Dai Densetsu no Yūsha no Densetsu:Volume 3 Afterword

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Geez, I'm so busy!

So busy!

What am I busy with? Thanks to the mischief from a cat, I'm busy with buying a new car to replace my destroyed car...... my bishoujo editor-in-charge went "Write the damn manuscript, heeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ☆"

Erm, I'm writing.

I'm writing you know!

And so ~.

This is Kagami, who's desperately writing the manuscripts for the afterword and the short story to be used for the awakening campaign present which is already due in the very same morning, among other things.

The truth is today,

"I-I-I'm sorry, for some reason, whether it is because I'm in a slump, or a trump, or due to my relatives' misfortune which were not, there's no manuscript[1]...... won't you extend the deadline? Ah, of course, it's not because I couldn't sleep from the excitement of buying a new car you know, really you know?"

Of course I can't possibly have such a phone conversation.

Because today!

Today there's a meeting in the editorial department on the plans for Toyota-san's interview and Denyuuden comic to be used for the July issue of DM alrightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ---

A ad on the comic adaptation of Denyuuden! (LOL)

Well --- so joyous.

Toyota-san already has a 4-koma, and following behind, the plans for a comic adaptation of Denyuuden has started.

Even though I don't know how the world of Denyuuden will be drawn, but since there's going to be a presentation done by the editorial department, I can't possibly go there with a sullen face as a result of not meeting my deadline, so consequently, I woke up at five in the morning to write this afterword.

The sun hasn't come out yet.

Well, the details about this book have already been revealed, I think.

Erm, anyway, before that, as usual.

"Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 3 The Great Plan Of The Azure Breath"

How's it?

This is how I've been starting afterwords all this while. Why do I always use so much space, well, the afterwords space this time is not half-assed.

My editor-in-charge told me that there will be 13 pages for the afterword.

But since I can't write 13 pages, I think I will use up all my energy halfway, but I'll do my best!

Please support me!

I shall proceed the use up the space extravagantly.

Afterword Part 2

Once again, how did you find "Daidenyuuden 3"?

Of course, those who have already read this should know by now, this time round, we have a serious volume that we have never had before.

A volume in which Ryner's perspective changed greatly/.

A volume in which his burdens changed greatly.

On top of that, right from the start, it was climax after climax, to the reader, it might be kind of an extremely fast paced development, are you guys alright with this?

Even my bishoujo editor-in-charge K-san has commented that, the development in this volume is fast, and

"You take it slowly next volume you know!"

In Denyuuden, this kind of rare (LOL) developments might be strangely fast, but, for the rest of Daidenyuuden, it will be along these lines.

There are still many things to do to tie up the last part of the plot tightly.

Everyone, please continue to support this ongoing avalanche!

And so, next.

Editor K-san said,

"Anyway, just write about this in the afterwordddddddddddddddddd ☆"

To me and regarding the promotion.

Right now.

Inside the Dragon Magazine which has just undergone a renewal, is the once only revival of Denyuuden!

And it's going to be launched on the same day as this book, on May 20!

Denyuuden revives with its cover and opening special.

The cover appears to be demon king Ryner.

I haven't seen it myself yet, but the editorial department has judged the dark Ryner to be cool.

You, who are reading this book from the afterword in the bookstore.

Buy the Doramaga at the magazine corner as well! (LOL)

By the way, about the short story in the Doramaga --- then again, I wrote so much that it can't be called a short story though ---


Seems like the contents are a rough continuation of "Dai Denyuuden 3". In the long chapter, the contents are pretty much crossovers.

Frankly, a long chapter is installed.

The core of the mystery behind Denyuuden, even I was trembling, completely moved to tears!

Me and my editor-in-charge, we would never have thought that the mystery will be unveiled in Doramaga! Wait, is this really ok? Is this really ok? The two of us moved to tears over the phone.

Those who are interested, please do buy it, read it, and send in the questionnaire.

Next, I shall tell you about the details of the Denyuuden manga adaptation, which I still know nothing about, as well as the Denyuuden Great Special Edition, lots of info, so please read on!

Denyuuden will probably not revive in Doramaga again except for occasionally, so this is valuable!

The symbol is Demon King Ryner.

Please support me!

That's what my editor-in-charge told me and that's all I have to write.

But still, there's something I need to go back to.


13 pages is sure long ---.

Ah, that reminds me, I have to say thanks with regards to "The Legend of the Fallen Black Here" where Sion is the protagonist.

For some reason, the "Ochiden" series has sold more than the already published "Toriden".

