Zero no Tsukaima:Side Story Volume1 Story2

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Chapter 2: Tabitha and the Vampire

A girl around twelve years old was running on the road leading to the village, close to being out of breath.

"Huff, huff, huff," her panicking breaths echoed amount the evening forest.

This girl regreted. Regreted how she never took her mother's advice into heart.

"Those men are not men in the village, you must be careful" So reminded her mother, of which the girl never took seriously.

Around three hours ago, she was picking berries with someone. Seems to be a nice person. The her back then, could have never thought of encountering such danger.

The end of the forest was about to be seen, the village's lights were just in sight.

She cried out "Help! Help!"

Just as she laid a foot out of the forest, a man from behind grabbed her wrists.

It was a tough, strong man.

"Please! Let go! Don't!"

But the man did not loosen his tight, only smiling even further. From his mouth opening wide, his fangs could be seen.

"Al-Alexander-kun! Please! Why would you do such things!"

He came to the village a few months ago, the son of the fortune teller.

He had a large bodysize, not the type that seems to catch up very quick.

The villagers all distanced from this stranger, but seeing how he chops firewood for other people, help carries water from the well, she happily and unwaringly accepted his invitation to go out and pick berries.

Who could have thought that as soon as nightfall descended, this man changed. He even has such sharp fangs.

He is not human.

"Mon-monster! Save me!" As she was about to yell so, an intense feeling of sleepiness overwhelmed her.

A drowsiness so intense that one could feel his brain melting. In the fading consciousness of the young girl, a last sentence entered her brain "Just like back then when you were picking berries, consume you whole"

The young girl's cries, never reached the lights in the village.

"Nee-sama nee-sama" The blue scaled Sylphid called its master.

However, its master did not reply. She was sitting Sylphid's back, peacefully reading a book. Dancing along with the wind, her bright blue hair seemed to melt into the skies itself. Her eyes were the usual quiet, deep blue, enough to let others feel the chills.

This is the Tabitha of the Knights of the Gallian Northern Parterre.

Currently they are at an altitude of 3,000 metres above sealevel. It and its master were heading towards the Versallies Palace as their target, there to accept a new mission.

"Nee-sama accompany me! Accompany Sylphid! Kyui-kyui!" Using its completely out-of-place with its' looks' voice, the legendary beast, wind rhyme dragon Sylphid nagged Tabitha to entertain it.

However, never once did Tabitha's eyes left her book. To draw her attention, Sylphid raised a question.

A question relating events that happened at the Magic academy Tabitha is enrolled in.

"That's right, Nee-sama! That person was amazing! Hmm, who was he again? That's right, the peasant male Miss Valliere summoned! The guy called Haito, or was it Caito?"

Tabitha corrected it with a simple answer "Saito"

"That's right, Saito! What a weird name! A weirdly dressed guy! But he beat Mr. Guiche! You really can't judge a person by his face! A peasant that was able to defeat a mage is too incredible to believe! Kyuikyui!"

But Tabitha did not respond anymore. Only reading her book lifelessly.

"What are you reading?"

Tabitha reached out and put the cover of the book in front of Sylphid's eyes.

"About Halkenia's different vampires? How terrifying! Is our enemy this time a vampire?"

Tabitha nodded.

The letter from her cousin, who is the princess of Gallia herself, also the captain of the Knights of the Northern Parterre, Elisabeth described the rare enemy they had to elminiate.

"Nee-sama, a vampire is a very dangerous enemy! Other than their weakness of fearing sunlight, they are very difficult to diffrentiate between humans, plus they can even use primial magic! Kyuikyui! Scary!" Lectured Sylphid. Tabitha remained indifferent, continuing to read her book.

"And vampires can suck dry a person's blood, turn their victum into puppets under their control!"

Tabitha winced her eyes. "True"

The book she was reading just now recorded the same thing as well.

Like how a mage can use a familiar, a vampire can turn his victums into puppet corpses to serve himself.

If these puppet corpses are used skillfully, there have been cases that an entire town have been eliminated completely.

"Even for nee-sama this is very dangerous! Vampires are the frightening existance of pure evil! Kyui!"

