Talk:Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 09:33, 27 August 2012 by Grrarr (talk | contribs) (cleanup: outdated question from 2010 re: ETA of V4 translation...which also went down in 2010)
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The Synopsis

It feels like an advertisement, like the sort that would appear on a chain bookstore's window, which I feel is improper. LB_Kasen (talk) 02:01, 27 August 2012 (CDT)

Agreed. Feel free to write one. Sadly, I suck at this kind of thing, but I remember seeing a decent one in one of those fake Anime previews EusthEnoptEron (talk) 02:04, 27 August 2012 (CDT)
On a related note: there's a bunch of stuff on the front page that's sort of accreted over time - for instance, the description of Haruaki as a baseball fan is technically correct, but is also a bit off. (He's clearly a member of the baseball club/team, etc etc.) My guess is that circa 2010/V1, it was a quick description for a seemingly second-string character...That being said, there's a slippery slope wrt character descriptions and spoilers for that I'm a bit too burnt out to negotiate at the moment. But others should feel free to tackle such issues :D Grrarr (talk) 02:28, 27 August 2012 (CDT)

Other Comments

Comment: Just wanted to say, this novel is awesome. It keeps me wanting more. Keep up with the good work, and thanks for translating this and sharing it so that more people can read this awesome novel.

don't understand....

how much more is there in the story?

I've done about a thirth. Or to be more specific: 115/331 pages. EusthEnoptEron 00:28, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

Question: What general tensing are you trying to use? First couple of chapters seem to be mostly past tense, then they switch to present. I was trying to edit them all to be the same, but ended up not being sure. >_<

~ Macavity

To me, since it talks about time loops, it seems like the main character is experiencing it first-hand in the present(since he doesn't remember much from his "past" loops) But I'm not 100% sure if thats the narration view -SwiftStrike

I tried to use present tense in the first few loops, but then switched to past tense. In the book everything is in present tense and written in the perspective of Kazuki. But I thought it "might" sound more natural if I used past tense for actions and present tense only for his actual toughts. In the end I have no idea which one is better. Any opinions? ;) EusthEnoptEron 05:32, 28 January 2010 (UTC)

Bleh, it might be better to switch everything to just present tense then. I'm going to play around with changing the tensing for the first few parts of chapter 10876 to past. Take a look at it when I'm done. It might take some heavy editing, so we can revert it if it doesn't work for you, 3E. ~Macavity

Thanks for the example. I thought it was easier to read than the old all-present version. My only fear is that some direct thoughts of Kazuki might start to sound strange by putting them into past tense. e.g.

There's no way I'd know if you ask me suddenly like this.
→ There was no way I'd know if you asked me suddenly like that.

Past tense, but directly pointed at Kokone. Might as well just be because English's not my mother tongue. The easiest would be to adopt the tenses of the book. But that would make it harder to read, I guess. And for, say, Ore no Imouto it worked with the thoughts=present/actions=past mix. So for now I'll vote for the past/present mix. EusthEnoptEron 00:12, 29 January 2010 (UTC)

Gah, whoever edited that is a real pro. That's ridiculously readable. (Well, ignoring a lot of stuff on here is about on the same level). Alright, if that's what you want to go for. I'll probably revert the past tense edit and work from the present tense version. It'll be easier.

Pointing the direct thoughts in past tense is pretty difficult anyway. Gah, English. Why must you abuse your speakers so? ~Macavity


Thanks for translating this series and I'm looking forward for what's yet to come. I'll probably do some editing in the future, but as I'm pretty lax about it this may not come to pass (I've noticed a couple here and there throughout my marathon of what was translated... Kind of why I don't ever officially call myself an editor, as I'm lazy and lax). I would of posted this in its forum thread, but I couldn't find it, if it even exists. ~EnigmaticRepose

Thanks for the cheers, I'm glad you like it. A real forum thread will/might come soon if everything goed right, but for now there's one in the Teaser forum. Feel free to do or not to do some editing as the whim takes you - every bit helps. ;) EusthEnoptEron 05:27, 5 February 2010 (UTC)
To be precise at the moment a thread is here - feel free to post. Maybe the link should be re-added to the project page? --Darklor 06:56, 5 February 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for translating. This is turning out to be an interesting series.

