Zero no Tsukaima:Volume15 Chapter2

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Status: Incomplete

40% completed (estimated)


The Knight Contest of the Sandbank

Across the river of Lelion flowing north of Carcassonne, the Romalian and Gallian army are still at a stalemate for the last 3 days. In this period of time, weaving across the banks of this narrow river reaching less that 200 metres, are not flying arrows or bullets, not is it magic spells, but "words".

"Hey, Gallian suckers, convey a message to your damned old man!?"

A Romalian soldier yelled.

"Which stinking disciple is screaming all around!?"

Someone in the Gallian camps responded.

"Which wasted country is this, there's nothing to eat at all! Bread is no difference from clay, drinking wine is more like drinking vinegar!"

"How would any stinking disciple know taste! Just wait here a while, I'll make you full from eating lead cannonballs!"

"Hey, what is that person afraid of even crossing a river talking about?"

"Does no one on your side know how to swim? Go back to your home and come back after you learn how to splash in water!"

Endless cries of both side swearing at each other, occasionally one or two hot-headed noble would wade into the centre of the river and chop each other on an small rock.

The winner would always wave his army's flag around, enjoying his faction's cheers, boosting morale. The loser would hang their heads in shame, until another unsatisified challenger comes forth..... and the loop goes on again and again.

Whenever a noble is wounded or even dead in the challenge, two small boats, one from each faction will go and take them back. An unanimous rule of "allowing to attack that boat", is currently getting knights of both factions excited.

Right now, waving in the winds on the island, is the flag of the Gallian army. The cheering Gallian army sent out cries of provokation. In the middle of the Romalian army viewing the other side of the bank, Gimili said without thinking

"What, compared to when we were on Albion's island, this is more relaxing"

"The strength is always highest at the start"

Malicorne concluded as if understanding philosophical.

Hearing him say so, Reinard said

"It must be because everyone felt a hint of guilt."


Saito asked, and Reinard nodded to him.

"Well, although this is a 'Crusade', but the enemy isn't excatly any heretics, nor do they belong to any new religion. We are all followers of Brimir, no one knows what are we actually fighting for. They claim they have allied with the elves yet so far we haven't see a single one yet. In addition, being ex-Gallian warriers, half of Gallia are supporting us without knowing our cause for war. They themselves must be very muddled right now."


"Yet still, despite all the reasons here, the description 'Crusade' has already been announced, it would be impossible to change it now. In their eyes, we are considered as invading their territory, the name of a 'Crusade' is none other than an excuse to conquer Gallia."

"Therefore, this awkward stalemate continues. God, if this war ends here right now then it would be the dumbest decision ever, not a single one of the dead soldiers will be able to die in peace."

After Saito has pointed out his own views, Reinard revealed a stern face and corrected

"No, the longer this is, the worse it will be to us. We are after all inside enemy territory. Suppose he Gallian Southern Vassals on our side right now find themselves at a disadvantage, if they turn against us then it would be troublesome."

"You don't mean trouble, but destroyed, right?"

"My points excatly"

As straightforward as possible, Reinard answered.

"Is there any way to prevent this from happening?"

"In the next battle we must obtain a decisive victory. Simply said, no matter what we must entirely defeat those guys on the other side of the river."

Looks like I should've insisted on bringing the Panzer here Saito thought

The energective Panzer which defeated the Golomontas in battle was left behind in the streets of Aqueilia.

But then again, even if he had insisted, things won't go his way either. Just moving that Tank is a task difficult enough. If forcefully driven, some parts might actually go haywire.

If this fries up, then it's done for. There's no backup support, making a temporarily one using Alchemy would take too much time.

Even under the help of this world's best mechanic -- genius engineerer Colbert, driving the Panzer from Romalia borders 800 miles to here is impossible. There will not be enough fuel, not to mention that you have to be extremely lucky such that none of the parts is damaged,

Transporting it with the "Orient" is also out of the topic. Everytime the battlefield changes, repeatedly "Loading and Unloading" will spend more energy than its worth.

Just by having the tank in its hanger, the consumption of Wind rocks will increase exponentially. Also remember that there would need to be 20 experienced wind mages, all of the trouble for only a small Knight's branch. Being in a disadvantage themselves already, to spend to much time and energy would not be the best solution. Therefore Saito eventually had to agree to leave it there.