Despite Sylphid's theatrics, Tabitha hardly flustered, never stopping from reading her book.

At Petit Trois, waiting Tabitha's arrival was Elisabeth with a rare pleased look. She was fingering her same coloured hair as Tabitha herself.

"This kid will definitely jump in fear this time! This is so exciting!" She giggled full of joy.

Elisabeth noticed the reluctant smiles of the attendants around her, and winced her eyes with bad thoughts "Why are you having such joyful expressions. Can you tell me the reason why?"

Exchanging looks, the few attendents lowered their head fearfully. Elisabeth nodded her head in satisfaction.

"I already told that gargoyle girl! But this time her opponent is a vampire! There can't be a more frightening enemy can there?"

Hearing the mention of a vampire, the attendents' teeth chattered.

Throughout the entire Halkenia hosting all sorts of monsters and creatures, there is nothing more diffcult to handle than vampires.

If only comparing power, a vampire's power is second to that of a swamp monster or dryad. Similarly being capable of controlling primal magic, elves only excel vampires in primal magic because of practise.

But there is one special characteristics that makes vampires the most evil creature to ever walk Halkenia.

They are no different from a human. Befure they draw blood they hide their fangs. Even detection spells from mages fail to expose them.

Cruel and cunning, vampires are the nightime human hunters.

"Even for a squadron of knights, vampires are by no means easy to handle. I really hope she thanks me for spending the time to think up of this!" said Elisabeth cheerfully.

Of course, her words did not imply anything friendly. The only reason she acted differently from the usual and told Tabitha about her enemy, was so that she could lengthen the time Tabitha spent gritting her teeth in terror and despair.

One cannot judge a person by his face, Elisabeth is an example of such. Under her proper face lies this sinister smile.

A guard from door came in to announce the arrival of Tabitha.

"Madam Charlotte has arrived"

"Didn't I already say to call that person a doll! Call her doll number 7! Really, what's wrong with you people!"

"My apologies. Madam number 7, has arrived"

Tabitha and other knights of the Northern Parterre like her basically are never called by their names, but since Tabitha was of royal blood, there are plenty of knights and nobles not understanding this treatment.

"Let her in" Elisabeth answered furiously.

But this is no time to be angry about such minor things. After all, she has to witness Tabitha's disorted face of-


Seeing the usual Tabitha, Elisabeth was shocked.

As usual, Tabitha was emotionless.

Not a hint of fear or unease could be read from her face. In contrary, Elisabeth's face was twisted in anger.

"Have I not already notified you about your enemy in detail this time?"

Tabitha nodded her head.

"Which enemy are you going to face?"

"Vampires" As if stalking about ingredients for dinner, Tabitha replied calmly.

"So do you understand? This is not some picnic?"

Tabitha responded no more.

Only staring blankly at Elisabeth's face without any emotions.

Elisabeth eyed the Tabitha staring at her with disgust.

Forced under Tabitha's wordless pressure, she handed a letter containing all the details of this mission's location in agitation to Tabitha.

"Huh. It would be great if this wasn't the last mission. I will pray for you, Charlotte." Elisabeth said with discern.

After recieving the letter silently, Tabitha gave a bow and left.

Village Sabria.

A distant village in the mountains 500 leagues southeast of captital of Gallia Lutèce.

Around two months ago, the first victum for a vampire surfaced in this village of only a pitful population of 350. A twelve year old girl's body was found at the entrance to the forest, all blood in her body sucked dry, a corpse lying on the side of the road dry like a withered tree.

One calm week later, victums began to increase, 9 people already dead from their blood sucked dry, only leaving two horrifying fang marks on the bodies. This is the act of none other than a vampire, the most evil creature ever to walk Halkenia.

More frightening is, in the nine victums, one was a trained Gallian knight sent by the Palace here two weeks ago. He was a triangle fire mage. Even a mage weidling so much power, was found dead 3 days after his arrival, at the centre of the village.

Seeing how cunning her opponent is, Tabitha has prepared her own plans counter.

