Zero no Tsukaima:Volume15 Chapter4

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Chapter 4: The Jewel of Fire

The Capital city of Gallia, Lutece.

As of now...... the betrayal of the southern vassals have triggered the current royalties and citizens to flee massively, similiar to the disturbance at Albion not long ago.

Suddenly titled as an "enemy of God" by the Romalia Church, this furthermores cascades the confusion of Gallian citizens. For consequtive days, strict believers of Brimir have gathered themselves at the church of Lutece, praying for a miracle.

Distancing themselves from the Gallian King Joseph day by day, the priests and preachers (,seeing not a single trace of belief in the Gallian King himself), between the factions Gallian and Romalia, cautiously make sure that their words are not biased to either side, taking a completely neutral stand in this battle.

A week since Romalia's invasion, Lutece, once delicate to every inch, has already been submerged with a dark, "end of the world" scent.

The elite Knights of the Eastern Roses' defiance and their purge...... the frightening side of these news and their dispise towards foriegn armies are the only things keeping most of its original army still fighting for King Joseph..... but the morale is at an unprecedented low.

Gallia's defeat could be foreseen by any person. Everyone have developed a genuine feeling of repulsion towards a rule under Romalia, the country about to conquer these territories.

To prove themselves not "heretics", rich merchants all, acting on their own conciousness, transport carriage-full of gold and valuables to this church, the amount of "storage" representing the amount of devotion.

Kind representatives of the commoners, the 王党派の宮廷貴族, attempted seek a small hope of survival for this crumbling country, and became more and more lively with the start of each day.

Yet, whenever these people are at the countryside of Lutece, at the place of Palace of Versailles...... Every glance at the ruins of the collapsed Grand Troyes courts, once containing beautiful clear sky blue walls, they can't help but feel the reality that all their work is for naught.

The original owner of the collasped Grand Troyes courts, have already moved to a spot east of the main palace, the Concierge. As soon as Gallia has been declared as "enemy of God", the visiting ambassadors or councillors all fled to their own countries like rats fleeing a building on fire. Naturally, as of now there won't be any more guests coming forth, and eventually settled down at this place.

Sitting on the bed which replaced the dining hall's long dining table, Joseph quietly gazed at a old chest on the floor. A smile having no connections with the disturbance outside surfaced between his tidy mustache.

That chest, brought out warm memories beckoning to him.

Memories of childhood...... in the middle of the broad palace, a five-year-old Harold (Charlotte/Tabitha 's father) and the eight-year-old Josepf were playing a game of hide-and-seek.

Joseph, hid in this place after turning the place upside-down with effort. This is a popular chest among the commoners. Although it may not seem to have enough size to fit in a person, the storage space has actually been expanded up to 3 times its original size through magic. It's a one-of-its-kind magical tool.

Full of belief that he would not be found if he hid here, he made an exaggerated claim to his little brother. In the end....."pop", the lid to the chest was opened, Harold poking his head inside.

"I've found you, brother."

"You've actually found this place, wow"

"Heheh, I used 'detection' magic, then this placed started shining. Turns out this thing is a magical item."

"You've already learned how to use 'detection'? Unbelievable"

Harold's displaced a pleased face.

Softly, Joseph mumbled. "If there were any chance, I'd like to see your regretting face even just once. If that were possible, then none of these ridiculous disturbance would have happened. Take a look, your favourite Grand Troyes court, has already vanished. Your loved Lutece, is already as if situated in the firey ovens of hell. Though said, these are all my work of art. I will not be swayed so easily. The betrayal of half a country does seem kind of sad, but this does not affect me at all. Actually, other than 'whatever', I don't have any other thoughts."

Then Joseph shook his head with a "Hmm....". "Anyways I'll first turn those guys to ashes. Half a country, will be sent to your side soon. Just sit tight and wait, Harold"

Joseph sighed. "Sigh, feels like I've become very troublesome. Originally I thought I only had to take, each street, each country, and destroy them one by one.... on second thoughts, this is actually a very tough task. It'd be better to turn them all to ashes. Of course, this Gallia would be included as well. So sit tight and build your own kingdom up there, Harold."

As he reached this point, the large doors were suddenly slammed open violently.


Walking with wide steps, was his own daugther, princess Elisabeth. Long blue hair draped over her shoulders, a sign of royalty. Her face ,usually hanging an omnious smile, was never paler before.

"What, in the world, happened? Hearing Romalia's announcement, I had to rush back immediately from my trip at Albion. And when I come back, the entire city is a mess! I also heard that half of the country has betrayed you"

"So what?" Joseph replied, annoyed.

".....'so what' you say? It's all because of you allying with the elves, things turned out like this. Now we've become Halkenia's public enemy, haven't we?"

"It is my freedom to ally myself with anyone I like. Perhaps, those long ears, compared to us Brimir believers, have a more complicated way of thinking. Never mind, none of these matter"

Elisabeth was scared from her father's attitude, discovered unexpectedly.

Until now, although she had once thought about, something not right, weird about her father..... today was her first day to actually experience the "other side" of her father.

Elisabeth, as far as where her memories goes, have seldom talked with her father. After her mother passed away, the distance between was seperated even more.

Before Elisabeth had a chance to find anything out of place, she had already grown up.

Their status of royalty, compared to family, as King and princess, it was valued much much more.

The growing Elisabeth was surrounded by tons of maids, butlers, playmates, she never had much loneliness in her childhood.

Of course, once in a while, there is this desire to be with her family, but she would always comfort herself with the reason that "father is busy with his works".

So in the end, other than showing up for the public every now and then, they barely had any time to see each other.

His attitude, the title of "incompetent king", rumors of murdering her uncle Harold.... these things slowly turned unimportant to Elisabeth. No matter what she desires, Joseph will definitely satisify her needs.

But now..... different from his usual, varying, difficult to approach attitude, facing him directly, has made Elisabeth tremble.

Standing in front of her, is a completely unfamilar person.

Even so, Elisabeth drew out her courage and cried out "F-father, I do not understand at all! Isn't the country about to collaspe! What would happen to me!"

"Who knows. If you don't like it then leave this country."

Violently trembling, Elisabeth's teeth chattered loudly. "....what, are you thinking right now, father?"

"Disappear from my sight. Looking at you feels like staring at myself, urg"

Unable to stand the frightening deep low voice's words, Elisabeth quickly dashed out of her father's bedroom.

In replacement, with completely black hair, Sheffield appeared.


"Vitartial/Bidashal has a message for you. Says that 'it' is almost complete."

Joseph smiled lightly, and stood up.

Joseph and Myozunitonirun, walked slowly towards the church deeper into the palace Versailles.

Facing the master and familiar who never brings anyone else with them, the knights guarding Versailles saluted and then bowed.

Both their hands were shaking, not because of the fact that their lord can use magic to bury traitors together with the entire Grand Troyes to his pleasure.

Instead, it's because...... for the purpose of suppressing the rebellion at port St. Marion, the "research" going on brazenly in the middle of the palace and its crutial "researcher".

Since the start of this research, which is going to experimented on St. Marion, a rumor began to spread among the knights and army.

"There are elves supporting Joseph"

At Romalia, announcing a crusade because of this reason, 'is just an excuse' to most of Versailles's nobles and soldiers. Few others know otherwise.....

The guards here realised that, contrary to popular belief, this is not any excuse.

Using the same pace as ever, Joseph, and his female officer black like a crow from top to bottom..... their destination, was Versailles's church, also the lab for the elves' frightening research.

The man dressed differently who call himself Vitartial/Bidashal, doesn't even attempt to hide those long eards anymore.

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