Its so good. I like the style too. Its nice to read something different. (I guess that sums it all up)

is this novel still on pending? it's really good too... i have read it 4 times already XD

Holy shit, you've read it more than me. :D But glad you guys like it.
And yeah, still pending. I've written a message to onizuka but I guess he has not much time for B-T at the moment. 公認より早く、完成させてやろうじゃないか! EusthEnoptEron 17:45, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the update! this novel really impressed me, it's unique and good!

So Surreal

This series that is... But still, it kicks ass, because it's the kind of surreal that I still understand. Thanks for translating it Eush!

I love volume 2 soooo much! Thx for translating this great novel!!!

I totally fell for this novel. It's a really great fiction. I can't wait to read more!


The link for the light novel is only visible if you goto Sword Art Online first

Huh? I can't find a problem... I can think of nothing which would even relate the two projects... what does "link is only visible if..." even mean? --Saganatsu 02:49, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Im using a mac, and the link to this light novel isnt on the list unless i go to Sword Art Online first. Its completely missing between Toradora and Zero no Tsukaima if I don't go to SAO first

This is because of the MediaWiki cache. You don't get the problem if you're logged in. Try adding "&action=purge" to the URL to clear the cache. Example:
EusthEnoptEron 04:27, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, its working now even without that

Oh yea, I was wondering how many volume this novel have out there? Tried to searched in google but can't find much.

There are three at the present time. And the fourth should be released soon (he mentioned spring, if I remember correctly) EusthEnoptEron 19:11, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

Chronological Order?

How would it be to read the volume 1 in chronological order? --Darklor 00:37, 4 April 2010 (UTC)

confusing, with some spoilers... probably not a good idea: it would be like going through a series of manga, and watching all the flashbacks when they occur chronologically: everything would either be a spoiler or nonsensical. I would not recommend it, but, admittedly, I have not tried. --Saganatsu 00:41, 4 April 2010 (UTC)

What about a manga???

i hope they make a manga on it, the few images are not enough^_^ (ps anime is even better;P)

Raw scans!

If anyone wants to contribute, raw scans are *Link removed*. Too bad I can't read Japanese :( 00:16, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, but as far as I know, links to RAWs are forbidden on the wiki, just as on the forums.--Kadi 18:36, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
  • really? the copyrights page didn't say anything about not allowing links... 05:08, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

(Happiness/Gratitude! The current point is maria03_232.png , volume 3 pagenumber 230. The colour pictures at the start of the volumes have also been pleasant to look at.) --Multipartite/, 10:28, 1 June 2010 (GMT +1)

Well, there's nothing to help with anymore, though. :D EusthEnoptEron 10:06, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Requesting permission for a French translation of Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria.

Well I've already readen the first 2 volumes of Maria and my god I was blown away.This novel is so awesome, I was so inspired that I decided to translate it in french for a bunch of my friends who can't read english (and they are a anime,games,manga fans and such.So can you guys please let me translate it?(By the way I already started today and done about 6 pages already,sorry couldn't hold myself back).Thanks for reading.

Feel free to use my translation, a français translation would be great! If you want to put it onto Baka-Tsuki, the steps you need to take (afaik):
  1. Create Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria (French), copy the translated text from here into it and add "{{Warning:ATP}}" somewhere to the text.
  2. Add one chapter, or well, as much as you have.
  3. Ask an administrator for permission to host it on B-T, you can find those here.
I suggest you compare how it has been done with Toradora!.
Whew, this reminds me that I will have to learn French again in a few months... :D EusthEnoptEron 22:06, 18 June 2010 (UTC)

And dont forget to create a thread in the Alternate Language section in the forum --Darklor 00:35, 19 June 2010 (UTC)

Slovak translation

I´m doing slovak translation of Utsuro no Hako from english. I hope you don´t mind. I think I´ll upload it after I translated more than half on first volume. I´ve translated about 20% of all the text, I´m doing shorter chapters first so I have translated 1/2 of all chapters. I think I know how to do the registration page and I´ll contact some administrator or someone later.