Landing somewhere a bit distant from the village, she ordered Sylphid "Transform"

Sylphid shook its horned head. "Nono! why!"

Tabitha repeated "Transform"

Whining and howling slightly, Sylphid tilted her head to one side hesitantly. After a while, she shook her head with little choice "You better treat me to a good meal! One with lots lots lots of meat! Understand?"

Tabitha nodded.

Sylphid sat on the ground and began chanting a spell. Although it's still a spell, it differs from the ancient language chanted by mages and sounds just like talking.

"Oh winds resting in my body, please change my appearance."

It's primal magic.

This is the magic of Halkenia's original inhabitants, elves and mythical creatures, use, different from the four categories of mage magic. Since primal magic requires a considerable amount of wind and water energy, it cannot be used in just any place. It's one of the weaknesses of primal magic.

Whoosh, the brewing winds formed a green swirl, enwrapping Sylphid's body in its centre.

As soon as the whirl of wind disappear, so did Sylphid's enormous body, which was replaced by a young female around 20 years of age.

That is a primal magic that can change the appearance of the caster. It's only because Sylphid is an ancient species, the wind rhyme dragon can it use the spell. It is certainly a very advanced magic.

"Woo~~~~~~~~~~, I hate being this way after all, kyuikyui"

Sylphid had changed into a long blue haired beauty just like Tabitha. Since clothes were not conjured along with the transofrmation, she was just like a newborn baby.

"How troublesome, only having two legs, so unsteady! It's too hard to walk! Kyuikyui!" A young and beautiful female saying things like this while naked was really a funny sight to see. Sylphid was as innocent as a child, running around, jumping around. Having such a large change on her body, it would be impossible to move around without doing some exercises first.

Of course, Tabitha never allowed Sylphid to transform at the Magic Academy she studies at. If anyone caught even a glimpse of Sylphid transforming, then everything about Sylphid being a wind ryhme dragon would be exposed.

After serval minutes, Tabitha handed clothes from the large leather pouch she was carrying, to the completely naked Sylphid finally mastering how to walk normally.

"What's this?"


"No! No clothes around my body! It'll be too hard to move! Ayui" Although Sylphid turned her head head away

"Humans wear clothes" when described by this cold voice, Sylphid reluctantly wore the clothes.

"Uwaaa~~~~~~~It's so stiff~~~~~~~~! Nee-sama planned to make be transform from the beginning! Even having clothes prepared!"

Tabitha nodded and handed Sylphid her staff. Next she took off her cape, proof of being a mage, and put it on Tabitha.

"Eh?" Sylphid looked at the staff Tabitha. It was a staff taller than Tabitha, fairly crooked magical staff. Mages can only chant magic with the help of these magical staff, which requires a lengthy period of time to complete a bonding.

Therefore, a mage without a wand, is just like any other commoners.

Sylphid asked the already average Tabitha wearing pleated skirt and a white shirt "What does this mean?"

"You, knight, me, follower"

Tabitha seems to have a plan in mind.

"This is too disrespectful. Nee-sama and I Slyphid are unreliable? Just you people watch, we will definitely defeat him! Kyuikyui" Just hearing how the villagers have been discussing about themselves, the now "female knight" Sylphid protested.

Tabitha, as always, was expressionless. She could not care less about these comments.

The village head's home was at the highest grounds of this terrace-like village.

Tabitha and Sylphid were taken to the living room of this house.

The village head took a deep bow towards the Sylphid in a chair. He was a white haired white beard, an apparently very kind old man.

"Welcome to our village, good Knight" Thus lifted his head, looking straight at Sylphid

"Eh? Is there something on my face?"

Sitting next to her, Tabitha guided her tonelessly "Name"

"Oh! Right!", realising so, Sylphid announced her name "Gallian Parterre Knight, Sylphid! User of the wind"


Sylphid's face turned pale. "Did I say something weird?"

Tabitha looked at the troubled Sylphid from the corner of her eye, but did not offer any assistance this time.

