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==Konpeki no Kantai Volume 1 Chapter 1==
==Konpeki no Kantai Volume 1 Chapter 1==
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"Speaking frankly, even our group calculated that in the unlikely event of war between Japan and America, the probability of defeat would be 100%."
"Speaking frankly, even our group calculated that in the unlikely event of war between Japan and America, the probability of defeat would be 100%."
"Of course."
"It's not just the difference between our industrial power, our resources or our overall power as nations. We are behind in everything. There is a failure in the culture of our military leadership... of that I am convinced. It's like we would be fighting a modern war with a Meiji mindset. Don't you think so?"
<nowiki><~~45% Completed~~></nowiki><!-- 18 of 40 pages -->
"That, Ootaka-san, would make you of the faction opposed to starting a war. Knowing we would lose, you would prefer we didn't get into a war," said Takano, then smiled.
Lt. General Ootaka nodded, but continued at once, "...And no. At first I was like that, but... we, in our own peculiar ways, have studied America. I have come to the conclusion that even if we attempt a diplomatic compromise, they will probably come to fight us."
"I see."
What had just been spoken openly were concerns that Takano himself had also feared...
"Asia would only be postponed for after Europe was put in order. Then slowly, the whole power of the White West would probably be applied to dealing with our country."
"In fact, I am frankly of the same opinion," said Takano.
"If we were to give in and retreat from China, I can see before me what would become of mainland China. If that came to pass, our country would be taken by the scruff of our neck and we wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. Because in their heart of hearts, America would join with the Chiang regime and transform China into a market."
"However, according to the history of the prior world, the year after next, December 8th, if we declare war, we will lose with fail. I am wondering: what you think of this, Ootaka-san?"
"...Sounds like it. We are in agreement."
Takano waited for the other's words.
"Then what should we do? Do you have any good ideas?"
Takano had heard what Ootaka had to say first.
"I don't have any definite ideas yet. But, by bringing in some new technologies, I think we will be better able to fight than before," answered Takano, carefully.
"I agree with you. But, let's suppose we could win over the current regime. Have you thought about that case?"
<nowiki><~~50% Completed~~></nowiki><!-- 20 of 40 pages -->

Revision as of 01:24, 14 August 2017

Status: Incomplete

50% completed (estimated)


Konpeki no Kantai Volume 1 Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Suffering Heroically (The Years Before the War)


...Even in this world, the year Showa 14 was the prelude to the start of a war.

April first, the Tokyo evening sky was clouded over. Takano Isoroku left the Navy Department. The car headed for Shinbashi. The meeting place was in the restaurant Aika.

Making his assigned driver stop at a considerable distance from the place, Takano spoke to him,

"You can go home early. Go home early now and then to play with your children."

As he said that, passing him some money,

"With this for cookies..."

"No, this sort of thing..."

"Haha, children are our national treasure."

Takano laughed, "My return will probably be over there..."

"Your Excellency, please take care."

Saying that, his driver gave him a worried look, but,

"Haha, don't worry about the right wingers."

Having said that, Takano laughed and got out of the car.

The neighborhood around the Shinbashi Station was filled with people heading home from their jobs. At the bus stop there was a line of people waiting for the charcoal bus, and nearby stood a still brand new post-box made of concrete. In this world at this time, substitute goods were all over the country.

There was no steel, nor petroleum. Japan was a little country with few resources. He wondered how many years such a country as this could fight against that great nation, America. The outcome was clear to see. Nevertheless, the leaders of the homeland planned on making war with America. He was indeed angry...

Takano walked down the back streets towards the red light district. He greeted a geisha who crossed his path.

When he arrived at the flowered gate, Takano looked around. He had the feeling he was being followed by somebody.

He stood in the quiet entryway and the hostess showed her face at once.


"Yes. Everyone is waiting anxiously for His Excellency."


Nodding and taking off his shoes, he went down the polished corridor. The meeting room was far in the back, as always. All the members were seated around the table.