Different from airplanes, in this world without roads or rails, to transport a tank without it being bashed up is a daunting challenge indeed. Well, the challenge here is currently taken up by Colbert, thinking like hell in the accompany of the Orient in the streets of Aquileia.

Because of the short notice, there was not enough time to ask Colbert the overall idea on how to prepare this. Even for a person like Colbert, an effective method to transport a tank, isn't really some idea one can easily grasp hold of.

Then again, if the tank is magically in front of Saito right now, facing an army of 10,000, what on earth do you think a tank can do?

Moreover....., even towards the enemy, Saito did not want to point those large guns at somebody made out of blood and flesh.

The only thing he can rely on right now, is Henrietta. She had sworn to stop this war as she was about to begin her journey back to Tristain

"Please do not do anything rash, stall as much as possible"

And so, Saito and the others, sitting in the middle of the Romalian camps, are electrocuting their grey matter right now, tring desperately to buy time....

What if another horde of Golomontas appeared again?

--Then we might as well flee. It's worth a try using the AK-47 or Derflinger, I guess. Saito suddenly felt a shiver sent down his spine.

"So the is the tremor of excitment from the legendary warrior when preparing a battle?"

"No, out of fear. Speaking of which, where's Guiche?"

Malicorne extended out his finger.

Tracing the direction of his grubby finger, Guiche was inside a dinghy rowing to the small island, carrying a face smiling like a kid's. The Romalian army released ground-breaking cheers and applause.

"That idiot!"

"Our captain really likes the attention doesn't he...... it looks like, he had a few sips of wine."

Gimili said in a depressed tone.

"The noble he's going to face already defeated 3 of our best men."

"That certainly is, a knight of the four hundred flower beds, Duke Socaron (西百合花壇騎士,索瓦松男爵). He's a noble considered as a famous hero around here. Either way, this is going to end up bad...."

Reinard sighed, watching the bald, muscle covered man waving his flag high on the island.

Saito urgently pushed away the gathered soldiers and nobles, rushing into the river.

Wading through the flowing water, Saito climbed aboard Guiche's dinghy. The soldier at the bow immediately moved away to give him a spot.

"Oh, Saito. Here to cheer for me?"

There was no need to say more, Guiche is dead drunk. His red face can be seen regardless of the layers of make up one can apply on him. Another obvious hint is the wine bottle in his left hand.

"What are you doing! 'You must control yourselves when I'm away', didn't the Queen advised us before she left!"

Saito yelled at the drunk. Guiche twisted his body a little then hugged his knees.

"That's right, that is quite possible.... But, see here, Saito. Look at the arrogance the Romalian and Gallian army are boasting. Here we should give them a good performance of the Ondine Water Spirit Knight's bravery and power, and our names will be praised on forever and ever by our grandchildren and their grandchildren!"

"Who's going to be your grandchildren when you die!"

"Hmm. Well, you're here as well. Things won't turn out so bad."

Saito cowered his head in anguish. He thought this guy have changed a little to somewhat extent, but now it looks like that his is the same Guiche down to his roots. Always wanting to show off and brag, this guy probably will never change for the rest of his life.

This scene on the dinghy was observed by the bald enemy. Yells of curses began to rang again

"What, expecting defeat so you want to fight two on one? As expected of the cowardly Romalia!"

Guiche put on a fearless smile and yelled back

"We are from Tristain, and are here to teach you ruthless Gallian about etiquette!"

"That thought never came across me."

Saito mumbled. Of course, his voices of complaint were covered by the shouts of provocation on both sides.

"Tristain? Good, dogs of Romalia, show me everything you've got! Knight of the Gallian Flower Beds (yes, this sounds ridiculous. I'm sorry I can't think of a better word!), Piero Flanders (弗蘭馬玖•頓•索瓦鬆) awaits you here! Who's first? Or do you wish to fight me together? Whatever you want!"

Guiche nodded deeply at Saito.

"Vice Captain, it's about time."

"Me!? You don't want to look cool anymore?"

"My apologies, I seemed to have drank too much."

Guiche shamelessly burped. Sounds of jeering and provocation continued to fly everywhere. Having no choice, Saito stepped forward.

"Name and rank!"

