Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko:Volume1 Chapter1

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Chapter 1- City of Aliens

Let’s talk about Seishun[1] Points.

The highest Seishun Points that can be gained from an action is five. Here are some examples.

First up are one point actions. For instance, chatting with a girl during recess, or going for lunch with male classmates on the way home is a one point action. Just having a normal school life will allow you to score this point in your daily life.

But Seishun Points will drop as days pass if you just ignore it, so these will probably cancel each other out. Even though you may be feeling quite happy that time, it’s most probable that you will regret the memories that were nothing special when you look back after you graduate, so don’t stay satisfied with your current situation.

Next up are two point actions. Similar to what I have said just now, a symbolic action would be to chat with a girl at an age similar to that of yours in a park at night. Actions that warrant two points are mostly one point actions upgraded after being catalysed by atmospheres or situations such as ‘night-time’ or ‘club activities’. If you say that one point is the basics, two points would be the application. Although it’s unlikely that they would happen every day, as long as you live on in a smart way, there are definitely a lot of opportunities.

Speaking of three point actions, its success is added with quite a lot of uncertain factors, so you can see it as shooting three-pointer balls in basketball. Landing a decisive hit won’t be easy, but if you succeed, you might even be able to turn the tides. This is the time to boldly take on the challenge.

Going on a date with the person you love is already enough for you to get three points. More importantly, the dates after going out officially almost won’t add on any points at all. The range of calculation is strictly limited to crushes or targets who haven’t reached the couple stage.

When you reach this step, it’s easy to misunderstand that opposing party’s drawing of the line is dubious business, so more attention should be paid.

Apart from that, the range of three point actions includes special cases when most people are taking the same action. For example, getting everyone into the mood to go on the trip together, or having activities when people quit the club. But situations warranting such a high point are quite rare.

Chances of gaining four points are from set events, and the school festival would be a good example. But one cannot just join it indifferently, but rather, one must have a clear goal to prevent the deduction of marks from unprecedented situations.

On the other hand, if not for the especially high spirits of the surrounding people, forming a hot-blooded trend, or wanting to gain points during Sports’ Day is a difficult task. After all, the difference in sports capabilities of individuals is very large, so most people cannot enjoy themselves thoroughly.

And the graduation ceremony is also an event when points can be gained depending on the means as well. Trying to lock on to people who forget to be shy when they are immersed in a melancholic mood is a pleasure as well.

In a sense, five points are dramatically weighed according to personal standards. As long as it is a special memory has a personal value that makes you think “This is it!”, it can be said to be five marks exclusively for the party concerned.

For instance, madly running all around the town without regard to shame or rumors for the sake of the opposite sex, or getting first place in the Koushien. Only people who are treading on the border formed by the interlacing of mental traumas and honor can head towards the highest point.

People living a life where they cannot even gain one point cannot even see the shadow of five point events.

Which means, adolescence can only thrive in a Capitalist society.

People who are able to master the basics and have high tolerance might even be able to save up more than twenty points in the three years of high school. These savings probably don’t have much value in choosing one’s future, going for college or getting a job.

But the satisfaction of the success before one’s death will be worlds apart with ordinary people.

As the ‘process’ of life exists just for the ‘results’, you can see how important high school life is.

…… I just thought of a definition since I had nothing better to do.

As I felt that there was some kind of gap when my brain isn’t thinking of anything while my hands were doing work, I couldn’t help but rack my brain.

However, being able to feel a sense of pleasure while doing the action of ‘stuffing a cardboard box full of personal belongings’, what sort of hobbyist am I? An arranging hobbyist? Working hobbyist? Rectangle believer?

“My~ Humans really do like to categorize, or perhaps I should say distinguish between types?”

While doing a tsukkomi on my thoughts, I hummed a song and glanced at the television as my hands were busy sorting out my luggage. My high spirits was in contrast with the view of the desolate room where items were slowly disappearing. Even though I didn’t have enough sleep, I was generally in top form due to the influence of excitement.

