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18. Going underground

Conrad: It's a good thing that we could stop the executions with the help of Venera and get her people back. However, it's inconceivable to kidnap a king from another country by stuffing him into a bag.

Yuuri: The one who stuffed him in the bag wasn't me! [1]

Gurrier: What are you saying, young master!? Are you shifting the responsibility to me?

Conrad: The problem is... where do we dispose of this?

Yuuri: It sounds like... you're talking about non-combustible garbage ...

Josak: But this will be more difficult to deal with than garbage...

Conrad: If you knew that, you shouldn't have brought him with you! Josak, you were even with him!

Josak: Eh? Is it my fault?

Yuuri: Uhm... I'll try to settle this matter peacefully... uhm.. so first, let's release Saralegui.[2]

Saralegui : Ah... puff...

Yuuri (monologue): Even though I said that and I have a lot of experience facing adversity, no matter how much I talk to Saralegui there's no way I'll be able to makes things right. While we were in the tunnels dealing with this difficult situation, those "things" came.

FX: *something breaking through *

Josak: Lord Weller, it's the living dead. Are they our enemies?

Conrad: I don't know, but I can hear a lot of footsteps and that alone means it's a dangerous situation. *grabs sword*

Yuuri: Are they looking for us?

Conrad: If that's the case, who are they after?

Saralegui: Isn't it Yelshi's army that came looking for me?

Yuuri: Do you have a transmitter on you?

Saralegui: Transmitter? What's that?

Josak: I don't think that's it. Shall we go out to meet them, while prepared for the worse?

Yuuri: We can't be taken as kidnappers if we didn't even ask for ransom or anything!

Saralegui: Alright, then just let me go. I'll say that it wasn't a kidnapping, that it was all a misunderstanding.

Josak: *sniffs* Is it kind of smelly in here?

Saralegui: What? You don't believe my words?[3]

Yuuri: *sniffs* Ah... no it's not that. I mean, yeah, I don't believe you but that's not what this is about... It's kind of an indescribable smell, like the smell of rotten eggs...

Conrad: *sniffs* Majesty Saralegui, it is best if you don't go out there.

Saralegui: Why?

Conrad: A long time ago[4], I fought guys that smelled like this. If I'm correct, those soldiers are not human at all. In fact, they are not living beings.

Yuuri: In other words they are... zombies!?

Saralegui: It can't be... mother?

Yuuri: What do you mean?

FX: *the zombies break through... (a wall?)*

Josak: They are here!

Conrad: Your Majesty, stay back!

Yuuri: Uwah~! Josak! Those are dead people, right?

Josak: Yes, they probably...*fights* have been dead for over a year. You can really feel the putrefaction in them, yon~!

FX:*more zombie soldiers come in*

Conrad: Crap! There's no end to them.

Josak: Dammit, why can't these guys just die quietly?

Conrad: Until we don't defeat the person manipulating them, there's nothing we can do!

Josak: Where is that person?!

Conrad: If I knew that, I would have killed them already!


Saralegui: Even though... Yelshi said... that mother was not feeling well...

Yuuri: Sara! You can't go in there!

Saralegui: Why?

Yuuri: Why, you ask? Those tunnels are very dangerous! Ahead, there's a labyrinth, where it is so dark that you'll end up getting lost and dying[5].

Saralegui: But, to escape from my mother's houjutsu, I have to go where the holy energy won't reach, I have to go deeper into the ground....

Yuuri: Eh? So the one who is commanding these zombies is your mother?! Wait a sec... you can also do this type of thing with houjutsu? ... What a nasty hobby...

Saralegui: My mother will give up if she cannot feel my presence anymore.

Yuuri: You mean... So, your mother's target is not us....?

Saralegui: Even if you try to stop me, I'm going in there!

Yuuri: Wait! I can't let you go by yourself...![6]

FX:*the door/wall flips open*

Yuuri: AH! The door ... !

Josak: Crap, young master!

FX: *A zombie attacked Yuuri, but Josak stopped it. Nonetheless Yuuri lost his balance and fell to the other side of the wall. Yuuri felt everything around him change. It felt like when you go to the higher floors of a building on an elevator. It was difficult to swallow and his ears popped. Yes, the tunnel was connected to the Red Room, but it just didn't feel real anymore. It felt like being in another world. He tried to get back to the room, but Saralegui resisted. Once again he thought the same as before, that he couldn't leave Saralegui there alone, because it would cause an international incident. Realizing what was happening, Josak jumped inside the tunnel at the last moment. Conrad reached the gap left between the two places, but he could not get through it anymore*

Conrad: Yuuri!

Yuuri: Conrad! There still so many of them left...

