Clannad VN:SEEN6800P9

From Baka-Tsuki
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// May 6 (Thursday)

// Work starts at eight in the morning. I had to visit an office I never been to before.

// So I woke up at 6:30 to spare plenty of time.

// While I was heating a miso soup alone...

<1322>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Good morning, \m{B}-kun."

// Nagisa woke up.

<1324> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry if I woke you up."

<1325>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "No, I can do this for you. You should prepare to leave for work, \m{B}-kun."

<1326> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Idiot. Go back to sleep. It's just too early. You shouldn't doze off in class."

<1327>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "It's okay. I can do this."

<1328> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Just sleep. This won't take long anyway."

<1329>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But I want to do the chores."

<1330>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Please."

<1331> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

<1332> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Fine..."

// We haven't fought before, but such conflicts from worrying about each other too much are bound to occur.

<1334> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Besides, she won't listen to what I say...)

// I thought about it while watching Nagisa's back as she stood in a kitchen. 

<1336> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You see, you need more rest, since it's too early."

<1337>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes, I will."

<1338> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Then don't oversleep. Make sure to set your alarm clock to avoid being late."

<1339>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay."

<1340> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Okay, I'm off."

<1341>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Take care."

<1342> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Good morning."

// I opened a door to a new workplace.

// Inside, three men in working suits were having a conversation.

<1345>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "So you came."

// Only Yoshino-san responsed back to me.

<1347>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Go dress up in this quickly. Behind that locker." 

// At the direction he was pointing, there was a row of lockers as a substitute dressing room. 

// I went behind, and changed into the clothes given to me.

// It must have been someone else's before. The work suit was filled with stains. 

// I went back to where Yoshino-san was, but he was busy talking with his colleagues.

// I was already alienated from the exciting atmosphere.

// I waited with an uncomfortable feeling. 

// At that moment, a middle-aged man wearing particularly shabby dress suit appeared.

// One can easily notice with a single glance that he must be the boss here.

// Yoshino-san accompanied me to that man.

<1357>\{Ông Chủ} ""
// \{Boss} "Yoshino-kun, is he the one who will be joining us starting today?" 

<1358>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Yes, that's correct. His name is..."

<1359> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "It's \m{A}."

<1360>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "He's the boss here. Make sure to formally introduce yourself." 

<1361>\{Ông Chủ} ""
// \{Boss} "Young, I see. How old are you?" 

<1362> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Eighteen years old."

<1363>\{Ông Chủ} ""
// \{Boss} "You must've graduated from high school recently. That's quite an ambitious spirit."

<1364>\{Ông Chủ} ""
// \{Boss} "It will be difficult for the first few days, but you'll get used to it later on."

<1365>\{Ông Chủ} ""
// \{Boss} "Don't overexert youself, just try your best."

<1366> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Okay. I'll try my best."

<1367>\{Ông Chủ} ""
// \{Boss} "Be careful not to get injured either."

// After that, everyone scattered away to their work for today.

<1369>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Let's get going."

// It seems that I'm assigned to assist Yoshino-san as a pair. 

<1371>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "You've changed."

// Yoshino-san spoke, as he was looking ahead in the vehicle, heading to where we're working.

<1373> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Eh? How so?"

// And there's me questioning in the passenger seat.

<1375>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "You look like a completely different person than the one I met first time."

<1376> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so...?"

<1377>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Yeah. You were just a child back then."

<1378> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Are you saying that I look more mature now?"

<1379>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Nope..."

<1380>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "More like a child struggling to become an adult."

<1381> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What... so I'm a child after all."

<1382>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "But it's entirely different."

<1383> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "How?"

<1384>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Your attitude has changed."

// Perhaps... that could be reckoned as a signficiant change.

// Without a will to step forward, a child will keep remaining as a mere child.

<1387>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "I'm counting on you."

<1388> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Okay."

<1389>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Oh and... don't quit after the very first day. I'll be depressed if that happens."

<1390> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Don't worry. I'm here to work for real."

<1391>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Sounds good. Ready to go?"

// The vehicle stopped.

<1393> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

// We both opened the door at the same time.

