Zero no Tsukaima:Volume16 Chapter2

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Chapter 2 - Searching for a Residence

At the countryside Tristania of the Kingdom of Tristain......, a corner past the


Wales was an estate agent running a business in Tristania, his customers either

rich entreprenures or nobles. Today, he was scratching his head in frustration.

Though he deals with nobles, the estate he handles are not "territories" and has

nothing to do with title. They are mere "lands" any rich merchant and

aristocrats can purchase.

Which very much explains why when today's customer's appeared, he was overjoyed.

However one looks at it, these customers must be one of the top nobles of this


If someone as famed as them becomes his customers, sooner or later his shop will

also rise to fame accordingly.

If he is able to make a successful deal, this customer may very likely introduce

other new customers. Imagining how big his business could become, Wales actively

searched for all sorts of estates.

But, this master and servant......

"This isn't my cup of tea" Both hands crossed in front of her chest, critizing Wales's estates, was the

third child of the Valliere family, Louise Valliere.

This morning, around 8 a.m. they came to Wales's office. Without much ado, they

had already asked "Introduce us to a house" describing how their future home should be made for two, how it wouldn't matter

even if it were smaller. Looks like it's a pair of young lover trying to avoid

the eyes of the world, preparing a temporary residence before their marriage.

Couples seeking refuge because of their difference in statuses like them are

common. According to their situation, Wales quickly picked out a few estates for


But, it seems like their dream house has still yet to show up. The third lady of

the duke's family, this pinked-haired beauty could not stop her grumbles against

any of Wales's suggestions.

"What's wrong with it, tell me" said the frowning servant of Miss Valliere, a black haired teen. Just by the

looks of his clothing, it was obvious that he was not any teen. From the silver

coat of arms of a Chevalier, he should be the legendary knight of a civilian's

background - co-captain Hiraga Saito.

Because of his civilian background, he was by far a much easier customer to

communicate with. So far, he had shown much interest in moust of the houses

suggested by Wales.

"This place isn't so bad, is it?"

In contrast, everytime he says so, Miss Valliere's eyebrows springs into action.

Using either the colour of the exterior wall, or the worn out structure, how the

room faces a bad direction, even going about how the trees planted in the

gardens aren't good enough and so on so on, all sorts of reasons to send him


Wales is also a person with his own dignity. Taking them to the last house

possible, it would seem quite unreasonable if they complained even about this

one. Well Wales definitely in for a surprise "Young m'lady, what don't you like about this one? The one who designed this

house was a famous architect, Sir Rosa Venturini. Under the invitation of an

artistic noble, he designed every single inch of this building!"

It was true that this house was filled with an artistic atmosphere.

Compared to the other buildings they have seen so far, this one certianly looked

very outstanding.

Piled into a hemispherical shell with stones, at the centre was a grand

staircase and a courtyard. In the courtyard grew an enormous tree, running

through the entire house.

Its walls were decorated with flowerbeds, planted with all sorts of flowers. The

entire house seemed to be cut out from part of the forest itself.

"Incredible, how should I say it, it feels like it is merged with the nature

itself. This sure is incredible" Saito praised while nodding. Wales nodded affirmatively towards Saito's words.

"Isn't it? As expected of the Highness's knight, you see things differently! For

this one, you only need 10,000 Ecu, it's the absolute exception out of all

exceptions! Houses better than this one, you won't be able to find any

throughout the entire Kingdom of Tristain!"

He's got a point, Saito thought, trying to urge Louise "Take a look, no matter from which angle this looks very nice, doesn't it?"

"You're annoying, I ask you, how is this good? Which part of it looks good. This

entire building is a vase"

"that's what makes it interesting"

With a displeased look, Louise sighed "Are you dumb? Choosing a home just because of this reason alone, it's no wonder

you have such bad taste!"


Seeing them fight, the black haired girl behind them suggested "Well well, calm down both of you! Since we're here to search for a good

home.... let's not fight, OK?"

