User talk:Haze

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All Spams and flames here. Because I'll never see it. (NB. You can now leave comments without flames being an essential part of it. And i do see the stuff here.)

Haze. Hez. LH|Mirror. Whatever you know me as, I'm Just another reincarnation of Henry VIII. Fatass king of the world. Not really.


Heyo. Just wanted to say thanks for the translating o.o. Chrome Shelled Regios has been an amazing read so far. Mm, well, yes, that'd be about it. Fatass (since I guess flaming has to be a part of the comments :D)


Thanks for the first part. Maybe not the second. ^.^ Go thank blewin too. She's done a lot more than me.


Already have. Again, thank you greatly *Bows*. I'll never cease to be amazed at how much work translators can put into something like this, without getting paid, to let people read really good novels in another language for free. Pretty awesome.

Vol 8 last chapter last part

It's been a year and a half. How much longer will it take to do the still a tiny part left - Ed. Lyg? Zero2001 - Talk - 06:36, 6 May 2012 (CDT)

I'm sorry if I offend you Haze-san, but I'm dying to see volume 8 completed (and probably many other readers too). Please, finish it, and if you can't because of some situation, can you please upload the translation you have done? And then other translator will translate the tiny part left (I hope). Arczyx - Talk 05:09, 17 July 2012 (CDT)