Talk:Tomoyo After

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What version of the game are you guys planning to work with? There was an old project started by velocity 7 (it doesn't seem as if they are keeping up with it, though), where they were trying to port the PS2 to PC. (You can find the thread for it here:

I personally think the PS2 would be more interesting to play, since it is longer and perhaps the ending is more satisfactory. The PC version would still be great though. Thank you very much for your effort guys.

PS2 Version is better overall, but the ending feels "tagged-on" without the usual Key quality. It feels like Tonokawa (the person who wrote the PS2 add-ons, while Maeda Jun wrote the original) just "tagged it on" to appease fans who want a happy ending. I personally like the PC ending a lot better. It feels a lot more "Key-like" and a lot deeper.
I'm willing to translate as soon as there's more translators. Though I am obsessed with the game, I won't translate it all myself
email: [email protected]

To the guys, translating this: seriously, stop - there are a lot of mistranslations and overall translation quality is pretty low. I'd fixed them for you but it would be easier to start translation from the scratch.

To the guy above this: I realize that my past work on this project is not what I'd call adequate. I'd love to go back and retranslate everything I've done, and continue with translating the rest of the project, but a general lack of time and motivation is keeping me from doing that. Not to mention that this project seems a bit stalled at the moment. I'd love to hear something from the supposed project admin... --Nightjumper 20:34, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

To Nightjumper: The project isn't stalled. It's just hard to do anything if nobody is translating anything. I've been busy with personal stuff lately so I haven't been able to look for anyone that might be interested in it. If anyone can find someone who might be interested in translating Tomoyo After, please point them to the registration page. Please feel free to contact me on IRC if you have any further questions. --ArchDemon 03:45, 27 February, 2009 (UTC)

I think it would be better to do the PC version. The ending honestly feels a bit cheap in the PS2 version. They made a dramatic, sad scene but then the extra ending was added and it felt like they pulled a "lol jk" and invalidated it all. That's just my take. Also, although it is true that the PC version does have less in terms of content, it also happens to be more accessible to everyone. Not everyone has a PS2, but certainly everyone interested in this has a computer.

hey all i just recently finished the clannad vn and found it really enjoyable. im looking forward to the complete translated version of Tomoyo After. i agree that it should be done on pc. good luck and hope yous finish it soon.

The project has been handed over to RadicalR who will be the new project administrator from now on. Please direct all further questions about the project to RadicalR who can be found in #ndt on PPiRC. --ArchDemon 02:29, 6 March, 2009 (UTC)

I am currently looking at the possibilty of allocating time for this project. There's a big possibility that I won't do anything before the spring term is finished. I might look around and use some contacts to see if we can get more people on this. By the way, I'd rather leave translating/writing H-scenes to somebody else. --Nightjumper 10:18, 26 March 2009 (UTC)

Hey guys! I've been studing Japanese for about 4 years now and this project is something I'm really interested in :D If you don't mind some machine-translated kanji and explaining to me how to work this stupid RLdev thing I'd be glad to help. Just seeing what edits I can make atm [Seitsuki]

Tomoyo After Memorial Edition All-age version had been released. If you don't like translate H-scene, so may I help you upload new seen files below old files? --Midishero 15:35, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

I also have Tomoyo After ~ Memorial Edition. I played through it and I confirm there are no h-scenes but has more content and they implemented Tomoya's voice. If you need it just post on here. Where is Tomoyo After's % at now? There's like almost no news about this game. Do you guys need help with anything? Voice out so I can carry the words over. The game is very small compared to Clannad VN. 8.27.09

A quick question, do I have to add punctuation marks in lines with these squarish brackets? 「____」 I've been finding a lot of these and I am not sure what to do about it. -Suppish

To answer your question, guidelines like those in the Clannad project haven't been established yet. I suppose some of it should be agreed on in the near future. Personally, I change hook(Japanese) brackets to double quotation marks, and I usually end the text inside them with a full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark or three full stops in a row(ellipses), as I think without any of that, it would be poor English. --Nightjumper 16:20, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

How many translators do we have? (Besides Gman.) -Suppish March 18

Well, not many, that's for sure. Basically two - There's this Gman you mentioned, and me, and I work rather slow. Mr4eyeguy seems to have been semi-active recently, but I don't know if he's done any real translation work. HiagoX is someone who popped up a month ago or so, but it doesn't look like he's done much translation work the last few weeks. Edit: Forgot my signature. --Nightjumper 23:16, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

I referred HiagoX, he works at a slow pace however very accurate translation and requires little corrections. There is another translator I stole from another project(MUHHAHAHHA), however he/she won't begin any translation work until beginning/middle of April. By the way Nightjumper, if possible, could you drop whatever SEEN you are currently translating and do seen 0712 instead? I don't know if you heard from RR yet, but our goal right now is to release a partial patch of seens up to 0808 to regain supporters. --karmainall 19 March 2010

I finished 0711 just yesterday, and I was looking at doing 0712 next. So, yes, I will do that one next. By the by, as you can see on my userpage, I usually hang out in #[email protected] if you wish to contact me through other means than this talk page. Edit: Keep forgetting my signature.--Nightjumper 14:10, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Looking for translators?

Is the project still looking for translators? I'm willing to help out if it is. I can read Japanese fairly well and although I have not played Tomoyo After, I have played Clannad. Sarenthenis 14:38, 2 October 2009 (UTC)

Watching this page, no real translation effort has been done in months, and to my knowledge no translator is actively working on this at the minute, so yes, and work that you would like to do would be greatly welcomed.

Project status?

Is this project still alive or are there other people that translated this VN themselves?

... Seemingly, this project has died -- 05:52, 21 December 2009 (UTC)

The project is not dead; It's just stalled at the moment. I've just gone through the progress so far, and quite a large chunk of the first translation work is done(I'd say about 30-40%). --Nightjumper 17:10, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

I'm really looking forward to playing. I wish my Japanese was better and I could help. -- 20:15, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

It seems like it's been stalled for quite some half a year or more. Hope someone comes along and revives this. I'd help if i could, but i don't know one word of japanese, so yea... 08:54, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

Been is the keyword here. It's not stalled at the moment, although it's progressing slowly for the time being.--Nightjumper 15:27, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

I'll be helping out for awhile ^^. I have a friend who lived in Japan for 12+ years and is still literate in Japanese. Also got couple friends who is able to translate simple conversations. By the way, I believe we should set scenes 0628-0710 as priority and release it as soon as its done. This way we can obtain more supporters, translators and spread awareness this project is NOT dead. Also, how can I contact RadicalR? -karmainall March 13th, 2010

It would really be great to have more people on the project.--Nightjumper 00:38, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

I have spoken to RadicalR, he has agreed to re-manage the project. karmainall March 15th

Looks like things are moving again! I look forward to playing this game. -- 12:24, 21 March 2010 (UTC)