"How annoying, how does this have anything to do with you anyway?"

"Of course it does, it's because I'm the caretaker, it's my duty to help choose

carefully right now" Countered the black haired girl with a calm expression. Seeing this incident,

Wales began to worry.

From the looks of it..... the only reason this pinked-haired aristocrat is

unhappy is because of the black-haired girl. The more she praises the house, the

worse Miss Valliere's expressions will look, eventually complaining here and

there, such as how the colour of the wall looks bad. If the teen knight

comforts, she mood will take another turn for the worse. Seeing how the pattern

has cycled many times, Wales became very frustrated over this.

"Saito! Come and look! This kitchen, is so big, hurray~~~~!" she screamed happily. Saito and Siesta began wandering around the shop for more.

Behind them, Louise kept a gloomy expression for the whole time.

"......although I said I didn't need maids"

Just like what happened last night, Siesta followed them in broad daylight. If

Louise complains to Saito, he would then say "where could you find a better

helper than Siesta?"

Certainly, on closer inspection one would realise how it's almost impossible to

find a maid quicker and more efficient than Siesta for housework. Moreover, the

idea of not hiring a maid at all was incomplete to begin with. There are work

that cannot be handed to a male after all.

Rather than hiring an unknown maid, Siesta was certainly a better choice.

On the other hand..... these things cannot be decided with reason. The bright

coloured future Louise originally imagined began to turn grey.

"Incredible, I never knew a stove could be so big! This way we can cook

anything~~~~! Would you like to make your order, Mister Saito?"

"Well..... as long as it's made by Siesta, any food would taste great"

Louise gritted her teeth to the degree where she could rip her hankerchief into

shreds. What is this! This is as if a conversation between a newly wed couple!

Who exactly does he want to live with~~~~!

Feeling as if she lost very badly, Louise began to fight. After searching around

herself, Louise discovered an excellent item.

"Hey--, ahem, ahem ahem"

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Saito noticed this side. Keeping a calm expression as much as possible, Louise

pointed to a corner on the ceiling.

"This is an excellent chandelier don't you think, as expected of something built

by an artistic noble, an avant-garde design, but you can feel its elegance

through its simplicity" Louise nodded with a straight face.

".....but that's only a basket used to dry vegetables" Siesta chuckled, making Louise go red all the way to her neck.

"Please Louise, don't joke around, even I can see that it's only a basket"

"Ha, if the job was given to Miss Valliere, I'm sure we'll never be able to

choose a suitable house"

"nobles don't have much common sense, it can't be helped"

Finding it hard to swallow, Louise swung open a trapdoor on the floor "L-look, there's a basement"

"A storage room, I guess?"

"Possible. Say, Saito, shall we take a look around?

"Nah" Saito swiftly rejected, soon turning back to Siesta's presentations. With the

choice completely on the other's hands, Louise was out of ideas and snuck into

that storage room, sitting down and hugging her knees.

"Look, Mister Saito! This is the ultimate oven! It's the newest product! Look

how much effort they spent even on the vents!"

"Although I don't really get it, if Siesta says so then it must be very


Hmm--hmm--hmm--hmm. Louise hummed a song alone, but no one heard it. Suddenly in front of her eyes,

something popped out.

"F-frog--!" Louise who have always had a genuine dislike for frogs panicked, unconsiously

casting spells. The house was quickly filled with surprised cries and smoke....

After the smoke have finally cleared, Wales told them "My deep apologies, but it would be impossible for me to suggest a house that is

able to satisify Miss Valliere"

"Then, in the end you didn't find a single thing?" The shopkeep Scarron sighed. After Wales have completely given up, to clear up

their gloomy emotions, Louise and the rest came to Tristainia's "Charming

Fairies" inn.