Experiencing the situation commonly gone through by RPG main characters, having parents who are deployed overseas → leaving their son two years from high school graduation at his aunt’s house → after gaining permission to transfer schools, two days finally passed, and only four days were left until I had to move. Drooling with anticipation, my mood was like I was heading towards the zenith of my life.

That year was the first time I did not complain that the Spring Break was too short.

Instead, I was anticipating the arrival of the new Semester.

In any case, the school I was transferring to was in the city, so it’s impossible for the number of students to be only twenty; the menu of the canteen can’t have only curry bread as well. It’s even possible that the school would have a convenience or a cheap barber shop with only hair-cutting service that charges a thousand yen for ten minutes.

To be honest, if I had to do an appraisal for my Seishun Points, the high school life that I lived before this had only negative points. Using zero marks when I entered school as a benchmark, I’d probably have about negative three. I couldn’t fill in the point deduction that were gradually exhausted like one’s lifespan, and was even unable to keep it at its original state. However, it’s going to be different after this.

“Fuhahaha, hehe!” If there were any neighbours present to see the disgusting smile that surfaced on my face, they would have probably been so scared that they would move far away. A sense of superiority numbed my limbs. This feeling was like the residue left when tension thawed after regaining freedom when one broke away from the final exams session. How wonderful. Is this the feeling of swaying along the waves, when the semi-circular canal went into disorder that was just right?

“I never went to the sea, so I don't know!” After staying in the city, I’d take the train to the seaside, gaining Seishun Points in large amounts! If possible, I’m going with girls, but if not, I’ll just join a mixed group.

I placed the sole certificate that I got from primary school at the bottom layer of the second cardboard box, stuffing a whole set of textbooks tied up with rope on it: “Ah~ But I’ll have to buy textbooks again over there, don’t I?”

It was as though I was a pretty college girl fretting over what to do with the old fridge when she was moving out of her broken down apartment, enjoying the joys of choosing with her head tilted.

As for the explanation for the location for my new life, it contained factors that were enough for most high schoolers like me to be full of excitement.

My aunt’s house where I was to move to seemed to have only her living there, without a husband or any children, and she was working as well (but of course). Anyway, it was equivalent to me having a life of living alone with conditions. If I describe it in one sentence, “How can I express this simply?” It was a magical situation that completely extracted the meager pocket money and cheap honor of rebellious high school second year boys, and was everything they could wish for. I could only think of it as the awkward Divine Dragon unwilling to grant the adults’ wish of ‘wanting to raise healthy teenagers’, standing on my side on a whim.

I got rather excited for a moment. I shall enjoy my new life even happier than an ape wasting away crops.

Will a country bumpkin like me offend the small organizations of the city kids, and be bullied? Not worrying about problems like this at all, it was as though my boiling heart was running around nude at a spring camp.

The situation couldn’t have been better.

After the four days of tossing, flipping and conquering my luggage with force passed (anyway, just a waste of effort), the day I was to move to the city finally arrived.

I couldn’t help but feel somewhat sorrowful when I walked onto the teacher’s stage to bid farewell with everyone two days ago. At a countryside school, the members in the class usually won’t have much change from primary school, middle school up till high school. Thus, even though we only got along with each other for a year, there were a lot of familiar faces in the class.

I immersed the classroom in sadness more or less, creating a rather satisfactory scene and mood of farewell.

If any girls shed tears without regard to other people because she had to part from me, I planned to immediately stuff her into a cardboard box and mail her over, but in the end I didn’t have to become a kidnapper. Using the power of the train, I said goodbye to the land that I lived on for almost fifteen years. I didn’t have any good friends whom I was so familiar with that they would specially send me away at the train station.

My parents left Japan about a week before as well, heading towards a place called Socotra or Soviet or something.

