Talk:No Game No Life

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Is the prologue complete? --Darklor (talk) 04:06, 4 February 2013 (CST)

just discovered this project. It is awesome!! I'd like for mondajitachi to have the same style as this ln without eleminating the fights.

Just added the next three chapters, and assumed each had four chapters and a prologue. I've edited most of everything, and when I'm done with the prologue, I'll remove the preview tag from it. I really enjoy this series. I just wish we had more willing translators, though... --

I have completed editing on all of what we have so far for "No Game No Life".

Could we get a person with the first book to proofread the preview of the prologue? I have already checked and cross-referenced with other sources, including the manga and what is written seems pretty accurate, down to the last detail. However, B-T rules state that we do need a proofreader, and I'd really like to let the prologue become "official" script. If anyone would volunteer, it would really be helpful. Thanks to all those who would be willing.

From what I've read, this series seem pretty interesting, one of the most interesting LNs I've read in a while...


It is look good- I would love to read this series I hopinig that some translators will pick up this series

Volume and Chapter titles

Realized we haven't been including them, so figured we should probably do so. I'll give my take on the volume titles and translations, but as I'm not a translator for the LNs, final say goes to those who are.
No Game No Life 1: The Gamer Siblings Appear to be Conquering a Fantasy World / ノーゲーム・ノーライフ1 ゲーマー兄妹がファンタジー世界を征服するそうです
No Game No Life 2: The Gamer Siblings Seem to Have Their Sights on the Land of Animal Ear Girls / ノーゲーム・ノーライフ2 ゲーマー兄妹が獣耳っ子の国に目をつけたようです
No Game No Life 3: A Counterpart of the Gamer Siblings Seems to have Disappeared...? / ノノーゲーム・ノーライフ3 ゲーマー兄妹の片割れが消えたようですが……?
No Game No Life 4: The Gamer Siblings Have Ran Away from Realistic Romance Games / ノノーゲーム・ノーライフ4 ゲーマー兄妹はリアル恋愛ゲームから逃げ出しました
Should probably work on the chapter titles too, but they're pretty straightforward. Helps the author includes their titles in what would be English. —EnigmaticRepose (talk) 21:43, 3 August 2013 (CDT)

Minor corrections:
'The Gamer Siblings Appear to be Conquering' -> 'It Seems Gamer Siblings Will Conquer' (not present tense (specifically, non-past used as future tense), and the first introduction of the siblings so no 'The' yet).
Though minor, 'Have Their Sights' -> 'Have Set Their Sights' (past tense, not present or non-past); also, perhaps 'Land' -> 'Country' or 'Nation'.
'A Counterpart' -> 'One Half' (Sora, rather than a counterpart pair).
'Have Ran Away' -> 'Have Run Away', 'Realistic Romance Games' -> 'a Realistic Romance Game' (only one game, the one with the sleeping mermaid(?) Queen person).
-Multipartite (talk) 02:17, 4 August 2013 (CDT)

Adding thoughts on chapter titles as well. Using ≪≫ to represent furigana. First one's straightforward as can be.
Volume 1:
Prologue / プロローグ
Chapter 1: Beginner / 素人≪ビギナー≫
Chapter 2: Challenger / 挑戦者≪チャレンジャー≫
Chapter 3: Expert / 熟練者≪エキスパート≫
Chapter 4: Grand Master / 国王≪グランドマスター≫
Epilogue / エピローグ

All the titles (minus epilogue) are Chess terms.
Volume 2:
Opening / オープニング (Replaces the prologue.)
Chapter 1: Weak Square / 駒並べ≪ウィークスクエア≫
Chapter 2: Interesting / 一手≪インタレスティング≫ (Move name in Japan for an interesting move that doesn't (I think) carry over to English. "Out of Book" or "Novelty" could be good replacements.)
Chapter 3: Sacrifice / 死に手≪サクリファイス≫
Chapter 4: Checkmate / 王手≪チェックメイト≫
Fake Ending / フェイクエンド (Also replaces the epilogue.)