"That's what happened, all because of her, saying only selfish things. In

addition, even magic was used. Just the repair bill alone was 200 Ecu"

Saito complained grumpily. Louise hung her head in shame "I-it's not completely my fault either"

"And? Exactly what kind of house will you be pleased with?" Saito asked exhaustedly from the bottom of his heart.

Actually, all she wants is for the maid to be gone, but directly saying so would

mean admitting her own defeat.

With no choice, Louise began listing one by one, saying how the position of each

room should be like, where the sunlight should reach, so on so on.

Standing next to Scarron, Jessica nodded from watching Louise. "In short, Louise feels uncomfortable living with Siesta, right?"

Instantly the atmosphere froze. Well that was to be expected. Realising so,

Saito couldn't help but turn pale. It felt as if the thing he feels most guilty

about has been placed under the spotlight.

On the other hand......, he had always felt that Louise and Siesta had an

understanding on this. After all, the one he likes is Louise. Plus, even after

clarifying it with Siesta, Siesta was still willing to be a maid..... Siesta

completely sees his charming points, the way she feels for him has already

surpassed love.....

Just by looking at Louise and Siesta, in addition to the embarrasing atmosphere,

one can feel the cold chilly air hanging between them.

"Recently your relationship with each other seemed to have improved" Saito casually mumbled. Scarron patted Saito's shoulders and said "Saito-kun really doesn't understand the heart of a woman~~~~

well, this has been the way it was from the start"

"Eh? Eh? Eh eh?"

Scarron continued, wiggling his waist "After purchasing a house, that's when your real life begins, isn't it? Cute

little Louise wants to settle down, but so does cute little Siesta"

Saito noticed how both Louise and Siesta have been staring at him for some time.

With half-closed eyes, they seemed to be appealing on something.

What do you plan to do? Questioned their looks.

Which would be the best way out of this...?

Only recently have Saito begun to sense Louise being attracted to himself, which

makes perfect sense why he had no desire to consider the feelings of girls other

than Louise. Of course, every now and then his body act on its own accord......

As for Siesta, he likes her a lot too. But this kind of fondness is completely

different from the one he feels for Louise. Yet even so, Siesta never

complained. Just considering the things she have done for him, he cannot thank

her enough.

If she says she wants to become Saito's maid, Saito will not be able to refuse

no matter what. If he did, it would feel as if he had forsaken an important

thing that defines human.

All sorts of thoughts tangled in Saito's mind, refusing to let Saito reach any


Looking at the three of them like this, Scarron clapped his hands "If that's so, then let's solve it using the adult's way"

"The adult's way?"

"Mhm. If this goes on, we'll never produce any result"

The three of them blushed in embarrasment.

"I would suggest Saito-kun buy a house all by himself, live with cute little

Louise, hire little Siesta, then all's solved"

Siesta's face glowed brightly; Louise's eyes shot daggers; Saito facepalmed.

"Why does it always end up like that!" Louised yelled. Scarron answered Louise coldly "Say, little Louise. Saito-kun is a national hero right now"

This Louise have also noticed. Even right now, outside the shop there's a band

of people fighting to get a glimpse of the "heroic charisma"...... even earlier

on their way to town, they were often stared in the same way by other


And all of those looks were aimed towards.....

From the visiting crowd, a middle-aged female jumped forward and knelt in front

of Saito.

"Eh? What! What's going on!" Saito flustered.

"Excuse me....., you must be the co-captain of her majesty's Water Spirit Ondine

Knights, Sir Hiraha...."

"Erm, it's Hiraga....." Hearing Saito's response, the visiting crowd boiled. Enthusiastically. Feeling a

natural sense of fear towards this disturbance, Louise and the others shuddered.

"Being able to meet you in person, I'm so, so touched~! Although commoner, you

made so many great achievements! You are our pride! Please, you must must must

name this child!"

Behind this hysterical female, a seemingly business man also jumped forward and

forcefully shook Saito's hand. The crowd began to list Saito's achievements.

"The retreat of Albion"

"His active performance at the Tiger's Highway!"

