Talk:Sword Art Online

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Link RAWS, plase translate

Since sharamon is no longer translating and things seem to have stoped ill post the link for teh raws in case a good soul suddenly feels like tranlating but cant find the raws

So is this project dead?

No update since July and one of my favourite projects you guys have done! Really appreciate what youve done so far but would appreciate you MORE if you continued translating it ^^

Uhh... Work in progress. Bakasama just posted earlier today stating that a few pages were sent to be edited. 
In regards to no updates. There's been small updates. Its not dead. 40% of vol.2 ch2 was posted October anyways --Lighthalzen 16:13, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

Where's the next chapter? IT has been so long...

Can someone tell me if this project is over or something? If that's the case, it's really too bad because it was my favorite among all the great stuff here.If not, can you please still give me a slight ray of hope?

Whatever happens, thanks to the translator and editor because they did a great job last year.

Nope, going to get Kuroneko from Imouto to curse you.

Can you Translate the Text on these Images?

They are the ones at the beginning of the first book. Here are the links:

Image:Sword Art Online Vol 01 002-003.jpg

Image:Sword Art Online Vol 01 004.jpg

Image:Sword Art Online Vol 01 005.jpg

Image:Sword Art Online Vol 01 006-007.jpg

Image:Sword Art Online Vol 01 008.jpg



I'll use Sharramon's translations for these... Well, for the most part. Lines may be wrong as well. They're just quotes from the story and descriptions anyway.


Page 002-003
Kirito: “Strange, Asuna. Why are you showing your face in a place like this?.”
A [Solo Player] swordsman aiming to reach Aincrad's topmost level.

Egil: "Our shop’s motto is to buy cheap and sell cheap."
A merchant stationed at city [Algate], located at Level 50 of Aincrad.

Asuna: "Kirito-kun..."
Of an acquired alias of "The Flash", the sub-leader of the guild "Blood Knights"


Page 004
Kirito: “Better than you can, most likely.”

Cradil: "…I’m going to kill you… I’ll definitely kill you…. Do you think a pathetic player like you can protect Asuna-sama!!
A member of the "Blood Knights", serving as Asuna's escort.


Page 005
Heathcliff: “Fight with me, if you win, Asuna can go with you but if you lose, then you will have to join the Knights of Blood.”
A cross-shield user, the leader of the "Blood Knights" and their strongest.


Page 006-007
Asuna: "D, don't...look over here..."


Page 008
Gargantuan Game Castle "Aincrad"

A iron-and-stone made castle consisting of 100 floors. Inside it are numerous cities, small towns and villages, forests, grasslands, and lakes. One stairway connects each floor to the previous and succeeding floor, and all of them are in dangerous labyrinth zones where monsters wander about. Players in this world rely on one weapon as they run past them, find the way to the upper floors, and take down strong guardian monsters, single-mindedly aiming for the top of the castle. Aside from battling with monsters, there are many scopes of play from manufacturing like smithing, leathercraft and sewing, to hunting and cuisine, to music. This is not merely adventuring in a vast field, [Life] is literally possible here.

"Aincrad" is the world set as the stage for "Sword Art Online", declared as the world's first in the VRMMO game genre.

More Pic Translations

Could you translate those sometime too please? --Darklor 23:16, 7. Feb. 2010 (UTC)

We should probably put the illustration translations in the discussion pages of the novel images, and perhaps just put a link here to them as a reminder.
That was the idea. Or to be precise I would add the translations to the image pages in the image discription. And for those, where it work in the illustration pages, too. I did add they here only to show which images I meant --Darklor 07:24, 8 February 2010 (UTC)

For Vol2 Img7, do i see....a love interest? XDDD On a more on-topic note, I think i put the translation for that page in the right section (the discussion tab right?), care to check?