However, isn’t just the sense of excitement born from leaving and facing the unknown enough to cancel out the negative marks of my Seishun Points, returning it to zero? It was as though I was looking at the level of my soul, seeing that my open feelings were very equal to the new beginning.

Being able to experience the feeling of joining a high school entrance ceremony twice is quite rare as well.

Sitting on the seat of the train, I swayed along with the train for two and a half hours. Mid-journey, I seemed to have slept for about an hour, and passengers already occupied most of the seats when I woke up. The scenery outside the windows already changed from fields to houses and factories changed as well.

The music played by the earphones stuffed in my ears (although such grammar exists in English, this sentence is as redundant as the sentence, a nosebleed flowing out from the nose) turned silent after the songs randomly chosen finished playing.

I operated the iPod taken out from my pocket and played only one song that I liked on repeat this time. But since I wasn’t completely awake, I only had my right ear on the music.

I sleepily looked at the company endorsing the love of Earth and its name that was arranged on the grassy slope with a parterre— Mt. Fuji, and when the sea passed by my eyes, I heard the name of the station of my destination broadcasted in the compartment.

‘I’m reaching soon.’ I took out my cell-phone and sent a message to the inbox of my aunt’s phone number that was newly registered. ‘I’ll go fetch you right away.’ Before the speed of the train even slowed, I already got the reply.

“……………………………………” Was she serious, or was she just joking? It’s hard to determine from the message! I decided to treat it as a friendly answer and kept my cell-phone.

Most of my luggage had already been sent to my aunt’s house beforehand, and there was only a bag with a grubby base, shriveled handle and gave off the smell of toilet bowl disinfectant.

From god knows when, the purple-haired oba-san on my neighboring seat moved her foot away, and I shifted from my seat to the walkway after nodding to her. Perhaps because they were drawn by my action of moving towards the door, the passengers originally on the walkway were preparing to disembark as well. Each time I passed by the city people, as a country bumpkin, I would sneak a peek at them. There weren’t any city markings or stickers to differentiate them with the countryside, and there weren’t any trendy people with metallic accessories hanging on the whole of their bodies as well.

I still couldn’t smell the presence of the city, and that weakened my excitement slightly.

The train drove into the platform of the city. It was six times larger than the small station of the town I lived in in the past, and the platform was full of people. I cowered slightly. I changed the music I was listening to from a piano piece to the roars of a male singer as preparation for myself to bravely continue. The automatic door of the train opened, and I stumbled down the train first, and the crowd in the compartment started to flow to the platform as well.

I did not go on the lift, but chose to head towards the ticket counter by the stairs instead. Along the way, I thought for some time.

My aunt, the person I’m going to live with after this. What sort of person is she? I never saw her before, and as the sole informant of relatives’ appraisals, my parents declared that: “She’s a big child. The fusion of an adult and a child.” That’s why I entered her name as “Fishcake Aunt” when I recorded her phone number in my cell-phone, but how could I connect that information with her overall image? I could only think of a Yakult Oba-san. [2]

The ticket stopped for a moment before it entered the machine, but I still successfully went through the automatic ticket counter. While escaping to the walls to evade the flow of people from three sides, I started to look around.

I looked around even more obviously than the high schooler with bleached hair probably waiting for her boyfriend by my side, and continued to search for the person waiting for me. The photo my father handed to me was a group photo of the two siblings twenty-seven years before, but if I can locate my aunt using this photo, I’d turn into Urashima Tarou. If I had to change, Momotarou would be better.


Someone was tentatively calling my name. In my mind, there lived a small person in charge of relaying the will of the universe who was just like Edison when he was still a child (through a Mars relay station), claiming to be sentimentalism, but my name is Niwa Makoto. Not ‘Tanba’, but ‘Niwa’. Not ‘Shin’, but ‘Makoto’.

I turned around to look to my right, searching for the owner of the voice. A female aged thirty something, giving off an innocent impression, was looking at me. As we did not have a relationship of being able to communicate with our gaze, I really wished she could keep it down.