"And then he defeated hundreds at the Lelion river! After hearing fantastic

stories about you, we Tristania citizens could not be more proud!"

"Well, it was only around ten....."

"It's already difficult enough! Defeating ten nobles! But now you're a noble


Looks like other than Saito's activities, various pointless chatter were also

included. Now that Louise thinks of it, if he is well known throughout the

Gallian nobles, it wouldn't be so surprising if Saito's heroic stories were

spread around Tristainia.

Before this, Saito's name had already been well-known from his performance at

Albion. The war with Gallia can only make him even more famous.

Saito shook his head, too embarrased to know what else to do. The treatment he

already gets at the Magic Academy has evolved to a city-wide phenomenon, no,

perhaps even a country-wide phenomenon.

With a low voice, Scarron whispered to the Louise who was pushed away by the


"Little Louise, do you understand now? Saito's popularity is now sky high in

Tristainia, he will barely be able to walk alone on the streets"

"How, how did he suddenly turn so popular....."

Ahem, Scarron coughed, pointing towards the poster on the walls of the inn. It

was the advertisement of the Tarbes Garbo's Troupe. Louise examined the

repertoire with round eyes.

"......Albion's swordsman?"

On the poster was a picture of a man holding a sword, facing a bunch of scary

looking Albion soldiers. The man was dressed in leather, handsome looking and

tall. Looks like somebody somewhere, but not so much in other places.

But, this..... unless......

"Since we have a chance, why don't we all go and have a look?"

Louise nodded with cold sweat on her forehead.

"Cruel ruthless Albion army! Come at me!"

Watching the opera on the stage, Saito and the others were wordless.

The black haired actor with a sword was facing a dummy dragon and actors dressed

up as nobles.

"There are 70,000 enemies! I am alone! But God and Founder Brimir will never

abandon Tristian!"

Saito muttered quietly "There's only 7 of them"

"How do you suppose they put so many people on stage" Scarron calmly replied.

"To save our kingdom, our dearest Queen sent me here! Swordsman of the wind,

Hiraha Siago!"

"Swordsman of the wind"

"His name changed!"

The actor portraying Saito waved the sword in his hand, using it to block the

attacks of the dummy dragon and the enemy actors, then defeating them one by


For each enemy defeated, the audience will burst into wild cheers. On closer

inspection, must of the audience were commoners.

During this process, a basket carrying the diva slowly descended from above,

singing the song of praise about the swordsman

"Hero of Tristain~~~~~~~

My hero~~~~~~"

Accompanying the song, was the talent show kind of fight.

"Such overly swordsmen drama......" Saito expressed his thoughts in sorrow.

"Although this play has been under heavy critism from critics, it is very

popular in the hearts of us citizens"

Even this kind of lame story content cannot stop the wild cheers from the


Everyone was chanting "Swordsmen Hiraha" in unison.

Saito buried his face deep into his scarf. Without his sword and with his black

hair hidden, no one would recgonize that this is the real Saito.

Siesta looked at the play, then looked at Saito, her face full of admire.

"There's Mister Saito! Look, look look. Ohh...... my Saito, finally appeared on


"That's not me.... it's someone else...."

"Waa, that's soo cool! That's what you looked like when you defeated the Albion


Siesta took no notice of Saito's words, deeply mesmerized in the play.

On the stage, swordsman Hiraha finally defeated the enemy captain. Seeing this,

the heated audience all stood up whooping.

"Bravo--! Swordsman Hiraha! Bravo--!" echoed throughout the theatre. Usually,

stories about achievements of a swordsman wouldn't be allowed to be on a stage

as large as this, only performed on small puppet theaters or plays on the

streets. Most likely, this only passed the test since this swordsman Hiraha is

based on a national hero.

Overwhelmed by the audience's enthusiasm, Louise muttered simply "In-incredible....."