Not really sure what these are all about. Kanji and furigana meanings differ.
Volume 3:
Load Save / データロード
Chapter 1: Sky Walk / 解離法≪スカイ・ウオーク≫
Chapter 2: Blue Rose / 指向法≪ブルー・ローズ≫
Chapter 3: Killing Giant / 誘導法≪キリング・ジャイアント≫
Chapter 4: Rule Number 10 / 収束法≪ルール・ナンバー・10≫
True Ending / トゥルーエンド

This novel also plays with the kanji, having them be different from the furigana definitions. And two of the chapter's kanji are upside-down. I can't figure out how to make Japanese upside down (it's not that hard for English, though), but know that the kanji for chapters 1 and 3 are supposed to be upside down.
Volume 4:
Easy Start / イージースタート
Chapter 1: Encounter / 悪魔≪エンカウント≫
Chapter 2: Strategist / 太陽≪ストラテジスト≫
Chapter 3: Charmer / 女帝≪チャーマー≫
Chapter 4: Wildcard / 愚者≪ワイルドカード≫
Interrupted Ending / インタラプトエンド

Could do fun things with this, like Encounteruoɯǝ  , but I personally dislike the furigana text format quite a bit. I completely ignored the kanji meanings if anyone wants suggest what do with them or how to translate them. —EnigmaticRepose (talk) 04:45, 8 August 2013 (CDT)

I'll come back to this in a short while once I have more time; for now, a quick note that the upside-down names in the fourth volume's chapters seem to be Tarot (Major Arcana) references. ( ) For instance, the chapter which bears the meaning of 'Charmer' would probably be given as 'The Empress reversed'--I suggest that Tarot-evoking representation rather than forcing upside-downness, though upsidedown-ness might in fact be more true to the original. For a non-furigana format, perhaps 'Charmer (The Empress reversed)' or similar. For each volume, the slight differences between reading and meaning are interesting (though sometimes a little hard to understand), so I would like them to be retained in some format if possible. Speaking of which, thank you for putting the kanji (and katana) here for easy copying/investigation! In a short while, when I have a little more time, I'll look at the first three volumes and give suggestions. For now, the fourth volume: Encounter (The Devil reversed), Strategist (The Sun), Charmer (The Empress reversed), Wildcard (The Fool). -Multipartite (talk) 05:17, 8 August 2013 (CDT)
Arere? Somehow I see the last two lines above as long single lines rather than with the normal line-wraps. I wonder why..? -Multipartite (talk) 05:19, 8 August 2013 (CDT)

Suggestions for the chapter titles (first volume too for consistency, even when redundant):
[Disclaimer: I do not claim a deep understanding of certain things, and so the below can be treated as interim suggestions until someone finds more accurate equivalents.]
Beginner (Amateur), Challenger (Challenger), Expert (Expert), Grandmaster (Country's King)
['Kokuou' especially it would be good if there were a better term for that which still distinguished it from 'Ou' or 'Ou-sama'.]
[Ah, also 'Grandmaster' (as in Chess) is spelled as one word.]
Weak Square (Setting the Board), Interesting (One Move), Sacrifice (Doomed Move), Checkmate (Check)
['Checkmate' would in practice be '王手詰み' perhaps... this may be ignoring intention for accuracy, however. For '死に手', I tried to use a phrasing that reflected the inevitable death of the piece without indicating whether something stood to be gained from it or not.]
Since it's in katakana, it may be worth keeping the closing part for this one as 'Fake End' rather than adding sounds. Particularly, it doesn't use 'エンディング' even though Opening uses 'オープニング'.
For the third volume, I would similar suggest a direct 'Data Load'/'True End' transliteration.
[Unfortunately I have no idea what source was used for these; 'Blue Rose' in particular prompts my curiosity. It's possible they are obscure references, such as the breeding of a blue rose or the killing of giant through leading it into traps. I searched somewhat for game strategy names, but could not find any of relevance. If there exists one game with these strategies, there could be more appropriate translations of the kanji words.]
Sky Walk (Dissociation Method), Blue Rose (Orientation Method), Killing Giant (Guiding Method), Rule Number 10 (Converging Method)
(For the fourth volume, similarly 'Interrupt End' perhaps; 'Encount' is an exception in that it does not phonetically correspond to an/its English word.)
Encounter (The Devil reversed), Strategist (The Sun), Charmer (The Empress reversed), Wildcard (The Fool)
-Multipartite (talk) 09:05, 8 August 2013 (CDT)