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03. A long way in the hot desert

FX: *wind blowing, horse footsteps*

Yuuri:*sighs* It's so hooot~ There's nothing but sand.

Wolfram: Yuuri, hold on to me properly. C'mon, if you don't come closer, you'll fall off the horse.

Yuuri: Ehh? I don't want to. The sweat will make me sticky, gross[1]...

Wolfram: Gross, you say?! That's not something you should be telling your fiancé!

Gwendal : To bring those who have not been to military school to the desert, is just reckless!

Yuuri: Uhg... Gwendal...

Conrad: His Majesty himself was the one who wanted to come look for the fake Maou, Lord von Voltaire. Besides only His Majesty can tell if the rumored mateki is the real deal. Because if the Maou plays it, a storm will arrive.

Gwendal: Humph. Do whatever you want.

(monologue) Yuuri: The unit of Conrad, Wolfram Gwendal and I, along with the soldiers that came with us, is right now in a hot desert. And just between us, in this neighboring country, a person who looks just like me, was arrested and found guilty of leaving a restaurant without paying. But that person actually seems to be carrying with them the treasure that only the Maou can use, the mateki[2]. And because of this, I set out to find the fake Maou and the mateki.

FX:*horse footsteps*

Yuuri: It's hot~! There's only soft sand and pebbles ...

Conrad: Do you want to freshen your mouth with some water?

Yuuri: No, I'm fine, I'm fine. There's still a long way ahead of us and water is precious, right?

Conrad: If you faint from dehydration, that will be a problem. Here you are.

Yuuri: Eh? Alright... thanks.

FX: *drinks*

Yuuri: Ah... ah~! Ah.. this is life!

Conrad: Alright, you just have to put up with this for a little longer, okay?

Yuuri: Ah... I know I wanted to come no matter what but, it seems that the only thing I'm doing is getting in the way.

Ryan: Of course not, Your Majesty.

Yuuri: Uh? And you are...?

Ryan: Ah... Please excuse me for speaking so casually. Ima, no I mean, I'm a soldier working for his Excellency Conrad, and my name is Ryan, Your Majesty Yuuri.

Yuuri: Ah.. hahaha... I'm not comfortable being called that... But, soldiers have it hard don't they? With just one order you're commanded to do a bunch of things. And this time you have to cross the desert. Please excuse me for for making you do this...

Ryan: Ah... that's preposterous! I'm happy that I got a mission to accompany his Majesty. And besides, even though it is a severe environment, every now and then, you can meet strange animals ...

Yuuri: Animals, huh?

Conrad: It's just that Ryan likes animals a lot.

Yuuri: Ehh? Uh! What is that?

Wolfram: What is it Yuuri?

Yuuri: No, it's just that a little ahead there's some sort of "cu~te" thing coming out of the sand with its arms open .

Wolfram: Uh? Where? I can't see anything?

Yuuri: Look! It's over there~! A really heavy animal that looks like a bear. Wait? That's a panda?!

Wolfram: A pan-da? What do you mean?

FX: Sand moving , screams, neighs

Yuuri: Ah~! Save me!

Gwendal: What's going on?

Ryan: It's His Majesty! His Majesty is disappearing into the sand.

Gwendal: What?!

Conrad: Dammit, it's a Sandbear!

FX:*battle bmg*

Yuuri: Uh?! There's a huge hole in the ground!

Yuuri/Wolfram: *scream*

Conrad: Yuuri~! Wolfram~!

Gwendal: Sandbears are fast, we have to hurry!

Yuuri: Ah~! I'm being sucked into the hole quickly! Eh~! What do I do?!

Sandbear: *roar*

Wolfram: My legs are stuck in the sand, I can't...~!

Yuuri: Wolfram~!

Wolfram: *screams*

Yuuri: Wolfram~~~!

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  1. It doesn't sound as pervy in Japanese.
  2. Demon Flute