<1395>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "This needs to be installed today."

<1396>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "It's a different one from what you helped out with, but the basics are the same."

// Yoshino-san took out a bundle of cardboard boxes from the back of the truck.

<1398> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What is this?"

<1399>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "It's a street light. Model number... well you won't know what it means anyway."

<1400>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Memorize them as soon as possible. Checking the materials is part of the job."

// Then Yoshino-san started opening the box, saying that.

// I ran to the cargo to do something useful. I'm certain that tools need to be checked... 

<1403>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "There's a helmet in the cargo, so wear it first. I told you this before."

// With a sudden warning, I wore a helmet immediately.

// I was pretty surprised.

// Last time I helped for half a day, I wasn't told of anything.

// He just ordered simple task such as handing him pliers or screws.

<1408>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Hello?"

<1409> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Y-yeah."

<1410>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "You've changed a little." 

// Yoshino-san spoke, as he was looking ahead in the vehicle, heading to where we're working.

<1412> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Eh? How so?"

// And there's me questioning in the passenger seat.

<1414>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Your first impression when we met for the first time."

<1415> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "So how do I look now?"

<1416>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Certainly... you look serious than before."

// Perhaps... it's because now I'm away from pops and Sanae-san.

// And the fact that I'm trying to protect Nagisa alone.

<1419> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Because I'm desperate..."

<1420>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Yeah, that's the right attitude." 

<1421>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Since this isn't easy labor."

<1422>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Oh and... don't quit after the very first day. I'll be depressed if that happens."

<1423> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Don't worry about that."

<1424>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Sounds good. Ready to go?"

// The vehicle stopped.

<1426> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

// We both opened the door at the same time.

<1428>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "This needs to be installed today."

// Yoshino-san took out a bundle of cardboard boxes from the back of the truck.

<1430> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What is this?"

<1431>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "It's a street light. Model number...well you won't know what it means anyway."

<1432>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Memorize them as soon as possible. Checking the materials is part of the job."

// Then Yoshino-san started opening the box, saying that.

// I ran to the rear cargo to do something useful. I'm certain that tools need to be checked... 

<1435>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "There's a helmet in the cargo, so wear it first."

// With a sudden warning, I wore a helmet immediately.

<1437>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Hello?"

<1438> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Y-yeah."

// It's different from the cozy life I had up to now...

// Back when I was working with pops and Sanae-san. 

// I acknowledged this reality.

<1442>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Great. There should be one more ladder in the cargo. Set it up from the opposite side and climb it up."

// I immediately followed the orders.

<1444>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Don't fall. I will say that again, don't fall."

<1445> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... could you please stop saying things that give an omen?"

// I was holding up a street light. Even though it was temporary, I held it up while the circuits were being connected.

<1447>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Don't hold it with your arms alone. Support it with your whole body weight. That's a much safer approach."

<1448> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// I couldn't respond back. I was told to support the street light with my upper body bent slightly behind, while I'm on a safe line connected to the pillar.  

// But I couldn't do that. It's easier said than done. Plus, I'm not on the ground either.

// Moreover, it's nonsense for someone to willingly unbalance himself on the top of a ladder. It's only few feet above, but it's still frightening.

<1452>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "You must learn to do that whether you like it or not."

// Yoshino-san simply told me so.

<1454>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Okay, it's done. You can let go."

// I released the street light gently. It was fixed in a position but bent slightly forward.

<1456>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Now watch carefully while I'm locking it up properly."

<1457> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, I can do a simple task like that."

<1458>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "No. Just watch and learn first."

// Yoshino-san had a doubtful face.

<1460> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I know how to do that."

// I may be a rookie, but even I know how to screw a bolt.  

// I want to work even a little, to take one step forward.

<1463>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "... then take care of all the remaining ones. In diagonal order. Don't forget to check afterward."  

// Yoshino-san climbed down a ladder.

// I screwed the bolts in the instructed order and went down as well.

// It won't be good as Yoshino-san's, but it should be all right, since I screwed as hard as I can.

<1467>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Finished?"

<1468> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yes."

<1469>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Did you check?"