It was as if as popular as the Pope himself. In fact, in the eyes of a peasant,

Saito's fame precedes even the king himself.

"Hey, take a look on that side" Scarron pointed to a corner of the audience. There, a large amount of females

stood blushing.

Their excited voices could be heard all the way to Louise and the others. "Incredible...., a mere swordsman being able to take down the enemy captain. Too

bad it's only a story"

"What are you talking about! The hero for this story actually exists. Thanks to

him, he saved the army of Tristain"

"I even heard that he made a medal this time in Gallia"

Really want to be with that kind of person, the girls all nodded dreamily.

Louise shivered. No..... she unconsiously acknowledges Saito's achievements at

Albion and Gallia. Only after seeing it happen in person does she realise how

she have ignored these things.

"Do you understand now? Whether or not you hire a maid, nothing will change.

Nowadays, the number of ladies having their eyes on Saito are as uncountable as

flies around a pie. He did, after all, make all of these things happen, he even

became the co-captain of a squadron" Afterwards, Scarron tuned down to a low voice "Not only so"


"Look over there"

Right where Scarron indicated with his head, was the balcony seats on the second

floor reserved usually for grand nobles enjoying operas.

From the gaps of the curtains, one can see how unpleasant the noble's face

looked. As a noble, watching how a knight of a commoner's background defeated a

noble, even if enemy, must be painfully boring.

Louise couldn't help but laugh.

"I know, right? Do you understand? Popularity also brings unhappy people like

them. Randomly hiring an unknown person, who knows what will he mix into your

food. That's how the brother of the Gallian king died, in case you forgot. That

Earl Oscar died from a poisoned bread. For someone like Saito, a trusty maid

like little Siesta is definitely needed. What you need is a true friend who can

report to you any suspicious activies from the people you've hired."

Louise finally understood the reason why Scarron insisted them hire Siesta.

True. As admirers increase, so does your enemies. From now on, Saito and Louise

can't let their guard down while defending themselves against these enemies.

"Shopkeep Scarron is right"

Drawing death just because of some stupid jealousy would be a hell of a way to

die. Thinking so while watching the Siesta crying out hysterically along with

the rest of the crowd, Louise suddenly felt how important this ally is. If it's

her, no matter under whatever circumstances, she would never betray Saito.

While Louise kept adjusting her thoughts, she could almost read the thoughts of

the Saito on this play modelled after him.

Wow, I'm slowly becoming famous.... I wonder what would my family and friends

on Earth would say if they saw this?

Surprised, or happy....?

After the opera ended, with his head completely wrapped, Saito hurried out of

the theater. Louise and the others surrounded Saito, cautiously watching their

surroundings. Just like how celebrities are treated, from the situation Saito is

in currently, it was as if he was a star back on Earth.

Around them, civilians who have just finished the opera could not hold back

their enthusiasm, still chattering about the opera.

Hurriedly leaving this place, arriving on the streets.....

"Oh my! If it isn't Louise!" A familiar voice called out. Turning their heads around, they instantly

regonised Guiche in his brand new Chevalier cape. Beside him were the rest of

the Water Spirit Ondine knights.

Best not to make a fuss around here. Just as she was about to push Saito and

leave this dangerous area, Guiche closed the distance between them, smiling "Hey hey! Where are you going! There's something I want to ask! Where did Saito

go? That guy, I haven't spotted him since this morning!"

Pushing his glasses up his nose, Reinard whispered "Louise, tell us if you know. We must hurry. But don't get shocked! We found a

pretty amazing castle!"

Hearing that name, it began to draw some of the people's attentions. Bad!

Although in the show they used some weird name Hiraha Saigo, or was it Hirama?

Anyhow, it still sounds similar to Saito.

Saito pulled his scarf even tighter, covering almost his entire face. Meanwhile,

Louise began to shoo them away "D-don't know, I don't know that kind of guy...."

"What are you talking about? Don't tell me you lost your memory again? Lemme

remind you? You know, the retreat from Albion? The man who replaced someone to

stop the army?"