I couldn’t help but avert my gaze and lower my head, shutting my mouth as well. I didn’t know what to say for a moment there.

“You’re Makoto-kun, aren’t you?”

As I didn’t speak, she inquired again with a polite smile. Elegant, gentle actions of a young lady. The difference between her look and appearance took effect towards a good direction, adding marks for her first impression.

“Ah! Yes, I’m Niwa Makoto, whom you have referred to. Hello, hello.”

I hurriedly lowered my head to greet her. Trying to use such half-hearted modesty to please people made even I, myself, feel angry too. “I’ll be in your care for the moment.” Flustered, I added. Ah~ I’m really clumsy.

“No, no, I should be the one to say that.” Oba-san lowered her head in regards as well, and her long hair fell from her shoulders like a cascading waterfall.

“Ah, let me give you my name card then.”

After straightening her back, Oba-san somewhat roughly rummaged in her handbag for a moment and took out a plastic box of cards. She opened the lid and handed a rectangular name card with the golden ratio to me.

“Thank you, you’re really too kind.” I took the card with messed up politeness and scanned it:

‘藤和女女— “39 Years Old”’ Her age was strongly emphasized with strong double quotes. It seems like she’s still planning to carry out the attitude of ‘What’s forty years old?’, even though the expiry date of her name card was less than a year.

However…… Even though I heard of it once before, her name…… was strange.

“This, Eiwa…… Although it’s possible for this to be a stage name or nickname, a name registered for a competition or can be known as this, the more unexpected thing is, it might be a fake name used in this world by a 2P character at the depths of your heart, but……” “That’s my real name!”

I could feel that each of her airy comments attempted to leak out presence of youth. Although I already know her name, but I was rather unclear of whether it should be read as ‘Meme’ or ‘Jojo’.

Perhaps because she realized my confusion, Oba-san added while pointing at herself:

“Touwa Meme. It’s fine even if you call me Jojo.”

She blinked, and the wrinkles at the corner of her eyes increased. If I spoke that out, my life thread might be shredded to pieces, so I swallowed to delay my answer and re-evaluated the name card.

The name completely showed the interests of the parents who gave the name. I could just laugh and forget about it if I came across such a real name online, but before the party concerned, I didn’t want to deliberately tear apart my mouth and muster the courage to chat about this topic to laugh at her.

“Oh~” I pretended to exclaim, and kept the name card in my wallet in wait of further instructions of movement.

“Let’s go home on a cab today.”

“Ah, okay, how wasteful!” I kept talking about meaningless things. It seems like I’m gradually getting used to this.

With a friendly smile, Meme-san led the way with nimble movements, walking towards a taxi stand across the road. Halfway through, she spoke to me while stroking her hair with her palm:

“You’re probably tired after boarding the train for so long, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. Ever since the field trip during junior high, I never came here again.”

“Is that so~ You’re in high school second year this year, right? You’re already so big.”

“Yes. Is the high school over here near to your house?”

“Nn~ It’s about fifteen minutes away by bike. Ah, that’s my speed, it’ll probably be quicker for you.”

We filled the journey with almost tasteless conversation that we’d forget completely after five minutes. The only memorable things was her unique tone that was neither intimate nor unfriendly, or it can be said to be slightly sticky warm water as well, even though it wasn’t uncomfortable, it would make people feel unusually queasy for standing there.

“Heeeey~” Meme-san intentionally waved at the green taxi by the taxi stand. I couldn’t help but think that it was slightly cute. However, I don’t have any preference for elder women, so I looked at the creased spot of the skirt of the high school girl just now who was waiting for the traffic light to turn red some distance away. I really can’t stand it~ I thought, evaded and quashed various thoughts. Although she was saying ‘Aren’t you an idiot~”, it wasn’t like I disliked her particularly for that.

