Seitokai no Ichizon:Teaser 2

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I look at the novel that I have written.

<Our president is such a perfect female. At this moment, in my heart, I, Sugisaki Ken, is certain…… Having such a beautiful and invincible leader, this school will definitely become the best school. That is what happened during Spring at the age of 16.>


Just who is this kind of novel meant for? Who would find such a novel interesting? There is no element of entertainment in it, and from the content there is no way to imagine the look on the reader’s face.

The title seems to be <<Woo! The superb student council>>. It is said that the students of this school are liable to bring this novel together with their textbooks…… This is just too cruel.

Droopingly, I continue to write on, the meeting at the side seems to have come to a temporary halt. Minatsu probably wanted a change in mood, or is looking for a comrade at heart, and asked:

“Ken…… Are you okay?”

“Not good…… I have worked hard ever since last year, but I have finally burnt out today------ That is probably how painful it is.”

“I really pity you this time round. Let me see where are you at…… Hmmm…… Hmm…… You really tried your best.”

Minatsu looks at me with eyes of respect. This situation made me feel really happy, but right now I really do not have any energy left to give her a response, but to show her a weak smile. Minatsu’s eyes seem a little wet, looking at me as if looking at a patient suffering from terminal cancer…… So I really looks that bad.

“By the way, Minatsu, about your description------”

“Ah, anything is fine------”

“Then I will……”

“Just include “beautiful” “suave” “reliable” “elegant” “strongest” “tender amidst the gloriousness” “worthy of the title battle goddess” “rising air” these terms within would be fine……”

“How is that anything! And what is with that last two that is like an alternate name!”

“They bear a light novel feeling in them don’t they? Recent light novels, if there isn’t any special abilities or names to them, they can’t sell well?”

“Not needed! This is not that kind of story anyway!”

“Hmm------ Then let characters that bear special abilities appear starting from chapter 2, then it becomes an shocking and exciting story------”

“There is no way of seeing how it goes that way! A story about the student council will definitely not go in that manner! Readers will probably go “this is over doing the plot, what a joke.” kind of comments.”

“And then let the strongest opponent appear right from the start, then it will surely be very interesting right?”

“Who cares! That is why I am telling you, this is not that kind of story!”

“The last boss is “Echo of Death”, with the ability to control death.”

“Isnt that evil eye! But there really is that strongest kind of feeling to it! I won’t want to be his enemy!”

“Ken’s ability is “Chicken Chicken”! This ability is------”

“No need to explain, I know its weak just by the name!”

“To defeat a strong power with a weak power, only then will readers feel heated up.”

“I just get the feeling that such a big difference cannot be saved even with tactics!”

“This would depend on the hero’s might! And you are the writer!”

“Impossible! With my brain, I can at most just think of ways to suddenly power up the hero!”

“No no, that wont be fun. You must use the starting conditions to win, only then would it be good!”

“Then think yourself! You will amend the battle!”

“Nahz, too troublesome------”

“…… You.”

“By the way, the ability of the president is “All Cancel”[Term used: no point talking to her].”

“…… Ah, only this title I am interested to write into the novel.”

“You see.”

While chatting with Minatsu, I continue writing chapter two.

<It was just an instant.


“It seems you cannot understand my ability.”

“How…… can such a thing be possible.”

Before my eyes, a pile of corpses has appeared in an instant.

But…… What was terrifying was not the scene before me.

Not knowing why. Or perhaps to say there is no way to comprehend.

When I realized it, this pile of corpses has already appeared.

A pile of corpses? Is the fact that so many died considered abnormal? No.

Before this, there wasn’t anyone living in the first place.

In just that instant, the originally empty space, this pile of corpses appeared.

“How…… can, this be? Could it be……”

“You think its teleportation? Teleporting the corpses here? Wrong, how very wrong. Sugisaki Ken, my ability…… isn’t that kind of low level stuff.”


“Illusion? Wrong. Time control? Wrong. Space traveling? Still wrong! My ability isn’t something that puny!”

“You…… Just what……”

“Hmph…… Sugisaki Ken, remember my name. I am “Echo of Death”. I am…… Your brother!”

“Wha, what------”>

“That’s it------------!”

I stopped the hands that is hitting on the keyboard, and stretched my back. Minatsu bloats her cheeks with an unhappy look:

“Hang on a bit more. It looks quite good like this, the feeling is there.”

“This is tiring! This is a mental strain! And why is he my brother!”

“You wrote that yourself……”

“Ahhh! No way, no way! Such a shocking and exciting chapter two won’t do!”

“Then there will be no hot-blooded elements?”

“Why does a story with the student council as background have to have hot-blooded elements!”

“If you really want to put it that way, why must we write a story about the student council?”


That is right. But…… That is another question. At least the setting of characters with special powers appearing must be refuted. The rate this is going, I will be drained out.

Probably because she saw me chatting with Minatsu, even Mafuyu-chan came to join in. As for our president, she seems to be busy “discussing the plot of the story” with Chizuru.

“Senpai, senpai.”

“What’s wrong Mafuyu-chan? Any good ideas?”

“Yup! Mafuyu wants to supply some ideas too!”

“No problem, no problem, I will never refuse a bishoujo’s request, that is me, Sugisaki Ken. I will do my utmost to accept Mafuyu-chan’s suggestion.”

“Thank you senpai! Then let’s do this.”

Mafuyu-chan starts talking about her suggestion regarding chapter two, I continue typing as I listen to her.

<Even I am not sure what is this throbbing sensation in my heart.


“My younger brother.”


Huh? What is this, this tight feeling in my heart…… What can it be?”

This body without any excess flesh, even though not considered thin to the bones, yet still reliable chest, with that straight looks.

Everything of my brother, made me subconsciously react to it.

“My younger brother…… I have always wanted to meet you……”

“Echo of Death-nii……”[Nee as in brother]

“…… My younger brother.”

Echo of Death-nii hugs me tightly.

My face flushes red suddenly.

“Ah…… Brother……”

“……My younger brother……”

The distance of the two of us gradually closes in.

At the centre of the pile of corpses, right now the two of us cries out for love from our hearts.

Our faces gradually gets closer. Ahhh…… Brother.



And then…… we hungrily seek each others’ lips------>

“What kind of development is this----------------!”

“To only rebut after writing so much…… Senpai certainly has qualities of a comedian!”

“I don’t need such praise!”

I shout out in fury at Mafuyu-chan. Normally I will never use such an attitude towards her, but this time, it is really overboard.

Yet this time Mafuyu-chan seems to have portions where she will not compromise, and fearlessly say to me:

“What’s wrong! Senpai do have talent in this field!”

“This kind of talent that would make oneself feel afraid is too rare!”

“At least write a bit more! Until the part where the two goes to bed!”

“Please don’t joke around! I really want to cut myself off from the character in the book, but at this stage, it really is too painful to share the same name as the character! Help!”

“Get used to it! Senpai, this is just like H-games! Once you get used to this sort of thing, you won’t feel embarrassed!”

“What do you mean by get used to it, I don’t even want to touch it!”

“You shouldn’t be so stubborn senpai!”

“Still so cute, damn!”

<And the two went to bed following that, and spent a night of passion together.>

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