"Sh-shut up!"

More and more citizens began to gather. Unfortunately, Guiche is the kind of

teen who excitement grows with the size of his audience. A 100% match. Still not

knowing how Saito's legends have already been widespread, he began his speech,

waving his hands exaggeratedly "Not only that! He singled handly fought on the Lelion river! The first to come

forth was the so-called undefeatable Duke Socarton! But Saito couldn't

care less! Easily chasing Duke Socarton all over the place, beautifully

slicing his staff in two!"

The crowd began to heat up. Mistakenly believing that their reaction was because

of his charisma, he puffed up his voice "The second opponent had good skills! But we, as the Water Spirit Ondine

Knights..... wah, ah!"

Louise sprang towards Guiche, clamping his mouth shut. "You, enough"

"Huh? What's wrong! How's it bad to talk about that guy's achievements!"

That's right that's right, the crowd booed. Just as Siesta, Scarron and Jessica

was about to bring Saito away from these dangerous grounds..... an amazingly

sharp-sighted Malicorne found the hidden Saito.

"Oh heey! You were here all along Saito! Why hide your face? Such a weird

fellow!" Then ran next to Saito, unwrapping his carefully concealled face. The gathered

crowd turned wild like a thunderstorm.

"Th-this gentleman, is the co-captain of the Water Spirit Ondine Knights, Hiraha


"Right you are" Malicorne nodded. The people crammed towards Saito like a flash flood. The

disturbance caused in the "Charming Faries'" Inn was incomparable to this one.

"Pl-please bless us!"

"Please touch my hand!"

"What's going on?"

What's going on, asked the still completely clueless about Saito popular to the

degree where they have made him into an opera Guiche. Saito was engulfed by the

incoming wave of civilians.

"Oi! Where, where are you touching! Stop!"

Somewhat surprised, the Water Spirit Ondine Knights also joined in the crowd

amusingly. "Wahahahaa! Popularity ahoy! Say, Saito, you haven't used the ransom you saved

yet, right? Stop looking for tiny little dollhouses, let's get a castle! We

found a pretty good one! A piece of land as large as 60 Allubon, it's an

ancient castle with quite some history! They even claim there's ghosts or

something, but those things are nothing in front of our bravery!"

"Don't want those kind of castles! Besides, I already split the money with you


"It's only 2,000 ecus! Tell you waht, take your wallet out!"

"Wait.... I earned that......oof! Waah!"

Trapped in between the castle-hungry Water Spirit Knights and the "Hiraha"

chanting crowd, Saito situation has become too difficult for anyone to save.

Things already so, no one will be able to stop it. It's as if being dragged into

a tsunami.

Louise watched this scene, shocked; Siesta watched with fascination; Jessica and

Scarron stood by chuckling to themselves.

"Hey! What's with the disturbance! Disband yourselves at once!" Crying out so was a team of calvary from the other end of the street.

"Or what! You should back off!"

"Say what?" The leading female knight drew her sword. "We are her highness' Musketeer Corps! Disobey and I'll have you all arrested!"

Just the mention of her highness' personal Musketeer corps was enough to quiet

even a crying baby.

Because their members were made up entirely of young females, none of them feels

that they should be looked down upon. Due to their furiosity, they became widely

known almost instantly.

"Good! Take them all to the Shelbourne jail!"

Hearing the word Shelbourne plus Agnes's thunderous bellow, the citizens

scattered without a trace.

Seeing Saito kneeling on the ground coughing, Agnes said "Oh, it's you guys. Perfect."

"Thanks for helping..... eh? Perfect?"

Agnes unmounted her horse and handed Saito a scroll.

"Perfect so that I can hand this to you. So you were at Tristania. Sure saves my


"What's this?"

Saito gulped. On it was the seal of the royal family of Tristain.

"Her majesty requests me. Immediately, at the palace."