"I haven't made you late."

Takano sat with his back to the alcove. "I was about to leave when some members of the Veteran's Association dropped in to try and persuade me directly. They wore me out."

Takano faced their hostess and,

"I'll have my drink later. I want to meet for a while."

The hostess bowed once and closed the sliding door.

"Well then."

Speaking formally, Takano said "With this, how many times have we met now?"

"Yes sir, it's been eleven times now."

Answered their organizer, Navy Commander Genda Shingo.

"Is that so?"

Takano nodded and said, "As for us, rumors are starting to fly. In fact, even today army field officers were showing up from the early morning at my office to force a meeting with me. Showing up in turns, they were the usual annoying warmongers, but the lot of them threatened to accuse me of being to blame for the February 26th Incident."

Takano, as always, spoke in a manner easy to understand.

"I answered 'Even if there is a revolt, the country will not perish. But if we go to war with America, such will not be the case.' When it comes to those guys, they are only after blood and plainly do not have a calm perspective from which to observe the situation in the world around them..."

It isn't just the army doing this. There is also the right wing, the mayors of the cities, members of the Diet, and even various members of the women's patriotic groups. Everybody is saying one thing, as if they were all carried away by the energy. It's just like a recording. In one voice they say 'Attack America.'

Indeed, the current state is like an over-stretched rubber band. The unidentified monster called 'Nationalism' is having its way, and people have lost the ability to see reality.

"Don't they say that even in your Excellency's home town the right wing is scattering around unsettling letters?"

"Quite so, Genda-kun. The lot of them are saying things like 'Takano Isoroku is holding hands with the British and the Americans, going out to dine with them, watching movies at their embassies and thoroughly enjoying himself' ..."

"Indeed, that group is in the darkest of ignorance."

"However, a born fool is never cured."

"Though now and then we hear of assassination plots..."

That was real. There were even those who had been caught trying to plant bombs at the Department of the Navy.

"No, leave that alone."

Said Takano.

Removing the cover from his Kutani-ware tea-bowl, moistening his lips,

"Gentlemen, in any case, our investigative society may not be able to meet even as frequently as we have up to now. I believe, however, that it is finally the time to put our plans into action. Each of us must study well our responsibilities, and as we do what we can, recruit many like-minded people as we prepare for the fated outbreak of war."

"Will it come to war after all?"

"It will. I have spent a lot of effort up to now in hindering it, but already it seems I cannot halt the crowd. A fever is running through the country..."

"Your excellency, when do you predict that the war will start?"

"As things are, if the history of this world progresses as you gentlemen also know, well, it should be early in December of the year after next."

The men, seated all in a row, nodded all at once. So far, the predictions spoken by Takano to them had every one proved to be right.

"Therefore, we have thirty-two months left to us?"

"Exactly. And so, the realization of our plans must be concrete and quick."

Said Takano, closing his eyes after a bit.

Since they started, it had been two and half years. The society's name: The Deep Blue Society. They were studying out something called the '12-8 Plan.' It was all Takano Isoroku's idea.

Half the members came from the Naval Academy's field officer class, and the rest were technical officers and civilian technical experts.

"Gentlemen. In our meetings thus far, I have always said that in the unlikely event of the outbreak of war between America and Japan, we would lose. The reasons for this I have explained in detail. An attack on Hawaii by means of an aircraft carrier fleet, that particular case of a surprise attack, would probably be a success. However, that would bring conceit and pride to government heads and civilian, and the result would be their tumbling down a steep road to defeat..."

A mechanized unit in the earlier world, but in the future Japan called an aircraft carrier fleet (in addition Task Force in America & England, Mobile Einsatzgruppe in Germany). Please note there are other unique ways they may be named later in the new world.

"As Your Excellency tells us, so it will be."

Representing the members, Commander Genda. "When we get the results of simulations with all the conditions, for example, in the case where the war starts in early December of year 16, the result is defeat by September of year 20."

