Talk:Sword Art Online Bahasa Indonesia:Jilid 1 Bab 1

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Revision as of 02:14, 1 June 2012 by Gwilthyunman (talk | contribs)
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Greetings.There're a few words missing/changed in this script,like the translation of:

  • "It’s reality. Everything in this world is real. There’s no virtual reality or any fakes of any kind." Just before "Aku merubah posisi 'longsword'(pedang panjang)ku dengan tangan kanan kebagian tengah tubuhku sambil memperhatikan musuh."
  • "one-handed" in "one-handed longsword".
  • Angin dingin bertiup di dungeon yang gelap dan api dari obor yang bergoyang-goyang,shouldn't it be cahnged to Angin dingin bertiup kedalam dungeon yang gelap dan mengguncangkan api dari obor?
  • temple,which should be dahi/kening to telapak tangan;and with it imo,throbbing is closer to pening/pusing than bergetar.
  • I think safety net is better left as jaring pengaman,don't you agree?
  • Insolent and virtual.

Are these intentional?If not,can I ask your permission to change it?--User753-Talk- 05:56, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

I'm not the translator for chapter 1 and I believe the translator is inactive right now, so I'll do my best to answer your questions!

  • Yeah, that line is missing, so feel free to add the missing line.
  • I think it's better to leave "one-handed longsword" as it is, don't remove the "one-handed" since longsword can be one-handed or two, unless the translator has some reason as to why he removed it. So for now, just make it as "one-handed longsword".
  • Your translation is better, but the last few words, which is "api dari obor", is weird, why don't you change it to "api di obor" or "api obor"? I think it's a bit better than yours.
  • Yeah, it seems the translation is wrong, so you can change that.
  • I agree, I think you can change "bagaimanapun kau berhati-hati" to "tak peduli berapa banyak jaring pengaman kau persiapkan" or if you have better sentence than mine, feel free to change it.
  • You mean the "insolent" word from "Am I an idiot who insolently believes that he can win the freedom of everyone in this world with his sword?"? If so, I believe the translation already good. Not sure which "virtual" word you are talking about.

You can use Indonesian language, you know, and thanks for editing this chapter ;) --Gwilthyunman 08:03, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

Terima kasih banyak.Mengenai #3,saya salah ketik,maaf(hehe,sering ditegur karena kesalahan penulisan).Untuk #1,2,4,5:Terima kasih banyak,besok saya coba ganti.Mungkin kata insolent bisa diterjemahkan sebagai dengan mudahnya/naif-nya? Karena insolent adalah extremely rude/showing a lack of respect,sehingga bisa dikatakan Kirito menganggap mudah/memandang remeh SAO.Mengenai virtual,saya salah ketik.Yang ingin saya ketik adalah reality dari istilahvirtual reality, apakah boleh diganti dengan Bahasa Indonesianya?Jadi tidak pd mau mencoba menerjemahkan SAO(belum-belum sudah banyak salahnya).--User753-Talk- 09:19, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

Untuk kata insolentnya, boleh aja kamu terjemahin jadi dengan mudahnya secara di translasinya kurang kata penekanannya karena translatornya ga terjemahin kata insolent. Untuk virtual reality, aku yakin semua orang tau apa itu VR, jadi kayanya ga usah diganti deh. Menurut Wikipedia, virtual reality = realitas maya, jujur aja ya, kalo kamu tulis realitas maya di translasinya, aku musti mikir apa itu realitas maya karena aku lebih tau kata VR dibanding realitas maya XP Kalau kamu ga yakin sama kalimat tertentu pas terjemahin SAO, tanya aja di talk page chapter tersebut, nanti aku atau translator lain akan coba bantu kamu--Gwilthyunman 19:14, 31 May 2012 (CDT)