"Kingdom of Tristain, Ondine Water Spirit Knights, Saito Chevalier De Hiraga."

Hearing so, the strong bald-headed man showed looks of surprise.

"The Hiraga who stopped an army of 70,000 alone in Albion?"


Duke Socaron turned his head around.

"Hey! Everybody! Listen up, this guy seems to be the rumored 'Albion's Hero'!"

Threatening cries of cheers sounded from the Gallian army. Looks like Saito is pretty famous even on enemy ground. Whichever side did the cheers come from, they were probably out of respect towards a hero.

"Able to cross swords with you, it is my glory. Please!"

The smile of Duke Socason's face vanished, as if saying he had not given all he's got in the previous battles.

Saito voiced thoughts of despair in his brain. Gallia really is as incredible as what people says, having such chivalrous knights. They will have to face an army containing even more of these knights.

Saito unsheathed Derflinger. Simultaneously, the Romalian soldiers roared deafening cheers again.

"Oi, partner. From when did you become the protagonist on the stage? What an incredible audience!"

"No choice. Since we're already here, we might as well drive those guys on the other side of the river into despair."

Duke Socaron quickly finished his chant, forming blades of winds flying straight at Saito.

Saito has long began used to a magician's battle, swiftly dodging it and charged into the enemy.

Duke Socaron was not slow either, beautifully levitating above the edge of saito's sword and jumped behind him. Again, Saito continued to approach him under the non-stopping baldes of winds. Even his opponent being only a swordsman, Duke Socaron did not let down his guard or underestimate him. He knows that his opponent is not simple at all.

"Can't believe this large body can be so agile!"

Between the bellows of both armies, Saito was unable to get close to his opponent's body. In his chase, a wrong step into sand and stones caused him to lose balance, throwing Saito to the ground.


Duke Socaron made his move at Saito and unleashed his icebolts. Although fast, but not fast enough. Saito used Derflinger to defend himself, and subsequently absorbed the spell.


The stunned Duke Socaron's wand was shattered in an instant. At another glance, Saito's AK-47 held single-handed was fairly smoking.

"Th-the gun hit the wand?"

At that distance? A gun which an accuracy like this, it was the first time Duke Socaron have ever heard or seen. Stunned to the core he unconsiciously knelt down.

"....I'm sorry, but, you also used flying tools, so we're even."

Romalian army burst out with thunders of cheers. The soldier on the dinghy immediately handed Saito their flag.

"I will be planting my flag on here, as some sort of prize for winning. Take your flag back with you. Thanks for your hard work."

Facing the still dumbfounded Duke Socaron, Saito comforted. Guiche, on the other hand ran over and started tying him up.

"Wh, what are you doing?"

"Heyhey, he is now captured by you, which idiot would honestly return him back."

Between Guiche and the tied up duke, a negiotiation suddenly began.


"Too high, 1000."


".....Hmm, well, ok, deal!"

Duke Socaron waved his hand to the people on the Gallia side.

Very soon, a dinghy full of bags was rowing towards this way. The dressed men coming ashore seemed to be servants, and made difficult effort in placing 3 large leather bags in front of Saito. After confirming the contents of the bags, Guiche released the ropes tying the duke up.

Duke Socaron boarded the dinghy filled with large bags just now, and rowed back to his side.

"What does this mean?"

Saito couldn't help but ask.

"What else could it be, of course it's ransom."


"Ah, the loser is the prisoner, if he wants to be released he must, of course, pay ransom. This time he is a duke, in the markets they are worth in units of thousands. Wahh, this time we're going to be rich~"

Guiche patted Saito's shoulders laughing. So the bags were filled with shining gold coins. Saito was unable to accept this in such a short moment, and shook his head.

"Well, since we've already profitted from it, let's go back. Standing here feels weird."

"Heyhey, this can't end like this."

Guiche pointed to the Gallian army across the river. Hot-headed commanders were crying out

"Take down that guy! Whoever it is! Taken him down and I'll pay him 3000 Igo gold coins."

The soldiers were just as excited, pushing each other away from the dinghy crying "Me! Me!"

"Oh, Oh, duke, earl..., That's the Father of Marquis Honbaleui (康芭蕾)!....You, keep it up! I believe after tonight we can build a city!"

And so, Saito being forced and blinded by money and glory had countless fights with Gallian nobles.

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