The village head came up with his own explaination "Ohoh, so it is! An alias used when on journeys! Sylphid, wisps of the wind, a good name indeed. As a Parterre knight of Gallia, how could you possible reveal your name to average commoners like us! I have been very discourteous indeed!" And took another deep bow. Sylphid nodded her head, satisfied.

Time passed again without any exchange of words between them.

To avoid being seen by the village head, Tabitha pinched Sylphid's back from behind.

"Ow! R-right! Could the village head describe the events that happened in detail"

Looking at both their faces, the puzzled village head began describing the happening of the events. "Two months ago, the first to fall was a twelve year old girl. 9 more men were killed afterwards.

After the appearance of the second victum, none of the villagers dared go out at night anymore. But that goddamned vampire secretly broke into the house at night to draw blood. By morning, the families of the victums could only see their disfigured loved ones sucked dry of blood lying on the bed."

Sylphid's face went pale again.

"Vampires, as you know, are very fearful of daylight. As long as there is the sun, it cannot come out. Most likely it is hiding in the forests. Because of it, villagers dare not venture into the forests anymore"


"Yes, very frightening indeed. But the most frightening of all" The village head's face turned solemn. "are the puppet corpses controlled by vampires"

Tabitha slightly winced her eyes.

"Down the streets the priests of the monastery told us how a vampire can freely control his victums. Which means, we have no idea who has turned into a puppet corpse in the village. Every single night, with the threat of pupper corpses lurking, villagers all fear 'could he be controlled by the vampire?' As the result of mutual suspicion, there are more and more people abandoning the village and leaving."

Sylphid was slightly saddened. She feels that sooner or later the villagers are going to end up fighting each other.

"Aren't there fang marks on puppet corpses?"

"We thought like that too" The village head looked troubled "This is a rural village after all. Often we have to work in the fields and forests, so there are lots of people who are bitten by bugs or leeches or whatever. Even just wounds on the neck, there are 7 people fitting the description. One was even bitten by a wild dog."

Sylphid glanced at Tabitha and Tabitha shook her head.

"Even if there are wounds, determining whether or not it is from a vampire is very difficult.

That's how it is." After finishing, as the village head lowered his head, Tabitha quietly said a few words in Sylphid's ears. Sylphid turned pale yet again, but since it was Tabitha's orders, helplessly, Sylphid did as she was told.

"Be-before we begin our investigation, could I first check the village head's body?"

The village head opened his mouth in shock "could you be suspecting me of being a puppet corpse?"

Sylphid nodded her head rigidly.

"Well, I'm already an old man, there's nothing shameful to me anymore. Please do as you will"

The village head showed his body. Although old, his body was still ver tough from living in rural villages. Tabitha pushed Sylphid away to check the village head's body with an impatence one would not expect from Tabitha.

After some detailed inspection, Tabitha returned to her usual self and nodded her head.

"There is no more suspiscion right? Then good knight, we leave our fate in your hands."

At this moment, Sylphid spotted a little girl peeking from a door. A little girl around 5 years of age, full of golden hair.

A girl as cute as a doll

"So cute!" Sylphid exclaimed from the bottom of her heart.

The little girl seemed frightened and shrinked.

"Come, come"

Iinvited by Sylphid, the little girl looked up at the village head for guidiance.

"Come in, Elsa. Come and greet our good knight"

Timidly walking into the room, Elsa took a rigid bow.

"Very adorable cute girl" Sylphid hugged her with force "She is so pretty! Really makes you want to take a bite! Kyuikyui!"

Tabitha whispered again in Sylphid's ears.

"Oohhhhhhhh! Even this child?"

The girl began trembling, frightened.

Sylphid was about to nod, but was pinched in the back by Tabitha. "N-no! No exceptions must make sure!"

The village head nodded his head, then told the girl apologetically "Take off your clothes, Elsa"

With a teary face, Elsa began stripping off her clothes. Her smooth untouched body were revealed. Tabitha began inspecting this body without expressions. After inspecting each corner, Tabitha nodded her head.

"Sorry for having you endure this. You're such a good kid" Sylphid said, nearing her face.

Elsa finally broke into tears, wore her clothes and ran out of the room.