I´d like to know what meaning has second sentense in chapter 9999th time in vol 1. "How to make oneself absolutely not wanting to meet a certain person?" Isn´t it supposed to be something like: "How to make oneself completly avoid meeting a certain person?" Does it mean something like: that person does not want to meet a certain person by any means? Is that what is Mogi asking Haruaki there? I kinda have a little problem with that sentense.

I think you got the sentence right. Mogi asks Haruaki how she can make herself avoid a certain person. Or how she can get the "feelings" of wanting to avoid that person, so she can subconsciously reject that person. Good luck with the translation, btw! :D EusthEnoptEron 11:13, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

Considering starting a portuguese version

I'll start translating in a few days if there isn't a problem whit it (plus where i'm going this week i have no pc). Also if anyone needs help in french, spanish or italian version i'm willing to help out, as soon as i get back. --AADragon 16:36, 9 August 2010 (UTC)

Hey is there a volume 5?

I just ended of read this magnific novel and i have only one question..... WHERE IS THE VOLUME 5!!!!

wow this novel is awesome and its in CONTINUED so there is a volume 5 no?

Ya, pleased to read that you enjoyed it. There is no date for volume 5 yet, but hopefully it will come out later this year. There is no information about it, though. EusthEnoptEron 17:03, 22 July 2011 (UCT)

It's been a while, no its been a heck of a long time!! Any news about volume 5 yet? 09:23, 2 April 2012 (CDT)

Nothing has been announced yet. Eusth posted in the forum today and said that it was not among the July releasesr. So if it ever gets released, it won't be before August or September.--Kadi 11:04, 2 April 2012 (CDT)

  • Sad* (._.)--Hypernova 22:47, 2 April 2012 (CDT)

Hi! I have a good new for you guys. THE VOLUME 5 WILL COME OUT ON JULY, 10TH !!!!!!! For more info, google > "空ろの箱と零のマリア5 2012..2012" ^o^

Seriously??! If this is true I'm sooooo freaking happy!!! We're counting on you EusthEnoptEron and Kadi!! I can't wait for more Maria!! XD

Vol 5 is out... FINALLY~!! <3<3<3

(^_^) BTW, I noticed the change in illustration. Is the illustrator different or does he just change his style?--Hypernova 21:44, 22 July 2012 (CDT)

I believe its the same illustrator. The main way to tell is the expression in the pictures (mouth & eyebrows), the eyes, and the crease under the eyebrow. EG: v1: v2: v3: v4: If you look closely in v4, you can tell the art changed subtly but more or less the same. Now, v5: Expression, eyes, and crease are extremely similar. Its still Tetsuo , the drawings look more sharp now and for some odd reason Tetsuo really focused on making the charas look more mature. I was fine with Maria in v1 ^^

i waited so long for this. Thank you very much for your hard work :)


Is anyone currently in the progress of making PDF's for the completed volumes?

Originally, I only wanted to upload PDFs once the volumes are fully edited, but since that's not going to happen, I guess we could add some. For now, if you're interested in PDFs, you'll find some on BakaBT, indowebster, here and here. Pick one. :D EusthEnoptEron 08:47, 6 June 2012 (CDT)
Slight update - PDF's of varying degrees of accuracy are already a done deal afaik, but that being said, fully edited volumes are likely going to happen. At a bare minimum, V1 will get there... Grrarr (talk) 02:31, 27 August 2012 (CDT)


I made some epubs today, here. I couldn't test them on my ereader since mine just got rma'd, but it should work.