Hidan no Aria:Volume8 Chapter1

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Revision as of 14:07, 21 June 2011 by Zero2001 (talk | contribs) (It's already been established that it is E-U. See previous chapters.)
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1st Ammo: Night of Chaos -Turbulent-

"--The ambassadors of the organizations, agencies, and associations who have gathered at 'Bandire'."

On the nighttime artificial island, Empty Island--

To the abnormal group, illuminated in the midst of the mist, the armored Jeanne spoke.

"First of all, Jeanne d'Arc of E-U's Daio Nomad welcomes you with respect."

That voice felt as if an edge was concealed behind her words.

Even though she said something which was meant to welcome.


Even the me that is not in Hysteria Mode understands.

The group that is gathered here is laced with hostility.

--The mood of all gathered was that of a critical situation.

(What the hell is...going on!)

When one meets an unidentified armed group, it is theorized that they should first get a grasp of the enemies' battle power.

However, the me as of now cannot do that.

First, who is my enemy and who is my ally? Starting from that, I did not know.

Jeanne, Reki and the person who had talked to me earlier...Fox-human?...She didn't seem to be an enemy, but...as for the others, I had no idea.

--I want Kana to be my ally. However, seeing that she appeared together with that "Witch of Sand" Patra, I have to stay alert.

After that, I did not know about any of the others.

If I act like this, my life will be in danger. If I stay in this place any longer.

However, running is also--

-probably an action which will put myself in danger.

Because, the instant I turn my back on this place, I will probably be shot by all those assembled here.

So, I--


-just did nothing but stand. Right here.



Even though I just want to be able to go to a boring male high school student of an ordinary life...

Which piece of causality caused me to be dragged into this meeting filled with abnormal people!?

As if giving me a hint to that question--once again, Jeanne's rose-colored lips opened.

"As there are first-time comers here, I shall make a statement of introduction. Once, we kept ourselves hidden in the darkness of our countries, passing down our respective battle techniques and knowledge--chasing that which we sought, scrambling over that which we sought. Along with the power-gain of E-U, that conflict was arrested, but...along with the destruction of E-U, once again, the start of the gunfire will be attempted."


That name which I did not wish to remember echoed in the depths of my chest.