"ah. Was I so scary? Am I not pretty? Kyui"

"My deep apologies, but please forgive that child. She is very afraid of mages"

"Why?" Sylphid asked childishly. The village head pondered, are you really a knight, then replied "Elsa's both parents were killed by mages"

Both parents? Is she not village head's daugther? Sylphid's head was full of questions. But on closer inspection, the difference in their age would be too large for a father and daugther.

"Elsa is not my child. Around a year ago, she was abandoned in front of the monastery. I heard both her parents were killed and she managed to escape here herself. I fear they were travelling merchants being robbed and killed by mage bandits. Really, other than the forests and creatures, there are so many more dangers in this world. My own children have long passed away, the same goes for my wife. I have no family left, so decided to adopt that child."

The village head looked into the distant.

"I have never seen that child smile. Her body isn't very good as well and she seldom goes out to play. Even if only once, I hope to see that child's smiling face. But then there's this vampire causing all this trouble. If possible, I'd really want to see this wish fulfilled soon"

Sylphid naturally turned towards Tabitha.

Despite hearing of this young child's saddening past, Tabitha face was the usual, as if nothing have happened at all.

But Sylphid had no intent to scold her for this. This is because her blue-haired master was the same as the young girl, they have both forgotten how to smile. Tabitha had exchanged her ability to smile, for a calm and perspective mind to complete missions as a Knight of the Northern Parterre. When and how will this Tabitha ever get back her smile again? Thinking of this, Sylphid looked a bit down.

Afterwards, Tabitha and Sylphid began their search.

First, the visited the homes of all the victums, obtaining the knowledge of how this vampire likes the blood of young females. Other than that knight, all the victums had been female.

Basically, the situation for each home were the same.

Despite firmly bolted doors and tightly sealed windows, without damaging any of these the vampire managed to suck the sleeping victum's blood dry.

In addition to fixing doors and windows, family members even took turns to stand guard. However, in the middle of the night, for some reason the entire family would fall into a deep slumber.

Tabitha and Sylphid exchanged looks.

It's primal magic.

A beginner's primal magic that uses the power of the wind. As long as there is air around, this vampire can chant magic to make the people inside fall asleep, then taking all the blood it wants.

While investigating the last victum's house, a question popped into Sylphid's mind.

How did the vampire get in?

That's right, in this room, there was not a single trace of breaking and entering.

This room was kept in a pristine crime scene condition, nothing have been touched. Other than the elder daugther's body being carried away for burial, the bed and all other furniture was in the same position as they were when the crime happened.

Windows sealed shut by wooden planks, not a single trace of loosened nails. The door was also locked tight. Even if it manages to pry open the lock, it would still be unable to open the door due to the large amount of furniture blocking the way.

In other words, this is a sealed room.

"Nee- no, Tabitha. Have you found something? Kyui"

Seeing how the owner of the house seems to be concerned, Sylphid couldn't help but ask the Tabitha next to her.

Tabitha was looking for clues inside that small chimmney. Inside were a lot of ash.

"Why investigate a chimney? It won't be able to get in from that tiny hole! Kyui! You better search carefully!"

Amazingly, Tabitha lowered her head "sorry"

"What a useless little girl. Although it only happens occasionally, don't make me say again." and knocked Tabitha's head with the magic staff.

Knocked on her head, Tabitha swayed side by side slightly.

The two family of the victum asked "We heard that vampires can turn into bats and seep from cracks in the house, is that true?"

Sylphid shook her head "Hmm, that's only a superstitous belief. Vampires are not capable of casting such advanced magic. The frightening part about them is their cunningness"

"Is that so." The old couple who lost their daugther 's shoulders dropped.

Outside the window, a cart loaded with items passed by. Seeing that sight, the old father said with loneliness "those are the people leaving this village. All families with young madiens have basically moved out like this. We originally had our own preperations as well"

"but we didn't make it", sighed the old mother.

As the left the premises, they discovered there was a riot outside.

Around ten or more villagers were walking with unordinary grim looks. All of them had steel shovels and hammers in their hands. Some were even carrying torches.

"What are they going to do? Fight?" Sylphid puzzled.