I got into the backseat of the cab. Meme-san got into the front passenger’s seat and told the driver whose hair was spotted with white our destination. She talked really quickly, and at a side, I couldn’t hear it clearly. I sank deeply into my seat and rubbed my heavy eyelids. Speaking of which, why did Meme-san sit in the front passenger’s seat even though there are only two passengers?

For some reason, she didn’t specially turn around from the front to speak to me. Sigh~ Even if she spoke, the empty conversation in the taxi won’t heat up at all, and would continue to drag on half-heartedly, so good thing she didn’t do that.

I’ve only entered high school, and my parents already requested me to study in a local university. As though the sky was raining luck on me, I gained a lifestyle that I’ve originally given up on before coming of age, so I was rather grateful of Meme-san.

I am going to search for a virtual solitary life. Because this is a suitable environment for cultivating, no, increasing Seishun Points.

I’m hoping to move towards my target of ‘saving fifteen points’ for the next two years.

After leaving the skyscrapers before the station for about ten minutes, the cab drove into an area where houses eventually increased. Even so, the surroundings with scenery that was still scarce of grassy areas and was full of metallic buildings still surprised me more or less.

The smell of the city seemed to be full of metal. Compared with my hometown, which was full of the smell of earth, it seemed like I could have more anticipations over here.

After I secretly danced in joy, I met Meme-san’s gaze through the rear view mirror.

I just couldn’t help but feel somewhat awkward.

On the instant the taxi passed by a signboard of the city’s name hung by the road, she suddenly turned around while smiling:

“Welcome to the City Watched Over by Aliens.”

“…… Huh?”

She spoke some words of welcome that would make people feel like maintaining a respectable distance from, all smiles.

A part of the comment showing pleasant radial cracks jumbled together, and was transmitted to my brain through my eardrums.

However, from the calm manner the taxi driver was driving, I couldn’t deny the possibility of my making a mistake. I was totally speechless.

“Eh, isn’t that a cold response?” A bogus smile surfaced on Meme-san’s face while her eyes widened.

“I just couldn’t make a suitable response because the topic was just too abnormal.”

“There were quite a lot of reports of eye witnesses for UFOs over here, so perhaps I should say that this place is like Florida, huh?” She explained.

“Oh~?” So that’s why. Besides understanding that, the suspicion of “This person isn’t an alien believer, is she?” circled my mind at the same time. It’s possible that she’s an enthusiast of MMR as well.[3]

And outer space doesn’t have any signs of Youth as well. My points that were gradually getting into a better situation started to show signs of shrinking.

“Some old grocery stores sell toys like seven-dimensional key chains as well!”

“I cannot understand the business policy of limiting such strong science in three-dimensional activities.”

Besides, aliens and dimensions sound like related nouns, but are actually completely unrelated, having differences as large as the words electronic and rhetoric.

“We’re going home directly after this. Do you want to stroll around the neighborhood today?”

Meme-san spoke a part that was confirmed in our later schedule and asked for my opinions for the undecided parts. “Hmm, let’s see~” I rubbed my temple with my fingers, inserting time for consideration before answering.

“If we walk, I can do some simple introductions.”

After that, she added some slight friendliness. The amount was so small that it could be easily wiped away with my fingers, and wouldn’t start any troubles after that.

“I have to take care of my luggage today…… So I think it’s better for me to stay at home today.”

I hesitated if I should add the word Meme-san’s before the word home, but decided in the end to answer simply. Even if I didn’t have any particular meaning for that, speaking from the results, that way of speaking might be able to bring us closer.

“Understood~ Then we’re having dinner at home!”

The smile on her face did not fade before she turned around to face the front.

After that, the taxi ran on the roads that was as dirty as the cities for five minutes.

“Ah, this is it.” In accordance with Meme-san’s instructions, the taxi stopped at an ordinary location without any landmarks. The left door of the passenger’s seat opened automatically, and I got off the car first. I glanced at the meter before leaving. Even with the pocket money given by my parents, I could take the taxi twice. Speaking of which, how do I deal with the problem of pocket money after this in my new life?

