Ultimate Antihero:Volume 1 Prologue

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“Kamishiro Homura must be killed.”

In the nucleus of the United World Government that was located in the Detroit Life Sphere, Orion Tower.

In the conference room that existed on the highest floor of that white spire that pierced the sky. One of the five people that surrounded the round table there spoke. The Soviet’s Grand Supreme Ruler Gregorio Rasputin declared:

“The power that man possesses, it transcends the standard of power that any individual can be allowed to have. It is far too dangerous for us, the new rulers of the world, to leave this situation as it is.”

The rest of the world's leaders gathered around the table listened intently:

America’s President, Joseph Franklin,

Britain’s Prime Minister, Leti Cline,

The Chinese Republic Union’s secretary general, Wang Tailong, [1]

The Holy Path Church’s Pope, Innocentius XVII.

They were the chief members of the United World Government that was started five years ago and were called the Five Great Leaders.

“We of the United States of America agree with the Soviet’s opinion. The traitor… no, that abominable Evil God User, for some reason he suddenly started moving from the London Life Sphere heading towards the Tokyo Life Sphere. Because of that, since last night we have fallen into chaos. Even with the Great Seal applied to him, that boy’s individual power rivals the military might of an entire country. That boy taking a stroll is the same as a country sending their entire military on march. Each time that boy takes a step, we have to rewrite defense treaties and re-position the army. This situation is completely unacceptable!”

“He’s really like a walking nuclear bomb huh. Even so, the MI6[2] is really pathetic. Even though these past three months the Evil God User ate, slept, and played right under your noses, you couldn’t even manage to cut his head off while he slept.”

“We, the Britons, are living and using our heads properly. Just so you know, we are different from China-san who was impatient to attack and rushed ahead without even consulting the other Great Leaders and in the end you had two thirds of your army annihilated by the Evil God User.”

“What did you say-”

“Please calm down, both of you. If the Five Great Leaders quarrel amongst ourselves…-“

“Don’t act like an adult you yankee. This was all your fault anyway! One year ago Kamishiro Homura was staying in the Washington Life Sphere; if you had dealt with him properly then, my army wouldn’t have met a fate like―!”


“ ” ”……!” ” ”

The voice was calm, yet possessed a heavy and profound presence that couldn’t be denied.

A single word from Innocentius, and the three sovereigns that were hurling abuse at each other swallowed their insults.

“Your grace…”

“It’s just as Franklin said. When the Five Great Leaders quarrel amongst ourselves, it produces a hundred harms and not a single gain. We are not the rulers of opposing countries anymore.

Five years ago, when the first recorded Demon King class demon in history, Typhon, appeared, almost all the countries that existed above the earth were burned to ashes. Then the current United World Government was established by the remaining ten countries. They cooperated with each other for the sake of opposing the demons that were invading from their world in a different dimension.

"…The framework of countres is a bygone relic. We are not an alliance. We are the world itself. Something like a lone brat moving from London to Tokyo is not something worth fretting about.”

“Your Grace, it’s exactly as you say.”

“…Hmph, I’m not fretting at all here.”

Joseph lowered his head reverently hearing the words of Innocentius, while Tairon too slumped back in his chair with a vexed expression still on his face.

Judging that the place had calmed down, Innocentius opened his mouth once more.

“That man cannot possibly do something like replace us. The hearts of the populace remain in the grasp of the Holy Path Church. Besides, haven’t we already succeeded in sealing his power? As long as the Great Seal is still in place, even that man cannot control the power of the Evil God as skillfully as he did five years ago. There is a collar fixed on him. The most he can be now is a watchdog for us to use as we see fit.”

“Ye...yes, exactly right.”

“Prime Minister Cline. Is MI6 able to continue their surveillance?”

Grand Supreme Ruler Gregorio, who had only been observing since broaching the topic, broke his silence and asked Leti. Leti nodded with conviction.

“Of course. Right now the Evil God User is on a regular flight between London and Japan. The plane’s pilot and co-pilot, and even the passengers, have been replaced by MI6 personnel. There is not even the slightest chance that we will lose sight―”

The door of the conference room burst open, as if to blow away Leti's words.

“Be, begging your pardon–! Prime minister Cline! An urgent contact came from the agents observing the Evil God User!”

The one that jumped into the room was a British Official of the United World Government.

After the Evil God User received a call, in the middle of the flight it seemed that he suddenly, ju, ju, jumped-!”



The members of the round table fell silent.

“Don’t tell me they lost him-!?”

“Uh, unfortunately...yes. For him to jump out from a height of ten thousand meters without even casting Air Raid...no-one could have expected it so…!”

They lost him.

The blood drained from the faces of all the people in the room.

And then, after a moment of stillness, the room erupted into commotion.

“What the hell are you doing you damn idiot-! Make them chase him down right now!”

“Impossible! It’s suicidal to jump out of a plane that is flying at high speed, even for magicians with Air Raid! They wouldn't stand a chance against the atmospheric current!”

“That’s right! There's no way regular people could do something so absurd!”

“Just rearrange the surveillance structure. I’ll contact the KGB. Mobilize all the military satellites. I’ll need the CIA's cooperation.”

“O, of course Gregorio! It’s inexcusable to lose sight of that boy for even a second!

After all Kamishiro Homura, ―has the power to ruin the world–!!!!”

Translator's Notes and References

  1. This guy’s name is written with the kanji of king great dragon.
  2. The British Secret Intelligence Service
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