Volume 2

Volume 3

Quick comment on your translation for ALO. While I haven't seen any official English translation for its name, the Japanese Wikipedia calls it Alfheim Online. Personally, I agree with it since it follows the Mythology theme, with Álfar meaning elves in Norse Mythology, making Alfheim mean Elves' (Alf) Home (Heim). The reason I think it follows the Mythology theme is that I believe Yggdrasil makes an appearance (I couldn't find where I read this, and I have bad memory at best, so possibly wrong), Kirito's class becomes a Spriggan, Lyfa (or whatever it ends up being) is a Sylph, and Yui is a Navigation Pixie. Hope this helps. ~EnigmaticRepose

In the Japanese raws of volume 3 (page 61), the name is written in English: "ALfheim Online"

Vaelis 11:13, 8 February 2010 (UTC)

  • * changes my translation from whatever it was before to spriggan on the img 4~5 discussion page*


I wouldn't have known that I haven't read much and I know nothing about the Mythology theme, anyway Vaelis has indicted its proper English name. Mind putting the link of the jap wiki here? - --KuroiHikari 12:11, 8 February 2010 (UTC)

Japanese wiki:

Vaelis 13:01, 8 February 2010 (UTC)


OK some of you might notice that this thing has an editor all of a sudden. I've done this 'without' a supervisor..... I hope that's OK.... O.o

Feel free to keep editing if you see something wrong though, we're only two pairs of eyes and it's highly probable that we'd miss something. Also we aren't perfect.

This is also not going to affect the speed in any way (well except for only today I think... since y'know it's going to be first 'gap' but it'll be back to normal. Actually you guys won't even notice).

You're never be going to be waiting for too long.... well unless I'm translating slowly. If the editor hasn't put the next chap up in two days I'll put mine up first. The editor can chance it with his (or her???? Now I think about it I don't know O.O) version. But I don't think that that's going to happen.

And thank you all for reading!!!!

--sharramon-- Jan. 16, 11:19:24 UTC

Far from perfect. We're both ESL (English as Second Language) people after all. The good news is that I can do Chinese-English proofreading/editing, the bad news is that tenses are a weakness for me. I'm trying to keep an eye out on other people's edits and track what kind of things I miss, but if you notice a particular pattern that I fault in please don't hesitate to fix and/or drop me a note. Also, having more editors is usually a good thing. -- Aorii

I should have asked before putting up my rather literal translation up, but is that okay? It has already be reverted though. As when I went through the japanese text, some stuff was missing. By the way, the tense used is past tense, right? Tenses should be same throughout the novel. -KuroiHikari

This is REALLY GOOD!!!!

I really like this. When I first started reading it sounded like just another virtual reality/MMORPG anime... thing, but now, it looks really cool! Please Give us chapter four soon!

I agree with this fellows statement as well. It sounded dumb at first, but the character's feel far more realistic than i would have thought. I hope this gets alot of attention. Good luck Sharramon!

I like this a lot too. Sounded and is very interesting Very good novel. Please continue...

Thank you all ^^ I've done chap four now! But it's more of a run through of how the situation was like in Aincrad. The story starts properly from chapter five. I'll try to translate that as quick as possible too!

I love you

Thanks for the update

This is good! I like the development in chapter 5. Will wait until next update! I look forward to the next chapter, from what i see in the illustration there will be some romance...

Dammit now I want chapter 6... Please give it to us soon!!! PLEASE!!!! And thank you once again for translating this!

This overwhelming pressure! XD I'm workin' on it! I'll try and get it up soon but the soonest SHOULD be Thursday but we'll see!

Thank you very much for your effort! ^^ Awaiting next update eagerly... You update surprisingly fast^^. Please do not take this as a pressure but as encouragement^^

This is turning into a pretty good response column, and for a nifty reason; SAO is pretty kick ass. All our thanks go out to you, Sharramon, keep up the good work! ps BTW you have the fastest chapter updates I've seen in awhile! and as the previous comment mentioned, that isn't some weird pressure build up, its a compliment.

I agree this is really good, thanks for the translations

BTW you have the fastest chapter updates I've seen in awhile!

That's most probably because this light novel has the shortest chapters that you've seen in a while! :D And chap 6 done! Hell yeah!

Thanks for chapter 6. This is a really good light novel. Can't wait for the next chapters. I would like to know though when you get volume 2 whether Kirito stays with Asuna after volume 1 or not. Because looking at the covers for volumes 2 and 3 it seems he teams up with other girls.

He does stay with her. Book two's about the past and the third book is about saving her from a game or something by what I gather...

Thanks for the info. I was agonizing over the thought that she might have died and he moved on to party with another player.

I shouldn't say so much! I'm spoiling people!

Seeing the update section.... I've realized that I've done more than a chap every two days WITHOUT the prologue O.O.....