"Is that so? The results turn out that way?"

Takano once more folded his arms and closed his eyes.

(Even if we assume that I were to die in Bougainville in April of Showa 18, then the war is predicted to run for at least two more years...?)

"The problem will be securing petroleum. America will most likely prohibit all oil exports."

Continued Takano.

"In that case, Your Excellency, we will preempt them by occupying French Indochina, as the Army has planned for a while now."

"We will certainly go forward with the plans to attack the Southern Resource Region. It should happen next September. In this, it will be the same as in my previous life."

"What will happen with the Tripartite Alliance?"

"It will probably be concluded eventually. As things are..."

One by one, the members posed their questions.

"The German army's armored divisions will probably go into action this year."

Takano said. "Next year the Western Front will spring into motion. Conquering Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, the German Army will strengthen its offensive and will drive the English Army from continental Europe. I expect that in June the German Army will conquer Paris without loss of blood. If they do that, the Army will have quite accomplished the Tripartite Alliance's desires. All of them will believe that a strong Germany will accomplish world conquest. For that reason, I have no doubt the plan for conquest of Asia will be carried out, so that we may obtain our portion of the world in what Germany calls 'The New World Order.'"

"Even so, from what can be seen in the fated histories, should we not avoid war with America?"

"That won't happen without great effort. That, it seems, is part of history."

Takano answered.

Continuing his words, "The biggest problem after oil is radar and communications technology, along with encryption. As I have said before, America's technology is progressing rather quickly. This development is urgent. We must move quickly."

"Yes. In accordance with your excellency's command, we are in the midst of secret research."

The one who answered was seated at the foot of the table. He was Lieutenant Murayama Satoru.

"Does it look like you'll make it?"

"Yes. Thanks to Kubo Seiichirou-kun's talent."

"It's like a new system, doesn't it?"

Takano asked.

"Yes. With regards to communications, we are considering methods that don't use vacuum tubes."

A civilian engineer replied.

"Will we be able to do such things?"

"We can. He says they're easy to understand, though you could say a crystal radio is high efficiency..."


"With regards to encryption, we have a prototype electric calculator. If you use this, we can prevent the enemy from decrypting it, and however complex the enemy code, I think we'll be able to decipher it."


Apparently pleased, Takano nodded. "After this, the war will be a war of intelligence. That aspect is decided. The Navy leadership, as always, believes in the doctrine of big warships with big guns, but this nothing more than a Meiji idea. No matter that I preach it until I get heartburn, it seems the Meiji head cannot understand reason."

"It is the same with regards to Your Excellency's plan for a decisive aircraft carrier battle. In their gun-shop heads, they probably have a hard time understanding Your Excellency's new thought."

Said Commander Genda as well.

"Okay then. With my power as vice-minister I need to make a budget somehow. I would like to develop technology that America will not defeat."

But whether the men of the excellent think tank 'Deep Blue' would be able to make any sort of movement in this next world, Takano Isoroku had no idea as yet.


In order to avoid public notice, they had broken up and scattered.

After eleven o'clock, having called for a taxi, Takano got up from his seat. But, when it was time to try and go out the door, a uniformed police officer called for Takano.

"Is His Excellency Takano here?"

"Yes, but who are you?"

At that moment, he felt blood lust behind him.

A young man in his prime clutching a short sword jumped out from behind cover. He dodged at once, but next came a single gunshot. Pain as from a red hot poker ran through him. Takano had been shot in the side.

The two men fled at once. The policeman, however, did not pursue them.

"The stupidity!" scoffed Takano.

His face flushed, Commander Genda jumped out from the door, but, "Hiding, you bastards!?" he shouted out.

The policeman, hiding his face with his arm, took off as fast as he could.

"Your Excellency, are you okay?"

"No worries."

When with a sigh he looked down to his feet, he found there a note written on paper in india ink: "Death and hell to traitors."

He was immediately taken to the hospital and received treatment, but by good fortune, his injuries were minor.

