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Revision as of 07:52, 31 October 2011 by J112 (talk | contribs)
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SOMEONE PLZ HELP MAKE THIS PAGE MORE EPIC >_<!! I DONT WANNA DO IT XP!!! --Seoulfighter 18:11, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

WOW I liked the light novel but never thought it would be on Baka-tsuki. hope that it will be adopted by Baka-tsuki and become a full series instead of a teaser.....

I hope so too they told me if I can get the first chapter fully translated they will allow me to make it into a full project right now I'm like 1.5/37 pg. of the way done! Also Thank You whoever made corrected this site >_< your summaries and picture and updates were EPIC!!! XP! --Seoulfighter 00:50, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

your welcome, but more importantly, thank you for translating. Much harder to do, and much more important, in the end--Saganatsu 01:08, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

hahhaha translating is a BITCH, and it is SO MUCH MORE TIME CONSUMING >_< just finished page 2 xD. However, without people like you to help me. This project would probably take me forever >_<! so once again THANK YOU!!!!! --Seoulfighter 05:33, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

Just a question for anyone who reads the discussion page. Do you want sloppier, or more accurate/literal translations that take me about twice as long...<<<Actually, let me rephrase this. Do you want more vernacular, natural text that's easier to read, and less true to the original, or would you like a more literal translation that sticks truer to the original Japanese sentence structure, spacing, and nuance/culture, but is more difficult for the average English reader to read, or would you like a preview script where I re-translate option two into a more fluent form? Its up to the readers I don't care I'm only spending the same amount of time on the project over all! --Seoulfighter 21:30, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

More accurate translations is my preference--Saganatsu 22:09, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

To quote the format guideline:

=== Idioms & Context Humor ===
It is not uncommon for the authors to employ common idioms in their writing, especially in dialog and character narration. However, due to irreconcilable differences between languages, it may be impossible to translate these idioms into proper English. Similarly, some attempts at humor rely heavily on the language and situation and are difficult or impossible to translate (puns are an excellent example of this).
In these cases there are two possible courses to take:
1. [Preferred when possible] Translate the phrase as closely as possible and include a footnote to explain it.
2. Replace the phrase with a common English one that is as close to the original intent as possible. For reference, please visit

does this help? Other than this, I don't really know--Saganatsu 01:31, 19 May 2010 (UTC)

I'm probably going to continue translating it as literally as possible, but was wondering if I should go back after I'm done and change it into something more natural? Also won't be working on it for the next three days because of midterms and papers -.-! -- 00:17, 20 May 2010 (UTC)

Once the project gets some readers, alot of that gets done naturally, as far as I can tell. As long as you don't obscure the original meaning to a phrase feel free to go back and edit, but personally, as someone who can edit and can't translate, I would think it would be better to post new content in preference to editting old. After the first chapter gets finished, we'll ask one of the admins what needs to be done before the series becomes a full-fledged project, after which we should hold to whatever level of quality that demands, but before that: leave it till chapter's done. --Saganatsu 00:59, 20 May 2010 (UTC)

Alright thanks for the clarification. I'll just continue translating like usual then, but I'll start this Monday again and I'll try to go for two pages a day, but we will see. -- 09:45, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

I think it's better write first.for grammar and other, let the expert do it. it better than left it as blank page. thinking about kampfer anime was very very suck. just full of fan service. I think this was a good project.

Yes I agree the anime wasn't as good as the novel. I'm sorry that I haven't been translating, but in real life I'm looking for a job to help pay for college since my stepmother's a gold digger that married my father who was paying for my tuition. She wasted all his savings 35,000$ on jewelry and clothes... Now I'm on my own for tuition sigh... I'll work on this more after I find a job. --Seoulfighter 02:49, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

Ummm just wondering if this project is still alive, i know i'm being a little impatient, but the last update was a while ago. Also i was wondering if QC'ing requires knowledge of Japanese, if not then i'd be willing to check over your translated bits and make it 'smoother' in english.Skarlath 13:15, 1 October 2010 (UTC)

Ok i finally have gotten through about a third of RTK and im going to start translating this where seoulfighter left off, if anyone would like to edit it to make sure it all follows proper conventions i would gladly welcome it. J112 18:39, 29 October 2011 (CDT)

haha awesome i just found out how to use microsoft ime translation is going to be so much faster now J112 00:52, 31 October 2011 (CDT)