That's why you're Sharramon-sama :) thanks for the great releases xD

damn! this is like reading Naruto. No, not the storyline, but on the updates... (yours is of course, much faster than the weekly updates) but nonetheless, the suspense, the waiting... it feels the same. Anyway, thank you for the fast updates! SPOILERS!!!!! nuooohh!!!

oh shit now i'm going to this page regularly just to see if there is any updates..

don't understand third volume images ç.ç aren't they supposed to have their true form? so why there are non.humans? waiting fro spoileeeers XD

You will understand once the translation gets that far. It's not fun being spoiled. Because you just keep wanting to know more.

You are awesome and so is this book! I know this is a minor point, but semicolons are meant to separate two closely related things that could be sentences by themselves, like the first line of the synopsis. For parts like "...floating castle, 'Aincrad'; he distinguished...", it should really be commas on both sides of Aincrad.

Wooo, I left this for a while and its already this much already XD YAY! Again and again, thank you so much, Sharramon-sama XD

Thanks for chapter 14! Too bad there isn't a picture of Kirito in his KoB uniform =(

at first, i thought that SAO is just a .hack><druaga><yureka look-a-like... i was wrong. seriously... i'm jealous of Kirito ;_; Sharramon-kakka, you have my deepest gratitude (for your speed-translating). keep up the good work! XD -randompasserby

chapter 18 is already out!! CHEERS! XD

Is this ongoing?

Is this series ongoing or is it only 3 volumes long? Thanks!

By what I know of the series it is ongoing.

One question: firs volume only has 15 chapters?

Twenty five. Just adding the chapters as I go since I think I'll feel depressed if there was this HUGE list and only five chaps done XD. I feel like that with 15 up already O.o lol

I have one question... How many of the 3 volumes of Sword Art Online do you have?

Right now only one. By the time I've finished the first book I'll have the second I think. Well I actually think I'll have it a month BEFORE I finish

Will you translate that one as well if I bow at your feet and praise you Sharramon-sama?

Lol I'm hoping to translate all of them ..... but we'll see! Since I don't know what's going to happen a few months from now....

i thank you for all the updates till now ,from now on i shall call you kami-sama^^

Makes me think of higurashi for some reason.... oyashiro-sama.....

Hmmmm... Given the previous pattern, it stands to reason that SAO volume 4 will be released some time in April.

Book two's not out in Korea yet so that really has nothing to do with me XD

Seems as if Korea's release of book two's gone back a month.... NOES!

keep up the good work!

you know, you have the breaking record for the fastest update in baka-tsuki... And we love you!

^^ What this person said. We LOVE you Sharramon-sama :D.

Sama O.O....

Uh...We LOVE you Sharramon-dono*? :D

We aren't samurai either.

Let's go with san!... or kun? Hell I'll take tan!XD

Nah, I prefer Sharramon-kakka myself. So let's use that!

You guys are bloating his persona, he'll be crowning himself emperor of britannia soon at this pace :p

He IS the rightful ruler after all, so that would make sense.

Nah, You guys... Just say it like this "Sharramon-nyoro!!!!" RIGHT?

How about Shar-tan? He is Paya-tan's master!

All hail Britannia! (really couldn't resist saying that). I wonder what I'd like more... geass or a deathnote?

Easy. You like SAO the most!

Hey, wait... I'm a supervisor???

Started reading the first volume a couple days ago, finished it in one setting. I can't tell you guys how supremely awesome you are for bringing this book into english. Great Job and many thanks!

This Picture

Just a question that has seriously been plaguing me for a while since reading ch. 7, but is this picture supposed to be a romantic scene? Or a creepy stalker scene?: If it's too spoilerific though, just white out the text or inform me please! It's agonizing...

Read the story XD. Getting THERE will take a while though...

Can I at least ask which chapter the picture is in? PLEEEEAAASSSEEE?

Chapter 16

Vaelis 00:02, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

Volume Names

Both the first and second volumes are called "Aincrad"? Weird...

That's how they are named. Take a look at the third colour page for volume 01 and 02.
They are named after the setting they take place in or so it seems.

I know that, I was just commenting on how it was odd.

It all makes sense after reading the descriptions of thos images from volume 3 above.

So because I couldn't wait...