<1470> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I did. What's wrong?"

<1471>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Did you fasten it once more lastly? It has to be tightened all the way, parallel to the wall."

// Yoshino-san and I climbed up a ladder again.

// He was handling the bolt I worked on with skillful movement.

// Among the screws, he touched one, and slowly twisted it after hammering with a wrench.

// The wrench spun about half a circle.

<1476> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... no way."

// I'm certain that I fastened it as hard as I can.

<1478>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "You didn't tighten it properly."

<1479> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well, but..."

// Smack. A noise resounded. My helmet was hit with a wrench.

// It didn't hurt, but a vibrating head caused spinning stars to hallucinate before me.

<1482> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

<1483>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "That's why I asked whether you really know how to do it or not."

// He sure asked. And I answered I knew it.

// But this ended up being the consequence.

<1486>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Even simple screwing has a technique. I trusted you since you claimed you knew."

// I was completely speechless.

<1488>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "This kind of work requires you to watch and learn. Then follow. It all begins from there."

<1489>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Listen. If you mess this up, it's game over."

<1490>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "What will you do if the street light you installed falls off?"

// Maybe... no, I will certainly regret it.

<1492>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "And what if the victim below it was the person you treasure the most?" 

// The person I care the most under the street light... Nagisa's face flashed in my head.

<1494> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I can't let that happen."

<1495>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "That's why this work needs to be done perfectly. Dedication, nothing but dedication."

<1496> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... okay."

<1497>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "As long as you don't forget about that, you'll be fine."

<1498> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yes."

// I sincerely bowed my head.

<1500>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "Then let's move on to the next one."

<1501> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "How many are left so far?"

<1502>\{Yoshino} ""
// \{Yoshino} "There's.... four left."

<1503> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... geh!"

// Yoshino-san beamed with a slight smile after hearing my comment.

// And the day's work was over.

// I couldn't walk after taking a single step out of the office.

// I sat down and leaned against wall.

// My body was about to break from the excruciating labor.

// I'm worried about waking up tomorrow morning.

// Thinking what muscle pain will strike.

// After a short rest, I headed home at a weary pace.

<1512> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm home."

<1513>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Welcome back."

// I felt somewhat relieved just from seeing Nagisa standing in a kitchen.

<1515>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Dinner will be ready soon."

<1516> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'll help."

<1517>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "\m{B}-kun, you look really tired."

<1518> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I am, but just seeing your face healed me." 

<1519>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Thank you."

<1520>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But if you overwork, it will continue on for tommorow."

<1521>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "So please, rest."

<1522> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Helping isn't really a big deal."

// I staggered when I was about to approach Nagisa after taking my shoes off.

// Nagisa only healed me mentally, and I was completely out of energy.

<1525>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "What's wrong?"

// Nagisa stared back with puzzled look.

<1527> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Nothing..."

<1528> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Maybe I should just rest..."

<1529>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes."

// Holding me from behind so that I don't fall over, I entered the room.

// Sitting down, my muscles relaxed as if my whole body was tired, and I completely laid down like that.

// I moved my body with my will until Nagisa brought dinner.

<1533> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Thanks for the food."

<1534>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Let's eat."

// A simple menu was set up, like the one last night.

// But, for someone tired like me, I was absolutely happy with that.

// If it were meat and fried stuff, my hunger would be satisfied.

<1538> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Did you buy things on the way home?"

<1539>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "No, I simply got home and changed my clothes."

<1540> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, I see."

// I try to imagine.

// The figure of Nagisa as a wife, going to buy stuff at a supermarket.

<1543> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Oh yeah...)

// And my willpower goes up +50.

// ... the only thing that's recovered has been just that.

<1546>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Umm, how did your work go?"

<1547> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah... I am certainly tired, since it is physical labor."

<1548> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "But, I think that's how it starts. If I get used to it, it should get more fun."

// Sure, it'd be nice if we talked about something else, but nothing comes up when trying to think of anything else beyond the first day.

<1550>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Is that so?"

<1551>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "You've been hanging in there, \m{B}-kun."

