User talk:MaerisCrisis

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Revision as of 20:00, 26 May 2012 by Kira0802 (talk | contribs)
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You know, I just realized how similar our names sounded XD
Where did you get your's? My "Xasis" part came from The Edge series, and the first part was something my friend gave me. -MerrickXasis 23:27, 16 January 2012 (CST)

That's true, they look similar. Well, Eris is the goddess of Discord and Suffering, "ma" means "mine" in French (I'm French) : so Maeris means something like "my pain" in a more angry way...and then I added the latin word "crisis" (= fits) because of its meaning and the rime. Ah, ah...I was very angry at that time because we (French people) had elected a President I hate! ...And that's how my name was created--MaerisCrisis 07:17, 17 January 2012 (CST)

J'ai répondu à ton message. Réponds-moi si tu es d'accord. -Misogi 18:17, 23 Mai 2012 (GMT+1)

En passant, Maeris, on dirait que ton lien est brisé lorsqu'on la clique...

Aussi, merci pour la trad de SAO!Kira (Talk) 13:00, 26 May 2012 (CDT)