Talk:Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume3 Chapter6

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Revision as of 22:53, 29 August 2012 by Zero2001 (talk | contribs) (→‎Translation edits)
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Translation edits[edit]

Hi, just asking about a small part,
"The large frame of the beast greatly sprung up in a jolt, and it let out a death agony roar and became silent." Well, "death agony roar" sounded a bit awkward, would it better that we rephrase it, though I get the point that the roar was expressing the idea of its agony and imminent death. Thanks for the translation as always :D. Zakashi (talk) 05:33, 14 August 2012 (CDT)

At first, it was "a roar of death agony" but that sounded weird too, I'm kind of lazy on this kind of stuff =P, so I'll leave it up too you =) --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 06:13, 14 August 2012 (CDT)

Haha, well, I tried to rephrase it to the best of my abilities, shall leave it to other editors to look into it and improve it. =P Zakashi (talk) 06:20, 14 August 2012 (CDT)

"Agonized death roar" would be the correct form. Zero2001 - Talk - 06:20, 14 August 2012 (CDT)

Well, if you think it is more apt, please do change it, I kind of deviated from the original form of phrasing used :). Zakashi (talk) 06:26, 14 August 2012 (CDT)

What is "Unh"? Confirmatory/Agreement sound? Zero2001 - Talk - 11:44, 24 August 2012 (CDT)

A grunt of annoyance? It's the mu part む、とカミトを恨めしそうに睨みながらうなずいた。 I'm guessing it btw

舞いこむ事件を片付けているだけで、すぐに午後になってしまった。 I was going to relook into this, but later --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 19:18, 24 August 2012 (CDT)

しっかり (Shikkari) = tightly, steady, firm, firmly, securely. When used in describing someone then it means soemone sho is firm, in control of her self, etc, I think. Shikkari is also used in sentences to tell someone to "get a hold of [themselves]", "calm down", etc. Also, here are some synonyms of "reliable". Go through them, you might find something that fits. Zero2001 - Talk - 00:16, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

舞いこむ is plainly of this meaning: 思いもかけないものや人が、ひょっこり入りこむ --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 02:26, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

I don't get it fully. Can you try and explain in english? Zero2001 - Talk - 04:03, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

Ah しっかり (shikkari) as in the manner of ojou-sama. in that case "proper" or "prim and proper" would be better choices. These words fit the circumstances perfectly. Zero2001 - Talk - 04:19, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

I'll mark all the words that's しっかり, and then you give me your opinion. There's the other where she goes "If I don't しっかり, I can't be an example" or something. -----Unexpected thing or people unexpectedly coming by--KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 04:59, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

"If I don't しっかり, I can't be an example" Hmm. I have an idea of what goes there. But I'd need the j-text for the whole line as well as your translation of it. Then I can compare both our knowledge and tell for sure. Zero2001 - Talk - 07:05, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

「よく片付いてるな。しっかり者のエリスらしい」 -chp4: You have nicely tidied up. That's just like hardworker Ellis.
大貴族のお嬢様なのに、こういうところはすごくしっかりしている。-chp4: Despite being an ojou-sama of a great noble, she was very hardworking at such an area.
「わ、私は騎士団長だぞ! 私がしっかりしなくてはみなに示しがつかん!」 -chp4:"I-I'm the Captain! If I'm not firm, I can't be an example to everyone!"

自分でお弁当を作るなんて、本当にしっかりしたお嬢様だ。:To even make a bento herself, she was truly a hardworking ojou-sama.
「いや、もっと堅いっていうか、しっかりしてるというか―」: "Err, more strict, or rather, hardworking or something—"

--KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 19:49, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

How's it if I change them to hardworking? The part where Ellis says しっかり is ignorable, as the context is different. The rest seems to portray Kamito's point of view. --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 02:17, 28 August 2012 (CDT)

Hi, asking about a small part in part 3,
"The topics that came to be were about the endless lectures and the books they read recently.", is there something missing after "came to be" or have I misinterpreted it? I can't seem to think of a word to put in though. Thanks for the translation :D. Zakashi (talk) 20:42, 27 August 2012 (CDT)

Well, hmm, something better just came to mind --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 20:56, 27 August 2012 (CDT)

Sorry but hardworking doesn't fit, neither here nor on chapter 4. Zero2001 - Talk - 07:32, 29 August 2012 (CDT)

Yea, let's redo that, strange, capable bothered me for a while but I now think it's alright Anyway, do offer your suggest, thanks --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 07:44, 29 August 2012 (CDT)

I already have. I know that (for this chapter) shikkari doesn't directly translate to "proper" or "prim and proper" but if you take the overall sentence, it is the most fitting, considering the circumstances. Translation is not just about the words but about the whole sentences (and paragraphs) as well. In fact, I think the reason why translation programs aren't so good is because their programmers have thought about words alone. If they paid attention to the sentence structure of the language, classified the words by noun, adjective, etc and programmed the system accordingly it would have been much better. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:56, 29 August 2012 (CDT)

Capable is also good. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:57, 29 August 2012 (CDT)

Ideally, all Kamito's point of view and his usage of shikkari are(should be) the same. Proper is incorrect, because a proper ojou-sama would be waited upon. --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 10:03, 29 August 2012 (CDT)

Aren't proper ojou-sama close to the ideal yamato nadeshiko? Oh yeah, there are many different types of ojou-sama. I remember now. Well anyways, like I said, "capable" is also good. Zero2001 - Talk - 15:52, 29 August 2012 (CDT)


It or She? --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 03:56, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

Unknown. Zero2001 - Talk - 04:19, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

Oh, I was just asking for suggestion, but I'm not sure if I was consistent here. --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 04:59, 26 August 2012 (CDT)