User talk:Ella.servantes

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Revision as of 07:19, 10 August 2012 by Ella.servantes (talk | contribs)
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Thank you very much for translating Kino no Tabi.It's a great series.Especially the first chapter of the eighth volume that you just translated.--User753-Talk- 02:26, 3 June 2012 (CDT) Aa...T-thank you very much.Since I haven't learn Japanese yet,this is all I can do to help.--User753-Talk- 06:16, 3 June 2012 (CDT)

Thank you too!

You're welcome and thanks. The edits you made were stuff I wouldn't have spotted myself (plus I'm just too lazy to edit), so thanks for the support! ^_^

Like you said, it's a great series, and the story itself is my reward for translating it, but knowing that KnT still has fans that look forward to it, makes me want to go on.

And yeah, I actually found Vol.8 Ch.1 while browsing the PS2 visual novel, and I'm like, I have to translate this! (There's a Shishou fangirl over here)

Hey there! Don't be hard on yourself regarding mistakes in translations, because everyone makes them. I think your japanese is really good and there's no need to 'brush' it :)

And of course thanks for bringing Kino no Tabi to english-speaking community!

Oh, thank you! I'm really a beginner in Japanese (a few years of disrupted, irregular lessons), only around JLPT5 or JLPT4 level I believe. But I dared translate because I feel my vocabulary and kana reading would help. (How wrong was I!) And so I tried to make up to it with my English skills and reader's 'instinct' <-- this is the problem, LOL. So yeah, I wanted to be able to read someday without using a dictionary every paragraph or so... ^_^

Please don't think I was sad about the corrections, I was so happy to know that there are people who read them, and contribute even. There are two reasons I started translating Kino no Tabi, one is I wanted to read it (of course). And the second is because I feared it would be abandoned by B-T if it didn't get any regular translators. I couldn't possibly translate everything, so my hope is that as long as KnT is alive in B-T, there's a chance that better translators would pick up some chapters from time to time.... :)

Well, let's hope these series will get other translator's attention after your kindly efforts ^_^

And maybe someday I'll have enough free time and will be able to translate some chapters myself, but my poor vocabulary and unskillful use of literary language stops me (because english is not my native tongue)...

Yep, I understand, I know how hard it is to find free time! You're such a big help already with the corrections, and I'm so glad to have you here!

Then that means you know at least three languages....(Uh, unless you're japanese?) How nice! ^_^ I'm aiming at Japanese as my third language, but not quite there yet (Yeah, english isn't my native tongue either, and I do realize my composition is stiff and formal at times, since that's how it was thought in school)

English is not your native tongue? Really? o_o I'd have never guessed that since your style of writing and choice of words, not to mention rich language that you use, suggest that you're a native speaker.

As for me, i know russian, english and studying japanese, and in future i want to learn korean (and maybe some european language) ^_^

Eh... you flatter me too much.... ^^; Well, most people in our place grow up with english....enough to understand hollywood films, and those who finish schooling are proficient enough in reading and writing, but as to speaking, well... not all of us can handle that because of the accent... XD Most of the time I'm trying to imitate the writing style of the books I read, so I may sound 19th to 20th century at times....LOL

Well I wish both of us luck in our 'linguistic adventures'!


Just wanted to give another thank you and let you know your work is appreciated, because, yeah if kino no Tabi was a drug I'd be in rehab right beside you.

Thanks! But be warned that my translations are not really that accurate, me being a wannabe translator and all... -_-

IKR! I thought it wouldn't last long, but my addiction is now approaching 8 months... and no signs of recovery yet.... not that I want to stop! (If Kino no Tabi were a dream I don't want to wake up ^0^)

Thank you for your effort. We are translating Kino-no Tabi into russian. If you do not mind we will follow you. Thank you again. We are at

Nope, it's fine... ^_^ Anyway, anything uploaded on B-T is free for all. It's okay as long as you're aware that translations here are far from perfect (and countless edits have been and will be made occasionally.... 0_0)

Thanks for bringing KnT to more people and sharing the love! :D

Ella.servantes 20:00, 19 July 2012 (CDT)

I also want to show you my appreciation for your work

Thank you for contribution to the translation of Kino no Tabi series, after about 4 years since the translation went inactive. The anime is among my favorites and it also piqued my interest for the novels. It's a bit of a pity when I know that you have to halve the amount of translation each week due to real life. I know how that feels too, since I'm usually occupied by a lot of things in life. Hope everything works our for you so you could be back soon ^_^

I have started to learn Japanese recently. It's hard! It also took me years of learning English to be able to write like this, and compared to some people I know I'm still not as good. Still, when I saw someone who started to learn Japanese some years ago just to be able to read her favorite series in the original language, it gave me more motivation. Seeing you working hard on this novel also give me more motivation. Maybe some years later you might see me here translating something, including Kino no Tabi. Thank you again for everything you've done.

Thanks, this message just made my day! ^_^ It's really nice to know that there are people who appreciate it... And to think that it's something I really love to do in itself. What a wonderful bonus! I don't really know when I'll be able to pour my whole effort to KnT again, but I'll translate until I'm on the verge of collapsing from all the nosebleed *LOL, just kidding*

Why, judging from the way you write, you're already pretty good in English, and a normal person does take years to master any language. (I started studying English since I learned how to read and write, and I've been trying to learn Japanese for a quarter of my life - but let's not go about talking about my age....^_~). I'm glad I'm actually motivating someone... wow 0_0 Good luck! and I'll be waiting for the day you'd be part of this community as a translator! :D

Haha. Don't push yourself so hard though, if you collapsed then I don't know who else that could update KnT translation as fast and as much as yours. Take it easy, life still has many other stuff for us to care about ^_^

Well one problem with my English is the shortage of vocabulary and my inability to fully express my opinion in English. That only shows in long essays and discussions. I guess I have to read more English books. Thank you, I will try hard. Good luck for both of us ^_^.

Pictures, Projects, Volumes and Chapter names

Pictures, Volumes and Chapter pages MUST include the project name in the proper format. You can't just go around willy nilly and name a pic simply as V06 Quote. If it's from Kino no Tabi it should be named as Kino no Tabi v6 Quote similar to the naming format the rest of vol 6 pics are named with. Please bear this in mind in the future. Zero2001 - Talk - 23:28, 9 August 2012 (CDT)

I'm very sorry. I did know, I was just careless this time. Thank you for making the corrections. You even changed the page where the files link to... I'm really sorry for the trouble.... >_< Ella.servantes (talk) 00:19, 10 August 2012 (CDT)