It wasn't reported in the next day's newspaper. It must have been censored.

And yet, word of the attempted assassination spread at once through the entire navy. A few days later the culprit and the police officer were arrested, and through back channels it was found they were from a group of army officers. That things had come to this was somewhat disappointing.

Anyway, the navy, which had tended to be overshadowed by the army up to now, saw in the matter of the assassination attempt a chance to surge ahead in a big way...

Three days later, Takano, having been discharged from the hospital, chose to spend a while recuperating at home. Commander Genda paid him a visit late that night, bringing a guest with him.

"This time, while of course they won't throw out the Army, I hear talk they will set up a board of investigation.", reported Genda.

"Would that turn out a blessing, or a curse?" Takano laughed, "I received an apology by phone from the Army Minister."

"It was rather late, don't you think?"

Genda was harsh. This Commander Genda Shingo, just like his fellow members in the Deep Blue Society, had only come to this world once.

"As a matter of fact, today I brought along with me somebody who thinks like us."

Genda introduced him.

"My name is Higashino Genichirou."

The person who said that looked about sixty-ish.

His extended business card showed him to be the president of the Taizan Aircraft Company, Inc.

"Hou... Your name for some while now..."

Takano looked at the other man. His gaze sharpened.

When you speak of Taizan Aircraft Company, in this world at present, they were developing groundbreaking technologies, one after another. The company was a rising star.

"Our company's employee, Kubo, owes much to Your Excellency's society." said President Higashino.

"He is a most excellent researcher."

"Yes. He must be exceedingly so. In fact, I wondered at such talent, that he could hit upon such new inventions, one after another. Wondering about it, I spoke frankly to him of my history."

"I see. So you were also...?"

Takano gazed at the other, apparently deeply moved.

"Even though the company I have made is successful in this world, I do actually have memories of the former world, and in fact, in the original world, I was the boss of a small village workshop."

"Well, it appears that besides yourself, people are coming here from truly varied backgrounds."

"By all means, your Excellency, could I not be received into the Deep Blue Society? By good fortune, my company has been profitable, so though it may be presumptuous of me, apart from the technical side, I feel we may be able to cooperate on the financial side as well."

When Takano fell silent,

"Your Excellency, President Hagashino is not your typical conglomerate wishing to gather work from the army. He is earnestly asking to cooperate with us..." said Commander Genda, putting in his recommendation.

"I understand, of course. But please be careful. If you are merely close to me, the right-wingers will feel free to target you."

"Then I will beg your forgiveness, your Excellency."

"Of course. It is not something I would ask of you, President Hagashino."

Takano proffered his rough and bony hand. The two exchanged a hard handshake.

In so doing, another prominent person was added to their Deep Blue Society.

Takano continued speaking.

"Having done this, and seeing that we have become comrades, let us speak openly of what is secret. We are currently moving forward on our project '12-8', and are implementing our plans, but it is a new type of fleet, based on a completely new tactical doctrine. In my previous life, I was able to succeed in the surprise attack against Pearl Harbor by means of a naval task force..."

"Yes, I remember well the occasion."

In his prior life, President Higashino had been the boss of a village workshop. "When I saw the newspaper December the 8th, my heart pounded with excitement."

"However, I realized it was insufficient. We succeeded in destroying the battleships of the Pacific Fleet, but America restored the sunken warships to the line of battle. Now, I regret that the attack on Pearl Harbor was very much an incomplete strategy."

"What do you mean?"

He looked at Higashino seriously.

"In light of what happened before, we are attempting to make a new fleet, that is, the Deep Blue Fleet."

"The Deep Blue Fleet, is it...?"

"That's right. As a fleet of mystery, they should run rampant over the Pacific Ocean."

"Incredible. By all means, please let me work with you."

President Hagashino bent forward.

"This speedy fleet, boasting the greatest offensive and defensive power, will be furnished with the best secret weapons and equipment that we can design."

