『……About what?』

Isabella tilted her head to the side as she was baffled.

“It looks like I too will be able to change a little thanks to this incident.”

Perhaps because she took it as sarcasm, Isabella’s eyes softly narrowed.

『……It looks like you skillfully came through this time, but there’ll be no next time.』

“Yes, I know. That’s why…… I surrender already.”


To Isabella’s quizzical voice, Claudia’s shoulders shook as she was chuckling.

“It is neither a trap nor a stratagem. I am saying that it is my loss.”

『What are you up to at this late hour? You are not possibly valuing your life this late in the game, are you?』

“No, you are right…… I value my life. Even I am surprised about it.”


Over the space window, she keenly felt Isabella’s gaze sounding her out.

Well, it was no wonder. The other party, who was so obstinate, had easily raised a white flag; so it would be natural to be suspicious. Moreover, strategically aside, tactically it was an opponent whom she might say to have more or less won against.

『Assuming that I believe it, do you think that Galaxy will sheathe its sword. Since the situation has deteriorated to this extent, we will not stop so easily. And you are the one who created that situation, you know?』

“Yes, I understand that as well. The negotiations are from here on.”

While saying so, Claudia operated her portable terminal.

『There is no longer room for negotiations……』

The mouth of Isabella, who started to say that, suddenly stopped.

“I sent you some data a moment ago. Please, check them.”

『This is……』

Isabella opened her eyes wide as she was surprised.

“Do you think that the knowledge that I got as a byproduct of <Pan-Dora>’s price was only regarding <Varda Vaos>? That is some confidential information about Queen Veil and Le Wolfe. Well, please think of it as a present.”

『……This is, a present, huh.』

Isabella’s eyes shone in a calculating way.

Well, of course. There was no way that a top executive of an Integrated Enterprise Foundation could ignore circumstances that would bring a clear profit to their own camp.

“From now on, I will offer information like this to Galaxy. How about it, do you think that there is enough value in reaching a common ground?”

『……I understand. I will first thoroughly investigate this information. Until then, you will keep your life for the time being.』

After pondering for a while, Isabella said cautiously.

“Thank you. Also…… Mother”

『……What is it?』

“Sorry for the abrupt question, but why did you enter Galaxy?”

Because Claudia’s father, Nicholas, was originally a person of the Enfield House that became the foothold of the actual place in the power struggle at the time of the Europe revival, she understood why he was in Galaxy. However, Isabella was an ordinary person you would find anywhere and should have nothing to do with them.

『What will you do after hearing it?』

Isabella seemed taken aback at Claudia’s abrupt question.

“No, I just thought that it might be interesting if I were to one day enter Galaxy and then…… someday, stab you in the back.”

Claudia said so and grinned.

That was just an idea she hit upon. Since Claudia was a <Genestella>, she could not become a top executive like Isabella, and to begin with, Claudia did not think even as a joke of undergoing a mind adjustment program.

However ── leaving such minor details aside, she thought that it would be interesting if there was such a choice.

『……Fufufu, fufufufu! What on earth happened to you, Claudia? You said something quite interesting again.』

Then, Isabella answered with a really happy face that Claudia has never seen so far.

『I understand. If by chance you were able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me…… I would tell you about it then.』

After Isabella said so, the space window turned black.

When Claudia collapsed on the bed after a short while, she broadly grinned.

“I see; it is quite pleasant that she thinks that there is a possibility……”

She muttered so to herself and then closed her eyes contentedly for a while.

This feeling of elation was not bad.

“……Now then.”

After a short time, Claudia opened her eyes, raised her body and operated her portable terminal again.

This was because there was another person whom she had to thank and complain to no matter what.

“──How do you do, Laetitia? Can I have a little of your time?”


Tłumaczył: egaro

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