Conrad: Just go! I will be fine!

Yuuri: But...!

Conrad: Please...!

Yuuri: Conrad~!

FX: *the door/wall closes*

FX: * dripping sound*

Yuuri: We got... locked in here...? [7]

Josak: Unbelievable...

Saralegui: I guess there's nothing to do but keep moving forward, ne? We have to look for another exit.

-- Later --

FX: *footsteps*

Yuuri: Hey, Sara! If you go so far ahead by yourself, you'll end up tripping and falling down.

Saralegui: It's okay, Yuuri. I'm fine! [8]

Yuuri: That guy can walk pretty well in the dark, huh? Good grief...

Josak: I'm sorry... At that time instead of jumping to the other side of the door that was closing, I should have pulled the young master and the other one out.

Yuuri: What are you talking about? If you wouldn't be here, it would just be Sara and I in a hell of an uneasy two people journey. Besides, there's one good thing about this...

Josak: What is that?

Yuuri: It seems that this tunnel goes north. If everything goes well, we'll be able to find the emperor's tomb and also the facility where Jason and Freddy are ...

Josak: We'll find them, I'm sure.

Yuuri: Yes. Uhm... Hey... Do you think that... Conrad's okay?

Josak: If he said he would be fine, he's fine. No matter how you look at it, we've survived many battlefields. He has as much bad luck[9] as he has strength. He's not going to die so easily.

Yuuri: Really?

Josak: Really. If it was impossible for him, and that would have been his final moment, he would have shown us the biggest smile you've ever seen. Especially for you. But his attitude was quite the opposite.

Yuuri: *sighs* I see...

FX:*Saralegui stops walking*

Saralegui: Say, there are animals over there...

Yuuri: Cut it out. Are you saying there's something on our shoulders?

Saralegui: No, in a place far behind you, I can see some animals.

Yuuri: How can you see that?

Saralegui: I've told you already, haven't I? My eyes can't stand heat or light very well, but on the other hand, I can see perfectly well in the dark.

Josak: Even so, it's strange... What kind of animals could be in a place with no food like this? No way.... could it be that those dead guys followed us all the way here?

Saralegui: No. My mother's power cannot reach a place as deep underground as this.

Yuuri: What does your mother want to do? I mean, to send zombies after her own son ...

Saralegui: Well... she probably wants to make me a living dead, Empress Alazon I mean. She's afraid that I will manipulate Yelshi at will and make Seisakoku mine.

Yuuri: And that's why... she wants to kill you?

Saralegui: That's how they are... those who are obsessed with power.

Josak: How beautiful! Just like a doll (puppet).

Saralegui: And who exactly are you calling a doll (puppet)?

Josak: You, king of Small Shimaron[10].

Yuuri: Alright, alright. Enough, enough! What's with you?! Why are you having this pointless fight during a critical situation like...

FX: *squeaking*

Yuuri: Eh... what is that sound? THESE?! THESE are the animals that Sara saw ?!

Josak: Stay calm, young master. Pretend to be a rock, pretend to be a rock and they'll go right past you!


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  1. In the novels Yuuri takes responsibility and says that he asked Josak to do it because Saralegui knew where the twins were.
  2. In the novels: Yuuri seeks REVENGE! Muahahahaha!!! He's really pissed off at Saralegui. And when he remembers what happened with Wolfram he says "yappa, I'm gonna let the guys kick you". He thinks it's best if Wolf's big brother does it. The chapter ends right there and the next one starts with the zombies in the room already, so we don't know what happened exactly.
  3. Ahh! Cultural similarities!
  4. In the novels: 25 years ago.
  5. In the novels: The room where they are right now is the "Red Room", the walls are painted red. There is one wall that flips open, and takes you to the tunnels. When Venera first took the guys there, she told them how dangerous that tunnel was, that's why Yuuri knows.
  6. In the novels: Yuuri thinks that if the king of Small Shimaron dies, this would turn into a serious international problem.
  7. After this in the novels: "No, we were swallowed. The darkness was waiting for us".
  8. In the novels: Saralegui is skipping happily.
  9. Brother number two is unlucky... brother number three's plans always backfire, and brother number one is a lab rat... Hmmm... I'm starting to see a pattern here...
  10. Alright so the word for doll and puppet is the same in Japanese. Josak is saying he's just like a doll "who does nothing". In the novels they keep talking after this. Josak says that Saralegui is running away from his job and his mother and everything. And Saralegui says that he was running away from being controlled by his mother. Josak says: Oh, I'm sorry, so you're not a puppet (doll), but a puppet-master who controls his younger brother" and then Yuuri stops them.