Normally, for a book, it definitely won't go past the accumulated numbers for the previous volume, but, maybe it's because from hereon, "Ochiden" will starting the Roland Revolution chapter, so it might feel like a new series, and with everyone's support, this impossible miracle has been accomplished.

Not just a volume before, but even two volumes before, super surprised.

Well, the truth is, I was really afraid. Since last time, the ad for the post "Toriden" series, "Denyuuden SHOW" was done, I forcibly pulled the plug on it and said I want to do the revolution chapter! Let's do "Ochiden"! I was really getting ahead of myself and trembling.

Thanks to everyone's encouragement, the higher ups answered to my willfulness and the editorial department and sales department even held a strategic meeting and many others really worked hard, and somehow I managed to get on this track.

That's why, together with the protagonist of Ochiden, Sion-kun, let us say our thanks.

Thank you.

So, please continue to support Daiden and Ochiden.

I ended it beautifully.

There are still enough pages left to kill me! (CRY)

I'm sorry to put in ads.

I shall continue to work hard.

Shall I write about my recent situation?

Speaking of recent situation, I've never written that many manuscripts before. I've been writing and writing. But writing manuscripts is normal, so I'll talk about something else.

I wrote about cars and cats in the opening section, erm, what's next?

Recently, at my workplace at 11.30pm, my fellow authors asked me to go to a Hanami. (By the way, I was writing this afterword during the Hanami season).

So on that night,

"Oh ~ little Taka."

And I was already having a sleepy face.

"Uwah, I'm already so sleepy and going to go back, and you called me?"

"No no, the night is still young right?"

"No, I want to go back already."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Then don't call me during this houuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

I yelled out, but in the end, everyone got along till morning.

No one appeared at the workplace the next morning.

Well, as expected, work can only get done at the workplace! (LOL)

So, that's how I have fun in the workplace, together with four authors from Fujimi, and four authors from Dengeki.

Initially, there were only three of us, and before I knew it, it became like that.

Being an author can be a lonely thing, and when from the seat beside or the seat aside comes,

"Uwah ~, I want to die ~"

I don't feel that lonely anymore.

If you want to know about this, I've uploaded it in my homepage, Kagami Takaya's healthy lifestyle.

Somehow, I managed to finished 80% of the pages ~.

Time to go into the summing up!

By the way, if I don't conclude this soon, I won't make it in time for the next manuscript!

The deadline for this is one hour later!

Shall I end this with a short section!?

So, that's how it feels like, I'm tying things up.

But, before I conclude, there's something I always say.

Everyone, thank you as always.

With this volume, counting Elwin, Denyuuden, Kagami Takaya has written 39 books.

The next one will be the 40th!

Even though I felt like I've been swept to here, but the reason for that is because of everyone's encouragement.

A work can't be established without its readers. So really, thank you.

And to the bookstore peeps, thank you.

I've seen those signages.

As well as the displays of the books.

I'm amazed each time.

It's not just my effort, but everyone else, that this work can continue.

Thank you.

And, please continue to support me!

And somehow, as I'm writing this, the truth is, the editorial department has already sent me the manga adaptation as a present ~.

Information about the manga adaptation.

In July issue of the monthly Dragon Age (selling on 9-June (Monday)), an announcement comic for "Denyuuden" will be in!

In the August issue of Dragon Age, (selling on 9-July (Wednesdat)), the manga "Denyuuden" will start serialization!

The manga artist will be Nagakura Hiroko-san. At this point of time, I've not met him yet, but the Age editorial department sent me the drawings, the rough, and the name[2].

Somehow. It's awesooooommmmeeee!

The drawings, the name as well! I've seen the serious scenes of the long chapters, and it's really awesome!

On top of that, he sent his gratitude and about how much he likes Denyuuden, so everyone, please look forward to it!

So, we come to the conclusion again.

And also, after the end of this year, there are even more awesome things.

But, with regards to this awesome thing, it will start in September.

And, the start of that will be the launching of "Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 4" in September.

Speaking of that, I have to release a long story in September as well...... really dying...... (LOL)

So as to speak, the next time we meet, will be in Dragon Magazine's Denyuuden opening special, which will be sold at the same time as this volume.

And then, the next time will be Daiden 4 in Septemeber!

Please continue to support me!

Kagami Takaya

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Nonsense: Yes, it's pure nonsense. Don't worry if you don't get it, because half the time, I don't know what he's writing in his nonsensical afterwords.

  2. Name: A name is a draft of a manga chapter shown to the editor before the artist works on the manuscript.

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