I thought hey why not use ATLAS to translate the raw to at least get a hint of what's going to happen. This did not go well, I mean although the program boasts its amazing accuracy in translating, when I translated the whole novel it didn't even make sense at all. In fact, a Google online translation did better than the $1,400 program. So in conclusion, I decided to patiently wait . . . okay never mind! Please!!!! I can't wait! where's the next chapter... Thank you for translations, I really appreciate it. I LOVE Sword Art Online!-Jun

I actually did the same thing, but I could understand like one sentence out of 15, and it also helps if you know what ATLAS translates the names as. I also found a timeline of SAO's events, and used Rikaichan to skim through it (I probably look for spoilers a little too much on series I really like, and I wasn't disappointed). Anyway though, I've been meaning to ask this: sharramon, are you using official Korean translations or fan translations? -Enigma

Official. I'm translating with the book in my hands.... I'll have to buy another one. This one's gotten really dirty XP

I did as well. Oddly, I can figure out quite much of chapter 5 with it. It hurt my eyes and mind though. It feels like deciphering a code @-@. I decide to quit because the deciphering work reduce the enjoyment in reading it and when I read sharramon-sama's translation to find out he bits I'm missing, it just won't as fun since I got to know part of the stroy already.

@Enigma wait there is Korean translations of Sword Art Online? If there is, where could I get my hands on it? -Jun Edit: Oh wait, never mind. I ordered the Korean version through AladdinUS. Can't wait to read it ^_^ -Jun

Historic moment

SAO is most probably the first book in a while that got first place in daily views within a single month of it being put up in this forum! Thank you all!!! (is burning with a NEED to translate faster XD)

Who couldnt Kirito save?

So.... he's saying he couldn't save Shirika's....who? Relative? Party member? Friend? Sorry, I'm not good at reading kanji, like 1st grader level. lol.

Also, is there a specific reason to why she's a <<Beast Tamer>>? I thought you were either a swordsman or not in Aincrad.

(Sorry, I'm trying to figure out how the formatting works on this website. Just noticed the preview button. =_=;)


I think that may be her Guild? Since for Kirito it says <<Solo Player>> in that area.

- Skith

As this is a teaser image, it isn't going to give away who or what he saved (but I do believe the kanji says friend/companion); just like volume 1.

And about the part why she's a Beast Tamer. Just speculation here, but it's probably an Extra Skill like Kirito's Dual Wield. Maybe even just a profession, like Asuna's cooking. ~EnigmaticRepose

@EnigmaticRepose I was trying to figure out the kanji. Thanks.

(btw, I wonder if Cilica looks/sounds better that Shirika?)


@Kenena She's a Beast Tamer. Think about it along those lines .__.

Also, how about Silica?

Kusamaki 13:14, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I know she's a "beast" tamer , I was asking WHY such a option/skill/class/whatever exists in SAO (Which EnigmaticReprose already addressed). And yeah, Silica looks better, although for naming, I would have expected Lizbeth and Silica to be switched around.


Discussion Forum?

Sup. Kenena here~ Anyway, is there a forum for SAO (I guess its also ALO too, but whatever)? I dont wanna making a new comment here every time i want to ask something. Link or something would be great.


In the Baka-Tsuki Forum in the Auxiliary Brigades section can be created additional threads if they are need for discussions about SAO, but there is also already a thread for SAO --Darklor 09:38, 8 February 2010 (UTC)

Volume 3

Just wondering but could it be that Kirito and Asuna get out of SAO in the 1st volume but Asuna gets kidnapped and put into[Alvheim Online]? And then Kirito goes into the game to save her? Cause this pic looks like Kirito looking at Asuna with the nerve gear:

I think these two should answer your question.

Well usually to know this kind of things you wait for the volume to be translated don't you u_u.

Chapter 3/4

If the book version has only three chapters, then our translation should have also only three chapters, since the web version is gone and the book version is working as the translation reference... --Darklor 14:38, 11 April 2011 (UCT)

Ive been studying japanese for quite a while now, and can happily sayim slowly progressing,and as such decided to buy the published version that's still in japanese, two questions now: one, is it in kanji/furigana? and two if not what level of reading should i know to be able to read it effectively

What are we going to do with 16.5 in the full text version?