"Has the construction of the fleet already commenced?"

"Naturally. But we have only barely started... In order to preserve secrecy, only a small number of Navy leaders know. No, even they should know only the outward face. Construction is carried out in secret at each shipyard, but the final fitting out is being done by our own hand. By all means, please lend us your company's engineers at that time."

Takano did not spell it out clearly. But, this Deep Blue Fleet would without a doubt be a revolutionary new fleet, leaping far beyond the standard of the times...


On August 23rd, Germany suddenly signed a non-aggression pact with the USSR. Without having received any prior notice, as far as the Army was concerned, it was a bolt out of the blue. As for the army, they expected Japan to wage war with Russia in the future, and that was the reason for the Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan. But if Germany and Russia were joining hands, then just about everything was getting reset to the beginning. The Army was dumbfounded, but could not find the voice to condemn Germany’s betrayal. With that, the thirst for blood and the chorus of criticism towards Takano Isoroku completely disappeared. Five days later, Hiranuma Naikaku resigned as prime minister.

A few days later Takano received a sudden phone call from Army Lieutenant General Ootaka Yasaburou.

And yet, he said he wanted to avoid public notice. Even as he puzzled over what it was about, Takano accepted the invite.

The location of their interview was a little traditional style restaurant in Kagaruzaka. Takano changed to civilian clothes and went down a side street to the business district.

"Please have a seat."

Deep inside, in a six-tatami room, the two of them sat on either side of a table.

In an instant, Takano understood the true nature of this Lt. General Ootaka: his own kind, virtually by telepathy.

"You too?"

"Yes. Has it been thirty years we've been here?"

Putting up their cups, the two gave a toast.

"From paying special attention to how you behaved from day to day, somehow I understood you to be like me. It's no trivial matter to predict things as accurately as you do."

"Well, it surprised me that even in the Army there are such as us."

In spite of it being the first time they'd met, it was as if the two of them were old friends.

"Word of the Deep Blue Society had reached my ears too. They said it wasn't just a strategy research society. As it happened, I was organizing a society along the same lines, but I was naming it the Blue Way Society."

"So you did?"

Takano was very much surprised.

"Speaking frankly, even our group calculated that in the unlikely event of war between Japan and America, the probability of defeat would be 100%."

"Of course."

"It's not just the difference between our industrial power, our resources or our overall power as nations. We are behind in everything. There is a failure in the culture of our military leadership... of that I am convinced. It's like we would be fighting a modern war with a Meiji mindset. Don't you think so?"

"That, Ootaka-san, would make you of the faction opposed to starting a war. Knowing we would lose, you would prefer we didn't get into a war," said Takano, then smiled.


Lt. General Ootaka nodded, but continued at once, "...And no. At first I was like that, but... we, in our own peculiar ways, have studied America. I have come to the conclusion that even if we attempt a diplomatic compromise, they will probably come to fight us."

"I see."

What had just been spoken openly were concerns that Takano himself had also feared...

"Asia would only be postponed for after Europe was put in order. Then slowly, the whole power of the White West would probably be applied to dealing with our country."

"In fact, I am frankly of the same opinion," said Takano.

"If we were to give in and retreat from China, I can see before me what would become of mainland China. If that came to pass, our country would be taken by the scruff of our neck and we wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. Because in their heart of hearts, America would join with the Chiang regime and transform China into a market."

"However, according to the history of the prior world, the year after next, December 8th, if we declare war, we will lose with fail. I am wondering: what you think of this, Ootaka-san?"

"...Sounds like it. We are in agreement."

Takano waited for the other's words.

"Then what should we do? Do you have any good ideas?"

Takano had heard what Ootaka had to say first.

"I don't have any definite ideas yet. But, by bringing in some new technologies, I think we will be better able to fight than before," answered Takano, carefully.

"I agree with you. But, let's suppose we could win over the current regime. Have you thought about that case?"

<~~50% Completed~~>

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