<1552> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

<1553>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "You seem kind of cool."

<1554> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Though I looked like crap up until now."

<1555>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "No, I do mean up until now and beyond."

<1556> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "It's fine, I know it myself."

<1557> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Up until now, I've been relying on pops and Sanae-san... no way I look that good."

<1558> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I've only become a real working adult as of today."

<1559> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "That's how I feel about it."

<1560>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Well then, today we shall commemorate you having become one."

<1561> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You feel like giving something?"

<1562>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "What would you like?"

<1563> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I don't mind whatever."

<1564>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But, I don't have anything."

<1565> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Maybe something that doesn't have a shape...?"

<1566>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Umm, are words fine?"

// Sure

// Well, beyond words...

<1569> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, I'm fine with words."

<1570>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Well then..."

<1571>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "\m{B}-kun, congratulations on becoming a working adult."

<1572>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "And, work hard."

<1573>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "For... \wait{1000}my sake."

// .........

// I never thought that Nagisa would say such a thing.

// I felt all cozy, at the bottom of my heart.

// The person I love needs me...

// What relief that brought me to see such feelings.

<1579>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I said something quite sudden, ehehe..."

<1580> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Nah, it's fine. It's really encouraging."

<1581>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Really?"

<1582>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I'm glad then."

// But, did using my willpower come up with such a strange idea...?

// At the same time we finished dinner, fatigue immediately pushed onto me, and I flopped myself onto the counter.

// Pushing all of the cleanup onto Nagisa...

// Full of energy, I felt motivated to move on tomorrow.

// But, I've completely run out of strength...

// Coming out of the bath, I didn't wait for Nagisa to go in, and ended up falling asleep.

// I no longer had any energy to do anything else.

<1590> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well, more than words..."

<1591>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Something without form, and greater than words is difficult."

<1592> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well, you can come up with something..."

<1593> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Such as..."

// Something perverted...

// No, words are enough

<1596> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Something perverted...?)

// If I said that, what kind of reaction would Nagisa have? 

<1598>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ah, something perverted is fine...?"

<1599> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah... figure something out."

<1600>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Eh, I have to think about it...?"

<1601> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah. Since it's a blessing, I'd be happy if you were the one who came up with it..."

<1602>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Is that so..."

<1603>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But, I'm not sure how to make you happy, \m{B}-kun..."

<1604>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "It's possible that you might end up hating me..."

<1605> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "No, since it's you, no matter what happens, I'll always love you." 

<1606>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Is that so...?"

<1607>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "In that case..."

<1608>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Then perhaps for dinner... \wait{1000}mouth-to-mouth feeding... how... is that...?"

<1609> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ehh? You can really do that?!"

<1610>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ah, yes... if you're fine with it, \m{B}-kun, I think I'll give it a shot..."

<1611> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Though I'd be... fine with that..."

<1612> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "But, it could be this small soya bean."

<1613>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "T-that's... small, so that'd be a problem..."

<1614>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "It might end up sticking on the mouth..."

// But, can she do it...?

<1616> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Then, what do I do if I get thirsty?"

<1617>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Water?"

<1618> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

<1619>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "If, you're fine with it, \m{B}-kun... I'd also... feed that by mouth..."

<1620>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But... my mouth couldn't open, it'd end up remaining closed..."

<1621> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Like hell that would happen!"

<1622>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "What?"

// I wake up from my delusion.

// For Nagisa to play with her food in that way was not like her at all.

// I would end up being angry at her for thinking up such things in the first place.

<1626>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Like what, exactly?"

<1627> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well..."

<1628> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I guess I"ll be happy with you congratulating me."

<1629>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes, that's what I wanted to do in the first place."

<1630> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Okay, go ahead."

<1631>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "It seems like you're kind of reluctant about it."

<1632> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm listening clearly."

<1633>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Then, I'll say it."

<1634> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Nah, words are fine."

// Thinking it over, I said that.

<1636>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay. I also wanted to go with words."

<1637>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Well then..."

// Coming out of the bath, I didn't wait for Nagisa to go in, and ended up falling asleep.

// I no longer had any energy to do anything else.