Eventually Volume 1 will be finished, and we will do what we always do with a finished volume: make a full text!! But we have this chapter 16.5 complicating the situation. Does it go in? Stay out? Make two versions (what I think is would be best)? Something else? Let's decide what's going to happen before the volumes done.

I say make a full text with reference to 16.5 but not actual text...or throw in a link to 16.5 with a dire "read at own disgretion" message.


i think we should make 2 versions of it, SFW and NSFW... XD - RandomPasserBy

Don't add it to the full text. I wouldn't even add it to the volume 1 overview nor to the "forward to.." box, to be honest. 16.5 may be canon, but it is not part of the book. As far as I know, he had this chapter only posted on his back-site without any reference on the front page. EusthEnoptEron 08:16, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

oh yeah, now that you mention it... the book can't possibly have this chapter...

Considering all the killing, explicit violence that the book has, its already at least 16+ or young adults.. can't rate something M just because of some cybersex.. -Irec

Wouldn't it be better to, at least, put a link in the full text to let those who want to read it in the good context be able to read it ?

I think a link with a warning would work.

Similar to Prince Revolution?

I've read two chapters of SAO and up to chapter 4 of PR's Vol3 and so far the settings are really similar, although they're different in terms of characters and amount of comedy and other things.

It may be very similar, but you can't say that this setting is very unique in terms of anime and manga, I mean, look at .Hack. I think that this is the similarity is only a result of the similar settings.

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer (Aincrad 46th Floor, December 2023)

here, don't you mean 2024??? all the other dates were 2024

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer occurs before the first 3 short stories. It's also the most touching if you ask me T_T

Mikazuki 11:52, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

Am I going bonkers or somehow I can't seem to find chapter 4 for volume 3...flipped through my book. hrmph...

Datenshi 3:29, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

I expect tears, given who this chapter involves... T-T

Volume 4

O.O 4th VOLUME! Any info about it?

I'll look into it when I have time. Just had enough to upload the pictures and make some changes. Off to bed! - datenshi

I didn't know Suguha had a Nerve Gear....Guess I'd better go buy that volume then. TO KINOKUNIYA!!!

- Kenena

Ahhh...! If only I can read japenese or korean! This is one of the thing that I regret the most in my life ---> Can't read JP

Ugh, why must I always root for the shy and adorable underdog, and I even like the main heroine for once... I know it's not going to happen, yet that doesn't lessen the disappointment... -Enigma

I wish i had $10....then i could order it. ToT


That makes me wonder, where can i find the raws for this, if i wanted to read it in japanese myself? -AzraRillian

I'd like to know that too, although I'm going to guess the only reply is going to be "Go get it at a bookstore." or something.


Antonio Raw novel

apollo in this paper will not read Japanese and my English is bad and yet I manage to read it even if the English go ahead

because this is the story I expected x many years. hack / is too childish for my point of view, but my expectation is full so please continue to work and do not stop or to throw you back or to push you (not pressure yourself jajajaja)

Thanks for the link, but I get the feeling there was a rule against these types of links. Nonetheless, my local Kinokuniya finally stocked vol. 3, so now I'm hoping vol. 4 will come soon.


anyone has news of Sharramon - san I would not want to hear that leaving this beautiful work being done please do not stop ten Sharramon - St. T_T Antonio

Antonio, you should go to forums so that you are updated


found volume 5 raw

where in the forum can tell me about the novel? you can not find it Antonio

Korean RAWs?

Anyone kind enough to send me Korean RAW scans of volume 2? I can't find the Korean official translated book anywhere(except on Korean sites, which I can't order from) Since I'm fluent in Korean, I could help a bit if anyone is doing the translations from the Korean RAWs. -- 01:52, 29 October 2010 (UTC)

Is there going to be a SAO-manga or did I just see something else?

Hey, I just saw some kind of SAO-manga and wasn't quite sure what it actually was - a oneshot? some fan-made stuff? or is there really going to be a SAO-manga?

It's about 33pages long and just looked like the beginning of the first volume, though it was a little different. And as I neither have seen anything about a SAO-manga existing up till now nor am able to read japanese, I just thought I'd ask here.

Here's the link:

Isn't that the illustration from Volume 1 page 2-3? Try google translate-- 06:05, 29 November 2010 (UTC)

As I already pointed out it's 33pages long. I should have made that clear, sorry -> (link to the chapter)

Yup, there is a SAO manga. I read a few chapter in chinese quite some time ago. - Destinyz

Ah, ok thanks.