Do I still have to take part-time jobs? Or will my parents send it to Meme-san?

“Come, here’s Makoto-kun’s second home.”

After paying for the fare, she stood by my side and said while smiling. She’s saying that I don’t need to treat this place as my relative’s house, but my own house. (How thick-faced I am)

Although I wished to introduce it more, just looking up at the new place I’m going to live at, there wasn’t any special features that would make people feel like describing naturally.

Very ordinary. It was an extremely normal house, and if you take a photo of the picture to paste it all around the town, it won’t get comments such as “Wow, what a beautiful, magnificent mansion!’, but would instead be suspected, “Religious organization? Is it a newly formed religious organization?” Sigh, it might only look ordinary on the surface, but inside, it would be like a ninja’s house of traps, full of revolving door or other mechanisms that would be troublesome in our daily lives.

“Here, let’s get in.” “Yes…… Erm, I’ll be in your care now.”

Before stepping into the house, I said my greetings once again. If a son’s attitude is too bad, other people would doubt the parents’ education!

“How polite of you.” It was like Meme-san copied the contents of the words I said just now, but only reused it after adjusting her tone:

“I should be the one to say that, I’ll be in your care now. I’m really sorry I’ll be in your care now.”

She answered rapidly…… Nn? Why does it sound like words of apology were mixed in the sentence just now……?

Ah, perhaps she meant “Sorry that my house is such a luxurious mansion”? I really sound a bit overconfident~

Without stopping to answer my questions, Meme-san slid the sliding door open and disappeared into the house with me behind her. I tried to sniff for a moment, thinking of sniffing out what sort of presence of life was inside the house…… That- was- when.

“We’re back!”

She quickly took off her shoes and lightly walked into the house…… Wait a minute.

Before changing into slippers—

Before calling my name—

Before showing me a bright smile—

Shouldn’t you first notice something by your feet!

It was as though I felt the starting line that should be straight become curved.

“Makoto-kun, why don’t you say it once as well?”

But she overlooked my strong gaze, showing me her welcome with a smile so radiant people would feel like paying for it.

The focus of the world turned blurry in an instant.

“…… Eh, ah…… Okay.” While answering, my gaze stuck onto the lower right side of my gaze.

Even though I once lived at the countryside, I couldn’t speak the accent of a country bumpkin properly, and was rather stiff. That didn’t matter, but…… By the carpet just after we got through the door, there seemed to be something, no, someone?

…… From that moment on, a bad premonition caused the excitement in my heart before I travelled here to cool down.

Such a feeling was like someone seeing an exceptionally cute doggy in a photo, but having a thought of “What sort of thing is this shorty? Fleas are already jumping from your body!” arise, and couldn’t help but refuse hugging it.

The lump of thing sent a pile of ‘reality’ into my new dream life.

After that, what sent me unwillingly out to school and welcomed me at my precious entrance as I dragged my exhausted body home……

There was an object similar to a chikuwa.

That person was wearing a fashionable accessory that would look completely out of place at any corner of the Earth, or perhaps I should say, was swallowed by it.

The happily stretching feet completely tossed away the doubt of lying on the ground.

The roly-poly look stimulated the impulse of my central nervous system, making me feel like stamping or kicking it away.


The spring sunlight poured down through the frosted glass glass at the entrance, causing sticky beads of sweat and a slight chill to surface on my back. The feeling of black lines popping out on my forehead pulsed on my skin.

My Seishun Points fell back into the negative once again.

Translator's notes and references

  1. : Its meaning is similar to youth or adolescence, but those words don’t really fit to me, so I’ll be using the Japanese term directly.
  2. The fishcake in Fishcake Aunt is a compound of fishcake, while Yakult has females staff in charge of promoting their products house by house.
  3. MMR refers to a manga by mangaka Ishigaki Yuuki, which deals with the research of aliens and supernatural phenomenon.

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Translator's notes and references

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