Well, for those who intend to read it, a small advice : don't u_u. The novel story is way better, even though I thought it would be great in anime or manga x). - Allucyfer

Volume 2

I understand that volume 3, which is the continuation in terms of timeline for volume 1, is being translated at the moment. I'm just curious, is anyone doing the collection of side-stories that is volume 2? Replies would be appreciated. WingsofSnow 03:46, 5 April 2011 (EDT)

Pretty sure someone is already at work on it, so just sit tight and watch it go. --dat_shala


Ok, I have been debating with myself (I'm going nuts) whether to add the LAUGHING COFFIN ARC in the table of contents- It seems that this arc, happened during Aincrad, a side story that should be included in the Volume 2. But because it's long (4 chapters) the publishers dropped it, but the events in this is mentioned in vol.1, tho, in a few words only. It'd be nice if we can read the entire story about this right? Kirito, Asuna and other Clearers vs the Laughing Coffin Guild, the biggest PKers in Aincrad. - Saorian

I'd love to read the laughing coffin arc. From what I've heard, it might be important to some of the other books. But, would you add it as if it were another book - like instead of Sword Art Online: Volume ## --> Sword Art Online:Laughing Coffin Arc?--Darn2k 14:36, 15 April 2011 (UCT)

How about like this: Volume SS - LAUGHING COFFIN ARC , and stick it between Volume 2 and 3? - Saorian

I added it - since Side Stories 1,2,3,6 were made into vol2 Aincrad, Side Stories 4 included in Phantom Bullet vol 5 and Side Story 6 got it's own very own book, vol 7 - It's safe to say that SAO SS 5 - Laughing Coffing Guild arc, won't get published as it's Timeline was passed on already (between vol 2 and 3) The other SS respected the proper timeline...

Btw. if more timeline issues pop up you could create a timeline page, where the story is listed sorted in chronological order... --Darklor 21:57, 16 May 2011 (UCT)

Simply Amazing

This is simply amazing. Honestly I'm not much of a crybaby I watch and read sad animes and mangas all the time and just take them in as a story. So far I've only cried twice during watching all the animes and mangas I've seen in the past 5,6 years of my life, to Bitter Virgin (Manga) and to Kanon 2006 (anime... which truthfully I watch all eps in a single sitting crying from ep 7 onwards practically non stop.). So far this Story has made me cry numerous times. It is so well written and the characters are so real its strange.Only problem I have with it is that I don't like how volume 2 works. I only really like the AsunaxKirito/Kazuka storyline not all that extra stuff that doesn't continue on with the story. Sadly the way I see it after reading Volume 1 I can't see any room for a prequel. The story starts with entering SOA. And nothing that happens up until he kills the Ragout Rabbit matters. I spose how Asuna and Kirito initially met matters slightly but honestly, I find it much better knowning that they knew each other as acquaintances and thats all. Even the part about him having Asuna nap next to him really doesn't add all that much.

Volume 3 while not as touching seems to bring up a lot of my memories of the first volume as well as adding in some slight new things... it doesn't really seem it (so far only on chapter 3) but it does so in a subtler way then Vol 1

- [email protected] / Karno
[Edit: Adding to what I have to say.]

Well, read volume 2 as it comes out and stuff. It is full of Kirito's awesomeness. Also, one of the things I love most about this novel is how "The Black Swordsman" is codeword for "Oh Shi-!" Ax'el 21:09, 16 May 2011 (UCT)

The Tentative time line

I think you should remove the tentative time line from the page or put it under spoilers, because it spoils for people who didn't read it, how the first volume ends.

Suspense: Volume 4 Chapter 9

Ahhh dear editors, don't build up sooo much suspense! I and I think many others are like dying to read the final chapter (though i think the highlight were chapter 7 and 8). But really thanks a lot for all of your work! I really appreciate it!


s00000 uhhhhh chapter 8 was actually the last chapter and chapter 9 was a joke? im confuse.

No it is not, there is a chapter 9, and it will be out soon. If rnn doesn't post it by noon, I will.--Darn2k 08:48, 24 May 2011 (UCT)

great, something to look forward for tonight XD - RandomPasserBy 08:51, 24 May 2011 (UCT)